"&- tv . BRUM V J. .Mi" J ' r4, V 4 Jf l- nJ """ .-J. ,j '. ii.3 s, .n. 1 r. ' -" Jft A. " 1 f , n... f fiKC fa Mb i . Ti r'1 ' jt-y ;.'. ,r 'ja? ;." ' .rs. - . - rv ' WJi-jVi l..i?I V - , '1 uvrrumn trr I rMMM NRW8 BRHVICR r ., V.f 7 ?! i VNITI .it5PHlW Htow dwnMMMrll , i ir. . - -i. a . - i - r. J r-'-C .. Jl'J.V.1.? A , .J"K r .- ( Vto. . V i' . ft- . t. A 1 " Y'' Uf, " 1?! , .7 v.. J. . , .O . - -I. T . 1 m w iw i rn . i " v -- -- . .; - ' . -, .stSitfxi' , j ' V.. , 7 t M. mjm m j. 1 . -"HMmwHM W&mf Mf . .B t. . 1 A ','- I i,1 . -it, tfL IIP. f IM1 1? it T mi in iw awmi a " i . wur JmHMlvr MathTi Wo. 1,014 " ? ili' '" - ' " "' '"' ttft--nrt "MMATII HIM, OllfXIOSf, I'ltlDAV, IlKCKMIIRn W, 111 , ' " - ' -.' - '' -,' - " I SUN YAT SEN NAMED CHINA PRESIDENT fwl WILL KILL MONARCHY CIKWKN MAX ACCKITH, WITH H)UCV OV KAHI.Y I'KACK AMI HTAPMC OVKHMKNT AH III WATCHH'UHO Unlle4 Prcw gorvlco SHANailAI, Dec. !. Hcventcon iI(IoiIm Jo iha Hanking conforenco tnn4 Sun Yt Hon, (hen tlio lh. leealh ekanged hit oto and mario It unavlmoua. Klgkt ilintuand rebrli Imvo licen rnt to Nanking to rolnforro nnd pro. tcct repukllean offlclal. j me election roroiliadowa a co. Udm of tho Bionarchy. Dun, who U hero, waa notlfled, and telegraphed tho nMcmbly at Nnn klngt "I romlder It my duly to accept tho irrldency. "My policy will bo to obtain penco nnd t atahla government by tho liromptnt method poulble. 'Mr ilnRlo nlm will bo to iccnrn penro and contentment nmnnK tlio mnilona of my countrymen." nfter bolnc hlmaclf ntiol by (IcorRo Kt rnor. Danln wnn then romotcd to tlio county iHnpltnl, iiml tbcro Mrn. Uw llvvce, ulinni bo claimed n nn ndopted ilnuitlitcr, mniiKr.lcd n rouilv- er, mid n few iiiluiito Inter both Dnnla nnd Mr. lloin nu rounil (Hot, Danla died. lli:VIM HITH IV I'lllHOV IIAIIIIKI) lltO.M VIHITOUH l.'wptlnic IIU t'oiniMl, IVndlng n CouHiimrtUI Military Antliorltlra Want- III IJfo In Vny for IIKIoy. ally, Hut Mndrro .May MiMlIfy TbU United Prom Berrlco MKXICO CITY, Dec. !9. Oonernl Ue)oa In In u cell In Hnn Dlecn prison. Iln nrrlvcd Innt nlrclit. nnd l nl- lowed to bo Been by nono except Ills counsel until tho courtmnrtlal. It Is learned (lint smcrnl mllltnry ntitnoritles damnnd IU)o' execution, nut It la hellortd that President Mn- doro will permit n IlKbter ponnlty wero found to ho mlsbrnndcd nnd ndultoraled. l'lvo liumlrcd and tbno rliccli iiniiljscd wero mado to liuuro tbiit corrcit rrsulls wero obtained bo', ftro Vicnmnicndatlonir wero mndo m to tlio motliod of proceduro.by tho dc- iniiiiiuni tor violations. 'Hani wero 5,370 lionrlmm held by tlio buicnii on iuestlonnble irodiiet, of wlilc,!! over linlf wero mndo at Now York. A total of 9.00K Imported foods nnd ilruK wero nnnhxed, nnd 3.085 wero round ndultcrnted or mlsbroml. en, Tlio miscellaneous samples which comd under tlio examination of tho puro rooa exports ngKreuatod l.lOfl making n total of 18,000 samples. AVIATOIIM on'KIt HKIIVICK TO TUIlKg IV THIPOLI .Moro Than Seventy. Inrladln One ni'iiuiH, Annlo rascal, and a Orle. Ilnl, Xnnio Xot (liven, Volunteer lo Alt Olloman Hcrapiiera VOTERS CAN fill THEJR NAMES IK IIIMIHTIIATIOV IHKIKg XRXT TflMI)AYCTTY 18 TO HAVE MOIIK ntKCIVOTH THAN A VKAIl AOO, HIX BKINO TOTAL I.KW8 1KACR CHAIKMAN IV MAYOIt OAYNOR'H PtACF. IV.Iks rixtog for tf(H FHI Tint Offered Vew York' CMef Mato. I rale, and Declares WiH MetCMfief Igiioro Itooaerek Inlted Prcea Service v NEW-YORK, Dee. 28. The com mlttcs arranging tho peaco banquet Mas elected Honry Clewa ehalrann, intteM of Mayor oaynor, who refUMj to servo. Tho committee deelarea It wilt I'crcaftcr Ignoi-a iiooaerelt REAbVlTaCOLLi TAVDAVrDC) I rurm iltT NEW UPLIFT MOVEMENT IS BEGUN III NOOSIER TOWN I'ACKKHM HKKK TO KKKI OCT rOOli OPKIMTIONH WMek Vr If rrtMMx'Htion M'txthl IJkr lo I In aa KvMrnrn In Prorccd lo IHnit Them Way Ken. Object l lo Obialii Chic, Horlnl nnd .Moral lleform by Kditcnllou, Ixgl. latlun nnd Knforrenieiit of Iji .Many llrnnrlieu CotitciiiiUte United Press -rr.. I'ARIS, Dec. 20. Moro than soven ty nvlalors, ono a woman nnd ono a Chlnatnnn, hnvo offered tholr scrvlcci to tho Turks nRnlnit tho Itallrns for sorvlco In Tripoli, tho names being rorv.nrded by registered mall to tint Turkish mlnlotcr of war at Constan tinople through tho Illom ngancy at Ilols'lo-duc, . It Is snld thnt soma of tho most famous of tho Fronch blrdmon, In cluding Jules Vcdrlncs, am amoug tho viluntcer. Tlio lady of the lot Is Mile. Annlo Pascal. Tho county clerk's office la cettlns tho precinct registration books in readiness to send fo tho different Dro- cinctv, so that registration can com menco on noxt Tuesday. Daring the .Novomhcr term tho county court oat lined tho boundaries ofjho precincts, anu crentca nvo new ones and cut out ono of the old ones. Tho county Is now divided Into nineteen voting nro- clncts, whero last year It contained fifteen. Tho city of Klamath Falls this year III hnvo six precincts, whero there wero two last yenr. Tho precincts of tho city are Bhlpplngton, West Klnru. nth Kallir, Second Ward, Third Word, Ccst Klamath Fall' nnd Mills pro. clncts. no precincts oi ino county nro as vw. an r iw foil..... n.f.it iiu.j tii.... , . 'w ..,.,. ul-, uuu iutit, mam- K amilh Vnlli lj,4..Vn ttt t n ji. . .. . ... .. - "". .wBm .. ivi, i. v, am i.bkc, riovno. wese k amain n v m k.u ,i..i. .. i tonignt. Tncro win bo work In the rAFT COM TO TRACK FRKD IV RAMTKItV MKTHOFOLKI On Way to Vew York lie WH fltofi at Philadelphia to Help Celebrate Centennial Anniversary of Wasuv makrr'a Voted DepatUaMrt Scow ansaaaBs Tnlted Pren Bervtce WA8IIINOTON. D. 0.. Dec. St. President Taft leave at 10 o'eloek tomorrow, to attend the New York Peace Dinner. Ho stops at Philadel phia to participate In the anniversary colobrntlon of Wanamaker'a depart mnnt store, and reaches New York at 0 p. m. IXVa TKPER VO BR RBtD RY VMAT1IXA ; TrlbetweaVef flte'CMHai mt aMto CMeft Wb Wct , White Father at. Have M Dotefjs oa RMi n- r f ' TOBEfAYAI &kiifabi ..'VN 1 1 Halted FrM lerrltw , PENDLBTOK, Vh. It Tl Ik a II of the atx cklef, s4 svMrteta f tba three tribe os lb UbsMIM tloa who will retara froat Waaalag ' v. u inois a tew aaya, are pre- parsM a "long tape." The chief weat to Waahlagtoa to aoslat la organtslag the Broiheraoed of North Amerleaa ladlaaa. U keaer of their return al! of their will assemble to greet theai. IV'mple theater. Matrae ehitly. !:'' m. Evening, 8rt perfortaaar tr.( rontlnitniis 1NDIANAPOM8, Dec. 2P. A niw trood OhIIU U Former Oktt Tratmoicment to aid In tho uplift of tho ninnies nnd to correct tho. abuon from which they are suposod to bo' suffering was formally launched hero nt the Initial convention of tho Indi ana State Clvlo Union. ... Tho purpo-c of tho new orgnnlu linn, as net forth by It promotors, Is lo obtain social, civic nnd moral ro form by means of education, leglsln If nl ted Press Service (IIICAaO, Dec. 39. Packers' At torney Miller and Mayor continued their argument against tho intro dactloa of ovldoncn regarding the liool operations In tho Kenwood nid Aetna companies. II wa alleged that tho Kenwood roupany waa tho old olco oil trust, Incorporated In 1900, with n capital of 114,000, that It mado fl.000,000 proflta In ono year, declaring n divi dend of over f 1,000 per cont weekly. MYSTERIOUS SILK MOILS NOT STMN6E NOWsMYS Tliono Who Have Ijnat fNeep Trying to (let a Satisfactory Deaaltlon Can Head Treasury OMclai'a Nx plana) Ion and Itcsame glumbcr United Press Servtco " WASIIfN'GTOX. D. C. Dec. 29. At list tho government ha officially nnswered tho questien: "What are silk nollcsT" Tho great mystery Is solved. For years tho hot dlsputea oor noil has been going on. Some tlon nnd law enforcement. Sonio nt tho Issue which It purposes to tnkolbavo said noils wero this nnd some h obicrtnncc, socInlil'Rvo said that noils wpro that, and "HOH" A VII WAITKIt IIIIOWV x IV POMTICAI, COVKKIlKVCi; Ptto Refavra lo Dlncuu Wlial -TrKarred at hWrrt Powwows, Hat Be own la Relieved to llavn HoHglit S IVafo Whh lrogrraalvr i United Pros Rorvlre TOLKDO, Dec. 29. Senator La Kollette refused to discuss his secret confereaco with Wnltflf llrfiwn, ro l;ubllcaa etato chairman,, last night, nnd it la bettoved that Urown sought to make peaco with the progressives. up lll bo Hnbbnth purity, temperance, sanitation, Indus. Ibero has bfoii'no mlddto ground. trial canity nnd International peace. Vell fed church wardens hnvo . J grown purplo nnd shook their fists Mr. and Mrs. Frank White come lu ,ho facc of ,ll00 wno al ""' In this morning from Poo Vnlloy, nnd I "olu wcro not w,mt lho nen will return to their homo this ovon.'"'1'1 ,hcy cro- Ani1 so li n Bono. Ing. Frank Is doing hi part tonrdTo ll'osa ,,ho hav0 lo,t 'l' un settling up tho country by ridding It ,,crlnK ,1Bt tho nnswcr B,Ton uy A of co)otea ns fast as posslblo. A "Utnnt Secretary of tho Treasury Cur short llinoiiRo ho sent In flvo pelts to ,' ,n charM ot toma mattora, tho county clt-rk'u otllce, mid todny he W0,lW ,,0 " ' horeb' "lwn! brought In flo moro. ' No,, nro ocoon fm which nil , elite flbro longer tbnn two Inches have uren coinueti, nnu nous nro usoa in THAOUJ CHAlTKtt ADDKD TO ANIA FAMILY THOULBK8 r, ....... Hoasehahl ta Which Fatalities of Ono Kiad;r Aaethfr germ lo lie llg. alar Orar of Thlaga Latrat Death ) Re'Iaveatiaaled United Prees lervle gANTA MONICA, Calif., Dec. 29. Mrs. Mary.Danla Sharp. 20, tho two month brM. of George M. Sharp, aged 71, a weaHby real ostato owner, W dead loaay, and another chaptor Ma tha Daala family tragedies I opened, taTaiajtfagjdiJbiK required. fo ot 8 L. gad killed Ledanln, nNNBNNNNNBi. hi' mjpmhpmpm- many foods no drugs s1pledjder wiley Xi-nrly JO.IMM) HMcliueiiM of t'seful IYimIucI Tried by lho llurenu of tbenilslry In lis llalaure, and ii Third Found Wanting United Press Servlco WASHINGTON, 1). C. Dec. 29. Inspector of tho bureau of chemistry, under tho supervision of Dr. Harvey W. Wlloy, tho puro food export, col lected 9,1100 snmplea of foods and drug during tho past )car, accord Ing to tho report ot the bureau Just mado public. Of tho 9,500 foods nnd drug uolrcd iha bureau found only 3,280 to bo logal a compared with 3,113 which tho very extonslio Industry ot rank ing cloth for gunpowder bags. Minneapolis reports an Icy wavo coming, with tompcraturo 43 degrees b'lnw- zero nt Prlneo Albert, Saskatch ewan. S Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Horton- ar rived last evening from Yonna- Valley on tho way to their Seattle homo. Fells. Bhlpplngton, Second Ward, Third Ward, East Klamath Falls. Mills, Midland, Pine Grove, Tule tako Malln, Poo Valloy, Dairy, Lost River, Lnngoll Valley and Spraguo illvor. II. Nownham has been appointed registration clork, and will bvre clmrgo or the registration book la lho county clerk'a oce. Voter la nny precinct In tho county can regis ter either at Ibo elerk', oflco or In their own precinct. All registrations hove to bo later transferred from the precinct books to those kept at tho court homo, it I probable that the rotor ot tho alx preelncta In Klamath Fall wllf bo askod to register at tho court houso and before Abe- close 'Of tne books a clerk or notary may can vans tho outl-lng preelncta to register those unablo to como to tho court house. The books will open on Tues day morning, Third degree, and visiting brother aro Invited to attend. LIBEL CHAR6ES GONTHRIfO IT SAN FRAKOSCO JMKE LhVI Charges Broaght by AMeaed doldea Gate Chy Backetshopntr Against Hut Severe Critic Aro lo IJe gict Next Two Week United Pre errlee SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 39. l Charge of libel by Henry Moss, brok er, against Sprcckela and Hornlck and Simpson ot tho Call, were continued by Judge Weller for a fortnight. SUES CARROLL TO RECOVER MONEY ifcb Folks. To Watch Old Year Out In United Service Sunday Evening To m taa M year oat and the w Yaar-U thar will be ft tptelal loa aaMgav.tha varloa local charehaai iaaaav aveal la Orwe MsthoiaH Rjluapil ahareb, of which (y.'OtOrsBi H. Faaaa la'Dattor, to take Mmb attar' Iha regular servloea 'n ts mVHM aaarokH.- n'wlii hut mil Mtdaj.t. aa4 will eoaalK1 of MM ft4WtjlN W r wgiaa ajarfldj. M'tha twlMliag Mar Mat. wM U a iwfc jMrved, bo present and ninko tho meeting a rousing ono. Mra. I.ovl McDonald with her daughter, Jo, nnd Mr. Bert Wlthrow and daughter Wave, and Mr, Irwin MoDoaaM left tbli molng for Long Beach, Calif.', ( join the colony ot Klamath folk' who aro spending the winter at that delightful resort. Mr. jaaannvtajSiaiaF" ri JZIZT.Z l...n i.1 .hin .trnxllnn (nnorrow at TliO D. at., for JBMpeesa remain, wuhi v...j ...-. ,- - - -; - - i:. It. Chllcoto ot tho realty firm of Chllcoto & nice, loft this morning for Kugeno, expecting to gpond a fort night In tho Wlllnmetto Valley. TWO This if IlllON WOMEN WVE VOTE RIGHT LVnsu of California Show That ATS, 140 Are FJIglblo to Cast Ballot, Nearly 100,000 More Than Number if Men Ist Registered I'lilteil 1'resi Sertco 1.08 ANGELES, Dee. 29. In tho stnto ot California -670,140 women nro ollglblo to vote, according to a census mado undor tho direction ot the Women' Progressive League ot Lou Angeles. Dut 583,000 men wero leglsterod at the October flection. Mile Holler flkato Raco fats will bo tho night for speed and asWtement nt the pavilion, tor a one-mft race on roller skates It scheduled and a good list ot entrlos promtaed. Maaoaif ftehooi of IrtraoUag, ..Klattt,Capter NK 15, Ryl II. K. C.ttTHALL TAKES ACTION TO GKT $3,000 AXI COSTS IN PUItHUAN'CK OK VKHDICT HK- CKNTLY RRNDKRRD In Juue, 1908, R. E. Cantrnl aued J. p. Carroll for the possession ot a- lot ot farm utensils nnd cattle, ot tho valuo ot 15,000, giving a bond aad directions to tho sheriff to take pos session ot tho property and turn the mover to Mr. Cantrall. After tho sheriff had aolxcd the property Mr. Carroll gavo tho statutory bond to retain tho property, on which bond Mr. 8. S. Henley and Frank Ward wero sureties. This I the caaa de cided by Judgo Kelly on the 11th ot thl month In Mr. CantroU'a favor. Judgment In that case waa for the possession ot the property, aad if not dollverod, then for $5,609, the value of the property. No delivery having been mado. Mr. Cantrall to day filed hi complaint la court against J. D. Carroll, Mr. 8. 8. Hea ley and Mr. Frank Ward for the 15.- 000 and eoat of the former action amounting to $50.20, and Interest on the whole sum ainco date ot the Judg ment. Attornejs In the action Bled today aro Btono & Dnrrett, aad J, O. Rutenlc. Some ot tho livestock concerned have yery Interesting names, auch aa the follewing: Black, stallion "Prince," gray Bare "Bella," gray mare "Queen,'! brown mar "Boy's," sorrel mare "Babe," black Mara "Oliver,"' brown Bare "nusaell," aaddle hone "Badger," saddle horse "MlUhell," gray. Bar "Tootsey," buggy team horse "Dodo" and "Dandy." i " ' Other nrenerty concerned ta the litigation laclude sis colts beloagiag to soma of the above mareaj-alx attk cows, two 1-year-old aaiferi.Ctwo yearling keUof.' nlaa tarawaga, twtdwriea tW gag plow, thjaa walking plow,vhra -Aim ikww, one' spring taoth harrow, toajr.natw- Ing Bftohlntg, three ha rakaa, saw OIHL LIKE AVIS UXXELL HOIGHT CYAN1UK OF CLERK Former Canibritlgo Druggist Shows Record of Snlo of Poison to Girl Who Resembled Hirtiesoa' Former Sweetheart Day Before Tragedy United Press Berrir UOSTON, Dec 19. A trump card for tho Rlcheaon defense wa played unexpectedly by the district nttorney vrncn Kugen bevitan. formerly a druggist at Cambridge, showed rec ords ot bis having sold a girl cjanldo October 13th. the day beforo Avis Llnncll died. Lovltan declared that the girl, who gavo a fictitious name and address, looked exactly Ilka Avis I Innell'a picture. Mrs. A. L. Harvoy, who has been tpondlng tho bolldaya with relatives, .oturncd thla morning to her home in Achland. Bert Doan camo la yesterday from hi Yonna Valley home on a short business trip. Mrs. Llzxle Fitch of Yonna Valley I visiting friends la this city. EAST HNNIIN TUNES OEMS after nm ma Then Husky Motorsnaa Grab Rather aad Beats Him lato State of lads ference, Turning Him aad Hi Plunder Over to Huatiag PoUee SHU UYNET FIACDCE KrlECJlTEN IT Off CIS Thfjr'WoaM Maw ReaMssa to What I Now rerfawcteey Raerelee bf Wv . lag SokUera Raw Beef an Whsca to Thrust Petat . ffnlted Press Bervlee - ' 'V WASHINGTON, D. C, Dm. Il.-iJ Realism that la reaHsa aa a moan M raako real Ightlng aaa at at Uncle Sam' soldier I reeoaasndsd by two onteers who hTe been at work In the war departBeat.far two weeks revising the bayonet aaaaaL Tho.oBcers declare that tha train- lag of the Aasrjaan, sla1irJn.. us; of tho bayonet, aa at wreaeat ducted, is merely theoretical and per functory. In order to give the proa oictlvo war man a real thrill they propose that tbo Midler skill he trained by thrusting, their moaated biyonets Into real flesh. Not until tho soldier has learned the 'feel ot tho sharp blade In the raw Seek, they say, can ho hopo to be eeapetent aa a mnn killer. Tho officers recoaaend the as at raw beet as a substitute for'hsaaa flesh, nnd naively polat out that Ma use would entail no additional ex pense, aa the side of heat froa the company kitchen eould he d, tar the exercise, aad be retumai to' the cook practically ualnjared,' so far aa their use for food I concerned. !ul9BBKl 1 -- s&saunani i ,- ' 7 M.rWBnunuaBa "'f'fajHSBjaaajsannnni t . . . .Lfjzaaasz z'zTLTITWmsi w wsnvsnai t9MaKI eat John L Ivaa, 0i)mimS&m to at Mr. am-a aaMlgrlpi UJhajd lgaAgfJ) An SBBBBBBat-'4BuJsBB a"") gRasf BB "JsMsfsaw KtBfftKtrKUtFnKEnBl k. 'A afla sfagaaj ORjBBKtejyil ha, easatared to, hMR nW g work ta sosaaattoa) wRk aha) mmBm rl coHsma oc anaa gar anBBY VK $: peaaes, ask H aujaggr tta timmf.' lag the rash c am ' aaujn mjm'' do asi raah aMaattBtatr lBB faf oaUttoaajrtaaaanlgaBatM'djli i W ra who a tot t aa gJHiVt . Wl the onto haqr taisag aBatofaflT ' kNnUMftftor,haJa1nam ' TX '.-( ' Tbftatalr of aanj hat sBBBntLmSr Miswmd, tat gg miSMwm byOsaaArQI aartydrntaaf N atoaaT I f flaag taalto' '. 8 BjBRatag&i NIS GLOTMNG SHE he chases m ma WUh Two Doctor Deelarea He' "Nahr," Who WoaMat Be Orer Give and Take Caaas aeedaof thai aaaetal aad how long tba i dure la snwslhlng that tatad la advaata, hat kaowa the sonata- art taaatt i ourt Jaat the derattan ta aMaataitott hans a W'8Bf V5: haaae aad thaw aaadar ahasaw-aaiBnal 'v?B rakrlsant -'Aat aw aaa '' J& Malirilltowataa. Vf' mmm rfu " -iS Hern mm r n :;u n MMilaWai am mk i3 nanumtnunan? r! J1 "" 7 eIH aaaaniBBnr, r - ,j ,. .snasvaal i - iw i . -'jsapntau wn ?m aa, anaJA adatdVaadBaMnnnLnannv 4KN911BnBBa Tl nt iijaaji -fiXHm .'apaar, '-,jna MlmriraBatBnBlW;Hn aenetary gaaa. . J&J?Mi tt"waa irallwsg kg faaaT J''!ftfl aesaorJ.F. Lot at lav dasa anasaanaVIBiiBl we tsoaairvajaaaaatt agapt around 8,BtttL , Tha aanaaas Than. thaaiighU bto asctMd, tha aa tho eaurt wUt know tost aaa ai atH tor Ra sirtlsto to urn a aedwood crrr; cant, Das. m. William Langley. eisd In a MtHa more than a aalhr; ohasto? toroagh the mala streets her wlth-tvta doa- tors la hot pursuit. ' . "I'm nutty." he said. "WhawaaM n't be wltk this Cbristaa gdra gat take gaaT" K ', United Press Bervlee LOS ANOCLBS. Dee. It.JUM Joset an Rast Indian, entered tha Jew elry store ot Morris Martaa ,and kicked him unoeaselou.' Than Jose escaaea wkb at.eee worta ac in. mend, t " ' Later R,vB. Bssaoa," a aoorma, mw hla with, tha Jeaa, heat htat Into subwlaslon and t,urad tiHi'robbar and Plunder ojrer to tha fraatteally aeareh . '-ff- y .- ' leg potla. -v- Ran atoRfol' GtoaVhi' a iha aalaMn. ttema vij ' iiiiUigV Mr. ! Mr. sH j George Hoyden aa taken up aoa clerical work la tke oaee of BherMt William B, Baraes for tka prsatnt m iRBjaf not ssy R NMht mn but aany ksHwa R ty court deatras to a lag Um aaasnc.Faha, Tha atty allis, aahaoa t aadaUtoratosanpgatMR but tay,ato1asatoi ta aaa, or n attto atotat t vWatoneatnarto hr.tho .' Afto qete4tttknTBargaia pareant. tbenrst ktoalay to At ta. UaayfuU JMraaaafi a a flrat MoaMtar hi AntO, way, vetll ha Ar0,I. Itlt ha) I detlnauaM, aai ! to aw "v- Good Headway On Hertfle Wtlr rrigititr Pint 1 iPp -42 T 'Cbarkw HarW of Baattla, paaled by Mrs,. HartoaKVM g wrawia eooay, MoaMngr ft lew ta tha aRjr on too way to ar..Honoa awgaa wwft aVftBM gflBaaanar U atoBtota a th irrk-kaaavaaXftlHitarthariag aM.sfalTahai aaayav. ar. aa aanuJiam aa sFaB to ftfg ta. aa.L"TT, rj OfaaY.ftftaua siftaaiUM by W. W, Tha aa J IHt htat hart deaerUd thl aeetloa ot the beaeflt ot the nw ocr aad twla U other saisj aajaassry j'i 1. ,