'-MiN " '.flW'i -, ...,-..,. irgtf- v , uwnvtwr"--." c i-. k:v netting SUPPM C:'j - RVRNINO NBWSTAPMW ' V e A ". 'JWl PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT ''"&-;. ! -fa J KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, THURMDAY, D ER 10,1011 Pries, Vtw VV .tw Pbt HefitliV UNITED I'HlVNKwfffmviOM HUth Yrapo. 1,(1411 . 4 INflRLiRBAN I ROM AAKEVIEW PUNNED .-' WOULD HIT BONANZA , IKO.MIHKD HIICCfJiH OF HOHHK. 11 V IIIUIflA'ttfllV Uflll'll " '" GIVKH NEW LIFH TO KNTIIIt. PRIME IIKPOIt CO.NHIDItUI " With tlio success of tlui llnrnclty f Irrlgstlun project prnctlcnlly iisiurod there In n story current that nn olov irlo linn will ho constructed from Uikotlow to thin city. ArcordliiK to wlmt nifngor ilelnlU nro nlilnlimlile. (ho work mi tlio I'liliTprlmi will ho begun In tlio spring, nml work nlll not ho roinpleted until tlio wir fo. IdwIliR. Whether tlio work wilt tnrt on hoth emU of tho proponed route, tlililltniMMiiiil)' or IiorIii nt nun uml mid work throjiRh M not ntnted, uir rnn Ilia bnikern nf tho Intended roiito ho inndo kiiiiwn nt thin time. tt In expected to linxe tho lino louie lu Illy mid llonnnin, either throiiRli the Yoiinn Valley, of which Dairy I tho metropolis in tin tliu I'no Vnlle). Tim ilUtnurn to tnke In Illy nml lliinnnin l nhoiit I in uillen, mid' Inki In (imp of tliu bent fiirmliic ill-' Irlrtl In OrtRou It In helleed Hint .,,.,., , . , ii. . ..ii tho lulrudiictloti "I urli n lino would menu n wonderful bulldiiiK up uf the, H..l...lt..l .....I...... I. ,.... tl... (nf..1 mini of the route, nnd remilt In ii rich . .... . hnr tut for thn priiiiioters. ' , .... . ,i . , ...I. Nn iloubt tho eoustruclloii n( such :. ..... . . .. n im won il tcnil to nil iiuwn mo . . . , ., . ii IIIIRIIICSS IIIIIIU Il 111(1 SUIK" 111"', II did not put them out of business nl toiiether, II would bundle both pas souueis mid frelRht, thu Rrenter proDt pltipnrtlonulely belli K lu tho frelRht trafllc. . A l It Is now the tuenns of cominun j ration between l.nkelow mid Hill city Is by stnRu onl), mid n roiiRli pnisnRo It Is. If tlm plans or ui. electric lino nro perfected It will brlnK tho rnpltnl titles of l.nk nnd KlmuuHi cutnitles within nbuut four hour' rldii of one Knottier, ns It Is tin trick for tundrrn Interurbnii elcc-' trie ears In roer thlrty-thu or fort) tulles, If not more, per hour. A wonderful Influx of settlers I', predicted to follow tho completion of tho route, ns small fnrmliiK woubl iwy In districts thnt nro now too rc iiiolo from markets. An electric lino w ' " ' I wnull brim: tho fnrmer worklnB ulong Intrnslvo lines rlosor to bUoid Tnfl has announced ho would fol- markets, mid bo n factor for further lug ugrlriilluro thnt Is practically In estlmnblu. Thu proposed trunsporlntlon propo nil Ion Is not ultoKcthcr now, for John D. Carroll had It In mind soxernll )cnrs ngo, when ho was boosting llo nnntn mid lr)l,' In get ngrlciilturnl acres cut up Into sinnll sectlnna, lie hoped tn sen enough small farms In night tu wnrront nn electrlo Una nirosa tho country, but bard times In 1U07 tended tn Impedn bis plana. ui'ssia wiMi i:.ci.tniK AMKIUCAN fitMIDH, UXTVAT IMdenco of Ctar'n llimmln lo Keep Out Jews FurnWinl by New Turn Him Will Krc Hebrews "t If Menus KlllliiK Tnulo Itelnllous ' United Press Berlc HT. PBTBIlflllHIlO. Dec. 2. Fresh ovIdMsro of Russia's determina tion to fjro nil American -lows, Taft Will Follow Buckeye State, United Press Service WABIHNQTON, D. 0 Doc. 28. It Is announced at tho Whlto Houso Unit President Taft Is determined tu follow I.n Follotto on u threo or four days' spooch making trip In Ohio. Ho imnnola in unonk In ClOVOlntld Juniuiry 29, Columbus Jnnuary 30, Akron January 81. llu Is considering anothor dnto. It la rnniMnrnrl Isnlllcaut Hint UlO Jaunt was announced after Wnrron i llardluD. raoont rnubllcan auberna idllul cand data In Ohio, called, li is understood that Hardlsi tipped the itespllii Dm UiiIIimI HtntcH protests, was gleii In din iliuiin today In a Mil Introduced by lender of tlio tin tlonnllHlH mil! I hi; tint tnrlrf on nil Aiiii'rlrnii goods, Tim pntly controls tliu assembly. nml If I Ihi IiIiiiiiI Premier rlimrlilctilT siuiimr inn it p.iscir inuy will pas It. H ' I" bu mi open ilrrlnrntlnn of n tnrlir war with tlio United State, nml n wirnliu; Hint IIiikhIu Intcrnl to ri'KUlntii Jewish exclusion, even If It menus n rouinlclo sitiernncii uf inul relation ullli Ainerlrn. Amlmismlfir (liilld tit Washington ronilriueil tlm report Hint lliissla Is preparing to Imjcott American Roodi, 'rpclully machinery, - . tU Ilin nTrnpll niiri WMl f JltCJ) 01lL1I(Ii1 . lQfU Pill PIT Tfl PIlllTIPQ inUIn lULlll IU rULf llUO TllH'lill lnil ('nine I'liiliir Who Tlieorlten on Would llnpiH'ii If Sutler In IJirlli, Will IHrvike the I'll. Ih nml Til Ik Mix IrtllMii TOI'CKA Kann., Dee. 2S Itev. Cluirb'H M. Hlieldnii, nutlior uf "In llli tftepH," "Tho C'riicincntlon of I'hlllp StroiiR," nml other bonks 'iiir- purlliiK In khow what Mould hnppen ' " '. . H( ('In hit wero to return to v.nrtli, bet i'kIkii".! from tlm Centrnl (JoniireKn- n,hl ...... ., i .. b uife f In !etur iiR on Koelnl im .. .. ., , , , ,., ., lev Sheldi.ii n so Rnlned publicity , ,,,,. ' Irmuo lin Is cun br ed tliie n toneka , . - . , 'newspaper for n week "ns Christ I would hnvo edited it," i,. nii.i.in-rr, htiiis oiiio IOI.KH WHO IIUAVK HTOItM To lli-Mr Him In Annoiy hi fleii'Uiu!. I'l'. TliniiMiul In Audlener, Des pite IllUrnril Wbldi IUiel In For- t en, will Tnlk to Itnllwny Men itnlted Press Borvir CI,i:VKI.AND, IKc. .8. I.a Kol- luto left this mnrnliiR, ell route to N'nrwnlk nnd Toledo. Knthtnlnim here was mnrkeil, 'e tboiismul Inst nlRht brncd luwhlcli wus his former statlou blltrnrd to reuch (lrn's nrnmry. At noon l.u Polletto spcr.ks tn the rnllnny emplnyes nnd to renliliuls of tl ( rurnl rommiinlty nenr Norwnlk. Toledo Is tonlRht's stand. I.n Kollctlo delUered address No. " - - a tu n big crowd lu Norwnlk. When low up tho tour I.a Kolletto said: "I'rogresshes will sweep Ohio. I'ro watched the ground swell, l'vo met tho breakers, mid I know." WILL TRY AGAIN TO 6ET DAMAGES '.IIMi:ilK' 1MPI.F..MF.NT tXIMPANY SAYS ,TTOU.i:V, WIMi HAVK THIIID OVIIU CASK IN WHICH IIIIMI'ltV DIHAOIIKKD Attorney J. C. lliitoulo states that In tho case of tho Farmers' Imple ment and Supply roinpnny ngnlnst tho Southern Fnclllc company, In wntcn tho Jury disagreed, rt to li. tho Issue LaFollette In Followers Urging piesldcnt icgardlng I.a Fotletto's progress. That Tnftltcs considered tho trip urgent la Indicated by tho fact that tlio Akron dato forces Tnft to ngnln postpono his stnto dinner to the su piomo lourt Justices, ri..iniiv hn set January 30. post poned It to tho next day, imd accord- lug to announcement no uas nuw i.i ponod It to February 3. Harding aecioreu; inero . no La Follotto sontlment In Ohio. Hit Invasion politically wl m uennuiu to Taft." will Im retried Tlio disagreement puis tliii mse, In n sense, ns though It liml nuir lici'ii tried. Tlio plnlntlrr naked for nearly f GOO iIuiiiiikch for loss of n liono and In jury In n ilrny mid harness when a fi Unlit mi' In a fl)lng switch itruclc tint rlir lit dm fnlKlit depot. HIII'HI Kit WILL COMB Ol'T, Mi:..IN(J Itl'HHIA'H VICTOR I Dulled Press Rervlce WASHINGTON, I). C, Dee. 28. Il'lllliln RlnlM Mfntnlnr niiax.ll rnti.A i ...... .i-...- ... . --. '" ' n,nu in'i'iimuum irum ii'iiiran Hint Hhuntcr would noon learn I'eriln U Itimnln, probably within a few iln)n, Thin uieniit that Hunla has gained tlm (1 rut nnd molt Important of her ileiimndii. It la now likely that I'tnlan re finance will noon dlo down. DANOr.lt TO TOItl'KIM) IIOAT NOW OIT ;ai'K IIATTKIIAH WurriiiRtdii In I'erll, ArronllnK to Wlri'liM lleerheil nt Smy Depnrt incut, nml Tnn IbmtN Am Hurrying lo lli-Mue Her Prom IIIrIi Hnn United Press Bervlco WAHIIIXaTON, I), a, Dec. 2. Tho torpedo bant WnrrlnRton Is In dmiKer fifteen miles northwest of Cnpo Uniterm, ncconllnR to n nary itepnrtment wireless. Tho revenuo cutter Onondaga and the scout cruiser Ratcm nro hurrying to thu rescue. Seas nro IiIrIi. Later dispatches say the WnrrlnR ton I In no Immediate dniiRer. COLLINS TAKES HOUSE FOR HOME l.l'ISCOI'AI, HIXTTOn KN'OAQW MAN'HIOV IN' HOT SPRING- FOR. MKItl.V OCCtTIKD IIY JAMK8 II. HHIHCOMi Iter. Henry C. Collins. M. D., who Is rector of draco Kplsconal churcb, bns enRORed tho rcsldcnco at Crescent nnd Cnnby streets. Hot Springs addi tion, nnd Is Installing Ills household furniture, shipped from Ventura, Cal Mm. Collins and daughter are lo rnnio from Ventura February 1st to Join Her. Collins, when he will bo able tn set up housekeeping In earn est. Tho house Is tho onq formerly ik (iililcd by James II. Drlscoll, and Is lu tho Hot Springs district. COI.II IIMHT AT CIIICAflO 8KTH WISTKH'S I)WE8T Two Heslhs llesult From Cold Wrath. rr Which Fjivelops Windy City, With Teinitenitur,! Flvo A tune LTillly at Other Cities United Press 8rrlc CII1CA0O, Dec. 28 Tho cold wave hero set tho wlntor's record, with fire nbovo tero. Two deaths resulted. .At Minneapolis It Is eight below, Milwaukee, zero; Lacrosse, Wis., ser en below. COHONF.ll OL'T ONCK MORS This being a nlco winter day, Cor oner Karl Whltlock, who has been 111 for k number of weeks with typhoid fi'ior. ventured out on tho street. Ha Is weak, but considered fairly on the road to a comploto rccovory and fre of fovor. TWO STEAMERS 60 UNDER with m mm llrlllsli Steamer Krowi London Lost While an Unidentified Spanish Craft Gore to llottonupf Sen With All Hands Aboard GLASGOW, Dee. 28. Two steam- ers and fifteen men nro, known to bavo beon lost In the Bay of Biscay Docombor 21st. The British steamer Guillemot, from London to Genoa, foundered, and as seven of her crow were neini -..cMiort hv th Llncalrn an unknown Spanish steamer was seen to iln with all nanas. ini mniiv men wore lost on her Is not known. Tho captain of the Qull- mot went down wim nw snip. WATER USERS TO DISCUSS TOPICS I'OUItTKKN HUIUKCTH IN IJHT OP MATTF.IIH VITAL TO TIIKIB IN. TKIII-MT WHICH WILL BR T.tl.KKD AHOCT aa-as At a meeting of the Klamath Water Users' Association to be held In this city the first Saturday In January there will bo discussion of large number of topics of vital Interest to tho homesteaders who are patrons of tho Irrigation furnished by the gov ernment. It Is protiosed to discuss tho fol lowing questiens: 1 Tho homesteader to bo given nhsoluto title as soon as cultivation and rcsldcnco provisions of law are compiled with. (Covered by recom mendation of recent conference at Chicago.) 2 Tho throe-year homestead law. 3 Recognition on tho part of the water users In tho mattor of expend Itures. (Covered by resolutions adop- trd at conference.) i Tho question of the competency of tho engineers, and better service generally from tho reclamation ser vice C As to whether proceeds from the sale of government town lots shall bapplled locally or turned Into the goicrai reclamation fund. i That more liberal terms In the way of payments be granted to the water users. 7 The enactment of adequate laws protecting tho wstor users; In tho ownership of all canals, reser- tolrs, ower sites, water rights, and other properties and resources ac quired under the reclamation act 8 A plan by which Individual users may be granted relief In emer gencies through the local association In the way of extension of tlm of payments. 9 That every government Irriga tion project be affected adversely by seopago conditions', be provided with adequate and timely drainage facili ties. 10 That with tho approval of the hoard of directors of tho Project, Wa ter Users' Association, the secretary of the Interior may extend time of payment of construction and main tennnco charges for not to exceed ono year at any time, adding Interest at a reasonable rate per annum on all such deferred payments. That tho reclamation act be so amended that the secretary of the In tcrlor may, upon petition, turn over to tho local Water Users' Association (ho management and operation of any corfl'leted project, or portion thereof upon payment of the first Installment of construction charge for the major portion of tho lands covered thereby. 13 That nn extension of the time for making payments on the construe Hon charges bo granted giving the watfr users thirty (30) years from tho opening of the project In which to pay for tho same. 13 That tho 160 acre unit of own orshlp and residence requirement as tt prlvato lands be eliminated. 14 That the reclamation act be so amended that It wilt be possible for water users to borrow money on their ir.nds for Improving the same. BAR COMMITTEE FAILS TO REPORT LAWYERS CHOSEN DV JUDGE HKNSON TO CALL A MEETING AND DISCLOSE PROGRBM OS BAR ABSACIATION MOVHMKNT Some weeka ago at a meeting ot at torneys of the Klamath county bar the question of forming a bar association was taken up, and Judge Henry L. lienson appointed the following com. mlttee on omnixatlen: Thomas Drake, C. M. a'Kelll, B. L. BUlott, J, S. Kent, John H. Napier, W. I. Wiley and Herbert I. Crane. The committee was Instructed to call a meeting and; report not later than today Thla afternoon no report had been made to Judje i:X-MAYOH OF BAN JOSE, CAL DIEM IN GOLDEN GATE CITY Itarney Marphy, Sent Cists Comty's IteprrsenUUve w State Senate. Succumbs to Heart Fallstre la Hie Hotel Apartments United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 38. Ex Msyor of San Jose, Barney Murphy, a lepreaeqtatlve to the stato senate from Santaj Clara county, died ot heart failure at his apartments In the Imperial. STRANGE MALADY KILLS GERMANS, DOCTORS FUTILE IfMdred of Oases of MyetettoM Rps. eVtnfe In Berita, Where Fifty Sao camb In Oae Night Proas Skkaeea Which May Prove to Be Cholera United Press Service BERLIN, Dec. 28. A Strange epi demic killed fifty In the municipal night ahelter and other asylumns here. A hundred other cases are reported. It Is feared that they are suffering from cholora or some other plague. Physicians are unable to diagnose tho trouble. Tho victims vomit and then die. 8VERS WISH TO RECOVER MONEY Suits for the recovery of money have been filed In the oBlce of County Clerk De Lap as follews: C. Michael, through Attorney W. H. A. Renner, against Wm. Ttmms; Jackson County bank, through Attor ney W. L Vawter, against Purdy A Purdy. OEITRICH TAKES PELICAN REINS NEW HOTEL NOW IN CHARGE OF MANAGBR WHO HAS JUST AR RIVED AS SUCCESSOR TO J. E? BROWER X. C. Dietrich has come from San Francisco to take the management ot tho White Pelican hotel, being suc cessor to J. B. Brower, who suddenly resigned about ten days ago. Mr. Dietrich baa been assistant manager of 'the Knickerbocker hotel, New York; manager of the New Dun lap, Atlantic City, and manager of the Lynnhaven, Norfolk, Va. MANY NATIVES KILLED IN MOROCCO BY SPANISH Four Haadrvd Moors Mown Down In SfacHoar Battle by Machlae Gam of CasUllaas, Whoso Lose Is 90 KMed, With Tea Woaaded United Resa Service MELILLA, Morocco, Dec. Four hundred natives were 38. killed after a six-hour battle. Thirty Spaniards were killed nnd ten wounded. The battle was mostly at long range. Spanish machine guna made havoc among the dark skinned Moroccans. L08T Small pocket book, between Sixth strest and corner of Oak and Broad, containing about 1 37.50. Find er return to Herald otlee. Reward. Are you Interested In KIJOI ATI! COUNTY? If so. see the Stephens Hunter Realty Co. ood bargmtM. They have some FORBIDDEN GRADE BOMB UROI ANARCHIST VSED Question of Judge- BordwtH Asked McMuaara Brings Oat Thnt They Used Explosives 0 Per Coat High er Than May Bo Shipped WASHINGTON, D.;0., Dee. 18. The significance of the single ques tion asked the McNamara brothers by Judge Walter Bordwslt In Lot Ange les when the dynamiters stood up to receive sentence has dawned upon labor leaden here through the publi cation of 4he 1111 regulation tor the shipment ot eapleelvet by tho In terstate eommeree eosunlselon. Judge Bordwell naked! J . "Aia m ear tho dynMntte RUSSIAN TROOPS 0 RDERED TO PERSIA In the Times building was. not moro than 80 per cent dyhamltof" The reply was: "No, It waa 80 per cent." Regulations forbid entirely the transportation In Interstate commerce of any dynamite containing more than CO per cent of nttro glycerine. Judge-Bord well's question Is now said to have been asked for the ex press purpose of getting this state ment of the McNamares Into the rec ord for future use. The McNamaras refused to testify before the fedorat grand Jury, yet caught off thtlr guard they actually did give what the gov ernment expects will prove valuable evidence In the cases to como In Los Angeles ar-4 Indianapolis. WRITES CONFESSION OF . HIS MIACHI SPOUSE Magazine Scribbler Takea by Police as He Site la Newspaper Odee Typewriting of Fdoaloas Woaad lag of His Wife NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Caught as bo sat at a typewriter In a- newspaper office writing an account of the affair, Andrew McConnell magaxlne writer and lecturer, Is under arrest charged with the felonious wounding ot his wife at Ocean Grove, N. J. His san ity will bo Inquired Into. McConnell bad In the typewriter when captured n long, rambling ac count ot bis troubles with his wife. In which be declared she had accused him of Insanity, and that she bad "tried to vllllfy an Innocent woman." Mrs. McConnell Is not dangerously wounded. - JOHNSON WANTS S ,000 TO ENTER SQUARED CIRCLE Says Flynn Looks Good to Him, and Has Faith In Coffroth, So Will Sign Articles In a Minute If Price He Wants Is Guaranteed. United Press Service CHICAGO, Dec 28. "I don't caro with whom I fight. I'll go Into tho ring with anybody with a grlnly heai- If they pay me my price. That price Is 130,000," said Jack Johnson. "Flycn looks mighty good to me, snd I'd be glad to fight him. I think Coffroth Is the greatest promoter In the world, and would like to fight tor him. I place every confidence In his word. If he says be can pull off n match between Flynn nnd myself, and guarante 830,000, 1 will sign articles In n minute." COORT DECISIONS WAIT ON RECESS JUDGE HENRY L. BENSON WILL NOT HAND OVER RESULTS OF ISSUES UNTIL HOLIDAY VACA. TION REACHES END Judge Henry L. Benson ot the cir cuit court stated today that he would, tn all probability, withhold action In cases until next Tuesday, aa court la In a holiday recess. Richeson Special Of 250 Men BOSTON, Dee. 88. A special ve nire tor Jurors for the trial of Rev. Clafence V. T, Richeson. charged with the murder ot Avis Ltnnell, has been Issued. About 8BQ veniremen will he drawn for the trial, which will begin Jnnuary ,18th. Considerable dIBculty Is expected In securing the twelve unbiased men to hear the evi dence nl the eaaa, The Imuraee of the venire to be tiered to remove nil question aa to whether the. trial will begte on. the data net. Alseoet a precedent .will, ho Aam--.n i . ,..,.' 0 ' WILL HANG NATIVES WHO PARTICIPATED IN THB AT TACKS ON CZAR'S MEN, AND EXTENDED CAMPAIGN HI RJU 1'KCTED DY WAR OFFICB " " United Press Service ST. PETERSBURG, Dee. 18. Twenty thousand troops are betas sent to Persia. They aro ordered to bang nil tho Persians who participated In the at tacks on the ctar's soldiers. Tho war offlce Is excited, nnd R U believed preparations are, progressing for an cxtonded Persian campaign. MILLIONS OF WATERED STOCK MADE BY PAi Former Leader la Making Cornhtao Tells of Plan by Which Meat Men Decided to Capitalise at M Tbneo Their Earnings for One Year United Press Service CHICAGO, Dec. 88. Arthur Vee- dcr, resuming his testimony la tho packers' trial told the plans of the packers nt Liformal conferences when they tried To, Induce Wall street to help float a billion dollar concern-tn 1902. Veedersald: "They discussed many sehsmee. finally a plan for turning over the properties to a new concern n two for ono offered. The packers saw tho humor In tbat time-honored plan, nnd declded.to devise other means. They thm decided to use twenty-five times their Individual earnings for n year as a bssthe.oaaJUdlintlea.M , The-packers thus added 859,689, 000 ot water. PACKERS REAPED HARVEST OF RICHES BY COMB-SB Paid Off In Three Years lS,M,g0g Loan by New York Money Mags, Which Had Enabled Then to Launch Combine to Restrain Trade United Press Service CHICAQO, Dec. 28. Veeder waa ngaln on the stand In the packers' trial. Special Attorney General Wllk- erson announced tbat It will tnke a week to Introduce evidence of a his torical character tracing negotiation which led to the trust's formation. Veeder's testimony shows that for years tho packers tried to combine, but could not perfect tbelr plans be cause they lacked capital, owing to the enormous amount of watered stock they Intended to carry. Tracing early negotiations up to 1902 Vecdcr said that Kuba Loeb Co., Jacob Schtff and the Standard OH Interests loaned them 818,000,000, compelling them to pledge plaata val ued at 8300,000,000, and with 88, 000,000 the packers contributed, the National Packing company waa launched The loan was paid in three yean. WILL IMPLICATE BOMB MEN, IS PROMISE OF CAPTIVB United Press Service MONES8EN, Peon.. Dec. 88. Col lapsing, George Bridges declared he will make a complete confession and Implicate others In a conspiracy to dynamite the mills here. Venire Made Up To Report Jan. 15 speed with which Richeson wHl faee' the accusation. When the Impanel!- lag ot the Jury beglaa on January IK it win uw nppruu iweiy terse ! , :-- j; to a day from October 14, the daiev;-1 limn MM, Avla Tls.-ll AtmA nT "' HV' Vf"-- ". , -MM ', w ,J4 Ids poisoning. ' , ..&. MISS RBIDY MAKBs) AjDYHf' Dr. Wrlght.reporto the.bjFs eight-pound girl .tils amtosWll .-. u .'r Ti!t . ' ..'7. am r, w - , u -Hsir $ VI 'ii 3 ', vr -,v - r m V? a J.K 3 . .! i v .' ,. A . if. 'i .. i t .1 'i r- II -nl v 3 t; M? -jMI TKJil .:?U !t. K7 $m mi V & X ..Id t V'