y IBS I ' I ' . f'mj''Ba mOTBMIOIIAli CARDS uunuiAr.ii.. WAMUOf 0. sftJKT, M. D. OM HVs B14g. Hn: Oik M4 RaaMMcaill ML C A. KAMBO, DeaUst All Work Qnarantes. 044 Fallows' BatldlBf . Room 111. X , Phots lit m I1I."V ' I. T. KUYKKXDAIX, Attorae? at Low Oflcea, Whlte-lladdo Bldt Pbomi 4J. Klamath Falls, Ort. L MT KUCAPP . ArskJtMt XaMoraat Coacrat aid ftfsat fftrMtaaa a Specialty Rooms 30S-304;Odd Fellows .ltd. I TMCKIXANKOVB n R.aji8BYS KXTRKSS If yon want yonr stuS moved aad movM.aulck. get Ramsby's Kiyrtsa to dO It. Corner Savanta aad Mala streetV Pkoste lt !X1fKXT QUI HP COafBTOCaf. 5S, If ya wast aay klad of HELP. lUtttar at tka COMSTOCK If yoa waat aaaloyqpat. Amatu k. wilsox HARRnMOXLS I CM IT W. KfXLOGO, for I car waara others fall. atr Plftk aad "Walaat. Coi MADAM AXI PROP. TtMMS Miwiii ssd Chtropnsasts Car coraa, bunions and In growlag tosaail. Mmt.-Tlmms stops hair from falling out In Ave treatments, aad a perma nent cure for dandruff. Give us a call. v No. SIT Ktatnatk Ave. Fancy Pastry Whca coaspaay cones yoa akeald fcavs seats tasty pastry witfeoM work, lag roar bead off. Vet aa safely tkJa aeetf. We bare fresh rakes every day, or caa aaaka to yoar special or dcraaytUaa; la plain or faacy pastry Layer Cake, Main Cakes, Cookies of all fclaaa, pougtmult, lir nod RoUa always oa band and frt-sii rn ay. Mocha and Chocolate layer cakes :i- Angel Food cake 20i 8plce Cake lOr Coffee Wreath 23c j Marble Cake Kir Cream Puffs (large) each 9 Cream Plea , ISr Mine Plea ISr Apple Pies '. 15c Fesy Grandpas 10c Cookies, dosen , 15c V Jumbols, doten Ilk Kisses, doten . . . , 18c iJidy Fingers, doien ISr KTC., KTC, BTC. A. . UBWI8. Prop r . E. WHTTLOCK Udftkrf"Efribalmir4g WJUMXMVKLT m Jfcaliiaaiin U Ueraaa UayajallfaaM UataMMajtaaVaKiSiaMt irsj,ias:.(d KRisww). i sin -t--JB The Monarch (km NOTICK There are. funds In (lio city treasury for th redemption ot warrants pro- tested on and befors Max . 190K. In tsrsst cmi from dats Nreot. J. W. 81KMKN9. City Treasurer. Dated at Klamath rails, Ore., this 6th day ot Oc-carobof, 1911. NOTICK POU VllllUCATION (Not coal lands) Department ot the Interior, United States Land Office at takcvlow, Oregon, October 11, 1911. k Kotlco Is hereby given that Ofcar U Carter, whoso postufflco address It Klnmsth Kails, Oregon, did on the S9th day ot May, 1911, ftlo In thU 'otneo morn statement and application No. 04CS0, to purchase lot 1, Section 4, township 37 S. range 10 K, Wlllam- etto Meridian, and tho timber thereon, Midcr tho pro vinous ot tho act ot June 3, 1S78, and acts amendatory, knowr as tho "Timber and Stone Law," at such vnluo as might bo tlaed by p pralsmcnt, and that, pursuant to such application, tho land and timber thereon have been nppratfcd at a total ot $465. tho timber estimated at 20,000 board feet, at 75 cents per M.. and thn land nethlnc: that said bddII- leant will offer final proof In support i of hit application and aworn state ment on the 37th day of December, 1911, before R. M. Richardson, Unit ed States Commissioner, at Klamath Kails, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit in this office, alleging tacts which would defeat tho entry. A. W. ORTON. 10-17-12-26 h Register. .OTCK FOR PUI1LICATION (Not coal lands) Department of the Interior. United Slates Land Ortlco at Lakevtcw, Oregon, October 11, 1911. ' Notice Is hereby given that Ralph L. Carter, whose postoffice address Is ! Klamath Kails, Oregon, did, on the nth day ot April, 1911, file In this lofftce sworn statement and application No. 04 G 40, to purcbaso tho V!S 8W. ' H, NBH SWU. Section 7. and NWU jot tho NWU Section 18, township -'37 south, ran go 10 ratt, Wlflam- 'etto Meridian, and the timber thereon, under tho provisions of the act of June 3, 1S78, and acts amendatory, known las tbo "Timber and Stone Law," at Isuch value as might bo fixed by ap- pralsment, and that, pursuant to such application, tbo land and timber I thereon have been appraised at a total of 1440, the timber estimated at (540.000 board feet at 7S centa per M.J !.., ,1... I.hJ IJA. fht .M .nnl'.l RMU14 ,UU ,MMU ,1U III.. .M.. wyyif- rant will offer final proof In support ot his application and aworn rtate- . ment on the 27th day ot December, 1911, beforo R. M. Richardson. Unit ed States Commissioner, at Klamath Kails. Oreeon. Any person Is at liberty to protest thin purchase btfore entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated nffl- I davit in this office, alleging fucts which would defeat tbo entry. 1 A. W. ORTON, 10-17-i:-!h Register BICYCLES For aa ap-ta-data' srhrvl ct a Rambler, aa sale at the Gaa Store. Teats aad Guns for sale or for reat. We carry a fall Itoa of Sportteg Goods. THE GUN STORE J. B. CIIAMHKRH t freea' Where? 'AND Why? Hist Where" do you boy your Groceries? t geco., Why do yoa bay them there? tyoa aro not getting ike best at Uif Hubt price yaw sre not oar ruabiauws. I VAN RIPER BROS. ' riVNU 851 - THE EVENING HERALD W. O. 8MITII, Editor and Proprietor ' J M. STOWMJi, - Clly IMltor Published daily except Jumlay at US Vourth 8trct KtaMATII KAI.IJ4. (IRKOON TllimsDAV, DKC. II, IUII I CIIIUSI'MAH RKI) CROHS 1IUM , , w I .... .T ... "" "' euncnuoimi .wr. ii riitniiy msi. ruriunaiaiy, no "',,,,., ow w ,,., , ,,rt1, e(lmtck,, 0li Heo. 19 30- who have developed thft butlness of! i, ,.,,,., manntturmg ,h. n.ms In th.s ou.M . . J M;ff Ne, awu . SK tiy have ma lie-n uiinu to ovory coiim" .... .... v-v,.v ...w.. n...,. except money Comparatively fow seem to hno Uid-1 ed to tho temptation to prostitute thlt great Intention by catering In . .... tno rnattoiml. llio lowit ami ino ue ii"" t """"""""" "" j,1Bl.t, Pumioni l nl VU i:U pnneil; ln.ien.1. most ot them !,. dlnarr.. at whirl, tho slude.it. w'".80Vnoi"V.io been wl,c and faP.lghted enough to Wo the best of a Cbrl.tmas awarj"1 ''ingparceU were listed see tho enormous cluratlonnl poasl-.trom nomo. , 'a,,ku1 21. 1911, and bids will hn hllltlea of the moving picture, and lo, Many of tho aludenu haxo litoily !0j,..mlj rc'nitir !3 19111 endeavor to build up their enterprise ! obtained potltlona In tho store for j.;mlHB Cookmatet al, RH BWM. on a solid foundation. during the holiday rush, and will try j' juvi( ncc, n-31.9;' $1,000, ' . In no way Is this bettor shown thnu ! i ' "u,r "" ul ,ulu'" '" "" by the co-opcratlou between tho Tho. I ay. Soma who bao fallen behind In A IMIson cotnpauy of Ornnm?, N. J ,il'dr class work will take advantage and tho National Association for tho ' acntlon lo mtcli up. whlin study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, """' ' lho seniors are planning t llach jear. Just beforo the holldajs,, the Edison company releases to thj,,,1,J,r I I'M Innumerable moving plcturo theaters' Tho university opens again on Jan a specially prepared film, designed to nary 3d. show Iho nwful danger of the "whltoi ' plagun" and to aid In tho sale of.tho'rpnrnil (1(1111(1 1111)1 Red Crosaocal. the little stamp which, M bKANll JUKY by tho million, adorns our Christmas packages and carries Its lesson every - where. The film this year, released December 5th, Is callil "Tho Awaken ing ot John lloml." It Is a graphic and truthful por trayal of tho dangers .of tuberculoid and of tho personal responsibility ot each ono for existing conditions. It should bo shown again and again, in every town in the land for what village Is now to poor that It tin,. nil hiiv., n tmirlvi.. tt.-tti1.. Itl.t aterT The Journal of tho American! Medical Association requests that allnrmltlng plots In which tho Mr.Nami physicians and all members ot char tabic societies ask to hare this film shown to tho public. It Is by far the best of n number of public health films turned out by the IMIfou com pany, whleii Is fully Justified In Its announcement that 'It "has been ahta not only to produce n film of high flrflninllf vnllio. tint nt.n nn nt f-ront Klufatlon.il benefit." NIMPU: .MIXTI'ltK I'HKIs I.V KUtMATH KI4Jtwant to "'aaa-inoney. We show you, r Many In Klamath Knits aro now using tbo slmplo buckthorn bnrk and glyecrino mlxturu known as Adlcr-l-ka the now Gorman Appendicitis remedy. SINGLE DOSE relieves constitu tion, sour itonmcli'or gas on tho stom ach almost INSTANTLY. This slm plo mlxturo nntltVl'tlclies tho diges tive wtvns and draws off tho Impur ities, andiKrpro kro surprised how QUICKLY It Jlsink Tho Whitman Drug company. v aaBBBBaBaaaaaaaBBBBBBaBaaaBBBjHsBBsvaaaaBaaaaaaasSBBvasslBBaJsVwai MEET ME FOR BOYS JIL'l HAXICAL THAINH, Movi.vo Pitrri'itK JtAciuxi:,i JfAf.'lf LANTKUXS Wnr.O.NH, ItMCKKIlH TOOL OUSTS PAHHK.VOKlt TIIAINS WHEEL HTKEttl.NM fOAHTKIt ALTOMOIHLra IIOCKINO IIOII8KH If you are thinking of something for vour Sweetheart, Mother or Sister whisper your wants to- us. Let us fit Granny out in a nice pair of soft, easy slippers or shoes. Hector's Big Department Store UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OCT linimiVQ Til WIVFI ivpnrtmimt of llm Inirrior, Dulled ln at Itia rnle o 8 per cent por QLl IIULIUAlO IU OLLILO, Btutcs Imllnu Horvlva milium, hunt llm 2 1st day of Ket.ni. - ; 'riioroUowlnKtrncliot Indian landajiii-). lOtl. wlileh said Jiidgmoiit waa mo Will Jo to -ilH'lr Home i.nHh Ho immo ot tho awner. dccrlp. tm 30lli dy iiMtciilomlior, ,111 ill, m uo to ii ui iiom. ' " nl,lirilUn, llri... Hlt.iated iin'diiljr nHslgned lo on., lluruo W. Mn. S-ml lulellilf, UIHIo Utliei Will Ktulrmur to Knti-itnlu 'IIh'iiiIv at Kukviu Special to Tho Herald ; Kl'OCNK. IVc. H. Tomorrow tho litulvetslty will clow Its doors for t.h 't'lirlslmaa vacation, mid tho student J f((r ho t w, ,.. , u,f , ." . . ... ,.,, dltpeiiMi nmong theuuelies Iho Chrl nna good cheer. I There will bo n numbei'ot Itifotmnl , ....,l.w. I I'l, .11... ... ...! Vim. V.u.r '' Inroads on the preparation it ' QT10TQ nVNAUITP ffl7 I ultiMO UlllnrnllL uUIL 'M l..v-,tlgatloM 1U.I, I..lii..,..''"'r.,rV.0rttrt"1' mi,r ,V,1'11",,IUP,, .V .. .... ...... . . aN.II. Will. Only Luimiinrat h" - .l.)c Allounl Wltlilii Htm Kix-t f Hie I'mlH' ItiMini. , UnltH Press Sorvtc INDIANAPOLIS Dec It. Secret Investlgntlony by tho Unlti-d Siatraliw "' o purslmse prlco will grand Jury began hero today ot dy- nu participated Nono cicept government ntDlojvj"l,"'n- went nllnweit lo nmirimrh wllliln 310 feet of lho Jury room. Detective Harris will tin among the Jlrrt witnesses railed. THE OLD ItKI.IAIILE If )ou need any fruit trees for 'planting or wish to make good mon-jy isclllng thomt write ufor particulars. r0 previous xportcaco neeocn tr you 11-20-lm Albany. Ore. ALIIANY NUIISEUIES, Inc. ' r ' Oregon, for the County ot Klam- You can't beat Graham's illvor In i n'.b, tablo waro or fancy articles. Thoyll,, II. Jackson, Plaintiff, have a wide reputation. May cott'ai vs. Kw cents movo but ill's waro of W. W. Mastrn, Defendant. which you II bo proud In after years. i nave lots or now Pican. tuo of an iieculloit duly Issued out of band, ail Ihu right, tltlo and Interest I8 Mcllatton. iho nbovo cnlltled court on the 17th, of the above named def-ndanls and day 0f October, 1911, upon n Judg-.each of them, In and to tho follow. TempTo theater. Matinee dally. 2:3a, ment duly rendered and entered on 'ing described real properl. to wltt P. mt Evening, nnt performancii 'the 21st day of Kebruary. 1011, In- Houtli half of thn soulbeaal quar 7;1C, continuous. jfnvor of thonbove named plaintiff ler, northwest quarter ot southeast At Hector's Department Store I.ISP t)K IMIKIIITKU IMHAN LANDS I'tUt HAI,K . '. ..' r,r'.m. 1 did. On tho ITIItMay of Orto- ' (ill it ill I wii til i iuii n iiiTVl iHinFii wp- Kon, mo tutored for mIo. tinder tlio act of cotstrss, npprocd Mntch t07. Tito lamia won listed aeidt'itf.'"'""" "cton teei oi ioi in o( ,btr 3. 1011, and bids for their pur.Ibloek forty-olBM, iMIto flljf of Klani. 'chase wlwll ho tipmtoil January I, 1JI3 Tho terms ot Iho salo aw rath. j Jntiiea Heorgo el nl, 'i Hce, j, .. ,,.,,, iImvvii m.., ii nn.l NWU NKU NK ill VV I. S.. . .... ., , .., H-ai-.l &u. i Itutli John, NWU ,NKI, K NW ''l lv, J, ... M n l.'mmn C(.okman et al, W. Sec. 3 Jl-S; 1300. Hmmn Cooktnnn et al, NWU See. il-31-8; 1900. llmma Cookiunn rt nl, H4 NLHi ie.JO-31.8, and HM BKVi fiec. 3 J31-8; $800. Hmmn Cookmnn et al, NH M15 Vi tire, S3-3I-7S 11,100. Dora Pedro el al, NH SWH J?ce. 1S3I-9: 1500. Many Ann Moore. N HRH, BH SKi 8oc, 3I.3I.S; 7r.t). 2ST, " .op-: cheek.. p.inblu to Kdton Watson, rlntendent, - Klamath Indian school, and covering tO ttr rent of ftii linn, nriiiiinnirii j vii Ul0 ,;,,, Akc,1C)., ,,urlng a period if ,X. ,inyM iror to 2 o'clock p. w, on tbo days Indicated above for each .trstt. at which ilmo llm bid. will bo'f ;,,,, ,lf nn omil,0 ,,, ortlcr of "r i'l at the nfilco of llm agency lo U() ,, ou, of u,c ib pn. !" "f deferred payment sales, 10 ,.l ., .. ,. nn ,. .., acc.mt,iny m.i and ir. per cent audi - lict.nl whn bid Is accepted. Notes ;r balanc nt legal rate of luterest. I Patniit In fee when notes and are psld In full. All thnt i ''"t should appear on the envelopn roo L . ,,',.. L . ; herlted Indian lmnd."aii.l Iho date of opening bid, Any. f thcr Information may ba tad by applying to IMioii Watson, superintendent Klamslh Agency, Ore gon. NIILIIIKKH HALE 1 llu tho Circuit Court of tbo Stale Notice Is hereby given ll.nl by vlr- IN SANTA GLAUS IS THINGS FOR EVERYONE AT niid iiiiiilnsl tliu nljovo nniiivd ilofiiid- nut, (or llm sum ot f HU0.MI mid Ihu (iirther sum of Itu.SQ, with Intorvtt ' cr.l 01 1, duly levy upon llio follow. !,." 'iocriun pnipt'tty, to-wn. ion i. uregoit, iiirinanj nicmns 'addition to ilia lowti of Llnkvllle. 23.lOr-Ron, and I will on Saturday, thn lfilh day of Decemher, 1911, at 10 i o'clock In lm foruutmii of tald day, al the trout door of iho cminiy four! house. In Klatnntli Pulls, Oregon, sell at public auction, In tho highest ntuli best bidder for caih In hitira, nil '.ho tight, title mid tnteniil ot lh abov'o named defendanl, W Mav ttu, In and to nld pramlses nd alto nil the tlttliL.tttle and liiteri 'tlilrh snld defendnnl, W, W. Mast- . bail tit or lo said preniUi-s on and after the tald :ist day of I'nbruary. 1911. logotlier vvtin mo tenements, uerron amenta and appurtenance l railiiln ,nh.day of Orlobcr. Ittll nio Is belonging, or so nmrh tliertof as ma) 1(i mt0 ,,,, M(, be nece.Mry to satisfy s.irh cterji.;,,,,, Nl,, 0,fi56 , r ', ' J linn, rosla and evpenies of sale H,4 w w jn ., D,ted at Klamatl, Kalh Oregon ,S( lw r this I3lh day of November. Ml. ., .,,.. ,,,. ,,, ,., , ". w, ii. iiaiini:h. Sheriff "f Klsnmtb roi.nir. Ore lly M. J. HAIINLo. Iieputy. l.3.3.1h SlliatllTS KAI.K In tho Cltcult Court of the lltslo Oregon, for tliu Couuty of Klato. nth. Unit In t:iilty to Korectota a Mort- gg. Viva. II. Wordcn, Plalutlrr, vs. O. D. Cravens and Lulu J. Cravens, Ills Wife, ni.d (leorge II, Keiter- on, D frtidants. Notice It hereby given that by f Nouwb,r ,9Mi .)0n do.1 prq imiu , cnwi of tt(t)fll i tald court atitl raime and In said roun- ty and slate on tbo lllh day of No vember, 1911, In favor of Ilia above! pained plaintiff and agalnit th above , nnmed defendants and each of them, ,'Hrrrtlng lho taloot cirtalu real prop, , ., ltt ,, f ,S(So(9o, .,., lHt,M .,, ., , .., .- -, ,11,- , V. ..,.U., N. .IW .N.U W, 10 per rent per annum from the llth day of Koptcmber. 1911, and Iba roiti of suit, aiiioiiultng to the sum ot 135, and the eipsnto of the sal. Now, ibrreforo, by virtue of tald jei'ctillon and In compliance with said jwrll 1 will on Haturdsy, tho Ilh ol;day of December. 101 1, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of thf rounty court houto. In Klam ath Kails, Klamath county, Oregon, tell nl public aurlloq, subject to re demption according lo law, to the highest acd best bidder, for cnth In TOYLANDI HERE FOR MEN Suspenders . Suits Gloves Hats Handkerchief sets Mufflers Neckwear sets Combination cets tliitirUr, nml tho HotitliWi.m ,,,, of llm northeast uunrterof null,,,, i0 ttiwnsliln 37 south, rnni id ,,, Wlllninollo merldlmt, tfuiith halt of noitliliiilf VMlnodi, vntl qttntlor ot llio iiiiilliatint ipinr. ler, mtd llm niirtliwr-st iinrltr ot iho niiruii'nui iuaner or terinui so, ni shin 3R siilitli. riuur.. lit ., , - -"- ""iYa Inmetlti Meridian. In Kimnntl, ,. ty, wregoii, toKctiier MH, il, cnc. iiipiiip, ourioiinmenis nri.l niipurton. nren thereunto IioIomkIiik. r w much thereof, as may bo ncctn.nr, t ,M fy tald nxertition, Dated at Ktnnmtli I'alit Ori.nn November lltli, u W II ll.M'M'H MttorlfT of Ktntiintti County, ci-Bnn - lly M. J, llAItNllii, )ru , It II n to, i " - . .NOTICK r'OI I PPIII.U llo.v (Not Coal Lntidai llepiirlinenl of tliu Intntior. United fllates Un.l timco nl UkatUw, Orgon, November II, 1911, .'.'ollcn Is hereby given t tin t Charles K, Wordeti, whose poiinmrn addrt-ss I, .flillllhlli l.'.llla n, ....... .1., ... .. . on. I. i. iiniirr inn iiri iviBiiina oi it . a nrU b,,,,,,,,,,,, hmm , .. j her and Htono I aw," nt mm tsU94, imlghl ho filed by apptsu.-Mt rm, An! llhat, ptirsuatit to surti M.pi rallon, ot'lbe land and timber th n-.m hrt " appiaise,! at a total of n:o, tht timber t'ttliunted al 3 10 on board teet at II per M., and llr land nt lit; that said apptlrant win (Tr Dntl pi oof In support of hi. st'-jilratloa and sworn statement on thn iiiti i)y of January, 1913, hefnto f It. X Lap, routity clerk of Kun.a'ii countr, at Klamath I'ntlt, Orcc Any persnn It at lltrr -otett this putcbato before rntr- r Inltltlo a conical at any lime betmo pitrnt Utiles, by filing a corrobirtol ifl- davit In this ofilre stirs nx (ttt (..iwhleh would . defeat tli 'v A W OLIOS', ll-lC-1-lSh It cur - r .notm:e I'oit prin.it no, (Not Coal Ijir.iln Drpartttleut of the liiitn t,'nlte4 Htates iJind OlT.r nl Uktiltv, Otegon, Heplctnt't.r 27 1911. Notice Is hereby givrn 'I -t Amtuit i'leh of Klamath I'atli, or kid, ba on .pril 7, 1910, mail 'intur saa 'ttono application No 0?:ii for lbs N HUH. H NW' Ikctloa 1, limnihlii 37 II, range 10 ' WllUn tin till'tldlAii lint nird notice of In tention lo niako llnal --l to etttl llh claim to Ibo Im.d abore de tcrlbed, iMiforn 0. It Drljp. county clerk of Klamath county :i Klimtlh I'alls. Oreon. on the ;ctb diy j( fVi'ceinber, 10 1 1, Claimant nniniw at ":-"' Mlko Mntsrlienbacli-r Tbnmu Bhannon, Thomas OV :ik " Itoratto Orem. all of Klamath Pa" Of A W OIITON. 10.30-I2.38h IICKlilrr. FOR GIRLS dolls, ikillv, holi. doll caiitk :ahi:i. hlacuiioaiiiis sew koldino ihill ( aiita Ellt'CATHI.VAIM'HAIliS lilNXIIH HI.TH 'lltlt.SKH, IILOCKH DOLL I'l'UMTl'IIE DOLL IIICIIH f'HAIIIH, IHIOOMH -l 'VH t 1 ..'! "Vfl ; vi t ii. -wt. iAfj, t o -