BaSESZl 1Vtf v.Mw-AViSW 'V'f; cfali. NUPI'MKH IIY TIIK II.MTICH I'llKNH NKWH HKIIVH.'H EVENING NBWRPAraM HUNT THE NEWS, NOT MMTOKY nt Hhlli Yenr No. I.lliin It I.A MAI II FA MA, OltKUON. HATIJItllAY, DKCKMItRIt 10, 1011 Ik ftinnnn jflil NO FURTHER MOVES BY WATER COMPANY COUNCIL ULTIMATUM , li iiiiirml. if im iiiiili'iiMi nK,.,. Mi'lit In nut i,l with (ho illy n IIIAT ITMl'HT NOT I'I'ltMSII NIT. ' "'"" '" l,u H" ' H I tliilnu-d on I'l.V FHOM MTV Niiriiri-ri "'" " """ ""' '"" """ "'" 'u'"'r I 1,1 I-HUM I 111 SOI IK I.M ,,,, , ,,. 1(1 , ( .,,, ,,,,. I'.U'MIXMIItfOltATION Ml IIKsT ttrnl (if purity kiiiIiI be relied ,,;, In O.V ITK OAIIH Willi,, mil don,. In open meeting llin xiiuirii nun uei'iiirti against pel iiillllniC lint Klntnntli Palls Light mil wnirr loinpaiiv in iiumi.ii tin, nit with n ilomritlc suppl) liik,n from Kllilil Hut rlly limits, nml litis nntl'led I,., .mm,,..,- it,., ,., .... ,,,;, " " -..-. ......,....,, Mi.. . ,,Mli ,, ,, mi, mini, tin. well ilrlll.T from It lilll On- . In kii tilt t r ii lull-, ilivp Willi -I . nrli plpi. on tint llraiii.-n properly nt - l-r nrleslnn will r. will be iilminloiie.1 iTIn. IIihI llw -.i.- period under wlilib i would Imvp Ikn-ii liiiHimlh. K, ;i roiiipaii) l p, n.llng will not x K) tbls rontr.tit mini tbl winter 'in plri. foi two )enii, unit It nut ml up ill r tin. loiidlllniis Impoaeil b) llti.n pic to water. In to IIrIiI iih !i II I ten men, nttiicr of Hie Imnl win re .'.'otblug Iiiih foi been H.ilil .ibni. tin well.wnH i'ii',or., in It wi. bm i, r bn)lii-: tl.r llgbt mid wu' i i,iilallnii Hint Hi,, work b. itmi' .ImiIh from the ,, nipan. mid It li imi l"ur In Jnnuniy 1st. when be will1) now u whether i ! c-oiilrart will !i for iln winter l' wished In have operation i'Hi lined on bis prnpetty while be v Mi 'In. rlly,' ninl tin Ciiutrnrtnr llnr mon, iiwIiik to It.nblllt) to Kd l.i r-' iihiiirIi plpt to klnrt work, tonli n ((HltrM't for t. Mllllll.T well on Hi Klnmntli rounty poor fnriii. whirl In lli.l et rompbted fillltlllllelit of the I intiitimit'N InlPiilliin In ii way to met' I Mr Iteainm' dnrues woilhl be Impim nihle. Tin. rlly riiimtll ImK taken tin tan.l Hint pure wnter la not to bit bail In, tin. rlly limit!!, wllliinil jthlng Iho witter rompnny n r ha lire, so It Is ail I tn demonstrnlr. whether It inny V nr lint, and ns ttid rnrporntli.n does 'int t.iie to spend $400,000 or ISOOJ.OfMl In gft a water rnppty oulsldi. of town. rnerlally when II dmn not know ut where siillnbto nter may bo had, II Is letting Ihi. rlly r" abend with i'niw Itt get a mtinlrlpnlly owned mid nin Iro'led supply wllhnut attemptliiR tr bold tin. Held. 'Them Ik nothing strained or nil lUinant about tin. situation." tnln l.i 'i'rnl Manager (ImrRt. J Walton i f tint water rnmpan) Ibis morning "Hut riimpiitiy bellexi'H that It Is mil justified In nllemptlug nn oiitlnv of probably half n million ilnllarii In nn effort to bring water from outu'.ilo territory unless It haw n rmitinrt of mini, kind which will bind tin. illy. If wi know Just whero wi niuld yet lb,, wntur or Just how fur II would bo iieec-iiiniy to nn. with untile tangible liten nf what was before lis, both n to l roitpeclK nf .unliable supply nf pun water mid fur an nml rstmidlut,! .li llii" rlly tin ImslueiM Imsls. II t( ii ttl be different " The orlr.lmil francblso of tlu Hgbt (ii.l water compnti), dated In 1SH, furnish tin. il'y with nor Wo In bdlb Iho liriinilu'H Indlrnti'il for it"' i nilo, nt Iho til of w hli'li Umi' Hie t Ity ioiiIiI liny ul mi iiiiprulsod viilualiiin iilliiwlng S per rent prolll porjonr for nn Ii jour of operation, If md Imui'.lil I it tin. olid of Ion )i'"lH tint rnmi' w:u In liavo mi nddltliinnl lli jenr. period nt nn iiriilsed nlimlloii, nl l.iwlng S per out profit for the iltti enrs. l'lvi. J wu lerlods iimlor like (.imlltlniiR woro to follow, mid llin loiiipnny now npornteH In Iho Urst rf i lu tho ar p.iioilH, being In ti tiiinl year. Tlioro Im bi'on made t" tin. nim-J For Crater Lake Tho st!inntos for tho Ciator Uw Xullonul Pink by tho Hooiotnry of tho Intel lor proposi) mi oxpiiiilltnro at tir.,000 during tho llsrul or omllng Juno 30, 1U13, mi Incu'iiso of 112.000 ovor tho appropriation for tho proBont lliciil year, as herotnforo notod In theso columns. Tho iiporlntcnilont of tho jmik, W. Frank Arut, Biibmlttod n total ostl mnto of I109.H0, IncliiilliiB 1163,000 for tho construction of roads nml brldma.i Omission Of Road Work In Estimates ' pun) mi) iriiHinti ii to inkv tin. mill i' if tint rotitra, I. in . whether tin nun. I'. iii run Insist Id '" 1 1 hi; mnlir III. in; III lll'ip It Ml IIMlll! 111)) . .. .... .it. .. . . . irn, i. ir im i-Mar) . On llin oilier Ik I he fail Hint Hid ,l) t,,i, Iflc-rin lfM-,1 lint In u. . i,m the olnpnil. III furnish water Iib- mined hIHiIii thu ill IIiiiIIk, whleli tl In, I, iinniiMitiiilil,'. tint not within tin. Kim of (In, i.iiitnui Aakcil im to whn in r:niL.TiiiiTii 7 ... .' ,:..."''." " "'"' .L.-.iij ni'iiim hi nine u iiiiiiini - ,,,, ,y iMri j.ju -i nam iiml Ik' .up. tn , (Mn mil tl.r miitti'r lirtl ii.ia t , w.ur oiii.uii 'h i hi- 'datt mlcM Im lim.itldl Id arliltiMlini ir imiiMii .i on rut'- i RIGHTS OF ALL AMERICANS CONCERNED, SAYS SULZER IHtt'ii I" Ii,kiiIi Old lliilan I'loit" I) OltlllR ll I 'III' In Jew Nil llniiiiiliiH llelnu In liter) IkI). Hulled l're H.rtlre WAHIIIM'il'ON, II IV. Dec tli. lintiitdlalK Milan by t engross fr ibo'for lonslderntlon by tho gentlo read - . ... .1 .. .1... ,,......l., ...n... lln IIIIIOKnilflll 111 llie lilinnuill 1 1 1-411 J wi IS3S has'lieeii di'innnded In llui hoiiso bj Coiigrossuinn Hulzor of Now Vork, nt it result nf llusilit'H nrllon In fiisllig to honor passport of Jewish Aliierli'aus ('ouitrrsHUinu Kulxer declares that the iliesllnn Is lint M"tII!uiII Jewish, that II Is n ,Uestlnii llinlug mid nlTeilliiR the rlgbls of all American illlreiiK He -'.i not only J-wx, but ll.iptliil inlnslniiarleM mid C.itbollc prlesls hino hnd their imssporlH ro fiised He ndvomli'S n new treat) with ' no loop holes Hint will enable Itusila to itliirlmlimto iiKiilnst mi (Iiihm of Aiiierlniiis " WHITE SLAVE SCANDAL IN llUgliiiefiil runilllloiiH in I" llnilor- lug nf (lillilien Will lie Alnil III I'iiiiiIn or I'iiiI". nml Will limdte Well Kiiiihii Men In) I'H-:1 aerMro I'AltlH. Dee. Ii -The most hideous "while Jaw" M-nniliil nwi' known In Paris will bo nil id In tin. (iiiiiIh boio wluu eeeial niulbi'is now III Jail ill'" tiled Tor bm lei lug fur money their mm llttlo t;W Is. All of tho I'blldieu nro )et In their teens, or Just entering them. IMiimliioiil nml wcnllh) men mn ni'i'iised. Vlilnr I'lnibuii, (biBlun Allin.l mid others oiiinll Inlluonllnl, mo naniod. KIih'Iiiiii, until lellevod of bin pest on iiicount nf tho srniidiil, was Park Is Explained timil Hiuvoys iu tho park and Is wink ing on eatlnintos of coat, tho seciolni) ot tho Intwlor ollmlnntQU tho provl-, blon for mad construction from tno,"'""" - -esllumto. It Is plmiuod to Biibmlt an HWATTI.K, Dec. H. : mnouiled Cbtlmnto when tho sundry civil uppioprlfttWin bill Is being con sidered by tho cniumltteo on appro prlations. Dr. lloimnnn. tho oyo man of ItosoburB, will bo at tho LJvcrmoro hotol from nccombor 17tU until Do comber 24th. 15'2t i'iIIIiii of (In. "l.nnliTii " ii govern mhiiI uigun Hi, wn Hi,- p rs'iiinl Mend ,if (.x-l'iLiiilcr llrlaml 'I In. polite lime Iinil ilia- nanus of iimir, ihiiti :iod ililliln-ii, from !i In 17 .iim old. wlm were milil Ii) tlulr mothers to twill paliig " tlantif." or "lil "ii iiiiiiimIhhIoii l,y utliir "ladles," who ilUliltil tin., niiiiicy Willi (In, kIiIh' IIKllllClH Till. MihIi-h tntil liy Hich" (hliroil i miiiilnliig liiiiKliitrnti'H ilciil with sullen whlih wniihl have been novel-, ties of il piinliy In Hnilnin and (lo-j lum rnli I'caiii, iiAintoK isoii:m:ii nv riiAosiiii'CAuroit.MA HONOLULU. Itn:. in. Tli,. flag ship California of tho Pacific Heel, now In llnunlliin waters, (initially opi'in-il I'mrl llurlior, stonmlng up tin. wnti'iH mill breaking out a grrnt streamer of yellow ribbon stri-tolied in nn tin. Imr. ,. . ....... - ... . '" usimiie nro on, wim rmm- " MH"-.kli.l and Admiral '(M,.,..,,..,.. Thulium iiiiii.ii-iii.Miik -..i...i,i ino.nas ueciarei. inai iMnbout on tho Icy povo this morning v.ns on,, of tho ambitions of his lifts lIin.M .i, .nr, ..,i,j , tr,,. id Im tin. first rommnmler lo steuml Into Ihe new harbor ! BEATS A CHARADE,- T ' J lines of Jewelry. Fine lino ot watches HAilN.i:orTi:i.i:IIAMI.HIIOIlT "" either tsdlcs or gentlemen. It you 'nro going to glvo a watch at a pre HAM! OFI'i:ili:i IOK nailOHA. ,nt IM like to show you my stock. I TIOV, HUT KIUTOH HAI.KH AT, wl" lnftk ou I""'" 0 sood goods. I 11-Ct " Mcilattoi. TAhK AS TOO (JltllAT t Siimotliiies the United I'reits sends Wl n story In iibbnilnted fashion 1i,.,ri.m, Vlml"1'10'1 ' ,0" m,!cl' for.1t,,.V l;'eKfI'lli euiior io eieiio, enpii:iiiiiy ii no u -fivilug Kiimowlint Itneath tho ele 'imiits. So rather than supprens an Item of poKlhlo news the following Is offered !.. t.AMnm n f a ntln,' . - I, .!., ..; iiiiuim, ,l'.-i, .... I working on It n while; ' I "l.oi Angeles Wliltti son JosepU,, rr-i.i. alopl hotel hero, Sanmel Ayres I formei!) lloston, suit him, sulcbUd J DIinI ntntenieltU'KH. Ron dillig hos pital Arrived three months ago pur-l chimed largo ranch. M)stery OLD WOMAN WITH INDIAN CLUB SWATS THUG'S HEAD I'alr of ItoblHTH Who Filter Home of Seplugeiuirlaii Mwt Willi 1Uh-'. I linn Full of (Surprising Vigor, One llel.ig Kiwi ke,l Out , i in blue, luruwiug inruo kuuib tnu iinu SAN rilANOISCO, Dee. lfi-SwIng-1,,,,,,, Wlintover tho high ichool boys lug an nnclent Indian war club. Mrs.'fo), ,hcy lot b. ,ho Knm0t Utcy rnn ;M Holder. 71 jours old, knocked two ...., ,iloII1,0iVM that tho celebra. lobhers out nt her homo hero nt an U,n (hoy Im.,llKcJ ln ucforo thl) 8nmCi onily hour and then ran to tho pollco ,, Jo)fu, l0BCg wog wor,h. 0, nny station to glo borsolf up for mm- xftory tbey might hnvonchlovjd. The dor. Hut one of tho thugs bad recov-i .l)ro , whIch ,hey ,olt wng 20 t0 ,3 ero.1, doiis-d tho other with water mul ' ,rno no . nsslstoil lit iii iiwny befoio tho officers ,,.,, 8ci100ianrrett and Mosner ui rived. Ifotwnrds, Carter center, Sargent ntid The men entorod her house. Ono,nll guards, lold her to got her monoy and the otb- Pnvllllon, Hnyden, Barnes and Do or wont to tho nrd In tho tear to forwards, Krnuso and Barnei ten wolib. Instead of tho money sho re- tl.r Ambroso, DeLnp and l.onvltt turned with the ooncoaled club, swung It on tho first crook's head, inn Into the yard, knocked tho second to tho giouiid, mid roitt lulled on to tho street on tin. run to Iho nearest pollco station. Notlco closely dates. foV Dr. Hermann's 15-2t NEED NOT BOIL WATER ANY LONGER AT SEA1TLE llesldents of Xiulliwosloni MetiitiMills fun lloioiiftor Hrluk Clly Humily of Wnlor Wltliimt Fi-iir nf Typliolrt (iormi After boiling Ihclr water for nearly two weeks, tho population of Seattle will nffor today bo able In drink city water without fonr of typhoid germs. When icccnt Hoods broko tho city plpo lines. Lake Washington wator was sout tliroiiKli tho mains. As It Is not fre'o of typhoid, tho authorities ordered all wator botltd bfor ntt. HARD ON HORSES IS SLIPPERY PAVE INHIIOII ANIMALS HAD TOl'MII TIMi: TOIIAV, OWIMI TO TIIIJ riti:i:x.i:-riovi:it mmiit, t:nvtu ('IALLV OX IIITL'MTIIIC I'AVK Ymtfirtluj ' drier but Hcvcrc, rain Htorm ttlilcli follownl tlio fall of law, fat, Hurry llala of biiow, loft tho Kioiiml cnuri'd with molatun-, so Unit tliu looIikvh wtilrh lsltiil t til a vli.lnlt) ovor tilKlit tonKcnlc-d Bald iiiulaturc, ttiuroby I'.-adlnR to n ntlp-pi-ry ,'iindltlriii on tliu HtrcotH thin niDrnlnK, OHpvclnily tlioao itRliwnB pared with bltutltblc or other sultnbto muterliil. Tim r milt wan IourIi on iiiirh that won, In ne,.d of tliooltii. Oik, tnnn "lo!wlio tnmo Hnddlcbnck from tho coun- I try loaterdft-Y bad tn lend his nnlfrnvl man had been aboard tho steed would t undoubtedly liavo fallen. As It was, I marly uvery Btcp.Jie took mode his nrlous legs dosrlbo nrc, ilriles. etcetera. Somctlfhes tho legs moved I toward nil points of tho compnrs nt onr, It being very embarrassing to Mho owner of said legs. ' I have srasunablit artlclts In all GOOD FIGHT MADE BY .MKl - n '8 FAVILIOX F1VK IX HAS. KtmiAM, COXTKMT, HCOItlXU 13 TO TIIK SO OF TIIK KTKONOKK FOUCK A good fight was inodo by tho high school baskotball tossers last night at the pavilion In nn effort to win thu contest from tho Pavilion team, which was mndo up of larger and stronger flavors. At that tho Pavilion men hud to mako substitutions to rellovo mem bers of tho team on whom tho work" wns too tolling for them to last through tho game. ....... .,,, ,..ork wn. .,... ... ,. ,jon 0f tho P.wlllon flvo, who scored K. of 'tho 20 points accredttod to Ills M-: Oarrctt. captain of tlm high srhool bunch, did tho best work for crda. Umplro-refercej Hum and Smith. THERMOMETER IS DOING NORMALLY ItlXOltD FOIl PAST TllltKK DAYS HOF.S -A'OT SHOW AN'VTHIXQ HXI'SUAI, IX MATTKIt OF TIIK WKATIIKH Last nlh'ht's low was 23 at 3 a. m rompnrcil with 28 nt 9 p. m. Thursday night, ami 21 at R a. in. Thursday morning, both low points having boeil observed on tho same day. At 8 o'clock this morning 24 was' the rec ord against 31 yesterday, and 21 Thursday. Last night at 8 o'clock 31, compaTodwitu the same at the corresponding hour Thursday and 24 Wednesday. Tho high yesterday wai 37 at 3 p. in., against 44 at 4 p. m. Thursday and 40 at 3 p. m, Wednes- dty. 6H SCHOOL VOL'XH WOMAN HIIKHIKF IM AN ATTHACTIVK OFFICTAI, , LAKKVIKW, Doc. 1C A charm Idk younB womnn Ii tho present shor Iff of I.nke county, a ittato of affalra duo to tho aliBcnco of Sheriff Warner II. Snydor, who Is looking after busl iioid matters In San Francisco, and tho recent resignation of Deputy Eph .Miller, who took another position. Hho Is Miss Trlxy McVoy, and Is inaklnK a success of tho shrievalty, as sbo has not had to arrest anyone since, muiimlng tho ofllco, and chance arc II any person wcro charged with an r-ffenso ho would romo In and sur render without jiny further parloy. .Miss McVoy Is comparatively a now leildcnt of tho county, having conic here last spring, and her rlso In the political affairs of I,ako county has ben rapid. havo a bunch ot Bit Bun clocks, .. . ... . .' . urn: nearest iiai. iicaa, ioa. v 1I.RI flln,,n y Oh, yes; at tho I.lvtrmorf hotel, from Sunday, Decembcr'17th .until December 24th you will bo able to have your oyes takoriraro of by Dr. Hermann nLItoseMirg. 1 r-2t INEff ASKED IN. SUIT ENTERED OWXKHS OF FliOl'IIINH .Ml I.I, IN HTITLTK I.KOAI, FICOCKnitXtiS WHICH AIM AT TIIK HKXOVKItV OF WHKItKWITIIAI, An action for tho recovery ot money has been entered In tho circuit court nml ftltd In thu ottlco ot County Clerk Charles It. Do hap b Martin D.-oi.. aRalnkt tho Long Iviko Lumber com pany and S. I. Masten. ' The plaintiff company U owner of a flour mill, and the suit entered Is with a vlow to recovering $132. SG. whlcn tho mill owners claim Is duo them for grain furnished to tboalefcndants. . C. M. O'Neill Is attorney for the plaintiff. I have a complete line" of "1847 rtoRcrs Vintage" pattern and Oneida Community silver Inthe "Sheratlon" pattern. V 11-et i McHattoi. STRIKERS ASSERT ROADS ARE CRIPPLEDJY WALKOUT CUlm. Made That Xearly a Hnndrod Englnei Am Out of Srrvlro In Is AukvIos, and Tlut 4,000 bonded Freight Citrn Are 8topicd SAX FUAXCISCO. Dec. 16. Uo- ports received hero by Secretary John Scott ot tho striking shopmen of tho llnrrlmnn lints, stato that 94 engines nro out of service In tho Los Angeles jardu, mid Hint tho Salt Lake line has laid oft twenty engineers and twenty-five firemen. Sparks, Nevada, strikers say that tho report aro that 4,000 cars ot merchandise aro tied up between Omaha" and Ogden. HI Paso striken oport delays and breakdowns on the now do luxo trains bound each way. Delays In traffic are reported from several other strike centers. - Got n pair ot ChrlstmaVglass?s ot Dr. Hermann, at the Ltvermosn 15-2 Fino line ot Hawks' cut glau. It's pretty, and ot nno quality. Cost mor than soma, but It looks the part. 11-tt McHatton. LITTLE LANDS IDEA SHOWN SOCCESSrUUN ENGLAND rrnetlral Teat ot Small Fanning Prop osition Show That of 0,000 Place Made Xo Owner Ha Had to For feit Holding United Press 8ervlce CHICAGO, .Dec. 16. Advocate ot the "Little Land" idea, recently urged at the sessions ot the national Irrigation congress hero by GIBord Plnchot and other, today Issued statement from the Agricultural Or ganization Society ot England, show ing bow a similar scheme work In the British hie. Btfora th Bnglltn !! hoMIng " HIGH POWER LAMPS: BEING GIVEN TEST net becamo law the landed gentry fought tho measure, their chief argu nicmt being that ngrlculturo could not bo mado to pay If carried on along a small scale. They did not think tho peasants would bo ablo to keep up the payments. Inquiry, however, dovolopod that fact that of 5,000 small holdings cre ated by tho act tbero was not a tin gle Instanco of a peasant farmer fall ing to meet payments. Although conditions In tho United States aro very different from thoso In England, leader in tho "Little Lands" plan will urgo tho success of the English experiment at nn added reason why the federal government should reclaim the arid lands of the West and sell them to homesteader In Installments at actual cost. SUIT AOAIXST STOKES IS nESUtVT OF COXIMD TRIAL United Press Service NEW YOnK, Dec. 10. Robert Moore, representing Ethel Conrad, an nounced todny that paper havo been prepared In a suit against W. D. Stoke for $250,000. Tho grounds alleged are malicious prosecution and false arrest. DEFEND GOV. WEST FROM CHARGE Mm in Charge ot Governors' Special Assort that Oswald Ha Done Jlng nlflcent Work on Trip, and Mado a Oroat Impression PORTLAND, Dec 16. President L. W. Hill ot the Great -Northern, recently criticised Governor West. among others ot the Western guber natorial party touring the East, lor not talking enough of their state' re sources. In apparent reply to tbl, and as a parting message for the Ore gon governor, the following message has boen tent to the Commercial Club b) Presldont James II. Brady and Manager Itellly Atkinson, in charge ot tho governors' special: "Wo cannot 'concludo tho trip ot tho Western governor's special with out extending to the stato of Oregon our congratulations on the magnlfl - cent work done for it by Governor Os-' wald West. At all ot the large cities'. wo bare visited tho governor has mndo a distinct Impression, which will live to be ot much benefit to your stato. He has talked of It opportune Itlcs and resources to thousands ot people, Including many of tho greatest llnanclcrs of the United 8tates. At n dinner at tho Union League Club In Now York city. Judge Gary, presi dent of tho steel corporation, after a ten-minute talk with Governor West, stated that ho had learned more of Oregon than he bad ever learned be fore, and had become convinced that jour state will act fairly toward and protect Investments mado there by the East. The Western governors' special is pronounced by all to be the great-J est thing ever done for the West." EXP DYNAMITE PROBE MOXDAY, IS PROSPECT United Presi ottIm LOS ANGELES Dec. 16. Thu dy- uuinito probo Is expected to end Mon day, when six Indictment will be re turned. Arrests are not expected until tho Indianapolis probe has closed. No session I being held today. Says Russia's Conquest Of This . Country Only Way To Bar Us United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. 0 Dec. !. That the Suiter resolution abrogating the Russian treaty ot 183S would be considered an Insult to Russia If eu at. ted Into & btw Is the substance ol a mtssage conveyed to President rati by Secretary Kncx following a con ference between Knox and the iwi slim ambassador. Bakhmeteff, Congressman Suiter said: "I should like to have been In Knox's place to reply to that protest. I know what I abould have aald to him. There u STYLISH LIGHTING LIGHT COMPANY PITS IX MUX DRED TCXGSTKX UrOANDM. CKXTS TO SEE EFFECT OF DC PROVEMEXT As un exirrlment toward Improv ing the city' lighting ajratam th Klamath Fall Light aad Watar com pany baa put In about 100 atroag Tungsten lamp on pole aloag'Klaai ttb, Main, Pine and othar atraata Is the thickly fettled portion ot the city. These lamp are of 80-caadle power. nga!nst the 24-candle power tad, la some Instance 16-candle powar Kd lion Incandescent bulb whoa, pteeta they took. . General Manager George J. Walton said this mornlngthat tha company v.lsbcd to see what effect the light would mak- and expressed tha prob ability that It the cty eared to aaa them Instead of the- smaller power lamps the expense would be only jllghtly greater. "Theso lamp give a great deal mon tight In candle power, bnt nte vary llttlo mora electricity," aald be, "and for that reason would not be much moro expensive In operation. The Improvement waa not auggeeted to us by anyone, but la ar teat to aaa whether a different kind of lamp would not be desirable (or the city. We would not care to put la aa eatlre system of Tungstens until we have a contract arrangement with the city, as It would cost a about 11,000 b equip the entire local llghttag eqatp- mont with the new atyle ot lamp. We hare to bavo a switch on each pelt to turn them on and off, aid a maa to go around earh day.aad attead to thla It would not do to let them ran alt tho lime, as It would be too much waste If wo equip the city through out with thom we will have It ar ranged so they can alt be turned oa or oa with n single switch." IiAVGIITKR PROVES FATAL TO WOMAN WHO HAD IT NEW YORK, Dec. 1C Mr. Annie Sperber ot New York I dead, having IUorally augbed nerMi; t0 death at omo rfow JokM toM her oy a BrtfB. bor. Mrs. Catherine runup. After Mr. Phillip bad told aa un usually funny story, which had seat Mr. Sperber Into a violent laughing fit, sho followed It quickly with an other which Mrs. Sperber bad aot beard. The merriment caused by the combined humor ot tho two itoriea resulted In such convulilona that Mr. Sperber' laughter grew weaker aad weakor, and as it ended la a laat faint chuckle the woman waa found to bo dead. - '"' SCHM1TZ TROLLEY CASES WILL IIBOIN NEXT MONTH United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 16. Tho trial ot ex-Mayor Schmltt for bribery ln connection with the trolley case begins January 5th, by order ot Judge Lawlor. Schmltt appeared In court today, lil attorney, Frank Drew, strenuous ly objecting to any delay. Temple theater. Matinee dally. 1:1 p. m. Evening, Brst performaaee. 7:16, continuous. . no doubt In my mind whether Rtteet protest or not . that the raeolaUea will pas the senate." Minority Leader Mann aald: i"K , , the resolution passe the treaty will " ' be. abrogated. Russia. If aha choose, di, may exclude all Amarleaaa, Htw ,,-' , cay we're determined that Amil .r . , hall go In, Russia caa oaly etptaay-1'-' , -that demand by conauerlag a at WJA-, end. of awar." i.t '$?- tne wniie Mouse saya ae , situation baa been plaoed batata 4Jse aenate foreign eommllt . ' i T l f y-,-v i . -j, G J ' tl r 4 , I 5 t f t An tho wnr departmont ha made