She liefalo. M Vr.f HIJI'I''ll IIV TDK -MI'i:i I'HKHH NF.WH HKIIVICK I ItUM EVKNINO NEW8I IMIINT THE NF.WH. N anmF" I tTaTOMTOftY I S J i? iv & Hhlli Year No. 1,(1117 M.AM.VIII FALLS. OUKfiON, 'IL'fWDAY, DKCKMIIEIl JO, 1011 SETTLERS MAIL UPPER LAKE HOPING DESIRE FACILITIES I'l.lilUHll 'if Hi llllllK iuitiulliitl Till I'i'I'iiliilliili, nli. n i. ii i tt, , a,i Kl.ittll l,v l,;,t ni.rniij ii.iiilli m I !! Ill t lort. -. Hkrty ilmt tin. iioxi rclchalng will HHilii.rlio prnellrnlly double tho mini-b.-r nriw owned liy (lorinnny. Threo new nrrnored crulncrM ninl oni. ilremlnniiijlit nro nlsu to lio milled in tin' O't.tumi navy. TUny will In loinpli'lcil for Hid Now Vnr If possi ble M 1 : 1 , 1 , ItCIt CROSS stamps kacii dav f 'jj ' - i V - " '"v 'V I - A- ,.., I inriiniin rt imrn I (itNsus mm ' SCHOOL STATUS i Price, Fire Oats SI'. (ICO. IIINIIOP HXVS IHH. unci' ik urn, rp rapid, i.v, which makes service Ml ( II SOI'lllll' I'Olt m:v i.'iirt vihi.n hoard is i'it((vmi:it iiv i,,nii)N f'n'l -il I'ri'Mi f'irvlr HAfHAME.VlO Dee. IS 'Uu Our. In nmi.ndnionl to tho Sbnnnlmii froo jti'tl book Mil, providing for tlio ercn- il Ht (lio. llUlnip Is down imiiiy Hon of n now stn.o board of education f m liln IxiiiifMtiiu.l tin Recreation' uns mloptii j a votn of 17 (o 3 i k iiuir I'otlinn lln). liming rid-'Saturday afternoon. ti tho furl) inlluMiiti bora buck Unit-' Shnnshnii latnr air-urnl n ilnlnv m. slipper) llml llio nag'a th- llnnl rot., until iMj morning J'lveriior Johnson laudn the utlll- Hio mad mi i i laid in dii moro work than ordl an. llj iii keep nu iiiillllirluiii. Tlic n i hill. Ihth.i will lid shod, mi Unit whin II i ill inmii.irl r'di-r hlnrli back homo In u riuipln nl runner dut lu tlic going will ho easier. h'Mi f Ht m Mr lllshnp iny tlm Inlorest In (In-uil.'-.hborhooi of OiIkmii mid ul.rm In Mis iii gutting a winter mull rout.' 'ihlMuil hy llio KTrllil!i!'iil In nitt, nnd llml v--rlioily U Imppfui I mi nrimiKvuii'iit m III hi tiiinli- k rohy I'nrlo Hum will hOiiii fnrnliili, a i lhi'r In IIiiimi wliii lmo to prnr-,.. ,,..., . IIH..I.M. for i,u wlnu-r ' ,,'l,,"", n ,M' "r """ ",r I lind to romp down to rcI III) .VillHlnillon of Akiiiim. nl. 1lm ii mid allind to noiim otlicr Iltlloi TiiHiij: Ami I'iiuii Si'iinlo Poi.ll,l(. inn lorn." ritld lm UiU liiornliiK, "and Aillun of Knlrr llouliilliiii In I II lid n hlR wnd of nirronpon-l il en mid imppr Hint Iim lii-en no- jpi,li.) Proiw Hertlio iiiiinlnllni: U llifro wnsndclUrry I' '.HIIIN(iTUN. I) (., l)or Iti. wnuld not only lu Mcd llio trip. Iml ! proMdiuil Tnfi linn milincd Cir Nlcli. hili Hill hi- Miliil mi 1 1). ! Ilii' wit nnt Inn now with l i ii li' mild rnllronil It'll d nii'niiri nl will LOT NOIIEIES : NICHOLAS OF TREATY'S ABROGATION! Ili'd CroH Ktnmpn nru now on nalo ni llin pimioint'". (lio nrrariRfiiiiL-nt lmv- Hid lnH-tj maijp uitii rontmaiiur Clydo iirnnilvriuu-.t liy Mm. O. A. BtonriM. Vi'lutil Mm. Corclln IliiKiuiltir. 1'ifildnnt-olrrl of llm Wfiini'ii'K lie. Il'f f'orpn cold llio ilntnps, nnd cai;!i lay n different womnn will lm rlioioii lo pi-rfonn tiro duty. Mrs. Stcnrns ropurtoil thla nrior roon Hint J15 worlli of tlio Itcd Crow ttampit woro sold )oitcrday. cIoiIhk out Hip rnllro utorji on linnd. Tliln nloppBil the tain touipornrlly. h..l tlir- womi-n liavo nl for maro;fiKiiii. nnd find ilium corn-it, l:.M MI'UA'IIO.V IIV CAPTAl.N O. A. I ni i:iivs sunns ovi:nTiior.s. ADPIU'lf.H, MAKI.NfK ITV HHP. AltATi: KIS'IIIICT Cnptnln O. A. BtenrnK, unuuic-rntor In Hi CLMinua wlilcli l.mi been tnketi of Fchool District No. 1, linn completed I la count of tlio .nclmlnrs In tltn ill trlct mid llndii Hint llio Incrcmw In i'io last jenr will tnrr) tbu total to over Hie 1,000 mark. This will innko llio city a flrct clnso school district, mid Inko It out of tlio county' ouper- llon, provided tho county supTln tondent, John O. Bwnn, Inanccts tho druKRcd nnd lian);lialcd In Ilaltlmorc jnnd ilrowntd wlion lio Icapod over 1 board to etienpe. Tliroo week later 'Captain Aldle Dorsoy of tlio Bloop on 'which McXntnnrn wna held prisoner, was set upon by bis crew. Ho was murdered, but In tho flKht ho Injured 'two of tho crow bo badly they died bc 'foro their trials. 1 IIOl'SANMS OK AHADH DHAI) I OU I.V.ICIti:i) IN' ItATTT.K I United Press Servlco I nOMi:. Hcc. IB. Thousands or I Arabs were killed and wounded In an engagement at Horns Saturday, ac cord In i; to advices. Cruiser raked tho Arab front, Ital. Inn troops attacking the rear at tho amn tlnio. MASONS WILL JOIN IN BIG CEREMONY -i occasion for another bugo military I turnout, the routo frcm tho royal' TACT AS SANTA CI, US IN TIIIP MAKi: TO .Ml.TKOMS iiimpn. which will ho hero shortly. I inn rTlioiy who wants to buy, nnd thus hnlp nlonir tho causo of v . r I J n ir nxnlnst tuhcrruloilt, which ' Hi oni for whlrli tho proceeds of i' nl- mo uwd, tan ho nccommO' tiil'd ANCIENT iSOiS ELECT OFFICERS United Prcan.ScrvIco ' WAHIirvOTON Dec. !. Prcsl dent Tnft today started for New York nt 13:30 p. in., to do his Chrlatmnl nliopplni; nnd to nttend sovornl ban quets. - Aliorney Oetrral Wlckersham nc "ompanlcd him. The latter I en routo to Panama. E bo iililo In grt tho Hint I moro grnd' It Is llin nunc story with llOIMil II lld'ltloll TO BE iinlly i.tlicm. "Tho kpiwiIi i Ilia I district up Ibrro lit i-onnlilcrnlilf, and slrmiKers who nro unfniiilllar with tho lorrllor) bno no liln of tho dorrlopiui'iit. I should m Hint aiprnxliunt'ly thltt) fnrillli's hnvo kmio In up Hutk durliiK inn pni pnni miniiiipr in iiiiiko uiciri noi!iri nii.i uiiiii, unit i tiit.n.1 n . ,:m h for 5nu know It Is illllk'ult to i'",i'""'' """ u I'stimntf stub IhliiKK ntfhiiliil. It ls prolubi) not fni ii If. This iiiimiis n Koud dcul In u now territory, nnd lb people nro. of rourso. iiry niixloiis to' bnSit n lunll sorvlro. "Hntilo 1 1 tno iipi n petition wim dmwii up. slKiitd nnd forvnrdod In tho KtiviTiimi'iil to Kct It In Ink up the mutter mid w hcllto w nr- ko n,; In get tt . ronultH, for I mv wIhto tl . bid for fninM ln lhi serlcn nt IiCiik lulvciilBiit for. It will bo nu uiliiiilnK In lnlidiiK lo SH'ttlo up the Miniitr) fi nlier i.i hno u until dell- ' mi-'d IT1 BitIp ii. for uvery lllllo Imiiniwiiiriit or IIKHI.IN, Dee. !. Immlnonco of tn idoni fftclllt)heps." wnr with I.'iikMiiiI, tjie Morrocco crl- lu lliosiimincr time, when tho bontrtU's. nnd the iinweiil fivlliiB that i:K-j me ritiitiiiiK nu Upper ICIniimtli Uk,Hind In morel) seekliiK nn opportunity , Hie sorvlro bHni;.dall). thero Is no fr lonlllit with (leriniiny hus Riven lac'; of mull deiUory, but when tho rlso to n fttdliiB Hint then) should lio, ch d h n-'im for iinlKRiloiiiuiiiPiitin,iv luiiro rapid Inercnsn In the niuy. ' itni pint? llio boats, nnd tho roads lio-lllfspmidliiK ' "tnleuiont Hint niich nla Hint llio treaty would bo nliro Knti'd Drrvinber 31, 191 S. Ho thus took tho matter out of llin j ,..- hanils of rouKriM. nnd forestnlleil Hi, ' Kanml, UnKo No. 77. A. V. & A. scnalo's anion on tho Suiter rosolu.Jj, , ,nill ,lRllt cloctl;(1 ,ho fonw,nB Hon. at whlrli Itnnsla tirotistid. 'oltlceis- Tlio presldPiifH wns read I Womhlpful mnster. Ceorfio Nelnnd: I- Hi., nenalo. while Senator l.oduo In-j n,()r ,slir(Icn Mnroll nnKH. Jlmor .r......r..., K.iM.uiiii.1 lor .no mmer Warden. I.. O. .Mills: treasurer. At linn on It was 1 1 n ,,. u,,i,.. it i Mn,.., nlor ilenroii, W. H. Dnvldj Junior dtnron. Charles llrnws; senior stew 1'id. W. i:. I.liljnrd; Juulor steward,, .V P. McMillan: l)lcr, Oscar Shlvf. ttonie or ihoso chosen wcro ro-cloct- d while Komo woro promoted. Tho count Rite 1,030 scholnrs, and II there was nn oxecsg of ovor thirty In tho total this would krcp the total under tho nmo'unt necovnry to j;lvo tho district Independent o, end lenio II In tho same sltuntlnn In which It 1 1 as been with regard to Its official jitnliM with the county school organ ' Inn. Last )"iir'ii ctnsus gavo 914 schol iiii. so Hint tho now count show nn ii rrcaso of lie for the year. If llin rflltnl la nflltlfiltv nnnmi...t an oleiilon will bo hold next cnr to InlOlliln tho lliiloniiiilnnl ilNlrlr wl.l. idlr ctors. of which It will need five. IMVril lilim: Pit US (i:.'sl'"l"'lf thotbrcowMcliiiowr.dinln. rNslm:s NI:W jioDCUN HOl'Si: us iinuiro r. i.. i-ouninin, .Mn)or Kieil T. Saudersan and O. A. Stearns. An one dlrector'a term expires mill ), It will need threo now directors In nildltlon to Hie two holdovers lo make a cunipluto board -nt tlio clee tb n. Ko thero wJII be throe directors, .riled respectively for three, four or d llvo jenr terms. camp to tho Scklmgard bolng lined by troopj and tho artlllory firing a party salute. Viceroy Lord Hardlngo and tho rul Ing princes took Itavo of King Qcorge and Queen Marr at i! t nation after participating In the elaborate proces sion. Having seen tlio monarchi safe ly on their nay. Lord Hardlngo him solf started In state, for Dohrn Dun, vhcro h will tnko n rost and devote a llttlo necessary tlmo to tho affairs of tho lccro.iylty. King Qcorgo will bo the guest of tho Itnjah of Ncpul. Some sixty ele phants, forty automobiles and thous tTids of sblkarnls and brators will be employed rounding up wild tigers, clo- plinnta and boar for tho royal sports- man. TRIPLE INDUCTION OK XKW I.ODOK OFFICKM BT ItOYAfi AltCH, nLVE VODOti AM) OIlDEIt OF EASTERN STAR PLANNED POOR CHANCE FOR PEACE AT nn: ioi.i,owi(i, semi: ic Tiiiisi: iii:i.n ciioskn in:. I.(i PIIOMOTi:i) AT IIHAD OF HOCK CltlXK, THIi CONTIUClOlt HKINO JOHN H. HAMILTON fILIBEL IS CHARGED If! dii IT nuuao is nioiicrn, lll I anJ hatU' w,,h lo-draull. 0 OUI 1 1''01"1 wn,er ,o "' uat,ir Wu Tins Fang Suggcsu That Imper IoIIhIh do Home Surrendering as Hvidcnro of Good Fa I Hi, Hut Tang Would lime Speech With Yuan ll.illn link lliimli to 'Hint KIT.'il, mid l'i. Hug ItillMi Ar Mini) Seeking C.mlllil Willi IVIimus Slim I p (Ji'inuiii) lOlt.SHI.II'S VAMtCHIIII.T i'Ndhii srit(ii:o.vs KM fi: i ted Presii Service Ni:W YOltK, Dec. 19.-Cornollus V.'-d'rbllt iitderwcnl mi opern Hon for nppciidlclll nt home Hut in day. Dr. Austin Flint issued n bulletin t!)liig llio operation wns siircossful. The piiilcnt'B condition U.rnvornble. John H. Hamilton, tho local con tractor, who has been tho vast two days sorvlni; on tho Jury In the caw of tho Farmers' Implement Co. vj. Southern Pacific Railroad Co., has Ju t TlU1' A lililldirK nt tho bend of IlnM- frnnV ,. i nftrt .l.l.n.. l, PCOCO 8ro POOr, (1C0 acre homestead of F. D. Cortad. Tho 110U89 is modern, four rooms c pump to room. iTIia I kitchen Js of Dutch design. Mr. Cor- jtad bas'o.1 his place 250 chickens, IIHIXrirtlfireo horsoj, threo milk cows nud ts fnnnp rflttln Thn linrn I. TCvin VCTION AUAINST CAI. CI.KN-i United Press Servlco SHANGHAI, Dec. 19. Roprosonta tlves of tho imperialists and rebels met to discuss peace. Wu Ting Fang proposed that tho Imperialists surrender Shansl and An bill ns n sign 'of good faith. Tang 8ho Wl, heading tho Imper- Inllitrf, said this was Impoulblo until ho communicated with Yuan, the Im perial premier. Fuctlon Is on, and chances for .MILS. NiriTIi: MAItCHO Kcbelg aro mobilizing near Nan lrtTrs, preparatory to attacking Pekln If negotiations fall laiPEHOU'S NIOIIT HAD AND CONDITION SKIHOVS DHNNIXO, SAYING Hi: CAM.KD; oi:i AITH01M1IPU)MAT unit iioitsmiiii:F , passks away at hemi: inn i full nl snow mid possibly lint veil broken lor homo Irnv.d, tho mat ter if llio mall heroiiios really Hcrl inn. kIWiii; rlso In nrdeiil wishes h) l In iiiplrn biillderH of tho upper lake i '( tu hear from Ihooutsldo world v lib moro liuiiueiicy. Aiiothor feiituro of tho upper lako dlkt.lit In llio NUiuliier tlillo Is (l.e mm 'st Inn id, which given Hi. t'pi'cr I a Ko Homellmert Hinernl biindrcd In- iiritiui would bo Hko shaking n red rag In John Hull's face, Iho Cologne llajelle In effect sa)H It Is nobody' bill Herliinu)'H, and that die Inllon will not bo tolerated. A demand Is being iiiiulo for moro iiinchliio guim fur Iho (lei mail army, which nlready hns l,7t'.S. Incliidlnit llnmo In reserve. Hut It Is pointed .mi l hal Fraud has 3,000. Thla will ho used as nu mgiiiueut, and SEA SANTA CLAUS SAILS FOR HONOLULU WATERS' Mrs. Nettle Mareho of Poo Valley lu'Ic,dfcrvco a. entered suit against Col 11. Clcn-' NB11M0"K' ,r)c' " 3on, -denning In the circuit cou.t. and nl''"'0 " f"'01 n"":0,r d io' bill or complaint has been filed by At-If""" .ami ,1lllo,n1' '11"1 ""' "t his lorney W. II. A. Rcnner In tho oraco;1,0," ,n Orty Vnk. of the eountv clerk. Chnrln, A nl, ' WM born '" 1S17' It Is clnlmcd tint unpleasant words 'rsl.'rri-iCONTINENTS WERE UNITED - iliavo accuser- Mrs. Mareho and her United Press Servlco VIENNA. Dec. 19. Tho Emperor Krnnz. Josef had a bad night, and his condition Is serious. Ho Is subject to violent coughing spells. liefilgoiiilor Ship It Is 'I. iii ml S.ilN Phm'HU lor Mm In .Nnvy of tnclo Siiuiuel 'lifted Press Servlco VAI.UUO, Doc. 19 Will North Becomes Driver Of Fire Auto For Department At Chico, Cal husband,. William, of stealing his liorso. Clendennlng Is said not only to (Hurler l'"" cn""' 'M! 'Marc,1 n horatthlef, I bill to bnVO IlftHll-noll in n ntliAi. fop llllH.lll Willi ClllgO 0fl.r,m.... .... niPii.lon.,1.... I,n.l .11 -.-..-. n ...... ..,v. Marches arrested, Mrs. Jlarcho being1 nciiulttcd by Justice of tho Pence, Charles Graves, while hor husband wns bound over to tho Brand Jury for Us action, which proved to bo nn ex oneration for Mareho. lUIMIOAD WHHCK ItMMKD TO CMPIIYES' NKOMOKNCi: YEARS AGO, SAYS BOURBON! United Press Servlco ODESSA, Minn., Dec. 19. Testi mony nt tho coroner's Inquest IndS cntej negllgcnco by C. M. & St. P. employes responsible for the wreck. At least eleven nro dead and twenty-three Injured. .Will Noith, fcon of .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. North of this idly, hns K" to flileo. t'nllf.. where lm huu nccepteil n .lutlllnii us driver of Iho ebon four, who was oinplo)cd not so very long ngo to pilot tho big Uro nuto about Iho idly nnd look after the Jan- ileal llio Itm- vviiilc In the city ball nt u lulmy Nicknamed 'I i Fnnlii Clnus becnuso sho Is carry I ni- n uirgo or Clnlstmns goods to tlio riillors or the 1'nrlllc, Meet In Ilonolul'i waters, the U S. I!, refrlgernter shl iilacler of tho Pnclllu auxiliary fleet, Is today snlllng for Honolulu. In uddltloii in six carload of fresh meat, tho tltaeler rnrilcs 500 tons of drj provisions na- Christmas cheer' for tho olllcors nnd Jnckles. Twouty-llvo mnilucs nro nlso being tnkeu over to tlio fleet by tho Glacier. Al. Ceriiiiilii, Fniuli Nuturnllst, Do iIiim'm That Aiucrlrii mid Africa In Tlme ,i,,t Were I'ntted by Neclk of Term Flmm :!CRUELTYAiN61RIIIERS IS F0UNOJNABUHDANCE Ciikloiux Vmlit liivi'sllgules Wicked Seagoeis, nnd First Three l)ii)s' Woik 1 1 Tn cut -Oiio Arroata for Sliod.lug Violations of Ijivv a AM tl. .111.1 1-llMlll unto of that city. Young Noith bus n 'or n. pur ii""""" ' o t II Ini for Iho ...immobllo. nnd , Tho couvcrsullnn occurred In fiou I , I ,s o. ,fwc.l Ibis P.orcsslon In Hi.-'-r ; "',... "J" .,y , prorcrenco ... .ny C. IT. -S StiZ i... i.i.T.. .. .1,., I' i I'll UOI1- ''" lio (irunn.ouv ' '' w 1 1. v biriielltm coinpaiiy, whoso liieuiinu' hu liuiilo during tho opeintloiis of that cDinimny on tho Hewer Bys.oni In thla .Ity. Tho Ohlco Kntouiilso hns Iho lol- lewing: "I'vo got unothor man '" 0,lr , iiiaco." Trustoo A. G. Knmos. "I roslBii." iVIIIInm White, re cently employed by U'o city lo drlvo Iho new chemical nuto onglno. This la about nil thero la to tho mid ilen .lluinlasal from tho Chlco llro do- lrtmnt of WHHun White., chauf- Wldlo bus l. beeu sntisrnnoiy in iiiiiii) ways, It Is claimed. Trustee funics has kopt u slinrp lookout nfter Iho llro department, and without nny liiulli ulnr coiiipliilnt enmo to tho con clusion that unothor nuto driver could be of moro bpivIco to tho city man Whllo. A chniirfoiif named rortn win us hero In n dn or so rrom Klniunth Fulls, In Oregon, to tnko chnrgo or tho nuto chondral mid tlio Janttorshlp of tho now city ball. Ho Is rocoui mended by Second Asslslnnt Chlcr Shi nrr of th flro dopartmant. AEROHOBILE GETS TEST , OF ITS M EFFICIENCY Mm lilno Whit Ii CoinhiiieM FiiiicIIoiih of Aliidil nnd Aulomoblle, Owned by Mllllonniro Frencli Leglslntor, I'd st of Its Kind 'lilted I'less Servlco PAltlS, Dec, 19, An aoromoblle Is bolng tested nt Mumps. It Is tbo first Invention ol Its kind, bolng both nuto niobllo nnd airship, M, Doutsch, u millionaire doputy, owns It. Under the wings, In tho cen ter, Is n cushioned, glnss onensod body of tho llnioiislno nuto t)iio. Tho driver sits outside, on top. 'fnlti'd Press Service PAHIS, Dec. 19. Africa and Ara"r- 'nn vcro onco united by land, nccoid jing to a positive assertion by. M. Ger iiitiln, n naturalist. Ho also dcclaroi 111 .t Atlantis, the mysterious "lost e.vittnent," really existed, basing his bin. onion. s upon fossilized fauna and ilora found nt Cape Verde, Canary Islands, nud other Islnnds'tn that lati tude Tlieso, ho says, nro what Is left of tho vanished land. . ' i Sei v Ice WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 19. ' Th'' whispered talcs! of cruoltles. which for months liavo drifted In from tho desolato bns nnd crooks along Chesapeake nny, whero tho fleet of 1,500 oyster boats rnke the beds dur ing tho winter, woro verified when A. Lincoln Drydcn, skipper of tho cus toms yncht "Old Glory," sent out to pntiol tho ojstcr licet, miulo his re port. In Its first threo days of work tho patiol boat nrrcstcd twenty-ono men for i-hocklng violation of tbo naviga tion laws. One captain was arrested for attacking n crew mombor with n hatchet, Tho man Jumped overboard, nnd was lifted from tho ley water Ju$t In tl.nn to savo his llro, Tbo government pnt a patrol on tho fleet after John McNnmara, a fam ily man of Wllllamsport, Pa., was END BIG VISIT TO DELHI Hoy nl George Starts to limit In Nepal Whllo Coiisort Will Pay Visits lo a Few of tho Moro Important l'rlnc Chscs of tho Laud. Ill'SSIAN THKATY TALKED OVEU ATCA11IXET MEET United Press Servlco WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 19. Tho cabinet assembled at 8:30 a. m., tbo session most of iho morning being devoted to discussing the prospective action of tho senate and house rela tive to tho Russian treaty. STONE ACQUI1ES SMITH RESIDENCE Charles F. Stone, tho attorney, baa purchased of Hlchnrd Shore Smith of Eugene formerly a law practitioner In this city, the former Smith real. at Juniper and Pine streets, (or about 13,000, Attorney C. M. O'Neill, present .oc cupant of the dwelling, will probably remain there, as Mr. Stone expecta to contlnuo to reside In his present bona at C57 Esplanade street. Box Factory Soon To Close After Season Almost. Double Last Year Ct-arles McGowan, Shlpptngton and uimiiiRcr for tho California Fruit Can. tiers' association's box factory at Ship- plimlou, announces that on next Sat in div night two-thirds of the ere rorl)-flvo men will be laid off, and tho following Saturday night the re- i.oiplng It so. 90 tisal the coming season, it bo hltcb trciirs, tho Industry will be at blgb tide. Tho reason the fatcory doaa aat opcrato In tho wlntor nioatba la b uen of tho lack of facilities for get- Its raw material tn condition us malnder of tho crow will bo dispense with Tho mill will on tho latter date shu il.iw ii for tho wlntor season, to roopen March 1st. Ordinarily the quiet peri od has been for throe months, until April 1st, but tho fact that there arc moro lumber mills In the district now makee tt easier (or the company to piocm-c material out of which to mane lis boxes, which are all sblpa'd to Ban Francisco. ,' Mr. McOovvaii-saya Iho past season has been n very busy one, shipments Fulled Press, Servlco DELHI, India, Dec. 19. King Gcorgo and Queon Ma-ry endod their Durbar visit to Delhi, and have left tile city, king George starting for a fortnight's hunting trip In Nepal and Queon Mary bound (or Agra, where 'of 210 cara of boxes being made, sho will visit a few of the more lm- ognlnst llttlo 'over halt that number nortnnt princesses until December ao.ihist yenr, when It was hardor to got when the king returns. " liunfrlnl. The canners could usatoi i Departure ot their majesuee waajboxea If the' mill could turn tnem out, Tho slzo ot tho boxei made at tke ry varies, somotlmes a frelabt ear ig tilled with' 4,000. whJJiJt other t!ii'fs It wU take 10,000 boxea to stor a car to capacity, the boaea ka lug' ot smaller dimensions. . . It's going to lm n big tlmo (or the Masonic fraternity Tuesday night whon Is to bo held a Joint Installation of officers ot both lodge of the broth ers arid the single lodge ot the women affiliated with tho organization. Tho ceremonies will probably b hrld nt Masonic ball, and lb three bodies whoso newly chosen ruler will be Inducted Into offlco are Klamath Chapter Ko. 35, Royal Arch Masons; Klamath Lodgo No. 77, A. F. A. It, commonly known as the Blue Lodge, and Aloha Chapter No. 61, o( the Or der of Eaiitorn Star. All the details of the ceremonies liavo not yet been announced, bat tt la considered likely that each lodge will havo an Installing officer act (or It. Frequently tho highest retiring acts In this capacity, so that It la prob nblo that Alcxnndor Martin Jr., retir ing High Priest of tho Royal Arch body, will officiate for that branch. with his brother. Dr. William Martin. rotlrlng worshipful master of the Blue Lodge, and Mrs. Cora Sanderson, wife of Mayor Frod T. Sanderson, who baa been worthy matron In the Ordor o( Eastern Star, possibly acting aa In stalling offlcors tor their respective lodges. CHINESE PEACE WILL FORCED BY POWERS, MA' 3 United Press Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C. Dee. It. America ha Jsolncd tho world powers Il addressing a nolo to the Chinese peaco conference at Shanghai, notify ing It that unless It agrees on peace tho powers will Intervene. 4 HUUNS RECEIVES REWARD FOR McNAMAJtAS' CAPTURE X. i , United Press Servlco LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19. Tbo county board ot supervisors. District rUtorn'y Fredericks approving, baa, laid Detective William J. Duma 15,000 for his capturo ot the McNa- maras. This Is the only reward the county Is obliged to pay. v.. W 0. II. Delaranelle o( the Ualted v , i Iron Works; Oakland, Calif., who has been putting In the refrigerating Blast tj at' tho White Pelican, has bad Ms?,.')' work accepted by the contractorArt , 1 thur Arlett. 'and denartad i : ,,- ... -, .v ,-.-., - -, y ...- lipme. V.'"fr. .. 'il t;.& "5 $ . Mlsa Louise Lee has ID land for the wnter to purtss hst'i jjo study. Shels a dasghter;a,0l9 inin .i. i- ijib. ooun-T'i """ - ----a - . - -i Ml M i JCAw--