1 FOR NEWLIBRARY PETITION IS OUT i JCOXTIXUAXCi: IS CAKItOIX'S PI.KA LAUNDRY PIPE HAS PRIOR RIGHT rnitiiTU opunmo toe ddrpdcqciue "i, ut l,i,,,r ,,,i ,M,,v riw'i bUliniT olinUULo Ant rKUuntoolK,limi ,v.,Uirt excellent cwp ttit )er. Motion (or runtlnunuce. of tlio 'irliil of Cnmitl x. Cnnlrnll mitdo by .1). M. Onelll for the dcfcndttnt. n np toilny bc(oro JudRO Percy H. Kel- ,1 in circuit court, .xtiurut.' v.uiiini county covin wii.ii hk'.wkkii s,fno '"J1 Uic ,,M",,,r '"'"""'"J It lint tlio motion mti not miulo In Reed It) I.KVV SPKCI.U. TAX nltifAuii, which caused Attornoy Onelll1 MAIXTKXAXCK OAUXKIK r thftt the Intimation xxns no ..... filVM .. I11V. ' ntotninc which exer dropped' S1A1 unr.lUjli.ui.Mi from tho lip ot man. Ho said nothliiR. ; Mtors, Inspottor for tlio 'nbout woman. id-urlli sewer unit, reported to the A petition lit bolnR circulated In Mr. Onolll nrKtied that ho wn suf.' council iit night that tho Klnmath this city by tho Women Library fTlnc fnm chronic throat affliction l'.ilN steam Inuinlrx ban a pipe con Club, to hnvo tho county court levy ami that Dr P.irkcr hail examine! xe.tlru hot ttittoi to Its plant which nn aJilltlonal tax of one-half mill on 'him onlx thlt morntnp Ho tin- If In tho va of tho proposed sewer. (Continued fiom I'uko l Thoy lmxo slutted n, muvo to secure i sutsitt licet fitetoiy, anil uUo liunn to 'hnto n ercniueiy a noon im thoy can tttlso t'lionith cnvtiv to provlilo It with rrenm. inn wATKh iomu ir in ix iioad OP POPKTII SCWKII IMP. HIT was riiv.ui: riusp, so nrv I'utvs si:coxi num... hnto xittiM ivitrmm spiclal tax In or der to IciiRthim tli term to oIkIiI months. Thorn mo n number of now tamlllm In this district, ami tho kcIiooI llotnenutde Mliiceinenl la fuller than It bus boon foi it uum- 'fi0 Mint mother used to iiiitHe her of tears, inot tho shipped. In isotxts, hut home- On Tliumilii) tho school in ttliiislnlmndi I Ro per pound Wo keep this View ttn tlslted. Thin la In tho nrwUlaint of ituoiU rontfttntly In mock nil tho assessed property In the coun ty, for purpose of malntalnlns a new library xxh.cn one may bo built. Tho proposed tax would xlold $7, COO per ycr, and In aimed to bo Imposed un der n no. state law which permits It to bo levied for the purpose Indicated. Tho club has been In communlci tlon with Andrew CarnCRle. xxho plves library buildings on condition that the recipient assure maintenance of the Institutions, and bellcrn that his nttl tudo Is an cncouraRlnc one. It Is hoped to Ret a 110.000 bulldliiR. 6. 0. P. CONVENTIOM WILL BE HELD IK WINDY CITY National Itepublltnn Cominlttiv Ticks June IMtli Next it Date for llejjln. nlng of the StrtiRKle for Hie Presi dential Nomination United Prea Serlr able to m when he could Ro on xtlth and that D. 11 Campbell, who owns the trial and unable to make a stxorn tl e Inttnriix- tMcd that tho plp had statement, im desired by the plain- bcon there toi n'x )cnr and xtould re tire side, on this point. Ho said that Irwin theie (cm wiik time In the (ti the motion xxns made purly owlns to'tme hi own disability, and not on nnyj i,,. ,ttorne) Horace M MannliiR lml ftirnUhed br his client nor be-L-r..,! - n un... uiil. Mr rmm. ... . .. ... ... .(....it ! .. .-..... ...... ... .....t- ran so the client had not been willing i,0i MntlitR tb.tt the laundry pettplo i.i iui-.li.. iiiwuii.t .in.. .vi ...-. " ..... "j i uno a prior nmii n. agiuim ino ruv, together. land that the city If It chanced th Jude Kelly said that the burden of position of the pipe to nrrttnimodato know Ins thnt a continuance would Im'tho setter, would have to do o at Its asked for rcted xvlth tho defendant own expens The Inspector wn nu at the time the enso na ret for trial. thorluM to hato the work done at land that the plaintiff wa entitled to tl.e exiwuse of tho city Major Tre.1 cost and disbursement attendant up-'T. Sanderson said It would not cott on m.tklnR preparation to ro ahead more than J2 50, and that he would with the caso at this time. It the tie-, do the dlRKlnR himself for that The (o ml nut wanted to meet thee Items i council laughed at th. low estimate and defray them, tho case would beo( hi honor Meiers said It would continued, otherwlso the court would, cost considerable titer IS 50 ro ahead with tho rase at 1 p. m. Knlllnc this. JiuIrc Kelly nld xery ItrTUnDlf' DC IliTCOIIDDlUO plainly that motion for it non-sult nClnUnnUr mlLltUKOflnO would ho entertained. When the case camo up at 1 p. in. attorney (lied affidavit of expenses totallnR G3.' rn which the defense determined to lite courter nllldavlti. I hate .nununhbi article In all lint of Jewelry. Pine line of xrfttchns for elthrr ladle or Rentleinon" It ou nto k 'Ins '" Kljt watclira a pre. tit IM lil.o to liir.toum slock I and the Janitor work I w) ,imke xou it prlcV'n Reed roo.U TO FACILITATE TRAVEL xx-.tutiivriTfiv n. . nv ! l The republican national commlit.c0,"'1"1'0,1'""0 tor 1,e P"P decided that the convention .hould l-c ra,lon ot ,h lMt" W- 0 h held at Chicago. oprnlnK on June lO1.' "' "" ,,ut ov,'r ,,ntl1 UlT ln With tho Hlllcj-itltch- ",r UB7 I'liin Anittiiinrttl for Xett Tmlle) I.I m- Kniiti (!nuil Jn to A-liluml, . Willi li Wilt Muk the ll.ti-riiir.ILtK-rltle- rcxt year, ccck fight over New on. the Taftltc aro confronted by tho Rreatest crlse In Taft caniplRn for re-election Tcftltes and La Kollettcltvs have both sought to discount the Hooevett boom. Tho committee by a rising vote, ac cepted Hitchcock's reslcnatlon and elected ex-Governor Hill of Maine to Oil tho unexpired term. The extcu tlvo committee then announced the now personnel of tho arrangements committor. The follow Inc sub-committee on call ot convention was named: Uorah LAWSON'S SON-IN-LAW TO MAKE FINE COUNTRY HOME Ituym l.iil"Ki Troct of Arren on t'rookeil filter, In Crook County, for Same, n. a llesull of Hie llunou ll.t.m ukn ,n nlerniwllllc ,U,.,. Man' VUlt , HiKclal to Tn- Herald I'OnTI.ANn. l-c. 12 -Southern Oregon cities nro lookliiR forwdrd to a network of IntvriirUin elextrlc llnti that will Kreatly farllttnto travel nnd Inter-commtinlt) life In that M-rtldn of tho state. I'lans are announcetl of a tndlev line from Orant Pan tit Ashland Itiillc-r Tlml Will Suit Vour Tatc ' Special to Tho Herald Wo haxo the flnet frf-sh sepnratt.il POIITI.AND. Dec. IS A fino coun- country butter .Made like criim of Idaho, William Ward ot New York ,r. ,,ac on ,ht, j,ank ot crooked Itlv- orle make It. fur TSe ier roll. Wo Caper of South Carolina. Ixjwdor of cr crook county, costing 150,000, U.gtt n limited iimoiif't of thla etery Illinois, Hoater of Nebraska-. A,,)rom,j t). cnr. sicCnll. tho son- we,.k. committee to arrange for a prelden- n.iaw of Thoraa W. Uwson of llos- I5-.I PIM.TON MAItKCT tlal primary In tho District of Co- ,on '"nvL-T.n . . . ,h r , ' ,r- McCa" hM b0l,Sht ' nCnS'i " tVcll of Purtlnnd. fnlt'd ny an orcrwhelmlBR tote the com-. .! will mako a beautiful home of It. Slnu- ,1.,,.. forP,,..r fl), , ,, ,r. mlttee defeats the presidential pri-.TUI. I. ono result of the visit of Mr ffi! . n ; ,", 'ht h mary. only seven member reporting ' lMma to Oregon last ...m.ner. , ' l""lwttlll".'fllw' Itfirah. wlin fnrrHl tli.. Isn nrnt ii . J , . .. .v ,.HHk, i . ,A .J-.... i.AA..AT. ... ,, ..,. t ..1U J.iu liivivrl III nitllAIII You can't beat Graham' llvor In .COUNTY? If rteo tho Stephens- voting nay. ..,, n ,, ,, .,.. ,. fc "Mi" waro " 'an' articles. Thoy Hunter Umlnr do They have some .Nivcr can t'll when jou II mash a , n w, rcplltallon, May co,t n TOOl, ltir,.nlU r.uw or .uffer a cut. bruise, burn o "ft cont, mora hui u. of i EeTeetle OH ZTlutLl Whlch y0"'n b pr0U1 ln a"Cr "" 1,avo n ''""" ' ": ' , lloheiulau colony, nnd progitw I lit Kite alt. In svhuol mittlel it well it jngrleultuinlly. Theno itMple want the I best the) can Rt't In the wa ut srlioolit ami are willing to tax them lte for It. Tin1) hate toted a special tax to pat luterott on Ixiud ' lor the school house, which will amount to 13 mills Tin" are liittk 'lug good use of tho mono) Here will jhe found n modem, well eitllpped 'ttto-roiim school bulldliiK The titilld Iur Is well dunUlinl, the itoor I kept ,well oiled IWIUI UOIlt ,X llll-t'llllK Ol 1111, linillll contened with tho superintendent, nml all the suggestion ho made (or thn Imprntement f si'tuml rondltlon iwere nrtut upon ami wilt lie attended to promptl). II. P AlexatidtT. a prom inent lonelier ot Klamath count). Is; 'principal and MU Itelecheck I a. , Ulit.uit Moth teachers are normal vrmlualtM, and are working hard fo. illv- advancement ot thn school Mr. Swan spent Prlday and S.ttur."' tin) In Mnlln, visiting tho school ami attemlliiR a school meeting The H row tli hero hit been su rapid, thtit illhough a nctt school. Iiniuo was rtttii plcted this summer at a cott of $3,000 the building 1 alreitil) oterrrourdrl. and mor rihim and another, teacher .ire hadly needed Tho school mivit Iiir wns held for the purpose of Ink Ing measure to meet this condition. The meeting was well altetidrd Ml uxpresml a wllllngnet to employ an other teneher nnd keen tho scIhmiI up 'to the highest standard ot elllrltnt-y tK4lhle. It was derlde.1 to take step to I Mild another room and employ an other teacher. A , mill tax wns vol". I to meet the xpen of n second tenrh. ler for the balance of the tear and a bond election meeting- will bo fnlli-l as srnin a possible In xote a Imiii I 'Issuo to (Inane the tnilldlng T't nnlv dlftsatlsfnetlou expressed In r.' Knrd to KchtMil nffalr In this district wa In regard to the rnntrnrtnr'a work on the, now school building Much trouble wns oxpeltenred In getting the xork done ncenriiing to spvinrat(im nnil n number nf d'fect nre nntlee nble In the worKinanshlp. tt would sn'i.t thnt If n. inntrartor has any re. itATil for hi work It would Im ipmle nmnlf.-nt on n tmbllr school hullillni;' In this illtr!-t two year ago there were scarcely inougli chlldnn l ' maintain tho district, now there nr 7S enumernteil, and wrornl fnmlllo l.ato liought land and will bo there In tho Spring The Ilnhemlan rolony will mean much In tho developiiitnt of, Klamath eounty They nro Indefnt Igablo worker, nnd tho result o( the )enr' work nro appnrt nt on ever) hand. Many of thwn nro building romfortnblo and suhstnntlal rcl dencc and outbuilding They hnvo 1! 3t Kirl.TON MAIIKCT Tlitimns' Hclectlo Oil la the eii.-d) for Hint nfteu fittnl ilia, croup Hit" lieeu used with nrett tu our family for eight )rnr ' - Mrs. I4. Whltencre, lluffalo, N. Y. "P best . en ll-nt Mcllattou GHILCOTE&RICB HP I. IM PA1 K I XHUIiAXCK WK M Ki: A SPi:t'l.r.TY of lee In pr.i.t'it) itutl gootl (arm Intuit. Xo IrouMo to luitt I'loperly. Prompt nt. leiillim tlgvn nil liupilrle. A feu UimI Iioiim-1 for rent. If )ott ttnnt In Im) or ikI II "III I a) you In mi ii Xett to Auieritmi Hotel. I'ltone till I 4 If You Deilre Choice Visit TjHE Q DEAL tl'l...... ..... ..... II. .1 ll... UMI.Alllkl kl.ll.. rt...l !.....- ........ ,. .. . .-...-. , ...... ,,H,,, ,,M - lo) ett'f lutiiiitlil In lUitliiitlli 1'itlN by nny niiire ( ,,, . Inn o the litruest toh of Itfrorttttil China In (lie tli) 1,1 iri-, (f AU11 Tollcl, M1111I1 lil mill HIuuIhk Het, Htv tin... ti!f, J Ak In ore the Tiip.-lri'. INiii'l fsttl to re llm lurg,. ii..r I m.-tit nf IUiii nnil I'ltbifiiVitble Uolls, Itnll fitkCnrla, Clinks, Miitihrt, Mm tli.. Hue of Jettetry. I.IMHl ami I other llilng, Nil ' Place opposite the Court House Do Your Christmas Shipping Now HKNP.W YOtlt MAO 7.IM: Ml'ltlClMlils. WI'.CAXXOT llrJVIKWt Pit KM Mil: SIOCK SOI in; AXI NKi: WHAT WK ll.HI.' Al.li K (It'll XOVKI.1IKM AUK M; AXIl I'lllsil NOW OX IHSPI.W. THE UTTLI HOOK STOKE 210 Mill. Street Klnmath Falls y 1 "oi-r-i -v ' i 1 .1. . f U.t''ss yStJ -i Vfuy s -" ei ...OPEN... AIUIPT IIKCK.MIIKK Itli, nt 1-11 .Main st. A RnU Class Studio sirri.Mix maik HAY Oil MOOT E. R. Pershin piittnKiitAiiiKit BIG FURNITURE BARGAINS I'tllt CHIIIHr.tlAH. CAI.I. AMI hi:C Ot It I (IM PM.TK i.ixi.'tir inn hi: rcitMHiiiN, mx i ItAXfJI'M, IIKATKIIS, lll'OM. I.TC. O. C. JENSEN FURNITURE CO. Corner Ninth and Haiti, O. A. C. SHORT COURSliS itl:n.v YOU ARE INVITED JA.M'AltV It, Ci.iillnue I'Ol'lt Will KS Kxrry cltlieaof On run I rordlnllr Intlti u i. talld tho short rtitirsr o( Ilia Olrjon Krlculturil Collect), bcfttiultiic January 3 KIotcii diitlixtlif course will b olTerfil III Agriculture Mrchttlc Art. Domestic Hcletiro and Art, Cummrrrn, Por rtry and Music, Crery roursn it .lra!nrJ to HIM, P tho ntudcnt In hi dally .irk Mate tbti n pleasant aad prontablo m Inter outinx No tultlot. itrasonablo rcommodallon. Per bi.mtlful lllat trilled linllotln, address. It. M. TCNNANT, lleitltrr. Cnrvaills, Or. I'ltrnirr' lluln tmriM by iirtritidr 4'fr-4'-C-frt MEET ME IN TOYLAND At Hector's Department Store FOR BOYS MI.TIIAXICAI, thaixs, MOVIXCJ PKTf UK MACIIIXKa .MAOIC la.VTKUXK WAfJOXH, IIOCKKItK 'i ooh Cillers PAS.SKXOKH THAIXS WHKI.'li NTKKItlXO COASTKIl alto.moiiim:.s itocKixn houses SANTA GLAUS IS HERE vn m FrR GIRLS till) I.I.S, IIDI,.(S IX I .Ul'lK 1 tl 1. I.MCI.UOAIIDK MA. II I.IHMJ Dili, I, CAHTH, l.llt ATIO.VAI, CIIAHTK 1 i v 1 : 1 1 hi; is 'lilt MtS, III.DCKK D'ji.f, iciivin in: Dill, I, HOIS ( II II1S, IIP.OO.MS THE: FIRST NATIONALjBANK Of Klamath Palls A.vxorxciM tim: inciikahk or its capitai, WITH HCIIPMM OF W.WMl.ttO ( sino,ooo.M your If you are thinking of something for Sweetheart, Mother or Sister whisper your wants to us. Let us fit Granny out in a nice pair of soft, easy Uppers or shoes. FOR MEN SStifi Suspenders Suits Gloves Hats Handkerchief sets Mufflers Ne 'kwear sets Combination sets On Deirmher I, IBM, our roatollilallon with The Klamath County Bank Will lii'toinn ellritlvr, Hie two Institutions from Hint title I'' (.liintn it Hie rillHT XATIOXAI, IIAXK OK KI.AMAIII PAI.I. We it III iinnjr nu nnil after Detembrr 11, ilie nusrlcrs of tk IiliitiMlli ...r- II ink until twill lime n our present biilldlnc Is ! i.xit..nl in kiili our nrrl. Willi tiiir Krt-iitt r uiplliil 41 it-lurremeil tinrklnx fmie " " 4- le li'lli'i eiiiiMnl limn nit to li.iiititri.ioiir luliif wmW4":'x-'mH': THINGS FOR EVERYONE AT Hector's Big Department Store ,jjU-a--M - y licit Miinn vi.!AiHstrU HWHr"a" . HoIk ay IWiiifiiL Xit u llilnu iiiUsIiik far im tto knotv. Willie )m re rt11" Mit nro munilluu tiehlml llfi most roinplete, the Uritcsl, llw uwsl xnrrliil nnil llm iH'st seltcteil stoik nf DUmondf, Jewer)'i rllt,rtif,i Cut niiiM, I'lritril lland'Piiliiltil Clilim unit medium pil"'1 rlllM Kitnutk HrnsN nnil Asyrlan Onltl, lite. , Till I llm lxt lino iu limit errr liad tli Hensiire to off'"' J" for Clirlslmn or nny other llm'. Von lould Imrdly MMtt u In irlt 11 Hit Hint would Im ttlieie idiiiplile. Iliiyliig In Urue iUnutltle nt xni lt ' r"" """ liny 111111I1 lie(iKT, Hujr wlion Ilionmuir0iieiiiiiritliir,'i lieiif tun k t 11 iM-tter aolecUon. 8ve your rouMiiii mid ''l soiun 01 " iremluiii Mlverwnrn and Oaiaa, Mail ami Telejihona or-ura "lied lha Mm. day at iilfM. H. J. WINTERS , - THE NCTJIWBUIT STORK,