r. -re .-.-i-rr 'Ww S , T T "1 ' V ?4. . S v- i tist HUri'UKO MV TUB IMIICU I'llKMM NKWH HKIIVICK a EVENING NKWHPAl'KRII I'ltl.ST TIIK .NKWH, NOT HISTORY Hltlli Vrnr N. IfllH KI.A.MAIII Ittl .v, ntiDAV, iii:ci;miii;i! i.t, ium Price, Fife Ceata Ik m Mttmk m FIREWATER MAKES GOOD INDIANS BAD DIFFICULT PROBLEM m.i'uiim to i.vrntioit ni:i'.iii ,.....,, tiunw ..nt... ,.,,.,. Vwiv MI..M HHOW IIIAI III I I.XM.H OV IHMEHVATION AIIKMOHILY HI I! 'Ml UIIIHKCV ' Unit n largo mi. I then liinilit mound tlio Initilrr. iii'il mmnliiiiull) In ihn Mii'tnfii of In li'iicrMilliili, D(iiinlf)ii.ill) lrn. i.iiiiitllilo fliarnt Inm ltlft nnln tln mntliin lin lmn bm-ii miKinrtnl i' muiiKKllug llitlor v, lllilu tint 1 1 in, .) Imvu liii'ii nuiiiuuiilly illninUfii-il. .ml llm Krrntml vlKllainn Ium to i rmi(i. in bring ihn iron'r pn tiloli- " mi ilwilrn nml nllii'iH Mini (uir- ' 'lin ttufitr Iiiiim iriltlr nnl fur from ' unit nf llm iffiTtiillmi 'It' In n iiiutnlliili finin nun nf Ihn rid iiiado liy ('niilnlu O (' Annli-- lluil n litrf.ii poreunlni;.. ut tho .mild primUm, , hop,, of llndlng nut ... ...... mru liuiiblts which hitWt mado Ogllnnto ivIuiHm. initpoiiiilhl,. luilles nro" IINIIrK IIH.Krr llr .lllllRT ntcossarynii thu Kliiiniilli Imllmi rt. AkhIii llio hki-iiI mild "It U lru. UI,UL" UlUHUt Ul UUUUl riMlnil illirllllC lirliiili ! H U nf iotirm tint with tint rapid d"elnp'i ', shown liy III" ngfiii) ti'pnrl to Dm iiient nml tt"tlloiuut nf Hm nxf milt.- (.i.iil.-n (.nlr .Iml.i llcniniln.w llutt tliimilliiflit tr tlio llilnrlor mill j.-nr rniiiitr mljiinnl In tin. r.-n.TS nllmi I,) Wllll. ,,., fur Mii.vs im Oiil Hiirll iuiIi-i ur rIIIn of lliiinr iin iiiih lilli itpli. imirli uri'itli-r rnrlllilra ., ,..,,,. . . ,' . .. cnl whrii tin ham Itnll.tli iicint fnrlfn Ik Cliunnlli rrmrtntlnn rlin mil or llllt It ll'iunr irnltlr ii ' ml tlio oiitnklrtH nf Hi" rtvi'nn Mi.ii iKM'inn o grow w It li tin. Iiirrraiu. r nlut ttltliln til (i Hum, nml In til ttam n tui'tinrn In tin1 iinrn nml linm t rltv ul our nwrvnllnii troii ll nlhi'r nvlU rninliliwil nrn tint mi ilc tlrurllvo In Ihn irn"i In or tlio In 'linn no irodurtlvit of i-rliim nml lur mil, and mi illnroiiMKliiK to ini'ii nml niilili'll who labor Id odlir.iln I limn inopln ami fnnlilnn tht'til Into hniiy inHiirkrriT ami worthy rltlnnit nf our grt'iit rpimblln an HiU mm thing Tim i'iiM wllli whlrh any mill, no 'imllcr whnt hU rhnrntter, tan mTiiro KiitiTliliirnt llri'tKo to "I'll ltiiinn v Ihn K't I ton ou-n mi tin) linn nf til1' 'inliiin rt'tiTtntliin, In ri'i'i'iinillili' for iiiurh of tlio trouble Tlt nnthnrll) lin" nut rotifer iiiun Mm thu right to I'll In I I'M iiiaiitltli'ri limit a gitlluti K.i Iii any iiiautlty In an Indian, hut in. . tnlilli(ln'K hlrt il.irn or litiltiosn. . lo olimTto Ihn Inw but to innl." "iimy, ninwity, ever) way, imimIIiI "it my, niDwny, over) ii). H",,i.ii.-, t,, , , , (t0 .s1(rniiiento lull y ml ho lliitls ilovluus wn)H, through ,, , ntl(I,..i , tnu front Itnl) three ,,l"or, aM ' lin aid or unprlnclpltd iisllniiln, lo,irrs ,., nll,i ,nd Ii.imi In Callftirnl.T'"1"1 '," ,'or w".rK tnvity tho lliiuor lo tho Indhtns. and , ,)Itp wock, l' " k,,0l"' '" " m or) illllliult and oflon Iiiii-imhI. .. lracllng publlf. .. . . i, Inleti to wniuott i Mo in Hd'iiro tho nt, Monro uiider hlih an InillrtliU'lil limy bo broiiKht ''lie ii r tn I iitt tlcll.ti'U' Htimt'tliuos rIU llx tho rrline. Tho Indian duo not Mi lo ghtt nway tl ffondor. Ilo wiiutn tho liquor. Tho nftVndor wnntH io owney, nnd lot ks his sorrot In hbt . ,iihi'h hiiiiI Home Judges horllnlt ' i ko ntrlon ng.tlust n uilddlo iiinn ti tirfh over toady lo punlith a wilonn i.t ner. wbllo thu inbldlo mini, tho nlnglng ilogonorntn who tnnu)H Hid n lor in tho Indian moil Ikol) to .Mlu Neclililfil mini in llio tli'iiil iioiir t ' llio night U tho mil) man we ran Uf mi liilori'llng uithnologlc.il find nt mh Wtt li'nw howtiMT. mndo souioi I'niinlng Islnnil, In llio luld-l'iitlllc le nolnblo oxuliiploH during lh last ' win brought b) tlio Mouu.er Makur.i ... . . i.... I. .,. I....... ......In Il.i.r.i li. nr. nnd shnll ronllniio to do what tor In potslhlo to curtail this groat vll." In ii Inter lepoit tho agent refeni lo llio "iluninnhlo liquor trnlllc," nnd nflor quoting Ihn n1ow. hii)h: "Tho illfflcully of Hi-curing ovMenco May Carry Mail To Crystal If Bid Made To Uncle Sam Is Satisiactorv IIIdH nro lining iiskt'd by llio go oiniiiuiit for carryliig in'i"11 n r"'' lews: I'ioiii Klanialli Kill In lo l'.)U. I lulled, via Otlesmi, tliioo limes a week. Prom Crystal In CMewa. li miles and' bark, twice, u w.-ek, r.o.n April 1st lo November 301b. Krom Klomnll. Kails to OtlesMa. 2R mllcH, and back, Ihreo lime n week, riom Docombor 1st lo Mairh 311. liy tho lint nnd third pioposltloiis, which nro for ctrrtim Oo,,nI vln Odemta, or lo Odcnsn only, It la guess ed Hint; tho govornmont Ih Irylug to nnd out wl.otl.or Cryitnl can bo sorv od In addition to Odessa at an outlay economical enough to Justify It. J( the hide to carry lo Oryit well Hi. hH II tjiu I.!.,, L I,. II,,. ,., ,,, ZZ 'KM 111' I CUIUIII. lllllltlllll lit III. II ID I nn hi ti t r nf tinllin, .. rr,.l.- ... it limn slmulil in. inutiiii.,1 fur im,. In I'lt'irln In llv tin. ilhihiiihIIiIIII or lur lllltlllllg llllllH III llllllllllH n tlllllmilll ,r"" '" ""' ""'I" " rtiti.l Ik ,,, nMl. ,,, H,(..t,ll ltl tt ,, wilunhln mirk mini) ,,,,. tin mailer or rmiilnhlug liquor iii IiuIIiiiih I" 'I'iMii III a way mi guarded Unit mill . in" most jiiiiii Iiiiik ilcliMlhii trn ofTiTcil tluiii oi.. funurrlv fur tb' Imllntm lo mrnro whlnkey, ami i tlmt tli"lnk hm'iii kti'Ailll) to li.Tom.' gri-ntiT toionlrnl tl til Theri'iir.. I lion. i wlni amtcrt that driiiiki'iiiinA'iTliiioth) Cnrborry dlt'd In thli t 'Vna UlikliOHii lillliuiir llm K'liiinnlli n ' ricc'lltlv. lin left an inlnlc inlui'il f.'w ti'iirn ago, but Ihl li rniillv dli ....,.,. I...II. 1.. .1... ........t.. .. I ....... -i., ....it. if. in., i.'i.iitm .ti mi' 1'ii'lnti iniirt nml lit Ibumiuf the whlto nun in ailliircnt in t li. rnKiTtnllO'i rl.. ...i I...- . li. .... t I " " Br""" wnii inn inrri'.iv' ivtci T Iiiiik1)', a llrKt coiibIii was of firlllllni for getting 1liiinr. nmljih,. only mn. of thu liclrx lo put la Hut eirnli'M Wgllnnr,. In nennrv nt'mi apppariilico at the llnitl dhttrlli-r. nil 'Inifri lo ir'MMil Kcrloui iruiiblo t lot) .in II IS CAPTURED BY "VICTIMS" llnliliii HM, Willi it Mh. I tit Cm. I'lintl.. t'tiiiinuiuil, I'nlN lo Inlluib il.ilo Inlrinl'il I'r.), Our or Wluun T.tkt'H Him HACItAMIIN'K), Dec. If. - .lo.ttio M.'iiiom.i, a ir-)t'ur-iild linllnn boy, flrod n shut at two men In n Inigg) near llnulerlik In no nllompt In hold Ibolil up, hill wns r.iptiirod by .1. I' MitKotiulii. nno of hbt Inteiiileil litliim. W'lit ii .Mi'iiieKHn, wearlm; it mask. o uorgi'il irnui nut nrumi ami cunt. , ,, . , . , inniidod "haiuU up." MagonnlK lenpod from tho btiggv. nnd donpllo n hIiiiI . ,. . ..... ...,...., .irnui til" li'iiiiii in ii'ioniT iniKi.'ii ., , . ., , 'ill" n.'llli'ill inn" nil. "iiini ium ....-I- I ... IPOMITO.1 niui m.i i i .. . ..... !.,." lli not is ill me mtriiini'iiio inn FANNING ISLAND RICH IN ANCIENT RELICS friiniiili'K Ini'itilli lli'iiutlii'.iir Uirgo1,, sinuo llnlblliig Willi li Mini Ht't'it llulll Wllliont Moiliii', .Muilltlim ,"'""J ' i Vlt'TOItlA. II O.Dec K NhwhI lllHI'tlt'ril'rl llll.u I".-" ..'...' ..v... -v lluinphre) llerkri').or I'lJI, tho form er owner, who loceull) sold tho Inland to a llilllslfCiinnillnii H)iidlculo for ii ko its a tonllng slntltiii to bo wtnli lUlieil In low of llio opening of Ihn Pnunniii t.uuil. Imllfntlng that tho Odosii.i Bi'oin loo high, llio postollko department will probably nero Odes hii only. It In iiollied that tho cnrrjlng I" Odeasii Is only asked In tho wlnt'T mouths, us (ho bonis on Upper Ivlaiu- ...h l.nko Hjr . J i.mmlhs. nnd carp tho ...all. warmer a ... i...f Aiioit. tho San Krni.cUco contractor who Is electing building In Iho Hot Bluing ndiliiion, ona a. it. I.Vn.lnrli'ks. who fiirnlslictl tho Wlillo Pollcnn hotel. nnUed In Iho rtty eg lorday. William nowdoln of tho Chronlclo Btnff. Is convalescent from ii week's Illness, which confined him to his home. 'Iklniul wiih onio luluihlled lo llni IflllH Cxitiviitiirn Ium ihiiiiiIIimI Hi. ir. mains nf i lntK' Meno linl ding J(lf) liy r.n fi.it ,Vf( iimilnr wi nnct lit llii. uiiiitlniiiliiii, ill Rt.,1,. ins lii'i II hI( 1 1 1 r ill l iniilllri'il tiiKi'lliir Nun IIiIh building wiih a tomb ion ii'lnlliK It M in 11 rt skiilctou wllli n neckf. Inn uf tin. In Id nf Hut rinliijlol and: ullii r ciitti liti. luiliiillng On r(,) 0f ti il'K Mr llork Iij kiih In In uin-i tinted Mini tin. Uland uim on,, nf Ilia I.Rlltll! Ilhll I'll flf III. i I'nl. tn.ilr.iiu .Imp- lug tln'lr liuiiiiTiniH iiilKintlium In tlio tints lii'fnn. lilHlnrt uih wrlli n on Hi. I'm llli " HAN I'ltANtMHCO, Hit I Whoa Ml(), nml when tlio will niui" up f t. ..!..... It .. . . !... ..!. . ..i..i.i.' i. ..i iii-ii. ii-ii inn. i ui ., r rryl 'K'td eight liclrn, not hi of li-.ui rttdl In Iri'land. ', .. JiiiIl'o TIiimmiih r (trnliiiin. nflor lonrulng nr Ihn hhM'ii oilier ruintliiH In liolnml, orderod that tho whole niniiiuil or tho fHlnlo bo paid lo tho Chimb uf St Ann fur inaneii for th? ropoicii of llio koiiI or tho lestntor FORBID CHILD PILGRIMS LONG JOURNEYS, IS PLE1 . W. f. A. TrutrlPlV A 111 Hitrrtl III I'orttlllKl 1 0IMM1 lo U'lip Till". Ihnuigti tlio t'ountt-)' l)' l.lltlo iIiicn roltTI.ANI), Dec. If. "Th ought to bo Icghilntlnu forhlddll , ,, . ... , , .' i i iien of lender jenrn liolng Hcnt ,. ' u ", " ,..,,. . ' eliirod Mlits ll.triium, trit-vclera . ...... . t. moieliiry ot the doling Worn . . , , .., ,, Chrlsllau AKM)cl.itltiu. Miss Darn , ., , .... . .. .. . ....' . ' ...n... , . .. ...... ... ..... .l.i.n. ....V nt tho Portland i clou' touch with the particularly as It ro und's to women itf children traveling nliino. "In ouo week," ald Miss Uarnuni, "I lutvo had twoUn rhlldron romo to my ittlentlnn. All ot thorn wort tin dir H )onrit of age, and traveling, nliino Dm. Ilttlo group consisted oil Kr f jj r n, n n-yenr-old child' and it Sl-mdntlis-old lin by. They had Ibrt'o thniiges to mnko beforo they would reach their destination In jsu.ithorn Oiegon. Nearly always tho" thlldrou nre sent off with little mnro limn their tickets, depending on tho ii. .....". o- '.Brlty or tho trnln crow or tho pan- (ongers for tho rood nnd enro during n,0 Journoy." CONFESS LABOR PLOT IF GETS IMMUNITY FROM CELL Coition t.'ijto City I'nlon l-nbor leader Sniil to Ho llencly lo UnhokOiit Him ki'lf, nml Sennit but Likely, Ofllilnlh Admit I'lille.l Press Service i.iK AV(li:i.i:s. Dec. 15. Itonoits Hint n San rranclsco lender Is to son- fca mo curiei.t nroi.nd tho federal grand Juiy qunrlers. It Is .M'.-.Ud Hint ho Is holding out for Immunity. Volt nor Dlstilit Attorney Kroder- leks nor lVdernl Attorney I.avlof will dlrt'iist the nintteit. but It Is ntlmlt ted that u nonsatlon Is likely -it nny ll.no. Tho l.ixostlgntlon resume this nf- to i.oo... t..i,..n nml l.awler conterrctl to- tiny regnnlliifi tnldng Ortlo McManlgnl to Indlnur.rolls. Ho will likely lonvi tn woiiniiy next. J. E. nrnwor, former manngor of tho Whllo Pollcnn hotol, accompanied bv Mrs. nrower, tclt last oventng for San Franrlico. HPIDQ IRQf Til PIJIIDPU ; unhk IILIIIU LUUL IU UMUI1UII r'" ".i'l-'- III l "lllllllll' ITEURS ON TAP OPERA HOUSE n killed to overflow. ro si:i: thehi: M'llltX'Ki'Icntli. mtwji' wiiutiiisu tnu HIAOI. A.MIHTIO.VS IH- rilEllt TALENT ' nr night at lloualou' opera ' it nlglil concluded tliu enl at of Itolicrt Atlion and l.'Ulu wliu announced that tlioy Ihortly ninku a trip Ul Autra- Bo amateur talent exhlhltcd , Iher limited, thoro being butt tneno HtuuU, Irli Turner In aa Confivnco Willi Xntlonnl Com. i It ntut I tinll. Qttin Iti n ttrttt l( Tumor, and John D. I.a He shining hypnotltt nnd ;x- blnelc n rt. Ilo li n Sc-no- and can put 'em to nelop, iloubt. Tlio rait that hu llUtcmitfiilly dcnpltu tlio hoots of thnsu who would hare rted him Is it point In his was a pumpkin plo eating a lot or )nung ullow'R who -polled to crfjoy tlio dollghts Itnl In .mini' their plo-races while their I o t IimI hohlnd them, nrd I good llmo. I ., ,' ... i et l.it'd nlan Miitnvnil tliAlil ... .,,... u....u.vU ...... lit them In n barrel then to see who would find his nnd get them on first. A lleli bet ti cen two lad.i In I 'o which would ho knock. tho Inrrol) wns also en Rc LI I l-WBH h a lot of Innocent Inn In n Johnson sang n couple or It. UIi.h i....A.a.f.l In .. ...i. ...nun ii,.j.r..iu II. .. specialty Tho house wni j (iverflowl'ig, and It Is pre- that tho boxcfllco till wns like- cd. is i 'New York I.llllnn Grahmo Ithcl Conrad wero both ac- lato this) afternoon on bnrgo or shooting Y. D. former lover or Mlu in. ( sop ES LIES CRITICALLY l, TRIAL ALMOST OVER.'" Cum. In Which Ho CiuirRM Krtiinor1Unl,c,lI,-,M8er,M chaiiuti with Niiim nun iwiu; DCU"- Dee- ,15--In 8.pl0,uJld . .....i .....i...i henllh nnd spirits tho king nnd queen .iint.i. .. ........h ...- .......,.... .- Argument Today United Press Servlco NUW YOltlC. Dec. 15. W. 0. Stokes l)lng ln!i critical condition. Tho concluding arguments In the lilnl will b'o today, and tho enso will probably reach tho Jury HiIh arter noon. This case Is ono in which ho charge Lillian Clrahmo and Ethol Conrad with shooting holes in his legs. Ho lind formerly been mort than friendly with Miss Grahmo. Mr. nnd Mr. Tred E. Fleet, with tho letter's father, II. E. Wlnnard, of Lnngell Valley, como to tho city this mornfng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fleot start this ovcnlng for Mollne, Ills., whoro they will spend tho winter with rela tives nf Mr. Flcol, SEASON'S THRESH TOTAL OF OVI'.H 50,000 llt'SHELS of miAiN Tunxr.i) opt nv the OUTFIT HELOMHXa TO L. D. WAIIU ' Lovl D. Ward, who conducted threshliig operations In tho Bnrlng Lake country around Midland tho past season, has compiled figure of tho grnln turned out by his outfit, as follews: Wheat, 30,388 bushols; barley, 12, 522 bushels; oatB, 8,020 bushels; ryo, 1,158 bushels. Total, 58,694 bushels. AROUND MIDLAND I DENOUNCE KUHHIAN AHMV roil kvictino peiihianh U.'llnl Press Bcrvlce TEHERAN, Dec. 15. Mass moot ing linvo been liold denouncing the aMIon of tlio IluBslnri soldiers In In vading Kashln nml ousting Persian from homers. S'lverul evicted Persians froze to Cltlzons aro expected to romnln 0,n, ,0 8llu,tcr. Thoy nro denouncing England nnd Russia. ROOSEVELT RECEPTIVE CANDIDATE APPARENTLY iiillto'iiuiii, Who IiuineillnKly An- iinuiKiH Ho V. Ill Siiptii it 'It till) fur l'Miint Next Yi-iir United l'ress Service Ni:W, YORK. Dec. 15. Colonel HooBuwIt lait night conferred at the Union I.cnguo Club with National Committeeman Ward, who nnnounied Hint ho would support Itnouutclt for the prunldcucy next year. Tlio colonel refused to iIIkciiss poN lllc" Xo'' Aucl Atiy- l'r('''tlont o' thu Klnnmth Water Users' Association, whoso homo ,B ftt MlllamI g pxpected to return 'shortly tront his trip to Chlcngo, vrhero was held th convention repre senting various Irrigation projects. Tho cnmentloii wns prnctlcnlly duo to N.Mr Ady'iTnctlvlty In working, In the interosi or users ot government water. WHO FINANCED BOOM MEN? GRAND JURY IS INQUIRING oniciil I'toio is iiiiu iiti-m-ii to Ia'hiii Nmiio uf t.'enllenuni Who I'liniUlml Wliert'tvllluil to Ortle .Me.Miinlgnl I Untied Press Seruco INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 15 Tho fed- oral grand jury Is sevklug tho name of tho n:an who furnished Ortlo Mc.Mnn- I fal with money with which to cany 'on his dyuamltlngs. Mary Dyonnd Nora Haley, confiden tial secretaries of John II. McNtuuara, will bo tho ftrnt witnesses called. NO AM) QL'KI.N AHE WV.hU THANK YOU VKItV KINDLY returned to the royal camp tonight. They will leavo Delhi tomorrow. SIXTY-SEYKV l)E.l TAKEN t'ltOM UNDEHOHOUND TOM 1 1 United Press Servlco nillCEVILLE, Dec. 16. Slxty-sev en bodies have been recovered. It U bcllovrd that at least twenty remain In the ruined mine, A government crew has begun a In vestigation ot tho causes ot tho oxp'.n slim. JOHNSON TAKES FALLOUT OF NATIONAL COMMISSION Hays lleptibllnin llody Is Itcnctlonary. Hogging for 1'iei.ldentlal Primary it Month Ago United Press Service SACKAMUXTO, Dec. 15. Scath ingly lovlowli.g tho refusal ot tlio ro. publlcnn national committee to allow presidential primary, Governor Hiram Johnson sn)s progressives of Califor nia stnnd on tho pitnclple Hint "In the selection of tho president as In all mnttors, tho people, should rule." Ho sja tho reactionary national committee was begging pltoously for n presidential primary n month ago, but now shows n chnngo ot front. Ho denounces as "ambiguous and unintelligible," tho call for the ua- tlonal convention, and says that tho men who frnmed tho call In Washing ton forgot ono thing tho pooplo. "Tho time has gono by when petty politics can deny the great mass ot tho electorate a voleo In the govern ment," he declares. k Ho tnnde public a letter from l.n Folletto, commending the presidential primary stand of California. RAILS IN LAKEVIEW CAISE REJOICING Wi:illli:i) OVKH FOItTY YKAItH AND DIXIDi: TO .SKIAltATK AMIANY, Dec. IB. Alter bolng I married ror rorty-four years and mill ing a family of grown children, Isanc Drown and Cliarlotto Ilrown wero 'legally separated In the stato circuit court when Judgo Calloway awarded the rormcr n decreo ot divorce. ' T.I... Ii.h I. ..'lllilu .nn.ln.Mr1 aijv; iiu.u uvui nuuuii; nuiiAiiii.-u ror tho prst twenty years, but neither applied ror it ill.orco until Urown fllod hlri suit hero recently. Thoy woro married In April, 1867, In Min nesota, and Drown testified that his wlfo deserted him at Sleepy Kjo, In that state. In November, 1891. Mrs. E. It. Louscr, wlfo ot tho White Pelican hotel's chief clerk, who has been so 111 tho past week that sho had to submit to an operation, Is re ported as much Improved. lto)nl Arch Masons Election Klamath Chapter No. 35, Itoyit' Arch Masons, meets tomorrow nlzht ii the regular hall, fe: tho purpose of conducting Its annual election or officers, nnd a full attndanr of tho rrcmbcra Is urged. PIIPQ'mIITV TflPlV nilTV9" iuiu uuu ium. uunjpj FAMILY GREWON JOURNEY So (Jiifstlnii llecoiiics ItlM for Settling Fov Terrier GIC nirtli to Quar tet of Wht'lpi After CroskliiK the Dortler PORTLAND. Dec. 15. When a fox tenter leaves Vancouver, B. C, for Portland nnd after crossing tho lino between Canadian and American ter ritory Is mado tho proud mother of four puppies, must duty be collected on flvo cntmalsT That question Is. bothering custom houso otllclab from Collector of Cus toms Malcolm down to tho deputy whoso duty It will be to rclcaso tho cculnci. Chief Deputy PIUo holds Hint tho question Is ono that comes under tho htad of "foiclgn citizens, native born." Deputy Uarnes, whoso position at tho main window draws him Into r.itny questions, believes the mother dog Is guilty of smuggling, and should bo so held. Harry Montgomery thinks tho mother should bo charged full duty and the pups admitted on halt fares. Tho regulations do not segregato fox terriers and Ilttlo fox terriers, or ray whnt can bo done If It Is pleaded that puppies so transported crossed tho border under extenuating clrcum Ptancts nnd not of their own ficc will. Tho caso probably will bo submit ted to tho next board ot appraisers ror settlement. TOM LEWIS TO HE CHOSEN HEAD OF MIXERS' UNION United Press Senlcct imiDGEPOUT. Ohio, Dec. 15. Scattering returns Indicate that Tom Lewis will bo elcctod miners' presi dent over John White by 40,000. Heating Hotel Dy Pump For Quests nt tho While Teltcan hotol l'ro boen speculating considerably ot lato at tho apparently orrtvtla charac ter of tho heating apparatus, which sometimes Is lu working order and sometimes not. Tho schome by which the rooms are kept warm Is for city water running through n piping system which con duits are overlapped. In the basement, by pipes containing hot water from the. hot springs, which leaves tho ground at 192 degrees. These pipes of hot water warm the city water In the pipes which run through tho building. Hut the one main factor following up thlsarrangement Is what la lack ing, and that Is a pump of sufficient Until CHEERS GREET ROAD 1'IONKKIIH 11FJOICE AT RKALIZA TION OF DltVM WHICH HAH I1KK.V THEIItH FOR T11IKTY YIVItS PAST .pcttal lo Thu Herald LAKE VIEW., Dec. 16. The raff road has arrived at Lakovler and,the thirty j cars watt since th Novada- Cnltfnrnln-nrftt?nn rallwftv left Rano !hf.nilrH thin wnv la Ml an .. Tum. day afternoon, shortly beforo 4 o'clock the raits were laid o the new depot grounds, and a cheer i rose from the throats of tbo progressive plo necrs that had longed foe the moment so long. i The depot Is to bo built at an early da to ot brick and stone, nnd will cost obout $12,000, It Is claimed by tho officials of tho road. This lino Is the first Into tho county, and many a )oung man and woman went down nnd gazed In awe at tho locotnotlvo that pantlngly shunted the cats about In order to help tho men laying the track. J, X. Watson, formerly register of tho United States land office here, was among tho Joyous spectators of the event, and he shook hands with Chief Engineer J. C. Oliver, whom he met como eight or nlno years ago, and suggested a trip hero to see the mag nificent territory that awaited ship ping facilities. The laying of tho rails marked another dream como true, and perhaps no man In Lake county waa moro glaU nt tho sight than Mr. Watson. General Manager L. F. Dunlway with a party ot officials and guests came In his private car "Lakerlew" to tho end ot the line at that time two miles from town last Sunday. and wero met by Mayor E. E. nine- hart nnd about 600 pooplo accom panied by tho Lnkevlow band. Mr. Punlwny Is not a spcechmaker, but ho shook hands with everyone, and smiled his grntltudo nt the warm re ccptlon given him. Ho stated that this was ono of tho happiest moments of his lire, and compensated for all tho hnrd work and many obstacles that ho had overcome In order to bring about tho desired result. A. nieber, one ot tho local mer chants, had a tine banner floated from thoflagpole on his storo, with "Three Cheers tor the N..C. O." Every cit izen that attended tho affair Sunday woro a largo silk ribbon with the words "The N. C. O. has Mado Oood" printed on It. Orcat preparations are being made by the citizens to cele brato "Railroad Day," January 7th, 1912, when tho first scheduled train arrives. Sunday next a special train will run from Da-vis Crcoy to Lake Tlow to get a number ot people and nlska connections Monday raornlnr? witn inO'ira.n going souin irom mi'. point. Somaof them have said that they would nevetyto out of the county until thoy could i on n train, and the move will be made In their honor. Get a pair of Christmas glasses ot Dr. Hermann, at tho Llverraoro 15-3 Water Is Slow Circulation Is In strength to force the heated water through the building. For the pres ent the warmed wator Is dlfldeat nbout going through tho building vol untarily, gravity, momentum and a s few other like forces being depended on to make It amble upstair and downstairs and In my lady's chanter, But again that horrible word the hotel management Is seeking to iWieve this by getting a puaap from ; New York, which waa but recently , ordered, and which Is expected to aw a here shortly, ana mate n eaiiang warmer than toast. Tnero was a- temporary eoomew eat am r the part ot 'guests yesterday the water circulation waa order to put registers in ta.a-fer,-,f- hop and some ttaer rooaw. t'X'.";' . aa; k. " '..,&.... .! -& 1 i i t I m i v ' 'Vrt ... 4- -.. P" ;, . -l a? n- "T'