R&iffikfll&SIK i JJiii,H4JiPIW llaWrfSS , . ffaUV SUPPLIED HT THE UNITED PHKfea NEWS SERVICE EVENING NBWIPi '...' PRINT THK NEWS, NOT a Sixth Yner No. 1,041 KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, 1LT.SDAY, DECEMBER flfl, 1911 MORE CARDINALS iii:.t.v is a "iiKiiiint it- Ik ftoeniiia LA KOLLKTTK HTAItTH OUT IN IIKIIALF OF ROBERT M. AWFUL BUTCHERY IN PERSIAN CITY KO AKHKMIILY.MAN HAVH ( iillroinlii IxgUhtliu- Iti'gMciN I In), lug Iteliukr In I.i.hjit mill I'liifOM. in' When IteMihillon Aprnpo In IiuIIi'i-'n 'IIiihiij- In l,'i WIwoiidIii Senator Will Mako HU Flmt AddrcM in Booming Himself for President In Yonngatowa, Ohio. Will Campaign Mlddlo Wet TO BE NAMED FINE JUGGLING ON AT TH HOUSTON l.irri.KJOIINH, MAN AND WOMAN, SOON SPRING CONSISTORY SEMI-OFFICIAL ANNOUNCUME.NT FROM VATICAN CAUSES BELIEF THAT ITALIANS WILL LOSE CONTROL w,K, v. u, iiiviifPVHHiuv liltil to hutil another consUlnry next spring, according to n .otnl-orilclnl nlinounrelii.ini from llm ntlcnii. A iiiiiiiIht "f now cardinals will he HOME, Dec. 30, Ttio popo hna do- irrniou, i lyiin. It seem, cvrliilu llml tlio llnlliiusi JuiIko Carpenter unld llio .otirt will limn riiiittiil of llm mirri'il col. ild nil., when tho goicriimcnl hnd Kl, Immplctod liilriiiliirtliin of Its kvI- . .lento. i Tlio llml wllni'im un. Arllinr Wn. ' """ f ' "' Kl"m1n,,, '"l-lcr. In whoao ..Itlces ..lootings of the .....i...n o.,...y I. .pen. Ink I .,,,,, kw. , .,,,. ,,,,, MilolMo In Itaii I rnnrl.r.1 "III, rela-1 v r ,,, , ,rilllllf(lrnmUl, lives mnl lrl..ii.lii f , HBft .,..,,,.,,,., 10 .T" ... .. , , Cotirirllmiiii t'lnieiir.i Underwood luu rMurnod from Portland, whither lie went un n liimliifun trip TURKEY DRAWING GREAT SUCCESS i i MANAOKII Ol' ITIION MAIIKI.T. KKIT lll'MV TOIIAY AI'CKITI.MI (OXOHATJiaTIONH ON (IIITSJ IIV rilAM'i: IJOITK At llio riitloii Mnrkt'l mi Snlunlny' illicit llm no lurkt'jK which .MiiniiKor. Wllllatn lliilnnoy linil liccn liiiliilliiK ...it cIim.cc. on woro.trn.i. ami ll.er,. n u InrKo rrowil, irliirlintty coin-1 ioi'il of rcpri'ntntlo Iioiim'wIh of llm ill)', on linn.l to M'o tlio rctullii ol llio cliiiiiroi, TIioho who worn on-' tit lt'I to mrtlcliuto In Ihn iivont linil Mirllliii, Itml. ntttiititf mi alllid which woro nut on itoiioill, nml throe JiiiH'.oa!lho roiiiliiK linnki'tlmll uiiiiioa wlilcl worn chimon to iki t tin t tlio oi-ut wim rnu.luctcil Imimrtlnlly. Thi. JuitKo worn Mri, l.tlo, Mm. Jt. C. Hhli.lcy nml Mm. C. M. O'Noltl. ... .... ... . wlillo to noun ciuiu wiih viiirtiiicii ,.,o ..rnwhiK of .ho .11,... Tlu. nc .in. lllliniliK "i 1' ."l'. .... "" 'i r - Hiictoaaful Inker of ihnnci woro tliplllliiK Kncrmiiouto Athletic team. fiini.,L. iicri.nllnu iii tin. iiiiii.p. bo. Iiik written un the .III1: VniiKbii Dr. CiMiper, Mm, Crniidall, Mm Itu dolph, i:. Dmldnon, Mr. Diilnney wna hu.y nil day to Budget Approved, For Failure At n inoctliiK of Hio city council Mfinirday afternoon, nt which nil .11 mbom were undent wivo Cmincll. mm Clurle. McC.owuii and Clnronco Underwood, Hio ImdRot for 1818 wn. votod on mid Hio reaoliillon for tlio Minn wn. hucccmCuI. Cotincllmnn O. W. Whlto oppoaed tho lovy nftor tlio rouucll hud rofuaod hla niiKKcatlon to Inrorpomto a Htlnulatlon Hint llio lovy Mhould bo for current i'XionBt. of ID 1 3 only. With Whlto oppoilnK till, loft but h von momber. votliiK for, nlthotiKh aomo woro of (ho opinio" thnt It would tnko olubt inombom, tho wino na mi omorKoney ordlnnnco. ThU point led Mayor Krcd T. Bnndoraon to leltphono to ShlpplnRtoii to Council' mini Mctlowan In liopo of koHIiir Hint nombor lo coino In for n nlKlit wa Hlon, nt which olght vote mlRlit bo I ml for tho mon.tiro, Aflor tho mnyor hnd toloplionod to Mr. Mcdownn tho chnrtor wn. Inspect .l mid w. found, bo Colonel M, 0, Wilkin. Mid fodny, that only two tlilrdn of tho council U uceowmry t inse tho budRot rwolutlon, Tlicto foro tho .ovon vote, which woro for It curried It through. Mr. Whltn onnoaed tho meaatiro V. llVrnut maVlnv U (n anlllV On 1 Wl 2 expense. oxolu.Uely on tlio ground thnt people', contribution to tho tnxc. '.hould not bo uwdto pay old itobtn.t "In put yem tha tww were lv- ilny nnUhiK rotiKrutiiliillfiim mi tlio "in ri'nn hi mu ilVL'il! 'ACKniH TIIIAIi IICGI.NS in 'AitPi:.vri:irs roriir .Mini Mill (lite .Vol I... Tim I Tin-) Will Ohji'd in liiirtxIiHiloM nf nny IM. ileum ('onicrnliig Tlirni Prior in I Yi-nr of lim.1 United Press Hcrvlcci Ijlllmil', 1OC. U.- UH1I1K IIIIIRO I Itj tn tir 'b Immunity Imth derlalnn, 'tho packers kVii notlro Hint llioy ob- Jjcrtod In till oildonco Hid government offers concerning Dm pmUcra prior CIIICAOO, Dec. 2C- CllltlK Judge .Swift niriiiiriitlnii, nml .tcacrllxd tlio I ...,....... ... , vn,i1111Bl i.nri,nrn. ,,,., (lf ,,,,.,, ,, w, ,, , ... i .,'1111 IIMIIIIM'I Illlll I ll'ilnill L'l . Toiniilo IIii'hIit. Mnlliint ilnllv. 5:3i' p. in. Kvenlnc rimt it'-t furnmiir. ? IR contliiiiniin, Aro )ou liitcruitrit in KI.AMATII COUNTY J If ho, ii-n llm atopliona lliintrr ltfll) Co, Tlioy linvo miino unit liarRiitno CHANCE FOR SPORT MAKES INTEREST . . " ' MAWMi:.T UAH. ion u.M.i. ti:.m to Mi:in' tiii: pavilion iivi: i:m.ivi:ns tiii: spoinivn.v i.nci.ini:i HportltiK ilirlo. nro nil akok over li Uro lo ho pin) oil nt tlio iulllon. Tlio apcirt will ho on Sntunlny uoiiIiik nu.l jSinnln) iiftornoon, nml tliu puUllon H.iiu, of which Perry O. Do lip Is I. .......... . Ill i...t f.H 1iict. mill muiiiiKi'i. " i.""'- " - ...ll.y IUH. niihy l..no-tl.o v... Tlio Hatur.lay kiiiiio U for S p nu.l tho Sunday match for 2 p. m. I Tim Imiulry for tleketn U already nethc, and It la believed Hint llio .port v ill drnw well. White Opposing To Apply To 1912 ltd for Ihoao yearn, ho why ibould wo bo naked to pay tho old dobtn now?" aal.l ho. "Lot litem bo taken ... ... i., I.,,,,.! nu wn nnRiiid a reao. tiu v, .. i"'. ..- - l.i'on lo do vomo two ino.itlia nK. H wo bad liitorporntcd tho provision Into tho resolution wo would nnvo snved llm illy sonio money, ino warniulH to bo laaued nKnlnat theso inirj wiiiild bo neisotlal.lo, ill par. Then those who noil tho city good. would not bo n.ldltiR 10 and even JB per cent to llio bills they rondor n,.i,lnt i ho cltv: rntlier would tho city bo on tho snme enwh basis with ii.,M when it comes to milking pur ri,nu. I nnr vprv oriT I roiini nui get any of tho hoys to stand with mo on tho proposition, for It sooms mi plain thnt a business man ougui in seo It. "1 don't object to tlio levy, u all right. Hut I do think wo migiu u-n nvn llio city sonio money ...i..i -n cot Hio clinnco. Under tho condition of thing n mnn who has to ...... 1,1a inven iii full may nnvo n uni ngalnat Hio city on which ho has to nccept a 2B per cent uiscouni. Sonio weeks ngo Hio council miop tod n resolution to provide a bond lasuo for tnklng up tho depreciated warrnnt. which nro ouisinnaing ugnlnst tho empty gonernl fund. Hut It never got any furthor than tho res- olutlon stago, no ontinnncca co.i...ih up to carry out tho procosa, nnd Just what .tntu. tho matter I. In nt pres ent doe. not appear. ' tlnltod Vtvtn Sorvtcv HAOIlAMIiVin. Dim- SB K,.,.ili. I ' - Ilnnly ili'iiuiiniliii; I'murvs J. Iluncy nn iino or uni "liliilic'r iim" In tlio milks of tlioHy IiikkIiik nt tlio iilllnrx of Aiiii'ilcu iinrtlotlmn, Ahkuiii1i1 man V, II. (Irlllltlm nf Nil a Imx ri'Klati'ri'il n I'm I in: I iltllki- In wlmt lio rofcrrfil In tin tlio iiii'Aliii'rlc.'ili tencliliici of I'm. funaor Ailrlnn of Hanla llnrbarn. Till) Of rilKtnti wiih Ihn nilnhflnn liv llio luwer iiiiiibo itr llovnlon concur. roul icnoliitloii iclatlvo to tliu rebuke to Ailrlaiilsm, 1 8E PUT IN ROOM m:v iilvi i hi: of wiiitk pi:i.i. CAN T.Wi:it.V .NOW IIIIINO FIT. ti:i ip with ArntACTivi: AND APPKOPIIIATK TIIINOS A rciil Dutch room will goon bo on Inn nt tin. W-lilln Pcllcnn Inn. nml tl.o (lirointlolin nro ImIiik put In. Tlio room I. iioxl to tlio hnr room, nml will Iiiimi mi viitrnnco from l.'plann3o ilr.'ot. Tlio m n nil ornumcntntlon will Incliiilo bocr koi:. In bun relief. til t lo Diittlimeii In tlio rnmo vnrlcty of relief, tntmtriiz lii'iin nml looklnu Jo) fill juat llko tlio llltlo whlakcrcd ?r.oii In Itlp Vnn Winkle. Thoro lll bo u lot of tliliiKs to Mtrnct tlio eye, bcal.lrs tlio frlezo Hint liorlrnm tlio illniln.itlvo men nt tlielr coinhlnl puraiilt, nmoiiK tliom elec tric IIkM kIoIioh which will readnlilo Ixrr kcKsiimt fitinltiiro iloslguoil with n view lo harmonize, with tlio roat of tlio plnco. OI.IH-ST HANK I'lttllKNT PASSIM AWAV AT WIIITTIEH ll.'ii.l of 1'inni.rli.l limtllullon in the . Quaker City of Southern t'nllfomla Ilileil to lie N.'Ktor of Countr)'i Sue. tmiliH nl III Your Pnlloil Prcas Servlco WIHTTIKIl. Cnllf., Dec. 20. Tlio ohlcut hnuk proahlont In tlio United StntoH la ileml horn today, WnahliiKtou .,,..,.,. ... , ... lirr,,ln, ... n.ll . ;, "?? " tho Wlilttler HnvliiKK bunk, having paaod nwny. "WHFN HOME RULE IS LAW" IS REDMOKnEN BOOK Hole Sonio Day to Koo ItelMirn IrUh Pmlhiiiienl Oiieiied by King In Per. on, Which Would Ocwulim (Imit lieinoiiktriiHoii of Uiyulty. United Press fiervlco LONDON. Dee. SO. Heading llko a prophetic Wslou, John Hodmond's Introduction to mi ivrtlclo entitled, "When Home Hulo Is Law," publish' od In Hio current Issue of "Home Itulo Notes, saH: "I look forward with coulldonco to HoeliiR tho Hut session of a ro bnrii'litali parliament opened by hU majesty tho king In person. No word of mine could adequately suggest llio doTimstrntlon of loyalty such an oc casion would call forth from Hio great imm of tho Irish peoplo." OPERATIC GEESE, HERS FOR CHRISTMAS EATE"S Snow Wlillo Ones Wliltli Formerly Sliowtd In llunperdlnck Fulry Op. em ut Iiomlim Thealer lett Head. nionK Am, Flgumtlu'ly Spe.iklng I'nlled Press Servlco l.ovnoN. Dec. 20. From hio op- orotic stago to tho Christmas dinner tnblo Is the fnto of a number of snow white geeso which have figured prom- Inontly In Humpcrdlnck's fairy opern, Konlgsklnilor" nt Hie Lonvcm u.- don oporn houso, Tho oporn closed, they moot mo uxu nml will dock tho dinner table of somo cootso soul who thinks not of music, but of tho Christmas, aiuner. DUTCH ROOM WIL IM HdMK KINIJ KTUXTH IN THK WAV Ol' WOltK IN HANIIMNO VAIIIOl'H OIUIXTH Flno JuggtlnR Is tho offering given nt tho Houston opcrn houso this week by the Mttlcjohns, famous Scotch Jugglers. They opened a week', en gagement Inst night, which will keep them hero through next Sunday night exclualvo of tomorrow night, which will bo given by tho opera houso to tho Lyceum burii" Tho Llttlejohns, n mnn and a wo mnn, do expert ground juggling, an well ns duct Juggling while on re volving linllrf. They Jugglo knives, nxca, pan a, Indlnn clubs, fans, balls and a- lot of other things, and tlio act la a rapid Uro startler from start to end. Ono of tho moBt remarkable things ever soen on n Klamath Falls stngo Is when the mnn thcro aro two people, a mnn nnd n woman Juggles nnd throw, knives which stick Into a target which tho woman holds. This Is n daring nnd dangerous nccom pllihment, and brought down the house Inst night. DIPHTHERIA RAMPANT IN GERMAN METROPOLIS Several Hundred Case of IMmwm la Virulent Form Iteported, Great Misery living Cnnsed Among, the poorer Classes United Press Servlco 1IK11LIN, DecO. An unusually vliulcnt form of diphtheria ha. spread rcr Hcrlln, so'vcral hundred cases be ing reported last week. Tho epidemic U causing most misery among tho prorer claaacs. Isolation wards at tho Cbarite, tho Kmpcror and Kmprcs. Frlederlch Cl.lUlrens' hospital, and' other Insti tutions less prominent aro filled to capacity. So two barrack, nro being irected for accommodation of tho 111 oungstcrs nt tho Rodolf Vltchow hospital. lir.MI MONHF. ItADLY 1IVHT IN LV.MIIKH KING'S CAR One Woman Hit. Arm Torn Off and Oilier Ha. Soioro Wound When Hiiiumond'H Auto I. Ditched on 'I'rlsco Ik'ach Iload United Press Servlco SAN FIUXCI8CO, Dec. 20. When mi auto belonging to A, D. Hammond, tho lumber king, wn. ditched on tho bench road this morning, Allco Mc Donald had her arm torn off, Cleorglo Wright .uffored severe wounds. Doth nro deinl mondes. Hammond donle. that ho used the nuto, or knows who did. INDIA PROTESTS SLAYING OE COWSJY TROOPERS Who Want Firth Iteof nnd Take It Too Freely, Itosultlng In Shortage of Meat mid Milk Being Com. plained of by tho Native United Press 8ervico LONDON, Dec. 20. Whllo hi. ma jesty dcorgo V. Is shooting olephant. nnd tigers In tho Jungles of India as relaxation nftor tho Btrenuou. days of tho Uurbnr, n deputation from India Is In London to lay n grlovaiico be foro tho govornmont. Thoy don't mind King deorge shooting their tiger, and elephants, but thoy do mind tho killing of their cowa by llrltlth troop, hungry tor fresh beef, Thoy protest thnt the cow. are be ing slaughtered too frooly, and thnt not only beer, but milk, I. running short. The doputntlon la urging the gov ernment to Import Argentine beef to India for the British soldiers. Jerry Martin, .on of Alexander MftTtln Jr., will return tomorrow night from the state university jU Eugene, to spend the Christmas holi days with hi. relative. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Die. JO. La Follctto lenvc. tonight on a tour of Ohio and the Mlddlo West, open ing the presidential campaign with his first address at Youngstown, Ohio, tomorrow noon. Sunday ho may fill Itov. Herbert Hlgolow'. pulpit In Cin cinnati. Next Monday ho will be In Michigan, January 3, A and G In Illi nois; January 0 In Indiana, and re turn hero January 8. Ho later plans a trip to Ilwa, Ne braakn. Kansas, Oklahoma and Min nesota. GREAT DOINGSAT WHITE PELICAN IIINNKH DANCK WELL ATTENDED WITH MUSIC, DECORATIONS AND GASTRONOMIC TICKLERS IIV CHEF CltAVETTl It was a gala- night at the White Pelican last night, for tho Christmas dinner dance wa. on tap, and thcro woro approximately 100 people thore to enjoy tho gigantic gastronomic out lay prepared by tho royal Italian chef, Slgnor Pletro Craven!; the strains offered by tho Whlto Pelican orchestra nnd tho One Christmas dec orations which transformed tho lobby Into a veritable Yuletldo grotto. Some of Cravcttr. chef, d'oeuvre were on display In the entranco for tho entering guest, to see, before din ner, such n. dressed roast pig and fowl. In tho lobby wa. a gorgeous Christmas tree, revolving In a pan of Iced fish. It was designed and orna mented by William Gltt, electrician, and Steward Charles Hoffman. All nround and nbovo were greon. and holly, with an occasional bunch of mlstlctoo whero It wa. likely to per form Its most oscillatory office. Tlio music for the dances was so highly appreciated that several of tho dancer, donated vnrlou. .urns of the medium of oxchnnge to tho players. Added to the orchestra music fur nished during tho dinner was somo vocal music furnished by Mm. Wm. aitt, Miss Bertha Ellis and R. C. Qass. George E. Bradnack accompanied on Hie piano. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adam, re turned last night from a three week.' trip to San Francisco and bay cities. They will leare In tho morning for their Merrill home. Hlll'STEIt KEEPS ON JOB UNTIL HE IB PRIED LOOSE Martial Law Iln. Hccu Proclaimed in Tvherun a Result of Notice of Cabinet Being limlcd Amer ican Threaten Mlnlatry U'ltcd Press Service LONDON, Dec. 26 A Teheran dis patch quotes Shuster a. declaring he had bron Informed that the cabinet', dismissal of him wa. Illegal. He added: "I'll stay on the Job until forcibly removed unless parliament unction, tho dlsmlssal.'" M&Ttlal taw In Teheran I. the re sult of an announcement thnt tho cabinet ha. been dismissed. American crowds threaten the mln Istry. COURT MEMOIRS BARRED FOR SMIRCHING ROYALTY Austria Bupprcaaea Writing of Conn. teia Ilka KlnakyPalmay Because King of Bulgaria and Archdake of Austria Aro Exposed 'inltod Press 8ervlce VIENNA. Dee. 16. Memoir, ot the celebrated actress Countess Ilka Kln- Bky-Palmay, recently published la Berlin, have been .uppreaaed la Austria., the Archduke ot Auatrla and tho King ot Bulgaria figuring promi nently in a ma, ol racy laoweai. m the atage and private lit of "' iresa, . if Wans Joaef. U paror. auaatu ordered suppression of tha book. Every copy Issued In this country has been confiscated. OGLE'S FINGER PRINTS ARE THOSE OF A. L. ROCKWELL Latter Is Alnblp Man Whose BadlcV Ing Schemes Caused Owe Sulfide aad Much Destitution la Families H' in Hand at Stockton United Prea Berries SAN DIEOO, Calif., Dee. 36. Fin ger prints of George Oglo. held In Jail at Stockton on a charge of for gery, have been Identified by the San Diego authorities a. thoso of A. L. Rockwell. Rockwell', airship and building scheme, caused one suicide and desti tution of a number of families. Rockwell disappeared with several thousand dollar.. EXCURSION TO LOS ANGELES Tho Southern Pacific company I. running a special cxcusrlon train ot flvo Pullman., ono diner and obaerva tton car, from Medford, December 29, to Lo. Angoles. Round trip faro only $35. Ticket, limited to March 30, and stopovers going and coming. Arrangement, for ticket, and reser- vatlons can be mado by calling at tho local office- la Klamath Fall.. 26-3t OFFICERS TO BE PUT IN PLACES POINT INSTALLATION OF NEWLY CHOSEN RULERS OF TWO MA SONIC BRANCHES AND ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Tonight Is the night when the Ma sonic fraternity will hold a Joint In stallation ot ofllccrs ot both lodge. of tho brotherhood and tho Order ot tho Eastern Star as well. Nwely elected he&do ot the lodge. will be Installed for Klamath Chap ter No. 35, Royal Arch Mason.; Klamath Lodgo No. 77, A. F. ft A. M., commonly known as the Blue Lodge, and Alaho Chapter No. fll ot the Order ot Eastern Star. The high retiring officer, ot the lodge, will officiate at the Induction, nnd tho ceremony will be for mem bers and their families only. Somebody Is Gently Who Leave Little Articles Loose There I. a thief who baa been work ing hi. "art" In one ot the local ho tels, and bla efforts are liable to be stopped very suddenly. Fact la, somebody I. after him, and It's only a question ot time until he Is taken red'handed, to use a term that la not exactly literal. He ha. been working only on a mall scale thu. far, not taking any thing of considerable value. Most of hi. annexations have been ot rather small articles, Insignificant In else as well a. worth, but when he man aged to deplete one lodger of clgare up went a howl that could be heard well over the building from cellar to garret. It somo lowly member of the labor ing staff of the hostelry I. found smoking a rattling good cigar It may lead him to be a au.pect. The hotel people My It Is not a chambermaid, a. thl. branch ot help la usually reli able. Anyway, what chambermaid la addicted to the noxtoua weedf In tact, very few people have ever seen n chambermaid amoke a cigar. RODE HANDCAR TO WEHDIXO OF YOUNG LADY RELATIVE PORTLAND, Dee. 16. When L. R. Fields, superintendent of the north ern division of the aVnittiera Faetae railroad, waata to, get anywhere he Aad the fast COSSACKSLAUGHTER THOUSAND HUMANS, MEN AND CHILDREN, MEN WITH HACKED AND BURNED Lnlted Pre, asrvlss LONDON, Dec Ji. Rasttaa as. dlors have butchered 1,000 aaaa, a mon and eblldroa, tha TabrU ataaasv tcr continuing, according to resorts. Russian officer, are wlaklag at tae butchery of Cossacks roaaUag tfca street., bayonettlng psdestrlaaa aaC looting corpses. A battle betwooa Rnssl.aa aad Fldal. I. raging about tha ralas af tho governor's palace. It I. estimated that 110 Ra aro .lain. Hundred, of home, have been i cd and burned. It Is believed tho city will be de- -stroyed. PEDAGOGUES ARE TO ATTEND MEET SUPERINTENDENTS OT ' GRADE AND OOfJKTT SCHOOLS LEAVE FO FOB LAN TO INSPECT EN EOOTB 'RomII H. Duabar. aHadaal of tha city schools, aad W. B. Faafkt, aria clpal of the county high school, will leave In the morning for Portlaad aa attend a meeting of school .aasrla: tendents from the various parts at the state. ThewlUtake advantage of taetr Journey to stoftit eome of Us towas and ajtie. along tbefoaauto lasaset various branches of school work the methodraad lines on whiea tasjr aro conducted. SUN YAT SEN VICE TV-IT, PROSPECTIVE UnltiH! Pre. Service SHANGHAI, Dec 16 Unless Taaa grants the rebel demands tae reaeta will elect 8ua Tat Sea prsstcoat at the republlo Wednesday, aad astta ltsh a capital at Naaklag. The rebels are angered at TeasVa failure to reply to peace terau. Touching Those worked on the section stands atavla good stead. While In Newberg Inspecting a part of the Dallaa branch and looking ear the proposed right of way la tar Quaker town, he suddenly recalled that his niece, Miss Haiel Fields, was to bo married In the evening. He wanted to attend, but the local pas senger train would land hlaa la Pert? land too late to "dree, up." But Lou Field, does not stead aad ponder over what'a to be doae. He called the boa. ot the aeettoa gang, told htm to get a handear ready aad take him to where the next a.atlaa boss would pick him up. Kot tae Ing to take all the men ot work. Fields had Just two ot the erew ae- company him through eaeh aesttaa't territory, the otMal helping tha saw '-w work the car oa tha ap grades. )' . --a, ,IA, k. a-. J- A i rasas ssrrnsas. sraussr. (.nasi sauasutwraasMssnsisssssssBB ualag tve handcars at dlfereat of the trip from Newberg to Cawege, d where he took the Interurhaa between she Town-by-ehesl4a and Portlaad. Field, was the eeaai man to arrive at the;hoaM at ha) niece, the Irat being Uo'aooaa LOST Blaok Jorsey as-, Haahs raaehat BUaa4a4aatw I anie rewaca rerjaiossawsu s i Johnsoa,. xMHKtsf: street EsfLZ WO... -ks I 'rl 5 l tl I m ft is i- "3 iy i