v v . ,? v. 4 2Vie On.j Z)a7y Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties g cMb. SUPPLIED MY THE IINITKU I'llKNM NKWH HKIIVICU EVENING NEWSPAPERS PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT HISTORY Hltlli Vnth . l,t:io ki-amath twuM, oiimoN, Monday, ii:ci:.miii:h II, Kill Price, VttQ Onto Bbe f Item no OBENCHAIN GRABS SURETY MATERIAL SUES CONTRACTORS rrwx against tim: ii.wmimi:. Cltr.MMV SHIKI.T I'.WIMJ I'ttN. rCHN, WHICH WAS AIHHT'HI Mill' OfT un m:i.s I t .Miulin l.iiiiul( iiml inoihi, M mines i.nvi-iiik l,.ri ihi,, ,.,, i'" iriin liu.t, ,KII f iiixiui iiirc iiiiiniliH fm II nun vli.lt M M, Ohciirhiilu Iiiih t'tili'inl Hll uisalliM Hut Itnimoiiic-friiiiitii) ruin pany, mi Oakland (Calif) mrpum t Ion. to reenter ll.lir.ll. nhlili lie ilalmx tlin (Inn nwin lilin, iiiul hht ul tirni)N, Hloiut k llnrriil, liuvc ni liichiil sumo ciiiimiiI nf I lie ilrdinl. alil concern which iu being luiiilc.l ii freight rnr on tin. HoiiiIhtii IV llli fur shipment mil nf tin' til) Annrdliig In the lilll llli'.l ii plaintiff III tin- tilth o of CiiiiiiI) Clerk Charles It, Do Lnp, ho pifiriiii-l mr tlri'D iiml tidvniircd iiiihic) fur ihi n, of ilin imiiinn' Ix'Ihitii r lirnnn I mill .iiiiilir no, i;i in hIMiIi in lit Uil l tin niiiinii) in Mm in ilin mm f II. non. Inn linn r In. I lir.O .n oioiint, Ilin hnlnure ImIiik mint fur Tlin ili'fi'iiiliml company iiml r klixii) o hni ilono sinne street work in I liln vicinity, nirt of Willi Ii wam fur Ilin Kliiinntli Dcti'liipmcul inuipittit. which wns iiiinpl.lot Tim inmpnii) M lilli'K.'il In time sent word In Her limn I'nree, who In l.icul irpr.'K.'iita- ii nf Clio Wnrri'ii Cnnalrtirllnu iiml tftrntige-MnKiilr.. i'ntiipniili-s, in lo.nl tlio equipment whlrh hint ..f hero nil frilRlil rnr nml ship ll niinrilliiit tn illriTllmiK. lli-hTlnii nf this .Mr Ohdirlinlii entered mill mnl Iiml tin 'itllpltlctit rlillrhcil Ii) I ln ufllri. nf Sheriff William II Harm's llinltT ilili' process of law ll will nut Icuvo Manintli Palls until miiiik arrange went In innilK liy tlin defendant coin i.iiy to liiili'imilfy Dm iiliilntlff In i.nii other direction. A yet the ItniiKiiiiii'-Criiiniiii'y inni nil) linn tint ni'lntril mi nttnrnot to represent It. 1'nrri, In nut nf tin' my today, lmlng giiiu to Portland lnt Thursday morning. Tim equipment held tnrluilcs four standard gaugn cars fur hauling ruck frntii tlui quarry, 11 two-lion... rnlli'r fur pressing down hlgliuu) unrk. mnl uttitt iprlnklrr. Mr, Olicnrlmln win niiiicrlnloinlrnt fnr tlio rniiiMiy nt .Mnlfnnl mnl Klntuntli KaIIk. It In imiorlril, iiiiiiiiik ntlirr ttilliK, Iiml n ri'lMmi'iitutlvn nf Ik iniiiiuiny rninn Ihto nml wiih wllli nut MintH')' to I'll)- UU rxiiftmcx, mnl Hint Mr, Olicnrlmln Hti'il In mnl mlviiurcit lilin tlio fiimU ncccuHary l'ti"'rlHli.ii.ii Hum, mi,,,,!,!,,,., 'I'M Hi- not ClKlitli Kriiiln nxmnlii.! H'.ll hill lx. hcl.l In III., (V,lri,U,,o 1'iillitli.K In KliiiiiHili I'nllHini .turKi.it I Mil nml I '.iili. lit hi: intuit, mi Tiiwvr AS lH ItriV. VAM(Msi:s 1 l.i iit. n iiiiiilior ni-br Kliiniiitli I iiIIk, fur ulmiii Nnlvo1i.nl Ihtii work 'iiik ' II.' flnlitiH ho wiih. itrlnkliiK nt I lie llini.." unlit tlio illntilit nttnrnoy tills j r.fti'i iniini, "(viiil frli'ii.lnnf lilmiiiy Hint, I " In lien rvf.riK of n hlili(i) Id Iio il li.'tt.'r iiiiiii, nml wnnt IiJiii In lini) Hint i Iiiiiii c If t,t. ilmrKi nf fniKoryl viiK ircn.'il mailiiHl lilm Iio coulil mil l. iuiiiiImI i) Iio JiiiIkc. Inil liy Imv-. Iiik illHinliti Hi, forKcr) Imllrdiii-nt ' mnl IciivIiik tituitriHt lilm Him charKul nf iiIiIiiIiiIiik iiiiitio) ninlcr fiilio iro- Ioiiu'-h tlio jhiffuo Ilin ilmilt i-oiirti If ho In mi Mlmli'ii; tiny juirnln lln nc- HH'il wm nskiH-V) ii.vrnlc lilm. Imt Iiml to icily Hint I km) am mi' ll nil tlmrlty, im Hint rHn llli tlio Jink.'.' Tin miniiiiit of tlaufliifk rnn hiiiiiII, nml tlio niiLii him iiIkiiiI lnli In Jnll ii iiiiiiiIIi wnlllnir li niitw'or fur lil fiffi'tmo Tlio ilimiron nro Hint ln will iiivo in ri'iunln tlicru ntnrthor tniintli lii'fnri' wo r.'iiili IiIh .ino, nml It ilnoi tint M'fiu iiriotnmrv tn nitikn Tiltn jmy mi fxlti'iiii. poiiiilty fnr ji crlttio wlilclt In tint uu.-M.,'irll- ilcfi.irvJiir ' It. Tim luiii. Hto tnno Ih iiovJ In lonvon It iilitliiiinl ullli tlio JuiIr" in mini -of iniivlrtlnii. tn iiiio liln illirrrfi'im lit Hto .uiHtlor." CRIMINAL CASES AFTER HOLIDAYS 'tliij Imr Oiitot Intlon In tlio opposition to AHKumlilynioii'H Bchtnltt'H kill ropo ItiK to tniiKO nolo of alistrnrt tompn I tiles evlilbtico In tltlo cnnc-n In Bnn ' KrnnclBfo Tlio bill lacki'il ony voto of iH'InK fuvornkly rccoinmcndeil. civile woiik Ki:t:i'i.H KI'.I.I.V IICKV, so tiikiii: IAV in-: xn rn.wci: rtut ritiHo.vi:n r.NTIIi I.ATKH Mr. and Mr. ChnrlcH W, Kkcrlclit will leave tills nfternoon for Snn Kran. f I'lHJi: i ciBtfi, to rcmnlti until Tliursdny, wl.on t'lty expect to depart tlio Golden (.ate Clf) for St. I'uul, Minn., whirl: wns Mr. Khcrleln's homo somo c&th iiro. I'nltcil Cross H..r Iio KANHAH fITV, M.i , I) ,. . OliJiitltiK Iiim'dIiik in, . ii, j,r Jmnr llnriy Wnliliiiu illtulicil .luwi ii riilinpniit nt ii Imiy.wlii.i,. i. ,.. nrs won. stii)nK ,nr(y ,. , .n.. nppoiinil. A pnllci. Konrrli wiih tn iiM-ric t It Is slntoil Hmt u .w tr nl) t(. l.ici.i.il) sli.iitlil Wiililrnn nut . In. ntoil . I OESERTED FOUR TIMES OUT OF FIVE TIMES MARRIED Sun I'mmlM-ii Cinimii'l i Inl Cluli llns f.m llcrimntliin Hlf... .II.L.,, i ,,..! I" .'Iiml J1111I.01 ,- .SihtIhI Tnilli iiniii lililu,i.p,r f , r , ,,,,., il ' ) m tin iipllnl H)' nrxt week In order tn spend Ch Mnlrl.' '" """ M',,, , BOOST BID PAH-AMERICAN SHOW FAR AS NEW MEXICO 1MH l lii llion l j, m ihinii IIMHll.ll (i'iIIIIIII, S.'1'IIK I linvo n initiplotn lino of "I S 4 7 ItOKorM VlnlnRi)" pattern nml Oiioliln CniiiiMiinlly silver In Hut "Hliorntlim" pnttorn, It fit Millnlt ri.'funpr Knrl 0 Wliltlnek, wlm Ims 'i.ooti mnprovllKS frnm n typlmi I .' lurk, wns ropnrti'.l not so well linl.ti. with ! rlvliiK H'tnporntiiro. t'nllc.l I'rons Horvlco HAN IICIINAItlll.NO. Calif . (l.c. rto tlmos woil. fnitr limes ilcsrrtcil. Is Ilin lotiird nf Mrs, Citrtlss-Vmi Hoi- srii-Wno.lH-ltoiMlci-Clnrko. ilotnlnoil lioro fnr iiIIokiiI frouiutit kliliiininliii: of hr ilnuRhtor's two clilldrcn. Il.r llrst himliiiml. S.iiniicl Curtlss. U di'inl With Vnu lliM.cn she I hcil twelve iwus Cllsunrth Wouils roinnlno.l with her throo weeks, limn ran nwn) It .. Itooiler "bent It" nfter two in. uillis nf ninrrleil life Alfred ClaTk I letiiiiliieil with her Just four dn)S I (Urllnl I'resa Sf rvlro l HAN' ntA.NVISCO. Dor. 11. I'lnn nto l"etn: iiiiule hy tin. Han Fniiirlsrn ('niniiii-ivliil Cluli fnr mi oxcutslmi hy Upeclal tmlii tn Atbniiicriuo, .V. M.. While JiiiIkc I'orry It. Kelly somo Htm. into stntod Hint ho would prnli Jibly hnvo somo open time In can; ins ula Altnrnvy Dell V Knykcndnll and Awthtntit District Attorney Charles J. rKUoii wished to rnnilwkli some criminal esses In between tho civil nsc which JiiiIko Henry I.. IUnson nrrnnRt-d with tho ntlornc)s to hno ItPATiI'diirliiK JudKu lU'lb's stay here. It looks tmirli as HioiirIi Hie civil work would keep JndRo Kelly busy fur siiiiio time without Interim. The Carroll vs. Nolninl rnse, which Inrteil Inst Wedtiesdny, Is nppnrently jimt nt Its IihIkIiI, nltlioimli Cnntrall vs. (Carroll wa to hnvo nimo up lo dny. .slid J'olnter vs. the Klninatli I'nlls l.ik'd find Trnnsportntlon com- tttity. remnvded r ic supremo cnuri I for u new trlsl. Is tt for Tliursdny. .W-xt Miindny tle Knitters Implement, mnl 8iiiply eiintpn,)' vs. I ho Southern I'ncinr U wlieditled. Tints tho np-K-aronci of things Is. -inr0 J"lK" Kollv wishes tn Ieno nt lit enA of -isi- niss nt homo, that there wlll'bo Utile or no clmnco ( (tO'inR criminal Issues,' until the return of JudRe llenson. I'nibAbly the most InterestlnR trials, on the criminal sldo of the calendar United Pre Ml3 Lillian Arnctt, formerly Look ket'iier for tho I'loueer I'rois, Imj nc i opted ii similar occupation with the MulVr Music company. LOCAL STATION IS MODEL OF SYSTEM HAS PAIR OF MEDALS buto hero, and tho prcsont Interest manifested Indicates a success (or this method of public speaking. I4IXTKKV CAHP8K8 FItAM UMIKKOIIOUM) CIIAR.NKIi l.oiil II, Dean, formerly of llotiiiu ii, I ns resigned his position nit picks- fo'-der for tho KvcnlnR llernl.l, n turned to llonnnzo. mid You can't boat Grnhnm' silver In tabic waro or fancy articles. They have n wldo reputation. May cost a few cents morn bill' It's wore of which you'll bo ftroud In nfter years. I havo lots of newVjtrcf. Mcllntton. VANTi:i Candy saleslady; choco late dlppejbprcfcrreiK floxeys. 1 1-3 DID HE MIKE HIS ill? IHTEMDEO TO, WAS KILLED llccld.il In llrn'.v l' nml Hln Pinal Ti-ntnnicnt One liny, iuiiI Third Dny lttcr Was Mown Into Numcr- -is KrsRTiicntH will ho Hiosx of SarvucI A. McMnhon ' nnd Jnnios II. lluahes, Indicted by mi Jnn nary is. y2, nr thertnlwiits. ,,U Krn, jury n throo counts on i no lrli is iinilortnketi In tlew of Ilk ncont unci ess of (Jio ion9tora' o iiiislnii to Arizona-, churKes of attempting to bribe Judi cial officers. They nro Portland rep- MASSACRE OF AMERICANS IS SUBJECT OF 1HQUIRV FOR MAN TO MEND WAYS IIISlltKT ,VITlll.i:V KI'VKC.V. ia i.i, i. ius i'iai tiii: cut- CI'.MSI'AM'IS SnilttH'.MIIM,' Tin: cask or siiixi.y aivi: Mllilno). .Minister Hnlcrcil l.y Ailinln Ulriill.in in liivoxlipiti l(oHrt lluit I'oitr .MIHiiii,irlcN Wi'lv SUuKhler ul b) It" MIk United Press Bonlrn WAHIIINtlTON, I). C, Dec. 11. .V.ltilsti'r Cnlhnun hns boon ordered to liiM'stlRiito tho report that tlio rcbols uinsnacrod four American mission nrlos In Hlnn Tit. tVANTKD At once, ro!' keeper. Bnmnrllnii Itiw'pltal - hoiiso ll-f.t I n iinler to rIo Hliell) NiiUo :i ihmuo to ro.lcom himself, Dlstrlit At tnruoy Hell V. Kiijkeiiilnll Iiiih nr- iiiiroiI with .IiiiIro I'eiry II. Kolly tn hMo .IUiiiIks .1 iiriiIiikI Nuhe tlio III ilhlnieiit a walnut tho nmiK iiiiiii for fni'Rory. Two lliillrtliicuts woto tiv. turniMl by the riiiiiiI Jury URiiliut Nn I vo, nun for fnrKoo for which tho penalty Is friuii tun In twenty )cms. mnl oiid for iililnlnliiK mnuo) iimlor Inli-o pretenses, tin. penally fnr tho latter nffonso heliiK ftniil olio to live )cnis. Nnlvo Iiml passed n check fur '.t purpoitril In bo hIriiciI by lloiboit Witness Tells Of Giving Op Bribe Money To Hang McNamara Jury I.OH Av'K'Kfl' l),T' " -Wl""l tin. ivtinklln bribery tilnl opi-ned '" i 'u .miii-I Alllll lll.V (IlIKO :;::,:; .uVwm w. ... i .-: " .v.,h-psr ' ...iMnllnn IK'tniO IIO muni ....'. ' .." liiiilimrycxomlnflHon. Lockwoud then tnld his stni) There wns a seiisiil'lon when Iio wild Hint I'mllKllll tolll mill liu linini imiu Harrow iibo- ).... i, id,,, niv Kind on nifllts fill' A'i iiiiiii inBiii'i ' , : I'rilllkllll telllliK pii)liiR over tho btllm osoil tltlo. wylnil tfmt ho cni.1.1 n'llv nion..)-. ....eiloilcks HI'' I)-) ..-!." - "Of ciuifHO ho "' ' White was tho lUst .ivi.lil thin by wlii In story," lie lidded: In ll ." .ntnlu C, v Hntss. Ho suld that wllli rrnnklln ho met ' ockwood on tho strffl. "I told Lockwooil that Krnnklln '..'H f'o r.tonny Into my hniuU 1,n ,m,J ' Im oithor for nniulttnl 0r JiunK 'nrv." Ho said. "I unvo t( BO0 hill. ' nut It In hit nockot. Shortly nf-J r this ho was arrested nnd tnkon to "strict Attorney Fredericks' office, said ho hud no evidence on which to base n proscc.utloii of Attorney Har row for hilbery. Fredericks snld, "l.otkwood's stnte- niont Is only heaisuy. It Is only whnt ho snys was said to him, and could In no way bo In ought Into court." it Is evident Frederick"" oxpocia tnn entlro ciwo lo end with tho Franklin Issue Doth sides In tho Franklin raso rested this nfternoon, tho dofoiuo of ffilnir no evidence. Franklin, It Is prodlctod, will bo hold lo tho superior WANT NEW CITY HALL, ALSO OTHER PUBLIC BUILDIN6S In Sjih 1'riiin Imo III Tlitio fnr Visitors In titvnl i:Mikit)nii to SV Tl0n III Hie Fall (ilnry vt Tlulr Com. plellnn. United Press Servico BAN I'ltANCISCO. Dec II. Mem hers nf tho bulldliiR romiultteo of tho now hoard of supervisors, members of tho architectural council nnd tho illicctor of public works nro planning: In push Mn)or-eloct Jumcs Kolph's oneiKotlctilly ml oca toil plan for n new city hnll to bo complctod (or tho Pniiamii-Paclflo exposition In 1915. A municipal niidltnrlum nnd a now city library are also under considera tion, , . ..ik ' .ii i i i i McNAMARA'S PRISON LIFE BEGINS IN JUTE MILL Jiiiikh AdiliK Turt of llny'M Work When Tlnv. Ik Taken Htr to i:iiiu luo lilm for KyinploniH of TiiIm'ivii. Inr AtTcctlon. t llniied Press Borvlco KAN tJUKNTIN, Dee. 11. James iiiul .Inhn Mi'Nnmiirn lieKnu work In tho Juto mill of tho pilsnu nt 7: IB u. in. They will hnvo half nn hour tor lunch, mid work until I p. in. Jim molded part of his work today when tnkeu to tlio ofllco of tho prison hpy8lclnn for ouuiilnntlon for tubor- miosis. If ho Is honltliy ho will Inter ho siv en work In tho prison printing ofllco. Neither man said nn thing In auy way of tho enso against him. resentatlves of the Kudolph S. niomoi1'!' n JVivliie company of Chlcaeo, and nr-, . . . ; .. .... .. .... .. . . . ,'rlitil iiern ni in.) line i-eucan iioict 3umJny to tunko their pleas. District Attorney Kti)kendnll said this after noon that the matter of their formal nrrnlcnuient was under consldcrntlou. nnd Hint the men might be called to' plead this evening, Thry nro anxious. to enter their picas nnd return to tho Hose City Thlr nttoniuy is C. St., Onelll, nml as they entered plot of tint guilty nt tho preliminary hearltiR hefiiro Justice of the Pence Oravos, It, Is assumed ns likely Hint this courie will bo repented when they nro called I tn answer nt tho bar of tlio higher ' eoitit. '.Vnblo Fnulder, Indicted -on tho charge of murder by tho grnnd Jury, hiss plend-d not guilty. Ho Is accused nf tho shooting of Mini Rebhert last August in tlio nilrkson & Petterson ronstriirtlou camp, forty miles east of the city. The following completes tho list of cr.ses in which truo bills wcro render- oil by tho giniid Juries, two of which Jinvo had under consideration tnc list nf charges which has led to filling the Klamath county Jnll: Gcorgo Schuel, assault with intent to kill; C. II. Fra iler, rolorcd urson; Sholly Nnlvo, ob taining money under false pretenses; Joseph 11. (Inrrett. fergery: Fay Slel- bourne, keeping bawdy heuse: Clar ence Harris, perjury: llornro 8hldler, nssnnlt with dangerous weapen: pon; Thomas Uellainy. colored, lnr-cony. , reiitrn of "not n truo bill" was rendered In each of tho following cases: Fred Unit, highway rebbery: A. N. Wood and V. A. Donald, Joint ly chnrged with tho murder or Con stnblo John Lambert at Fort Klam ath; Joseph Mann, assault nnd bat tery; Willie Rchmldt. larceny b) bailee. s Servico At 11 llnnn1 Thnmn. 8BATTT.E, .' 'rttrldeil Mondar to' non. a bachelor, . ,evcra, ,hou. mako his will, leavli .P nd dollars to k nclRhbo. ' to blow Thursday be started oik ilninc stump with a bomb com.. m. twenty sticks of dynamite. Ho stn. bled nnd was blown Into n thousand pieces. United Press Bcrvlce IIUICKVH.LE, Dec. 11. Eight more corpses woro recovered 'oJity fioni tho exploded ml no, moki'in a total of sixteen fonnd. Thrro Is no char.ro of others being olive. The government rescue crew peno irMtd tho mlno two miles. Otio ot tho party said: "It ' like n cyclono Inside, nnd extromMy hot Wo enn see somo bodies, but can't got nt Mem. It will bo days- beforo l'I H.e iVail uro out. At Sacramento today Impeachment charges were filed with Speaker Hewitt against Justices Shlpman, Hart and llurnett of tho third dis trict court, for decisions. The Jus tires threaten criminal libel suits. JI JEFFRIES DECLARES W0L6AST IS CHAMPION Kays Talk That Latter la Not Chief of Lightweights la lluncombr, and Ttiat Title Will Stay Tin Ad It Iteatea Cltd Preaa 9trrtt' LOS ANQELES, Dec. 11. "All this talk about Ad Wolgast not belns the lightweight champion Is pure bunk," declares James J. Jeffries. "Wolgast retain tho tltlo until he Is knocked out or beaten." 6ERMAN MARINES CA06HT, SOME TAJ(EN PRISONERS KiiImt's Koldlery Attacked by Itebels nt Kluklnng as Climnx to FtylinK Over Anns KuniUbijl to the Iniier- lalUts by (,'cniinu Maker -o a bunch of Big Don clocks, : ha. "tUaty Bens. too. und deal.. ' Mcllntton. U-Ct M United Press Service PIIANGHAI, Die. 11 German m. rlnes, en routo to Shanghai and Han kow, hnvo been attacked by rebels at Klukl&ng. Some wcro taken prisoners. This comet a a climax ot auti aorman reeling because ot the bcllof that Germans furnished gum to the Imperialists. ROOM ClERi8 SEVERE ATTACK OF .II'I'EXDICITIS, HUT INSISTS V STICKING TO WOItKW.W.. TKH SCOTT'S IIIIOKK.V Altl IS cirrrrixG iietteii. SOUTHERN l-ACIIICS KLAMATH VMAJH DEPOT STRUCTURE STANDS IIIMII IN COMPETITION WHICH IS KEEN OVER SYSTEM Klamath Falls should bo proud of Its railroad station. It It one of the few perfect stations on the entlro Southern Pacific system. That It the reason thero Is a sign over the local depot telling the people who come to Klamath Falls that It Is a "premium station." That Is tho reason for the silver medal that hang In tho ofllco of tho station. Onco ovcry year the general super intendent ot tho Southorn Pacific, with tho assistant chief engineer and all tho division superintendents, go over the entlro railroad system and determlno upon the nearness to per fection of the different classes ot work; each superintendent In turn being disqualified at an Inspector when hit own particular division It under examination. . Prizes are given for the beat divi sions, the best sections, the beat piece of roadbed, tho best depots, the beat pump houses, section house and grounds. Last year twenty station on tho Southern Pacific wer awarded sliver medal (or perfection. One jot the first to secure this prise, for which there Is much competition over the entire system, was Klamath Fail. The other station awardedjtetfect. core were Santa Barbara, Burlfn- "" game. Long Beach' Berkeley. Red lands, South San Francisco, Tefca. chapl, Oakland (FlffandniI way), Somia, Mlllbrae, San Dlma. Capltola, Iris, Edna, Mammoth, Clin ton, Naples and Boulder Creek.' SOCIALISTS MAY OA1N IN CAIJFOItNIA ASSKMHLY United Press Service 8ACHAMENT0, Dec. 11. Los An gelrs socialists stnud nn excellent clmnco of electing three assemblyman and one senator from the easterly por tion ot tho city next )ear, according tn Ltntement mivdo by Senators Hew. lit nnd Hurd of Los Angeles, after a phi Iv of returns from tho reerciti municipal election there. Ctto Hlnz, room clerk of the White Pelican, had a severe attack ot what wns supposed to be nppendlcltls lato Saturday night, and for a time bis condition was serious. Ho finally ral lied and insisted on staying on watch. Ho appears today to bo as good as new, Waltor Scott, bellboy at tho house. who has beon carrying bit right arm in a sling as n result or having It broken by a flying crank when he was attempting to crank an auto for a physician, Is getting much better ot tho Injury, , The silver medal at Klamath Fall wat aw&Tded to F. M. Thompson In 1909 and to Clarcnco B. Mills In 1910. Another annual Inspection la now under way. It will be completed within a couple of weeks. Then U 1 lble that many of the stations po. "' l,8rfct eoi" on last year' award may uMon by other" Inspection . n,8th F Mr stations. Khu Sat ' "premium di-avor to keep t ' Ifr Uft M station" over Its dep, ""d It shouhj It for tho Inst two yean, a. . .. (g remain with the home statlow 'v, a a good advertisement' for our U,, ' genuine asset. '' : -8 I bavo seasonable article in alf lines or Jewelry. Flno line of watches for either ladles or gentlemen. It yon are going to glvo a watch a a pres ent I'd like to show you my ctock. I will make you a price on good goods. U-t McHatton. Sir. Harry P. Oalarneaux and son Harry left Saturday for Sacra mento, where Mr. Gatarneaux will Join them before Christmas. Then tho family will go to Southern California for stay. At Washington senate and house lenders havo agreed to n recess trom December 22 to January 3. DAR ASSOCIATION NOT AWAKE TO LIVE ISSUES San Francisco Attorney Says Organi zation of llclplcs of lllaekatmie la Simply ii Political Proioaltlon, and Not a lionellrial Society United Press Borvlc SACRAMENTO, Dec. 11. "Tho Bar Association Is only a political organization, und takes tnoro Interest In the choice of a pollco Judge than It doe In live issues like this." That was tho statement ot Attor ney Otto Tiimsuden of San Francisco to tho assembly Judiciary commltteo olIK.fU . ,uwh ehwaet kftdelaia when he wns asked If ho-represented FEMALEORATORS WILL TRY TO OUTSPEAK ONE ANOTHER Iutcr-Cli Dcclaiuatlou Contest Will Iio Held Among Girls at Stato In. Mitutlmi, and Slerchnnta Glvo the Prizes Special to Tho Herald Cel.'VALLIS. fJ.'.i 11 The glih iv tho Oregon Agricultural college will compote In an inter-class declamation contest under the auspices of the de partment of public speaking during tho winter short course. Tho tryout will bo held December 16th. Two prizes have been secured from local merchants for the two best girl ora tor, one a kodak and the other a ruff nock sweater. Thtt, -with the Inter class debate to be held between the Freshmen and Sophomore I the rt Stubblefield Accepts Gall To Take Presbyterian Church Lmkvie Ilev, J, S. Stubblefiold, who has been acting as supply nt the Llnkvlllo Presbyterian church for tho past two months, has decided to accept tho call which wns extonded to blm some time ago, formally extended to him by a mrotln got tho congregation, and has so Indicated to tho parishonera of the denomination. Sir. Stubblotleld came to Klamath Falls from Kansas City, Mo to In vestigate the Held and the prospects here for developing a strong and unU fled membership among the people. He wa asked to serve tho Presbyter Ian pulpit tor six weeks, with the un derstanding that a- call might be extended. He ha met with a favorable recep tion here which led to the call belug extended, and a hi Impression ot Klamath Fall hvea been favorable, to fill the pastorate regularly, Tho minister's sermons have been well received, and tho filling of the Llnkvlllo rPesbyterlan pulpit with a regular pastor gives the church the second regularly Installed pastor In Its quarter century or. so of existence. .. ... ... ..r.a.nn H ,., iubidiiiu rai urea own lavoraoie, attempt at claw declamation and de-'he determined to accept the Invitation NATION WIDE PRIMARY OWPRBSIDBNTMIi NAME United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 11, Walter Houser, Progressive Lean chairman, has nut ud to PrMidat Taft the question of a utloa-wld . primary to name the republican pre.' ldentlal candidate. . ' The discussion wljl probably Mew- py much of the nations rtHMIwi committee' time tomorrow., ;'.v.i' noucer wroi -ran, WW tia approve tn plan. j l : N sl V . "7 ?i; f.' , l , toS I m'.m .... ..hlm.....t I. IIMH NIL