IS. . r. nil " ,. 'fcf 1 ,' : u-t tit" 1 ". TuF-KS.IIO.NAI. uaiiks K I. Tltl'AX. M. . tV.UlURai C HUNT, M. I. OJd Follow Uldg. Phene: Ofllec, Ml HwMcnco 3 1)11. C A. KAMllO, ' DcnlNt All Work Guaranteed. Odd Felttfwa TtuIldlnR. lloom 318. X l'hono G3(i om 31S. it. v. Attnriicy at Liiw Offlcc WTillP-Mddo?nMK Pbn 4J4. Klamath Kails, Oro, L JAY KXAl'l Architect UcWorcoI Cowcreto tnrt' HuHdlns .i"bi'nalt) Itootns luVliMfOdd Psllow .ild uscKt.uxi:ots IIAMSIIVS llVl'llKt It 3 nu want jour stuff moved and worvl quirkget Rarasby'a Uxprccs to"ii It.,Cornr tferenth nnd Main strNU I'lione 313 KMri.OYME.NT Cull ip COUSTOCU, 595. K you want any kind o'f ItULP. nsglstcratAhe COM3TO0K It --- "AltTUl'Il II. WlUSO.V ii.iiitriiii.i Civil V.nntflrcr, Surveyor " B17 Main Slrm V. Kr.M.OGO, 3cMIt for llhi'iirrcithm I cure )i arc ofhers fall. Cor ner riftli nijAvalnut. i l'uoryflrni ml t lilrifmllM MAIIASI AXI l'lior. MMS Miikkoiiin nml Curu corns, tiunlotu and In- Krowlns-toccalls. Jlme. Tlmius stopa hair from flllng out In fire trentmanti, j'nd a perma nent rura for dnnirnff. Glre'Us .Ve'C 2l7 Kliiiuntli Ac. Don't lc the baby anlfar from eeae roc, corci or nn Itching of thv akin.'j Ointment siu- Inttint ttll.i t euros quickly, rorfwnl) mfo for!h,"5UAX C'UVY children. All druRslats tall It. '. For This Week Only CJIItlSTMAS TIIKKS. lie lo r.Oc cadi Call and ronko a selection. CltAXIIlIltllllS lUJJc lr quait. As food as the htst. i'j;i:sit iiaxcii i:ogs t.oc ir iio. f,Xl)ll-S, ALL KINDS From lie lo -10c u-r poiinil i OltAXtir.S U(lc to lidc iKir dnrrn IIL'TTKII Cliokf, fn-li Cullforiil.i Crciinicri-, U M)tiinl, full weight, hOc iwr roll, ltancli Iluttir, T3c cr roll. nAISl.NS. XLTS, I'lOS AMI DATIiS at rlylit pi Iron., wrrrun: axd cauij. ri.OVi:it from Hie gjrilrn. AVVU'A AND IIAXA.NMS nt ilrflil prices, iii.'ixtz' ci:r.i:nit.Ti:i) mixci:- .MKAT None Umr. The iionaitli Grocery1: A. O. I EWIS. lror Where to Eat I We serve the choicest of everything If you are particular try the ' PALACE GRILL i'Near.ihePo&loHIce mtmuMin notici; Truonro fun Sain troclt tfci 'in tor tvo r ilrniniMn of wnirail prv 1 ijiMini.t l).iiroMvT li"" J V. 3ir.MINSrfClt Treasure. n(l m KTKinallifI,fttl. Oro. this inii uj or pcyaf. !' CuntliMloti rnnwV headache, n.iu- in, dlrslneta, languor, tunrl ,alrll tlon. raMc physics gripe, slckon newkun tho bowel and don't cure. n.n'a ltrgulcts act gcutly and cnre consllpntkm. 38 cent. Ask your drugsrfot. .VOUCH 1H3U IHIIUCATION" (Not Coal Lands) Department of the Interior, Celled States' l-aid Oflrce at Lakevlew. Oregon, November II, t9U. -- Notice li ncrrtiv given that Charles B Worden. whnw poatofllM addrw Id Klnmatli Fulls. Oregon, did, o the llth da nf Oftotwr, 1811. file la thlo office twoi n htatfincnt aad appll oatlon. No. 0105S, to purrbata tit S4 8WH. . 10. Nit NW4. Sm 16, twp. ST S., rang 10 IS.. WtltAW- tie tnprldian, and the Umber tliere- or under tlir proTlilous of Ui act known as tlir al of Jnnol, 1S7S, and acta amm.letor , known a lb "TIB- I I .Sfr vnit Bfonv uv, ai Riien aiu u mifui w nxvn P7 appinm-mrni, nu that, pBrauant to mob application th land ami ttmbar thr6a bare bmn apnrataeil at a total of U10, thi JtlmUr Mtluutad at 840.600 board ftt at $1 pr M ami the land at ISO; that mid applicant will onVr Oral proof in fupimrt o( lilt application and avorn autotnent on tha llth da .! Jannary, IS IS. btor C. K. P I Lap, roiiLly rlerk of Klamath count at Klamath Falls. Orotoa, Anr porton la at liberty to protect thla piirchaso be for ntr or latitat, I a contcat at any tlmn bfora patmt I !, by lltng a corroborated a I davit In tlila olllea. allectna; factr 'which onUl defoaf tfao 'ntry. A. V. ORTON, U-lci-lSh ItagUtir. Everything In Music at !Y ;i 9&g& -V j"-1 " Klaniafh Falls Music Nobse It. MAINSKV, rroprlator Halo Itppneitnlhe nf lKUMAX (.'LAV A CO.S t'lAKOrl, Hir fiTin.VWAy, ami other Ltsullmr FIhiiiw. .io Hie I"nrtnm I I'lAXO. CHIwr iiwkiM at hi tnl. orate prkea. Tmilnc; am! ItPpHlra. Airanry for UIIITi: .SIJWI.VO IA( HLVT8, Ol n KK TYfKWlUTKIt AXI1 ii roit tiifivi mii iui ltMDniiiii-r) anil I'l.iww 1o lHini jt of Mm I'lfctoBlfo BICYCLES I or mm up-iii.iuti''wlii t a Itaiiit'lw, ii U Ht Hi lun Miorr. IVnta ami fwn fr miI or for n-itt. We tarry a full Utm nt THE GUJN STORE .1. II. CfMMIIKH I'bnne ,MU1 JarnU IHk. - - - -: Where? - AMD Whyl 7? -i i js I : 4 l 4 W I llrat Whr jour (.'iinvrten? Hin,..4rln do 3 "II liu) ilo JON lili) 4 I In 01 UWII!'.' 4 If you gre not getting the t i 4 4 bet-t at the rlglit price jmt mi UOt I'NI' lll)lfillllis. i' i .-.-, VAN IFEB BROS. : Phoiie aai ! yfvf VWW9&tm ! u - . 3-.L--a i AtLiu r i Sri 3SJ!SH '""""'"" tm ivirvraKM t O t liP l i I 1 l ii timtd dalU tio'l . inla) ml M- tomb itraai KtaMVTIl VM.LH. . . liRK(H.Vl Tru-sUAV, jax. a, tuisi JIAKH FOOIt lUOIS JI01IHLS tfrTiJt AKU tho county poor farms XX tha tuedoi farm at orety rounty her ttc teaaoaa ot food hl Reed tartllUlujt ana com motuodfl sbatl be taught," thii la tha alognn toon to bo prot(la,lud by eommlttta arpklac practical plan ot eoll coa serration and gr'aaral airlcujtural ! neat ton. Tha n'ed tor aomo aatloo-wlda. practical aaathod ot arc using farmer ' m rtqulrud to appear and aoiwtr tha to HT Inimwttate proBt ot batldlngj, r iiatnt fll d agalnat JOtt In tha up Instead of depleting- taalr tarwt' wom entitle I suit, on or bnfnra the as given new Impetus by the apaach Uth day ot January, lilt, that ktlag of Jauwa 3. Hill at tht optntas ot thet,i dny ot the last publication ot thla great land show In Chicago recently. !-mmiiona, and tha last day wlihlo "If American rMouree are to b 1 h-h you aro required to aaawaf. as roaserved tb fartuor nuat bo o4u-, ed by tho unlorof publlcatloa t eatod on Ma on ground and In a ihl summons practical way " aaJd M?. Mill. 'Tnie-j if ion fall to appar and auawar, ttcally all of tho ao-call d pxpurt or h,. ( islntlff -will apply to the wurt practical Informatloa on farming dls- (or tha rollat doiranded la aahl com aemlaated by our col lego of today t plaint too technical to bo nndeietood by tho Balattl l broaght to tsMraftow farmer. It rwa om hla head If .utfto oertita mortgage, etaauted In tha farmer l 18 be awa to tmdw Myer of lfc l(,intw, upon real proa, stand the kle ot tea toll sad tow r , rj-nMith connijr. State ot Ore. to replace Its fart tilt y, ho will have to Kon M follews: be met o Ma tend and hom how to . nwrlftiws -dated Pebmary is. do It there. Ht doeea W any ,,, po, tbo fol.lowlo. dorlb.Hl teatloa to pmeat metaoO. top con. (f( pr f0 w1J. serving the soil. He fc, gotni ah ad jM , ,B Wijck ,0f In the aame way that farmera have;, , , , j ,,, , , .Wofk , lor.B through all U-c .s,0turlei. The s , rfty of K,a( aamd thing waa done years ago la r w( wtlT nd ,,. Vorco and In the daj. f " At ., Mid "ot t be'iig afterwards duty r- .U2.TSiy?Mi Ww '" mruu of said produced lt.099,000 haahela of "otwortBl.) nnd now It produce oaty t.900.000.' ' , , , .., The farnur worked the soil M ton, aa! T" 'f " ',lo"r JW be eouia withont thougbt ot fortlUra- ,0 ., wiin mirr'Fi w crpoo m ine raip or, j lft f unnum fronj date WnLiU U HlCinAlllOrlL rAltl F -rrlnaol,tlo,nyahirrtB.aM not- i belli im-alU (u'x iiiouthn after da'V oURE LEAVIN6 EASlMfl;.T;" "",':. r" "-.-' No Trace of Fnmow Pynaatlte 1'loty mid OlOitn Who Hptrltrd Him 'Xt of Anrlk lUmlrt, IlHVTtve, Are llellcreiJ to Be on Sjt la . j 4, ' itUd rreM Service -OS ANOBLES. Jan. S. Slaea htilttaer McLaren "aW ta7erTirHC ,,,"'u "" " -hibpi wis hi jail In a louring car last night there Is no trace of them and it is not known bat road they will take toward. lH.twr,B no fWrwt lM t pj l0 '"""e"'" refuse to dlralge any tntor- matloo. but It la believed the party ta'itu, upou the following deacrib-d, cnrnlng tho desert by the Santa Fa. I real uroDerty. to wit: . Johanasen, Trletmoe and Xunsey were arranged before Judge Wellborn tail mAfMatMeW 1i Am., tnm b tl. ... ..... .,. lw . .., 10 oegiu win not no announced for a weak. Attomty Job Horrlruan aald 'There will be no confeaslons. will Ogbt to a finish." S W'r , . , . .. rOll BALK OR TKADB Voders ( rooming house, flrjcly furnlabed anC aomg a gooa owsiaeas; located in the ; heart of the buflness dlttrlcti Ave ,yar ltavFor rlc and tewis av- - v., .. u.i, u. a. iimi, aine Baldwin Hotel, lotelNi ..p'i,i,.i.V, 2"8t Corulipalbn, if NegUctctl, j CAiug Serioug IUnes- Conttipaition. if nrKlcctcd, lead to almost innumerable complio ttona affrctlng the rnrral health. Many tines ot typhafd fyf, api'emiicitU ana other severe dis- l asbv-mbbw. m uw ..- i lifSP n3r Vk. diim nmirnD..i ' II & f& ltfK'ng of the LdeSh. r ? Regard- I nrjS, effect of v-j-iiipiuon, t, , K. Ayers, 6 SablR St., Montpetier, Vt. aavs: I Vfl lSWvj6vn "I Wa aflllrUd wim fMitiHtlDatiun ATiA lilllnmiatatsaas yesra. swl it tlmiw teamle ug i would bttoom unreincloua. I hTv. i-L fAHSkil 1m l .. i. . ji.i. .T . " M topwV"nZ and for Uayj at a Um couWdo IT ., . "VV ago I cut a bejt of Dr. Mllta- WJuitlv. TaWtt. and ar usuig th toond 1 Had never trlwi anIMa that aUd In -un a nuitt and sfPuatlv mannsr, I Ulltva JurSVm;tcVi'WB4 lh ""' ThouSimll Af-nnnt. .. ..a from liaLitnal coiiati'...irn ,.! ....... ...w..,,., Liiiiiiiaiion ami yhilc possibly realiimg something of the (Jangcr of cor, litmn. yt negleei too log t0 .mploy proper tie, often rtkulu. The ad el jtyWq,, U. "k,p your l1?l,,?iBd .il d 'Ties Dr Mi y Laxative Tibli The advice of 1 your bowels dvla Twallu. T.1.1... . fold by ,11 drSfflfir,. .TcZU"" returned. money is .s MILC3 MCDICALCO., Elkhart, n lll i afSTrv mLSk i WJaVV5! ! UMJL.uM .) 11 1 1 l hi fir i i a l II Wo SIMMON'S I . la Hatdt? to Dureeioffli SlnrtjiMO In tbo Clrtmlt Conrt ot tha 8IM ot Oregon, fur tha county oi uiara- all. Tim Anufrleau Hank and Trust Com PMay, Curl-oration, FlalatlB. . Marl f.. aUtord d Walter B. Otf- ford. ttf and Huaband. Dutend- ants. .o Mart L. Olltord and Wallar S tiiffAnJ, Wife and nsband, 0t- foiidaBta Aboro Nawtd. In tb tiamc of ttio State ot Ore- You. end each of yoa, art hart- "' ", '" "' '" """ """."JTrT; ' j , i-". i.r mi- jiiui vc fi,v.0v. ;. MMi!MflrcH 3,: n "I li i d 4 IImIm. sr4''n sigswoj lTltlM realti 'L,' rl AI..&.1L I. KIaj.It tti .! ( ,u ,1y of Kta- it Falla. In said county and state. i... ... ,,.,-... ... ... lAiia , ,u liTur in iup imiiitii.'iv ins paimvrii of ' promlsaor note, datvd March t, I iIO. for ths sum of 1130, with In ' - - ,., .,, . ,..-!,- ' ... wr ,n7,n ,., ..... d J toLW attorney roM tor aorwlrca .f attorney herein, aaid note being pay. I U hla ait wontha ; d.t. February 10, ill I .. -M0rtB. d-tad rebmarv tt ! Lot. n kn4 i ia hink is r...j addition lo i city ot Klamath Halls, ' . . ... i n Mia roumy ftna Matai To accar to tl a plaintiff th payment of n i-rtnls Mri note, datvd KnUruary It. ill II. for the sum ot 1100. with u,tfrtt thurocn at the rate ot 10 per 'u.t.pcr ainiin from dato, and n-a wnnlilf uttoma' fej for sertlaa of! i.'toroc hen la, o-ild note being ja- Wa three luiwUia'atter date. plaintiff piay Jndgamot yon as 'follow i . . -.. . r..i.J . eum ot tf..Be. with Utereat tberton ,-..w. w.w w.wiwo tuirr.uil Ml ; tne ru or ie por cent per annum, from May T. 111. and U00 aitor 'neya fees; for tho further principal' isura of IISO, with lutereat thereon lat the rat- of ;o per cent per annum , fi-om Fuburari 10. mi, and $35 nt ' tornes' fees: for th further prlnnl ' pal sum of lioo, with Interest thore. n at the rate ot 10 per cent prr an-' lmim from February 11, 10tl, and, fur I31 htlorniya" frcs, and for coals ;nd diibuwnienU nf this salt. i. Thst oiocutlon and order of .ale, In each caose of suit, lasue here-1 Hn, to the Sheriff of Ktaniath county. Oron, nnd (hat sale be mad on tor closure, hi provided by law. on i oil of aald rral proprrty, or n turn- Oeal portion tl mnt. In VK, caUM of ,sult, to Vl"f "Bid noto and mart- . .' "oe-nag inn pay imen' ". and Interest thr on iwiicnii i senna inn i, a - .. . .?rt 'b0 C""'" "' tl0.mepu .1 I lfl,, u". and l alt right, tltlo ai.ii mteiwit. -f -a ofatJS delendnnM i In and two m'l , al property. umW , ach morfgK' n any portion th r- of hr fori closed. xi- ot'te right lo re-' .(K-em, sa provided by law, and ,Kfimrnl rellKf for I This stimmous la nnbllsti'd once a !'v.U for si conr. t0s weeks, In thi Klntnaih Jlepubl' in, woeklv n. wu caper, of gf.nrm tlrnulaUon, Drlntfd and puldielM In n'Mi Klamath l"Ur. Oregon, b oi-dfyif Honorsblel I'imry L. Dunwm. ldgat aald court ! isnd daid Novwmi.w. tan ,i,. - - -.,, .risj dggr of Novemhr, Xflf. ' mi. - 23 - l - l STom aiiAttrtriT Attorney for i'l n i f 5KIY fil B V.C0D ( t , i ii fll i. ! ! I Ml l W Cllt 'Ii' or iimi i t CAIUSUN. t,ar ontrtaat IV K. Traaafor tii iny or tiro5iritfJrfa company. Capital and Labor flust B Kepi Busy In the right cliajii.! tt Step the nation pmmvui Matloaal ptoietli Is th coll' cBVe reeult of liKul prmperllN i1 coeilW dratf" ht the mufiyiiiis thin back of both tVuttliiK e la noc- . ceaanry all wuljra of life to bring Huccea. f f wlthqul It there can be no fiitoie Out uo toB tweda th coB'lenee of her people. A torn hi know a by Its woika just m a Wan It kbown by hla di-wla. Tbm' iki better way to nhuw jour cunridcnie la the town than to t known a a liftWe owner and no ilrrttr way to gain your a) aw tf the Inde pendw 1m whtHi " "! tionary fathers toi H " irwn a fcowe f IWlci a art today . vomt, m add talk It over with us i an (fiTB toa "d Mea ot the total ot as well aa tha kind of tloibbr you'U afd Sividje Eios. lumber Co vIhtio r.Vit 6th 5t?S. P. trad; WOOD tiotid HUI VfiK'.l Ul-lucti U iO(l tITt T.tK n&& T.J' ' ( Ordrr nl lit) X fhosi'OU ttak tt E. WHITIOCK tndt3rtdkinq--tfrib;ming K. LFBJVKLY Orrgua ),iulalprrs Ucp o.!w Day Aluf Meht rt.ot- IIW m) lt Oilre and h(V I'tirwer Mb urn I1nr Ht. I his Ueautlful EDISON PHONOGRAPH Willi 12 Cdlswi Aitibrola Records llOM, OAK XAIJINI:!' 0. $47.50 Pa $5 ij.$ weekly Anil iiimIi )iniriililrc nil tin. gl, iich, iMipubir niiiklc. A (iil.iirnih,.Mi,i fur rlir iiluilo fanill. Hunii iiilntt ,ii Mill nil J'1 nd iiijnnalnli'. nullerAjusicCo Kvorylhinj'In .Music 1 WtMtttMtKttKKKKBm i asjBBsapapBaasaBSPBSwfcaiaw AA Tj awn 'I i yrc--sfc ) il Vs. X. V 'I ' v j I i j rn !r I ;jmwrwV'l't'IM -wwii,tiiii m i m naanxi nam wood r IJI.OUv WOOD I W( 'Mil. VMS I AClOlo IHIllMtltll ll AMI I.IMM Milt'lM I I III Ml Ml. IIMl MM HI N IM ' N" ''N"1 """"" IUIY HUll W'OIMI Doll vr.d Anywliure In The City 1 1 M? t'HPI l!R Alv. K 1 1I VNKI M "' I " ' ' "Nl till OlltitJOV IIAUMiHH ( t).r, II I MAIS Kl I'llll.Ni: . 1 V. C. WHITMAN FUSSY PACKAGE FOR ' fASTIDIOUS FOLKS A' box of St'kcts'tl Chocolatfri torches top notch in canuy in.tUi r J Serentli S MsIjK ettHifHMtll oe CLYDE E. WITTER i PHONE 1231 ' Before baring yeiu: Plumbiii done First class wjrk at Iott prices , espragjiisjiSMaii en. Of - - we-na-anjgasnsWsWns The World MoYet So Do We Move Baggage Passengers to and from ail trnins find and give you Quick Service Household-Heavy Freight A Specialty Blacksmith Shop In Connection Aw prepare! Jo liirn out till kinds of First Ciata Work. Shoeing apedul wltcntloii. O. K. Transfer Co. Diy Phone 871 i k '"- u IH-waaBveaBBManHM. For TImt Trip EAST ir!v,fliff 1 Call or write w for full Information rc ffardlnti ourlhrough slecjiluj car service to Boston, Chlcarfo, St. Louis, New Or lesiiK, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver without change, every nay in the year. We can also route you via Los Angeles nnd El Paso; via Ofjcleii and the Central route or via Portland and the Northern route without additional fan- fv,mrnr auie aim convenient uutomatlc slfjnnls.. 1 Southern Pacific JAMES OJGABA, G.F.fiP. Adt. S. J. BAILEY.AfJt 01 K St., .Sacramento Klamath Falls WOOD 8AUI.S01N KIM HOBIMIM Ulr 9 UNDERWOOD' Pharmacy scs MAIN STKEET t4..4t6 xm bonis Nljjht Mionc 873 geaaK-an'.Trr.a nmrw m-nmwavnrmnt .- ssr-rriwfili, and protected by tamm""TrTmr,rm;)n i tatBf3awBBBaaratiaBI ihfc xM ?fif,