L''v asssffi!255MMl M Inlander Merrill, Ore, Ml . rail V HUPPMKII lllf TIIIC IfNITKO I'ltKHM NKWM HKHVICK 42,M KVHNINI NKW8PAPKM rmvr tiii: niiw'h. not history 6a. .1 v? :K Ik ftwiiifi jtettlft. Hlilli Year N. 1,0111 KLAMATH FALLS, OHIXIOX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1011 HORSEFLY WATER PLAN PROGRESSES Price, rive Oata SHOOK ON PROSPECT NO SURVEY NECESSARY, HAM: OF BONUS SURE AM IIOHTO.V I MM IH PRACTICALLY ALREADY ioiim,. fur,. In cxnctly (lie ruim, way in the niOHt hlirili'liul felon In I lie I ltd , I'lllloulliK MtCllHOtlMllH Hint IiIh pro 'd.iiessor, former (loicrnur, M. II Pal 'In mm pardoned (.untitled prisoners leu freely Governor lluuiicr promised .to In) inoruiiiiifiil in ihu rcniiM.t ilnr lug Ill niliiilnliitriillon, nml In mlng-, llnic with tlm (ontMn u order to' lniin exiidly how they lle. nnd In l.e limn i niiiiif fi t i. ..iii. .i.i "i i ,i I !' "ii'itin. (Intcriiur llooinr ordnul the war-' would llkn. i "" "' l"" l'n"llnry to treat 111 in I Tharl. linn..,,-, ,1.,,,, which l r . K'! . 7 '"" "rl""""r.i not to iitiileiliiko Kiln imrdi.n. mid, iinder IliU Htatu of thing tin. gnic-rn- mew ill i Mid to take no further atepn i iiiTD was iiimut ten iirn lorn waiting to Ki( Hdlon, tj lit lion wo lie. noo ovcry tiling M (oiiiii out Jimi nn ... . MASON'S OFFICES IN NEW HANDS JOINT INSTALLATION OF NEWLY elected rulers of two? MEN'S LODGES AND ORDER o eastern star j. l.mt night wu a gala night with I'Olllll l.i.l . I,. I. mi t l "'srii 111 ill. Ill IH III lift Itr rtllll I Im ' "" ii"i' in" upper liair.,,1..,.,.. ,....,. ...... .. . . n:o unions, for thu new oftlrrrn nf r Vomrn ValHy. which dam I known " , " "' " "" "' "'" ' '"MlClmnnth Chapter No. 3G. Iloyal Arc) - II... Ilurk Creek. U now ,,m.,t ". T'Jl ' 'T "r' ":!": Klamath Lodge No ?77. A J. I dl, ( Contractor W. W. Mi,- Xll 1 7 1: ' - i 2 tho "Wo ten. rhu dlldieit and lateral,. It I. ., Minimi to rccm, par- , 0( .. . ... " John Hhook, tho .jernn Ynnim ..,., ...-,..(. w ( ill Minn i'iiiff ifii fit linn.. .....!.. from llonniixn a.,,, that thing, aro .'water running In the .a.m. hy'.h,,' u" .....,., ,...., mi mi, irrigation or or Jinn in. i.iiiiiii nun i.iinkiiii vallPjn alncu iiexi, at tho latent. Tlil tin- tier .art of tlm alley Ik the Hiualler luirl Tho flint eiiKlneer emliiinte.l Ihat tho plant would water 3,r,00, hut Urn i mini) nurwjor, I J. II llenr). lm li an inulncer ntlmated that i I.5IMI nrr. would Ixi n.-ne.l ia I'ei.i.imi: AMHT MAS (iO.NTAMl.V i-'oit iiioii errici: M 60AT EXHIBir TO tho ll(irerly IrrlKiitlon dUtrlit under lirovlaloin. of tin, now ntatu law hai litHiiiiin irarllrnlly nil nrsured fact. "HuporvUlnR Cniilneer I). I. Hop. mm of tho I'arino Hal r let of the roc Inmnllnii mrlco will rouio down imin nnd nuM't with i ho inierempd peoplo nun ki.i tliem any .Irttn In. may In. alilit In to hp with I In- project, aid .Mr. Hhouk "Wo cjperl In lirl ).al 20,0(10 num. and flwo Ret oft id ISO per nrro wo will l, unllnflcd. lull II In qultn llk.dy th.it wi may mil imvii lo pay that IiIrIi Ihat no mirrpy will he isriteriiiiieiit litirt mad if wlilrh wo will lm utile tn Ket lln lirnnfll. In fart, tho dlitrlcl linn hem hiirer.l half n doien llmet "Wo .jpcd tho mennlr lo rover iihont too nrre and hold Hie w.ntir Imi'lt at the point where there In nnv. n fall of 1,000 feel. Themi 100 nrrfj Wlllrli Ar.i In !., !,f..ul-..l ..III l..l. ..,.. tho few nrie. whirl, an, tho properly """ i,l lMln' Hilary a--!. if l-.uU Herher. mid It wl ar- ,, A"r" !" "r,"f nro ",T,'r,,'l ""', u .'Aiiiuua ihimiiihi) io i,,) mo OCt llallle llol," Sli.ru Hi, Ciiiii,alKil for I'nvilili-iitliii .Voiolmilliin In the llinkeje Urate, Willi l.'ii.lenwir lo Mne I'p .Nnlloiinl MeleKiitrn I'nltoil l'ren.1 rdre YOIWOHTOWN. Ohio, Dee. 27 1 li Pollelle nrrhed at !i n in. to ntnrt i.i..i..i.. ..... RF Ml ivpflffrm miiT1; ,,wow a, '"" I l.a rolletle'H kejnolo will ho ilr- llvered nt Cleveland, followlne hlx h The fad li ',""","' llfMlen. In Ik. i:iironrnKeij""','r,l,'' nt Norwnlk. Toledo. l)n)lon e iieedfd, nn the '" ,:'"' Wi-ll llml Animal, In tl.e lm"' f lnr,",,n" o .nrve,. I,,,,, X..r?, Ablatio,,. Show ., XZ": IMIIik ruining Monili t c'a! to Tlio Herald I vlllTI.ANI) Dec. 27. Ainnlonr Ireedcri. will j enroiiraKel to enter II lirnl allium. In tho animal idiotr if Hie .Vorllincii Anenra (lout Aiwi- SHERMAN WITH iiiniicii to liii) tlili limit of Mm Wo, nri forlillinto rnotiKh to linn nn an Miiriitif.t tit ai.tll!. !... ...... ...in i "" ' nviniiH ihu 1111111111 nllllll'll llin .,,.,. . m.) dlmrully. In fact. mno Hacra-i """"' ineiitii rapllnlUti) or hankeM hao m,,viii.iii "" " ..... ...i im iiM-nn nerurilll 1 1 Hint iletnll hatliiK htvn arratiRed HiioiikIi Mr. (lerher. "It In not certain )et of rotirne, Jmt what tho coat will ho of the en terprUo, hut It will prolmhly run (Iiiho to n third of n mllllon,all told. Tin, principal Item will ho Che lil dntu to hold hark tho enorinoua ton-' imkp of water which la to he nor imaemhlei! In thla mate. I'rople of tin, whole Northweat will IIISO.V immhih foii vnr.CTiin: IS LAKEVIEW PAPER t" I'OltMnt KI.AIATH FAI.I.S KKflU i.i-;roxi8T ikcidi:s to takk l'l I.IFK IN Till: HAUNTS O.NTK MOHK 'ninoii Manlpiilntor of Men, MjiIIk nml I'eouil.-M, In at Iji.i Imtalli-il In llnoe of DeleiiHon at Mr.VellN Ulnml, Near Tnconm Charles W. Shermnu, tho otoran i.owapapor man, formerly of this city, v. here ho n laat connected with tho dally Chronicle ng Hewn nascmblcr, mid who left to mako a stay on tils hoineateail near Dnlrw Ima uttncheil John l.imi.f to tho l.ako County Kxamln- oerved lo IrrlKnto 20,000 acre, which , TACO.MA. Dec. 27 Dr I.Muan of l.oa AiiKelf. recently sen-',.,. utt8 ,fmrtmcn, leuceil to 8eru elKhteon months for It Is safo lo say that the Kxniiilner ,r. i,... ,.. ..J.... i. i... ..., .. " " "- ",w "" wo count on watering It frr poalahlo ' '"" " '-"'" '"" ""' Inn neer lirnl a more rourteoim and Hint tho coat of this dam will niii,l,"rl,l;'H n,,Pr "'?' '"", ,lrr(,e,, ll1"' lonaldetalo KentleniMi out corrnlllnB nmiinil ItRO.OOO. nliluiiiol. n... o.h. "" n r,l"rK "'" "o "" l" dP- mntea on this I'nvo not lieen omclally!'r'u"1 '" ,lu' lrcniotlt of hU I.Ik land mndoyel. Tho neit step Is to ho toi'10"1"' """ ,l,kr" ,0 McN' ,s,nml oto tho tioiula for il... ..! .....i ,.ra..-IItIhcih. lie urrlted from California we delermlno what Ihf? coat Is to ho '" "." nl"'0,!' "f ,U'',U,- '"" 'iitelllRence for densomlnatlon llirmmli lis columns. MHioukIi It was Chrlilmas ho was In iv cheerful frame of mind when ho paaied HiroitKh tho prison Kates. I.) man escaped twlco from tho fed eral mithorlllcs, tho laat tlnm DpcIiik In mi aiitotnohllo frouuHan l'rniulnro thla volo will ho taken. Tho fart that mi survey will lie iieceaKiiry will aavq us lino Item nf coat whlili wo IhoiiKht v.o would have to pay. "Wo would llko lo el tho work I4lnrtf.it In ll... Hlirlni iimi.ltilt In March or April. Tho ditch will notl""" 0r,'B"n llof"ru llU rfnvinn. need to ho nearly iih Irtko iih Ihu KV '" " rrnmrnt's I.Ik ditch, which Is aimed PnUEDIMD flPPIIDICC PCM t serve a much k miter area than weDUlLnllUn UbuUrlCu UCLL 'if. t to furnlali water for. Tho ditch irlnu nnuiiinr i irr . . will put in will prolmhly ho .Rh. T( I 1DN CONVICT I IFF I en tulles Ioiik. or IhereahoulH. , lULLHnil UUIIIIUI LIIL "Orlnlimlly when Ihe.Kowrmuent tuuk up thoueMtlnn of IrrlKalliiKoiirjT.iiiieMMv'N Kxmitlio Wialirs to In- r. clou RtartlllK with tho hlK I'jr.O.OOOl dnni which now holds hack tho water !)no nii John Shook, tho well knoAii Yonna Valley ranchmen, an) In Hid city for Ihu hollduyi:. (,iii:i:k lanoitKits cutHiiKO TO DHATII UNIIKIt 111(3 UHIH Order of KaBtern Star, wcro Installed Ly n Joint ceremony at Masonic hall, niuio-.Mniniox ImllilltiK, laat nlKht. Tho Maaonlc families rpcaont at th4 ormnlltlcs made a largo crowd. Tho follow Iiib wcro Inducted Into offlce: , Ho)aI Arch Mnaons A. A. Mohaf tey, IiIrIi priest: I v Wllllts, king; IX It. Kennies, scrlbo; Alexander Martin Ja-., treasurer: Oconto Clniu. tain, secretnry; J. A. Jlnddox, Marlon Hanks, a. K. Van Hlner, trustees. A. 1'. & A. M. aeorso Noland. worshliiful master: Marlon Hanks. Uenlor wnnlen: L. O. Mills Innlnr wnrden; Kvan It. Itfames, treasurer: II. 12. Moinjer. secretary: V. It. Du vld, senior deacen: Charles Gravis, Junior deacen: W. B. Mdynrd, senior steward: W. I'. McMillan, Junior stewnrd: Occar 8hlv trier. Kaslern Star Mrs. Mlnlno Honry, worthy matron; Mrs. Jcsslo Momycr. secretary: Mrs. Kiln M'cMlllcn, treat. urer: Mrs. Jesslo Mills, condnctrcsj; Mr. I.lnn Martin nrsoclato condtic- treasj Mrs. Hcttlo MoreUnd, chp- inin; .Mm. Corn Sanderson, marshal; Mrs. Livura Wllllts, Mrs. Jcnnlo Ileames, Mrs. Mlnnlo Ward, trus tees; Miss Gladys Koberts, Mrs. Annie Hamilton, Mrs. Ida Fink. Mrs. Chris- tlno Murdock. Mrs. Jenjilu Hum, flo polnta of Kaatorn 8tar; Mrs. I.oulao Humphrey, wnrden; Mrs. Richard Mdynrd sentinel. lutoudcnt Uob I'hllllp for tho pris oners four boxes of oranges and a InrKo amount of candy. A local deal er sent several boxes of cigars for tho prisoners. Tlioro aro 110 prisoners nt tho llutto today. "A little better faro than usual," Is tho report from the city Jail ut tho Mnton quarry. Chicken nnd fried CKg Is Included In tho "usual" faro. MJCfrdlor'to tho bills presented bfho Hiruwintenilcnt for payment -by tho cltyj so tho city prisoners' aro un doubtedly well fed. , uuxes oi oir rcu nppics and iofly pies nro tho only frills to the faro served to sixty prisoners under Captain Mooro's chargo at tho city Jail. Tho balanco of tho menu Is tho sanio as Is dally provided by the American restaurant, which holds contract for tho feeding of tho city prisoners. A flno turkey dinner was supplied at Thanksgiving, and no spe cial effort was mndo toduy. Tho pics wcro prodded by iharltablo people TAXES IPJTO LEWIS TO PAY, SAYS COURT Tho much-boasted corn belt Is sur- paaacd. Tho champion steer at the! icccnt National Livestock Show In Chicago dressed CO. 2 per cent. ) IIAVAIitAN IlKflKNT IIADLY IIUItT IX HOItSK TIIHOW Prince I.uitholil In Critical Condition mid Dentil Is Kxiwdril nt Almost Any Time Injured Gent Is.Nlnrty Yon m Old VERDICT E0R DUNLAP r CIItffIT COUItT DHTKHMINM THAT DITKNIIAXT SHOULD I'AV, AND CASK WILL BB AP. l'UAM.'!! IIY nfTENIO United Press Scrvlco HITCH IN PKACK KFKOIITH OWING TO VUAVS DKMAVDH Viinn Hlil Knl llns AmlilHon Sk)-lllli nml lEciiuent for Prenldency FnIN to ! ItrlKln 1'tmoi.t DeRivc of Hiilliuslanin, Itatlier Other Wny MUNICH, Dec. 27. I'rlnco Lult- hold, Davarlan regent, was thrown jfrom his horso recently, and Is In n critical condition. Death Is expected. He Is 90 years old. LONDON Dec. 27. An exchange dispatch sa)s there Is n hitch' In tho Chlncso peaco negotiations duo to Yuan's demand that ho'bo fleeted as president of tho republic for ten years. Tho rebels rcfuao this demand. Wl BALL COSTUMES L RENTED MAXAGKIt IIOl'KTON OF OPKH.V HOl'rii: HAH ON IIAMt A VAHI- btv" of voin)Roni: foii thi: MA8KKHS NKW YE.UCS McNAMARAS' TESTIMONY H WANTED BY FEDERAL JURY Allegation Mndo That National Au thorities Have Item Trying to Get From Ono of Imprisoned Urotlicrs Promise of Evidence RAILROAD HELPS FARMERS BY EXPERTJiUTURIST Pnutlnil Fiiriurr Plncctl nt Hmd of, Ner Di'iuirtmeiit rented by o. V. II. Vi N. Co. He Will Mlnnlo Willi Granger to Solve Problems Manager John V. Houston of the Klamath Falls theatrical sjndlcato calls attention to tho fact that for hU coming annual masquerado ball he has obtained n number of costumes ataplo null fancy, principally tho lat ter, which ho will let. Tho yaro not to bo let to tho high INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 27. Tho as sertion that federal officials have, slnco his Imprisonment, approached John J. McXnmara In San Qucntln j prison, California, with propositions tor mm to become n government wit ness In tho dynamiting Investigation here. It Is not known what Induce jments wcro offered. Tho report of tho attempt to make McNamarn "wnk5n" followed sensa tional coturrcmccs in Judga-itsuktvyls court. That Jurist fined Prosecuting Attorney Linker $C0 for contempt of court, following Dakcr's encounter with a dctectlvoof tho National Em ployers' association, whom he nc- unen of "aarr.uslng" tho mombers of the grand juty Investigating ili- dynaraltlngs. Judge Markey also took cognlzanco of Daker's chargo that tho grand Jurors had been so "harrnsscd that ono of them had be come mcntniiy unDanvnccd. Ho or- nl Clear Lake, It wiih expected Hint wo would bo alilo to nasiiro In Hie coiornmont the support of 85 l"'i font of tho Inud concerned. As It was wo were only iililo tn drum up about 00 per font, nnd 'an wo felt that If wo i.f Ihn 00 per rent would linvo I" pay 1 lie entlr,. cost of tho landowners' rhnro nf ho Improvement, It would fall loo heavily on us, nml wo found rlnte prison, pel formed his ablutions out that this wih just exactly what In n tin pall fuiiiUhed nil prisoners, would happen, Itind accompanied tlio ronvlcts Into "8o wo decided Hint ll was better Mio prison dining room, partaking of rutin Himself In Order lo Cope Willi 'I heir Problem.., F.illoulnu . I to I'lirilun Too .Miiny NAHIIV1I.I.K, Tonu., Dee. 27 Sen touring hlmseU to two iIiih" Imprls onmeiit In the peiiltoutlnry for tlio purpoae of ntid)liig prison eoiidl- (Inns nt first I mid. (loernor llenjn- mill W. Hooper iiiohii In a-cell In (he Night Prowler Escapes Death By Deciding Not To Enter Mansion Kiilrly IiukkIiik death without nhuw up plainly lo tho Iioiiho oppo linowliiK It, a nlsltt prowler In KInm- Ullo, whovo man upstairs about to nth Fall maiiagod, unconsciously, io.k" mu " " . - ...... .. i ..., ihn fntnl on. IIO KOI ll.n IVUIII n hi neo. In ik down town rosldonco In which two womon wore alono, tho raon lolka having gone out, the prowler saw what lm thought was an opportunity for loot, Of two windows to tho rooms on the aide where tho maraud er wasVowlorlng In the yard, ouo ihowr-d alight whlek wade the man ' Ho got his lovolvor nnd seated hlniBoU by his window, in tho dark. Ho was ready to plug tho burglar full of holes l( ho mndo n movo to got Into tho house, Tho prowler tried two windows and nftor lingering uncertainly, flnnl- y wont away. If ho had not gono away maybo ho would have never loft Klamath Falls, save In a pine dox, I'iionIiik Train of Timber Has Stake Itiol.en, Toppling lllg Stlika on n I'.ilr of Workers While Others .lump Aside nml .tol.l Hunger Si:.VTTI.I, Do.o 27. Two Greek Inl.ouys fiiiplojed In tho Stnmpodo tunnel In tho Cnscndo mountains, met death when a car stake on n pnsxlng train broke and n load of logs rolled on them. Tho dead nro Gus N. Mnlos iiki'iI 12, married, nnd Sam Trlnntliu, aged 22, single. The Inboiers ttepped nstdo to allow tho train to pacs, nnd when tho Hat car laden with big timbers was oppo site tho gang n stako broke. All Jumped to safety except tho two men who wern killed, nnd n third man, who was seriously Injured. Tho Greeks, unnblo to understand KnglUh, threatened tho train crow, hut (ho timely nrrlvnl of nn Inter pieter pi evented trouble. 3;icclal to The Herald POIITLAND, Dec. 27. With the objuct of assisting farmers along Its lines, tho O. W. II. & N. Co. has ap pointed an experienced agriculturist. creating a new department. C. L. Smith, n practical fnrmor, has been named for tho position. Ho will spend much of hli time among tho farmers served by tho rail- load s)stem, getting Into closo touch with their needs nnd helping them solve their problems. All officials of tlio road will co-operato to aid the farmers. cat blililer. t.itl will lm r,.ntA.I n. tint I prices. They aro on display at thoJcrea a Brand Jury Investigation of uresaiug rooms of tlio opera house, '"" :uaiion uy iiauor, wnicn ne where thoao Interested In disguising !n,n(, ln Pcn court. themselves Now Year's. can obtain the Trosccutor Dakcr was fined follow- necessary mont. Sherlock Holmes equip. 1IIG FISTKI) AFItlCAN 18 Ing a profuso apology to the court for tho scone. He said that tho espionage conducted by tho National Employees' association had preyed upon his mind -.K . .-.... 'sA IMIIaIi lli4 It bam ..1i.j.J I 4.1 SB ft. A I uu ,,"--- xkaisi-mi, . m iuu ..i. years 1913, 1I '15. with Interest on lr.ll unpaid sums V 8 per cent. The court finds that n copy flf the - agreement nnd XI, BOO. and defend. Judgo Henry L. Benson baa deter mined the Dunlap vs. Lewis case la favor of tho plaintiff. This la the coso Involving tho two Iota at the westerly corner of Klamath aveaae and Soronth street, which It. R. Dun la, sold to Arthur C. Lewis, and over which there was a difference In ra- Kard to payment of taxes and aaseesv ments on tho property ptndlnc flaal settlement after five years. When the original. memorandum' of agreement was mndo It compelled umuap io pay me taxes and aeaeasv nicnts, and within thirty deMwu decided to amplify tho mei3(E'dum In a permanent document Daafap, ac cording to tho testimony In the caas amended tho agreement In the sub stituted and lifting document to make Lewis pay the lovlca on tho nrooertr. Tho plaintiff claimed that Lewis ac cepted tho amended agreement, watte bowls claimed that bo did not, Y' Attorney teutonic said today "that tho caso would bo carried to the - prtroo court. C. F. Stono nnd J. J. Barrett war tho nttornoys who gained the vlteory ior uuniap. It Is understood that both side wont Into.tho case, wlhcb waa knows to bo n close one, with the espectattea of carrying tho matter to a higher trlbucal In case they were defeated. iMr-nriBred tholr papers and coa- auctcd their proceedings with a view to making the caso plain for the up per bench. Taxes and costs which defendant must pay aggregate $. C02.20, and some Interest In Its findings of facta the court recites tho following, In substance; On April 19, 1910. an agreement was entered Into by H. It. Dunlap and Arthur C. Lewis by which Dunlap -sold to Lowls lots 1 and 2. block 88. original plat of LInkvllIo for 112,000, iu uo pain as rouows; l,500 down. A. warranty deed with nttrnf nr i C. block H. First addition to Klam. nth Fall, within thirty days, to be considered a payment of S2.K00; 11,000 to bo paid by April 19, 1911; $1,000 by April 19, 1912 and 12.008 by each of the samo dates In the 'MP Artlm" liiK-cU to lie In Kxefl lent Sluiv Soon Although lllmk Mini, l)lsutrh Siijn He Is Train ing Ughtly DEEP SEA FISHING SOON TO BE OU INDUSTRY If Owner of tho Iatto It. !. Hume i:i.tate Carry Out l'lan Which He 14'ft lo Place Fleet of Fishing Craft on llanka Off Oregon Coast Bpoclal to The Herald PORTLAND. Dec. 27. A deep sea fishing Industry may soou bo added lo Oregon activities. Owners of tho estate of the late K. Dv Hume nro likely to carry forward tho plans left by Mr. Hume for plac liu; In sorvlce tn fleet of Ashing craft on tho banks off the Southern Oregou vosist tor taking halibut and other I valuable food tab. PLUM PUDDING IH JAIL FARE OF PORTLAND CHEF Flue l.ii)ut for Those "Unfortunate" Kim ugh lo He Wards of Multnomah County Lou of Red Apples and Ilea For Some I'nltod Press 'Service CHICAGO, Dec. 27. Johnson, the African pugilist, Is training lightly, nnd expects to bo In oxcellcnt shape aeon. POIITLAND, Dec. 27. A thirty- pound English plum pudding, flavored with burnt brandy, In true old British style, was tho prlxo exhibit of Chef Charles F. Heckling, at tho county Jail. Twcnty-sovoii prlsonors, Are ti utiles nnd several attendant par took of II, The further Items of Christmas cheer, provided by Sheriff Stevens, Included turkey and cranber ry sauce, sweet potatoes, celery, caul! flow or, mlnco plo and coffee. Jailer Huntor served the feast at noon, and convoyed to his chargea the sherlff'a greetings and good wlshea. There pre no women prisoners In the jail, a circumstances that has happened only twlco In tho past Ave years. At the Kelly Butte sub-Jail, where the county prisoners are also under control of Sheriff Stevens, the Christ mas bill ottaro waa In like propor tions. Roast pig waa the piece de resistance Apple sauce and aweet potatoes went with It, and waa fol lowed by mince pie and cofee. The Portland commons seat oat to sWaer- MADKIIO PARDON KF.YKS? THIS HKSULT IS FORECAST With iMiihdiiiicnt Abroad, Unless the Prvkldcnt of Mexican Republic Should Prefer to (ilvo Fallen In surrertloulat Leader Short Smteuro United Press Servlc MEXICO, Dec. 27. It Is bellovod Mndoro will pardon General Reyes or give him only a short prison term. If pardoned ho will be exiled abroad. Mrs. Lovl McDonnld with her lit tle daughter Jo, arrived last night E" wTor-so0 vu,t w,th rc",t've,, ' "t-roriMo.: .ss ror a wceK or so. In )0 Fm N(Ulonn, banki ,he mmey ..... ,.,.----..- ' bo hc,a t,loro 81"Woct to Dunhvp NllTF rllffnUflRF nPAl FPQ "' agreement and then UiniL linnUnnllL ULrlLLnO (paid to him, otherwise to bo returned 10 CONVENE AT PORTLilNnitourt nnd, that ,-. ot About 400 Merchants Evjiecteil to At tend, Dlsruss Trndo 1'robleins and Swap Ideas for Mutual Benefit of Entire Muss ot Tradesmen TON STEER DRESSES ODT WITH HIGH PERCENTAGE Oregon Livestock Product May Prove Such That Wrbfoot Stato Slay Not Take Second Place With Any Other Sct Ion of Coiiutry Special to Tnc Herald PORTLAND. Dee. 27. That the raclfle Northwest ueed not take sec ond place with any other section of tho country In feeding and fattening livestock Is shown by the recent kill ing of w 1,100-pound steer at the Portland atockyards that dressed out 2,14 per cent. Bo far. a known thla la the beat paresptags ever shows anywhere. Special to Tho Herald PORTLAND, Dec. 27. Oregon re tell hnrdwaro and Implement dealers will meet ln Portland January 23-26, for the annual convention. tho real cstato was turned over to Lowls April 19, 1910. nnd that de fendant continues In possessloa, and that on May 13, Dunlap executed a bom! of J2.S00 for deed for lota 1 nnd 2, In block 38 the property to be turnod over to Lowls April 19, 1916, If nil payments agreed In the contract were rrmlo by Lewis, Lewis agreeing to pay nil taxes and assessments lev led against the lots after tha bond waa Issued, Full her, the court finds that tha Instrument was read to1 the defeat Trndo problems will bo discussed and Ideas exchanged for mutual bene- ntlt ,llat Dunlap and Lewis, wWa WkV A. Unnt IAA .1.....4.. ...... ........... I hni- WllltO VfAM, n t.n WI-.A U.u., ed, to attend. (Continued rn Page 4) """"" New. County Infirmary Is Running And Is Modern And Pleasant Pirn 'Jr. A representative ot the Herald ac companied the members of the coun ty court on a visit to the new county Infirmary Tuesday, and spent several hours going through the buildings and looking over the plans for the improvement ot the grounds the com ing summer, The furniture and fur nishings are. nov about all Installed'. and thereonly remains the flttlng up of las BkyaMlM'a rooms to make tha iaterler t.tk' building complete, - v ,.- The building la three, stories, "tt . basement coatatalasT aeoaaaaaijsjajs dining room, awdera Mtefeaav 'tH&fs and wash 'room, large aaataai tta? turnace and, wood reo jond all thlsja'.alai lounging smC'aaioklac lomatea,, 'v ,. tjumtmm ty a;parU br raMM, Mi ruz SjI.'WIAMII 1. -It. 'I A-$ r, Vd ' I 4 VA ?- o T. J .X M i" tin ?i . X.- "' . 'vi ', V r "- i ",