miuTi nMra.oaji TlV rililb. HUPPI.IKI) IIV TIIK UNITED PRICKS NHWH HKHVICK EVKNIN1 NRWSPAPKM PRINT TIIK NEWS, NOT HMTORr Hlxlli Year Nn. ,i!l;t KLAALVIII PALM, OREGON, TJIUIIHDAV, DECEMBER II, 1011 Pric6a Witt Ik f toe wing LABOR LEADERS TO HAVE INDICTMENTS GRAND JURY RLSULI mi.mui. m iNoiiicit HOI'OIU' ion TIMIAIO.NV I'liili'ii 'r. btvim- n.. rm.M'IM'O, Die H It I when, lit- w iliivil Altlin Murrny. Urn ! wlm muvlvis lilin. Ill' wim ilerk i)f Jiirkhdli nullity, M''jiikIii, fur several tormi. On Jutiu C, l'joa. Iio wna stricken Willi puiiilsl, since which time he llllH III I'll Hlllllll'll to IiIk Iihiiiu. Tin- foldmlng ihllilrcn. Iu-kIi1ih Ilm rtl'loH, Hiirlvi- him Mi-h, C'lRxa1 llunh iiinl Mth It. Vuiiut llutihlns ir,:uu.'l'IT nun ill). , ii. Hunci, f si, ai,( M11111..H H. Heath. In federal niniilov JURORS EXCUSED; GASES NOT READY Mil or inn: mi,!. .wminm if.vio.v niii:i h 10 111; itirn u. i:i H.nntD.w. ami two ahum: likely suo.v 10 hi: maih: b.'llini'il that llli.r Tii:.i... M" Vwisliltigli.n. I). C. of tin. Haii I'riiiniM.i ii.iii.ii'.... v-.'..... ., 1 'n'" r'"'"i"l "HI o hold tomorrow Ills tmnpaiilun, iiiIhuIiik fur two weeks, Will BOO 1 1 III, fllllliil py (,0 f,.,ur . tliurltli'H, wlm want thriii in loitlr, ..... - . . 1 H.i.li.ll. a, A M011.. Jol.nm...... .... ' """'"""i irom u,0 t n-Miloiic.., llio COURT JUDGE MAKES vaix "eitcjrt to find work roll MACHINERY of law TO grind o.v this week 'l.efon. Ih fi'iliTiil Kraml Jury In I.01 Allg.'le. , II In eipi'ded that Joliiiniiiimi will appear, an hi Utile daughter. Iirc-l-1I.1. iII.mI Mii.l.li uly at Hulr Iiiiiiib nt 1 Hour being ma for 8: 30. Uov. J. H, 'HtiiMili'llulil, jiantor of tlm I'reshy- mi riniriii will loiiilmt I lie ht- Vllt'M, United I'ri'H Hrvlt i.om anhi:i.i:m ic. n.- Two in illrlinuiilK will In. returned by t It rtininl Jury Haturday aitalimt iw.i 'irli. Minlrrn. I' Iiiwit JnlHir lenders uf Hun Fran-' TM.'liniM.'a ntttirii.')ii sa he will Ik else". 'Ii.-r" Christmas It U wiliI llify w.rc npiiinillil fur - . . . 11,11 order will. h iaiul Jam. Me .Nntniilii In il)iiiunlli the ,m Aiik'Ii' TIiikh, Two iithur Him I'laiulmo lationli'i ill.. likely In Indliliil nlsu. I'iiiI.th lna) guard, drill. .Mi Mn' Irnl. ilar Kotrriinii-iit wit mux, In Ilk, ly In lent u fur llnllnimMill .Mmnla) A rfijinm thai li hu h'M lluri. nt noon an ohhII! )hih Im-n inrlviM In r', nml iri.imtliin fur hU i.iart urn w.'r.i KlarliHl tmlny. JiiiIko I'urcy It. Kolly called tlm at toniujd lioforu III in In circuit court ( tills aftortioon In llici huim of geUlnc Ruinu worx ror uiu jury ana judgo be foru Monday, hut It was Impomlblo. In micli canes an ono alilo was ready tlio other was unprepared, and In a I which tho Klamath Kails district con. tnliin hut two. Hut tho five counties '11 tlio former district aro compact, well nettled, and enjoy rapid connoc- tlon, In ninny Instances by olcctrlc roads, which makes It cany to get I from ono county scat to another. In tho locnl district, however. It N u different proposition. Tho two counties aro larco ones, and It Is u day's hard travel, and not by rail, to ro from ono county seat to another. Juat whon Judgo Uenson will re turn to this clty:annot bo learned. Judgo Kolly will lcavo for Dalian probably Tuesday next. Intwitl Ii IMrn Clerk lli'iiry Inunll Ims bocn' uppolntod Ii) rimtmaMur Cbilo llrnmlvnburi: to nil ns an 0M111 ilerk In tlio locnl post- B01' mny uolthur sldo was nblo to ollld. fur a month, tn holii out durlnir lnK "P Ui cn,' tlii liollila) rush Ills nppolutment ilai.'H from Derembcr lltli. " SStSMite OOINGS ON iHmo muuniHin ur ruon ... HJK IHIS NIGHT I'orlliuiil Alan ,Uk. for llliiilniiiltc SmklliiK Siilni', llul N rmnr.-l Wild On.' Hint UIU lilu- l'rm'i.. ll.T fur S.iTlii. 'Illllf Allliuiiitli I lie f iIitiiI Jur priibliiK tin. California mil uf tin. ilwiaiiilttnc ram 1 aro IioIiIIiik mil) nllcniiMiii wn loin, Mr.nt iiroKMn Ii bi'lni: tmuli' l-l'.V I'Asr ami n nun s ATOI'CIIA IIOINK'io.Mlllir Dlil )im iir ha 11 HtiiKii frlclit Hid )oi irr wakn up In tin. mlililli. of tlio likht with ii horrible iiIkM man. aiul in to ulioiit. ami llu.l xm nmldn't uiicmi iMiiiriil Did )ni ui'r j"ounlry for a pic I'dltTLANI). I).r. H. Wlii'ii It i-oiiics to iIihiIkuIiik n torpi'ilo boat o wallo. a ilrcailiiaiiKht or plannliiK i llrclmat that will inakr tin. I "Ire I'li'ii'l tak.' wator, Trrd llallln fu'lsnt lionii'. but win n It I'om.'S to tniklliiK a 2."0 poutiil Iiok (Hi.' fin in, not Html car arl. t)l, llallln will .I raw tin. Hue lint time. I imt.inl uf turkey, llallln di'rMi'd that 11 nlri' HUi'kllni; i wiiulil lm Hi" lil 11' .ii- t.MlitaiKi. fur tin. fnmll) illn hit. so llallln sent word Into th.' Ho KM pli-nty. m:v aii:miii:iis wii.i, hi: ahaiit- Ti:i TO SIIAIIi: I'ltlAIHVAIi KOIU i:vr vi 1 11 01,111:11 AiiiAiiicits or .Mi,i:m:i iicitii In the case of olirxer Uros. vs. F. C. Ilnmbcr, Attorney F. H. Mills an nounced that n petition In bankruptcy, would probably bo filed within a few' ilajH. This Is n law anu for tlio re covery of inoncpv As no cases wt-ro set tho sncclal ve- jnlro of Jurors, Includlni; William Ir win, J. H. C. Baylor, Carl Adams, Percy Sclioll am S. I), t.owc, was dls- I missed, while tlio other Jurors wcro ordered to report .Monday mornlnK. short circuit burns face of; cmehalis man HTItOXflfiY DKMOCItATIO . AIIIZOVA'S LEaiSLATLllE United Press Scrvlr PHOENIX, Art., Dec. 12. Tho first IcRlslaturo will bo 4C iloinocrats and flvo republicans on Joint ballot, according; to returns, which nro so slow that full results will be unob talnablo for days. PAVING ToiiIkIU will Iio k iillil for dolnKs by tho Hlks. Of tourso tho Elks' piniikH aro strli'tly private, but nt tin. k.-iiiiu tlmo tho Institution Is a spiul'publlc one In Klamath Falls, at leant no far as notion of Kb iIoIiikm nro riinci.nl oil, ToiiIkIiI, aiTorilliiK to a ballot no tin. which ling been sent out, tho ant loriil herd will cntber to mljiilt n few uiRnlicrH of u now tins to roam In Willie Kolili-rliiR Joint Artisan's Metal Pot Nllw, HIilkiiiK Wire, arid Caus liiK Short Clrt ult, I ho Flash Hlrik lii(C the Man kiln nml fnll mi mi Irj iai'iiiiiit or in i"in. a plenty, mine ns lie roiil.l use. sknlliiK rink, when a larKo rrowii ir"r mH'inl or 11 ouiik' pl in.' rarmerho forest prlmovnl. were kbIiik at )ou. ami )iiu fell fool- l'll'l"''l In n JCO-pmiml hoK Now 11 , Tu, luw mi.Illl)Uri, wlM bo mllRlHl l.h? Well, nil th.'fii thing, ami I "' ,,f "llrl1 """ tt""1'1 "np, n l,l,"'""'"m .lb., ribs by Elks' horns, and will. If iiiori. will linppin at the opurn lions" "'"'I' ,,r '"''I "n. crow mi ono of his mo.rmu wt, emotion, ho revived by iiiiilKht. when that bmidi of fourteen I '"f1"'1'" ,"m,,, " llnllln a "l' the JudlrloiiH use of lacteal extract of Amateurs strike .Iio renter' of thel""'"''1 " Icfrvus aires. This term Is taken from fctni;.. nml start to do their liidlxlilnal ,',,, "" raninsieii uu. iMMKiisitir-, t,)n :lkH. nor r0l,t ,, RKines l.oo.l to see ir 11.. roiil.l Rntlier any or- ttl.n (.nnt Kxft,c.,, H,er B- ,,, iters for minii. prlnie pork, hut "' ! 1 iall he knows. io'Ikiiiioim wereut iniiiKry ror inat that kind of ni' at The market le'ltii: Ktilttei), llallln found he would I'.'.vo HliiutH. When the y,lar of th" foot HhIiIb nml the slftht of friends out In trout unit their Kiire. 11 nlKlitmnro won't he In It Ainotii; the aspirants will he Professor Do t.n (Irani Ids well known mlnnd bootblack, who works nt the Klamath bnrbcrshlp. Ho l.i koIiik to Kite a Hrlenllllr exhibition nf h. iituiilrftn II.. .iff.TM tr. 111 nimini. who r,.i. look him In t )o without H' '"'''I "lln f, " ''' fnllliiK under Ills h) pnotlr spell llu.l i """"' " ,,n lm,,,H' '"c"n; ,'",r, , Willi'1' ' l,l,nr' lll'l.. lailillK.'. ll.'.liiriirri-i ami enouKli lanl to last mm a )ear 1 UHKIIAMS, Wash., Dec. H. Whlto A. Q, Nlmorlck was soldering n Joint In tho street car cable of the Washington-Oregon Corporation, his solder pot slipped and fell on tho wire, causing a short circuit, tho flash hit ting Nlrotrlck squarely In tho faco. Ills left cheek was badly burned, as was also his forehead. Ho was par ticularly fortunato, though, In that his c)cs were unharmed. M .Nlmcrlck wag taken to tho hos pital, hut was out again yesterday morning. Ills face Is bandaged so Notices have been Issued by tho or.)tlmt Ills friends havo difficulty In rec der to members, stating that tho night 'oBitMng him. Ills -faco will prob of Decemhrr 29th will bo devoted iiyjaul)' bo warred as n remit of tho a- IU, STATE IS SERIOUS N.t.ML'KIi A. MiAIAIION, Hl'FFKIt I.VO FIIOAI A HEVEIIK CO I.I WHICH HKVEI.OPS INTO COX OK8TION OF t.VSUH Samuel A. McAlahon, who with Jinies II. Itughcs of tho Itudolph S. niomo Paving company, Chicago, camo hero Saturday to answer tu charges of bribing Ala) or Fred T. San derson and President .Marlon Hanks and Councilman Russell A. Alford of tho city council, U severely 111 at the Whlto Pelican hotel. Air. .McAlahon caught cold In Ed' monton, Alberln, Cni.idn, Just beforo romlng o KliiTnth Palls, and while he was ablo to bo on tho street yestor dya morning ho was 'attacked by so vero pains later In tho day which proved to bo from congestion of tlm lungs. drcn, patrons and visitors onjoyed t tlmo of conversation, whllo delicious refreshments wero bolng served. E. M. Chllcote, Superintendent J. 0. Swan and Assistant Superlntradmt Atlss Carleton from Klamath Fall at tended.. This Is the latest school district or ganized in Klamath county, and In point of territory Is next to tho small est. The land Is all under Irrigation, and tho soil ranks among tho best Ii. tho county. Many now people havo s)(tled here In tho last two years and nre placing their farms under Inten slvo cultivation. There la an excel lent school spirit tn this little com munity, and expressions wcro freely mado that thulr school should rank with tho best In tho county, tho pat rons nnd taxpayers arc willing to spare no expense to secure these conditions. l. will-., tho proMoM himself. Thlsi ',' '""""" "" - """""""," L,,.'. ......1. 1 'Ho. lodge to n celebration nt tlio "'MM, 'lie (1 11 by cutting up the hog and eoii-i erilng the kllrhen Into n smoke White IVIIcnti hotel In tho nature of 'lions.. Ily strenuous work llallln now Inn epicurean and Intellectual feasl nheiirhaln, the wfll known poet, 1 1 ml his famiiiis writings to tho 11111II- C'llm'sn ladles, will do a Hinging nrt.i Albert Cosnd, a tnnsorlal artist, will 1 ri ii'lcr Kiilue rliitmlr ballads, and so on I down tho line, until tint whole four Uf 1 have relinked lht'iiistves of what j 1 1 It their s) sterna. diss Elite Johnson will render her, lilj.li elans singing ml. featuring "Th 1 I 'My City." Illustrated with the fa- j moiis $7,0011 Hot ot slides. .Mr. Athou I v III ho seen lii his funny singing ti Iking mid luimltatltm net. Pour reels of th latest photo pln vlll round out the biggest show ewr nirc red anywhere for the money. If )on want to see tlio fun, better get In 1 willy. Doors op'ii at 7:30. curiam llseri nt K. tr.. iin.ii )ou tan see It nil for 10 nnd 20 rentH. JOHN C. BEACH GALLED BY DEATH 'S GRAND-REVIEW OF ALL DELHI TROOPS (her .10,01X1 llrltUli ami Native. IW.ir . of Arms 1'iis llefon Itii)iil (Jeorge in the Iturlmr PriHVMlon ill nt llie Netv Capltnl ENEUAIU.H IMIAIUT.Wr. TWELVE YEAIIS A HAS lli:i: I.I1W I'dH SOAIE timi-kxi was i:.pi:rn:n , 1K slnm, United Press Service Vim DELHI, Dec. H. Tho king today Uield 11 grand ravlow of all tho troon 1 HESIHENT.'i,, )o,l. .More than 61.00U Ornish una im- DOUGLAS NOT AT HEART CRIMINAL SUPEItlM'ENDENT OF STATE IX. SANE ASYLUM INDORSES VEn HUT OF M)CAL COALMISSION IN LUNACY, IIOWEVEII JAIL DELIVERY FOILED BY OFTICERS HT COLFAX Forger Caught In Clever Attempt to Gain Freedom From Dumnro Vile IniHsetl as ItVsult or' Wrong!) Signed Check That Aloxandor Douglas, self-con-rested llrebug,.who was declared In uino by a commission In lunacy con sisting of Drs. C. V. Flshor, R. R. Hnmllton nnd Ucorgo H. Merrymnn, Is undoubtedly so, and that tho com- Twlcs this numlior witnessed the . l8S,0U lai10 n nilstnke In It find the troops marched past tho rolow- I John C'.imeiou llench, aged SI I years, Vir tweho years 11 resident or llvlamnth Falls, passed nwny nt nn early hour this morning nt his resl iilenre, No. SO, Conger avenue. I Air. llench had been ery low for Hatnrilny evening, Deremher 10tli.lt.omn time, wi thai ilfntli wna not un lit 7;30, will lu election of ofllrers. j expected, lie was n nntlvo of (lien All ineml.fr urgently requested tn he Falls, .now lorn, suoniy .hut 00 piesent. ItefreshniPUl H-31 lovlow, which was hold on tho parade nrnund outsldo tho military encamp iiiient. Attention. W. II. C rniito of ago reluming In Wisconsin. Eloping Juror Gets Home, Asks Food, Is Arrested, Thought Insane WILL ENTERTAIN THEIR BROTHERS EWOl'NA ENCAAIPAIKNT INVITES HFHOHIilNATE LODOE TO MEET WITH THEAI AND ENJOY PRO (ilt.XAl AND LUNCH KANHAH CITY. Mo., Tiled nnd liiigguril n dndclne tho liolh'o for Ewnuua Encampmont No. to will ... , entertain tho members ot Klamath Dee. 14.-ehrged on account or Wn .Iron . men. Q p II l.'Bllll "I 'till I'OUIIIIIOII, IIS U IS lll'llt ''.. .11' tlirtn ilii)M. Juror Waldron. whoso dlBiippenianeo Htoppotl Dr. llyilo'H murder trim, ro nppoarcd nt M bomo today, nnd nvkctl hlri wlto for lircnkfimt. Hit was arrested. Waldron nald ho escaped hecauso ho waa woriitfil ovor business nffnln nnd wifforod with honioslpkncis. At II o'eloek Iio wns hrought to Judgo Portordold's court, nniT tho Judge began nn examination to deter mine whether the Jury ahould he dl- jlnnuni'. l.atei -Judgo PorUrllold dismissed the Jmy on account ot Wnldron's mental Incapacity. A rolrlal will piobably he ordered ImmodlMely. Toinplo theater, Matinee dally, 8:30 p. m. Evening, tint 7:15, continuoui. performance, their hull, with n program and a "hamburger" lunch. Tho program will ho an Impromptu affair entlioly, and will Include mu sical selections and speeches. Every ono called upon will bo oxpected to "suing snow. t"H thory, or wind the clock." All moa'bors of tlio subordinate lodgo nro ea'rnostly requested to he present nnd enjoy the'evonlng with Kwauna Knnmpmeat. . Ing, Is tho declaration ot Dr. It. E. Leo Stelnor, suporlntondont of the state Insano asylum 11 at Salem. Dr. Stelncr, a formor Klamath Falls resident, has written to this effect to Dr. R. R. Hamilton, In a lotter which rends: "Dr. R. R. Hamilten: ".My Dear Doctor I am tn receipt of your letter ot tho 8th ot December with newspaper clippings, Tho In sanity commission, ot which you wero a part, certainly mndo no mlstako In declaring to tho court that Douglas was Insane. Ho did feign and try to string ou fellows with his breathing and spasmodic actions. HU Is one ot tho most peculiar ensos I have ever known. Tho follow at heart Is not n criminal, and novcr was. Ills physique Indicates a degonornto and, probably, ho Is n victim ot giantism. "R. E. LEE STEINER." IIENSON SPEAKS OF SALEM'S OAIT Tho Salem Statesman of Sunday last says; "Judge Benson of Klam ath Falls, who waa In the city yester day,' gave expression to the statement that Salem In tho past four years has grown faster than any town In the Willamette Valley." The Judicial district over which Judge Benson U presiding temporari ly la Inelnstve ot Ive county stats, COLFAX, Wash., Dec. 44. Lo.ils Howinn, who has been sontencod to the Alonroo reformatory for forgery. wn caught In a clover attempt to break Jail here. Bowian waa con- cealt-J on top ot a water tank In th' corridor ot the Jail, planning to bo locked thoro tor the night. He had mado a lamp out of a tin can, nnd had soveral caso knives cached away, expecting to dig through tho brick wall during tho night, but was caught by Deputy Sheriffs Cole and Etsep. Bowian claims ho will not go to tho reformatory. Ho has u wife and nn Infant at homo. Bowlau forged n check on John Keating of Colfax for $25, and attorapted the second forgery when caught. SCHOOL HOUSE IS DEDICATED DISTRICT NO. 48 OPENS TEAtTLE OF LEARNING WITH APPROP1H. ATE CEREMONIES DISTRICT IS LATEST ORGANIZED On Tuesday evening, January ISth. tho beautiful new school house build ing In School District No, 42, fourteen miles southeast ot Klamath Falls, ou tho Merrill road, was dedicated by woll selected exerolses. Tho program consisted of an excellent number ot song and recitations by the school children, -a clarinet solo by Mr. Bpl- dell and music by, Mrs. Russell Elliott and Miss Donelson, and a short ad dress by County Superintendent Swan. Mrs. Donolson deserve much praise tor tho succoss ot the program. structure, of tho most modern arch I tcctural design for a rural tchool building. Tho lighting Is excellent. and a soon as possible tho board will Install a modern heating and ventilat ing plant. Tho building contains a largo school room, well furnished, two entry rooms and a teachers' room and library. Tho Interior walls aro plas tered, tho wainscot and casings are stained a warm brown. There aro amplo blackboards ot natural slate. Tho grounds consists of two acres, nil ot which Is under Irrigation. These aro being leveled, and will bo seeded to gross and flowers and planted to trees and shrubbery The school is under tho care of Atlas Atollto Donelson as teacher. Alls Donelson Is teaching her first term In Klamath county, and If she continues as popular as sho Is In her present school she will be In demand as teach, er In our schools. Tho directors aro E. C. Ream, John Alatncy and Levi Ward, and tho clerk Is J. Russell Elliott. These men wero Influential In organizing the district, and havo worked faithfully In getting tho building erected nnd tho school started. They deservo much credit for tho thorough way In which they have done their work. A community that will tako this Interest In school affairs and- do things In the thorough way In which thoy have started their school, will attract the most desirable home seekers, and make rural Ufa pleasant. WEATHER STUDY FOR SINGLE DAY NO NOT.U1LE EXTREMES HE. CORDED BV .MERCURIAL HTH LET1CS RECOnD LOW FOB SEASON WAS 14, MONDAY A. M. Last night's low was 21 at 8 this a. m against 19 yesterday and 17 Tiinsilnv. Tlin tnmnprnturn nt S n. m.. 21, compares with 19 yesterday nm"..' striking the car track upset Pointer, Ing It being expected to go ahes with the Pointer cave. But Richard Shore Smith of Eugme, attorney for tho plaintiff, and Stone ft Barrett and Thomas Drake ror the defendant, had a conference at which a settlement was finally determined on, $1,500 be ing tho amount the defendant agreed to pay to tho plaintiff. It was a good deal like an auction, so tho story goes. The defendant, to It Is asserted, would hare been per fectly wilting to settle for ad amount lest than t2.K0O.and ao Indicated hv Writ offering $500. Then the eompre- mlse amount waa Increased little by llttlo until $2,500 was reached, rind tho deal closed on "that sum. When Pointer had the case ap la the circuit court here the Jury award ed him $3 750 and Interest, although" thcro were some ot the Jury who wished to make the amount 'higher than this, $9.00 Oor 110,000, Hut the element who were unwilling to give tho plaintiff such a large wra worn obdurate, and as a result the $2,750 waa Anally the amount the Jury rendered Ifa verdict for. The bill of tho plaintiff asked for $10,000 general and $3,000 special damages, but Judgo George No'and. then presiding on the circuit bench In this district, decided that thcro waa not a showing sufficient to pas a spe cial damage Issue to tho Jury, ao tho twelve men men were Instructed to pass on the case as to the geeeral damages tn Issue When the suoreme court considered tho case, on Its being appealed by the defendant tho higher bench decided to send tho case back to the circuit court for another trial, holding that tho lower court erred In allowing opinion of witnesses as to whether It was negligence for the plaintiff to ride standing In his wagon. The upr court said that tho testimony of wit nesses could be allowed It It wero meroly to show whether auch manner of riding was customary. Pointer, It appears, was riding In his wagon across the street car track of the defendant In the good old 'days when the sldgle "hoes' car plodded Ha weary way homeward or otherwise, up and down Main street. The Jar of 20 Tuesday. Last night nt 8 o'clock It was 24, against 28 Tuesday night and 24 Monday night. At 3 o'clock yesterday the mercury stood highest for the day, 40, agatnst 33 Tuesday mil 3G Alondny. The lowest temperature so far this winter recorded In Klamath Falls was on Monday at 7 a. m 14 degrees. nnd a broken patolla, or kneecap, re sulted, for which damage he sued. The $2,500 settlement Is for Just $250 less than the old verdict would havo secured to the plaintiff. ! have a bnnrh of Big Bon clocks, nnd dearest Baby Bens, too. ll-t McHatton. Settlement Announced In Case Which Clark's Money Is Attached Walter Innes of the Innes-Clarke Lumber and Box company statod this morning that'tho proceedings ontered by that company agatnst George C. Clark tor the recovery of money had been settled. Neither the circuit court docket nor the circuit court Journal had an entry of dismissal at the time this morning when Mr. Innes gave the Information to the Herald. The action was entered November 25th. the plaintiff company claiming $3,704.48 as n balance due out of a After tho program the many ehll-blll of $7,(11.11 for lumber furatah- f POINTER SETTLES IN PATELLA CASE AGREEMENTREACHED BROKEN KNEECAP I88VK WINOtt UP IIY THE PLAINTIFF TAKING SLIGHTLY LESS THAN JTCttrfl OLD AWARD Settlement of ILo caao ot II. S. Pointer vs. tho Klamath Falla Land and Transportation company UK nlgbt led to Judge Percy R. Kelly a-ad the Jurora left out ot the venire who number Just an even doian, by tho way having a little time hang Ing heavy on their hands this morn ing. When the caso of Cantrafl n. Carroll came to a conclusion yester day the court dismissed the Jurors. with hn nnAnvmtmrtAtwtm if. !. Tho now school building Is a framo ,houId appear at , 0.cock tMl morB. ed. By a garnishment proceeding ' the plaintiff tied up $3,800 of the r fendant's money on' deposit with tho American Bank and Trust laMiny, nfter which an order waa aMund ..; . ...j , , ,ijUw,Al irum duuss nvury ii, oraawat 1 mivi r v his departure for Dallas, llWartho .' aarnlahment. the defendant naadsui $1,500 on the claim. George O. Otark'g t. contracting nrm is suiiaing saw umij Rtver diversion dam (or tho raent Evidently, from Mr. iMtot ment today, the eaUro teal K V - m 'g "(A -virkVw-flnvr.r--, ' .v feii , r -' ..ife'V -. , 1 ... iMl