(HV Kr m ,, TV $tje f ttmina sisth Year N. mu KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, MONDAY, JANUARY I, IBIB r4-F ) "'-JV Memo. HrnnDnm vicmD prbbjb news bbryioh - TWENTY-FIVE MEN TO BUILD JJP ROADS ' I ho proud of It schluvomontt, but they nnAinorn intiiiMivn f NUIrlldtU lUNYIOI d IJUIKIK WORIIKN HRTUHXR FftOM VIMT TO PORTION!) AND HA. MM, IHUXOINU MKAAAUK FROM TIIK OOVKItNOIl Judge William H. Wordan returned Saturday evening from I'ortland and Bslem, where ho wa caltnd on bull- dm. While In Hnlem Judgo Wordnn railed on flovernnr Writ rotatlvo to muring ronvlcta for work on the county roada (he coming niiuiinr. rhe governor Im promised In ftirnUli uamain county wun twoniy-nrn mnn, nd It I. Planned to have them her.. , J In work about March lit, It wrath., ft condlttona will permit. Oovornor Wett asked Judgo Wor sen to leu Ilia peopio or Klamath aunty that ho felt greatly plraiuM Hth tho way thn rounty tin donu ila year, and that thn people were progressiva aa thoy showed them. rlvra to be, Aa far n road Improve- Rent wa concerned, tho governor isted that Klamath county itood In ho front rank, and that whenever a Hmnty ahowed a dlipoililon I" '" l't'- Iroiilrn and had done as Klamath I ounty had dune, ho would go hit limit to aatlit It. ! Governor Writ advocate tho ron. ktrurtlon of a good road through from rhe Dsllc to Klamath Kail, and predict It would bo ono of tho incut Important highway. In tho Mate. U uromlae that If thorn I anything hoi""'" "'" wiwuui employment ana in do for tho development of tliia tlon, that all tho people have to do la to rail on him, and that ho would nako poraonal trip hern If necee. ry. It I quite probabln that the avornor will vl Klamath county iter la tho year. rrfU.'KT CAR. AUTO SMASH IX TKIUCO HURTS NUMHKH rolllaktn Xrar Famnwa (iolnVH Jate lark In Which Krvrral l'irngrra im Both t'vrjranrr Muilaln In. Jarlra Mora or lo Hrtiout Inllrd I'rreo lUrvIre BAN ritANCIBCO, Jan. I. draco liter ha a fractured ikull, and may If; It. D. Scott had hi rib fractured nd five others wero Injured In a trcck of a atreot car and auto near ulden Oats Park. T, C. Petenon, Mr. J. Mcdulro and rr ion, J. R. McOulre. of Portland Iffored loner Injuria. 1MKPIUI t'RQKfl t'MON MK.N to okoani.r Tuonovnnr.Y ta That Organlird) litior la the Grrwloat Infliirnre of Prrarat Agf lor CommoH llunuinlly, and I'lraila With Mm to laaUt on lllght llted Prea Service WABIIINOTON. O. C, Jan. 1. nuel Oompori, proaldent of tho nerlean Ftderatlon of l4ibor. tald lay: "In our time tho mott powerful ln lenco for common humanity haa en organliod labor. That auch n kia movement will have vlclultudea uit bo expected, but It ha done o uch to bring light and hopo Into the tea of worker In thla new yoer tho oplo of tha country may not only acramento Wielders Of Sphere Two Games From Pavilions III playei svlllon team reiuitea T1Tsjgeeic. rles for the visitors, but It demon- atsd that tha local ansa oaa go BO. Tho first fame on Saturday night find tha visitors hardly In as good ipe aa they would have wished for reason that they were tired from vellng, hut Uty pat up lively rap, Just tha same. Tha entire nntot of visitors ahowed form and d. with tact In tight places. They n the gaaaa II to II. alur aitaraaM tha vteltara won I hatter ahaaa, a4 at the aasw time way look to It with confident etpuc- ltd"" that the cmuio of right and Jim- tiro to humanity will Im protected ntid advnncml, Wn urge laboring men to orgniilii) moru thoroughly than uvor. Ho porslitcnt nritl Inililcnt on main InlnliiK tliolr rights, llo patient, ftt rt otlo and human." FAHT (.'HOMM-TOWN IIUN.NKH IH HT. MARY'S COLI.MJK MAN Wins Nrw Vmr'i Day Alliletlr Ktri'nt In Han l'riirlii, letting It Prom IVrry to Hml lllrka llousn In -fig Time. tilled I'rria Herviro HAN FIMNCIBCO, Jan, 1. Itolmrt Vlucht captain of Bt. Mary'. College ""'","" """ '" """ ., I . 7 ml let. In 44 minutes 10 eocond. Tha record for the courto I 40:80. Im I (I by (lcorgii Hunting of Now York Ono hundred and fifty runntia clr.rti'd JOBLESS MENSE"eK WORK Oil NEW MUABOR ROAD "" "" " !! lluiwlml Hopeful Our Man I '" "ni "' mnuiiMra i.ny nan for liiiHyirirNi, aaa nrm Twenty. "" ' H"( "" " " " , ' ,",, ' '"" ncrvic ruTi.AMi. n. i. novorai nun- Hlth famllle to aupport lined up at ill) hall, each hoping that ho would he ono of tho twenty-flve choicn to ko to work on tho Mount Tabor road. Tho nnthorlllr took tho flrit twenty-fire men In (ha lino. Name of.thit otWr werc.takcii, aud It la prabablo tlmt the men hired will be given lr rrauUr work and thoio on tho waiting Hit given a chanco to earn a few dot lira. DEATH COMES IN PEACEFUL FORM MTTI.K UN'K WKI.I, KNOWN TO DM) AXII YOL'.VU OP KMMATII PAMi IMHHES INTO QIIBAT IIHYO.NI Dlod At tho family residence, A. O. lull, Infant son or Old Father 'lino, aged I year. K'ineral aervlc-ta iiiihnrsal and public Yt, another llttlo ono hat paisod away, Tho white boardod Old Uoy who ambits over the earth with bla scythe ha onco more been bereaved and tho death of 1911 may bo wrltton In tho chrnnography, Tho death was unusually peaceful, and the little one gavo up without a atrugglo. Tho celebration attondant up Ita paislng was ono of tho qulctcit over known In Klamath Kails. The fact that tho death canto on 8unday night tnado tho going attended with leas hilarity than usual. Tha churches celebrated with a union watch mooting at tho Methodist tha home lads had bocome more used to their advorsarlci, their style of play and gonoral tactics, and were also Imbued with moro con Monro and additional llmborness. Tho rosult was a hard fought contest, with a closer result, the visitors taking the go 18 to 16. Here's tha lineup: Sacramento Dlckman and Blake forwards, Veltrop center, Donald and Palm guards. Pavilion Ilayden, Barnes and Krause forwards, Humo center, DeLap and Ambrose guards. RaftraaH. I Dak. nwalre mr. Kplscopal meeting house after the hour of tho regular evening services. At midnight tho church bell was tolled and those who had been bent on get ting tho niiwborn year started In life with religious rojolclng turned to eat refreshments provided by tho church women, At tlm Whlto Pelican hotel there whs ffastlng, and tho evening was liiigoly glvon over to a lecture by nun Mrlntonh, actor-autlior-lcctirer-phQ- ICKinphur traveler. In some of the prlvato homes thorn wero quiet meet ings, with ioiiio not so quiet. Tho street rojolclng was of a leas vim-Homus naturo than usual. One vigorous Individual on Main street, down town, swung a cowbell and ollrd "turkey dinner," although tho hour was rather an unusual one for a ream of such nature. The usual clam or of bulls, whistles, horns and vocal chords wa practically missing. It ti mora of a night for stooping than slamming. Knct Is, a good many had celebrated with guito vim, verve, and many oth er things liquid and solid Saturday night, and wero not ready to under take any more business of a like na turn last night. JOHNSON QUITS PIONEER PRESS IIKYXOMM TAKKM IT IlKIXH. IJCAVINCi TIIK BOOKKKBTtNO, WHICH IM NOW IN HAMM OP MIHH AltCIIKR Klmer Johnson, who has for several months been connected with the bust ties end of the Klamath Falls Es prois and Plont-cr Press, bsa resigned from that position, being succeeded by U. A. Ileynolds. until recently bookkeeper for the edse. '""T Mr. Johnsoa wUl ga Lts Beaak, Calif., lo rejota Mr. OaUaaa, wise tsasi to bo In tho real estate business here with him. Mis Kathryn Archer, lately stenog rapher and phone operator In White Pelican hotel, haa taken the peatUoa of bookkeeper, vice Mr. Reynolds. DKATII OP A. H. BORINK A. 8. Ilorlne died yesterday morn ing at tho Baldwin hotel of tubercu losis. He was an Odd Fellow, belong. Ing to the RIon 1-ndgo, and had been cared for by the brotherhood here since taken down with Illness. He camn to Klamath Falls some months ago, and for a time stayed at the Hen ley ranch south of thla city. Tho body wai shipped to Slsson this afternoon for Interment. ALL (lOATH PI.KAMK ATTKNn TO OFFICIAL 8TATICMKNT United State Wants 8,000 of All KIimIs lo MalNtalN Firebreak In l,na Aagelca Forest Prose rv re ta the Vlclally of toe Angelea United Pre Se'vtra 1.08 AN0EI.K8. Jan. 1. Angora gnat, bewhlskercd goats can-eating goats, Hilly gaots, and also Nannies, attention! The Unltod States government wants 3,000 of your Ilk to maintain tho firebreaks In tho Aagetea forest preicrres, provided yon 'easy he ob tained without cost. Hero Is the propesition: It. II. Charlton, forest supervisor at ls Angeles, says It costs the gov ernment thousands of doltara to keep tho firebreaks clear of weeds each year, llo flgurea that 8,000 goata could do this work nicely, enjoying themselves meanwhile. So, the of cr. TVIETMOE I0 01HEIS .10 HAVE GASES P0S1NKD f;' Probably Vatll Jnljr, Owing te Ooa grated State of CrlaMaal CaKwdar, Hut They Will Re Arranged Before Judge Wellborn Tomorrow v HiiIIih! Press Service LOS ANOSLRfl, Jan. 1. Tha cog splrsey easea of Tvletmoe. Johanaaen, Clancey and Muasey will probably ha delayed to tho July, criminal calendar of the federal court. They will be arranged tomorrow ba- foro Judgo Wellbora. Forty criminal cases will precede them, u tho regular procedure la ad hered. ' OPEN GRILL ROOM OF LIVERMORE TONIOHT WITH BANQUET, MIMC, HPKKCHKfl AND MAYBB JVDOG WOltDRN AND PAUL JOHNSON WILL KNUNCTATB At tho new Llvermore llotol tonight the opening of the (rill room la tha basement will be celebrated by a largo company of dlnors, nd tha eveat will probably be the Mggest New Tear's day ft this City. , There will be a banquet, eoaalatlag of eating and drlaklag, aa most ban quets usually do, music and speeches. Probably aeaoag those called oa to orate will be County Judge William 8. Worden and W. T. Jobasoa, treas ure r of the Klamath Development company. It la expected that there will be about 200 guests present, the demand for space having been heavy up to dare. I.iDYLIKK CKUnBRATION AT PORTLAND TBJ DAI If Chief of Folic) fetorerV Hermly Obarrvaar Are Hemaade No Csmfrttl Crowds or gripssHaas Paradee I'nlted Preas Service PORTLAND, Jan. 1. PorUaad'a celebration of New Tear'a will be "ladylike." That la. If the orders of Chief of Police Slovcr are enforced. He said there should be ao liquor sold from midnight Saturday uatlt I a. m. today, street demoaatratioaa would have to bo kept la rigid boaads. no confetti, feather duster or powder battles, no congregation of crowds, aad ao etrpeatlaa parades. eOMANDfYMAY BE INSTITUTED ROYAL ARCH MAHOXB TAKE UP QURHTION AND RBBULT MAT RK FORMATION OP SUCH BOOT INTHMCTTV At the mooting of Klamath Chapter No. 35, It. A. M., on Saturday even ing, the propoaltlon of Instituting a rommandry was taken up by the com panions present, and a committee was appointed to ascertain how maay charter members could be obtained and report at tho meetlag to be held nest Saturday evening. There are now about thirty members of the commsndry residing In or near the city, aud all the members of the chap ter present espresocd a desire to be come members of tho commaadry, should one be Instituted here. Mem bers of the blue lodge are also getting In position to become charter mem bers of the commsndry by applylag for membership In tha Royal Arch chapter. UMIKLS ATTACK HANKOW, PRKIN DISPATCH STA1CT Utter Ctty larlkteo to Belief Tkat Plrhig la by Rebels Statlswsd at Ww Chang. Who Tttsak Tht Arsals. tier Kiplred Last United Press Service LONDON. Jan. 1. Poor thousand rebels attacked Hankow today, ac cording to a Reuter'a Pekla dispatch. Pekln believes the flrlag la by rebels stationed at Wu Chang, who think the armistice expired at midnight. CITY RUBINRM MANAOHR WANTKD AT ORBOON CITY Mayor Dtattck cf That Municipality Will Soon Have latreemced late Council an Ordinance to That Meet to Save Ctty Money Uatted Press Service ORiaON CITY, Ore., Jan. . Ore- goa City la to have a bualasaa man agar, aeeordlag to Mayor Dlmtck to day. Ha eald an ordlaaaeo would aooa be latroduced In tha eouaell for tha aaaolatmeat of a eapable man. "A aRy should have IU aBalrs look- ad aJsar vrMk tha same sartful nttea- Uoa to aeaM aa any print baatasaa," al, i. "Aid a baal would save tho city money. Ills busi ness would bo to m that every dollar 'spent by the city ahould bring a re turn equivalent to 100 coats." MYHTKKIOL'M DISBASR W UAC8INO HAVOC AT MILAN IMaraar Similar lo That la Berlin Stirs Up ItalUn City, aad Ste cDalhs Are Reported, PhyaleUae BHag Un bM to Agree. United Press Service MILAN, Jan. 1. A disease similar to that In Berlin Is causing havoc here. Bis deaths are reported. Physi cians are unablo to agree. AVIATOR ATWOOD SOUBSD WHKN HK DROPS INTO SKA Haa Involuntary Dire of IM Feet lata Atlantic Ocean, Near Lynn, Maes. Wheal SCUrttag for Portland ta HydroatMo Halted Frees Service LYNN, Mass.. Jan. 1. Aviator At wood narrowly escaped death today. He fell 100 feet Into the ocean near tho Point of Pines shortly after start Ing from here for Portland In his hydroplane. MASKERS ARE TO BE AT HOUSTON'S ?vUL TONIGHT, WHKN THKXK WILL BR PRIZBB FOR CHARACTBKtZA. TfOXB AND FOR OI'HBlllCO WHO SALOMB RKALLY M Tonight U tho Bight of tha aaaaal masquerade ball give by Joha V. Hoaatoa of that there. It wilt be the Sret taemaelvea aa laaaUawwiah. , flat.. MtB.sver was too much for moat of them, elacr !t waa a matter of aot commencing until midnight. But tonight they can begin la tho "ihaak of tha evening" and keep their nethera active until the woo as hours of the morn, without their cob- sciences reproachlag them aa well aa without "shame oa you" from other folka. There are golag to bo three prises for the beet representations, one for the most original, one for the funniest and one for the best sustained char acterisations. Then 8alome will be there, with twenty pounds or so of beada on, In fact, quite a lot of beading, yet the risible supply of Salome will be such that guessing as to the Identity will be very Interesting. It will also be remunerative to the successful gueeser. KING OP SIAM IB COMING TO STATES THIS AUTUMN Will Visit Bwropraa Coarta Alas aw Return Trta, aad Qaeew Mother WIU Take ta Latter FUcea Daring Neat United Preas Bervtee- BANQKOK. Slam, Jan. 1. The King of Blam will pay a visit to the United States next fall, probably In October. He will also visit the Eu ropean court, returning home vln America. The queen mother of Blam. It la also announced, will leave aext April for a- visit to Europe, but It la sot known that aha coatemplatea taking In the United States on her tou. KIEHMIE FREE CfflM HI Mn STREET mSTflCT Many Thowaaad Imported Chtaeee Firecrackers Exploded, Barrels of Rice Wtae Go Down Throata of the YeHow Mew Proclamation Read United Press Btrviee NRW YORK. Jan. 1. Mott street today celebrated tba birth of tha Chi nese republic A hundred thousand firecrackers Imported from China were exploded, barrel of rise wlaa war druak, and rare oriental viand ware eatea. At boob tk leaders of Chtaatewa, with "Mayor'Tom Lee at thatr hesd, eatrred the joaaboaaa, where a arae- aamrai smejaa, CITY'S WATER PLAN WILL ABATE NONE lamatlon declsrlng China to be a re public was read. AKCllDUKSrS PAY HALTS AS HE QUITS MIUTARY K'mperor ttefasrd to BaactMa Bewrye Proposed Match With Middse Clean Lass Which Royal AttKad Ptwree YoausgfsoMler United Press Servma VIENNA, Jaa. 1. Emperor Praas Josef bsa granted tha Archduke Haa ry Indefinite (save of absence, aad stopped bis pay. The emperor refused to saaetloa a match between the archduke aad the daughter of a middle clasa family la Munich. The arcbduka thea refasad to re turn 'to bla military datiea. He fell la love with tha girl while palatlBg la Mustek. U FOUETTf 1 1XKM 01 KDDR6 IHiHSttY Starts Three Days' hHiwIgaa Tear by Bpewktagta WsH Kaowa Wolrertae Odea ta Ratsatf ec Has Osm Caadt- Catted Prase Barrtat DETROIT. Jaa. V La Lollatt to day atartad a three days" Mlealgaa toar. HeseoksstFllataiamoralBg. Saglaaw thla afternooa, aad Bay CM? tawlght. He aslebrated bla thlrty flrat wslllag aaatimwiteday. CBtp TMr Mrs. L. P. wniNa. Mr. E. Wlthrow aad J. i vrtU leave ta a short time fo trto taHesv ulalB. POULTRY WILL BE PUT ON DISPLAY STOREROOM FORMERLY OOCTJ. PIED RY MTJLLKR MUSfO CO. WILL BE USED FOR EXPOSf. TION OF BJRDB At the northerly eoraer of Btith aud Main streets tha store room for merly occupied by tha Mailer Maste company Is now being Sited up for tho purposes of tho poultry show, which la to be held there January S-l. by tha newly organised poultry fee ders' organisation. It la expected that some rarely Saa fowls and cocks will be shows aad tha preparations will be lively from now until Wedneaday, when tha exhibit will be throws opea to all comers with tho price. A. B. Moorland and bob. Prank Moorland and family, left thts even ing for Sandlego, Calif., where thty will spend several months. Frank Moorland wilt return la tha spriag to lire on his homestead sear Aspetj lake. Lakeview To Celebrate Railroad With Program Appropriate To Day An IhvttatloB haa baas received by the Evening Herald, through tha courtesy of Mayor B. I. Rlashart, I. E. Brlttea, presldsat of tho Commer cial Club, aad M. B. Rlee, editor of th Herald of Laksvlew, from tha city ot Lakeview, ta attaad Ue seta braUoB to be held Jaauary TU, ta heaor of the eompletloa 1 Ue rail read to Lakeview. The Lakeview people expeet to make "Railroad Day" tke biggest thai kaa bees hsld la feathers Oregea far maay a day. Reeeatly B, R. Patah sua a trip from Ukeriew to NO CAUSE TOCHANtt SAYS MAYOR, IN FACT THAT 4 PANT HAS ANNOUNCBB) TaUff it now has Ftma Wi TAP FOR ALL 1 Mayor Fred T. I tha tact that tho Ktaa aad Water enmaasy that the water from part at? aba 1 R. Reama aprisga la praaHaaRy will make bo dlfereaee wtth taw plaag to go ahead for Ma aws aupply, Tha osmpaay aouacomrat to tha the good aprisga would he aawd to supply ths eky trass saw as, Sdi tmvt tba few woald ha plasty to gtvw Baa dty what It saada aatn apttag, by which Urn tba lairaasid aBaacat m) warmer waathar weald ha aaet fjasB other aarlags whJab wMI ba "Wa are goiag right ahaad aay hssttatKa." aaM tha "There la ao reaeea that I cam aa t waahoaldsot Tha eky hag gaai cosaldarabla sapasM, asd lg to back eat. Kmsmlsttt aaay taag ag to twrsash psjra tja tar, bat thoy aad sa real awes to doR. Why dtdst shay gad haay is! do aaaaathtagT Haw that ah sRy tag stepped ta M gatagtol "Tba si a-dofsto.aaasSBBi ac SkeM aaalyatoi UtamtoaaawhatoiraswatorlasR right or sot, ta ardar that Bto atty ty atop batttsg wstor h? tt lg asts to deaa. R, t aet wtth stow to h ttagthei psrmaassay. "We bar dsvilaadg souree, wrth eaeugh to twtwlah a sBMaBp at ! poaata. Wa so eeld that two or threat all yea oaa take. It Is par, at that we ar aattalrd. Wa ha v sat yet bad aa aaaryat mad at tt, hat wa wtB have la s abort tlss.- It win probably a a eeaple at years safwr tha maalripaMty ass far- alah water to tha Ry, eras at Ma plaaa ar nscesafaL Tha work waV be a predtgtoaa wadertaktog, asd the sact aoatlmoBt at tho eky aa the proaaaKtos to apead ll.tMtt) ar 1.IIMII as s water aapaly wM ast be kaows aatfl tha Waal awlaa aaay ha felt through tha aedtaa t tha oaHloa to lata saada to aa tha i It will be abowt two years I that tha flvo-yaar awtod at tha asd at which tha dty may bay ewt the water eompasy will raaah Ma SUOGH BXDH AX Big daac tonight at tha I toa boardlag hoaae. Bast at Sleighs wUI isava tta Klai at 7:10. II for tha reaad trip, la eluding daacs. Evsryhsdy aad bav a good tlss. tsreet reeprantatlT ba ta Joining Ue kerne talka ta hoaor to tho oceaatea. Tha train earrylag the rsprsaaata tlvea of Ue railroad will arrive to Lakeview aext Saturday sight aid a joist committee at the Rp aad th Commercial Clab wUI BMt M. Taere will be as latsraatlag avagra pared, sad U Mala wkh tha ' wa rimtts la tap any aata i sfrM af Ol'MMwUsBBjiTt NspwV'aV C U toad odta at Ukevtow, iat aata reappatated to that i thai Pl4.vM sesbVM MsBtk jBgtsW sBBtossw BbvB1 WSFVoSa iaMBaB 31 i "1 x jri ,7? j:I v'l il s A I .. VI 4 .1 A s. '-. &un&tfJ .SbJ