r ' -.V6 m Kr n m- 1K1 ' mum FAMILIES OBJECTjrjHFIR IIP Women in Smoky City OrgnnUc Unique Organisation tor Assisting Wives mul Children of Inrbrmtcs, Trying Cooicrntlon With Hara United Press 8orvlce . PITTSnUHO, Jan. 2. Christmas Day, 1910, a woman, poorly cld, and with race swollen with weeping, camo to the homo of Mrs. Slolla Masters, In tho fashionable Unst End district of I Pittsburg. "I saw your name In tho paper, anu ( how ou wcro working to help people , .... .... .......... -i. ..i.i i,. tween sohs. "I didn't go to my pastor I because ho couldn't do anything, I'm mnuo poor u) urmn, e" fri.i ., hnii.nii.1 wouldn't nay any attention to him. My husband makes $6 a day in tho mills, hut ho spends. It all for drink, and today Christ- mas Day. Just think of It ho drove our six children out on tho street nnd beat me. Ho was drunk. Is there no-1 body who will do something fori drunknrd'a wires? Can you help mefinot fight Mm for tlio nomination, uiu She grow hysterical and could not fin ish her pathetic story. Mrs. Masters, W. C. T. U. and church worker, club woman and suf fragist, today said sho was taken aback by the woman's appeal, nnd sho reatlicd that tho fourteen years of her work along charitable lines had somehow failed to hit tho mark, night then and there she mado tho reselve: "I'll do something for the drunkards' wives and children." A short tlmo later tho Protective League for tho Families of Drunk ards, tho most unique, organization of Its kind In tho country, was formed, i Mrs. Masters laughed when sho wa-sj asked whether the league, of which sho Is president, had secured any, "swearing off" pledges. "Wo don't do things that way," she said. "Most pledges aro jokcs. Tncy aro only made to bo broken. "First wo appeat to tho saloon keeper and then to tho erring ono About 73,000,000 board feet of saw himself. If neither of theso two np-' timber Is offered for sale, with n ten peals docs any good wo go to the.) car period for tho rcmoial of tho courts. Our work-Is broad In scope. 'timber. Tho national forests contain Wo have monthly meetings, but wo havo no paid treasurer or sccrci&Ty. Our due aro only 25 cents is a year, ue - banded ourselves together like the, Crusaders of old, and aim to do Just what our name Implies, drunkards' families.' 'nrnlPPt , During tho past two years wo have ncipea miy lamiues. inai s, e,ims pay no rau.i Uo auio 10 ngure on, wero successful In. that many In- stances In weaning away supporters of families from tho curso of strong drink. I "Fifty families sounds small nnd Inconsequential, doesn't It? Hut Isn't it a rcmarKaoio inmg wncn oniy one person Is turned Into better paths? Wo don't assume things, or go by Hearsay, uur memoers go into sa- loons tnemsdves, rigH up io me ur, If necessary. livuiomuiaiuvu nvvi'vi. ,.v..a and they are our friends. Wo work ,T1-. ..n . h A ...MMM I.A.n...' r.lM,!, together. They know now that wo realize they havo a legal right, at lcast, to mako tticlr living as they do. and tho better class of saloon ko'perk welcomo our aid In conducting re- spcctablo houses. "Most saloon keepers aren't bad at heart, and then wo always have the law to back us up In our demands, 'and licenses aro hard and expensive to get It protests aro filed In Hcenso court. Hut wo make no threats.. We talk It over with the saloon keeper, and give him a chance to mend his ways. A second offenso means more drastic measures." Hero Is how the leaguo goes about Its work, quietly and unassumingly. caao, names where tho husband or son spends hit money for drink. Then ho goes to the imloon keeper and talks the matter over with him. It he refuses to act at tho first an - A H (.ti nlrn pft 'a vlf a n nintlins. rm OIha,. ft t AAMBlaA.l 1I..1 . a aomo woman of tho family write, (0 .turcpago price, aro rnlhrr high In , j" "" ""spec,.. - - .-Xg "fB" Z '"' '" mZ the leaguo asking for heln. 'nrnnortlon to ..resent lumber .,r!n "' ,l ,nUCn lf'nKOr llfo' . .Y '" ... ".mr' .."'-",B ""' In I. , Irrlr.l. Jnl.11 MrPlmul. nrll..B s uiuunniUB .sisj mi mwuivi, ! (inivu 1L IB J ULUU II IjLL'll Ll Ul rL'HUni . ... ....... I .. m. .. . iioiniisllfih im ..!. 1. 1. 1-... ....I al Ono of .he member, looks Into the If lumber price, do not .,nw nn In- Pn ai7T7,7Z: ' ....... '" "a w.VnTns, Z"!?''? , This woman dttcctlvo gets tho crease of 12 per 1.000 feet tho stump- " ; 717 '..n'.....::.. I.' u.ie.i.i. 1, ,,' ,.,'. 1 0 1 1 vt iati ...Z .rti..l nnd nililriwuia nf thn n niv. . n.l. will l h. .!.....! -, "" ii u.vi uiim) .hi iii.ui.'ii iiuu ..,....,. ...... ' ! iw.l which usually falls on deaf stmctlon of twenty miles of railroad.' .. ,, " " T" oais the league member tries a talk 'which will bo a common carrier, and! "n""lat' '""-'" lieidnehc, nan. with the.drlnker himself. th'rcforo decidedly beneficial to tho' ,'"' tU",aa3- lnKiinr. heart palplln- If this falls a printed notlco I, given (community another reason for mnk-' , 1)r? tlc l'hyln Kr,pe' tll'k0" the saloon keeper, warning him not'lng tho salo which 1, token Into nc-!"onl:?n,"'0 tl,ow,, aml ,lnn'1 cl,ro' to sell to "John Dee," who Is a per- count. A minimum price of $2.50 per V t'Kuiru nct Knty ""J ero sin of Intemperate habits. 1.000 feet for yellow pine, tho amount';0"" 'j""1""' 2C ''"""' AHk )ol,r A copy of tho liquor laws of Penn-jot which Is estimated at 52,000,000! Rg . njivanin goes wan mo nonce, ana tlie saloon keeper ha, learned by thl, tlmo that failure to comply with tho noil co means trouble getting a new license next year, A partclularly hard fight was put up on Christmas a-nd Now Year's Day last year to cloeo nil place, where i.trong drink Is Bold. Tho court re fused Mrs. Master's request on tho Kround that It could tako no nctlon ivlthln the bounds of law. Nothing ilnuntcd, Mrs1. Masters and her col leagues carried the matter to tho Liquor Dealers' Association. The deal- era were reaoyto promiso, if all the "ipeak-casle, and one-man club, nnd bar-room drug stores wero closed also." But the women haven't given up tho nsht, nnd m.nn lo accomplish their aim beforo another jear, Whllo Mrs. Masters rclucta ? mlts It's rather Utopian, sho Iiie a flRht to have women barred nil times from all places where stroiiK drink Is dispensed. The work Is be ginning to nttrnct country-wide at tention, and letters aro pouring, ask ing for Information rolatlio to organ (ring leagues In other cities. TAFT WANTS HOOSKVK1.T to ii:ruuH ins plans Itoport Is Tlint llooc,cn wm "" l o Intericrcncc Prom President If,' u. .... h... l'r.l.lcnrv. Put If .....i.... i.. i.-..!i..ii.. win rn.iiot,rolu'ir' . . . i United Press Service I WASHINGTON. 1). C Jan. 2. Political elrelr wero astounded this afternoon at tho report credited to I ... ..... iV-i 1L . ..-- well known Tan icaiiers inni u.e in Ident Is determined to foreo Uoosevelt , Into tho open In tho contest for the nomination. j A rumor which no one nbout hoi White House would discuss was that Secretary Hlllcs Is en route to Ncvn York to tell Koosevelt that Taft will , will withdraw If the former prcsld'nt l really a candidate. However, If Koosevelt Is hacking U Kollctto the Taft campaign regard ing the nomination will continue. FEDERAL TIBER SALE BASED S0N RULING PRICE lGinerniiir.it Aihrrtlsc for Hid for Ijirge Hotly of Wood In Tnlioe Na tional Forest Willi Term Which Iitatigiimlc New IH'imrture Tho government Is advertising for, advertising for (bids on a large body of timber on thoIJn Taboo National forest, In California, witn nn oner oi terms wiiicu maugu ' b. t a a a I num , .IahivI iiiji t frtm t tl A IdlU UU 111 Ut tlllll UV'lllUIV IIMIM - policy of tho past a vast supply of mcrchantnblo timber., eJtimaicu nt mo equivalent oi oven,, uuu.uuu uuu.uuu icci uoaru measure,,,, a- great part of which Is rlpo for tlio j axe, or already over-mature. In many i M. l,n-i.ilr. thn nnrrhnsor hn In I , .,...-. Itruko a very heavy Initial Investment In transportation facilities. To liavo!.mook lurkcj. wliloli Is made of nut I a large operation, requiring a number of years to carry through. The timber sale policy of tho forest service recognises that, In view of tho general upward tendency of stumpago prices, long contracts based on present prices wouiu oo a sirong incentive m fio wc (,n , fpe, n(u.r innr speculation, and might turn out to bo!lliat , nm nclinC(i t0 thnk , vs. Ill have highly dleadvantageous to tho public I mnnJ. more C2frttmas nwt nni ,.. to protect mo puniic, ns consumers nga nsi monopo.y prices na iso 'against exhaustion of local supp lies ,.A. h ...A...... In.... ... nV.l... .... luiuuhu u.c i.u.,,11,,, iuivb u, ..iiluci ore carefully proportioned to the ex- latins supply nnd demand and sales to small purchasers, who aro vastly In tho majority, aro encouraged. ' To protect tho piibllc, as owners, against sales at what may prove to bo too low (a price, It has been tho policy In tho past to allow no operations extending over moro than five years. A plan has, however, cow been dovlscd for nllowltiK longer operations, with n periodic revision of the stuinpai;e rate. At tho end of the first flro years of th Taboo pr.lo the prlco to bo pal.l for tho timber cut In tho following Qve year will lo determined by the i " . ........ ........ ... . . . . prices of lumber which havo ruled In tho locality during tho preceding year. nny Increase above ?2 i 000 '..,'. j,, , thrco-fnnrtbs of tho nmount of tho In crease may bo added to tho stumpago I price. 1 Tho Tnlioo sain win call fnr n.n mn. feet, and nlso for sugar pine, and of $1 per 1,000 fott for nil other species Ij specified In tho advertisement. Tho .interest which has been shown bv Increasing demand I, evidenced by tho fact that over 830,000,oi)0 feet were sold during the year which ended on Juno 30, 1911, as against less than 675,000,000 feet the provlous year, Tho current year la likely to show u still higher total. lumber men In this salo lends tho For- "It Tlmmr.s' K.-le.tle Oil Is th ,no above entitled nriloi, Ji',ri. . . 'mnn m ,n "" ""'"" entitled nr . est oincer, to believe that one or moro !"-U r-mc.ly for that often fatal ,11, "u,?, ", c" 1 i. miToilinine 1 ? . '""B "" "' '"'""' "'" ,'J"' '",y """' bids will undoubtedly bo receive... w -coup. Has been used will. ,on ' ''T iVrrn , J fl? i1" ,,,B'f, ,B,S' ,,,al ,,,,,n ",0 lraH..n Tho usual condition, of cutting mi-Wess In our family for eight ear, 'Vgnlnst W W m! , , T W '"' "lx w'"lta pulilIialliMi of tliU 1111111 tlonal forest timber, lo Insure u ro-,- Mrs I,. Whlteacro, Iluffalo. N. Y. fasten hn wir. n '." 1 w w..' I"""" "r('8crl,";,, " '( nlw of pub. nowal of tho forest and close utlllza- - ' Z ' J"f'0 j! J'". ' ";, W' W- M-J- Irnll,,,, .hereof mad by this court. Hon of what Is cut. will bo Incorporat- ,,,, nr.vr . Tn nnrZtoTZSZ?u ' V '. l""'1 " ,,,u fn" "' '' n"ar ' Plnln ed In the contract of sale. CHILCOTE S RICE , f f. '" ' ? '',K":"nt ll '"" " . will lako Judgment ngnln, y That mitlnnnl fn.i .ik. .. .-, ni'ii. i.-crlT..- . vu.i.. . .... Sil"4 C0"rr "f l'aK" "n. Volume 3. I'ln ihn mi.n ,.f icmn .... ..'.. m mm PRiciiuoioN meets flynn on OBJECT OF ROYAL CHINESE. llimager KinptVM. ami t'Mterni ll gulM-tl, lieoliig Toil .ml TiiwiiVmi .Mongolian frontier. Ai-cimllng lvkln l)UMtihen United PiesaScn loo st. I'lrrmtsiiUltu.'jnn. 2. -t'ekln dispatches iny that tho dowagor om mCM ,, emperor, dlsKiilsi. ..i I...,, (j .,,,,.,, .i,., .Monuollau i Vl ' " I "h " , i.1. ..... ............ ...i.. iitiMinn i ill iiinrn iiii'iiiBi'ii v iii. ....-- protection. m r.uirr monkykii-ts as i.U'u si'Hirri'ina m 1 1 ruinous Chicago PlillnntliHipUt feed. , There are fund In tlio city treasury at ClirlMiiuis on Mini Tin key nnd for the redemption of warrant pro Humiliates on Minimi Hint Ii Iliu I tuled on and before May 0. t!0S. In (.'hen Away for M-uiklml 'terest censes from date hereof. .1 v. SICMIINS. City Treiuiirer. CIUCAOO. Jan. 2. Dr. D. K. Pear-J Dated at Kluuintli I'fclN. C-ro. this sons, the philanthropist, feast:d on fiih day of December. 1911. mock turke" Christmas nt tho Hlus- , . ... dale sanitarium. Despite his 9 jears he declared after his Christmas Idlnner that he felt so well that ho feared that ho had mado a mistake In giving away nil but n few thousand dollar of his tnoro thnn 7.000.000 fortune. Ho billoies that ho will lle m co "tunny ChrUtmasrs. and that he mn )et experience need of some of the mone) he has ghen away. About a ear ago Dr. Pearsons gave $.100,000 to colleges nnd oth r Insti tutions, nnd since that time baa been litlnc at the sanitarium. All that he n tnlned of his wealth was $30,000 to I Insure his support until his death. I The sanitarium was tho scene on IRnlnrilnv nml Sumlnv before Clirldt- , . ,.. ...,mI1,,,.ivni; nrtlrs." wh,ch non nm, womcn rc,,r(;genllnK schools nnd coltegos In vnrlous parts of the country called and thanked Dr. Poors ms for his gifts, and wished him l,n ln nf Plirl4ttnnstlilc Another circumstance hlch lent n rl-nrin lo Hie nhllnnthroiilst'i Yilletld- .... rf" " ....... th reeeli.t of tho history of his! life, written by llev. H. I'. Williams nm,' ,1UC(, ,(y t,,e congregational Tho book came from the Pn . ...,.. .,, r. I'earsons m-rui-u , tho'flrst copy. . f.1 lill.r liiilnl- thnn I hft-vi' for i " "" " - ' ' . . . ijears, ' said Dr. rearsons alier unisii- . M. ,.,. , ..,,,, ,.,,..... ..Tll.,l . . . , k , . kty ((J my Jnm, lo (jKl, clir,t, iillet. In order to mnko It appear llko' la turkey sticks of mncnronl are used' to takn the place of bone, and nut I I m'ats are shaped like turkev Isgs and ' win p. wglfti ,0day, because Ihave-.S'i . . . . ' " " few thousands which support mo while Mlvo. I feel sn well "r.. under the piovlslnns nf the net t.owcTcr, that I begin to believe I lae known as tho a.t of June 3. IS7S. and saved too little-. Another thing width nmendotoiy. known as tho "Tim. has mado this CI ristma a most un- '-"r n.l Stone Law," at such value is Joynblo ono to mo Is that Snturda might he oxen by ntipialsemrnt and and Sunday I had callers representing, 'hat. pursuant to surh appluatlnn. tho Institutions I bad aided, nnd all ' land and timber thereon hnve grasped my hnnd nnd thanked im '''""n npprnlsed nt n total nf 1 120. the and mado mo fcl that my money had really been well spent. "On Saturday I nlso received n cop of a book glylng tho story of my life. t btvvo read parts of It and enjoyed It icry much. The book waB written by Hov. 12. I-'. Williams, formerly pa, .... ,i... iii.i i..b rn.........,i.....i -.,. , . , ,. . church nnd for fifty jcara my pastor. At tho sanltariun. It wm ald that Dr. Pearsons was In tho best of health ,'IolnK n B00'1 huslnesaj located In tho (heart of tho business district: flvo ,yfar lease. I-'or prlccB and terms ap- (Ply to tho owner, IJ. 11. Hall, nt tho 1 Ualdwlu Hotel. 2-Ct Temple tln-aler. Matincn rtnllv. 2 .I" ffi. Kvvnlng, flnt peifiiriiHr.r. 15 f-oMitiiiniis WK M.1KI: A 8PICCI.WIT of tloao , Icco and parcel or ,sni, r,.11Rls ' .. p.o,K,.y nnd Ko, ft,,,,, 1.....N. Noltounty of Klamath, .into of Or-win. k 'st r curr ,,nr,lcu,nr,y ,,wrL,i KiMMinaiiKnirariFiil. If jn.i ..,,((.., Forty-slx fIC) feet off tho entlro buy or mm 1, n , ,,, , M.(. ,,h. jonnlerly ldo of lot six (0) oMl," Ntu(oA....rUu),oU-l.ri.on,.i;. forty-tHght (48) In Nichols nd, 0 If in.. ,.,,, DESERT IN JUNE OR JULY Murk (hump Aniioiiiuti. Hint 'M, I Will Ho Hold I mi Mile West of Salt iJiko I'll), mill That Ho Will I (let ?U(,lM0 and PU tiirvMom'T I I i United Press Servlco CIIK'.UIO. Jan. 2. Jack """" 'snld ho had priicllinlly promised to moot Jim l-'Istiu In Juno or Jul) in Wlmlwald. Ncwiiln, 100 in He west Tlio purse will s.ilt l.nko Cits. i,., 430 000 nnd n tlilid Inleiest In UwMiirtiires. Johnson siiii litf nlll try to meet MeVoy In Austrnlln be fore he ineeta l'I.Min. NO HIT. THINK THIS OVER. This Oder Should 0.iln lh Conf.Jnc of the Molt Sceptical. We pnj fur nil 11. ...islirllif diirlnc itii irlHi. If our ivuhhIi funs In eoiiiji'w.-ij n-lli'V.' you of coii'MM tlmi Wi. Hike nil til'1 rl!!. "H nr"' imt nlillgiiiiil in in In nnv way ti:ii 1'ii-r. ir )iw iim'i our oiler ll.nii i. inlelitj limml tiiii'ini'iil UU' wi' mean in 'n w.-rd of It. i,'iiil nuvililiii: lie limit' fair r.-r nm . iti.nl srientllk. .siu.nnn-pi inMiiiient I lii'nii Oniirfi wi.''"1 lite tMlrn like mint. I'tH'.r iieliH( prlni-lpli' I n risvnl scli'lit.pr iltsmv i .rr lh.it I .Mliifless. ,-iliir.r and ' insii'lts; irrv prnii-'lilirril. P'llllf. nn.l I tilensnlit In aellnn. owl nl''ii.rir ngriiMlili' In I'vin -iv llim inuissji out il'i's ni 'mii' llkirrlM-O. Ili.n"' ililuleiii.'. grli'ltn:. nr tilfnr in.'nvi. I lemv lli-xiill llrd.-riles tire iBirthlHiir ' ly cn-xl fur i III dren. lilted nml il'.r(i-1 r ihtuiii I if "'l "uffer frnri hmn'r J -. inl'it "i" fitluilliiri .nl isiiillinlliin ir llii iis.-tit' or ili'lH'inletit i-lirniile nllnieni urg i.'ii In trv lletnll 6n..rlli- nl mir risk lli-nii'iiilN'r von mn gel tlii'in milv nl i ..nr ii. i" iiiIiIlin. in ,-,-nts: ::ii mil )K ...;,r,.nt,:Hi talilel. la .slits, S-.m' ,)nlv nt our tor riu- Iti'tuil Store r. A ... !lpn. Rt., -v Norn i: roit pi'iii.ic.viio.v 1 (Not Coal U-inds) Department or tlio interior, unlt.ni States Land OMlco nt I-ak.ivl.iw, Ori-gon, November II, 1911. Notice Is Hereby given that Charlr I" Wordcn. whoso pustufflen nildrtsss K1malll k.iIIii. Oregou. did. on the it Itli du of Ortoher. 1911. Ille In tl.iR office swoiu statement nnd nppll- nllon. No. 010.13, to purchase th- SW'ii.Se,. 10. N ',4 NWU.Rer. ,r twp, 37 8 ranK0 10 n,, wUm. I may need to'etto trier . Ian, ind the t ml.cr there- a ,; ..vv., ... , ... timber estimated at 310.000 Imnrd feet nt II per M.,nnd the bind nt ISO; 'that said applicant will offer final proof In siipimit nf his application ...id sworn statement on the 19th day "' January, 1912, beforo C. It. D '-up. county clerk of Klamath county, it Ivlntnnili I'nlls rirncnn beforo inv M,un i. .. iii..v m . An person 11 at Illn-rty to prntori this purchnso before entry, or Initiate 'si contest at nny lime before patent Not In- of SI.erlir'N K.tlo of Iti-iil Properly O. S. I'urily Plaintiff, vs. W W. Mnstcn, Barnh I. Jlnsten, W. 1. 1 Itoherm, J. I). Whltmnre, (J -, ! Moore, It, 8. Monro, John 1: Heath, II. M. Ackloy, J. 8. ,(k-! ley. J, (ireenhiirg, Ilurgn Mason, ' J'Mcnilants. Under r.nd by vlrtuo nf nn order n aelo and execution In rnrerlosuie t sued out nf th0 circuit court nt the county of Klamath Stnto of Oregon. 'pm rrirnmnntwt n .u n .... I V '' "ii niaicorrniii , ,rorty.slx MC, fM. , I I ... ' " iiniu .....v. ,,.,,,.,, prn ,,,n,Mnn.., , .-.. ,, ,, . ... I -- ...... .., III., II ... it,,. .,!.,, nf Kin IKllI tl I'alld Notice la lioteliy rIwii that on l-'rl h ,w n.it ith day uf Jnminry 11)13.1 l;,tl: ri.ik ii m. In front or uipi""" house In tln inuiio or ivinu. In nbeilleum lo wild order of salo nnd execution In fiiii'cltmuro. ', 1(lmw, ,u,,0,,od pioporly, or w m(,u ,a,r(.( n nm) bo iieccssan , BAn,cy pinii.i'rf JudKiiunt, with ' Interest llierron and eosls lo I In 'highest hldiler for rash. V. II, IIAIINKS, Hhorlff .f Ulmiintli C'oiinl iv ,101 IN (1 St'M M.I.Ot". Dopuly .1. l l.ll'r.N'K'. 12-1 l-l-U r All ! H P'nliitin so i in: iii i-'iviii st-rrri.KMKNi In tlie Lniinly Cnuit uf ll'n JMt' "' Oreiinii, for Kinmiiii i;uunij "t r - iiiiuliii.vl nml nrsi'lltril (or seine tiii'iit. nml filed In snld rmirl. hei I nmiiinl aeroiint of her niliiiliilstrntlon. of said estate: and that I'rldny. Ihj 1 r.tti day of Jnnimry. A. I. 1911. at to, o'clock a. m , at tho court room of sild court. In eiiimt) court house. Klnmatli Palls, Oregon, has heen lip pointed by the Judge of sild court !for the sctllfineiit of ild iirrount. nl whirl, tlmo and place any perwiin In loresled In snld estnte may appeal In tiie Mutter 0' tie I'smln "f W ' nni proof, to establish rlaliu lit nm lobe s. OereaseJ ," ,.,oi . .Irserll. .1. I..fnr C U Nlc is.henby ghen ll.nl ..,, ,.,. eoil.i.y clerk of Klamath Ueluharl. mlrHnlslmirU f Iha . ' ,, ,,t Klaumll. falls. Oregon on li.lv of W. (1. Ilnbcil. deeeniied hiisi,,,,, ,,;, llt,y of I'ohri.nry. It' 12. . . . ... ... ... ...ill.,, i ... ..ll.,.,..... nsisi'and fllo otrepnons in oiiiip'i i' wm account nnd rontest the si'tie. NOIIA ItlllNIIAItT , dmlnlslrnlrlv nf the Hstaf of W. ( Huberts, Deceased. 12-7-l-t r xeiiei: rou im'iii.ication (Not Coal Uiulsl Department of tho Interior, United States Land Onice at UkoiUnv. Oregon, Diremher 1. 191 1. Nntlco I hereby glv n that David I,. Itlgbtmler of Olen . ni,.gon, who, on December ( I9"-'. mado Inline ste.ld entry No . SS. rxrtnl No 013S0, forflWli S'A'M. section U H' of Sll'i.Si:1, AW'W, section . tomnshlp 39 S. i-.ge 10 II, Wlltalu- lie inorldlan, Ins fll'-d nollrn of In tentlnn to make tln.i' (lie ear prn.f to establish clal n t tle litml ahur" .1 scribed, beforo f It De Uip. eon ty clerk nt Klamath county nt Klalii nth I'nlls. Oregon on the 27lh day of Jn'iuary. 1912. cialmntit iiaiti.'s as w.Hin'ns(s . ... "... -,-,. ,..i. naill lllllin. i.mii liic, l.iiui Her- , ling, John Slade, all r f Olene, Orecnii. A. W. OUT ON. 12.2.S-1-25 llenlslor ollir of It.'sloriilliin of I'tllilli- U.ii.N In Srllli-imiil nml Cuir) Department o( the Interior, (lenrral l.uii.l Jllllr.'. Wa.hliiisloii. D (' . Octo- tui. IT I'll 1 Vullfs.. Id tis.friV lflir..ti ihm'ti,',, tia.ir.. .rl...l it. le land which with etrlniled from the Crat'-r I. nl-1- NriIihihI 1'iir.ii. iiri-gnti. and lil drawn for rlnsslllr.illnn uimIit II r ...., ..r i..,.a .... t fi it ,si. u... t?i ,- ,(i, ,.?,' r (i, i.r.i,iHi,i ,-t" ff-itlve July I. 1911, If not nthcrwlsi' III drawn or res-r d, will l.y nil "" " .'.";' "''" . . r.slnr...l In tlto tmlilli iliifi.nl. ml lirrnnio snli'.'cl In i-lllrnnlll on nnd after 9 o'rlnrk n in , standard Ini'. Januari 1. 1012. tint not to 'n'r tiling or sioriln unil' on and sfn-r P'timarv II, 1912. M th- P S land otllrp at Ijikevli-w, Orrgnn In T ",V.t. It C U. i:i of v-n, 12 nml 13. sres 21. 2r.. i:4 sf-e 3R. rr 3fi: In T 31 8.. II fill sir. I 12. NH hit 13. see 25. HH sres 2f. nml 35 s e 31!: In T 35 K It H fr I It1 nf see. 2. s rs. 12. 13. 21. fr'l -cs. 25 nnd 3f. IJ'4 nee 35: In T 3d a . it r, i: fr'l , i, 2. y.n r 3 NHH and 8" fee 1 1. fr'l s.-rs. 12 Anil 13. Iw 11' Wlll.imi.ll., Mnrl.llnn Warning Is ItI.v exprenslv given 'hat in. person will b i,i-rmliii-, to lain or evi-rclse any rlgl.l whnlevef undiT nnv wnipim-nt nr ncriiiiancr lw ,,. u,i,i,,i..i .t ..',... , o'dork a m . standnnl time. Januari ' 15. 1112 ami nM such seltlement oi ITIII.K'.VIIII.V OI SI'MMONS Ii the Jiutlrt) Court i.f Iho Hmtn if Oregon for Cm-ity of K'liuimlh 0 A. Keiiinn and l-'rcil ('. Mnrnii.w P.'irinr, Doing Huslness ni 0 l. Transfer Comptny, Plaintiff, vs. Cmistlilldo Music roinpany, Defer.it. lint. To Hnusehlhlt .Music Company. Do- fendnnt: In the Niiinu of tho Hlnto nf Oregon V011 nro hereby required to appeal inn. iiiisi-r in mn tniiiniiti. ill... 'cords mid tltsliiirsnini.i.l. in ..... ' , " ' ' 1 . fi herein r tlmt nny mnimrtv ni. -.-....- .,,,, ,M 1 111a may be sold tu snllsfy ilgment, partculurlv the ""'n' "Wl-'K lo you by llenrj wiiiuin, This publication Is mti.lo l.y tho or dor of tho honornblo Charles (Irnvou, .rr.-.nrv in inf. inierior. nir.-i-iir li.i.iirniit iho ntnim mimed court, ituly ' ""'. . i..... M nliiir Is. limiln HUH euiuiv.i "i. .. - '' U. Tim iimo '"" '"' '" ' u( till Humimin IH Mirrniner III). ttMI. J. P. UUTIlNIt'. l.:il)-1-ll i- Atl'y '"r l,n',,ll,t NtUltl! Hill I'UIII.IOATION (Not Coal l.iiml) tiopsrlmi'iit of tho Interior, milieu, Unites Unit Offlro at l.nl(..vlow.,ort..n. ..-. .... . ..it (Miiiin '"" . ....( I ..limn iiiiiillinMiiti V. SK'i.'r:,:.... CiiiinliiKliam of Mox flln, Taioiua. . ." V.K ..,n is mni :: ::r a d ...;;. ;. pucmiou .. ..... Ull! VMM-. HIM'. I; .v, jV Hrrlli.1.' r'.''ro.,.lilp ItauKo'lVi:. VIIInu-lto.Morldla...eleik of Klau.a.l. eo.iuly. nt l(lnin ' n ,fl nn.lce of In.oii.loi, ... li.ako mil.. Ore,:,,... m. II... S6lh d.y s.. ""- Ill I'liliiiiint nniiieii as witnesses. Thomas O'Comu'll. Tlioma Hliiin- $1.00 ODDS Ask I . i....i., iitti iifioit In iirL'.scrllK's M;y....i ""',.":,'...,.,,.', iv'.-.tf. vl'iv rarcv." Ak .,..-.. "Very, wiy friicnUy. , ll" " ' " W07,.'JJfvl . .. ,,ti.,lu S.itwparll'i ns a tnnir nr "" )"'"- j IH.k lii our wlml'iM ll.h "l. M'" ""' 't.rli.g )oii gn-,tl Utr. ptlns In irrlnlii lines left hut .ill. r t IuMiimis. Mm.) of the... tll. .Ir.nr.-rili nm r ll.i.v tin. I'l.it " " '"r H""'"' ' till. mid. nl mil)- ?' ei.ih. H. J. Jeweler Slit urns pn ii it it, is l .I MU.W.l, Ptv.l,1.nl I M lll.'lil I UIIIIIIHW. Klamath County Absi.ract Co. AHSTRAOTING Survej'or.s nml Irrliliitlon Ein,lncer ,irs. i-i inw. i.i.i i.ritiMs. km es Getting The t:. ,... r'r if ' s Kls. " i ' " r ' ' I 1. ' First Trust and M UIAIII te.. A NEAT Or booklet nmy bo u.scd occasionally with profit by every business man. Tho personally addressed and neatly printed .Miverli.son.Gnl is sure to bo road and is a business getter. Lot tis print some thing of tho kind for you, Mr. Merchant, if you can handle moro business. W. O. SMITH PRINTING HERALD BUILDING, FOURTH STRKT DETWEEN MAIN AND KLAMATH .... mull..... tl.VIUI1.11 Nuiln, 11..-. I " ' ... . i,.,-ii, vBia. n,,, I '"" ' " !" ..." """ Al w. UllTON. ta3i3io r Hi'Rtitet, Muni; I'ou I'liiii.ur.viioN "(Nut Coal l.mnls) llopuiliiii'iit of llin Interior. I'nitJ ' Itinlm l.itinl Ortlco tit l.nkuiUil Oti'Koii, Nnvi'iiiliur H, 11)11 Nolleo Is lii'ioliy kI Uml Jmi .Mimir u...- - ... I.. .. .. iritntnlli lK s " " zr umnsiiii .. "-' WliliiiiH'lln iii'ilillnn. lias filed ixtlj, ,... .,...,,.. litllllltU clnllii 37!.erlhe,l, befoio f II Ih. IP. ..! . uit janiinr), ii. CIM nt ....me , t. II K ''";''; "' ; ;"' ? rko.i, a I la.i r Harris, n.l M.....ll. I all. Or.KOM A " "HI".' II 23-1 36 r lt"'htr vmsrir nocdior an iiKiiiiiini. biiiiiiii,iiu hud ENDS $1.00 Winters Optician w.Tt ii iN.spiriou it llll. hr I'M. nml Itr.t Mr. trlar) Khintfilli Falhi, Orcjlosi , Start ll I the first few hundred the first few thousand In lit l.n ilk. that Is the real strinctt. The the of Ihn aterngn nit well died In life, contain a his tory (if struggle and snvliK I obtain this first fow thnuusd! Make n strong resolution itat ' Mm will plarn aninn porltna of you Inc.. tun In the First Trnit nnd Havings bank Cvrry dot- i tar nild.-d innke It rastsr U , drpo.lt llin ii in I i.t.n. Savings Bank '.'Al.l.i, mill ! CIRCULAR ! CO.