"- -"""rH sTiianlaal wiw9l l . ' 'tfr" " - t. & ... t cfato. ., " SUPPLIER HT THE UNITED PHKM NEWS SERVICE v.y 'VCaf EVENINO XIWM i. k NUNT THK NEWS. NOT Hlsth Vrar No. 1,041 KLAMATH FALLH, OltKOON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER M, 19M - ,.-i MTOTSJin mm tbtmm NjKjri WATER USERS' NEW FEDERATION PLAN PROPOSED ARTICLES OUTLINE OF THK CONSTITUTION DRAFTED FOR OHIJANIZATIOX WHICH HKKKH UNITY AND CO. OPERATION In accordanco wild tho suggestions of th meeting of the Water Usurs' Associations recently held In Chicago, Hie rultowInK resolution nml constl tullon will bo offered fur approtnl nt Ilia nasi 'regular meeting f tin- KIaiii Ill WsUr Users Association, which In lo bo hold on I ho Drat Hnturdny In January. In tho meaiitlmn nx-vtltiK for the discussion of tho subpert will he held at sovcral iiolnt throughout. tho pnijrct. Ono nt Merrill on not Friday, and other at Too Volley nml Spring l.ake. Hraotallon Whorees, a conference of the rati oiu Walor Users' Asiorlstlnns within tho government IrrlKatlon projects wn hold at ChlrnKo, December I to G, 1911, at which conferenco rcrtnln article of federation worn drafted and approved ! tho delegate from tho various associations thero present, III which article of federation, a ropy of which I attached hereto, It I pro vlded that tho lauin shall ho submit ted to tho Water Users' Associations within tho various gororntnont Irrlga tlon project for their approval, to he. romn binding upon tho association accepting tho Minn when approved and accepted by at lesst fifteen of aald association; and, Whereat, tho, plan of federation on outlined I by tho board of director of tho Water User' Acmcla- tlon, deemed practical and advlsabln In order to sertiro co-operation and unity of action among tho various Wnter Users' AMoclatlom In accom plishing tho purpose et forth In Article II of tald constitution; now, thertforo, He It resolved, by tho board, of di rectors of tho Water Users' Association, In regular session duly assembled (or In special sesilou duly called for that purposo), that the Water Users' Association does hereby approvo of said plan of fed oration and tho said articles of fed (ration and hereby accopt the aame, nnd pledge Itself aa a member of aald federation to Ihe obligation pre urrlbed by aald articles, or to ho hereafter provided by the federation for Ita membership. And horehy oil thorite tho payment In rash by Ita proper offlcora of any amount, or amount, duly assessed nnd levied ng.ilnst It (It) by said federation, listed, signed nnd attested to, Constitution of the Federated Water t'erra' Association Heel Ion 1, Tbl federation shall be known a tho Federated Water Users' Association, nnd shall bo com posed of all duly organised Water Uiera' Association within tho various Irrigation project created under the provisions of tho act of congress, np- nmvod Juno 17. 1902. which shnll algnlfy tholr acceptance of this con-ji Ben Hur Stunt Fades Away In Feat Performed By Police Chief In Auto When two farmer, drunk and yoll Ing llko Comancho Indiana, darted off from Main troet down Sixth lu tholr two lioro wagon, with crlo of dennnto nt Chief of Pollco Samuol I. Wnlkor, tho chief Immediately took alock of hla resource. Thl wa nbout 3 o'clock yesterday aftornoon, and tho men whoso bibulous cries were railed In telling tho chief that they would get beyond tho city limits beforo be could catch 'era, and that he wouldi't daro touch 'em boyond that line, beat their hore Into a run that wag much on the order of the famous Ben Hur atunt. Walker looked around for auto. That of Dra.1. n. Hamilton and Leo W. Chilton wai standing hard by, ao the chlof beat It uDitalrs to the med ical oce, where Dr. Chilton told him M would pome la raw mmuw. "Won't U say to a raw p stltiitlon In thu muniier hereinafter provided. Heft Inn 8 This roimtllulloii m ho aiilmiltlid to cue li of Kiild U'ritor Urs' Associations for approval or rejection In siifh inaiiner iih Its gov erning board shall direct, nml tho action of such association shall bo transmitted to tho rhnlrmnn of tlm hxcrutlvn couimltteo of tho fedora Hon, and lint constitution Khali ho ronni binding upon tho Wnter Uiors' Association accepting thu latno when nt least fifteen of said association shall hnvo signified tholr acceptance thereof. ARTICLE II. Bectlon I Tho purposo of this federation shall ho to secure co-op- nation and unity of action nmotig tho iiienihers thereof In nil matters nrrcct lug their general purposes and we. fant; to promote harmony betneeu said association and the department ftlio Interior In thu administration of the rerlaumtloii law: to propone. from time to time, such legislation iih may hu deemed needed and such changes In the rules nml regulations governing tho ndmlnlntrntlon of the reclamation or!ro as may ho deemed expedient; in rerelvn report and to si cure Information, from limn to lime, ns mny he desired and, In gen eral, to take surh artlou an may bo deemed neresaary and proper for the rarr)lng out of tho general purpose of tho federation ns hurelnheforo Minted. ARTICLE III. Heel Ion I. The executive author ity of tho fudcrntlon shnll be vested In a committee of five, composed of ono me m Iter from each executive dl trlet n hereinafter provided. At tho lint session of tho federation tho varl- otir Water Users' Association nccep (Continued on l'io 4) SECOND STREET TO BE OPENED I'lllVATK Hl'ltsaillTlOX IX VIKW Willi IIKJIIWAV TO MIIILANI), riTV l-OTS .NOT WOltTH HI'KFI 1'IKXT TO I'AV COST To iiiako a boutovnrd out Second stiuct to tho city line, which will be extended by the county court to tho fair grounds, Is tho aim of u rlrlvate subscription which Is being solicited. Thu street Is not opened yet, but there Is pretty strong assuranco that It will be, nnd tho county court has romo out flat footed for tho Improve ment, which It I willing to glto Its nld to by tho extension In tho territory which It governs, to Midland. For n long tlmo there ha been n need for n better nnd more conven ient way-to tho fulr grounds. Tho fact that Second street Is not opened nrrosi tl.o mursli bus hindered tho Improvement, but It Is expected to iirmiijw tins, nnii n nil which may oil In tho neighborhood of 10,000. ute. If you cannot como now, nuvei mind." wn tho chief's rejoinder. Bo Chilton nut on his hot nnd both men hustled to tho waiting mncnino, In which thoy gnvo chnso to tho farm wagon, which they booh stopped. "Don't know whotnor wo cuugiu 'em In tho city limit or not," said Walker afterward. "It didn't mako ony difference I wear a deputy anor- ff' badge, nnd I'd navo cnaaea moso follow nil tho way to Merrill to got om. Flno stunt It woutd bo It I'd soo n crlrao, und nfter chasing to the city lino have to rtand and look on, wouldn't ItT" The two farmer, who llvo east or town, were fined by Jollce Judgo Thoma F. Nlchola. One. wa Jame Orlmes and the other waa a man named Kinney. They were too Mil to tell the police Judge much about themselves. I Coiiiallmnn (I. W. Whllo I greatly Intorested In tho proposition, u null strlptlon for which It In oxpitttd lo be headed by tho three linnkn of tho city when a meeting tan Ito nrrnngod for of thu following threo represen tatives of thu hanking limine; re lilenl Alexander Martin Hr First National brink; President Fred Mel hiise, Atnerleau Hank nnd Trust roni puny, Cashier J. W. Kleniem, First IriiHt mid Hating hank. It Is clulmed that tint romplc'tlon of tho mail iih far us tho fair groundii will who nboiit u inllo of tho distance lo that Institution, besides giving tho Midland folk a belter nnd shorter route. Oiiij rrnson for Ihu need of Ihn Improvement Is tho condition of tho sower down Second street, which Ik now exposed and llahlo to a freeze tip In winter weather. Councilman Whllo has ascertained that only six lots on Second street would bo benonttcd by tho Improve ment, and theso probably are not worth, pioro than $lfiO each as they slum! now Ho neuron that tho lm- rotcment where tho lots aro would klnnil In the neighborhood of $1,000 for each lot, which tho owners could not well bo asked to pay. Tho Im provement, It Is argued, would bo of general benefit to tho entire city, nnd in order to shorten tho courso to Its iircoinpllshinent nnd make It less of n drnln on tho city, n prlvnto defrayal li planned. WHITE CONTENDS HE WAS CORRECT COI'XCIUIAX (JIVKH IICTAII.KI) KIOUtKK OX K8TIMATK OF AS SKHHMKXT OF WATKU COMPA. XV I.AHT VKAK Coiinrllmnti U, W. Wlilto contends Hint he Is correct In assorting that Ihu Khmath Falls Mght and Water company was assessed approximately $10,000 Inst year and submits tho following figures, totalling $10,180. which ho obtained from looking over tho last year's tax recerds: Lots, $1,400, $300, $700, $1,300, $1,200, $S0S0; slto $1,300. The councilman says that ho wa nut mistaken when be mado the state ment to tho council that tho company wan nHseased but little over $10,000, and has looked up tho tax books to mako suro that his first assertion was right. QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE IN EUROPE 'A POSSIBILITY I'ivihIi Diplomat Prolines to Italy lo Aluiiitliin Auolrlu nml Germany nt tapiriillon of Ihe Triple Alliance nml Form Xew TIcUp. United l'reas Service 1'AltIS. Dec. 23. Ambnsiador liar- rero of Franco, stationed at Home, tins mndu proposals of a t'entattvo na ture lo' Italy to abandon Austria' and Triple Alllnnru contract, and Join the TrlpU Kntento 'to form a Quadruple Hntento with France, England nnd llussln. This Is n statement mado hero to day and believed to have originated nt Vienna, whoro tho report spread nmong tho entourago of the arch duke, heir to tho throno. It Is added that Italy hns bent n sympathetic ear to the proposal. PENALTY FOR HATPINS IF THEY WICKEDLY PROTRUDE In Hnltzerlnml Court Ilulo That They Aro.Dnnireroua Weapons, and Those Showing Will lie Fined 15 Cent aa lurli, If Confiscated. United I'ross Service ZUIUCII, 8wltierlnnd, Dec. $8. Hatpins protruding from women's hat will cost the wearer fifteen eents for every inch showing. Also, tho hatpin Is confiscated on the spot. Tho Zurich courts rule that hatpins aro aangerou weapuu.. Mr. I. D. Applcgate returned last ovonlng from Merrill, whore he ha been looking after his sheep interests, FINE CHICKENS E ATTOHXI.'V K.UKliMOTT IMIWtTS l'i:.V K1IOM I'KX C1TV IX "A. SIOl'H KAIIMIXU AMI I'OUWBV HTATK All tho way from Iowa havo come chlckvmt to gladden thu heart of At torney l:, I Elliott and ralso tho standard of tho feathered contingent In Klamath Fall. Tho pen, whlcli consists of four hens and one cockerel, Is of Ijartrldgo Cochins, and the town from which It'came, Annmosa, Is a placo celebrat ed for Its pen, not of chlckons, how ever, but for tho confinement of pris oners. , Thu marking on tbo chicken are cspuilnlly attractive, being llko thoso of tho partridge. Tho feather of tho lady bird aro mahogany and black, tho Inrger nnd brighter ground of tho former being relieved at Interval by tho sombro strip of black. Mr. Itoostcr has for hi feathered Insulation a design of tho rory deep. est kind of black,'' together with red, tho black being of such a character that when tho un Rhine on It a Blieen of green I tho result. . If you aro Interested In lino fowls you ought to take a look at these, as they aro calculated to gladden the eye. IS HERALD'S WISH UltKKTIXGH APPROrntATn TO ' fcKABOX EXTENDED TO PAT. . KONK XXO K1UKXDB XO PA' I'F.lt MOXDAY Monday Is Christmas day, and a day for resting and rejoicing. It Is celebrated as no other holiday for the reason that It Is not confined to any particular class of people, and Is really a tlmo for religious festival of fcrllng, as tho sacred writ says, of "I'eaco on earth and good will to men." Tho Kvcnlng Herald wishes to esch nnd nil of Its readers and to every other person as woll a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Tear, ex pressing tho hope that the coming year will De tho biggest and best for nil that they have ever known. As Monday I a holiday, tho Herald will not publish any paper, a It I the deilro of tho management to gtvo tho forco which makes the publication tho sumo chance to enjoy freedom from their tusks that I afforded to thoso engaged In other pursluts. DAYLIGHT FILMS MAXAGKR HOUSTON OP TEMPLE THEATER MAKES IMPROVE MKXT IN HOUSE WHICH J9 SO.MEWHAT UNIQUE Manager John V. Houston of thu Temple plcturo theater nas lust ae comt llshod an Improvement bv which he expects to run daylight motlcn pictures. I.csllo Terwllllger, who has charge of tho films and operation of the photo plays, has fixed the screen so Hint pictures can be run off with a practically fully lighted -hoviso and rIvo tho effect as well as It the audi torium wero dark. Tho basis of the scheme Is the set ting of tho screen .In a deep pros cenium, Just as a picture Is set Into a deep frame. This frame, so to speak, ta absolutely black, and makes a heavy black border to contrast against the light of the picture and throw the likeness out vividly. Mr, Houston says he wants to find the happy medium so aa not to, have Kbe house too light when the pictures are being played on the screen, and yet not too dark for people to pass In and out. Hs says the Improve ment will be especially noticeable to those who patronise the show house lti the afternoon. COM MERRYCHRIS MAS PICTURE SHOW I'ltlXCh-H HKAII DKMAMIKD IIY IHjOODTHIIUHY tlEOEUI United Pros Bervtce. PEKIN, Dec. 33. Revolutionist aro demanding tho beheading of I'rlnco Chlng and life Imprisonment for elder statesmen,' three prince. Hsun, Tao and Lang; viceroys of the Siocbuan and Huheh province and Bhung, tho minister of communlca lions. FIVE .MCE DRESSED TtHKEIS OIVEX AWASATCIU)AT EVE XIXO AT R O'CLOCK SHARP Every customer buying S cents or more of merchandise receives a. chance for a turkey We will blind fold a little 3-year6ld girl and have her draw five tlckst out of the bos. The five tickets having the names on gets tho turkoyi one turksy each, nvory purchas reeo'res a ticket If you buy ted times i day. There will be Uireo lldy Judges. 21-lt FULTON MARKET. I'AKTIES who wish to secure losa on Imnrovcd nronertv rf'r hnlMlnr leans, or who wish to Invest monthly savings, can do either, to advantage through the Pacific Dulldlng and Loan Aisodatlon. Jt you are Inter ested call onV. S. Slough, loan agent for Klamath Fallal branch. ll-t ICE SKATING IS A POPULAR SPORT HKASOX XOW OPKX FOR THOSE WHO XI KK TO GLIDE, AND HOL. 1DAV VACATION GIVES THE SCHOLARS LEEWAY Ice skating la now on tap, and the small boy and girl, not to mention their more bulky brother and sister. arc taking advantage ol the opportun Itles offered In various places around tho city. Moore's canal. Ewauna Lake and tho main government canst are 'avor- lie places for gliding, and this being Saturday, with school children free, made larger crowda than usual at the choscn'spots. Incidentally the-grammar schools, nhen thoy closed yesterday, quit tor the holiday vacation until Januarys, whllo tho high school shut off Its In tellectual Industry until Jsnuary 8. Councilman Clarence H. Under wood Is on a trip to Portland. CATTLE SPECIAL OUT OF MIDLAND , C. MITCHELL SHIPS LOT OF STOCK TO SACRAMENTO, IN EIGHT CARS, STARTING ON ITS WAY TOMORROW Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock a special freight train of eight c&ts of rattle shipped by J. C. Mitchell will leave Midland for Sacramento, to be marketed there. Conductor L. M. Bradford baa been selected to take charge of the tralu out of Midland. TREE FOR LITTLE ANNUAL EXERCISES OF CHRIS- TIAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS EVENING, WITH LIVE SANTA CLAUS Annual exorcises of the Christian church Sunday school appropriate to Chrlstmaatwlll take place this even ing at the church, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The program Is to be- Under the direction of Oeorge A. Wlrts, superintendent of the Sunday school, and wilt Include songs and recltattous by the little ones, to say nothing of a gorgeously decorated Christmas tree and a real live Sa'aU Glaus with a merry visas and a beard of Ugsadsry whit. SUNDAYSCHOLARS EXTEND SEWERS TO PLACES THAT LACK The Shlpplngton box factory of the California Fruit Cannera' association, of which Charles McOowsn Is man egor, will shut down todsy, laying of iwo-tblrds of the men. Next Satur day the remainder will lay off. LOST In tho vicinity of tho Golden Rule storsya brown mink muff. Finder returnW the Herald office. Reward. IS-tf FOHTOFFICE HOURS TOMORROW Owing to the rush of Chrlstmst mall, Pqstmsster Clydo Brandenburg announce that tomorrow the oflce will be open from 1 to 7:0 p. m.. while Monday will be observed as a holiday. - DANANASt BANANASt llsve you your bsnanas for Christ nas? If tot, let us sell you the very bmt, for only 26 cents' a dozen. FDLTON MARKET. LE8UE HFORD DEAD MME tf. W. B. Simpson left this evening for Patton, Calif., for a visit with hi daughter.- Mr. Simpson received ord yesterday of the death ot his stepson, Leslie H. Ford, of San Fran cisco, who died ot pneumonia Wed' nesdsy. The funeral waa held yester ley. Mr. Simpson .hsd been looking forward to visiting his dsughtcr snd stepson during the holidays, and .the notice of the letter's death came as a complete surprise. Judge Henry .L. Benson returned last night to this city after a three weeks' absence sitting for Judge Percy R. Kelly, with headquartsrs at Dallas. ' INCORPORATE TO DEVELOP UP HERE KliAMATii DKVEsVOPMENT, PAW, WITH (0,000,000 CAP IT.tsV FILES ARTICLES AT SAX FRANCISCO Articles of Incorporation of the Klamath Development company were filed yesterdsy at San Francisco. With st capital of $1,000,000. tha directors aro Herbert and Mortimer Flelschacker, Sap Francisco bankers; 0. Z., Wendltng, S. O. and, W. Paul Johnson, the last named being In San Francisco to attend th company meeting. The articles say the company will havo Its place of business In San Francisco, and will engage In expan sion work, particularly la th vlelnlty of Klamath Falls. Qoorge Humphreys left this morn ing for Ashlsnd, where he will spend tho holldsys with his mother. Fire Hydrants Ordered Put In Places Where Fire Protection Is NeeM Now In service In this city ate 97 firo hydrants, according to state ment rendered to the city by the Klamath Falls Light and Water com pany, of which George J, Walton Is manager. Fire Chief Edward Wake field submitted to the council. Wedaes day night a list of Ore hydrants want ed for new locations, which th coun cil told him to order the watsr com- pity to put In. These locations a: isad Esplanade, Elevent and Canal, Sixth Mills addition, Btukl aai laHuksl aad Waatland, aad Front, Eaerlela an and Whit, Waatli tvlskm itvUtoa, Mills aad Martin. Councilman Char! sag- suggested that Bhl gtvea aom lr hydrants, that th Klamath lajaBBBVNM Wa. "V IssmaaaW. .wv. UNOFFICIAL ACTION MEKTIXO OF THE OOVNOIL LMV NIGHT LACKED (JCOMM, BUT FIVE MEMBERS PATOS . PANDING VTILITT . Lsst night's meeting ot tho. ctl fslled for lack of a hslt th membership setae TS t, , the following faHhfal oaa sswwtaf up: Councils M. O. WNbs '" I.. Fielder, O.'W. WhH. Ba ft, Owsjsw and Chsrles McOowaa. Therws)hv;j formal dlscnsstoa esrtala sSjMf,V City Engineer Dos J. ScaiwaM wa present and Mayor Fred T. ftaafsra asked him as to a' Basts far. fwtar work In ess be'shosM s Bbr4, casV Ing to ths couBdlssea'e salad thai z Mr Znmwalt has en hM.hud aov .certain warrant whisk h realise on bseassw thsy sr m funds as th Plae strt pavtag had, which Is a myth, so far aa Ibbbssb a. "What would you ssk pr salary, Don, If hired that wayt" i the mayor. ,, "Two thousand dollars, if from the general faad," waa th aav swer. Mr. Kumwslt stated that hy aha dsy be would aak til. "I tblak ws ought to twt ta lavjsm with several engineers aad get thatr pries for ths city's work." stated CoubcIIbub- MeOowaa. "If w aa get the right qsalrty ot wark far' a lower price than Mr. ZaawaK ask I think it Is oar duty to gt R." It was decided to hav a tty glneer go -ahead with estta the probable coat of' tloas of th cHy whlek ar sat ytt f ijrnlshsd with that tllKy.r Th Osav ger aveaue district, th territory la which th Klamath Devslonsssat sa psny Is expanding down toward tka raldrosd aad over late th MIHa ad dition ar part of th eRy la aaai of sccommodstloB for taklag eat taasr sewsaw. n is probable that th aaat ot thrstarBrovsatsat. la roaad agnr. win run aaoat 9 ivv.vav. Lthdty, Oi In Ml ot sol Councilman night that at two or tar ft the earth's surfsoe water waa tered. He asked th etty eagtaosr if In this case any sewer pis whs ass. th pipes would not Ml ap wRfc wa-T7i ter, and Counellmsn Owes, wh Irrss In Mills addition, said that drslaa could be arraagsd to arataal tha sewer work. It was the soss of th ssssttag. lacking a quorum, that Mr. SaatwaR should go' ahead with tha aallBial work on th basis of 110 a day, walak has been hla pay ia tha aaat far' sam-. liar undertaktafs. r At Los Angeles yesterday tha graad Jury probtaglMmb msttsrs adjsanssd until Wedaesday aaat. ter company had been told to sat aa';" some out that way, aad had IgnsrsdjT the order. Mayor Bsadsrsoa aaya tho city has a right toirs every 800 fast. CHINESE PEACBl UlfUKaUTl " -V . sX Unltsd Prss Ssrvl TOKYO, Dee, II. Th to l pessimistic Tkavar IsformatloB frog fthaathat ItiJisMa Is, hopsleat. aad ta r'TTlMJal hav dtrmlasd aa a ssjaaaj Ha' basis ot mim, 'm ,,' BAKAlfASI Havyayoar I ,'A 5 Ifat,Mai tor) V5 . -j - 1 1 l . ' ! ' i c. .VI M : I ' i ' ' V 4 .-i? 3 'Mt i'.