Wi mmsmmsiF --4""t,1: J-f " '" CllnfT- ;'". i , " "J; - " ,. v-. ',.-.. i.,"-' " ""T.VSM , 't?n ' V-.H Vi M r,.o jawrBBBBBBjaajaBBBBBBBBBBBBfBB haaVr it . i, .;avis bV li- -" tk-T V . pa? j " ;- .i-- ? iv. & -t ,'T" Wr- K u w !' (2 V 2. !V- 'L fA '5l. . W'J . '"" :i' i.Ti j: iii. ' i 2srr vi biiiA 1 J-il '& Pi. ii , r; -'i fci k " -"'-- - - ---- --- - rv, " "" j" ,rr,'' 'ilk hbi k at ri"? 4," wuwMb imt, ml . Xjli :fe. ' ' ' , -, . gjL aiMB ''.' AM Wirf tkaaeaaW .vmiit. YnM niwiM. rnwirii tmh. oa v.: T VI. . : - . ' - . It. I I . ,; l m BaUrr i " BaTtleae . ( V -"'--., . K yiiHimi a aiaawav , V'i ,t' BMatfr.H.OMrtMNffML AM mm wart int etna Mi.aiMi aa. set Reaby' CM 4) O0MWOCK..1M. It NNHtMTkMlt "aaw inkOOeaaTOCaT H WOW3f ItwiwkMittmW. Oer- ""Vf Out wkcMm u4 U- ItWlH fWlHft'llW. TftUM itHrrMlr fiWuilli nt la lT ftMtMMt U4 ft MM cr for 4a4nif. Qlrt m .-t i n. SIT KImmMIi Ave . , Oea't t tka Uby lulcr (roai tae . ,m, mtm or y Hcblag of Um akla. IVa' OiaUMttt Me testsat rl!tf. mm uleklr. Partectly wf for fctMrta. All raggtoto aall K. FkTMs Weef Oily , XVN, VMM AK wjum ouu mnMmn A. . Wwm. Praa Where to Jtat We mtvc twdwic4K CarfW(klSi ' ::t' 4t- i & mm CSI3 'i . 1;' aw ant - "- OMattMMM nUBC Mte Ma Mk OfcH MHaMw. v Mm ft Mjtha . lMMVBMMl at jajdjt aeieaa. '"FldHJ HiaoBOaaaak Manbr. cwnini msxom kj i PJeaAVetaaja bftav. n '0U ' Jl T "Sr Tatf ara taaaa Ji taa dtf triaianf far taa TaaiatWa q warmta ara Iato4 aa aa4 Wnn Mar . la- Hrest tfMft VMfV S9C99li "X W. MaMHW. CHr TraiMtar. . DaM.at kUmUi Valla. ... lata U y aPaaMMr, lilt. NUTlCal rCBUCA' now (Not DaaattaMat ot tkt latarlar. Ualta4 Mataa Ua 0ea at Ukavlaw, Ongea, Octeaat 11. 1111. Kotlca la ktrakr I Iwa that Oaear U Carttr, vkoaa aaataalca addrtaa It Klamath Fallt, Oragaa, did oa tk IMk djr ot Majr. ltll. lla la tkU oflce iwora aUU'BMBt aad aaalleattoa No. 04C80. to parckaaa let 1. Scctloa 4. towatblp 3? g, raaga 10 B, Wlllaai. Ha Merldlaa, aad Ua tlaaar tkaraaa, under tka provliioaa ot tka act ot Jua S, 1878, aad acta aauadatonr, kaawn aa tka "Ttrnfcw aad Maaa Law," at itch valua aa mklkt ka Ish ky ap praltBMat. aad that, panaaat to tack application, tka laad aad tinker tktrcoa kara kaaa apprakwd at a tetai ot lli, tka Uaaar aatlaMted at !. Mar (. t Tl ante par M-. aad tta laad aetktec: tkat aaM app II- eaat will oaVr laal proof la aappart ot kk appltoatloa aad awora ataia aMat ea taa ITtli dy of Pacaikar. 1P11. kafera R. M. Rkkardaoa. TJah- ad Mateo Comakaloatr, at Klamath Falla, Ortaa Aay panea la at liberty to pretaat tkli parckaaa kfori eatry, or laltlata a coatctt at aay time before pateat leaaee. by flllag a corroborated aft darlt la thle oBke, alletiaf fact which woald defeat the eatry. A. W. ORTON. II-1MMI k Regte.er. XOTRK rOR PUBUCAHON (Not coal laadi) Departmeat ot tae laterJor United States Laad Odlca at LakeTlew, Oregon. October 11, If 11. Notice la Lereby glrea that Ralpk U Carter, .wkoaa poatotiea addreaa la KUmath Falla. Oreajoa. did, ea the 3tk day ot April, ltll. tie la thle odee awera atatemeat aad appltoatloa No. S4. te pareaaea Ua WH IW. ,HB iWH. 1001108 7. aad NWU ot tko NWK eetloa It, towaaklp 37 aoath, raaga It raet, Wlllaai ette Merldlaa. aad tka Umber tbereea. aader tka prettMoae of the act of J aae 3. 1S7S, aad acta ameadaiory, kaowa aa the "Timber aad Stone Law," at each Taiae aa might be lied by np- pratemcat, aad that, pareoaat te ineb application, the laad aad timber tkcreoa bare been appraleed at. a total of 1445, the Umber eetlmated at 540,908 board feet at 75 ceata per at., and the laad 140; that aald appli cant will ofer final proof la iupport of hi application and iwora ttate- ment on tka 37tk day of December, 1911. before R. M. Rtchardaoa. Unit ed State, Oommlealoaer, at Klamath rail, OregoB. Aay peraoa I at liberty to protect tka parcaaa before, eatry, or laltlate a eoeteet at aay time before pateat toes, by fllag a corroborated aH- darlt la thle eaUo. alloglag facta wklck weald defeat tko eatry. A. W. ORTON. 19-17-13-tt h Regtoter. BICYCLES aaaleal WMfoM Hf aaVnaW af afaW PMK We etwrj a fa km ef pjpaHaa eitoeda. 11 GUM fTOII X wy? I 'Where dat yen haa; yeawOMiariaiT , St isM Iwhy. da t. v .. . 4. x ,; v MM,M flLA.t W ) I Where? : i 'iwp : v 0 if ,aHuCIBA'ssM.ssBBBtaaBsi Bast aa w.anajBfBBMav t - -A 0 Vm)Mmtmmm mmL 4 THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Miter aad Proprietor J. M. BTOWRLL, - City Rdltor Pakltoeed dally aacept Juaday at lit Feurtk Street KLAMATH PALL. . . ORROON nUDAT, DK, Sa ltll T11K LVMRKH 1MDVSTHY RKCRNT dlapatcltca from Portland arc to the cRcct that a decided chango toward Improvement hai tak en place la the lumber market, which le extending orvr the entire Pad Jo coaet. Thta tendency U bound to have a great beneficial effect on tho development ot Oregon and adjoining elate, nnd It the Improvement con tinues, as condition eocm To Indicate, the outlook tor tho new year Is very bright. The lumber buitneM Is ono ot the most Important Induetrlcs In the Pa cific Northwest, and la to play nn Im portent part la the development of Oregon, and what Is mora particular, Klamath county. During tho pait year there have been Instance whero the depreeecd condition of tho lumber market has discouraged mill men from engaging la business la this county. Tho quality of the Umber. the price, the mill site and all con dltlona were favorable, but the In vestors felt that It would be better lo watt another year or so unUI tho lum ber market Improved so that they would be sure ot ilUpodnR of their product. at an advantage. With tho market now In an Im proved condition and demand for lum ber Increasing, the' development ot the Umber resources ot Klamath county should show a rapid growth In the nest few yrars. Payrolls are one of tho greatest needs ot this sec tion of the state, and 'these can bo secured through the encouragement of tho lumber Induitry. Saw mllli, box factories and lumber camp make Imilncm lively for the merchants and furnish a market for the produce of tho farmer. rOSTtfFKE AFTER NttES- of vimm SERVICE Move Proposed May Prove njalcrlag Wrdajt to Have Mad llrpartanrat Cfeatrol All Wire la TfcJ Ceaalrjr United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec St. What may prove to bo tko .entering wedge for control ot all wire com munications la the country by tho poitoflce department Is found la the proposition to traasfer all tho duties of the eigne! corps ot the army la Alaska to the postmaster general' department. In Alaska tho signal corps main tains and operates an elaborate sys tem of telephone, telegraph aad wire leea communications. There are about seventy-are stations, cable, laad wire aad wlreleea, with a mileage f 1,125 oa land and 2,33 by cable. There are nine wlrelea station. These stations handle not oaly the government trade, but the eommer clal and press stuff as well. The re ceipts of the Alaskan station amount ed during the last year to more than f 318,000. The enlisted men of tho signal corps handled all this money without the loia of a cent.accordlag lo Brigadier General James Allen, who describes the uystem la bis an nual report. ' Owing to the shortage of men la the signal corps It I proposed to turn this entire business orei to the post oflce department. Congress will be asked to authorise tbo change. e tbo chsni 1 rJf test! tori sale l We Kave' some desirable (tb street property SUpkena- Hunter Realty Oa, AT UVatHMOKK HOTKL UNTIL SinrDAV, llttOaaUtKH SI wv '' -v DR. HaUUfAMNOlr ROanMtVRO'f Will reWeveheaaelaBi arrfMgaaai. iatBBBaVBBBaamt aaWsaaaV. 4BBtts,aBa'BBnBaaaBTSBaaaaBaBBBl ''Baaasai1 anBBBasaBJ , MwlH, BBJVIM .MWVIWBaaaBaa1 aMBBJI II other eye aaTttatlbfareU tt4 sdaaaa aad trnaimenL" vAlaartwd JBBBBBBBBBBBBBvIBBmn BBBBBBBBBBBBfP 1"-r'l waBBBBSBa gBBBBBBBBB , VBBBBbV aBBBBBBBBBmBn 'BBBBBBm SBBBBBBBBBBBBBB LaBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmB9faBBBBBB gBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUKIBBBBBBBBl gtBBBT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW j BBBBBBBBBBBW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbW iBBBBBBBBBalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ajreatas-hagirtei; kNIFF HER MRU BUT IS HOW STRANGER Mlawnla Woman Meeta Man tw Train, AwoMpaate Hint n a Porttoml Room, Where Me "Met em Up," Then Wharks Iter With i Itoltlis POIITLANO. DM. 39. -Two bits was all that Kvelyn Hogers had to buy her Chrlttmna dinner with. On OhrUtmna evo she had 1950, JP. Harry linden Is ftccuiod nt having rcubed the young woman alter lie struck her over the head with n bot tle, laying open a long gash In her forehead. Wadon I mUxInir, nnd n complnlnt lina been Itnmrd oRaltuI him front the olflre ot the dlttriot lit torney. Mtw llORors met llladcn, who Is n now vendor on n train, when she was coming from Missoula, Mont. The young womnn had f 900 sewed to tho Inatdo ot her muff, and Intended ilng the money lo buy a todglug house In tho city, Arriving here llladcn escorted her to the lllack- stone hotel, wtero he haa a room. It wa here that tho assault and rob bery was committed, nnd whero Wa don left tho itranger destitute. It U chaTged. They had been In tho room but n short time when tllnden gavo MIm Itogcrs m drink of whUkey, eho my. TliU, hu believes, was doped, (or alio Immediately felt stupefied. While the waa dmetl, llladcn picked up a bottle nnd smnahed It on the woman's head, It Is claimed. He probably In tended atumilng her. but when he saw tho wound. and tho blood flowing ho became alarmed and called a sur geon, who dressed tho wound. llladcn explained that ho had itwek her by accident. Telling tho doctor he would bo responsible for the bill, and Informing MIm Holers that ho had to ruih to work, and for her to remain In tho room until hU re turn, tltaden scltcd the trcaiurc-laden muff from tho wall, threw It Into a suit caso with her purse, containing ISO, and departed. Uladen ha not reported where ho works, and there Is bo trace ot him. MIm Roger told her story to Deputy District Attorney Collier. rROFLKHTE'S.FDRKRRlFE IMILIXEJI.BE loose Frew All Oklljattoa lo Briag I'p De Caatellane's Voaag One la KHh of Charch Whose Tenets trVeadi Waslrr Prufraeea to VeHow HOME. Dec. St. Count Ilonl do Castclluno, tbo former butband of the present Duchcti ot Tallyrand and Do Sagan, whose maldea aamo was Anna Gould, being now Ib Rama to urge the granting by the Vatican ot annulment of hi marriage, aays: "I hope tke count will succeed, as that would free me from all moral ob ligation to bring up tbo cbMdren In their father' faith." Constipation cause headache,' nau. aca, dizziness, languor, heart palpita tion. Drastic phyilc grlpo, sicken, weaken the bowels aad don't cure. Dotn'n Itegulct net gently and cure constipation. 3S cent. Ask your drugglit. "Had drspcpila or IndlgeeUon for yean. No appetlto. aad what I did eat dlitrrascd me terribly, Bnrdock nicod Hitler cured mo," J. If. Wal kcr, Sunbury, Ohio, DRY SLAB WOOD I am aew aa first eusa 10-lBcb dry slab wi aay plaeo In the city for It a Now Is the ehaap, before time to get'' gear wet weather tvev Leave order at Transfer com. paay or Oreaoe Harneat. eompany. UST Of INM INDIAN LANMVOMMLR Departmeat et the laterlor, United aHataa iBnaaaterrlce The folloaiM treat et Indian laada Lnrltk the " ,o4,theowBer, descrlp- tloa, and aparataat prie, situated en the KUiBBthlndlan'.Uervatloa, Or- oa, are dfered'.fot1,,imder tke aet;of eotgraM, 'approved March 1, 1907, Tk laad were Ifctted Boptem- bar t, illl. an) kid far their par chase wlwll - he oaenod January 1, ltlt. Th lernia et the eale ar eaeh. 'Jag' Ommn' et.al, RW'A '. II. HrllH''W . . ' Fatl MetMrteaa, SDH SM.lt-l. Joaa, lieleoB. SWH , r UH WH See. 11, d MWH WH. HB H Rlf H. . l-tTl MM. .'Rath JehB.MWla Iraki. MU htW deilrsrl Bid tO It.. BBaBjK)f 6.X itW3nMttM(BnMrBBBWiBVkBnB Joseph Parasee 4 alWU Bee. 14.30-tl l, 060. " - Tho following parcel ware Hated Auguit 31, ltll, and bl.U will N opened December 33, 101 It 1,'miua Coukmaa et al, UK SWH, Sii NMU. See. 113I0 11,00. I'.nium CvukmaM et al, HKH Bee, 3t.S 11100, Knutm CooVman el nl, NWVi See. It-Jl-! 900, llmiim Cookmnn et al, HH NKU See. 10-31-9. and 8H BIU lee, 31-tl; MOO. Kmnm Cookmnn l at, NH SKU Hfc. S3-31-7I 11,100. Dora Pedro vt al, NH HWU Hee, tb-31.9; I&IS0. Many Ann Moore, NU 8KU, HU i:u roc. 34'31-t; IT CO. fled cheek, payable to IMnm NVataon, iiiprrliileudent, Klnmalh Indian whtxil, nnd rover I nu lo psr cent ot Dm pries offcied, may be submitted at Benlixl bid, accompanied by a' cortl the Klamath Agency, during a period ot llty days prior to 3 o'clock p. til. oa tho dnya Indicated above for etch tract, at which time the blda wilt be opened at the offlto o( Um agency. Id caie ot deferrel payment eale, 10 per ccpt ot tho purchaae nrlco will accompany bid nnd 1& ler cent addi tional when bid It accepted. Note for bnlnnrc, at legal rate f Interest, taken, Patent In fee when note and Intcrcxt are paid In full, All that should appear on the envelope con taining the bid should be "Hid for In- hcrllcd Indian tand," nnd tho dalo of opening bid. Anr f ther Infor'xation may be tad by applying lo t-Mion Walaon, mpcrlntendent Klamath Agency, Ore- con. Everything in Music at T"3?? fISrCSRXi KlaaHih Falls Music Htuse II. MADtlK.V, Proprietor Hide HrpmenlatUe ot SIH-:itMAN-'LY A CO.14 nAKtNt, the KTKIXWAV, and other Leading Pianos. Also Hie Kshmhi. IIAI.II- WIN' PIANO. Oilier make nl nttxl. rrste price. Twnlaa: and Repair. WIIITK HKHIXfl MACIIINt, OMUKII TVIT.WIHTKK AND VICTttll TALKIXU MACIIIKK lltHik. HlalKmrrr and Plrtnrr Two IHHin Kt of the 1'ustoMr New V In ta pawaf wT es frjBfn I tj! - Promenade antftarfcing, 12 Gentlemen 1$ LadlciajrdChlldrca with jrarenlf, ttt JL waamgaassrimsewmmmmymBemmmmmmtmmmimm New yeat0Protbl Banquet and B wwie p$mm Horn : Music Rv WMl Mlcmn Orchestra .ri fW -a'( - HJ i,5Ll xhUtsr muuvrum,K$Mt;wrtmutwmM j' &kiimfa&jm&eiaa .A ,.??-? Iwtt N lwaVf:aawaV aW .'AW aaaj' . IMWaaaaj; JT-.T7X---rs-k.'- 'v --'' At fM TtiM kwV -j-s faFptpfi m mwmmWFftiA flaOa ODDS and ENDS $1,00 liwik In OMr window this wren, We arw offering )un grWi ,.' NImn Ih Hrlnln llnra left titer after Cnrisima, Mny i.r ihess '' rliw am Morili.lwu or three Hmh what wn ak fur ihciii -?-''' this neek at only 1 each. j '" H. i Winten jeweler ai.l'toffMUW IIIIWU1 r"' ,,i.i . ''s. " BIG FURNITURE BARGAINS tVOH tHRHTTMAH.' CALL AND NKK OlIII n)M. PI.KTH LINK' llt HR KUKMHIIINtlN, HIIIVIM, IMNCiMM, HtJATKHM, Rl'tW, KTC. 6. C. JEN3EN IfURNITURE CO. Corner flnth and riain At Houston's Kin Juiglleg Ib tk etartac glfM at tho llouetoa opera keate tala weak by lb LHttoJeha. faeaea anna) luggler. They opeaed a waka a gagement Monday, which will them her through aeat Saadey vteluslve of a Wednesday night, wkleh will be glvei by Ib opera bouse lo (ho I4CCUM bur' The r.ttU;lolina.' a maa and a wo man, do expert. 4 ground juggling, ai well as duet Juggling while on re BbbbbbbbbIrbbbbbbbbbbbHVK' ' fBBaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaaanf ' -aaaaaaaaaaB vVHK' .,' A fmTtBtBBBBBJSjgaH aaaBsSlBBBBBaaBBi Baaaaaaaaaav K' ' BBBaBaaaVaaav LbbbbbbbbbbbL ' '''aBBBaam''lf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBreW ' "'' VBBBBtK' BaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaV'j-" vjmf-j aaaaaaHT 4igHf4 Year's x Sunday. December 31 Concert from 10 to 12 PAVIUON JL ( MUSIC. BT KNAFTS OHCHIIT1 A Saturday Evening December 36, iqii V$r wj''ZLMli-Avl2iBjlAL'L2lLMm4 ''' A i-i:?a--v-.,:' rmm. i Ymmaw ' ODtldsM SSM1U Vu.u.... B" nnii.ii i.ini 1.1 Hill Opera H volvlag ball. They J at, pant, Indian cliikt, and a lot of other Ihliat, Is a rapid Ore tattler ead. Ob of the tklag ever seen oa a stag I when the raaa taa people, a man and a wi aad throws knlrei wblek target which the woman Is a daring and da pllthmenl, and lirouibt houi latt night. Ev until me: ij& Doonow at 9.30 : A.ntf tiBttw - asi m TTi T ,'i ' &u nwaww j JtliTLmi Lmwurw 14 ,' . ft- 1ft r ;'&' ..,-!; ji, BssiaBVBBiaBi BBsasBimuBBmimBBSBiBBiB est nam '. maasiaaaBisBi amp H. . Hi IWH IVH,lH. If. l't1" . .';.'..! rfeT"' i ilAlitli. .-'...',. V .. , try. PrP,TtB" , ? ,;-.