' uri .V. fc -J... , " " " ' ,',. sW s if .'"Vrr 1. W r'J' i vi tft'l'I'MKII IIY TIIK KVHNIN'J .NKHHI'AMMI A " tl.NiTKii I'HKHH NKWH HKHVICK IMIIXT TIIK NKWM. MT HWTiV; i .it I j l ' i;ji G '' A '- :S, r$ Ntllli Vr No, , KI.AM.VIII FA MA, rlii:(JIN, TUIIHIIAV, JANUAItY , IUI2 Prir, Jrtn cm He fienig Mtimk RMGATION BONDS NOT VERY POPULAR CONFIDENCE NEEDED tiieiiiii.i: .MOSTLY DI'K TO ovi:it. kntiiisiasm loiuno to cosily u'iiiik wiikiii: it was IIAItlll.Y Jl'HIIIICIt llpciint In Tlio llnrnM WAHIIINUTON, II. 0., Jnn. . Irrigation securities urn nut it pupil- lit r n they Mnrn n few yenr ngo, nml public roiilldi'lli'u Itlllnt Im revived In IIiIk fnrin nf Inti'stiuniit, nr tint roin. liintlnn nf lnrg nrenit nf Inml will Im grrntly ri'tnrilt'il. Ilri'nt Impetus was Klvt'ii In tho iirinniitlnii nf iiinny Inrgn Irrigation triJ t ly prhntn enter prlsu wlii'it congress niinrlod (hit recla mation luw niul fur n Hum securities nf thin rlnss fonnil n rendy nmrkrl. Tint pr"iit slump In ilmt In n ihiiiiImt nf raiism, mining wlilrli iiiIkIiI b montliilicd llm following) Tint promotion nf miiiiii wllilrnt scheme largely fur bond. selling pur t ., iunr engineering. liiitiRlclcnt irr nvlT nn.irMTiii.iM, iiur.niinu wiiii owners in prior mm vesimi rights Tim rlili'f rnusn nf failure, however, t illirclly nltrllniliililii In ii'i untliimlnsm on I lie pnrt nf iro. unit ri wlm Iickmi nrtunl rnnitriirllnii In' fur? innkliu; a ii)li'iimllc nml llnu ninth Invmtlcntlnii nf all thn ih)lrnl rniiitltlnn rolntliiR In n innjict. llfnt iinii hnvn hi'i'ii tiullt In ulri-ninn of In. ilfTIt Irnt flnw, rillinU hnvn licrn vvt nliv iliraiich rirMn Ihti thn lo from urcpnun hnir rriulpriil llicui In- rr.r lrri(. nr forrnil iipnn tho rorinr.i tlnti hrnvy rirnilltnrfi fnr iiiIIpk nf rftiiint IIiiIiir: nil ntliiTH, Inlnr lnr. tlRnllnni hnvn rmnltivl In illnmrltiK Inrm nri-im nf wnrthlrm nr rnli Inml wlilrli liml In ha vlliiilnnlril. An n result nf thesn lll-ndvlsi'il umlerlnk lugs nmnv li'gliltnntn etitrrprlsi's nro flndltig dllttrulty In plnrliiK ttmlr s rurllle nml In rnrrlng nut their plntis for futiirn work. On many of tin, fnrgn goeriiim'nt projects thn englne'rs hnvn been hnrshly rrlllrlint for dnns In IipkIii ii I n K the nrtunl work of rnnslrurtlon. Thny rniitil not ,lend Igiiurnnrn In thi'sn mnlters, nnd knowing tho llftll ' cullies nnd dangers they hnn nrin'd ngnlnst llirm In ndvnncn Thn pro. Iluilnarv work Imn thus linolvnl such n mnlllpllrlty of drtnlls thnt when Ihi' fnrinutn Is i-xplnliied under which It proceeds, llm ln)iimn Is pnum In wou dfr Hint construction Is ever begun. Ibdrngrnphlc studies hnvn been1 made In learn about wnter supply, surveys rotnpleteil to di'termlim fonsl. blllty. mil mini) sis examined, nml Inter flimt locntlnu nf thn rnnnls dell nllly lived. Thn plnns for pnrinii ni'iit slriirtiires luvnvln pnlnslaklng nnd Intelligent consideration, ixpensn nnd limn hut nro essential to success When tin, preliminaries nn, flunlly rni.rl.idtdthoprnKressnfrniislriirllnui""" '"' wm,l'l ' much Inclined Is Htendlly forwnrd. Tho farmer "' k,,'i, "'" J'""" " ''"O" ""'" " whosn Inuds nrn iinpriidiirllvi, for lnrk'l""K nH 1'" "rI '" ",l1 fur thiMii was of Irrigation, nnd llm renl eslntongelit continuous, who Units sntes slow nrn Inclined to "This Is n hard Hum of thn yenr to grow Impatient nnd critical, nnd com. plain of departmental "red tnpo"- -tp pupulnr explatinllnii for nny delay lu guwrmitcnt wnrk Tho Natlsfnrtnry adjiistiiieut of legal nnd purely hiimnn oiiesllomi. such an claims for wntor. right of wny for icsorvolrH nnd cnnnls, Hubdlvlslou of ami signing up of prlvnto lands, r.tnto InwH, etc., Involving nn engineer-, Knights Of Pythias Tomorrow Night Tomnriow night In tho west hnll of I, O. O. T. Tom pin (hero will ho spi'tinl program nf "hIuiiIh," speeches, music nml n feiiHt In connection with tho I'i'romoiiy of Imitnllallon of tho nowly elected ofllcorH of Klamath I.o.Ikii No. 0&, KnlghU of Pythlns. Ono nf thn lending features nf tho doing.) will lio n boxing mutch between two nf tha saoet athlcllo members of tho ordor, which la tn n llnurlshlnK itnto In thla neighborhood, bonstliiK nbout eighty members. It In expected that thorn will bo an unusually largo .vttendnnca tomorrow night, and tho lii fi-iil uron mo oven moru trying, nml iciiuln, greater pntluiirn, nn they run nun, iniiio lluui limn tho iIIkkIhi: of nmtila unit building f dniiis, I In nvnry community tin, human ciiuntlnti U Ini'-IimI In mnt (th nf prl- vin properly, In sehomi-n fur porHoiml .iHi:riiuillrluiiil, which omlmigur tli" C.Ktilor work, nml which i;lvn wny inly lifter dnlny nml litigation. Nnr i urn theso nil tho ohitniinn In Oil- wny ol irniiiit ml Inn In building which arc lint with nn liiiiny n( (tin projects, 1 Mnrv ii n mi) I ii k ilulnyn hnvo nrlttn I'llicn Inlersliilo nr International ipioi- lion hnvn ri"iiln'il ni'llli'iiM'iil. ! On llm Kliiiunlh project It win no. t'1-art.ry fur tin, legislature nf Orncm .ml Milk lllvnr iiueiitliiiiR of Interna- lionnl wntcr lights tierr Ititi'rvi'titlnu nf tin, slnt to ni'Kotlnli', nml nets of rnngros rnnllrin trentli's with our iiHr.hhnrH on , , ,,, ,, ,, Thn Milk IIImt project In Mnntnn.i luvohoit prubteiui which worn nut only ilimcull, hut unburn Tim sniircb i'f wnfr supply were hln-iiiiM rising In this country, but both nf which Unwed lulu Cnnmln, nml through il ro glim roiitiiltilng n tnit nmiiiint of wit unbli, Inml inslly Irrlgnti-il Onu of thi'si, rivers, thn HI Mnry, flows nrruM our borders, nml nutm of Itc waters returns to tho Unllnl Hlnles. Tim nllirr, Milk Itlvcr. after Irnvlng this rnuntrr, flows fnr nearly IP" mllm on tin, Cnnndlnn stdn of tlio lino nml then returns In Join thn Missouri In Northern Mnntnun. Tim rimln. erlng plans call for llm) si. -aa n - m -,. i s-fc - -. - , ( Continue! nn I'ngn 31 FIND DUTY HARD wimiik vi:.iiu:it MAKIX All si:.n'i: i'iiom hemi: hiksomim nml Cnllfnrnln to priililo fnr tho riM. ' "' ., , .. ,"""""""""'""""' "" , continued today, tho Ituiulnn troops Shi Kal ha8 secured funds froai Man- lining lieram. mo Portland Ortgos. H tn ll,.. iiuilniml i:v,.r......',.t ,.f J:",,!,: "" ' ,W " "' lumber production, id very fcw ,,. c,g, moro ,ca,,0M c prIneei nn from 0,icr prlral0 Inn and othtr 0 g ..orln.n over.low.,. Hid. ... thn.iij ' " J . ' "e r ; "Z aZZZ ! ,:,"t w ,;an e",f,rdn' " J'T """" ? lmM'M Ed.on W.ti. of th. r. - '-. --rl-. -4 - L' Si: r,V:Ur:.' -" -" Zr.r:ZXClZZ Sr.Ul n '" ? -.-command o. d.., "An . h appeared , . . iitn iiitmi- i.r..i...iM ii... if,.. f,,Mi..ii - " i-" " ----i uu, i mar nn nisi lunn i ciianro ni.i... FARMER WITH KIOPK m:i:iiiII ATri:V-,Miihcn TIO.V IIAII.V It will bo necessary fur nttorues Interested In law rnses on for tlm cur rent term of tlm circuit court to fish, ...l, I.nII .- .... 1 1 .. all. .PA Tltt.. iiuiu ,,,,, . ,, ii.. i.. i , "V "V, """""" "' -";"t Hen y I. I ten nn this morulug In I '! IH.Hi.Hlh "l. "' MMO "" . , . ,, rllncl to haw, somo work do..,, by tho Jurymid heHen. Ithnmulf hero n cup In tho cub ndar but In, did still" Iftkn Jurors, especially thoso fiom out of tlm iit, who nro looking utter their farm properly, nwny from their homes nnd keep tlioui," said his honor. 'Tho court Is very much disinclined to call these men to tlm tity mid hnldiihool. ('lilnu.o nt 1020 u. m. today. them lien, uiiIosm the fnrk Is renlly hero mid nt linml for them to do. II Is n ory niilinppy tlmo of tho ear for them lo bo delnlned from 'fnrms. If Installation Will Have Stunts commlttro nn m'imigements haa gone to uniiHunl pnliiH to get tliliigs rigged up for nn oniioclnlly guod tlmo. Tho coiumlttoo (oiulctH of Dr. O. A. Itmu Im, Jiupor Hcmtott nnd O. O. Low, Tho oDleerH to bo lustnlled nro ns follews: 1 ll. Ilromor chnncollor cnmnmuder,;Jolm MuIIirmo vlco chnn collor, 0. A. Itnmho prnlalo, Alhrocht Oehlor mnotor of works, Albert RMor koeper of records nnd iimstor of lliiiinco, W, II, Dolboer uinntor of ex chequer, Jiiupor lleunott mautor nt nrms, Henry ltnbbt'a Inner guard, 0, C. Low, outer guard,. tint (linlii nf nm"i fnr their ikllli rii ;tl(iim bri'iilnr, llm (oitrt will lie In jdlni'il In fixciniv thoiiii wlm llvir nwny J nml let Di'tn ri'lnrn In thrlr hnincH, nml I liu iillnrncyn urn fnko tln-Ir dintici'ii itftorw rinl with u iic-;litl vn- nlrn." I Tim ri'i;ulnr imnol which nttnnilcd , court thin mnriiliiK nmly In tnkn up unrk 1'iinflnln nf I). II. NlrlmU, Jnhn ' rorhi-n, TliiiliiM i:, lltiinlcy, I'. P. Win Mrtnr, (I. II. Ciirtiitnn Al'xnmirr Mc-1 Dnnitlil. II. H. I'nrUli, I'lnyil llmmlon- jlmri:, II. It. Diinlnp, Jncoli itcuck. 'f'liiri'iint II. HmlerwDDiI, It. J. HIii'Oll. ill. V. Timor. I I An mint, of llm rrllilltinl r linen whirl. thn rnurt wllirit to tnlti, up flrtl rouhl l hi, tnki'li up tinlti), thr mint iillonl llm Jurnm to rii. iirilnrlnc thom'to rn irt nl 9 o'clock tomorrow mnrnlnK. With lliu miiniint nf minw now r.n tin' iiioiiihI In thn to im try It h Im piimlhlu fnr tli'.1 InriMi'm to linvo the nioik fnl hy itrnzlni; nml tlio mtlnmU I nvo In lio ftil twlr" n ilny. Aftnr thf "IIBERY CASES HOT SET TO TH Ya UlhTIIKT I'Iivsk ia.s si:.vr AriiiitNJ.v ri:v IIV HAYS AOO TO, slI?i: MiMAHOX UAH w . 'r iti,i'oini:i) No dnto was set for Han.tKl A. Mr.Mnhun tlio trim n nnd James Hughes, accused of offering bribes to Vli.ri.r l'r.t.1 1' Unnil.iPtf.ili lr.tiili1.Ht 1 Marlon Hanks of tho Klamath Palls city council nml Coiiiicllinr.n lliitsoll A Af j , r,rcll t ,,,, mor lug. Tlio court called tho rnsi, of Hughes Itulldlng going on In tho state nt tho',,. ,nvo rontlnunnco In the ca. nnd Dlstrlrl Attorney Hell V. Kiiyken i present tlmo. Tho two lines up Dcs- As witnesses for tho stnto will have dull raid that he was not crlaln yetjehutrs: Itlver. tho lino lo Tillamook, t0 i,0 iHmmoned from Vancouver, U.' when tho enses could be tried, nl-ijust completed; the lino from Kugenop,t n two-dns' Journey, the district I though tho stnto wna prepnred to go! to Coos Ilny, under constructien: onojnt',(,rn(,J. pcj yt Kuykcndall ask'd nhend. llo stated that Hughes could i from Nntron to Klamath Palls, ami ., rnr'. In ciTn ,m tn ham thn" t not wrl.1 go to trial without Mc.Mahon Jothcrs thnt might bo mentioned. showing made, and nlso to summon bltig ready, nnd ho understood Mc. "While, as n mntter of fnct. thott0 witnesses. If tho showing Is In Mnhoii was In bed III. I mails will develop moro or less agrl- stimrlcnt and tho trial procewls as J "1 sent n phjsl.lau tho other da cultural, fruit nnd dairy Interests, ,Intcd$ to nscertnln Mc.Mnhnn's condition, i1'10 l,rl," "Uject Is to tnp tho great It u not known whnt crounds At- nnd ho bus not reported ci.- said tin, district attorney. "While Mc Is tint exactly a co-defendant ,' of Hughes, the sltuntlnn Is sometlilimi'lnlp'""1" '"d not only glvo thi akin tn that." The court pnssed tlm caso fnr the present. The chnnrcri nro that It will Im n month be (ore tho trlnls of tho two men nro tnken up. If then. Tho .tPalr rnmo hero nbout thr'o weeks ngn pliml, but for somo ronao,, Allor- ' c M 0.Spi tMf wmnwI , I . ... M ., ... I.,.,. . , !,... .-!.. sI.aI.'IIVs 1 119 HtllllUHl Mill UU UUUI 'not roniiy (o navo tliom ninKo tiieir. j . nnd probably trebled within tho . ,'(ir . Afl..Mntlol) WM IllIllckPl,ow yenrMlius making n market with congestion of tho Iuii;r. nnd bus been' confined to his room nt tho Whllo Pellcnn over since under tho enr" of Dr. I.eoW. Chilton, I.AUIHOI'AKi: INrillt'ACO . llltl.AKH CHINA IN I'll :ri:s United Pros Service CH1CAUO, Jnn. 2.--A.. onrthaunko i.Miiny thought nn mplojlim hnd oe- currod. 1loues nnd dour wer. Jinn- mod nnd ihlnn smiiKhed. At Jollct vflernl hulldlngs rocked, nkirmlng tho liihnbllmitH. A panic eiiDiied nt tho ptnto peiilteutlnry. Tho shock wna nlso plainly felt nt Wnshlngton, Milwaukee mid other cities. third mijm GOES OVER SEVEWL MONTHS Stnto AsUk CrirHlniinni'o In Proieeu Hon of Pli)sleliiii fur Killing of Old Man HwoH -Actuseil In on Hull lu tin, Mooiillino United Press Servlco KANSAS CITY, Jnn. 2 Tho third trlnl of Dr. H)do for tho murder of Colonel Swopo tins brou continued until Mny 27th, tho stnto nuking tho continuance, II) do It at liberty on bond, II I 'J LEAD IN LUMBER stiti- I'oiti-HTi'ic hwiI uttv ,"t'"t" w,'r" ,""'',, "rcr ,,ro rn,n ,0 bl.UI, IOItl.sri.lt H.Wtl HrATI. i,1,,I,,t(? ,c tIlftn J0 a0Ucd .IIMI'KII ritOM TIIC lIKiirril IO itmonnt clvin their territory. Tlllllll I'l.ACi: I.V TIIC VJIAIl T'iv K"vcrnm'-n' clnlm this nhowi Ihnl pnekrm iHrMed proflln anil ihoiil JI'ST IWhHICD , ri., onMn together. BAI.KM, Jnn. 2. Htnto Knrcilcr V. A. i:illdllAiiii'nkliiK of tho timber ro- H'lUf oos of Oregon, Hi ironjmlc raluo, III .lrv..opmonl ami Urn wro which tlioulil lio taken of ll, a; "OwInK to Inck of trnusporlatloi facilities, our Ittmbor lijfiliiiwi hax crown very nlowly. but Intt jcar wo. Jiimpi'il from tho flghlh jlaco nmonn. .,. man, in iiiii ,..arr, fm,y nn- natural ri'S'Jiircn, nnd sec to It thnt there Is as llltl wailn at possible In hnnjlliig, manufacturing nnd market ing fnro-jt products, "Wo derive from -10 to 60 per cent thn tines from timber and tho ber business, and lu some of our envlly limbered coimtl's this per centage may safely bo Increased to 75 jior cent. So, from the tnndM)lnt of taxes r.lone, tho stnto Is Justified In expending vastly rnor money nnnunl ly fnr protection gf tho forests from NOT Yl.Tlnrc. for liitcatlgatlou of timber fnnd reforestation than, wo nro s Ing. This, however. Is only n ber pests spend- irmall Itutu In umparlnn with tlio tniino i)one urlnK esdl-irr( ,,,,lt t0K(ni nmj innuufiicl ilmber. CO nor cent nf whleli cixi i " rrrty nto the hands of tho laborer, tho farmer nnd the lnerchnnt nnd does moro for tho upbuilding nnd do vo'opnjcnt Qjtho st.it than ull other nnturnl resources eoiiiu'inca"? "Take, for example, tho railroad Hmuer belts thnt havo been without transportation fncllltlw. nnd the, fanner, tho fruit grower nnd the timuer crnm tor tms uevciopment. but should nld In every wny possible tho maintenance of n sultablo and competent forco for Its protection. "Tho stnto Is producing ISO 0Q0.- 000 worth of lumber annually, mt -..'....... ,......h. . n. ., telephono poles, shlnul .1 like amount In piling, ll s. tclcgrtvph ck, wood, bo doubled next for Just thnt much mora labor nnd sup plies nnd disbursing nn enormous miifliiut of mon'y to bo distributed thioughout tho state. Wo now ship liO per cent of thla lumber out of tho Mate, nbout 21. per cent Is used by tho Mirloua wood working plants of Ore-' ..on. Whllo CO per cent, then, Is mouoy brought lu from other stairs mid goes to holp build up our Indus tries, wo should encourage tho do wlopmcnt of our vnsl water power, tl.o establishment of moro wood work lug plants and homo building Indus trl's, (o furnish on.plojmcut for our fan Increasing population. "Our timber Industry In 1910 pro duced one-third more' wealth thnn our llrherlcs, dairies, mints', hops, fruit, poultry nnd wool combined, nnd tlnoo-llttlia Hint of nil agricultural Industries. Ah our timber diminishes, h(iueer, practically nil thess Indus 1 1' I erf will enlnrgo nnd broaden, ns wc still hnvo thuusnnds of acres of tim ber .'.rowing on Innd thnt, when clear ed, will ho utlllied for general farm ing, grazing nnd fruit raising. PACKI.H8 IX POOL FIXKIi roil l.XCIM.IUNO TIIAIM. Allotted In Their Terrltorr. lVnnlty llelng 10 Cents W'r UMl PouniN of Siuii Kxcess, lUvldetl Avirontt Thoso Whoso Trade Vns Short United Press Servlco CIIICAOO, Jnn. 2. tho packers' trial wns. resumed today. Veeder ad mitted a ponalty of 40 cents for each 100 pounds for oxcess allotment to nny illntrlct w&n nimc-incil ncnlnnt thai 'imckem lirfikliiK tho nRri'cmcnt. Collbttlong were weekly, but ho 'rouhl not remember llm ncKrcgnta 'ntiioimt. Vccd'T itnti-il thnt IMwnril 2 nrtln, rcnrcicntlne Armour, wnii rlinlrmnn of (ho pool, nntl on ti Is or ilen lt pennltlcx wuro mraecit. ' llo tnlil thi pennllleii and nmrm. tit'uuitvu invn i I'tiii-ftu '. OF I'KIWMX INTUI.KII.IXCi: PM KVr.lrrtn, ,, WuUt Morn, Ti ilny, the IUmIIp llelnc llrnitseil TIimiiirIi llm htrrre Will Kti'rulc UMl, If XiTcfuarjr to I'nrjKwu United Prciic Bervlce TAIIIIIZ. Jan. 2. IVarfill rcprhal. FAULDER WANTS TRIAL DELAYED t.vrron.vr.Y v. m. o'.viiii.i. woui.ii I.IKi: TO IIAVK CASH OK IN Dirn:ii .Mt.niii:i:i:i: ro.VTI.V- rr.ii r.vriij ri:niir.iiY . - " U Uk WhlIe ho milrrcr ca.o or Nobel Wilde. San Diego banker, who Is to be Paulder for the killing of I.ouli Orb- tried here January 8th for cmbcxxlo- was tng mornns Mt by Jnigolncnt 'of 190,000 from tho defunct Menry I.. Ilcnsor oi trial nl Mon- il-y morning a. : o'clock, tbe.-c I ley morning a. '. o'clock, tbe.-c l "lc likelihood that It will bu'taken i; at that time. Attorney C. it. U Neil!, for F.'ti!der, ;shs to tnnko a showing why he tornoy O'N'III will offer for n contln- uance. Paulder, whose brother cnTp hero from Australia to bo with him during his trouble, Is In Jail, unable I ,0 fura,,n bani antl ha, ,10cn c,icr '1(.le or undcr KUftr,, oltt,lIo tvcr ,.ire ,,,, arrcrt JuBt afu.r lll0 murdcr iatt Atigust. p u r,p'or,0,i t0 ,,aT0 flllI. rrf0V. ,,., m. ..,,,, n,nn .! H. Mills ropr'sentcd the accused orlg- Innlly. nnd wns successful In keeping tho wounded man tn comfortnblo quarters outside tho county basilic for somo tlmo, tho double guard thnt was necessary for the accused, Qo. Mnpleston nnd John D. Carroll, cost ing tho county I1S0 per month. Klnnl ly Faultier was oBlc'allv declared able tn withstand tho rigors of Jail life and wns remanded by Sheriff William U. names. Attorney C. M. O'Neill enm? Into tho cnuo rather unexpectedly on tho withdrawal of Attorney Fred II. Mills, mid bns represented the Indicted mnn, who faces nn Indictment for mnrdr In tho first degree. Somo tlmo ago Faultier appeared In "ourt nnd entered n plea of not guilty. It Is expected thnt Insanity will be on of tho defensea relied on by the defendant. Jitdgo Hen son this morning gave Attorney O'Neill until tomorrow morning to tnnko his sbowing for cnntlnunuco until next month. IMPERIAL TROOPS TAKE SERVICE WITH REPUBLIC All .Soldiers Under Kinperor's thinner nt Lnnrhnw Arv Now Under n IK-p. uty of Yuan Shi Kill, nml Will Mnrcli Against Imperial City United Press Servlco TIENTSIN. Jnn. 2. All Imperial troops at l.nneliow hnvo Joined the republican soldiers under conimnud of Wnng Wei Tao, a doputy of Yuan Sbl Kal, and announce that they will ha- INDIANS PROTEST GOVERNMENT ACTS Kin n iniTch towanl Pekln tomorrow. WnntUfactlnn In iprcndlni? mnonic' troopi In tie northern province. owl Ihk to tho Inability of tho Rorerntnnnl' to pay thern or their agenti. Tho ro- 1 . -. - . .- . -... jpuuiicans nnvo prommcu rcBuinr pay to tiiout wtio join tno rcboli. H&ouia. tho rovoll extcnil to tho northeast the! Mcnp0 0f ,,ho ',ftl fa!?1,y '",'' '-. .mint completely cut off except by the ehui nrr preparing fpr their last utaml nnd It Is tnld they hnvo rnnjle propar- atlom for n mnnncro. to begin at the nni warning 01 1110 repuuiicnnj op- . , . , proach ng Pekln. A Shanghai dispatch laying Yuan front. If trur as- r'ported, was tin- t.HM.H ... TI....I. .kH .U .ll-,-,. nnunii in iuiiibiii niivii iuu liinya.ii about tha troops was compiled. i:viiii:xri: ac.uvst ua.vkku 8TOI.KN FIIOM ATTOUXKYH Ollltrs of li)er U'lio Are In riiarne of Ones of Aerusr.1 San lllego Pliingfr Am VMte.l by ilurglam, Mini Steal Inhibits . - United Press Scrvlco ' PORTLAND, Jnn. 2. Offices of , District Attorney Camfron and A. E. Clark, special prosecutor of Louis J. Oregon Savings and Trust company J were burglarlaed last night, and urac-8 were burglarised last night, and prac-!aRrccmcnt o"t two years ago. haa Itlcally all Um rlilcnea'agalnst'WIIdon0T,,r bccn 'U'fl"d nor satlifactorllr stolen. WOULDPRYEOOSE MONEY ATTACHED COPIIT I.ISTKNS TO WHY FUNDS TII.D IT IN KI.NT VS. GOOD- GOOD-1 nil-ii should m: allowkd to CIKCl'UlTi: Motion to dissolve tho attachment secured by Joseph S. Kent In bis cato against Charles F. Goodrich, who conducted a grocery at Seventh an 1 .Main streets, was beard this after noon In circuit court by Judge Htnry L. Ilenson. Argument to dissolve was mndc by Attorney W. 11. Shaw who I nlso assignee of the store. It appears that several creditors of Goodrich nsslgned th-.-lr claims to Kent, who Instituted suit for the re covery of money, nnd attached nbout 590 which Goodrich hnd on deposit with tho Amorlcan Hank nnd Trust coxpany. Goodrich made an assign ment In favor of Shaw, nnd about $900 which Slmw hnd collected and deposited In tho bank was ajso nt trched by tho asslgne of tho credit ors. Shaw contends that tho attach- incut of tho funds bo had deposited of said treaty. Now, tho thing to And seoms Improper. 'out Is "Who Is who and why?" With both sides of the controversy I "Wc bellovo that these matter can arising through assignments, tho caj,nnd will bo finally s'ttled and tha Ii one of tho assignee of creditors money nnd land fully restored to u against tho aislgnco of tho debtor. that Is legally due us." Brandenburg Receives Notice Of His Appointment As Postmaster Postmaster Clyde K. Brandenburg hns received from First Assistant Postmaster Goncr&l C. P. Orandfleld notice of his appointment as postmas-' tor at Klamath Falls for four ytara' from December 20th, tho appointment having been nindo by William Howard Tatt, president ot these United States. Tho necessary bond and oath of of flcohavo been sent to tho postmaster to bo oxecuted, nnd not until these, aro attonded to will ho bo rfnlly and truly postmaster lu every sense. A the lawyers might aay, he will be post- . ., Tf,riI1 ni,IITC VAI I I fit IK KluH IS " '('Iiji CASH AI.I.OTMK.NTg ARM NOT .MA III; ANl) THAT TIIIHAL .MONi:V I ILK THEM IIEM.tI.XS A .MVHTKHV SnrKent Drown and Henry Jscksos of Ilonanin, elected ai dillgatei by tha Klamath trlbo In regular council No- ... .. ., . w ombor 12 1910, arc arouied by ar ' llc,M wh,ch haro PPered la U nowsnaucrs auotlns SudatIs ,,, , .... ,. , M.WM H ,. .U Klamath Indian reservation la sow virtually open; tbat thcro are thous ands of acres oi flnu agricultural land that can bo sold at public auctloa upon applicatien: "Now tho facts are that this reser vation Is not now open, and It will , not bo opened until matters that are .bbforo tho department aro settled. I Tho Uootb-Kolly comoanr hass (through somo scheme obtained a large anu "luaoit picco or land, and tM Rovcrnmcnt has, also, through thtlf "K6"1' Prlcd us of large sum et onsr. This m wcal proceed I of tbes and oth ...is ,u u. .uiuaini ivivrv to any final aettleasMt other matters. The allotment of cattle as par cooiummatad. The cash allotBieaU havo not ben marl as per agreemeat. and wo cannot 'understand why thai; yoro not so trade. The tribal Aenajr duo us from deceased Indians !a atop a mystery, can not be loeati-d and whllo we are sure the same la Mfe, ws would at leist like to know Just, who Is getting tho Interest on It. "Our undemanding Is that Ageat Watson Is only a hired man on a rtat led salary ..nd not the Indian depart ment Itself. "When thes. "When thes. matters are all tet- .If'1 ,,rBa'1Jr an,d tl,r0UBh ,he co,,1rt, trat Is-tro only manner In wl;lch wa desire to adjust these matters, then, 'and not until then, will the tribe bs ready to hnv the reservation opened up. "Tl-ero nre a'so about twenty-nino Modoc Indium that have been allotted lands In the Indian territory, and bv coxe citizens of tho United State tint tho gnvrnment has allowed (against our wishes) to come hero nnd share our allotments nnd money. Tho whlto man hns Just as good right to theso privileges as theso Modoc, and we want an understanding at to what right the government has after taking nwny tho tribal authority of them to 'rolmmerso' them again and glvo tboiu our money and land. "Tho condition of the treaty with Iho government and the Klamath In dians hnvo bo'n violated, and we feel that wo havo not been dealt with ac cording to tho laws and tho provision master do facto, but not de jura, tm tho Interim. The nows of his final appointment reached tho Herald through a tats grain somo day ago, and was pub lished at the tlm. As h took oaM October 1st, the dolaya which bay b sot his path to the offlce have aasalMy boeu to hi advantage, for he haa Mas In offlco three months, and kM JMt . tlcally tho full term of oflat) 4 !? yean ahead of Ma. , w A -M r, .- ri ' i r ' V Sf .,. IC; T'i,,l" -r-v-?r-'