F?7 X IIOKKlWIH.NAIi CAIUW U U TIlU.UU H. I. WAIlltKN C lilJNT, M. It. OifMYIIoia Hlilg. PIieiki: Omcp?16i Ucsldenc XOTICR ltll. C. A. lWMllO, ' Urnll.U All Worqiiarantd. Odfcrcllfwa' Hulldlnn. Hoom JIS. Xj I'honc 6S Ther ar fundi la the rll) traaaurr for tho redemption o! warrants pro- tcatcd on and btfora May 0, 190S. in terest coac from date hereof. J. W. SIKMKNS. Clt) Tteaiuror. Dated atKUMuatl Kails. Or. IhU (!th day of DcccTlaticr, 1911. ! .. .". j 1. TKW1KK.VIIAI.U I Attorni-J at iw i OSlres. Whlte-Maddox KlrtK lhon 4J4. Klamath Falls. Ore. I iik evening HEH4U:SURF ENGULFS GIRLS, SIOLEII WITCHES ARMOR BRAVE ESCORT RESCUES TOR IV V. O. 8MITII. K.lllor Mid Proprietor j M STOWKl.L. Vliy i.imor 1'nbllslieil da)l) except JundR) nt ltf'i forrth Street I niir IVimiu Vnnowl) lio-ii' rmiitjl'iut.-Muit I'otliriimn Nw Hint ltii' HollyHollySfl OltlsiiO.N KUMATII KAI.I.S. Tlll'llSII.W, IIKIH. Ul. Illl L JAY KXAl'l "Architect l!iforro-l Concrete and 8te' 'illdlnp a Specialty . I IloomsSOS-SIM.Odd Fellow uld. I l l", low nhl I jetle Merld! j glider the I I 13. 1S7S. a MISCKl.UXKttrs uamsuvs Kxrurks If you want joyt Jtuff noted and noted julA. Ret Kam b)' Rifiett to dit.lt. Corner Con nth nnd jjitftjttrfta Phone 111 rl liMl'MJYMfcNT , Call ii COUSTOOX. 595, If jou vnnt any klnd'ol HKt.P. Ifles!ter at h COMSTOCK if you want.ttjjployment. XOTICK Kill IMJIII.ICATM1X (Not coal land) Department of the Interior. Unite 1 States Land OtAce at takcTirw Oregon. October 11, 1SU. Notice It hereby ten that Oscar U Carter. whose postofflce nddress It Kinmmh Falls. Oreeon. did on the 13th day of May. 1911, Mo. In thin mco sworn statement and application I No. 01CS0, to purchase lot 1. Sectlou j i, township 3T S. raiico 10 B. Wlllam.' illau, and the timber thereon. tirottinns of the act of June and acta muendatur. knoar a the "Timber and Stone I.w. M avich wiluo as might be llxcd by ap iiralnmcnt, and that, pursuant to nirh application, tho land ,nnd timber thereon have been appraise! ni a total of llfiS. the timber estimated at iCO.OOO board feet, at 75 cent per M.. nnd tho land nothing; that said appli cant will offer final proof In support of his application and aworn state ment on the S'th day of December. 1911. before It. St. Ulchardson. Unit ed States Commissioner, at Klamath Palls. Oreicon. Any person I at liberty to protest tnlt purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time bfore patent Issues, by Mine a corroborated affi davit In IhU ufaco. allepslng facts hlch would defeat the entry. A. W. ORTON. 10-17-12-26 i ttfRls.er. WOMAN TWICE A BRIDE MAY SIILLBE SPINSTER tVurt Cim Mio Tlint Mu ln) U Kllhcr W'lfo of llolli. Shiiim of Hut I ttne, or Helpmeet of .Wither of the tii'iitlentcii lliinliiKt Neopoil, luMi Willi It lllltt III I'll I'lllOllllll) llouith of Uito NI5WPOUT. Ore,. lVe i'l --Humlii) mornlim p.trl) f four person nar row l niHil death by ilrownliiK near the Montiri l'Di.l, nboitt a mllo an I A halt north of hnto Ttio part) iiir-Msted of John S.nBO nnd son. Uonl. of Talent, Ore.! Mis llnttle llecU ) mul SUM AiirIo Wat- rail of Newport The aurf helm; er hliih the four, waltlnK Uielr ehainv niBitiil to run around a point between 'wines. All euept Sir H.nr.Re. who U a hea) man (nude It In saf'ty Mlsslitt: him the other threo started .back to llnd tiltn. but were titmhl mldwn Youub HaviiRe iitanaKeil to 1'nmi I'lie i:iiH Willi llnoty anil I illll IMIll', I'llll I tilt U-t t IllOrtkllltf II t llliiiuiih ire A Hhtpmunt. of i:nKllsh Holly just. received fi'om I'lijjet Souml Onlcr yotir Xmitri wicnlh cail Aintivn . ti i .sos . HAIlllY It. MILUH ' CUU K.iii?lnr.-.HnrTeyor 317 Mala Htrert I W. KKLXOGO. Sj-cUllt for Ithrtrmatlam I cure where others fall. Cor ner KlTth.and Walnut. I' SIADASt AND I'llOK. TIS1.MS MasM'urs ami Chiropodists Cure corns, bunions and In crolnc toenails. Slme. Tlmms ntopi hair froaf falllnis out In Are treatmenti, and a perma nent euro for.&andruff. Clre us Vo.UlT,' Kljniatli Ave. M f- kU17 KUnuitli i XOTICK r'OU PniMCATlOX (Not coal lands) i IVn.irtmcnt of the Interior, United i States Land Office at Ukevlew. Ortson. October 11, 1911. Notice Is Lertby lvcn that Ralph I, Carter, whose postofflce address Is Klamath Kalis. Oregon, did, on the 24th day of April. 1911, Hie In this ..in.. - tnfitmnni ifil nnllrntlcifi UiUkV w- . --- 'No. 04540, totpurchaso the W H . : . XK ti SW 11 . Section 7. and NV M 'of tho NWU Section 18. township 137 south, ranse 10 east, Wlllara ette Meridian, and tho timber thereon, ...,- .. rfA.t.inn. nt Ihii firt nt JlinA ,3, 1S7S. afd acta amenda:ory. known ,0"'' las the 'Timber and Stone Ijiw," at ' ' l.OS ANOBI.BS, lHv. 21. An odd nrllon on fllo In lh superior court hero shows how- a woman mlfiht bo wife of neither, or the lfo of both nt 'i ih,i.i ( ,jsi Wnlrnd and hold her tho Mino time, nnd t!i"rfore technlc-uiulll the wavo needed. Stl lleekley. ally sltiKlo or a hlcnmlst aliuultnne-Vhn wai further from llio rocks, liar. oul)A The ult was Instituted by Sirs. nK meauwhllo disappeared In thn SI SlcCul'ton of l.os AnKelc. She ,rwker w-nntixl a dlxorco from both William aluK placed Mils Wnlrad In safe- SleCiilstlon and William J Paschall, u. Swhuk eniiKht a Rllmpso of Sllsi nnd also asked that her marrlace to it rk !')' rinl hat. and braxely plmiK Iho former bo annull'd. ed In The were carried out at fltst, Tho en extends over iweitl) enrs but tho "Mer S.nnRe. sefltiR what was The woman married Paschall first. t'Mi'peulnic. ruiteil into tn water. hut obtained a illvurw from him lesi and afler a despornte atniKKl" W'Ui thnn )er after sho had llted In a the striiim undertow, manned to pull state other than the one In which she tho half drowned Rlrl ashore. bud bevn married thus nulllOlns tho The two )ouuk women undiiiiuiiii- cctlon Not knowing that she was I) one. their llvra to tho bramy nun still Sim. Paschall, she married Sle- prenco of mind to Hoal Havaise. C'nlstlon, whom. In turn, she divorced The urf has been unusually rough SfcCulstlon. howeer,v siiccitsliM In lately, and this Is tho fourth accident having tho decree set aside on his of this nature In two wii-kn IjisI own account When sho discovered enr I.Uhlkeeper Wilson was en Ihnt both actions werv Inoperative. Knifed with his hor and wauiin at Sirs. SleCiilstlon bciwn her present 'his same sM)t. and onl the saKnrltv suits. If they are won by hr she of t Is- how sated .Mr Wilson from will bo actually slnKle. thouah thero drowning ttlll will remain the uuestlon of prop- erty settlement, and the prmpecta of Nice fresh premium, rxtf. Kiiar- her nsklnR for double nllmon). 'nntied, I Or nr dotru , Krsh California orrs. 30e mt doirn. Kresh ranch i-rrs, I5e er doren Btery i-rk RUiiranteed On down ea Riven frv for eviry bad one I make Reed hr my adv-i lliements. ei-3t 1 PULTON MAIIKKT lliilled Prwn Hertlco POKII.AND. Dee i, ttlolen i . he unviil iteurKe Turner's llfo Ii,m. (or If ho hadn't spt-clnllied In wiililieM Tmiivr would bf In the ' muru today. i,- n.i novii dropplliK Iroio n Hie' ..,, In frank-aliit" lloweiM. a l-' ,..,.. .., . . .. -. . . . lliKiunn on the IumI' Called ill on li 1 I l, liirnvr dldll t otell hwltnle tluwers flrwl A watrh hrnk' lit Htd NNtiln Another watch broke fi in ntupiieil. nil his llfn'prolislors bvl iik slu t to piece. i in: oi.ii uiM.t.tiii.i:. It oii tieetl any trull trees for tnmttiK or wish in Kmke Reed miinoy I Inn tholiit writ us for particular o ptitliHtN i jl urn needed If yo' tmit to hjake BHi.ny Wo show jou 11 SOInN ( Albany. Ore Al.tlANY N'IlHUItllW. Ine 210 Mtllll TUB tll'TLB Strstt " i JOOK STOKE Klamath Falls I rMta " " - " WOOD WOOD HLOCK i nt it. i iKii IIMIII.lt WOOD PUOAl Till: IU). l-ACI'OKV - lli'HV AMI I (Mil WIMID ( II I'lllMI . I tilMKI'S (V II lllim M I.IMIl WOllti uitv huh woiiii Delivered Anywlioro in The City I VW V tilll:ilH AT O t l.. NtOI.lt l I'll I. lilt Oltl.dON IIAHMMM CO., lit .MtlN'KT., I'ttusi: nit I'llll.MCTII l. 0. CAULSON Al' l Illl'ICIi Ji'lK l I'H)IHR till' I'lt'lullt , luititttoh. TrMay. from t until in! orlixk a in . w. will' soil igo botes ' S't tltr. tYivtv llaidwlu .ippten. m , II 2i per Inn ' it list he cash. ' pOlion siAituirr I'uiiirea In endless tnrMy Hooks an I l't r Nt inns Roods at fiio Klamath i'iiiUMiibIc Home . c 20-41 ;-J,,-...J. BIG FURNITURE BARGAINS I It I IIIIIHI pi.ini: i.im: IIANCIJI. III.' .11. l!S. HlliH. its i t.i. ami m:i: in it mim. V IHII Hi: I'l It.MMHIMIS, MOV I.S. lAr. O. C. JENSEN FURNITURE CO. Corner Ninth and fluid ww.iw ura'aw.'vgwTwa tanxsm n rc Temple theater. Matinee dally. 2 3' n m KvonlnK. tint per.'ormanro 7 IS. continuous. .NOTICK KOU I'l'IIMCATION (Not Coal Lands) Dopartment of the Interior. United States Land Office at l.akrvlcw, Orrcon. Sentcmber 27. 1911. Notice Is hereby Riven that Aiiriis Klamath Kails, Orrcnn, who !.... ss-Tinsn ! .& iiiiiiiap nnii such valtio as mlRht be fixed by ap- " -i" . . ""-; " .,''" ipral.ment. and that, pursuant to such ' one ap.l Iralloa Na 03J$D for tl,. ippl.cat.on. tho land and timber M. B U, h . .. beet. on . . i.... lAAn anfimlifd af O : " , nu - ..-s.-. total of $!45t the timber estimated at (540,000 board feet at 75 centa per ., and the land $40; that aald appK tm nttar An.il nroof In lUDOOrt " taut wm. f - ..OoaVlK the baby suffer from ecie- of Uf KppiinXan tnd sworn state roc,eorVi or any Itchlnn of the k,n-I ment 0D the 27th day of December, 1911, before It. f. Ulchardson. Unit ed Statea Commissioner, at Klamath Falls. Orcoa . Any persoa Is at liberty to protest thua purchase btfore entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Itsues, by flllne a corroborated affi davit In this" office, alleRlne furts which would defeat the entry. A. W. ORTON. 10-17-lS-2Cr- UelsHf iv.an'i Olntrne-ji sies Instinc r'I., cures quickly Perfectly safs for children. All drustlsts sell It. For This Week Only i CIllllSTSIAS TltirKS, !Wc to ftoc each Call nnd maku a selection. ClLi.MIKItlllKS lUJic r'qiuw. As uood a the best. l'itlU ItAXCII KOCS SOc lT Uos. l'.XI)ll, ALIj KIXDS From !c to IOc fier pound OUANCilX ttOc to 50c ier dozen IIL'ITKU Cholcr, frth California Cr-nmi-ry. - iouuds, full weight, hoc ier roll. lUncli Ilutter, 70c x.'r roll. KAI8IXH, XUT8, FIGS AXU DATES at right prices. CKI.KUV, LKtTVCK AXU CAULK l'i.OWi:it Frfsli from the garden. AVVUVJi AND liAXAXAS at right prices. iii:ixr a:r.KriATKO mince. SHUT None better. IV otto meridian has filed notice of In tentlon to make final proof, to estah llsh claim to th,o land above dv tcr.bed, before C. It. t)!l.ap. county rlerk of Klanmth county, nt Klaniatli I alU. Or'Ron, on the I9th day if December. 1911. Clalmnnt ur.mes as llnciv Sllkn Stntschenbacher Thomas Shannon, Tlmas O'Connell, Horatio Orcm. all of Klamath Falls, .Oregon A W. OltTON. 10-30-12-38 h IteRlitor. WOOD Cixxl Slrtli WimwI Ul-lnili Wood . .$.1.7.-. . ..K7.0U Delivered' l-ntiv-OrdiM at Clly Huki'ry Prmiie Oil RRIE XMAS Be Gay At The White Pelican Special Christmas Dinner $2 You cannot doit at home for that Revolving Illuminated Christmas Tree. Good things for the chljarcn. . UHnrf ull you have. Music By White Pelican Orchestra W.E.Seal.orn I Reception by the White Pelican Himself Come and Meet him Dec. 25 BICYCLES For an up-tatc wli"! ret n lUmlafer, on aali- at Ibe Oon Htftre. Tenia and (Jun for Sale or for real. We carry full l'e "' Hportlnf Oooda. THE CiUN STORE J. H. CHtMIIKHH i im'&.i ' ''is mi 1 I L , ,,, i m i i -- as-n-- -i - " cr eB sa-, r sn I 'w m t? 17 rr msffTC 1V1 iii iVfLAi . At j - I 1 FOR BOYS m aa"BBiBsaBSBBsiBSJasjBmsaaiisB TOYLAND Heptor's Department Store SANTA CLAUS IS HERE lit' Monan i i i i iiriunur I UIIKI al A. O I.KWI8. I'rou Where to Eat We serve the choicest of everything If you ive particular try the PALACE GRILL - e''9 Where? 'AND Why? First Where jrour Groccrlra? Hto..d Why llii-ni tlirro? do job buy do jrou bujr If you arn not K'tllng lli heat ( Itir WkIH irl you are not our iusUuu.-rls. VAN RIPER BROS. rhones851 4 4 4 MI'tll.l.NK.M. TltAINH, .MOVINO I'K'I l'Ui:M.rillXIM MUM i..vii:u.H U'.KiO.NH, UOt'KCIIH 'IOOI. ('Ill'JirS i.ssi:.r;i:ii tiiaink viiav:i:i hri:i:uixo coasti:ii AtTOMOIIIM-M ll()t KINO IIOIttiKH FOR GIRLS I I IS. I .1 lit. I'U i)l.l(AIIIH , Sll. Ill M kiidaiu. .... I in IHMI Illll. .lt'(AIIUNll.U.W lilN'MIIlHirirt I l.l MiH, IIMKIW III 1,1. I'l U.MIIUK n u, i. iii:ih I II IIIS. 1IHMM I, t'AK iryou are thiitking of something for vour Sweetheart, Mother or Sister whisper your wants to us. Let 'us fit Granny out in v. nice pair of soft, easy slppers or shoes. FOR MEN t Suspenders Suits Glof Wata Hnntilcrcllief sets Muffl Nejkwear seis Combination t& - THING i FOR EVERYONE AT Hector's Big Department Store ii i i HM-- .m urnntaiaMM Near the 'Mtofflce "V