'&. H , r -v;. i -J lh$ jetMir . Jt .vh. m t. vpplieii mt tiik imiTRU PHIBM NEWS SERVICE cfalk JM ' .S.,1 ". v & 1 fft ' rvrninh immn ..--, I'WWT THIS HEWS, NMP . W". '1 k . I1 M Ik fltntimt -X Milh Year No, ,ftfo .. n'y. f. POLITICAL POT IS BEGINNING TO BOIL KMMAlll VAUM. (nmti)S, FRIDAY, DKCKMIIEK SB, 111 MANY ARE TALKED OF CARTER Will tillKHIFF, 4AM 134 ( DIXON FOR COMMIHMIOXKII AND OTHERS AMOXU lltOH. AMMTIHR lnKrin of tlio Klamath rails sUniu laundry. C i:. I tnn tuck of McCloud, Calif., Iirother-lri.lnw of tho deceased, nr- rived horo Imt night, nml will K., i0. morrow Willi il, ho.ly to nnn rnt. clitco, llin former liomo of Mr. Aiims. lll'slllCS n IllOlllcr. BtVOrnl ulilnr. nml (( REDS! inenti Imtu )ft Ijucii iiimlo. nltlioiiKli ','ro,,"?r "rvlvo tho mnn, tlioro Imv. W la iiroluililo Hint tlio present In ",K ,,,;c" ,cn c,lllllrt'" Iho family. will bo candidate for re- .Election lime I coming, and win toon Do llmu for tlio rotor of tho county to register In order to en able thtm to espress their choice for the men who are lo fill tho offices of tho county ,'stato and national govern, meat. Registration books will open on the flint Monday In January. 1'rluiarr election for tho nomlnntloti of rand I dalra will ho In Id uu April I nth, Ju a little over three and a half mnntha from now, and the general elect Ion wj n on November Cth, Already probable candidate nrn be. Irk mentioned for the county offlcri In Klamath county. Thin )rnr there l lo lo elected n aherlff J rk, commie aloner, assessor, school Uorliit'nil I ent. treaiurer. mrreyor and coroner,! brildea the state, district and national! officer. I). V tiimlienla election. County Hchool Huperlntendcnl John 0. Hwnn U on the fenco i.n to' whet her no want the job nKaln or not, n. though the Moudcrful Improvement mid growth of the county schools dur ing. Ms administration, which wnn due lo IiIh imtlrliiK efforla and great lioiaonai intorcut In hi work, will It prohnhly rmult In tho reiiili(an iar- ty rurclng him to accept in nomlnn lion. In addition to these oflheg there nr lliimo of treaiurer, aiirveor nml coroner, the prfivnt Inciimhenti he. Inn C. II. Daggett, I:. II. Henry and Call Whltlock. luxyn.T ceMjiiTTKi: i-'oir XKXT iikiickaii Mi.imxa At lint iiIkIiI'm incelltlr nt Vm.. ptrlty llchcknh I.oIko No. 101, . O. O. F tho follow Ing coinmltten was named lo take charge of the banquet lo follow tho regular mooting of tho lodge on January Ith: i LimiImi Ilumiihre), chairman; Oeo, XT ORDERED HENCE III: IXTKIIFKIIKD WITH ARI1EHT OF OMI .MAX IIAI.EV, WINDOW HMAHIIi:it, WHO GOT OX JAM. IIOIH.I. AOAIX v "ll'ilshlrt" Gordon ha left the conflni of Klamath Pall. , No n.cntlon wa made In the aoclal rolunini of tho departure of tho sen (lemnn with the scarlet chomlsc, for nojdny, while the high ycitcrday was zo ut i:30 p. m., agalnit tho Mm at 3 p. m, Wednesday, and on Tues- dny.lt waa 22 at 3 p. m. At 8 o'clock lait night il compared with 29 the night before and 20 Tuesday night. ZTfTy,' "i"1,".""" chntlr,mn- 'ln 11'-reason that hfhaa more of. rep. n V. V.C".'." M"""'.'r' Mr- Mom,or' "ln,,'"' In Police fclrcle than In the Vi. '"""" Muna Jn,n. Fan- more dollcato IcVel of clrllltatlon. pi ii .rB !,?"?. H,1?cn"on' l:,lmo1"1 Ootim went by Inrltatlon, the In li lent,.. o m , rn, ,,. (ip()rK() ra(1. vllnt,nn0Pni. ex,cn(,cd b no oth i SALARIES n OK TO HIGH COST OF LIVING 'uhllr riiiploye,) In AiHtrU anil lluu. unry Mate Hllj'niK llixxl.il, Scnle of Imnn.. Ilelng (,'nidunlnl Ac tonlliiK in Xiimlrt-r of (lilldrvn ley, Akiici Mnrple, IMna Adams, Per iiviii bmoii, uiirnnla Bholl. W. D. t .Her, Adeline Cr.fer, Orva Orom, Df, Oeo. Moroman, Mabel Merryman. I I'nlted I'reis Hcrrlce Kiilkendall hai announced' VIIJ.N'NA. Dec. 22. Public cm. hltnaelf a candidate fur re-elect dm ni plo)e In Auitrln nml Hungary li&ro dlrtrlct attorney on the republlrnnlhnd their snlurles rained an a result ticket. It Is not known yet If he will 'of the high tout of Ihlng, the rnle ,.n.u hi, ii.iMRiiiMi. ur ion. nil? in.n. im'i.ii. niiiiiu nccoruing 10 a grnuuaied cutlng attorney illitrlct Incluilcij scale. Kalhera of one or more chll Klamath and Lake cdunlles, and It Is.drun reecho extra allowani. reported that Uke county will harej ITER COMPANY PAYS MORE TAXES 1IIA.V IXIUCATKII ll' )U.CIU max wiiiti: assi-.s.si:i ox IKM.lJi 11IIH Viait AT HS(l,0(M), AX INCIIKA8K Onlclnls Of tlio lliron lliwml rlmin. no canuiuaio ror ine omco. at least who l,nre thren or more chlldrcu re pn the republican tlckt. echo $120 n car more than men Kor sheriff there are already three! without families. Tho first jear's candidates being talked of for tho po.Jnpprnprlntlun for Ihu ralso was $20. Itlon on tho republican ticket n.. 000,000. though Oscar I.. Carter Is the only one wnn has ilennltriy announced tils candidacy, .Mr. Carter waa formerly chief nf ollco of Klamath Kails, and Is well known throughout the county. C. C. Low and Arthur l-anscll are tho othor two mentioned. For tho democratic nomination Chief of Police Bam I., Walker Is being urged by his friends to become n candidate. For county clerk It Is probablo that Charles It. Do l.np, tho present In cumbonf, will be a cnndldato on tho republican ticket, although Mr. Do l.np statrs that It wilt depend on tho attitude of the party whether tin be. cornea a candidate or not. If they hare. man whom they FEDERAL 6MND JURY ADJOURNS TO JAHOARY I'n.tie at India iiamiIs Halts for lre. rut, Willi l'r lliiiliuiry Imcstlgatlon Only Completed Will Show the Koiine of lunds I'tilled Pitas Service INDIANAPOLIS. lnd.,Dcc. 23. Tho federal grand jury this afternoon believe, enn adjourned until January 3d. fill tho odlco to better advantage, ho Only tho preliminary Investigation la willing to step down, hut If they has been completed. nro satisfied with his handling of tho wosat of tfce office and wa,nt him again, ho would bo willing lo make tho race Ooorgo Chastaln, present deputy under afr. Do Lap, and former coun ty clork, sooms to bo tho main do prndonro for this ofllco on tbo dumo. cratlc ticket, mid his frltnds nro In shtlng on ills becoming a candidate. Doth Mr. Do Lap and Mr. Chastaln nto cloio personal friend, and tho lalter's decision rua-y depend on whether Mr. Do Lap I a cnndldato for" re-election or not. m Only ono name baa been mentioned for county commissioner, that of Jav Dlion. on tho domqcratlc ticket, al though Mr. Hummer baa nado no Jtatement yet as to whother he would be it candidate for re-olectlon. It la Intimated that there will bo a 'strong fight for this position, and there will probably bo number of candidate on both ticket. CgpUln J. P !.co will probably be a candidate for his present ofrtco of naseaaor, although ho stntes that It I too early to nuke any announcement. Kor tho other offices no announco- nistrlct Attorney .Miller expects to show where tho money for tho d)im nillng rarao from. AMES SUCCUMBS TO PNEUMONIA Cnplnln J. IVI.ee, county assessor. paid this morning that Councilman White's statement that tho Klamath hulls Light and Wntcr company h&d been nucstod Inst y or en only $t0, 000 tntunllon was an cnur. "I o forgotten juat what tho fig. nro was," uild the captain, "but I Know Hint this jcar It Is $160,000. nml stands on the books nt that now. This Is an Increase over last year's ngure, but I cannot say from memory Just how much of an Increase" ( HltlSTMAH KOK PIIKSnV. Ti:itIAX HCXD.IV SCHOOL Tomorrow evening tho Presbyter- Inn Rundny school will give Its all ium I Christmas exercises and treat to tho Juveniles. There Is n little play to bo given by tho children, a largo number of whom will take part In tho presentation. Tho program I In charge of .Mr. Ilnrry Cadrn. Mrs. Itobcrt Mitchell, wlfo of tho musician, who Is a member or tho White Pelican Orchestra, lias arrived from Arizona to Join Mr. Mitchell. HAII MVKI IX KMMATH FALLS YKAIt AXIt A HALF, IIRIXO EM. ri.DVKI) AH LACXlHtV WAOOX imiVKit II, J. Ames died at his room In tbo Hector block this morning ut J'30 o'cltrk of pneumonia, after an III ncss which had Its commencement last Saturday. Ho was iv singlo man, 39 yean of age, and had lived -in this city for tho past enr and a half, be Ing employed a driver of one of the L New local Commercial Body Is .Being Formed Quietly As Possible A morament I on In tbl city to . form a naw commercial club or board of trade, but particular of tho move ment cannot be learned. It I known that recently a meeting of the pro. Jectora waa held at which eecrecy waa eiJoiae4 on thoie preeont, to tji;t tha 4ll the plan and the mon InUreeted ara-aub row. Whether; M "anovement li not smmIm wttk auaelent encouraie- 'saem't auk kaewa et4U ef tk plan at preient writing, or whether the orgunliom expect to make a rous ing start with an announcement of a complete organisation doe sot ap pear. ron BALB Furniture; cheap II tak ,ea.at onee.vlOU Blerenth it. ll-l Call at the Llvernyire'hotel and let Dr, Hermann relieve those headache by a pair ol weUIUsi gle ltf I'lNK APPlS FIIK8II ONES Wo hnvo tho only ones In by ex 'roes from Southern California. We nro headquarters for this llns of good. Tho finest Woodland Cream ory butter nt 80c poK roll, for cash only. BcoJIot AlrOIII atjho Fulton Market. (Jfiodstalk and so does monoy. , 21-3t FULTON MARKET. Can the blind be made to aeeT Call o. Dr. Hermann and he will aee. 19tf Y "Hjor) thing cash, at the Fulton Market thla w ?&L ll-3t PREMIUM PUT ON INFANTS BY NEWJOOTH WALES i Anllpoilea fiotenimcnt Decide o an Income Ttu Btliedule WbJcli Clw ntcs exemption Wliero Subject Has Children United Press Berviro SVD.N'KW, Now 8outh Wale, Dec. 22, Infant Industry I bolng oucour- agod by tho Now South Wale govern ment. An Income tnxe schedule baa Just boon formulated which puta a premium on big famlltea. Tho scale la sixpence Id the pound, or 2ft per cont on incomes under $3,ri00 a )ear, rising to one shilling In tho pound for larger Incomes, The llrst 11,500 Is exemtpod If the Income' In earned and a further exemption! allowed for each hctld, so that a man with 3,500 a year and eight children set off tax free, Income from property I taxed one. third extra, and It the owner doe nn( resldo In tho itato where hi prop. Ik located be I soaked for an addi tional third. other tl nn Chief of Pollco Samuel L. Wal leer, who Issue thorn occasionally. (Jordon Is tho man who la accredited with having led a recent outbreak at tho California penitentiary known a mi- ruiium prison, wnicn u neat t olson, but nctuatly located at a nlaee known as Ilcprctsa. Tho last nnrrffcd oildently takes' Its namo from the fact tnat tlcro Is made, tho effort to re- vi ess exuberant criminal, spirits of convict. Tho ocrailon of "Itcdshlrt'a" de parture was Ms tendency to Interfere with tho officer In tho performance or ms tiuty and tho fear on the part of tho pollco that ho would probably iune property belonging to other several nights ago In the Comet toaging bouso old man HaloY. the "uime who when peoved at being re- fused a drink endcavorfd to let at. niosphere In tho.Du Fault saloon b si ottering tho p)ato glass window ii ercoi was making Home howl. Ho vns filing and earning on In a very urscemly manner, according to the story. He wns disrobed, In bed, full, nnd waving a f 10 bill In his hand. When Patrolman William Hall en tored tho sacred portals of tho lodg ing nonso and fetor tha Inner recess In which old man Haley, who I a civil war veteran -over three score nnd ton, was lodging, there waa Haley ns oescrioca above. Just why ho waa oiling. the police cannot say, unless It be that he bad n sKiniui or joyful oil which mado mm reel llko exulting aloud. As to tho causo of his waving tho 110 bill there Is also some daubt, although the moiivo may nuvo boen a' financial one. Just whether ho wished to sub sidize tho pollco or buy bottlo of wine, or pay tht first Installment on n lot, could not be learned this morn Ing. At any rato Patrolman Hall de termined to arrest Haley, fio and an. "Hodiiilrf; Gordon appeared on the sceno about tho time the officer made up ills mind, evidently bent on chang ing said menial berft. "Redahlrt" de ified to arguo the matter with the offlccr, who waa hardly In a mood to tarry or porley.'Sfelng that Hall was evidently really going to make an ar rest, "Redshlrt" decided to use force, mil ni intoxicated .condition made the force much less than It would be nthcrwlif, and when finally Patrol man Hall found It necessary to give "Itedshlrt" a love tap on his cartila ginous brainpan, the gentleman cele brated for thi laming character ot his uppor garment landed on a hot Btoe, that part of hi trouter which Is celebrated for Ita great area being literally pressed against the eurface ot tho heater. Further on thla point need not b said, a "Rodiblrt'a" feel ings can better be Imagined than de scribed. Eoth mon were' Anally taken to the oolico station and their case disposed ot l'i tho customary manner. ItKIIEKAH LODGE WILL f HOLD A RECEPTIOX At Its regular mooting last nlaht Prosperity Ilebekah Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. F., appointed a committee to urrango for a public reception to be held In the lodge room In' Odd Fel lows' temple on New Year's Day from 3' to S p. m. Arrangement are In tho band of a committee, who will make a full report concerning the af fair at a later date. ' George R. Llndley, the Medford banker who ha been, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. D. Cochran, left this morning tor his home. Mr. I.lndlcy I financially Interested In Klamath county, and la one of the stockholder In the First Truit and Rating bank. 3SBlaBBntRBSSSBBSVJHB srseBf aTswg ajajgaja . 1 WATER USERS' CALL, BUDGET IS NEEDED Arizona it, Kansas, 17, Nevadak II, Colorado 10 steamship line t, Utah 9, Nebi-Mka G, Montana t, Wettera Moxlco 7. In addition to which were given lecture on Tellewatore Park 13, Tosemlte II,, Overland route Omaha to San Francisco 1, Modem Method of Farming II, Fralr of the PailRc Coast 4, addressee by West ern Governor J, Government Irriga tion Project and Called Stntaa Rec lamation Service 4. A marked feature lu giving lecture has been the close attention of the audience, the big rttmaad for llter aiiirc and the numerous taqnlrkw i'v i ing tna vast teirltory. OUTLINE BY STONC ALL AxWKJATjOM ACT AM OX MATTasst OP 'i ! gfMsTCur mm rammm rot FMssXHlO Or Mslaf HEAVY TAX LEVY IS IN PROSPECT COIXTV AS8K880R .LKB AXTICI. PATE8 THAT SS MILLS WILL IMtOtlAllLY DB RATE OP AS HI8MEXT That city tolka will pay a- total tax or about 35 mule at the next ai ment I the opinion of County or J. P. Lee. The tnlllage for school purposes will be 8 mills, for city S mills, nnd for county and state, yet to bo determined, about 8 mill each. Tho board of equalisation, con- feting of County Assessor J. P. Lee, County Clerk Charlea R. De Lap and County Judge William 8. Wordea. will meet early-next month, after net, ting from the state oBcera the Infor mation a to the amount to be re quired to be raited by the county, for slate' purpose and will flz, the mill- age up for the assessment. "Wo need a pretty good sized amount of money for tho road In tho county, and I don't believe the people will make any protest at It. Tho roads aro needed and tbo public ought to lave them. When you give the people something for their money they don't wake any kick about It." Captain I.eo stated that last year's levy was 27 U mills for all purposes In the city, which Indicates that this vear will run "an Increase of about 25 per cent, as compared with last year. Everything Market thla thing east) at the Pnlton ,J1-It S 11 - Of Aft. NMM HMlfff F1IIIT FlY IS PEST TNAT KNACESMCAUFNIIIA . FM.bii, n.. (tern-,!; 2? StTm"'fi' -.. .... .... i"' J'eeaieer, lill. - ram in-Mi noi t M BUB Session to Coaaitfer ApfwefwteUea to Fight Tree DespeSer Governor Rkoord B. i xona, who la eaalrasaa wtfWrt tlve commute ekoaaa ar veation or water at Chicago, hai lawed tkj,i letter to rartoae their member, waleh i Oentlenseai -Pnreeant ' ag- nude by Mr. PattM K. Seara est 1 loa, Neva, the Trackee-CaraeeuJaaaSaaa. 1 ath. Belle Foarea. Taller, Batt Btva valley, Oltaae9a.sPla4Bea4. ut El Faeo Valley and Iwaar River water TJaara , CommMleatleaa al of the objeeta f tke eetsarwor;- United Press Service SACRAMENTO, eDc. 21. There I s? strong probability that an additional extra session will be called br the governor to consider the matter of an appropriation to flgbt the Mediterra nean fruit fly, a pert meaada tha ,'allfornla trait Industry. It I Introduced here frasa Hawaii. The State Fratftjrvwera' Association, now In coareatlea at RoaovllU. u avking ror the eonelderatloa. mi SHI KAI AHHS MWtJltW In IMHtleal CMnffe. So OStra Orswt RepnMle.rroiktti Be Oei First PresldetKT of FsUbUsfaed nrtAxnEXiruRo ra CIXCHEO OX JOB At Washington, according to a re cent dispatch, the United State sea ate has confirmed the appointment of Clyde Brandenburg to b postmaster nt Klamath Fall. Mr. Brandenburg iook omce uciouer 1st, tnrough an appointment made by president Tart during a vacation by congress, action on the name having been held up In the legislative hall when Mr. Bran ..-. .... - uenourgs selection waa Brat pro posed. nlted Creta Bervlee. , , eiur.MjiSrj Sen east '.Beaeral HaasrV-Vf Hongkong for 8hanihale' declining Interview. Yuan 8hl .Kat offer ta conexdt a rupublle It he la promised tha presi dency. Wu Ting Fang and other refuae fo rromlse thla. but say thev believe Yuan 8hl Kal la certain of election. received aad read af the the Elephant Batte. toe Pteaer ty. iA)wer Milk Rlrer, Tleaea, Sunayalde, Uaeeesaakgre, county, North Platte. Mlatadeka Water Ueera After a fall alauaaHa k Idered by the dsliajatea visabie aot ta iiHiat m ttoa at thja nieetlag. kwt to aad approve aoase plaa.of a cation which akMM be the rartoaa Water Ueera wHhla the rariea Irrtgatiea ror their aaaroval The awetated, aad, aa a'reawH attfear tv bera tb arttetea of ftlTrallia aswr with eacloaed'were aahasMtad to to ftl V T, tt aadralaaed cMttoe wan" J-" approved. ,Tm wffl etoarva tkat ap e term ec toe anieiea war arw to- ' become eveettv when they tto ftireBT'' approved and adepted ha .titaj' -- aneea of the Water VaatV Hon within reelajssaUea gre'laato." Ton will also obaet fifteen aseoclatlone do adept the ajtl-' ,-,vA1lF Pr aie osTeetrto; that a JB&VJwypJ? MrtBaKi T'.,'sr4i line rateraata LOW LAST NIGHT WINTER RECORD MKRCUllY DROPPED TO S ABOVE Jl'ST OXR DROREE LESS THAN THE LOWEST UWETOPOBE RECORDED , It was lower by one degree loot night than at any othar time thla Inter, Jbo low being 8 above at ( a. ui., agalnit 0 H yesterday at 7 aad II at 7:30 a. m. Thursday. Tho mercury standing at 8 at 8 a, m. today compare with 10 at tha ante hour yeatardaf aad II Wad- HAMMUM II lEPK BUREAU HAS BEEN ACM Intrrcetsag Ptgarea Stiowbag nnatber ot Talk aire at Cblcage Laud Show, Where lSS,eoe Feoate Lt. toned to SHOULQER LAMED "HEFTINORUNKS POUCE. CHIEF WALKER HAS aX. DUFOBITION IN THAT PAST OP HIS PHYSIQUE TJSBD IX MAX. IXQ ARRBSTS vtfsclol to The Uerald SACRAMENTO, 'Dee. It. In the Union-Southern Pacific lecture roonia at the Chicago, land show Juat closed there were delivered 506 lecture, at tended by 155,000 people. Thirty different lecturer 'gave halt hour talka accompanied by llluatratioaa la slide aad moving pueturea, aad their total number of lecture have been apportioned among the aareral etatea and Old Mexico, whick la total make the empire west ot the Mlaataaiaal Rlrer aad touth ot tk Rio Oraad served by the related line ateordlac to the taient contributed by. aomual. iues, commercial ooaie aa aute. In detail tha lecture war ag Iewa: California.;:!!!, . TejMII, Loutelaaa.il, OregM' 41. ''WaaMaaw II. WyeaUag II, Make ; Police Chief Samuel L. Walker ta suffering from rheumatism la tke shoulder. The chief state that It la bo worn- der that tha shniiMur Mm nut At business occasfonally, aa ha kaa kail to "heft" so many drunks to tke look up that it I calculated to Wear rat anybody' (boulder. alltoaHiw'4illssiV andrrpaa'awfadaI -f; for la tk article are to tokaa' up , considered aad aetle. tost( thereoa. -, " w'ir'. la thla eMneetiea, wraali aetovr'i tlon to tk aeeeesMy, if tkla -itomMzi orgaaiaatiOB la to aeeease eajeeMf., ot your aaweiatlea taklac aartjr aattm " ihw isssc sssa present coagreaa er'all tak M tast matter of amendmeata to tko rsisBsJ matlon act and other Isgislatleei reeling the redaajatlM aerrVta mn be propoaed aad acted . '. It la therefor highly MrJtotkat4 tha,Brt meetlag of tk MnaMoa W held at aa early a dot aa jiaiHla, Any coastderaM detay la tko' BX nroral oeeeataae of tko artlelea'.of reBfratioa by aay eoaaldrahl,aaav ber of assoetatleo will, of'oMsr, staad la tko war of aa rty i $ of tha. fagaratlna The committee feel that tk of organhMtle aa arorMot kp HmJ article preaeaU .tk beet aoistkiaf nil. ttimt 111 ! ..U -M - -- ' " r.. .... w mh snR reseniMioa aaa ta rail Ity tor each to hat a Ma aoola erea aaa approprkUo .. f . r. '"" SJ h i.. Tk reaooawky Ha 8ssb1 aUiraal ss rwlffrr f t Hi- ' .& Persian Parliament Ousts Sbosttr, Submission To Russiirlmj -O -,--- S' rit ' L T, h V - United Preaa Servlee TEHERAN, Dec. t!. M Peralaa parliament baa dleatateed Shooter aad submitted to oreryRuastan 'deasaad, . No aatalal announcement waa v ParllaflMBt'a .f Botlco to Skuator. TieWretolwgk, agar aarrled tb '. r .. ,rA Jf tkw. aadaakiar'th) ror ita aswaotv ', ) Tka paktta kaoa't kai m.laaal. -'-JLi'," v ftiy aa asaaat I trooaa wwrafoJWt Tko- &' K i II CTxr iJTMV 'T-.,5!,Li.vii