l;j v r K ,. , x'l e ftMlft. HUPI'I.IKII IIV TIIK UNITED I'lllMH NKWH HKIlVH'K EVENING NKW8PA! PRINT TIIK NEWS, NOT Hlitli Yntr No. 1,(1,111 HM.MATII PALLH, OilEdON, .MUMMY, DECEMBER 18, 1011 Files ante) ill rMV 1111111 WATER USERS WANT RED TAPE CUT OUT SEEK ADVANCE COST ' IMI'IKIVILMII.S I' It.VI lli:it 'I II.V.N iii.veii.wi'i: or i:m'i:nsi: r.v. tii. .iti:ii rr has iii:i:. to.v. iua'h:i rou Altnl Ally iifWtlilliiinl, preiililimt of lli Kliiinntli Wilier Users' ,mih-Iii-II' li, mIio In largely riiiintlltii for I'll: upon mi tiHAut liitlonn niion rnil fleil lx lin ii iiBHOclntlnriH A const I tulluii mill li-!iiwn wi-io in-niri'il mil .ilii Mil printed for lr;iuniiiUslMi m l'ti vnrluiH iimiicI.iIIcii. Tim liiimo it tin. iiiciiiiliiitlmi In tin, IVflfrnti) I tiilei i uiri' AHoiinllon, of which i the Mrl pijiiIiii iiiiiiMiib will Imi lio'il i'I'dii tin) mllfiiriiliii (if tin, iiiiih'.I' I Hull liy Urn t 'fjtiirc-ti number of Hi'i- Inllnni'. Milijrct In tiic (f.ll of llio ;n;. Hithn nimiiilttcu riliiim nnuicd. "At this riiiifciiiifii I ho tint worn wiry t Ifiirlr imtllncil n (tin ilelegntcn fium iiirloiiK uriiluiH in Dm effect urn! Mm Tliniiiui Patterson In Hwnnl l.iikn. when iilmiii forty guests gnvo 'In iiiuiili n surprise party Mr. I'nt iiiimii. wlin wnu tlu vli'ltn" of llio' i anion, so-med to lie rjullo liniiy, mill i-njnjoil llio i-vfiit vi ry much, his, mil) iiiiniilalnt IjoIiik Hint hu didn't' yl an Invitation himself, lint thoj Ih.)h mid drls tormented lilm o imic.Ii Unit In- Mt'inul to fowl all nboiit It, CAN .Mill Jolni'il In Hu. fun At llbollt 121 oilnik dnltily u-fr slinienis wuru! ihiihimI In Hip illnlnii room by Mrs. Put lei mm Mru. Trunk Woods tind Mr I.dnn Vuiii'lili'. Tliuv snenl tlio COUNTY COURT IS HOME ONCE E mi'iiliiK In iIiiiii'Ink until 2:30 a. in., when tln urn "In di'imrtoil for tliolr IlllllllB, ll-(lllIK tlllll f ! Illlll SK!llt u niimt I'tijoynlilii lm. Music wns furnished liy tlio ihton Utiles lirotliors nnd .lolin ,l)ers. whllo Jnsper Mb lii tin iiiihIo tlio hoIho for tlio crowd. tlio Hrcnt eon vent Inn of wnlir users' lliut nlmlliir reform measures nppcnr iiBiuirlatliiliit nl (,'liliiu;u ti imliler r liirniH In rirlniiiatliiti mutters iImIhmI Ii)' wilier mum. returned in lila home Thursday, nnd tUlled this illy tmlay. Mr. Ady In ull pli-ased nl tlio re mit of I lie ino'lliii; In Ctilrmio, nl which Im lepteseniul tlio Klninntli. Wntcr I'sots" Association, which ilcin- In liu in oil. il In practically mry Irrl Kiitton project. Tim Increased font over llio orlKlnal estimates Imvo been i" i great Hint In nitoiy projects II np- puir linposalhlo for Bottlers to mrct Hii pninciils mid Hiiifurt tlii'lr faint IIpm from dm laud. 'Tlio ili'timinl for Inforiiiallou ridn. ouiitrnti'il tin. furt Hint tliirn In n ' ,v '" '" Pimm nnd policy of tiro maiilUilty iiiiioiik tin. vnrliiun walt-r i l'el orl; nnd for Itunloil nt;iti ii' rn nNUDi iuuoik Kir rrrtaln to fouim, pailli'iilarl) to illinlnntu iih I ii in-, nnd lo Khr l ln Inmliiu iii'i-x n I'limuii In llml nut uluii ih.'lr nbnri' or tln rot of Krrniu'iit lniirni-mi.il If kuIiik lo Im liffiin. Hip IiIII l pro m'iiIimI for inniint. Tin. lll nf tlu uhIit UMr a to liitvlni: a riiiufnlliui at Malt l.iiko m-xt menu of iiioni.jii apem imm to Imvo ((on nitltntlui; tlu iioojiln nf in cry prnJiTl for jvam. 'Hicrii appenred no l ndfiiry wlialpwr from any project In rtrnpo liu. I'liyiin nl of tlu iiinnnyv lontird for lino upon tlio project, lint llio licllof In unhirial to Hip pffpri Hint Hip (out mouIiI In. unlvprK.illy I wh-iipiI uiiilcr a pollry that would xi:v iiovai, Alien oi'rici:it Klaiiiatli Cliaptpr No. 35, Itoynt Vndi MiimiiiH, nt Itu rpRiilnr convoca tion ii Hatiirdny utcnlni: vIvcIimI A Midinffpy IiIkIi priest, I., r. WIL IHh I.I11K. M II. Ilenmen bcrlliu. Alex Mmtln Jr. tr'miiirer, (leorjto Climttnln Beneiary ,1. A. Mnddox, Marlon llmikii, (5 K. Vnu lllpcr triiitevH. Tliu iippnlnlltii nincers will lio an iioiiiired on tin. iiIkIu of liiHtnllntltm. HOItltOW ASTOIIIA'H COUItT IIOl'HK PMXg FINDS THIS CDfNTV WKMj TO FIIONT IN ItOAD llflf.DIXO MERCURY LOWEST OE THIS WINTER in.mtli lo drnfl ti.miiorlaU and a dm i slVu, lo ,," ,"",l" "io -'"l''' "'"'- ill li'Knleii In ko to I'liiiRri'ii (o wnix fur III ( refill inn to liti Immediately an eitlnlned. n tvntallu. ori;miliatliu nf tlio nulled water unlim IxmII-w linMni; Ihm'ii funned, milijeit to llio approral of llio wnler liner In lliomi liodlvi.' It I iiliilcralood Hint nun (if Hie liiiint uiipleniiniil fenlurea of tlio rccla inntlou )liiu wliti wlilch.tho'water n linw Imd to rniitund It tho (act Hint the) n ro imnlilu ti'acert.ilii In nduiiiio llio pliiun, pcclflcall(iiH nnd proKned nut of aulinirflmi'nt, arid i t'ii t thin nitviinro'lnfonuitlon Uoco n' I ho prlnio iMflfi on which (hoy will iniiko a pk.i nt Wanlilnijluii. In apeakliiK of tlm work ncroin pllliei ami tlio ioiiiIIIIoiih with w Illlll tlm loom of Kovcrnuicnt irrlKatlou water ronlciid. Mr. Ady wild' Our rffortH In VanhliiKlon Innt m Inter deiiiiitinlrated tlm fart that n iiiiilliluntliiii of (hu vnrloiu witor ii-crH' nmioi'lntlon win necomary In or- mm; iievi: iti:coitiii:i shout t.v rri:n .miiimi.iit. which SA.Mi: MINIMI. M WAS ItCACIIKI) SATfllllAV Mlllir With tho Know whUHi set In Satur day KIiik Winter nornm to hno do tcriiiluid that "wo mo hls'n" from aotv on. for ho followed tho fall of the miiclidoutcd licautlfill wlilto stufC with a fall of tlio thermometer which led to a loini'u'ratiiro lower than any (lino ho far vlnro Indian minimcr m under the vnrlmiii projectn wn Hip !'"'"' miurro of n eoniplnltit universal nnd 'rl1" 'v I'"1"1 for tl10 Hu'rinoinetcr rloiM An a reniill of thlx lark ap-!n"1 "'k11' wn nll0V Ioro t 12:30 proximately ton per cenl of tlm nreni"- "' "1U MW" 'ow Polll liavlnu bcon In the entile Klnmnili project lire u-uclml Saturday nlslit nt 4 n. m. At liM.iriniliriilnnrllilMrrimniiaRrl-,! o'clock thin tmirnliiR It wuh 1G ciillur.il iitiindpolnt durlni: tlm pniit '-'. iiRiilinit 29 )etcrdny at at tlio threo )earn from wnnt of aitfqiiato "" r.-nponillnK liour. I;st nlclit nt 8 drnliiaKP TliU U mpeclnlly notice-1 'clock It wnu 17 nBalnut 27 tlio nlRlit 1 lefore. At a p. m. )pmorilny tlio iiikii for llio day wns reached, um l Inn aliii,. inenllnneil. In nil pro- Jeiln InvohliiK Koiiriiuieut land tlio rouiplnlnt wnn entered iiRnlmit the provUlou of tho law whlrli linrred the UMMiiinro) of iiatent until llio rcclnmn- IMi rhulKCK mo pill. I In full, which I'l.ii'llrrill) wlllilinlil n patent at Icnst (ho yonm niter tlnnl proof under tho homestead law. TliU Is roimldpred by Hflll'rK to he mi unwarranted hur- "The lack of ndoiiunlp provUlon for Hie illHpimlilon of peepnq.. nnd wimto wntern for the IrrlRnldn nren K'.iiiiliiueil on I'nKo 4) dcr lu procuru nniomliiientii to Hielllnl nlnT ,.,,,, nr nrinu rerlaniatlon tnwn and modlllcatlomi In Ul fi h Ull I Rf KFuIIY ll.u ri-RiilntloiiH of tlm depnrtiuent of , HULUJIUI MILL Ul ULIIUI tlio Interior for the promotion of Hie' jn ripNT III OIVTCCU fl AVO li.hi InlermU of laud owuerH under i (J fufl olAlttll UAlU tho iirlnii Riixermneiit Irrlpallim pro jects "tnnv f ntiiniiltilrnllnim wor.i hpuL '' Hi to tho viirlinm water uxerx' nHsocIn-. II. i tljim rciiucMliiK ro-oiiernllon In or-i I'lnl.lle WoMi n Scrnp Smnier K.iliUlllR IV feilerntlou in wntrr nuerH' (H, fdtttr n iiiclntlonii, wllli tho renult that on Dv'roinlier 1 to & delecntoH from ten different water mom' nsnoclntlonn met In coufcrencii at ClileaRo, Com mint .KiilnKt .til Saturday. 11, ISIU.W l.igi'Olt I'ltlSOXKllS HEHK 1 I'.m-cIm I'll bo I'nlted I'ronH Scrvlco i I.OS AN(li:i.i:S, Dec. IS. iiiii"lralliinn reed Mil liy tho deloRaten hmiIj to IIrIiI In defuiiso of my title to HiIh conforenco ravo nsmirnuro of iltx WnnldiiRtou'N lilrthd.i)," declared tl' I'li-operntlou of etoen nddltlonnl ,i WoIriisI, world'ti IlKlitwclRht wnl 'i' unorn' nnsoclnlloiiM. I'liauiplon today. -Tho plan of orKiiulntliiii provided i ,..m rnv,y rnnralvNcliiK fioui tho tor tlm Koiection or an executive com- illlllrll(m ro. uiipoiiillfltlti. and I feel niltleo of live penoim compiled of,H(r(1(, l(Blt lmw Thero U no Hire (luiprnnr Blonn of Arlroim. Ahel Ailyll(Ht n, j ,,at i BtVp Woll. If of Klauinlh l'all, pioiildeiit of tlo,(s,ii0 Welsh Juit ntlck iiiound Klamath Wnlor Uer8' ABsnclntlen: S, 1(). Kt,, H(,r, M)om.r than lie ex A, Nelmiii of Shoshone, lilnlio; It. '' ' ,lTB," IIiiikohh of III I'nwi, Tox.; O, K. Kuril-! hum of Hello I'ourcho, 8. 1) with niithorlly lo prepare constitution ami lit.lnw mill Miilmilt tlm b.iiiio to (Im viii Inns water nsorn' iiBsnclntloim for A von t-nJur.lilo ovenliiR was en lallllcallon. thomimolo lieromo hind- Joyed icumtly nt tho ranch of Mr. Deputy United States Manual ;i'r.iuk ellntty Is liero from Portland Cals nml Mi'ciir. Well Xmv, !tu tako liaik to that city Ous Hedeker, No SoiriieK, nml M.y Hlii white, und Jack 1'nrkor, Klamath In- limn """' lormcr is ciiareuu wuu mipp1)Iiir whlskoy to tlio Iudlati, and I tho latter is accused of soiling It to !l.ti ..ltn... l.lliAamnn Ilia llill.'n iiiutBiiii.li, Tlio men will liavo a lieaTlus. prob nldy tomorrow, licforo United States I'ominlssloiier 11. M, lllcliurdson. If they nro hold for further disposition h) tho authorities It will probably bo to nwnlt tho action of tlio federal grand Jury nt Portland, ,i:.viov tiii:mhi:ivi:s at swan i.aki: IIO.MI .masonic i:i.i:ction toxkhit Klnmatli I.oiIko No. 77, A. V. & A. M will hold Its annual election this evening. Thirteen Killed In Passenger Train .When Fast Silk SoeciaUts Rear !.... . , ' w'l 1 Jurd n fust (mulled bin llmltciti Tlm rear itl woro teloscoped Pour rais left tl .'lro startod In tlio tlio lowusproplo nro Bit Corpses woro cnrrlod out In rown. Bovoral Womon we: Tho Columbian was Dec, 18 Thirteen , Bcoro wcro In- f.thlH niornlni; wlion tho St. Paul rond ii-. ., -ii UIMWI PI lldc ( tho Colum- J VI thjC silk train col- k two roar sleepers "their beilhs nml sov- antly killed. DITCHING WITH DYNAMITE HAS PROVEN SUCCESSFUL (icnei'.il I'no of l'-xploslvo lu Future Will I'lolMilily ltemilt, Since Omtl fjliiK l.'M'rluicntN Mmlo by l)eprt incut of ARrlculturo IRNT ADJOVHNS II.'1'KK IMIHlllTAXT WOUK t'nlled Press Scrvlco WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 18. i:pcilmontH of tho department of nRtlcultiiro In "dltchlim with dyna' uilto" Imvo proved successful, nnd It U expected will tesiilt In tho gonornl mo of this exploslvo for illtch con struction lu the future. ' Tlio department recently blow, with dynnmlto, ditches tdx to twelve feet wldo und Ihrco to bIx feet deep. TVPKWIUTKH HVPPME8 led Press Servlro t.ON'l)ON, Doc. 18. Parliament Idjournfd Saturday, nftor onactinis ho most Important legislation in ro- conl yoam tho veto bill nnd tho In- diistrlnl liiBiirnnco bill. Tlio wis Balked I sosslon begins February 14th. TYPKWMTBU SUPLIES Wo Mil nil makes of typewriters, ribbons, carbon iapei', typewriter paper and logiil blnnkg. Typewriters routed for long orshprt time. Mullor Music Co, 18-6t V Tho county court of Klamath coun ty linvlng Just returned from k trip to Portland, In nttendanco of a con tention of county commissioners and county Judges, report tho follewing: "Thero was n good nttendanco from all over tho state, and matters rela tive to Improvements In every direc tion wcro discussed, but principally that of good roads. Report wtr Riven from all the counties la the state, and nono of them sho any bet ter condition as far, as Improvements nrc concerned and tirogrcsslvencss In luoportlon to tho valuations than Klnnnth county; In fact ,lt stands nliout In the front rank. "Tho Ideas that wo have followed In rond building wo find meet with ninvral approval all through the st nlo. Tlio tendency i?oms to be to ,'il)(illiii tho supervisors and do tho work In a business like manner, and get results. Thero were two hills Milmilttcd for approval by tho con tention, relative to road legislation, nnu hy tho Orongo and tho other by committee, appointed by Oovornor West. A largo sentiment favored the bills fathered by Governor West In that they granted state aid. The Grangers, however, fight this, and wish to Imposo Impossible conditions. and It looks very dark for any pro- Kresslvo legislation. In dt'ctisslon with the most pro- qroiilvo county courts there we have romo to tho opinion that tho only thing to do Is for the county courts to go homo nnd build their own roads, because If they wait for stato legisla tion It mux tnko ten, years to accom plish It. Up In the Willamette Val ley there Is an alarming amount of mossbacklsm. Tho members of the county court aro afraid of criticism nnd will do nothing, or one member Is In favor and tho other two aro afraid, nnd, ns n result, some of tho counties right n round Portland aro tho most nnn-progresslvo In the state of Ore- Ron. "Tho court went out over the roads In Multnomah county, saw how they were being constructed, visited the crushing outfits at Keller Butte, whero tho county Is working convicts In crushing rock, looked through the Implement houses, the road machinery houses, and got the latest Ideas thero, nnd In general secured a good deal of valunble Information which we expfct to uso to tho benefit' of Klamath county. "Wo took & trip to Astoria, went through tho new court house and got i: lot of Information there relatlvo to court homes the county court there having dignified Its willingness to loan us Its plans. They also took the court out over somo of their newly con structed roads. Wo afterwards went to Snlem, met the acting governor and mndo arrangements with htm to te- curo such convicts as we may need for next year's work. 'We find that Jacksou, Klamath, Yamhill nnd Multnomah counties Imvo been tho most progressive In the way of road building; In fact, It was remarked publicly that Klamath mado an excellent showing In proportion to Its Improvements as compared to the larger counties. In Line; county tho county court has been tied up nil summer, and has done no rond work whatever, for the reason, that somo cltliens at Cottage drove thought thnt the court had no right to go Into tho general fund to secure money for roads. "The matter went to the supreme court, nnd tho decision has Just been handed down that the county court has a perfect right to go to the gen eral fund. This, of course, was very pleasing to tho Klamath county court, for the reason that It has Just done tho same thing this year, and there hns been considerable discussion as to tho probability of some cttlsen en Joining the warrants already issued. "We have come back brim full of Ideas and enthusiasm, and bsllsv that wo can accomplish s.good deal more and better results than we bare In the put." tlllCfIT COUIIT EXCUSES JUROIIH This afternoon after a Jury had been chosen for tho case of Fanners' Implement nnd Supply Co. vs. S. P. if. It. Co., Judgo Percy R. Kelly ex cused members of the special venire from further attendance at court, wbllo members of the regular panel woro told that thoy would be at lib erty until 10 o'clock on the morning of Mnoday, January 2. KLAMATH PROJECT PROGRESSES WELL STUDY V. 8. MTKItATUrtE IX PERUVIAN COLLEGE United Press Bcrvlce WASHINGTON'. D. C. Dec. 18. A chair In tho llteraturo of the United States has been established In the Uni versity of San Marcos, at Lima-, Pom, the stato department has been Inform ed. This 13 tho first Instance of a South American university Including tho study or llteraturo of this country Incurrlculum. Tho University of San Marcos v.as tho first university es tablished In tho Now World. Tho Installation of tho now chair Is the result of a few locturos on tho pibject delivered Inst year by Prof. Fcllpo tlarrcdb' Laos, v.lilch nroved so popular that ho has been designated to tako chargo of the new course. FOR BALE Dry slab wood, 16-Inch, dolivered to aay part of the city. Aeklew Btm Paee 411. IMf rea SUING RAILROAD FOR HORSE LOST 4 I'll Y DRAWN IN' ISSUE OF FARM. KIW LMPLEMKN'T AND SUPPLY CO. VS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CORPORATION In tho circuit court today before Judgo Percy R. Kelly thS drawing of n Jury wns begun for tho purpose of trjlng the case of the Farmers' Imple ment and Supply company against the Southern Pacific Railroad company. Tho plaintiff Is asking $48G damages for loss of a horso killed and a dray damaged when on April last the com pany's freight maneuvers at the Klamath Falls depot led to some roll ing stock bumping Into the two horse vehicle. The Jury was picked out of the fol lewing: Regular panel II. R. Dunlap, II. S. Parrlih. Alexander McDonald. O. II. Carlcton, Clarence II. Underwood, K. W. Towers, John Forbes, Floyd Drandenburg. D. D. Nichols, F. P. Van Meter, Jacob Reuckk, Thomas E. Stanley. R. J, Sheets. Special venire R. C. SplnkC R. Ncwnham, J. W. RedOld, John Ham llton, J, L. Cunningham, James Pel ton, James Lindsay, O. E. Wilier, F. D. Cortade, B. F. Loosley. Those excused were the follewing: By Judge Kelly for causo Messrs. Dunlap, Parrlsb, Underwood, Stanley. Cortade; by defendant's counsel Messrs. McDonald, Forbes, Reuck; by plaltnlff's counsel Messrs Spink and liedfleld. This left the Jury consisting of the following dozen men: Messrs Carle tou, Brandenburg, Nichols, VanMeter, Sheets, Kewnham, Hamilton. Cub i.lngham, Pelton, Lindsay, Wllley, I.oosley. In the case the attorneys ate the follewing: For the plaintiff, 3. C. Hutcnlc and J, 8. Kent: for defend ant, Charles F. Stone and James J. Barrett. COOKS WASTE MILLIONS, MAKING LIFE COST Boston Exponent of ScleatlSc Cooking Telia How Young Wives, Careless Cooks and Thoughtless Nurses "Murder Good Food" United Press Berttea s BOSTON, Dec. 18 Mo-e than 110,. 000,000 Is thrown away every year by cooks, chefs, housekeepers and hos pital nurses, according to M'ss Fannie Morrltt Farmer, world-famous as an exponent of selentlflo cooking. Miss Farmer ought to know. She can mix up a batter with one hand; break halt a doien eggs with the other for a New England sunshine cake; at tend to the baking of at Southern "apple cobbler," and see to it that the meat doesn't burn aa aha paaaea the stove to concoct the Ingredients for some luscious desert all at the same time. And she can do this with out any waste. Miss Farmer has been BMktag delMsaa edlbtsa let uars over two decades, and she's uuen teaching others how to make Mum without spending tou much money. Miss Farmer, according to herself, Is no radical, hut she "does get mad" wtiea -slio sees tho way the young wife, or the careless cook, or the non thinking nurso, will "murder good food." "The cost of living 'has certainly gono up with skips and Jumps," said Miss Farmer, "and it costs more now to make a cake or a pie or roast a beet for dinner than formerly. It'a true that many grocers, by their coun ter characteristics, appear to be de scended from those roving gentlemen who sailed the Spanish Main. But und spell It with capitals the grocer Itn't to blame for more than CO por cent of the high cost of living nor the cost of high living, either. Much f the wasto is through Ig norance. More is wasted through carelessness and the growing shift lessness of tho younger generation. Right hero In my own school, after I Imvo concluded some demonstration I will turn away tor a moment, only to find that the moment was costly. Twenty students, In that short time, will have pared twenty apples or pooled twenty potatoes, with no care as to tho thickness or thinness of the paring. Out of the parings ot the twenty apples or potatoes, an amount Blmltar to that 'contained' In two or three apples or potatoes could have been saved." Most ot Miss Farmer's students a-re cooks of the wealthiest Bostonlans. who havo had some Instruction In do mestic science botore their employers havo sent them to Miss Farmer to learn somo ot her recipes. Many of them who don tho apron and cap, however, are the wealthy Bostonlans themselves. Other students are nurses from various hospitals. Tho students nro the most representative women of tho kitchen or ot thosa who will be In chargo of kitchens some day. It Is from such that Miss Farmer draws conclusions that, by systematic use of food materials In the kitchen $20- 000,000 and more could be lopped off tho much-mooted high cost ot living bill. "Strange to say," said Miss Farmer, f Continued en Page 4) SEEKS HALF OF REWARD FOR MCHAMARAS' CAPTURE Chief of Los Angeles County Detective Rurcal Files Formal Notice Wills Burns Detectives of His Claim (or a "DlTry." i'nlted Press Service LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18. Burns detectives have bcon served by Samuel L. Browne, ot the Los Angeles county bureau, with formal notice that he will file claim for one-bait of the re wards offered for the arrest anoTcon- victlon of tho MoNamara brothers. Browne saya his evidence was so complete that none of the Burns evi dence was needed to convict the dy namiters. The rewards will total about 167,000, according to Burns' men. . u an DIRECTORS REPORT RECLAMATION HEAD QlVaW Mt TAILS OF OPERATION UKDaW HIS SUPERVISION AND TMUM OF STEADY WORK Director Frederick H. Newell, of, tho reclamation service, has made hi annual report. In which be states thai settlement on the Klawata arejset baa boon going ahead steadily. Maay ot the larger farms and ranches) have been divided Into smaller holdings, which have been sold to new settltra, and tho avorago also of farms has been reduced ffor 104 acres to acres. About ISO additional families settled on the Klamath project dar ing the season of 1910, and the city of Klamath Falls, since the beginning of the project, has grown from BOO to 4,000. Tho estimated value ot crops on the Klamath project for ltlO waa $320,000; the value of livestock. 1356,000. The Irrigated acreage haa Increased from 8,900 acres la 1807 to 27,700 acres In 1911, the larger part of which was devoted to pasture, al falfa barley, grain, hay and oats la the order named. During 1910 132 miles of canals (tho main, east branch, south braaefc and Adams canals) were operated, and 354 farms, aggregating St,S84 acres ot land, were Irrigated. In ad dition to tho above the Keao canal wa soperated for delivering under contract for furnishing power, and the Clear Lake dam waa utilised to regu late the flow of. water to Tula Lake. During 1911 practically the same sys tem was In operation. In May last, 275,000 acre feet of water waa stored In the Clear Lake reservoir. Two miles .of drainage eaaasaJa the vicinity of Klr.math Falls were deep ened last year, and several miles ad ditional will have been" deepened by the close of tho calendar year. In or der to drain Tule Lake It la necessary to divert the flow of Lost River, Its most Important feeder, Into the Klam ath River by an eight-mile canal The diversion works on Lost River will consist of a hollow, relaforeed concrete dam forty feet high and ISO feet long, which will raise the water In Lost River about ewenty-fonr feat, and thus make possible diversion by gravity Into Klamath River. Tkla work is being done by contract, aiadl on Juno 30 last was 10 per cent i pleted. This canal will three miles below Olene. JOLLY CROWD SURPRISE I4MD JENSEN IN ANTELOPB VAIXaTT A merry crowd of fourteen and girls descended on Fred Je the other evening, surprising that gentleman by their appearance, and also their refusal to do other than they wished, which was to entertain him and themselves with a pleasant ' time. The ladtea each brought a woll-niled basket of things good to eat, while the lads brought music, and with dancing and eating they whlled away the hours until almost 4 o'clock next morning, when they left for their homes, advising Fred and all other bachelors, to partition ot their big one-room houssa into small er apartments, and go In for Rooss veltlsm. - Fine Pair 01 Bsrts lake Break fii.a.v Those two fine, young blsjktborsee driven to the buggy belonging to W. P, Johnson, and which are figure about the streets took the bit In their teeth lng, As a result the buggy II disintegrated wood, mel and other stuff that went. the vehicle, in the low hn white Pelican hotel It waa about 10 o'clock-thlr morn ing when the animals decided that life in the bondage of harea waa not the one grand sweet song that. every. body aaamsj to think life ought to ha. MlplUar mmafe:lt WMM' J lammmMpot hamTlMUer tcjukeup 9fp(Nte tt 'M JSV . - vmrf. . ThAV IhAsafrtM jTmieWlmmmlttaifti ftfcaW would make a break tor liberty lon4,',- t.-W Id. Ktivanr all la aba SaII ml .' ?l " " " " "ww" 1, Taey sianea sows iae wn seesa ;. nr the jonaaaa rasiflsaaa warn 3. flhrla Lehman's rulaJasr band 'lMlatan'''l rudely ignored. They woand. Uf.br J'' dltehln th tran ia tha daasi SMSwnd Just across Main street from ttMti named for' tha largo IM tMsnetr aJs baater bird. 5 -' ' When the runaway. wt.0mtim buggy was salt far noUeatl 4'j horses were coaaMefAl:astsltfi mj2 with excitement., tad ale th t Mt mv wan wammmLtr .. h c, ,j;j '? X. o rAPi.,.'Wii'Ai. 1 3 .AWw- .,,. .i'.- Tf 'V. V',