'V Ik rialft. rfj; urruM) Mr ma UNITKII PlfMM NKWH HKHVICB EVENING NKWRPAMOM PRINT THE NKWH, NOT HMTOHV A Nlllh Yrr No. 1,01111 KI.AMA'III VAUM. OHKOON, WKII.NKHDAY, DECEMBER 111, 1011 PHOT, Flw fijtiittg CARROLL LAWSUITS QUIETED EOR TIME TWO ARE DISMISSED i:gi'iTV HUM.i:i:iiMi iiv ,,n roll oiiiikiii.'I) ti:ii.mi.v.ti:ii ash onkill iieithim iii (..i ahead t.v law l.'AHK In circuit lourl wllliln tin p&v, hour A decided quietus, for din tlimi bring, haa bon put on lltl'iiillini in wlilrli John 1), CnrnJI hum ii part) On Monday evening iho Ih. ui in which Im wu plaintiff ncnliiil (I. org. Mlnnd and Iho Alliiiuotii Intent icil roiupntiy wns decided ngutiMt lim eaterdny Judgo l'"riv It Kelly tllarulM'tl tlio t'iiilty rami In which Carroll had asked for f f.r. 000 frntu Cordelia l Aukcuy and It N t'nn trnll for alleged conspiracy ngnluiit him In land deal. This Morning the court, after Car mil failed to proceed iik ilefemlnut In (tin ram of CMitrnll ngnlnat lilin. al lowed Iho plaintiff, fnntrnll, to laW an order for judgment Attorney ' M, O'Neill gnvo initio )eiiterilay tliil ho would appeal from Iho court order dismissing Carroll v, Cnnlrnll and Ankeiiy, and Is ripected to tnk.t an appeal from the. order of Judgment nl lowed Hit mornliiK to thn phillitlff In Catilrall vs. Carroll. Ill the rami )otrdny Charles A Hardy of Eugene appeared for Mrs Ankuny, whllo Clinrlon I". Meno and J (!. ttntt-nlr appeared for Caulrnll In liolh tunics In which ho wns a parly When O'Nillt iked for a lontlmi itntonf Ciinoll h Cnnlrnll mid Auk". ii ho wiiii told hy tho court that on pnylng Iho rcnsonnbl.. oxpensi-s of the dofttndnnts In prepnrlng and romliiK .... ..... .i ii... .1.1.1 ' ..em ...r "." """ ... . l,n grnnien, mi, iicicuiiaiii nieu bill for f ASS expeimcD, Including IS'io nttoroej'M livii for Hardy, away from his ortlro Iho d)M at ISO per day Hardy told Iho court that ho not only thought thl whs not nn nxn-sslvn rhnrgo, hut that ho roiiBlden-d It t trcmely reaaonable. and made It only $50 n day with a- tlow to halng It reaionnhle. Thi court decided to nllow Mrs. , Ankony $tnn mid Cnnlrnll ir.d. n to ' tnl ot $310. O'Neill wom not satl fled with tho $I2R worth of pruning cconipllhed by Iho court In fnvor of bis tllent. mil pled lo bo nllowed to settlo at flO, the sum unmed by the Oregon law to bo paid for umtlnti niu-c under ror'nln clrcuiiiMtaiices. The court declined lo modify Its position, vhcieiirnn Mr. O'Neill pleaded pov rrty for hl client, saying mai i.nrr..i.()iiin ft ,)r(,n(,n (f u, fml,(m cinN; was financially unable to pay more (iJ .,,,,,,. ,, unrhniont wnr-d Han $100. nnd could not pny "t mi ncllon by Hcoll Dnld on n note, much until ho could gel Into Iho bnnk, . fof IM,,ri,xmn,ly tr,on. which waa thon closed, It being .V l T( (1 nr(on c.,in(,u n,., nll mi. p. m. Tho court smiled at (his. . , n ,,,, egii.j Allornoy Btnno Indlcnied to tno ..... tk.l ll.n ..Iter nf ItflO W'Olltd UOt court that tho offer of $ tOO would not . , .. it,. bn nccoptablo. The court .leclite.l " .. m ..... a ntf It I ft lt tin fit It 1 1 orner inr rn,...e. ... ..... . """ ant. for expenses in otder o continuance, no being ""'I''1 pininnrr, io h.io.-i. ... """ exceptions nnd objections wero Inter Jcctod by O'Neill during tlio proreen. Incs, nnd at Iho conclusion ho hnd Iho record show notlco of nppenl. Tin court then ordered Iho Inw cas of Cnnlrnll vs. Cnrroll to pro coed In trlnl. lo which O'Neill object. ed, saying thnt It was not proper, con iilderlng Iho appeal pending to tho su preme court on tho cross bill, which meant tho Cnrroll vs. Cnnlrall and Ankony Issue. Tho court fnlled to Inko tho attorney's view of Ihc. mnt ter, nnd said that If O'Neill wished to elto Biilhorltles. lo havo them before Iho court by 0 o'clock this morning. Ho. this morning O'Neill appeared New Livermore Hotel Opens For Reception Ot People After Rooms CluMts aro now being received In the new Llvermoro hotel In Hie Mol hase property at Iho corner of Koiirth nnd Main atreets. Work of fitting tho now quarters for tho ontorWnmWit of guests has boon going on for somo weeks, thelia'r and wholcsalo liquor departments having been Installed and put In runnlg order some time M D o'clock iiml nrgo- d iiguliikt Koing alund with tl,0 ,,w ,MCi but tm e0.l mild (lint Urn en mi hIkihIiI ,i, proceeded Willi or illMillniii'd. O'Nnlll mIkImmI Id lit' liciinl on liln objection hi I'Klirt'H llltlfHI!. t!w ' Ciill n Jmy. Mr Clerk." onli'ieil -luilgo Kelly. "Miiy I not In, henid?" pli-mlcd 0 .Will. 1 "I will hear )oii nfti-r tlui Jury turn been called " unlit thocniiil. I"1 TIlO flllloMllll! jlllnr ue.lt nr.l.ir. I Into Iho Jury l.e: I) II. NlrhulN, lohn I'lirheii, ThouiiiK I, Hlnnle), " vrin Melir. Aleinnder Mi'lioimld. l II Cult dm. II. H I'nrlHh, rioil llnui dciiliutg, II. It. Duiihip, Jur.it, Henri. C II. Under ood, It J. HIii-cM. The Jurorn took their hmIh, 'Now I will li.ur joii," k.iIiI i'ie Judgo to O'Neill. ' Tho defendant oxrepta and ohjetts lo li.tlim Ihl nitloii, mid ilerjluet ti :iiiirrn nun I lie iri.1l liernilHO lliere K a rront hill lo Hie ncllnn at law which croH hill linn liecn illmuliuieil l,y IliU niurt. and on tho cround Hint pinln IHf rne In open court notlco of np. peal to tin. niipictiie niiirl." Minted tin attorney. "Very well." Maid the court, "li hn heen ordered Hint tlio trial pro leeil, mill tho rouimel dii'llli'H to pro ceed. Have joii an) thing to May, Mr HtonoT" "Wo nk t lint the iiimwcr lie dU- nilne'd," ni tho rcxpomio. "II will Iimo ordered." ilcelnie.1 liU 'lienor. Atlorne) O'Neill then ron to liU feet to ohject mid except. illnio joii hnn nunoiiliieil In open court Hint oit will no loiiKer niie,ir li the rnc, I cmiiint hrar )ou, Mr. O'Nrlll," iiald the niurt. "Hut If joii wfU Iho record to hIhiw Hint oil . cept wo will have It mo mIiow." O'Neill nMkod lo linre till don '. land Iho court then Mid that tlio ex repllon would be disallowed for ll." rcnMin Hint counaol Iiml ntinnunce'l i ho v ould no longer npiienr In tho c.iie I "Wo would auk tho court to giro us ' nn order of Judgment," said Stone. ' "You limy prepnro jour order, nrl It will be mmln " Maid tho court. ' Attorney Stone had drawn up nn order of Judgment for $.1,000 nnd iiists. which was prcMcntcd to the, court nnd npproed by Jmlgo Percy t It. Kelly. l Tho Cnrroll-Cnntrnll-Ankeny Imhiics' grew out or n law nrtton iirougtit in IJtOS by Ciin trnl I lo Mecnro $.'.,00i worth of pernonnl properly coered by n chattel iiiortgnKo gUeu by Carroll to Cantnill, on pernonnl property con-j Mlatlug of horses, cattle, wagons mid ,n general farming ixiutpmciil. In Iho, urtloii Cnnlrnll alleged Hint thero hnd tliL- rlintltl nmrlgngo was glvou I ' ... ... - . 1 ..,., ..,,,. rr dm Ankenv mid'..... ,.i...i u.rn.in.i ,n .'" ,-...,,.... , rnntrn rllr,( ,N,r, ,nd been luken " ... from Carroll by Cnnlrnll ami iim ro., gorB ,)uko of b,,,,,,,,.,, m Cnrr rlnlm,(1 ,lmt Woymo,.lh rushed lo tho re.ee. plaintiff Hhould not bo permitted 'o,mt , rrcnc, cnl.er Ilrlnnt reached iforecloso nfler taking imcg mo rmicu. ii., iiIdo nlleued that ho wns dnmng'd In the sum of $50,000 by reason ol alleged tlnlntlon of contract and dis possessing him of tho ranch. AlUHIHII.Nr.r.iNXOTflKT I'HICD TO riVILIZATlOX SAN I'ltANCISCO. Dee. 13 Steanw heated sleeping iipartinents, modern menus and rlvllUe.1 wenrlng nppnrel ramo near bringing iiboul thu undo ing of Islil. Iho ubotlglnp from T. hama. who has been In cnpllvlly for Kovornl months Jmst. IhIiI rcconlly contracted pnoumonln, slnco. Tho rooms upsiuirs imvo uu boon tnatofully mtoa up. nna iom who want to Btop In tho contor of the business district now imvo a European Inn for their reception, uotn tno om and now houses will bo occuplod for n tlnio by Hio hotel company. Tho grill room at tho new location will bo opened later. iiml for n time II looked na though Hi" "iiiitiiiiiiil dillil of nutiiro" woiilil II" Wlillc li Iiml romiicil, hnlf-clii'l. Iliiougli Hi.- foii'Htu of Northern Oil Ifnrnlii In nil kltul of ucnthor, sub iilnllng on Imi rl-H, toota mill rudel iri'uiicil menta. Inli I wis n stltiugi-r lit llltll'HH, Hut tun mouth of (Ity llfu mulct- i':,11""' ""' mK"' '"''.'" '"'I tii.j .-mid in , inn .ijnii fiuilf ill mu Affiliated colleges, lull I probably woiilil iu Joutiii'ji'il in (lit happy hiiutliiK Kioiiml Mm Im tt 111 ronrinoil I to liln looln hut Ik reported to Im outj of datiKfr. I At Iho lltlcolllii initio tlireii iori".e4 i were lediUTeil tlilrt llflilllioou, lunk I iik' tin total forty-one. JOSLEN TRIAL SUODINLY STOPPEDBY OISCOVERY Hint One of tile Willie.' for !( i leiiiliint Im Sen iif Jurnr Itcnillt Im I 'Hint .lory Is IiUiiiKm-.I mill ii e I'lini'l Onlere.l United I'rcMS Hrvlre HAN I'ltANCISCO, Dee. III. Tho I r.ii I of Dr. .IomIcii for ii'dutlng i:the WllllnniH wnfl Mtopped hy tho illncov iry Hint llnrold U'vy, n wllneaa for the ilefeiiMe, l n Mon of Jnroh I.ovy, a Juror. Iho Jury na dldtiilimcd nnd n now panel i ailed tor tomorrow. IICKillT S.Yi:i DIM FIIO.M IIAVIXd AVI'KOI'S Olt.WK Special to The Herald OltKCON CITY- Ore., Dec. 1.1.--j Jiiine-t Uremic n. six feel six Incliex. ( fell Into thu river. I'lnnlly his hnir iippeured on tho surfneo. Then llren-l nan atood up. "I'nf a poor swimmer," ho yelled' ti ii wotkmuu on (he bnnk, "hut I'm good walker, solvation." mid my height Is my. IIIY StllMIT. IIIIIIIKIIY CAHKH, COIIIIT OltllKi: I t'nlled Press Sorvic SAN I'ltANCISCO, olic. 13. Kx .lnor Delimit!' brlbory cnaes hnvc been ordeied for niml trlnl Snturduy beforo JiiiIko Lnwlor. Aba Itucf will probably como from Kan (Jiientln to teNtlfy. DUKE, DUCHESS, PRINCESS ON STRANDED SHIP DELHI, ltrltl-.lt Stemiier Ciirryliig Tilled Kng IMi Folk Gih-s Asluiro Near CK'' Triifiilgur, anil the Token Off PaM'iigers An J United Press Service tllllllAl.TAH. Dec. 13. Tho Hrlt Ith stcataer Delhi, with tho Duko nnd Ducheas ot Fife nnd Pilnress Alcxnn car J ; j ,1.1111 t'liiiniv ,....., .CnlH) Trnfnlgnr with tho sea heavy !' ,,., ,., ,.. ,ook - tho n.raellKC11). Tho Delhi wns bound far Egypt. WANT CONGRESS TO GIVE CHANCE 10 POPULAR VOTE I'or I'rvNldcnt nnd Vlro IVcsldent, Ho Cnlifornln Keiuito Adopts Rcsolu tloR .UkliiK Hiibmlsslon of COnstl. tiitlonnl Amendment.'' United Prera Servlro BAOUAMKNTO, Dec. 13. -Tho Ben uto unnnlmoualy adopted tlio Sanford icsotiitlon calling on congress to sub mit a constitutional nmendment pro vldlng for tho election of proaldont and vice president by dltoct popular, r.ntlonal voter Tho Ilowltt-Prleaker hill, a compan ion to tlio public utilities bill, bus 'been ngrecd upon by sponsors of tho public utilities bill. It gives cities which rotnln their present powers control of public util ities, unless tho cltUong torco an elen. Hon to glvo powers to tho railroad commission. Tho aonato will adopt tho Thomp nn roonnortlonment bill today, nnd ii, nsaemblv vote tomorrow. Thero may be a deadlock. BROWER OUT, MAY GO TO OAKLAND .M,.VA(Ji;it OK WIIITK I'KMCAN HI,l)lli:.VI.V IIIUNH, AND IH r.VIIKHHTOOl) TO HAVK OITI.II i:ii:viiK'itK .1. i:. Iliower linn resigned ax man nger of tlio.Whlte, I'cllcan hotel nnd iV, I'nul JolwiMon In acting In thu cniinclty of head of tho hostelry for tho protunt. -Just what led to tho m-algnntlon 10 unexpectedly could not bo lenmud today, hut It lit rcportod i Hint Mr. Ilrowcr has an offer from nn (Oakland hotel, and will return to tho lOolden (Into neighborhood, from iwhenco hu ennio to this city. Mr. Ilrowcr haw Mccn Mcrvlce with JHomo of tho bcxt hotels In tho country, and Is an experienced Inn keeper. Iln w-tiH engaged hy tho Klamath Davol- opment company some tlnio slnco to ! Imvo chargo of tho Whlto I'cllcan, and canto to Ktamnth Falls k couplo of months or so ago to take tho manage ment of tho now homo. lie engaged nil tho principal factor.) In tho working forco of tho Whlto 1V1 lenn, Including somo very good peo ple, nnd It Is largely to his credit Hint tho hiiMpltallty of tho pHco was put In good running order at tho atari. DEMOCRATS CROWING IK ARIZOHAOVER VICTORY Itepulillcnu 8tnto B'cretarjr C.mcixl.t Ikefcnt of Ills Party With KxcTiKlon of (he Candidate for OrTIco of Htntc TrrtuurcT United Prrss Berne PIIOKN1X, ArU.. Dec. 13. Bcpub. Ilcan Stato Secretary Hayes concedes thu election or the entlro democratic sti.1o ticket with tho exception or Fred Cleaveland, candldato for stnto tirnsurcr, Ly majorities of about SOI). .Democratic Chairman ,Illrdno sar. tho majority will be 3,C0O. . Voting was heavy, hut returns are so fragmentary that a comprehensive estimate will bo Impossible until later IFREE TEXT BOOK DEBATE SPECIAL SENATE ORDER o Meniln-r of 'nllfornla Upper llousi Wlll'llo Kxruked, and One Dclcgato Will Do Drngg'd From a Sick lid to Vole on Qiicktlon - I United Press Service 8ACIIAMENTO. Dec. 13 Tho freo text book bill argument Is up for n special order In tho senate at 2 p. m. tomorrow. i Tho result Is doubtful. -N'0 ono wl" ue excused, and Senator Lewis will bo dragged from a sick- i,(il to vote. ACCUSED OF GIFT CONTRARY 10 LAW MAN IX JAIL CIIAtHlKII WITH GIV INO INTOXICATING MQl'OR TO INDIAN OXK IHtAVF. IS ALSO AHHKSTKD Qua Ilcdeker was arrested yester day by Deputy Shorlff James Wheeler on a chnrpo ot furnishing liquor to an Indian known ns "Hunchback." Deputy Sheriff John Schnllock ar rested Jack Palmer, a Klamath In dian, on a charge of drunkonness, nt the-requeat ot Kelson Watson, super intendent of tlio Klnmath reservation, and tho officers nro after another In dian known ns Copperllold, who Is al leged to bo mixed up In transactions Involving tho handling ot Intoxicating Damages. J Hatter That Will BaltYoar Taste We have the finest resh separated country butter. Made like creara orlee make It, for 7 Be per roll. We got a limited amouit ot this every woek. v 11-lt FULTON MARKVT. 1 Mr. and Mri. Hoy Wright and (am Hy, wlio Imvo IK en spending a few days with Dr. and Mm. Ocorgo I 1 Wright, left this morning for Boulh- em California. Thoy oxpect to upend ' tlio winter In Pasadena, whore Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright nro now pet nmncntly locatod. AVIATOIt'H DKAT1I CltAHII iiFHtrr ok man flyino United Press Bcrvlco PARIS, Dec. 13. Lieutenant Chav. l.nntheaumc, aviator, was Instantly killed today at Ktamps. Ills monoplnno fcll.l.GOO feet. VALUABLE LOVE, THIS OE HUSBAND THAT WENT 1'lr.l Wife Ool a IHvorro After Allen. ntlon, iiml Xuiv Obtains :,UUO of Mm end Wife's Money us a lUlm lit U'liunthd Ktt'lings United Press Service SEATTLE, Dec. 13. A Jury hoio today fixed thu value of a husband's lovo at $35,000 when It awarded that sum ns damages to Mrs. Kllia A Phillips, who sued Mrs. Mattlo A Phillips for $100,000 for alienation e: her husband's affections. John W. Phillips, tho husband, had disappeared, leaving his two former wIvcm to fight It out for thcmselvp.i In court. Tho defendant Is reputed to ho worth $2,000,000. Tho first Mrs. riillllps secured n dlrorro In 1909, after tho alleged nllenatlon occurred. Mrs. Phillips No. I says Mrs. .'lilt 11pm No. 2 won John's heart by proni Itlug to leave him all her money after sho filed, and promising to sharo hor 1.000 monthly Income svlth him while, she lived. TO KMI IXIIUMKIt I'HOIIK ALL AUTIK8 COXHKNT United Press Rtrvlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 13. All parties In tho Lorlmor caso have agreed to spotdlly end tho Investlta llon. Senator Lorlmcr will probably tes tify beforo tho caso closes. 'The kind mother used to make not tho shlppcd-ln goods, but home made l&c per pound. We keep this class of goods constantly In stock. 12-2t " FfJLTON MAnKET. ALLEGED BRIBER GIVEN LIBERTY WITHOUT BAIL In llnln Case, ns Ho Is Already Vndei Bond lu Other Charge Prosecut Ion Miiy Wnno to Meet tho J'Uhes of lluslness Men United Press Service LOS ANQELES, Dec. 13. Judge Young today allowed Detective Frank lin, accused of bribery, to have his liberty on his own recognlianco In tho Haiti caso, as ho Is already under $10,000 ball In tho Lockwood jiribery Issue. No Hmo for trial waa set. It Is bellovcd tho prosecution will peter out to meet tho wishes of busi ness men, who deplore tho undesira ble publicity. ARIZONA A STATE, IS" DESI6N0FDEM0CRATS Orcat Activity Among Political Par- ties Standpatters Anxious to Hold Oflice Adherents of tho llootei' Party Opioed. United Press Soivlca PHOENIX, ArU.. Dec. 13. Deter- mined to block a political scheme by federal offlcs holders and republican standpattors, which Is designed to provont tho admission ot Arizona cu n stato, tho dominant democratic par-1 ty yesterday had watchers at every) polling place In tho first state election ever held in Arlxona, urging their friends to vote against the recall ot judges. When President Taft vetoed tno Arlxona constitution an amendment waa framed for thl election killing that provision. The democrats, eager for statehood, were anxious that the amendment pas. Their opponents, It I said, were throwing all tbtlr force yesterday Into an effort to de teat the amendment, and, eoasequent- McNAMARAS' BOSS DYNAMITER SOUGHT ly, to provent tho admission of tho stato, and thereby to hold their Jobs. John J. Dlrdno, chairman of tho democratic stato central committee, today claimed the election by a ma jority of 3,C7C out of a total estimat ed vote of 21,000. Tho enabling ace of congress disfranchising 7,000 ollgl blo voters by allowing practically no one to voto not registered In 1007, re ceived much condemnation, and thU has been ono of the Issues of tho cam paign against Itnlph II. Cameron, ter-J rltorlal dclcgato to Washington, who Is running for tho United States sen ate. Chairman J. L. Hubbell of the re publicans will win by a majority ot l.noi, but several ot tho leaders of tho republican, party admit defeat. Their real tight was for the election of Cameron, who with Moral A. Smith ai running mate, put up a hard fight against Henry F. Ashurst and Mark A. Smith, the democratic aspirants for senatorial togas. Tho democrats claim a two-thirds nitjonty In the stato legislature, and ronredo only tho counties of Plmi nnd Apnrhc, and flvo members In both houses to the republicans. W S. Dradford, state secretary of tho socialist party, claims tho elec tion of two members of his party to the legislature. It Is estimated that tho socialist voto will total 1,000. INDIA'S VASSILA6E ONCE I0RE ROYALLY ACCENTED Durtttr, Hreac of Hatrhlrasj Splrador, So Appeals to King George That 1! Announces the Removal of Capital to Delhi From Calcutta U.'ltcd Press Service DELHI, India, Dec. 13. Indla'j vaaanlngo to Great Britain was again formally proclaimed to tho world to day when, In the presence of 100,000 persons, representing some 300,000, 000 subjects, 1C0 natlvo rulers, knelt In hom&go to tho head of the alien houso ot Hanover and Saxc-Coburg. King George was so pleased with his reception that he announced ho would rcmovo the Indian capital from Cal cutta to Do! hi Amid scenes of barbaric pomp and magnificence, unequalled In the his tory ot India, In tho great arena whero Queen Victoria' was proclaimed ompress by Viceroy Lord Lytton In 1S77, and whero King Edward was proclaimed by Viceroy Lord Curxou In 1903. King George tho Fifth tho first reigning English sovereign to visit the Far East announced his own succession to tho Imperial throne. Tho fact that every week moro than 6.000 natives aro dying from plaguo. thnt hundreds of thousands are on the ergo ot starvation, and that tho splrl: of sedition abroad In tho land Is re pressed only by England's strong dis play of forco, wns apparently forgot ten for tho moment. Tho Oriental setting, tho glitter ot tho royal crowns, tho gorgeous robe and Jewels ot tho Indian princes, tho thousands ot brilliantly uniformed nnd superbly disciplined troops, and tho varl-clad host of peoplo of hun dreds of races and creeds combined to niako a series of tableaux of sur passing splendor. Would llcfotcr Hoot of All Kvll Suits for tho recovory of mono have been entered against Georg? C Clark by tho Innes-ClaTke Lumber emnrmnv throueb Attorney C. M. O Nelll, and by G.J.Bradbury, througu Attornoy W. II. A. Benner. Government To Probe Bribery As Well As Dynamiting By Labotites United Press Service I OS ANOELES. Dec. IS. wnn resumption of the fed"rl dynamiting tniulry it Is learned tnat Attonot I nwlor la to .nlarge IH scope and probe' Into bribery allegations. The local Inaulry Is to concluda within ten days, and Lawlor will go to Indianapolis. SAN FRANCISCO MAN Mi'SI'KCT IH LABOR LEADER, AND HAS IIEKN MI88IKO SIHCE AT TENDING TIIK CONVKXTIOX AT ATLANTA United Profs Scrvte LOS ANOELES, Dec. 1J. Assist ant District Attorney Ford says that a prominent 8an Francisco labor lead er Is responsible for the dynamiting ot tho Times building, and that Has McNamara took order from him. He says that when McNamara left the East neither he nor his brother J.TWV tho Times was to be dynamited. IK1 saya the men baa been mUsiig slnco he left New York for thl coast after attending the Atlanta conven tion, but Is being shadowed, and caa not escape. Ford says ho wilt be arretted and convicted, asserting the suspect waa In Los Angeles at the time ot the djnamltlng. HEM) HALLOT FRAUDS AUK STinniNG W BURY BUltU BEND, Ore., Dec. 13. The city council has'liold two meetings the past week for the purpose of canvas sing the returns of the election held hero last week, but aa yet has not accoptcd the reports as signed by tha judge of election. At a mcetlng.held Thursday even ing It waa ahown that the first afty names Included seven rrauaaieai votes. The council met again Satur day ovontng to discuss a thorough In vestigation. According to the returns, Dr. V. C. Coer the present Incumbent, was re elected mayor by a majority of St votes over J. N. Hunter; F. Dement, S. J. Spencer nnd A. L. French Were elected for tho two-year terms, and H. E.- Alen, J. H. Wenandy and M. . Lattlntor tho one-year terms. This was the first election under the new charter, and the vote cast was tho largest In tho history of the city, 307 votes having been accepted by tho judges. RESOLUTION Whereas God, in his supreme wis dom baa seen fit to call from onr midst our beloved brother, John R. 3tllts; Therefore, Be It resoived by the Worshipful Master, Wardens and bro thers of Klamath Lodge No. 77. A. F. & A. M.. that In the death of Brother ;ohn R. Stilts, this community has sutrored tho loss ot a patriotic and energetic cltUcn; the city of Klamath Fnlla an unrlcht. conscientious -and bnoorablo' business man, and the Ma-1 sonlo fraternity a beloved memocr, and, 1)3 It turthor resolved. That we. tha Worshipful Master, Wardens and bro thers of Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M proclaim the sorrow ot th's lodgo over his death; extend tho uym pathles ot Its members to the bereav ed family; order this resolution to be engrossed upon the minutes of the lodgo by tho secretary, and a copy to b. delivered to tho bereaved family. MARION HANKS. F. T. SANDERSON T. W. STEPHENS. Uyndman Divorce BUI Filed Fred W. Hyndman has filed a bill for divorce from Myr'a M. Hyndman In Hie oflice ot County Clerk De Lap, II. A. Renner Is attorney to.- the plaintiff. contrary to axnectatlona Fredericks ha actively resumed prosecuting, and norinna ulii tn hn Imnlleatad la th Times dynamiting may face charges. ?'. H plans to arrest a well kaowa Cal- Ifornlan who directly assisted JsWl): Times. V A? J n. la uuAmt aiiHssssaMisW . -., - .. ..J., T .. ' - H-..fe.i,ijw,.-iJB. M r -STvJ -l I l '. v' ?iH1 -;,: r