faKrar' 1 rT' '4 ' 1 fm ' v rr o & f : r I' . ! ' s iF i N; U 5- L DOM t. ItMWAliT, PimttVnt. K. M. IIUIIH, loc-Prcs. mul Tresis. 1JEUT I.'. WITIIHOW, Secretary Klamath County Abstract Co. ' ABSTRACTING Surveyors and Irrigation Englneers MAI'S, PLAN .ItlXlCPRINTf. KTC. ll Klamath' FallsjOregon WHITMAN'S FUSSY PACKAGE FOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS A box of Selected Chocolates that touches top notch in candy making Sereath S Main l UNDERWOOD'S Pharmacy NEW YEAR BRINGS THOUGHTS i ymJA amzJ BBBBBri'V. 1 K"Wr aV7 tH 'TTiJ r5 laW mtw vH f v $ ? v . , w- th I !.. ,7T. - -'. of money tared or foolishly pent. It you hare spent at) you made rcsolre to do better tho coming year. Open an ac count with the First Trust and Sarins bank. It your first de posit Is only one dollar. By thls time next year )ou should ha-vo a comfortablo sum to your credit, n bis; step toward com fort and Independence. First Trust and Savings Bank Kl.UI.Vril WIA (IHR. YOUNG COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT WITH EQUIPMENT APVO OOIIH OVKP. .IIIVKMI.K , AND 1.VJUIIK.H HIS TOOTH1 I lnl 1U Vi.uVold .tiilii'M, Onlooker jl by lYolniR Ills Vniluus Hone Ho foro Walking Aitny From Ntcno of I'lniMinl (Kiiitrvmo ' ATKINSON ALWAYS HAS IT FOR LESS lnlr of Voullis Kvldcutly Oontliuted Htnlnc of "Shoving the Queer" ! ' With Cleaning mid lelng sKiiil United Press Hervlco Itslimrut us llllud SHATTLi:, Dec. 20. llun down by 'an nutomoblto which passed qvor hint, PORTLAND, Dec. 29. Qtinutlttod llttlo Stephen Crowley. 12 cr old, of metal, several partially completed escaped with but a broken tooth, coins, dies, charcoal, bellows and, Ho nmused tho pedestrians who, other paraphernalia used In couiiter-i to "Is old b) picking himself up felting wero sclred by Patrolmen, mi! feeling of III different boniii bo Wise. Olll nnd Uurrl. nt 229 Kltth lore walking away. street, when they took Herbcit Yost., "flues I'm nil right." he said. Wenthcrby, need IS. and Russell aged 17, Into custody on charge ofiM. lirc.CF.D Hint IHIKAST. counterfeiting and utrned them over' SIIK FHO.K, UK SFRVIVCD to tho federal authorities. , 'ti... ..h, ii.iv ,, ,.). 1.11i.,lfmij Woiimii Siirctiiulii to Cold of having n cleaning mul d)clug estnb' While -Child .Visile Ag.ilint Her M to (id Warmth nf Uo,lji It Is 1'os.in itlble 'Hint Ho Will Heoour llshmciit. the ouths contimplntcd conducting n counterfeltlnR plant of largo proportions. It Is believed that n third member ul ttio gang, .rtmir Ulcf, has escaped to Seattle with a quantity of worthless coin, which ho will put Into circulation In not ap prehended by tho Northern authori ties, who' have been Informed of tils probablo presen That Wenthcrby and Yost nro mem bers of tho Uuffy-UeRan BR"f";'-1.xlli:itii:i:.v. itui.m.ci nam. terfclters Is the belief of the police, and Yost made several remarks about Duffylast night after ho had been nr- tested. Mlko Hcgnn, ono of tho noted Kant,-, Is thought to bo nt largo In Cal ifornia, whlls Duffy Is serving a live year term at McNeill's Islnml for counterfeiting. Hlct Is also a "pupil" of Duffy, It Is said, although the ouths under arrest claim that ho was only a prospective purhascr. A Iquautlty of partially compUttid coins was scticd as evidence, United Press Service HUTCHINSON. Knns D e. 29. Mrs. . D. Nllton was found froien to death near hero. Por Ihe hours her son hugged close to hor breast, so ho might get tho benefit of the, warmth nt her body. Tho lad will ' probably rfcmcr. AWAITS I'AMOfS SlllltKCIIS i ludiiotrlal "Wow" ItejMirHVl in U.iw St.irted I'nun S(. hiiiln Mny KxM In (let Very PonII.il Iteo'ptlnii In 'iitiln;jtim Miinlelpillly 'ntted Presn Sirviro AKrtUDKKN. Wash., Dee. 29 City nnd county authorities hero promlso n warm reception for tho 250 Industrial Workers of the World who are ro- They porto,i to lmvo left St. Louis for Alicr- aro of quarter-dollar, half-dollar and ,jMn, to ethane In a cnmiialKn nRnlnst dollar denominations and.nll nro very ,-, local street speakltti? ordlnanro defective. It Is thouRht they are six hundred cltliens linve boon nr waste coins, spoiled In the moulding, pnnlied Into n spclal police rortu Plaster of Paris dies were used, and a KVCry agitator Is boItiK run out of number were tnkon by tho police, as town, well as a quantity of tho raw ma-1 No effort was made by tho youths (jHILCOTE CX RICE to work up any Rold material, sliver ItP-Ali P-STATi: IXSntAXCU and smelting metals for silver being wi: MAliK A SI'IXIAI.TV of !" all that was found. ' In iinuKity mid good farm liuidi. No Wcathcrby garo his occupation as tntuMp in uliow prvfu-rly. I'roiupt nl. a messenger wncn booked at beaii- tnititui ixn nil liiiiiilrli's. A feu quarters, but Yost refused to namo gmii licicn-t-.f.ir tut. If jnu muiiI m any occupation. Ijiij or mvI It will pay ji'u in tec tu. el In .mhtIiii lintel. Plume IWI 1' J ll J T$W A SHORT TALK ON AMERICAN LADY CORSETS trarrwra tui'st (:oM.Mirn:i: wii.i in: ui:c(iMi:NiiKit iou .sKitvii'i: ' For That Trip EAST Call or write us for fall information re garding our through ileeplng car service to Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, New Or leais, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver without change, every oay in the year. We can also route you via Los Angeles and II Paso; via Ogden and the Central route or via Portland and the Northern route witaout additional fare. Comfort able and convenient and protected by automatic signals. Southern Pacific Clinlrinnii Henry of llouv llixly on Itulcs Aiiunuiireii That OrganlJi lion Will l'aur Seven Co I la mile Certulii Alleged Trusts 4b 1 W Wiwy I LAML J I H; i.,., ' -W M I i f ' 'I i y M 9 n JAMES O'GARA, G.F.SP. Agt. oui k St., Sacramento .MM Hi: lull PLItl.lCATIO.S (Not Coal Lands) Department of tho Interior, United States Land OITIco nt I-nkovlow, Ortgoii, November 11, 1911. Notlco Is nereby given tbnt Charles K Wordcn, ivhose postoQlec address U Klamath Polls, Oregon, did, on the United Prcsn Servlco , j, ,jay of OctoU-r. 19.11. flic In WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 29. ,j,f ofTlea swoin stntenicnt nnd nnnll. Chairman Henry of tho houso rules cation. No. 01053. to purchase the "' ' ' ' ' .J-L'-i:. committee, announced that tho com- SiJ sVV B. 10. XV, .'V, Sec .. 0 nm rxecutlon in fi.rwlosuro is mltro Is determined to report a roso- 1S,-twp. 37 S rnngo 10 B Wlllnm- iun out of tho circuit court of the lutlon nuthorlilng a ahlpplug tru,.t. 00 ,nrldlan, -ind the timber there-,, r.unty of Klamath Statu of Oregon, harvester combine and money trust oc. umior ! nmwi.inn. .if it... nn i o. .,...., ti...i mi, .. , known ns the a.-t of Jun 3. 1S7S. and ua abovo entltlfd action, wherein -.h-.. acts nmcjulotoiy. known ns tho "Tlni-jobnie named plaintiff obtained Jinl bur and Stono Uw,"nt such valuoas .nent and decro of foroelos'ira might be fixed by appraisement, nnd that, pursuant to &urh application, the land and tlmbcfrtlicrcon hnvo hwn nppralsed at a totol of 420, tho tlmbor estimated at 310,000 board feet at 11 por M, , and the land at 180; that said applicant will orfer final United Press Service ,proor Hupport ot his application LONDON, Dec. 29. Itussla and and sworn statement on tho 19th dav Kngland aro supporting M. Mornaua, 0f January. 1912. beforo O. It. Do EAUTIFUL nnd supple, us here portr-yed, is the firiure cor seted in an Ar crican Lndy Corset. The vital parts f a corset are the dcsifjninfi and boning. Your knowl edge of these points must come through actual wear, for you can l ot sec them. We ask nothing more than that you try "American Lady Corsets." Give them as hard wear as you may and you will find all wearing parts equ 1 to" whatever wearing strain may be given then.." Your figure will have in faults if you wear one of the sir art new models. Come in, be properly fitted to Ihe right model for your indi vidual figure; so ;. uch depends upon the proprr fitting. Prices Range N $1 to $5 ATKINSON MAS IT. IT'S IN STYI.b r.rjwvFT-TfrrTFrjttnmaaeyraimrTXiBKxe - J i mid II in commlttco of seven congressmen. lli:i.;iA. POP. SCIIIKTKK'S , PliACi: SPKMS A PAVOItlTi: ItiiMila and Kngland Supporting litis While Persians, Now Fiiviirlng I-'. V. Culms, Seliunter'h Clilef .sU. mil, Will Probably Ghc In S. J,.BAILEY,Agt, Klamath Falls CORRECT SOCIETY PRINTING s Q Ty M 'rV'SUI ' UALJTY is the essential thing in Society Printing. Correct form as well, as good taste demands the US2 Of the verv hpsf. nnnoi-e and card stocks, cut to the sizes pre scribed by fashion. Invitations, announcements, visiting cards and anything else which may be desired. Prompt and efficient service. VW i; i P:SMITH PRINTING CO. a Ilclglan, as Schuster's successor, ac-, Up,' county clerk of Klamath county, corumg to a icncran uispatcn. ,at Klamath Falls. Oregon. Persians favor F. F. Cairns, nn Any person Is at llbmy to protost Amrrlcnn, Schuster's chief assistant, .this tiurchnio befora entrv. or Initiate rue government Is expected to yield ja contest at any time beforo patent to Itussln and England. t i3,11M, by filing n ccrrobdrnted nfll- . ,jav)t Jn jig omt0i dCKnB act, FOIUIKIt WKf.TKItWKICHT'S ttf.lch would dofeat tho entry. l.VJUUY JIAV PASS A WAV a. W. ORTON, i 11-lC.l-lSh Hcglster. it. .ii.. ii ...nt....... .. .,, . , ' ,,;,""" """"" "- -"'. NOTICi: FOIl PUHMCATION -r Wlfo' llulmid. '"Pt. Iioma, (Not Cotl, Iiandi) XotAp,.re,.t.rlonH an, M.Wt.(n Ullcnt f , , t , d er Mtir ho Admitted to Hull , ,, ,,, 0flIco at ,akovoW( Cifftrrtn llnrnmlmn 11 1 fi 1 1 United Press Hcrvleo ; ...,,r. ',.. ,. ,...'.... .'. .. , POIlTI,AM, Dfc. 2a.-r"Mytcrl.inilI1.,nl,,inF,1 . v . ous" Hilly Smith.- Jorirfr welter- Vasll,,1Kt0Ili wJl0 0 A,,rU:i8 lolo; weight champ on. will In a I Proba-ma(,0 n)bor ,', - , bllltv recover from tho hullot wounds , ,- orio., tnr i. Hii ttwv hpi InJted by Captain Alfred ..oomls In 'J 5' , SS ffj, their duel Dccombor 17. ,,, ,',., ,,' .,,,,. Captain Ixjomls' wlfo divorced ,i'.' ib,i ,.,i"', ,...., '. ,' (u iiivm liu(i.v Ufc H.lHtJU II IIIUUU final proof, to C3tnbllBh claim to tho XOTIt'i: POIt PI'IIMIWIION (Not Coal Lauds) Department of the Interior, Illilteit Htntni i.ninl Ofllcu nl l.akovlow, Opmoii, l)embir 11, 1911. Nollre U hereby given that Puvlil iigslnit W. W Mastcn mid Sarnh I Itlghtuiler of Oldie, Oregon, who, Mnslcn, the wlf.i of mM W. V. .Maj-'im DtMiuher I ISOiI, tunitu homo Un, defendants, on Deomlier 1, It'll ''! entry No. 3CS8, serial No. recorded In the JuilKinont lien book nl, 013S0, for SWVt HV',i. section t:l; said court n imt-H Oo, volume 3. I ,HV4 of ttt'.M, HCU HWU, section H, cm comnmnded to soil all that eerrtMi 'lownshlp 39 H, nngo 10 ;, Wlllani- and 13, see. II; Wlllniiu-tlo Merldlnn. HiiiniK m iiereiir expressly glren Hint no person will m permitted in win or excrclso any right wlminvi-r t" - sul. vet to ncitlcmtut on nfier t uclock a. in., standard . January IS, 1 1 I S. but mil m i'iiir. Hung or nflfrtlou until on nnd after Penary II, 1912, M tho II. H. land olfl.n at l.aknlew, Oregen: In I' J3H It. i:. 1:4 or ,t. 13 and 1 ?.' V- r5, ,:'4 rc- 3R' ?. an: In T 11 H. It. Bi:. ,, l, 3, N14 c. IS, sec. jr.. 124 rrs. 2C and 3r.. s r. 3; In T. 35 H., It fi see. 1. K1, of sec 2, sfrs. IS, 13. 24. fr' 'iVmm'.1" ''". I.8.UH . 3. M.V, nud H see. II. fr'l mm. 13 tie meridian, has Illod notlrn of lit lentlon lo mnlie final II to )ear pro-jf. pit co and pnreel o' Issd dtuata In the county of Klamath, state of Or'Kn bounded nnd particularly described '" "tblUh claim to tho land nhovo 111. ler any seltlemt nt or orrupniirV bo an follews: i.tcrlbed, befnro C, ll Do Ijip, conn- ;" H"r withdrawal nud prior In Forty-sU (IC) ftmt off tho entire U' elerk of Klamath county nt ICIistii. ?" ,nfk"- . "Imidnrd lime. January eaatorly eld" or lot six (0) of hlnrk Inlli Palls. Oregon, on tint 27th dny of ' mil '"i. n. ' ,"lr!1 """'""'jit r forlV-olghl (18) In Nichols add.t.o, (Jnnuary. .912. ', ffi'ln" v'olio Tu rr' WSk l.f.K to thociiy of Kimnntli Kalis. Claimant names n witnesses: ' bo ejected, John Mcl'hnul, nrtlnu Notlco !i herr-br el von thai on Frl Km Dixon, Ihmu .Kick. Kmll Iter- , . J,nn' "minilssinner or tho general ling, John Blade, nil ot Olenn, Oregon A. W. OIITON, " 12-28-I-2R Iteglstor. clay, the 12th day of January. 191 at 2 nYlbclc p. in.. In front of the court lions - In tho county or KInm- atb, I will, In obedlinri) to said order I of solo and execution In foreclosure, ' mini omen. Approted October 27, 1011! Pnrml A. Tliiiiunsnn, ncllnit itoerelnry of tho Interior. ll-ir.-l.Ur Smith last fall. Loomls will probably ho admitted to ball Anon. noil tho nhovo deicrlbrsf'property, orj no inucn iiicrcoi as may no nsressiry lo satisfy plalnl'T's Judgni'nl, with Interest thcrrnn nud costs to tho highest bidder for cash, W, n.-IIAIINKS, Hlierlff of Klamath Count) Ily JOHN (I, BCJIAM.OCK, Deputy J. C. IttlTKNIO. 12-11-1-11 r Atty for PJiilntlff SUMI-THOPICAIi CMMATK flKTH HTA(.i;itlNO W,AKT HKRALD BUILDINa. FOURTH , T CTWCCN MAIN AND .i ; 1 . . STREET KLAMATH V Mercury In Heart of California' F11. nious Oningo lUlt Drojis lo 2-1 l)e. grces A lmvo Zero, Duniauliig Crops Ik'splto HiuudgliiK United Press Service LOS ANOKi.KS, Dec. 29. Heavy frosts lmvo dono thousands of dol lars of damago to orange crops In San HornaTdlno, Itlvorsldo nnd I.oa Ango leu counties. ai oan uernardlno thd mercury uroppoa irom 14 degrcea at 0 o'clock to 25 degreea at midnight. Orowers, quick to reallza tho dan gor, started smudging fires and work ed all night. But tho low, tempera ture did Its da ni ago anyway. laud abovo described, boforo C. It, Do J.np, county clerk of Klamath county, nt Klamath Falls, Oregon on tho JClh day of February, 1912. Claimant names an witnesses: Thomns O'Conncll, Thomas Shan non, William McMillan, Nestor March and, all or Klamath Fallo, Oregon. ' A. W, OIITON, 12-21-2-in r Ilcglstet. Notlco of HIieriir'M Halo ot lleul Properly O, fl. Purdy, PJiilntlff, vs., W W. Masjcn, Sarah I, Mastcn, W, I, nohortu, J. D. Whltmoro, O f. Moore, It. fl. Moore, John O Ueach, H. M. Ackloy, J. 8, Ack. Icy, J, arconburg, Hurgp Afnsou, Defendants. UudCr and by vlrlup of an order ot NOTICI! OF FI.VAI, Hlfrn.F.MKXT fn tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Klnmnth County, In tiu Matter of tho Usliitn of W Q Huberts, Dceenscd. Nollrc Is hereby glvmi that n'arti Ueltihnrt, ndmlnlHtrntrlx of tho iy ti.to of W. O, Itoherls, deceased has rendered nud prteentcil for settlu mout, mid filed In Ha Id cnuit, hor iinnual account of hor administration of said ostnto; ami thnt Friday, tho Cth day of January, A, D, 1911, nt 10 o'clock n. in., nt tho court room of said court, In county tourt lionao. Kliimntli Fulls, Oregon, linn been up XOTII 1: I'lilt pi Itl.lClllON (Not Coal Lauds) Department if tho Inlorlor, United Hlilttm l.uml Olllea nt Lnlieilcw, Oregnn, November 1 1, 19.11, Notlco Is hereby given Hint James ! Arthur Hawkins of Klamnth Fnlli, Oregon, who. on Fehnmry r., 1910, nude iltnher nud slono nppllcatlou No, 029SI. for KV4 of NIJ'j seellon 29, towjuuip 38 south, inngo 10 ensl, Wlllnin tin m'rlilliin, hns hied niitlro nf Intention to 11111I10 lliuil proof to on labllsh claim -to tho laud nhovo do- scribed, befoio (J. II. Dj Lap, county elurk of Klainalli couiilj, nt Kliuimth lulls. Oi rjtrm, on Ihu 2filh day -of Jiuiiinry, 1912, Claimant naiiien 111 wIIiiokses: R. K. lefliblco, Itoy Klnaninii, K. K, Klrkniiilall, Cliirenio Harris, nil of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon. A. W. OIITON, ll-23-l-2r. r Register. Nollio of llfhioniiloii. of Publlii IjiiuN lo iSi'lfleiiifiit nud Fuiry Depart llieilt Of tho Interior. (Innnri.1 , ..... ... .. --.,--......., pointed by tho judgo of said court. !, 27V ,5, i'NiCoby K ii'i ihu nuiiicniuiii, ui sum uccouui, 111 nni 1110 uiinpirnprliitcd publlo Iniidi wnii 11 umo mm piaco any porsniu) 111- " "" oxeiiiuou rrom tno cnnor lerrstod In snld ostnto may iippeiu '.V.i'.i 1,N1"""'1"1 Forest, Oregon, nud and Din oontlnns in miflrMv .,. unl.l lV'"'lrn.Wn !,.'X 'n??Lnc.1 ' .""'lor the i . : : ;, ' " " "t1 o' Juno -'ii, jiuu (.'in Hint., s t7). account and contest tho mimo. hy pioeliuiiiilloii of tho Picnldent. of- NOHA UKINMAUT 'Mtlvo July I, 1911, If not otliorwlsd Administratrix of tho Kstnte of W. a Ii, ruw." ,.01' '!"Vd, will by mi- Roberts, Deceased. i,.T.W r ' WrttaXS PPIII.ICATIO.V () M.MMONH hi tho Jiisllco Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Com ty of Klamath. I) A. Keii)on nud Fred O. Muipho, Partiirrs, Doing liuslncss n t). K. Transfer CompMiy, Plaintiff, VH. Hnusclillilo Music ("ompany, Deforal- tint. To llaiiHclill.lt Mimlo Compnnyftk y fendnnt: eT In thu Niimo of tho Hlnlo of Oregen: ion nro hurehy leqiilred to nppcur nud iiiiswor to tho complaint filed ngnljiiit you In tho nhovo entitled no- tion on or biiforo llio ll'lli day of Jmi nuiy, I !U 2, that being tho uxplrnttou of ulx weeks puhlleatloii of this sum mons proscribed byjho order of pub. Unit Ion tliuruof iniido by this court, nnd If )ou fall so to answer tho plain tiffs will (nku Judgment against you In tho mini of lil,00 nnd for tholr enstH and dlHliurffonionlu In this action, mid Hint any property id Inched herein niny )0 w,,i .,, Hnllsfv till) mild Judgment, uailrnlnrlv Dm sum of money owing to you by Ilonry Orlin'M. Tlilu luihllcntloii Is nindo by tho or der of tho honorable Clinrlos arnvoH, Juttlco of tho nhovo mimed court, duly lunilo nnd entered on Novombor 18, lull. Tho dato of tho first iiubllav- 'Hon. of thin siiiiimoiin Is November 30, 1911, S J, O. IlUTtWIO, ll-30-l.ll r Atfy for PUIntier. It...-