Ui if? i tf, a .. & A .. J X 'VI HPITI.IKP IIV TII1G i mii:i I'Iiichh m:vm hciimci: III .aiji fs. iw jfcfluft. KVP.NIN'J MUVHPAl'KtM 'HINT Till: .NEW. NOT HISTORY Hltlli Viiir No, l.tlllU ui.A.MA t it pai,is. oiieoon, 'iiiiii.sn.w, i)i:ci:miikii bi, 1011 CRANE WRATHY AT WATER AND.UGI Price, fire Otae LAWYERS II01;rOAS I HUH AQVA IH ONLY I'lT TO PIT DiT iihem, and that tiii: iiitinrll. Tlio pooplo nr going tu pay for Ihnlr loborre hcriaft. r, Initend of forgottlng thont In tin. past." said "lln (OlOlll'l. , "ll'ii not provided for In the elmr l'"i," enlil Councilman 0. V. Willi Wu'll luno to amend tho charter to 1'inko tlm protlalon fur councllmeii to ""ivo pay." "Tl.nl'ii till iigin EOF y BE TORN UP A. II. Krodorlcks, tho San Fran Cisco merchant wlio Installed tho fur nlturo at tlio Wlilto Pelican, departs today for Ills homo city. u new ono, If rnrl.oi dial luiiilusluu frum wlmi hoi MM tun i Tin-, in.. Hln.pt l.illik.)lii.ttli.ttni., '"rt0r" wo" lmVo iMMiii. iiinl l..,i it ,oine. to .b). ',;,'' nit in t.f mtf tliore will . iiio- "Jloiifl laid nothing to ImJI thing .oli,g m,u.u tl. lon.lltlon '"'" "in ',r0I"nlty f the haip, day ifiiinni mo i ly. n, .. ii,, Wo'll amend thu . COI .VI UMAS MUJOW'AN'S MO. President Tnft signed the Joint re olutlon ahrogatlng tho Russian treny of 1S32. tmiiilllltii" mill water riminil!!,.,, niiin..Liv iiiNdllirr IH IIAHK -nouni compel the miin.iny to IS HADES tni'fit conditions ns It ought to. I, for unit, do not proposo to limn that rondltlon conilntin lunch ImiBur. t.wor llorhurt H. Pram, poured "Talk of Ifi.eni.dlo power The) t- wnini word Into the ear of haven't ono eainllo power up lbcr. A l rlty riiiinrllinon Inst night on tlio '' '-! -an lrti would ho hotter. It's nOt-Kcl lack uf tiro protection In (ho ',"rk ' "n'1", ' WBm " r" ""r ...ah MLuul .lUfrlet. In l.lcl. 1.. i Zl Toy."""'1 """ """" '"" It indlraled Hint If thu ronillllup wn -t .uiKhhrtrhoo.i ..m. wi..,wtm.. Li FuLLETT IS EMfOMTE , paying talon comes nroutid rail m n irtrnm n-rr. . .. ...- '"" .- . KPWSSTMWRi mi HON APPAIII.WTLY PREVAILS, hit legal advki: will hi had piust (.'oiincllmnn CIi&tIoi McGowan lMt night moved tho council that tho "llrldKB ol Slehs" leiullnB to tho dlv r. putahl district ho closed. "Willi n (jato on each end?" nskott J'uor Krcd T. SandcfRon. Thro was consldorablo Joking l)OUt tlio matter. Wlllcll concluduil nclilcntally Mr. Cruno took n fat) of thu Klamath ('alls .lKht and ,. . . . ..,"..'" ....mre..ie. ,, ......hi .miui ih-id .imrni MUM" n ' '" iftiu" nilirn n ny mean mo (Us. Vo.rr rom,,ay Mr .1.,, kind ,,f iKl,t Mill. lii(,s iJ( n (( ,,, of , ,,,. ,, lulni rd water II li fur..l.l.l..K for hi. nm .,,. u , , w .l- all of IVntrnl IMropo ion llo (tlil not ay wl.nl a. lliinl h. H.iiild take nlio.it t,. tut hi,, u,"n lnrlli. IX-hmm raf pi'isi-s left tho Inforcncu that tliore' it ho nalstniin. I.y law io tl o,' """"' ,,rrv? "'"' i (until nf il.i.ni i.,l u.t. i... ii,.. I fUMtlNUrllll.l). Mass. I)r. tn ine out of mi I'ljunrtlon. '' J"a,'-'tfo ,or "'c repiihllr.uis uud lin fiuvmluii eIJiii iii when riroUV"0" '"' "'0 'I'-morrats canity tup "' sriMunnl Wnketlold reomiiiiij. i I'"llnilal pull nindurlml hy thr d Ions for new fir. hydrant w er-1 '"rm n'1 """"' '"nKailiiB. mid Just ' o-der consideration m of those rw- ,"'1 ,,,l'"r ,l,,r- Ah"l,t f'.,,rt ' o mondcil hi-lni: at SUth and Cmial.l,," Hor" r ",h011 ,rom n" ',Rru "f lilcli Is tin. om. ht.li Mr. I.nn.,,,,, Tr Io ft ro.ucut tlmt the iu:.tii dp pitA.vi is josi:p MKJItrCAIKi: Hll.KA.V w.ut I'oi-.Miiny Veiim UN Pi-moiuitlty llni Ifi'l't I'iiiiii illliwi'ii Aiistthi mill ItiiHK.irj'H (hulling IiiiiTi-hl., Willi li .Mil) HniiU Out If o e.'ors VIENNA, Dec 2I.--3"Tloii ltlne. of Hinpcrar Pranx Jimef Is reviving ,v n motion to 1 avo tto hrldRO torn (i-ars Hint tlio end of the nRnl "unclo h'" "l'1'ar-ntly provalllnR, and tho f I.uropn' li near, and that it porlod '"Jor so declared. Ills honor bur- f unrnt and. possibly of unr In tho so-"-!"! Hint City Attorney Hornco M. Iirkum lll follow. Mnnnlnic hn first consulted, ewlni: to for ninny e;irs onl) the personal-j' I'0 trouhlo that tho city got Into over !' (if Itln nff if miIap lm b.... il,n lln W. W Xfnilnn linrn u'lilf.1. I tmrl " " n.,IL H4V -- v.. IV ..M14 i mo of Austria nnd llunRar), and It 1 feared that his death, when It oc- r ire, will pliihKn tlio two inunnrelilna Emperor Franz Josef of Austria' was roported today to be sinking and his death Is momentarily ezpectod. PAL'OIIT A TnOLX FINE IS IMPOSED GREATER MILLAGE EOR CITY EXPENSE iEACH EMPLOYE IS A r nslder Inapt for the purpowi of the dwvlleis In his nelKliborhood. "I hnv i hull! n netv ntkldi'tirn up tliro (lint (Oil 10.600. and Wllhur W Mln Iidm put mi one that cont J7,- 000," said he. "Tho iielKhliorhond j W Krowlni;, nnd with nil the )d;'ndld resiliences Hint linvu heen put up we! are not nlfordcd the snm protoctlun ns others about the c!y. "I would tlko tn cite for jour im tlco tlio S.ltli OreRon, which con tains u case where the court hold that tales could not be nppllml tn ilu s.iuis measure to ieoplo not hnvliiK equal flru protection with others In i ho snmo city It wan n case where ho lire hydrant was not adequate for s rvlca nccciar) Wo are not prop 'ly equipped In our nelKhborhood, a d to put li fire h)drnut where con- rinptatcil would not rellete the con-1 dftlon. Wo hnd a llllln Mate up hero the cither nlnht which, by Reed foil imp, vo got out ourselves "It a fire were In break out It umild bo Imposslhlo to Ret a Hue of 'ioid up tn tlio location where )ou' nr.-pojd to put tho hdrnnt before rrmldm of the iiisvaslile liuiun lliulr eholiv. Iho role stoed: 1tciulillran Tft I.0C2; li Pol lelt S.CUO, lloosevelt 3CS. IVemoerats Wilson 2,10(1. Harmon SOI), Clark 730. II. rilANhPI.lt (OMl'lXV ti:. nia4 ci a piti:si:.T wiiu n Ull.l, MAKi: (JI.AD I.V.NKIt III;. inc op in:i.i'i:its i:uiplo) uf tliv O. K. Transfer e.'iipiiuy will hne oirnslon to ro- M. (Irimtb and wlfo of tho IMkI,' j?" "0t,O',n' ""UnrJ,y' .r" iii.i i. i ...' ,Ills I'ollday season. This Is fop '.ro vl.llorV I u.,V T !lh" l,,nt wl" ' ' ,ro rmtnrs nt tlio White Pelican ho-,... ,i..i ..... ..... . ... ... tel. on their wn to Ran Diem, lo'V. '"'.". "'""" - "'"" "nK -n ' iiriiKiu mo e,o or mo Rtnerni por- uii.il comfort, but their happiness will bo contributed to lit tho shnpo of turkey. Tho birds have been do- citicn on ny nig compaii) ns an ap wn III K3II DlfRII iienil some of tlio frlRld seasjii PAY COUNCILMAN j torn down nnd then Ltd to pay for. MOVE FOT PEACE IS MADE L By PREMIER, MS. Y. S. HI Imperial Prime Milliliter Concede. Ttio Proline n to HcIk-L, nnd Or dim Ho)ii (ieucruN Io Keinoto 'llielr TnmjiH Prom Territories Dcnjamln fltockwcll, an elderly man, was fined $20 this morning by Justlco of tho Pcaco Q raves for flsh- Inc In Upper Klamath Lake. Ha rnuRht a llttlo trout, bclnr Isnor&nt that tho law forbado 'tho act. and Deputy Cairo Wnrd'n Harry Telford preferred n charRO ORalnst him of vio lation of tho flali and came law. Justice 0ravc3 paroled the otd man. There ivro a Rreat mnny pcoplo so Hi maRlstrate says, who are In Ig norance of tho fact that It In now ecnlnst tho law to fish In cither Up per or Lower Klamath l.ako. While such sport I j against tho statutes In such caso made and provided, tbcro Is no sin In taking nil one wants from Mnk Itlver, which Is the happy mc-jj, muni, not n in the literal and flgtira tlvo sense. trade, for a hot tamat; Is somewhat warming .to tho vitals, and when you slldo ono Into joursclf you feel o genial aonso of warmth penotrut tng your Interior. Cartnln It Is that tho ordlnnry Inmate, while It held to the thei- momctcr, might- not mako tho bulb "bust," will, on Intlmato acquaint ance with a human being's Inner ro- copses, demonstrates Its cordial spirit and warm the eater quite plainly. Say, did you over try those frosh ranch eggs at Hamekcr's (JroccryT Every ono Is guaranteed. 21-2t V II. D. Mortcnson 1'avcs today for the East. AN EIGHT MILL LEVY decided o. ny cmr couxctl, WHICH 18 AN nCREASB 09 ONE-HALF BOXIi'OVKR LIR VEAB t SHANGHAI, Dec. 21. Promlor Yuan Shi Kal has conceded tho pro- .'Incoi of Auhul and Clinu SI to tho ebcls to tho extent that he has rush d orders for Immedlato evacuation of tl. o Imperial troops now occupying tboso provinces. Ills action followed tho suspension of tho pcaco confer- ceo hy iho rebels olid Imperial en- xo)8 hero upon tho demand of the rev olutionists that tfio two provinces be vacated. The premier has ordered the Im perial generals thcro to lose no tlran in removli.u'.thi'lr troops, as It Is hit ilislru that 'ho peace conference pro ceed Immediately. Ho Is confld'nt MONTHLY GRIST OF BILLS IS PAID OHEMEMBERSAYS irit:i:v. ruisr w.Mtn mi:miii:u wopi.d iiavi: iiriicirr ino. llli: Pi)H (O.MPP.NS.VIIO.V POH ITV PATH PUS Mini Who I.Imk In ruinous Hotel When In Sou Pmuclsio, Claims 'Hint lie Wns Libeled lit Hook, and ,Ul.s $11)0,000 ll.iiiingci Cuuncllmnn W. (1. Wllklni believes MIW YOUIC, Dec. 21. -Chnrglnc Tlvn or six houson were burned. I'liitl-. city con II should ho paid for tint ho wns featured In .Ilurgoss' lot driving at the council so much Its offoits to guldo tho destinies of ( book, "Tho Heart Line," ns an oli- n want this matter put In th!lliU fair settlement of chlll;atln,n, Jeitlonable character with an Inordl- 'til of tho water company The mm so expressed himself hut nlRht. rate nppctlto foi duck nnd chain- a r fiirnlahrd up there Is not 111 (or It wns while the liudRct wns under rtKii '. William II. Da 11, who Uvea at lath, even, It's on') fit for n fire, illmisslon, and Iho l'lrst u.ird's N s- I'm I'nlneo hhlel when In Snn Kran- rho reason It Is not fit for a lint li Is1 ton member suggested Hint ai he rliro, bus buc.iI thu author for ?100,- n nrrnimt of tho germs In It. heard nothing read hy th- city re- 000 diwiinges. Hero la Iho paragraph "Another thing Is that ho nr- of. loider. Thoirns !'. Nicholas, to Indl Hn deprived nt lilijht of our IIrIiI, eatc Unit tho councllmeii wire being 'ho light sometimes being out for i membered pecuniarily In Iho fliinn liours, Tho transformers am In m, l stlmate, ho would like to linxo opinion, too small, and thai Is the aimethlm; put In along tho lino Indl uason of tho trouble. Po talked inled . with an cxpfrt electrician, and hnu I suggest tho need of pay for tho Hunter Fatally Shot Ifas On Way To H. P. Hofiy's Ranch To Get Game LA PINi:,Oro., Dee. 21. rurther iinu bellco Iho rtlscliiiiRO of tho rlflo detalla of the fatal shooting of Nor- wan il" to cnrolosmiess. Ilo was man Shears, a young man from llond, Kuowu frciiicntly to uo tho butt of iiboiit G o'clock Satuiday night, wlillo I is rill" when ho wonted tho houuda n tho way fium Odell Lnko to tho to obey Mm. It Is thought ho must lloi-y ranch, bcuo been iisceilalncd. have been pnklni; tho i tlio nt tho Ills body was found about half nn hmimU when tho dUchnrgo occurred, hour afterward by Davo L)iiea. As- Assistant Chief Engineer H.I'.Hoey slslnnt Chlof Englnocr Hoey's ranch of Iho Southern Pacific railway, ro lotpor, lying hi tho router of tho moved hU family from, hla rntich, mad to the1 lako, about half a mllo twonty-nno inllos north of Crescent, north of tho ranch. Tho rlllo bullet to hid homo In Klamath Falls tho lias ponotratoil tho chest, killing him Intter part of Soptombor. leaving his lustantlyi I ranch piopotty In tho caro of Dave I vno tul.. n.. .1 llin rnnell llOUSO LlllUS for tllO WllltOr. iirnnrin . ... i....r.i iim iiischnriii). Shears iolnod him nt the ranch f the rifle, and from tho actions of ono of the dogs from the pack of hounds with the young man, knew oii'ctlilnR wns wrong. Tho hound led tho Iteepor to tho scono of tho acci dent. Tram m frlMidi of the young month ago, and they had made prep arations to trap ou tho shores of Odell Lake this winter. Shears had near ly reached tho ranch yestorday from ;i MBit 10 lllfir BtriHB oi irnpa uu mw ho objects to most strenuously "Then there's 'Munson's mystery ' on the North Ileach rond. Nobody ver found en: who Munson Is. And Dally, tho str-r enter of tho Palace hotel ho used to havo four canvr.i lnckK cooked, selected ono, and used tho Julco of tho others, lie ordered soup at a dollar n plato, and ho had n happy way of bu)lng n caso of eliampaKno with each meal, drinking only the top from each bottlo." Dally rn)s this reference classes Mm with people of unbound mind, tlsrcputnhlo and Indecent habits. iho of an nmtcablo adjustment althouirli tiit'nn t tin tiittnlnl ilnlaiitiui l Mn 1... proprlnto romcnibrnneo for tho fnlth-r.. """'"" "!.'". u. u 'nt folks who nro In Its employ and 1 1 fro will hu a present of ono luscious ' nlhered inomliT to each of iho offl inl family. iDvn.v Nor "muii i:ati:il" AS WKITEIt CIIAltCICS HIM lluvs that total abdication of Ma nihil dynasty Is Imminent. It Is the general Impression that Piemler Yuan Shi Kal will bo tho "man of power," no matter which way tho pact rocs. He Is regarded by both Manchus and rcbtls nt tho strongest man to head tho now gov ernment. Howciverj there li a strong undercurrent of feeling In certain quarters that his whole diplomatic handling of the situation has been tololy with selfish motives. It Is qieiily stated that tho premier Is so- iretly In s)mpnthy with the rebels, -Mid that ho believes that thr day of tli emplro has passed, nnd. Intend becoming tho "strong man of China" wider tho now regime Apparently oven tho Imperialists representatives expect the ovorthrow if the Mnncliu djna-sty. If a consti tutional monarchy If established, ltli Emperor Pit Yl at the head, the Manrhu nobles will lose tholr power ml emoluments. til .VCIL AT ITS MEETINb T.tlilS ACTION KAVPKAilLF 1C CUl TAIN PEILSONS TO WIIO 1IIK ITV IS INDENTED " 1.25 BUILDINGS I IHO OP APPLICATIONS VV HE- pem: Tin: citv council last xioirr r.vvoiuiiLY acted upox ny solons llulldliig permits wcr Issued by tho council Inst night 9 follews: Normanl " n. Btnhlmnn. 120 Lewis street, addition to house, 12x20 feet, D. L, Wcnner. four-room house on lot 13, Mock 10, lllgn School addi tion; 700. Fred W. Ilyndman, woodshed of fir lumber. 10x12 fret, on lot 12, inwn .horo. six mllos away, when the, block 55, Second High School addl- accident otaurrt. I1"' COLORED FOLKS WILL ENTERTAIN VinOLMAN -WAlUtLEIlS COMIXO TO OPEIIA IIOISP. NEXT WKI). NESDAV IN KLAMATH LYCEU.M Hl'HHAU COL'IISIJ Cnrter's Original Virginia; War Mors will bo hero on Wodnesday, Dccomhor 27, two ilns niter Christ 'ims, tn, tho Houston opera hous?, as au nttrnctlon lu tho courso of the Klnuinth Lyceum bureau. Tho com pany, slugs real negro melodies, plan tation mid camp meeting songs of years a-go, and U composed exclusive ly of colored people. Tho company Is one ot the oldest now before tho public, having been first organized In 1S03 and again ro- orgaeltrd In 1905 under th manage ment of Walter K. Carter. I havo somo flno largo sweet bell poppers, from Loa Angolos. You ought to see them. At' thu 11-lt v FULJrON HABKST. Council last night allowed the fol lowing bills: II. C. Mooro, putting In cul vert -:.$ Andorson Coupling and Fire Supply Co O. K. Transfer Co., repay ing etc. O. K. Transfer Co,, repay ing, etc 1.75 O. K. Transfer Co., Ore de partment work 26,25 Chnpman Construction Co., fourth sewer unit 1,960.94 Chapman Construction Co., fourth sower unit, extras 114.62 Maddox & Harris, street work 28.75 W. O. Webb, street work.. 20.50 Inncs-Clarko Lumber Cos. . 196.10 Underwood pharmacy, sup plies 1.20 Wilt G. Wilson, ton dayi pollco 13.30 lUnry Dolvln, plumbing.. 1.75 SLY VISITOR FAILED 10 MAKE AWAY WITH SILVER os Angeles Matron Would Like to Meet Stninge Visitor Who Entered Her Home, Looked About, and Do. parted Empty Handed Pulled Press Service LOS ANGELES, Dec, 21. Her icunosuy arousea, airs. u. r. uosiet. society matron.- wants to meet tho man who ent'red her homo here, looked the place over and left with out taking a thing. "If It Is the man I think It Is I'll not only buy.hlm a good meal and n ticket out ot "town, but I will also ;rovldo him with tho best suit of c'otbes that Los Angeles affords," alio declares. , Mr. G03l't believes that It Is the -amo man who called aher home Saturday and asked for food and money with which to get out of town. Although ho admitted that ho had lust been released from tha chain t sang, he got both. 19.70 Ihjliday paper FOR TELEGRAMS MANAGED. E. C. AUSTIN ritOVD OK SPECIAL VULETIDE BLANKS IIEING FURNISHED DY WEST. EUN UNION Total .$2,425.21 An Increase ot half a mill la tk city tax levy was elected by a retol. Hon prevailing In the city couaetl hut night, the assessment being tied at 8 mills, Instead of 7H, as last year. The cKy's assessed valuatloa ef taxable property Is 12,924,351, aad tho budget estimate that then will bo needed to pay the expense of tha city for on; year the sum of I3e 093.84. The 8 mill us Ury will raise $23,394.84, while from Mlooa licenses $10,500 Is estimated to b received and from other tleaaaw $199; total, $34,093.84. The details ,of the cttlmatrd as rentes of tho city for the coming year are as follews: Police protectloi. s&,:so; ono extra policeman, $1,200; extra police, $500; salaries of dty officials, mayor $1,000, engineer $600, attornoy $1,200, treasurer $10. halth officer $300, Pollco Jndga tl 800, light and water $4295.67, la. tcrest on unpaid warrant- $2,820, la terest on $95,550 of bonds $1,711, stationery and stamps $500, drayafla $4.00, printing 1500, city hall reat 1 360, fire chief nnd department $1,. 400, excess Interest on bonds $115.. 71, Incidentals $2,656.08, parks $1, 462.17, sinking fund $1 462.17, tar. plus railed by 8 mill levy $209.94. Tefal, $34,093.84. the pollco Judge's salary Is $1,800, nnd the extra $600 tn the estimate is for cerk hire. Tha ctty attorney draw $1,000; andth extra $200' Is - 'or legal services. The light and wa ter cost Is estimated on the expensa, of tho past year. Tor police. $5,180 Is on basis of expense of present force with allowance of $1,200 for oat more regular man and $500 for ssa. clal help from time to time. Tho annual report of City Recorder Thomas P. Nicholas sbows that whlls Ms predecessor. A. L. Leavltt, collect ed In fines from December 6 1910, to Juno 5. 1011, $487.60. the pres ent police Judge, Thomas P. Nicholas, ss'cssed various people who came ha fore him $1,402.40 for th same pur pose. This Is a heavy Increase, and bears testimony that the war of tha transgressor, alwaya hard, gets hard er every dav, or at least harder with now administrations. Licenses 'xcept liquor for tha ; riVE .MCE DHESSED TUIIKEYS ',,'"' " "-" "' nivrv .tu-iv oiTinniv ,..., blank Is In ire at tho offlce this week. NINOAT 8 O'CLOCK BUABP I ?on',dcr,,,,,'.T .,arB than tha common Mim, ami in wuiio um, luiivaa UK the manlla color usually used. In a har.dsome red double border, vlth "Holiday Greetings" at the top In red letters, there Is tho customary holly design In red and green, and It looks right cheerful and "Christmassy." Every customor buj log's centa or moro of merchandise receives a chanco for a turkey. W will blind fold a llttlo 3-ycar-cJd girl and have her draw tlvo tickets out of the boi. The Ave tickets Having the names on gets tho turkeys ono turkey each. Hery purchnor rccefre a ticket If you buy ten times i day. There wlllbo thrcsl lady Judges. 21-3tVv( FULTON MAHKET. . , At Boston doctors finished the op eration nov-Itlchcson had commenc ed on himself and he Is ncw a enucb. HOT TAMALES ON MARKET AT NIGHT COLORED MAN HAS nEGUN TO PEDDLE WARM, NOCTURNAL LUNCHES, WHICH IS A SURE SIGN OP WINTER ON TAP It's n sure sign of winter when tho hot tamalo man begins to get busy and ply his trade on the city streets of nights. That aura-sign "has came." Tho pcddlor was on the main boul evards ot the "wlllttch" last night with hla portablo fire and hot lunches ot hot tamnles and chicken, Ills cheerful call and appetising offerings attracted quite tiaa of Mnrngcr fi. C. Austin of the West c n Union Telegraph company's local i.m:e I. rr.ther proud ot tha nlcelhroucnt In I5S9. whit ,4o, it YiiMlide rtntlc.nery which the com- ncttC(1 9S58 tota, of ,27j, ,0 ,, puny Is providing for the use of pat- flnM anJ licenses. Warrant, dr.. on the street fund for the year ended DccemMr 5, 1911, aggregated $1,- 972.92. Warrants drawn on tha gea oral fund for the year wera $22,. 5S3.21. Judge Percy R. Kelly of Dallas, who has been sitting In circuit court, exchanging with Judge Henry L. rtonson, left this morning for his home. City Lights Too My, Council Committee Says, And Dili Waits Councilman O. W. White believes tho city should pay only 3U cents per candlo power for street llghta In stead ot 6 cents, which the company Is charging, and as a result ot the dis cussion at tho council meeting last night It was determined to hold up that part of tho Klamath Falls Water and Light company's bill rendered for street lights, while the rest ot the bill was ordored paid. "The charges being made to the city for street lighting are higher than thos? made to tho average busi ness house and some residences," said Mr. White. "The residences av erage IH cents per candle power. Tho company tells us that If the town warrants were, not at a discount and It had some kind of permanent ar- rnffKoment with the city as to fran chise It could Install a $6,000 plant, which would aaabl it to tars of all CJ?J the lights at once, Instead ot by a separate connection with each pole. As It Is, It has these separate switches at each nole for the city's lighting, whore a business bouse may nse 100 candle power, but has but one awltek which will turn off all the lights ia the store at once. We hare no dI ntte arrangement as to pay with, tha company, and It can charge us aa price It like, and If wa doa't pay H, - Q J !; It can leave us In the dark. It la ,; if ,', '"IB.i W VVMH HUW .1111 IHI-) Olta us 10 cents If It likes, or vaa II. , .' V cents. It wa the sense of tha MiMvV " Wll vw.Mu.mva .u.t uinir B(H itr 'ir jc 7j cent ror treet light aay Masr Vtt'; than It has to. We believe la Ing tha company 3 H cents per MAW.. ... . .- ( ,unr. IHSIV.11 Ul B 0V.la ,j, . ' It was decided to have . frlart. . .... .. j--,' coareraaca with, the conaany .. woat, rTagt soalsl. sj JstMft tor tlaW a(,sa Bas-aT.'' A .,t"i S? k t va m 4 f 1 . 4 ,.i v yfl -51 f! 1 1 tAK4-- ' '