"XV roar " Hje ftitnina efaU. urruMt mr m VNiTHii vntm nmn nmvioa KVKNIN1 NKWHPAPKM PHI NT TDK NKWH, NOT MIlTOflY Sixth Year No. 1,947 KLAMATH FALL, OHBOON, WKDNKHIIAY, JANIMBY i, 111 Price, Flra (Ml .IfeJ.'dff BIG DISCOUNT PUT ON BILL FOR CITY 25 PERCENT CLAIMED KMMITT AMI PIKLDKB IIAVK AC COUNT HIJCKD, .(Nil OTIIKH liKIITM CHAIMKD TO TOWN CAl'MC ABULMK.NT Tho rendering of Mil with dl- count added, by Hubert A. Kmmltt nml Councilman John I.. Fielder. u too much for (tin counclltnen last night, ami they rut tlio premium off the bill. Neither nun mi at the meeting. Kmmltt and Fielder went to locate (water right at Aspen l-ako spring and vicinity, and (lie hill for their Mr. vice, with rlK, was 110 a day for eight day. In addition to Ihl there ra IIS (or a map of the water rlghta Irawn by Don J. .umwall. The pair rendered their Dill and kdded In It SB per cent to cover dts- ount, which brought the total to II IMS. "I did not know the city wa dis puting warrant," said Councilman luniel A. Alford, with a mile. Then ke aald, lerlnuaty, " mora to take the llsroiint out nf that bill." Thero waa some, little dlacuialon, In Ihtrh the roiincltmen loomed grieved ml surprl-ed that one or their mini rr ahould bo a party to turh pro Ml ii re at that attempted with the hilt. 'I am certainly nppord to that kind or thing." aald Councilman M. Wllklm. "Another thing la that an IT. per rent buslnc la excessive aold snmo city warrant thl after- Don for 10 renta on the dollar." "I move to strike It from the bill," kid Councilman Charte Medowan. "We'll have to raise, the tai levy to bct all the bills," ald Alford. It waa suggested that the flnanro Nnmlttpo he heard from. J Colonel Wllklna, ai the only mem nf the flnanro committee present, i opposed to expressing anything In lialf of the committee. (Mayor Sanderson aald It did not kko any difference, anyway, aa the inco committee never saved the city rthlng on Ita bill, and that they il ra came back for action Juit at wore tiirnnl over to the commit I for Ita help. Colonel Wllklna pro. led thl statement of the mayor'. It waa finally decided to cut the hill 95, and In thla ahaite It waa ai led- bill of l, rendered by Joe hca, for cleaning flro hnao cauaod ildtnt Marlon llanka to aay he ght the city paid Fire Chief Kd Wakoflotd for auch work, lle'a doing pretty well down there la regular work," declared Mayor leraon. lie ought to be for the money ne'e ng out of It," retorted llanka. ho bill of the Art chief for De ar, 31 daya, at 13. CO per day, or L60, rovcatod that ho la not hired 176 per month, but la paid by the The bill waa approved. nrgn T. llaldwln'a bill for I1B.0S laid aaldo for him to Itumliu It. Itecorder Thomaa F. Ntchotat It had been aent to Italdwln onco re for Itumlialton, and been re- without It. kunrllman Wllklna mado a vigor pro teat over the bill of 11,000 1,000 feet of flro hoie, and aald bought It waa to be bought for nta. Ho aald a lot of extras wore I rung In on tho council, and that ilkifls' Constituents Complain Of Council Acting Ith Councilman O. W. White ab from tho council mooting, Colonol Wllklna played tho rolo of ro trant. Ho waa ovldently atlrred convurintlona ho had hold with Ituonls, and aald that ha had told by thorn that the council'! voro Invalid, that they could be klrio If mcaauroa were taken to and that tho city waa acting lit a charter, Ho had even been tod to quit tho board. Ho as that tho council looked to the kttorney aa a gulde-pott, ana tut waa aatlaflrd, from hli etperlonre, which liu knew waa not worth a "whoop In Uulnea" to the manage ment or the council, aa hu eipreaaod It, that the council could have gotten the homi for DO cunt. Or the seller, A. O, f.ong, he ald, "I'vo known Mr. long fur yean, nd I would lint put It pat htm to make tint beat deal he can. "You wurn hem at tho meeting at which we gave the order?" aaked the mayor, "Yea." "Then why didn't you make your holler then Instead or coming at ua now?" queried hi honor, the ma or "You ought to let It out on bids, Colonel, and then you'd not get stung," wa tho RUggertlon of l-rcal tent Hank. Tim mayor aald thla had been tried, and waa not aurceaaful. Nenrly 13, BOO worth of bill wro approved, a follew: H,C.Mi')iT, auwvr lnneclor I 94.33 Hornm M Manning, city at torney, tyilng.Nov-mber IC.70 Horace M. Manning, city at torney, typlng.Decemher 17.76 Clapp Auto Co., car, 1 hour 30 mlnut 0.0 Keller' Cafe, meala for prlMinera 16.00 (lis A I'rudhonime, elec lion hiMik and itipptlca 66.(0 F. II, llremer, electrical In pctor, December 1 ... 36.00 F. T. Bandoraon, ma) or, sal- nry, December 13,34 Horace M, Manning, city at torney, aalary, December 13.34 Samuel I,. Walker, rlly mar hal, aalary, December.. 116.00 Wllllamllall, patrolman, aal ary, December 100.00 William Mcaaner, patrolman aalary, December 100.00 T. F. Nlrhnla. police Judgo, salary December 100.00 Klamath Falla Public l.l- brary 30.00 Frank Hchmlli. clerk In po- lice Judge, December. . . 67.00 C. C. l.ow, mounted police, (Continued on Page 4) DANCE ROWDIES PLACED IN JAIL TWO OF FIVK WHO I NTr.ltFI.lt Kit WITH AFKAIU ATSHIPPINOTON tllVKN SKVKN DAYS IN WHICH TO COOI, OFF Aa a result of a acrap at a dance In A. C. Itenner'a Hotel Shlpplngton at Hhlpplnglon Monday night, C. F. Heck and Morrl Uurna are serving term of auvvn daya each In tho Klamath county Jail, whither thuy wore con signed on the order of Police Judge Thomna F. Nlcholaa )i'tterday when they could not pay flnea or 1 16 each. Burn aud four other are altoged to have gouo up to 8hlpplngton to enjoy tho hoipltallty of the dance, with whlikoy In their pocket. They proceeded aoon to Inatttute rough house tactic, with tho roault that they woro asked several tlmee to Icavo, and did leave, but kept coming back. Finally the process of ejecting tho undealrahlo vUltor becamo nioro cm phatlc than formerly, and tho two ring Without Authority had often boon thrown by bad advlco. Mayor Frod T. Bandoraon aald that It waa not tho prosont city attorney, llorucu M. Manning, who gavo any hnd advlco, and with thl tho Incident cloiod. Klmer H. Johmon, former buitneaa manager of tho Pioneer Preea, left laat night (or Long Beach, Calif., whero ho expect to make hi home. Attorney II, O. Morryman and W. M. Duncan have moved Into their ntw ofllcea In lilt Odd rellow' building. leader, Hum and Heck, had to be thrown out bodily. O. W. I'llchor per forming Urn favor for llurn and Homier volunteering the nme aervlco for Heck, who landed on hi thinking npparutu. They ramo In again, and Hock hit Runner, after which W, O. Iluion hit Heck and Mr. Heck got after Huron, whose body pTtly craahed through a window a a retult of a vlgorou at tack, Then Mr. Iluaon tackled Mr a. Heck, and the five Interloper from towp had to be thrown out again. In' the meantime Mr. Itanner had telephoned for tho police, and Patrol men William Hall and William Men tier got a rig from Liveryman J. A. Thompson and hurried to Shipping Inn, where they arreitod Heck and Hum. Heck I lltted lu the city directory n a contractor, while Hum I un dertood to bo from Fort Klamath or Ihiireabouti, having been In tho city aa a wltneaa on a caae. I. nut night Councilman Chariot! Me (lowan of Bhlpplnglon, brought up at the council meeting with Mayor Fred T Bandernon the queillon of pollen protection for flhlpplngton, and while no action waa taken It la probable that an officer may ho appointed for that dUtrlct iiion, Mr. Mcflowan eaya the pollen are hadly needed there at time and that nunc or tho town butllea gu up there and take pleaiure In (hoot ing at objecla they ace allhoutted In tent houac where thoro are light. BELIEF OF TRUTH IS NOT DEFENCE FOIt KDITOH IF HK IJIIKlii ANY HODY, IK PIUcnCAI.I.Y Rt'UNO OF (TIICIIT (XH'flT IN THK MA OlIHK VAHK For an editor to rely on hie belief In the truth of an allegation I no de fmito for hi publishing It In cawi a IIIkI charge la the outcome. Thla wa the tenor of Judge Henry U. Henaon't holding In the circuit court etorday on a part of motion to atrlko from tho unwcr, mado by Attorney C. M. O'Neill In tho libel ault of J. C. Ma gulro again. t W. T. Bhlve, aatlgnee of the Klamath Publltbtng company, and W. T. Hhlve n an Individual. A part of Shlvu'i auwvr u that ho believed In tho truth or tho allega tion he mado In hi paer regarding Magulre, and thl pan of the aniwer wa objected to by Attornoy O'Neill on behalf or the plaintiff. Thla part or o( the motion to atrlkc wa luttnlncd, but other part were overruled, aa wa aUo tho motion to make more ill finite and certain ipeclOvd part of I ho anawer. I'ltOTKNT A.JAI.NKT HOOK HAH WKIOHT WITH TAKT T-ll Hmator ChhIb, Hook'e Happort r, That He la Now ConaMeriim Jiutirc Hwaye- of New Jemry Ba prrmn Hench lnlid United Prea 8rvlce WABHINQTON, D. C, Jan. 3. I'rrddeut Tnft took formal rognlianco of the prole! agalnit Judgo Hook' appointment to the upremo bench by telling Bonatnr Curtla of Kaa, Hook' aupportod, that ho la now con Idorlng Jiutlco Bwayieo of tho Now Joravy lupremo bench. FROM NFW TAVERN CIIIKF CliKHK U0AVK8 FOB J-VN FKANC18CO AND MB. ANDBKW WAI.DIIKIM HAH WITIIIUWWN FBOM'HKBVICIi K. II. I.ouor and wlfo loft lat evening for Ban Franclaco. Mr. Loua or ha beon chief clork of tho White Poltcan alnre Ita Inauguration, but a fow day ago handed In hi realgna tlon. Andrew Waldhelni, tho young Bng ll.hruan of artUtlo Inclination, both In muilo aud In painting, who ha convoyed pauongora to and from the depot, and done other work around the hotel, laavea today, LOUSER RESIGNS FEET FROZEN IN ESCAPING FIRE LANUKMi VAtl.KY ItANCTIKH. H. C. (X)WI-KY, HAM HOfHH Dli HTItOYKD, FAMII.Y KHC'APl.Vfi IN NIGHT OAHB At about midnight -hut night R. C. Cowley' ranch nouae In the Langell Valley caught Ore, poeilbly from de fective flue, and the family escaped la their night robe. Mr. Cowley wa barefoot, and the eipMure caueed hi feet to be badly froeted, o that. It wa neceiury to give them medical nltontlon, and Dr. Hitchcock wa call ed from Honama at 3 a. m. to attend him. It I believed that the Injured member will shortly be ready for use again. Mr. Cowley la a cattle buyer for Crliler A Btllta of thla city. The homo waa totally doatroyed. Thn loi and Inaurance were not ob tainable In time for thla report. DRIFf TO WAITO CITIES II SPITE OF "BACK TO SOIL" Trrwt! of Popalatloti Cvntlnaea vo He Toward Incrraae la Clticw aad! Do rrraae In Agrtmltarai IMatrtcta of Special to The Herald PORTLAND, Jaa. I. Some Inter esting comparison are ihown by government figure oa Oregon' popu lation, Juit gleaned from the laat cen- iui by the department of commerce and I-abor. The number of people to the aquare aide from 4.3 In 1900 to 7 In 1 1 0. The drift of population dur ing the decade waa toward the eltlea and away from the farrae. Ten year ago the percentage of people la cltlra of 2.S00 or more waa 33.3, and on the farm C7.8; In 1910 thla waa changed, with 4S.I In the eltlea and 64.4 la rural Oregon. Harney, Lake, Mat heur countlea average leu than one pcraon to the aquare mile. IIOHHKH NKKD TO UK LOOKKD AFTKIt Fnlluro to proprrly blanket their burton when they tland out In thl rold weather haa rnuicd crltlrlim of the owner nnd driver to reach the Herald. A mbicrlber 'camo Into tho office thl morning and complained that he had arcn a pair of horse iia-ndlng on Main drect whlto with frott that hnd gathered after they had' been heated and allowed to aland In tho icro weather. WEST END SITE OFFERED COURT IIMH'K ItOVNDRD 11Y MAIN, PINK, FlltAT AMI CKNTKR 8THKKTH TKNDKBKD IIY NKW COM.MKHC1AL CLVU It'a tho Klamath Falla Commercial Club. It haa offered the county court a alto for the now court koaaa. The natno of the new trade orgaal tlon and tho offer wero revealed thla afternoon when tho apoaaora of tho organisation aud the movement tor tho retention of tho court houco In tho lowor part of tho city appeared at tho court home, and, attar reading tho wrttton offer they had prepared, loft It with the court and lied out of the court houi. The offer la algnod by the following reprcaentatlvea of the alaa: Hiram Murdoch, Fred Molhnae, J. A, Mad dox. Q. W. Whlto, L. F. Wllllta and Alexander Martin Jr. The bank that appear to be roprenented la the offer. Indirectly, are tho Flrat National, through Vice Pretldont Alexander Martin Jr., and the Americas Bank and Truat, through Fred H, Melhaae. Ita preetdeat. The alte offered la the block be tween Main and Pine and Caster and Mrat atreeta, with twenty feet of Cen ter itreet, which waa vacated by the city aoma month ago. Thla makea nn nrcn of four lot, cneh 66 feot wldo by 240 foot ck'!, plu the Center ntreH atrip, or k total nren of 280x 240 feet, ngalmt 240 foot iiunro now occupied by tho court Iioukc, nnd flro acre offered nt tho Hot flprlnc loca tion, which offer win nctcptcd by tho county court, which n month ngo nn nounccil Ita Intention to build thereon. Tho argument of the, Klnrnnth Fall Commurclal Club I that (he xlto willed It offer I viiRtly mora valuable limn the Hot HprliiK )(' comparing tho two by tho nmieMi'il valuation, which make tho propoiuil tract worth 124,683, and tho Hot HprlncH lto worth 18,333. Tho ito which tho Klnrnnth Kail Commercial Club offer I owned by John Hurling, John Y. Tipton Hex Hon) nnd Jamei llrUtol WOULD HTMIK (Hi AT PAUIH Vim JOIINftON AND McVin" If ugh Mrlntnati, ftrrat Australian Pro. inoti-r, Haa Offer to Pat Hrrappm Again! One. Anodicr June SMIli In FrriMfi f'apllal Will Try for It United Prcaa Service VANCOUVKIt. Jan. 3. A apeclal cnbtu to tho United I'rcaa from Syd ney, Niw South Wale, nay Hugh Mclntoih ha an offer to itage tho Johnion-McVey fight In Pari Juno 2Cth, and will try to arrange It. AGAIN FOR WORK NO CAHKH IIIUDY FOB TIIKM TO HWilX ON THIS MOBMNO, II fT TIIK HIIIDLKB CAHK MAY IIKtilN TOMOHIU1W In circuit court thl morning there waa no work ready for tho regular Jury panel, o Judge Henry L. Denton let the men go until 9 o'clock tomor row morning, when the case of Horace Shldler, charged with ntcault with a dangcrou weapon. I planned to bo taken up. Shldler pleaded not guilty when arraigned. WIT TINO FANU IIALKH AT YUAN Hill KAl'H ACTIONS Pontics HrfuM.- to Treat With Yuan, Ctu-n-liiK Him With Had Faith lu AtttiilnK lu A.olU Agni-imtitu Made Willi Tang aa C'uiiuiilJoniT. United Press Service SHANGHAI, Jan. 3 Following tho resignation of Tang Shno Yl as pcaco commissioner, Wu Ting Fang refuses to negotiate with Ypan Shi Knt unless tho latter cornea to Shanghai. Wu Ting Fang charge Yuan Shi Kal with bad faith In attempting non compliance with torma of agreement with Tang Shao Yl. Hccommoncoment of hostilities la expected. hKNATK l-KADKBS KXPKCT TO ADJOVHN 'KltK St'MMKB Yitrif? Tinkering Will Probaldy He the the OprnlaR Wedge to Srasion, or Bather Flint Big Measure to Cotno VuoVr Coflalderatlon of Solon United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 3. Senate leader expect an adjourn ment beforo aummer. Tho tariff will probably bo tho first big measure con sidered at thla session ot congrena. NEW BUILDINGS ARE PERMITTED COUNCIL ACTS ON APPLICA TIONS, ONK OF WHICH IS FOB KN'LABGlNa BAV1DGK HBOfl.' DBY LUMBKB HIIKD Four building permits waa the total prosontod to the council last night for Ita good office, and all wore allowed without argument. Thoy wero a fol Iewa: Burgo W. Mason, framo barn on lot 3, block 44, Nichols addition. W. C. Ransom, 1700 otLe-jtory framo house on lot 678, block 107, Mills addition. Savldge Bros. Lumber company, an large dry lumber shod by building au JURORS WAITING CHINAMAN FOR BEING REBEL other ihod and extending roof from one to other. Now part to bo 72x46 f(ct, frame, co-it $460. t. II. Starr, chicken coop, 1Cx.4xS feet, ahlngla roof, on lot 694, block lot, Mill addition. HACK TO FAItM MOVKMKNT TO UK THKMK OF TKACIIINa IUiiki-r' AuMirlatlon, Farm College nml IKu-lopment Irngoe Will Join HuniU In Pronmtlng More Intercut In Agrlcolluml I'urnult Bpcclal to Tho Herald PORTLAND, Jan. 3. A stotowldc campaign of education that lead toward Initcad of away from tho farm I to be undertaken early In tho year. Tho Btato Hanker' Amoclntlon. the Oregon Agricultural college nnd tho Oregon Doveloprnunt Ieaguo arc co operating with tho atnto superintend ent ot public Instruction to formulate a cotiric of itudy to bo Introduced Into puhllc-ichool of Oregon. A conference will bo held at Corval II about tho mlddlo ot January, at which the varlou Intercuts will bo represented nnd a con mo of Instruc tion will bo adopted. Commercial or ganization aro expected to arrange simultaneous meetings throughout tho stnto at which their member will bo Informed on tho plan and speakers Mlectcd to visit tho local schools and deliver talks to tho children along theso lines. Tho school meetings will also he held on a dato to bo announced later. Stnto bankers are strongly backing tho plan and are contributing funds to maintain an organizer In the field, who will visit the vaTlous school hoards and teachers and nllst their aid. HBIBKBY CHABGI TOMOBBOW The bribery chnrge against S. A. McMnhon nnd James Hughes will be called up In circuit court tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. It Is believed that tho court will at that tlmo endeavor to sot n time for trying tho accused men. BREMER LEAVES CITY POSITION stp.ps oirr as f.lkctbical in SPKtTOB AND BOBKBT SLOAN'S APPLICATION FOB POSITION IS DKFKBBKD F. H. Bremer has resigned as elec trical Inspector for tho city, aud the council last night accepted tho resig nation. Tho work pa-) 1-5 per month. Robert C. Sloan applied for tho plnco, but action was deferred. Uoth men aro employes ot the Klamath Fulls Light and Water company. Councilman Alford said that the company took up nil the Inspector' tlmo, and he put In his bill to tho council. It was decided not to tnko actlou on tho application until next meeting. James II. Wheeler's application for u place on tho police forco was re ceived. Ho has been n deputy sheriff, acting us night guard at tho )nll. Coldest Snap This Showing 2 Below, Last night waa tho kind that put the crimp In tho anatomy ot humans. It was "some" cold. It was 2 below by various thormomotera thla morn Ins In tho city, and waa undoubtedly colder during tho night. Tom New ton, who haa a ranch eight mile from tho city on the Merrill road, tele phoned to the Herald at 8 o'clock thla morning that It waa 12 below at his place. It wa the sarao at 11 o'clock last night, ao that the thermometer aparontly hung to that record the night long. In other worda the mar JAILED FORMER LOCAL MAN (JM)IUJH PAN, BFJiTAVBANTOWN. KB AND HH.IL KHTATK OPKBAT OF, AHKH WILKINH TO BK IIM BONDSMAN Gcorgo Pan, for over a score of years a well known Chlncio resident of this city, has been In Jail In China for some tlrno J;ecamo he was a rebel partisan nnd In rovolt against tho gov ernment. Colonol M. G. Wilkin got tho Infor mation through Pan sending word to tho First ward councilman that ho wished the Colonel would furnish him 12,000 ball, so that ho might got out ot Jail and como back to the itatc. If tho Colonol should decide to fur nish tho ball In Chinese money It would rcqulro a ship to transport the coin. Pan Is a Chinaman well known In this community, and own a block of lot In tho residence part of Fort Klamath, as well as real citato else whero In tho neighborhood. Ha I probably worth 110,000 or IIS, 000, and while In thl coilMry operated a restaurant for n tlmo, as wall as deal ing In real estate. One of tho reason that he I anxious to lcavo the Chinese Jail Is In order to get back to the Unit ed States and keep his standing, bla passport arrangements when ho went abroad a year o,r so ago requiring that bo bo back within a certain time. Colonel Wllklna bought a tot on lower Main street from Pan, and found when be went to look up the records that It stand In Pan's name on the assessment rolls. SHIP DAY.OLD CHICKS FBOM AUBOILt. PROPOSAL MADE Claim Hint 3,000,000 Ilabjr Chicks Were Shipped Into Pacific North went State Laat Year, aad Hut Few Hatched oa Coaat Special to Tho Herald PORTLAND, Jan. 3. Poultrymen about Aurora- are discussing going Into tho business of hatching and ship ping day old chicks. Thoy ay that 3,000,000 baby chick wero shipped Into Oregon, Washington. Idaho and California last year, and that only .10,000 ot this number wero hatch-rd on tho coast, tho remainder coming from east of tho Rocky Mountains. Oregon' mild climate would seem to te Ideal for tho business. TF-STING PLANTS FOB OBE BKCOMMKNDKD BY MINEBS Stnto AftMiclatloB Advocate Their E talilMmtent In Eastern and Western Oregon Mining Districts, Following Secretary FlUirr'a Idea Special to Tho Herald PORTLAND, Jan. 3. Testing plnntsfor tho ore ot Eastern and lt-Aj,A. nHinnn xilnlni. ,llal-lila hlVA . nVSIU WII-.U-I ....M.U-, U.VW HH.W ! been recommended by tho State Min ers' Association, who rto following out the suggestions ot Secretary Fish or ot tho Interior department. It I believed ore testing stations maintain ed In tho mining sections by tho gov eminent woudl bo ot great valuo to tho Industry. Season, Tube 1 2 Below Outside cury seems to have gone to sleep there. This Is undoubtedly the coldeat snan ot tho winter, and la probably aa cold aa It was any time during the previous cold season. The usual number ot weather argu ments took place aa to juit how low tho weather did doscend. Soma ther mometer bad It lower than other. At 8 o'clock thla morning two thera.ea.e tora on tho west side of the Llvemore hotel showed 3 and 7 below, respec tively, bo that peoplo could take their 'choice. - j ,v: H ft-1 '4