The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties Ik tefaU.. HUPI'LIKH IIY TIIK UNITKI) I'llMM NKYVH HKHVIUB KVKNIN1 NKWSPAFMM PRINT THR NEW, HOT MVNMY Hlilli Yi'nr Nil Mini KLAMATH KALLH, OltKGON, MTI'IIDAY, IIIXK.MIIKH , IOU Price, Vtaa flwtiiM .villi J EQUIP PARK WITH MORE FACILITIES CRATER LAKE NEEDS HI I'HIIIMT.MIKST ASKS IMTII. urn hkciiotahy ion iii.tick lioillMHNT ami si:vi:it., to. imtio.vai, iiamji:hh In )iU lopnrl In Hi'i ti'lnry nf the In lirlor Waller I'lslier. Hiiperlutemlcul V. Frank Arnnt Include lertnlu rer. niiinii'iiilalliiiiii, whlth nro found In tliti following. "Upon tint .nails now enisling In ttm park there Hn U bridges, rang ItlK III length (ruin fid In titer 100 ftvt. These bridge urn rniistruttod wholly nl wood, Iihvii Imtii iihimI fur ii mini- Im'P iif eur, were not painted iitl Kill MHIII llllH' o m replaced with J niiw structure hnilug steel nrrlie mill loncritu nliiitmojsBjavaf'or iliNI purpomt there iiliiiiiliBiprlnii'il! Ill.linn. gf "Tim liulhlliiKii mid fe h In (hol8l',,lnl ," T,IP "'"'I'' ies"ri will riimlni lonslihrnbln r. j ('(HIVAI.I.IK, l.c !i.--Prnf. II. M. piilr nnit Imprnwinenl. tnrltittltiK I'JirkH. bend of tho school uf mine lit pnlntlng, Tim feme In lliu park,"'" "rcgmi Agricultural college, pie should In) mi inustriutcil Hint tlif Hflt Kiln'rul inlniino In (ln niltHT- iiiiiii lie mm over mi tlio side In the full, In previ'iil them from Im-Iiik briikeii down by (In. ihiw Tor re paint nml flupriiti'nii'ulH in bulldltiKii iiml feni en tlmre uliniilil lm an appro priation of f'JOO. "In order to Imruaim Hid powir which opi'rnti'ii tlio b)dniiillc rnm for tnlxliiK water lo llm miporlntcintnit' odlra nml ntlili'inn and thitgriiuiiilii ndjarent, lliern tlioi.ld bu a ilnm erect, rd Juat below the lurpo iprlliR nt Hie l.rad of Annn rrcoh". There nlmulil ntwi lie Imtnllnl nt thin point u muall eliitrlr plant with neremary equip iiient to furnlidi llitlit for Hie Iii.IIiIIiikh mid KroumlH at the lii'iiiliuatter In the park, l-'or tlio dam and the eler. Illr plant there nhoiild be appropriate d $1. 1(10." An the fiiirn of raiiKerH which run 1st h of one uinii fniiii July Ut to Xepteu.ber .ItlHi, III lnadeiilllle to pro tect the fnfeiit fiom lire and Hie Kiune from poarlier' riiiik, Mr Arnnt ree-l oiiunetiiU one the rnr nrouiid nml I lln temporary ruiiKerit' on from Jul) ' lit lo September 30th. liu well lot the liulldliiK nf live rniiKerK inlilim, Con ner led with each other and the nil perlutoniltnt'H hendiUiirterH by tele phone, Mr. Arnnt licllee the 1,200 pat ruled irren, iiiiinlly tlmberel, nl the, Miutheat corner of Hm park nhouhl bn IkiiikIiI by the to nold , tho posjdhlllty of sum., milling min-Slettiirl. dlleilor or ntliletics ai aiio pniiy bit) lug tho tlisber and denuding ghen college nl Meaihllle. I'm., has that pnrt of the park of Its lino trees. Jest been culled to tho Oregon Agrl VUIIoih to the park during tho past Icultuinl collego to All the chair or oTm-h season were nbimt 4.200. 'phslcul mlucatlon lis professor and Iteiiielnber, I am on tho wrong side of Iho street, comer Third mid Main. "Put 'er In the high" nml ronm over. You might like me. I'll try lo bo pleasant,. 0-tf McIIatton. Aberdeen Welterweight Would Take On Pugilist From This Territory Welterweights haw n rlinnro to go after n purse. Tho fame of Klamath Knllsflstlo talent linn gm abroad. io, oven as fur ns Abordeen In the neighboring stale. Knim thonco comes n letter to tho sporting editor of tho KvoiiIiik Hernhl from '''k Min" gan, who fain would Iibui w K with Klamath KnllH iiuglllstle. gentlemen ut approximately 142 pounds, ring Hide. u might mako II In tho middle of tho ring, no doubt. If ptoperly np pnmchcul. Itead Iho letter, anil seo It you can not find his- mutch: ,,.. Abordeen, Wash,, Dee. 0, 1911. Hportlng Editor Kvenlog Herald: Dear Blr I understand that you hnvo aorno fast welterweight fighters In your city, ami, being In tho busl noss, and ImvliiK foKit n tho best boya In this part of tho country and won from them, I would Hko to tnoet ono of your boys at 142 pounds, and Mr. A K lllppe, anhed ,.,,,,'' '""'""I'M IIi-iii. Mr. -.,i.,B r,. , r,i r.,r ., Ji 11 !"1"'' "1,1-;"""; '"" '" "" he "ii'Kim I Hume, mill Iut daughter,! MH Maud Ulppny. lemhei or tin- irl. ' iiihiv crnilo nl the Itheinhln eihiinl. '.' eery mini In inllege, will Inaugurate , T MiKi'iiiln,. will lento Midland :i Hnlcirt of tesl used In nil KnHlorn On Information sworn nut by V. I Ir'Z'V.m'H ''""" 'r.'1 ,V,",,,,V7lu,!,,,:k,,,,rn,,1nl,,B,,,,,,b,,,,riaarlcl.. Ambrose A.nbrogoltl wat ..t Ml Han lrnrl.iii inarki't. Mrlvin. idf nun iiim for tar linm hoiuci. ill . ... ... . . ... ilr, . ....... .. , ,, , A Alllilir nllll liu il a unit Conn .,,.,., ., .. ..,..' "print; niiirki I 'OREGON MINING TO EXPAND i IS PERDICTION OF EXPERT .- 1 1 tt-ml i I'llil. llnuiili uf Study nl Hi' Wl t ...1. ..I......I -...II ....... I -""' iiiiiii i Miii-K'' in'iiriiii Sinnli fur .MIihtiiU U III Imioim. n ti'i'iit luiliolr) ill output of the Mtnle and the deel- opiiu nt of mlnliiK into line of OreKonV leadliiK ludimtrleH The nrt mineral wealth, not IncliidliiK Riild, nlher ami coal, micli at rnw material for mnln. rement nml many other natural ele nientu alioutullni; lit thin ickIuii, nwnllK (iipltal and men to lit It for the t.eedi nt Industry, lie i)h. "In u biillitln of llm bureau of mined shortly to bo Imued by I'rof. Park, ho nhowa tlio 1910 minora! output of tho Rtato to bo worth 14,- OO.MR, mi Inrremii) of alnumt $:,- nnn, noil iimt that of liiOO. Cold, ll- er, mill, granite, mimlnlone, lline ttone ilio for lirlik, tile and pottery, mlii nil water nipper, naiul and urov el and Hum ami Kiupnuiu nru Inrlud ed In bin lint of valunble mineral pro dm Ik of the ear NEW ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Al AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL inner ( lih'i er .'lll-llimr liini- mint ut .MeiuUllle. I'll., 1 n-l lint toil tilleil to Situ' III Similar Ciipm-ily nl Cimiillio Special loThe Herald COUVAI.I.IH. Dee. ). I)r. K. J. l rector or niiueiirs, iiimin ' " resignation of Prof. K. 1. Angoll In July. 1910. In tho thieo years he has been nt Allegheny lr. Stownrt has produced chninploiishlp foollmll, liasebnll, has kelball and track tenuis. In 190S ho If ho doe beat mo the spoils will have n run for their money tind ho will, also, know that ho was in n tight. Bo II you will kindly turn this let- tor over to ono of your good sports j on will do mo n big favor, which will be nppreclftled very much. Heaped fully Yours. JACK MOIUIAN. Gordon llotol, Aberdeen, wnsn, They nro here. Somo of tho pretty things I nm going to nnvo ior mu holiday trndu. No trouble to show you If you nro rntercstea: ,j.4t McIIatton. Kvcry tlmo 'ol ow 2B cen'8 worth' of candy at tho l.lttlo Book Btoro you got a ticket on tho beautiful hammer ed brass box. Wo l)U It for tho lucky ticket holder with T. & O. chocolates. It I,.,,. . , ..,. ... .... .....' ... u hi i ,. r , '" ;" Mwl".,""1"""-" " ' '''" riiiinlnB, wl II. t,,y ,,,,,,,1 hol.lluK for llm trmk work h Iar oxorclwa wan uiaili of Hid I'erduo luiHkolliall team when limy won second plain In lllll Western ('llllflTI'IH'o I.MIgtie. Illllierlo Coath Ham Dolan of tin football team ntnl liiKlinitor J. (I. Ahutlimit of llm physical training do parlini'iit liuvu carried mi Mm work between them, Iml pri-HHiiro nf duties Dolan bo m (lll on- 00 limn oro Uiklni: limli in linn In liiiloor uiii- iiiisI'ii iiinlcr .Mr. Aliiilliiiot lit pros nl. Dr. Htewatl, In order In know i.nirnlely llm phjsluit ioiulltloi of . . . . iii'inro iiiui iiikiii on n cnnrgo in innK- 111 IimI i ml in.u- ulll In1. .. . ., '"1iii;; n inrcni to kiii tlio lormor. .un tliroiiKl. tlii InrrraKcil iippnrtiinlty for rpi-clal traluliiK for u larKvr number of limn, 1 l.'url C. Whltlock, wlm ban liffti III Mineral wecka with ty .i.i.i ...... i .....,.i. i. ....... .....i ..-.I j I'.n.l'l l.-l.-l. -- llllll.ll llll Vll. Illlll lr nlili' to Hit up ii llltli) each ilny. - Hcrlouu frldlon Iiiih nrlxcii liclwiin . . . . I i rni-nii .Miorni'jM .inner nun i.awmi, iiKorilliiK lo ri'pnrtu nl linllnnaiolii., Mlllvr I ri'pnrtcil In resent effortK to iiiaki I .in AiiKelfH tlio renter of Ibn dynamite InxeMlKiitlnn. Miller I nb r.ent today. Attacbtx rcfunu lo n.iy wlietlier lie left tbU rlly to confer wllb departliient of JiiKtlro nlllrlal.i. PAST THREE DAYS vi:.Tiii:it SOITCIt MHT i-oiti.k OI IMYS, HIT KIST MOIIT lK- vixoi'ko oni-: ok Tin-: moht IIK.WTIITI, l-'ltOKTK kvi:k l.imt iiIkIiI's low point for the ther mometer wan 21 at r::i0 a.m., agnimt 20 h'llday ninl IT Thursdny. At S a. in. It was 2l!, imalimt 23 yesterday mid IS TliurMdiiy. Last ulKht at S o'clock It wiis 28. against 29 Thurs- ilny nlisbt and 20 Wednesday night., Yeiteriln) 'x high wiib 12 at 4 p. in., against 37 Thursday and 38 Wednes- day There was conslderiUile frost last night, nml the roofs, trees mid earth were this- morning mantled with thews' nir.iinsier iiiiiii'iinijiiiu in iiikiu iiii deney. The fall so far Unci been n etyiirderly and decent one, giving no riiusi) for complnlnt worth telling. When tho snow fell sovcrnl weeks since It seemed ns though King Win ter was foreclosing his mortgage rather only, but It proved, fortunate ly, lo be a false alarm. I.llllnn Graham In tho Stoltcs 4;ootlng enso In Now York, said when Ptokes lured her to his Lexington rami ho forced her to sign u state ment that she was already Impure. An outside explosion, meaning a Spanish mine, blew up tho battleship MnJiie, nrrordlng to a formal report of tho Vreeland board of Inquiry, an nounced yesterday afternoon. "COLLEEN" DAWN IN PICTURE PLAY r.lMOl'H 1IIIHII IIHAMA PHOTO- (lltAPIIKI) OX "OUI.D BOD" UY KAI.KM COMPANY IN TRIPLK HOT OK HKKW4 "Colleen Hawn," Dion Douclcnult's fninoiig Irish drama, has'becn pic lined by tho Knlom photo play con cern, which has had Its company In 1 1 eland for somo months working on muIous Irish plays. It Is on vlow, In throe reels, tonight and tomorrow at Iho Templo thoator, for tho first and only tlmo In this city. .Manager John Houston, who Is a wizard when It comes to Irish folk loro, Gaelic legends and Hibernian history, to say nothing of Celtic char acteristics. sayB tho reels nro among the finest typiflcatlons that he has ever seen. RECORD JAILED, CHARGED WITH BAD THREAT i A.MIIItOSI AMIIIKMJhrrri ACfl'rlFII iiv v. i. n.iitKi:, whom in: hi;i:i, with hk woi'i.n mi. i HIM iii'K mreui in kiii mo lorinur. .1 ,irKCl ,. at.K,, lo hllV0 mBjo WbUot , thrat8 t0 kl c,a til Clark. Sotno tlmo nKo, through nttornoy V. II. Hlinw, AmbroRcttl, a xtoncmniion by occupation, mitJ ClivTko for bal- unco due for work ilunn on the Clarke innimlnii, unit tlio jury illuaKrced. Of lain AtiiliroKcttl dux been ilolriR lomo wii'k lit l-OHt lllu-r illvcrnlon data for Ji'iirno C. Clark ft Company, cohtracl- , fr tno ,ntn ji0 wnK release Inst ,.i,.i,( i... ii... .i.crifr-. ,mm ,. tr.i.n M,, " . v..h...-H .. tioml. Coorcn C. (Mark ntnl William V. ,,,,, Q,minC(l boforo Jnitlcc nf tlio I'raco Craven for tlio piirporo ( rrtlnc ns Bure'.lcB. SEES TAFT ON BOMB PROBE AND MAYBE GAVE REPORT United Press Servlco WAfllllN'tlTON. I). C. Dec. 9 Kederal Attorney McCormlck of I-os' Angeles conferred today with Prcsl-1 dent Taft at tho White House. It Is bollovcd ho made n direct report of! tho dynamlto probe. .-' . 4H HMTKII I'HKSS llltKVITIKS Governor Johnson of California has appointed J. M. Crawford of Fresno, John M. Korth of tang Ilcach and II. II. Welndlrk or lied lllnff, the new board of optometry. At San I'r.iiuUco the second sub .emi has been served on George- Sli- ton, a barber uf tho Hotel Argonaut, v. hero Jim McXamnrn stopped and j !tft a bundle of clothes, when known llrro, PIG TOO WELL FED TO BE VERY WARY AHTIIl'll MKH8NEK HAH PHTCTIC ALLY NO TltOUIILK IN FOItK. CLOSING MOHTflAGi: OX OLKA (HNOl'H YOUNG nOAll Thcro was vory llttlo excltemont about the greased pig pursuit last night at Houston's. Most of It was In tho form of expectancy, for it over u porker nnointcd with oil or unctu ous matter of any kind disappointed those who expected htm to provo elus ive this particular pig did. Mr. Pig for It was a specimen of tho swlno of tho male persuasion did not enro whether school kept or not. In fact, his Indifference as to whether any educational Institution kept in session was noted among his auditors with pain and anguish. A largo crowd had assembled, on tho qui vivo (whatever that' may be), In tending Just to enjoy that pig chaso from Its start to its finish, but tho pig scorned (o bo H almost a state of coinn. Ho must havo had a good food Just before ho was sot loose on the penned stnge, for ho seemed in a condition not many degrees removed from rigor mortis, Ho squatted flat on the stage with his proboscis to tho footlights, whllo tho number of his pursuers was being picked by Robert Athon from n larco and healthy clothes basket. First a man In the gallery claimed to havo tho coupon corresponding to the number drawn, but was found to bo a poor mathematician, for tho figures did not Jibe. Athon then called tho name of Louts H, Bean, but decided that his was not the number. Finally Arthur Meaner, whose 'father, tho patrolman, Chief Walker and tho rcit of tho police, forco were. on hand to enjoy tho fun, was found to havo tho number, and wan called to tho Rtago to don a pair of overall, In order to keep hi regular raiment from accumulating too much greano from tlio hide, of tho swine. Properly armed for tho fray, Mesn ner entered tho oncloauro and made for tho plK, which lay nllll and eyed lilm with only slight mlaglvlnga. Whan Mcsiner's hand was actually reached out and touched against tho porker's cutlclo, tho recreant brute i was nonplussed. When ho felt Angers 1 grabbing at his hide his feelings worn ruffled, soho started to more away. Tho boy followed, reaching; for a rear nether hold, looking disgustedly t his hands after each .greasy grab. Tho pig kept making a leisurely ef fort to get distance between Messncr and himself, but finally the boy got a firm grip, beginning with tho boar's left hind prop, lifted him high In the nlr and deposited him In a box, which was tho goal. Tho pig appeared to bo so willing to do cauKm uiai ii seems a limine, u have wanted tho fatty substanco with which his epidermis was ornamented. Turkiys will be given away noil I week, so holders of coupons should keep 'them. Athon and Johnson will 'not play tonight, but commencing to- morrow night with "ncdcmptlon," a serious effort, will complete nnother week. BANKERS' RAKEOFF BAREB BY CURRENCY COMPTROLLER n,aa "' T,J ,lr"nr' of "l fW"' Conintloii for Iins ' Tlielr llo. I, Upldly tlrowlng Kvll WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. . - The general business of tho country, nil reflected In banking operations, was "quite satisfactory" during the year ending October 31st, according to tho annual report of Lawrence O. Mrurny, controller of tho currency. Murray records a steady growth In tho volume of business, and tho es tablishment of somo high records In this connection. Ho points out, how over. Hint while augmenting somo of tho Important elements of banking during tho year, business did not reach tho average of Increase for the Inst ten years. Tho controller makes the startling declaration that "tho dishonest prac tice by officers or national banks of receiving personal compensation for tho loans made by tho bank Is a grow ing evil, and has already reached such proportions as to call for criminal legislation on the subject. In this mannor," ho adds, "cither tho bank Is defrauded of lawful In terest which it would otherwise re ceive, or usurious Interest Is exacted of n borrower by a corrupt officer. A secret rownrd to tho ofllcers Is some times a deliberate brlbo for obtaining n loan on Insufficient security." Murray urges that the taking of money or other valuables In this con nection by a bank officer can be niado an oftenso punishable by imprison. ment. WHO'S 006 lo IT AT SMITH'S PLACE HAXCHtCR 'OUT MIDLAND ROAD REPORTS FINDING OF APPAR ENTLY VALUABLE MUTT WITH PACK ON ITS BACK ' J. W. Smith, who Uvea about six miles south on tho Midland road, re ports tho finding of a valuable look ing dog, which camo to his placo Fri day. In tho morning as he staTtcd out with his team he noticed a largo yel low and white dog lying in the road in front of his place, with something tied to bis back. On returning later In the day tho dog was still there, and upon examination ho found that the dog had a pack made of a gunny sack, on Its back, containing water, food and tome medicine bottles In a kodak case. , Ho took the dog to the house and RAILROADS AHEAD OF FARMS IN LABOR fed It, and today tried to bring It to town, but It refused to accompany him. Ho would bo glad to learn of tho owner, as ho Is not In particular need of a dog, and believes It may bo highly prltcd by Its mastor. If you want a fine diamond I havo them. It you nro golg to spend your money you should. got something of worth. You'll notiliuit tho record on a hobbyhorse, nor will you bust the record It yoq buy-poor diamonds when It comes to getting your monoy's worth out of It again. 0-41 McIIatton. PIED PIPER OF HAMLIN NEEDED IN WEIGH CITY Waterfront District of Cardiff Over run With llodcnt,.Preiumably Off of 8itiM,'Wlilch Get Under Foot, In rlilenUlly lilting Folks United Press Service CARDIFF, Wales, Dec. 9. Tho waterfront district oMhls city Is over run with rats which nro thought to havo come from the hold of ships. Tho rodeffts appeared between night and morning. Tho authorities seem powerless to exterminate thom. They swarm oven the busiest of tho thoroughfares at night, getting underfoot. Scores of people haTe been bitten by them. They have raided stores. cleaning them out. One shop keeper reports that In the night hit place was flooded with water, and a subse quent Investigation showed that, rats had gnawed through the load water pises. Xow and later than ever: Conklln's pens. Non-leasable nnd'self filling two of tho necessary features toward perfection. Vv J C-4t V McIIatton. REBELS MARCH ON PEKING WITHIN NEXT TWO TIAYS Advance Guard Has Already Started, Demolishing Railroad Tracks. Horning Important BnHdlags, aad Meeting Little Opposition.' United Press Service TIENTSIN, Dec. 9. An advance guard of rebels Is marching on Pekln. It captured Chang Shun and de molished railroad tracks, burning the Important buildings. Practically nil Imperialists had been removed from Chang Shun to Pekln, and llttlo reslstanco was of fered. Foreigners are safe. Tho rebel ndvanco on Pekln starts In forty-eight hours. County Commission See As County Judgo William 8. Worden and County Commissioners C. Ouy Merrill and Sam T. Summers will leave tomorrow on a northwestern trip In the effort to get versed In matters which may lead to the bet terment of the county's business. First they will visit Portland, to take In tlio good roads convention, which will be held December 12-14, at which county Judges and commissioners from all over tho ttate will be In at tendance. There they will also visit tho roads leading Into Portland to dis cover any new wrinkles that may be Will visible In road construction. From Portland they will go to As toria and Inspect the new court house there, so as to Inform themselves on points that might well be embraced la the new 1100,000 court house on block 10, Hot Springs addition which was given to the county on condition that It complete a structure to cost at f i LATTER ARE SECOND t.ltKAT TtlANHPORTATfOX COR 1-OUATIOXS HAVB PAYHOU THAT ARK MORK KXTBMsTR THAN THOSE OF AQKOVtOVHU "Mother, what do yon think of th!a?" said 81 Hawkins, as h fkUKtrt' tip from a close reading of Us latest ccusus report (ono of the hu4rwta ucnt to him by his reproscBtatlvs la congress.) "According to tkssa If tires we farmers have droppad to see- obd place as employers of labor. In 1910 there wars J.340,3tT forme In tho United Btattf. ald. with their Improvements, at Itl.lllr 507,000, and during the same year tho farmers paid out In wages If 41, 012,000. That reads well, bat la this report from the Interstate Coauaeres Commission I find that la the nut ear the railroads of tho United Mates paid for labor the enormous saat of 11,143,715,306, nearly doable what tho farmers paid for their labor la tho same year. "My opinion has been, wkea rail road officials said that they were tho greatest employers of labor, aad that therefore Injury to tho railroads was bound to effect business latsissts of the whole country, that they talking for effect Bat with figures before me. provlag doubt that with an amy of 1,I,4 employes and a sraV)SWarty twlee that otU the4krsMsata tao eoani ! try, I am forcedtoalosrtaa opiate considerable." " '"Land sakes," exclaimed. Mrs. Haw kins, bringing her mathematical tal ents quickly Into play, "these rail road fellows get an average of nearly $700 a year; no wonder they eaa wear blue suits and brass buttons. Why, that Is about three times as much as we pay our hired man, John, and ho works thirteen hours every day of the year, except on Fourth of July and circus day. Maybe If the inllroads made their men work like the farmers do the farmers would not hare to take second place as tho greatest employers of labor." "Yes. and I seo la the papers," Bl. as he bent closer to tho report, "that some of these railroad chaps running trains only work oae- thlrd or two-thirds of tho time." FOR BALE Ono mare, 1.800 pounds, 185. Tomatoes by case ll.eo. cora by case 92.70; fre'sh ranch eggs 0e. Phono 44v, McCabe's grocery. Milts addition -t' Now and fashlonablo lino of silk umbrellas tor ladles. Better have your'a covered If you haw a goa frame. I havo tome new ones at varU ous prices. 6-4t McHattoa. On Junket To Convict Labor least that much money within are years. Thero Is 962,000 aow la tho fund for tho new court house. Proceeding from Astoria to Corvalla the county commission will call on Dr. Kerr, president of the state gn ruUural college to make arrange ments for an agricultural Mane In the Klamath county high school aad tor an experimental farm to be ooa, ducted at the Klamath eouaty poar farm next year. It M tao Plan ia a ... Inatntrlnt. for til faVSB DOIlM lSC ' "1 , .MW.. WW . - - w .w -- -T , j , tno lcnooi, wno ai we bbbo iism wmi v ha in charm of tha anerisseatal farm. . 71-' .-. ..:.-- ,-rv.s 4IIU IM HIIIHWV. w.. OT.OTV '. - run lo Balsa to see Governor OtHMd f West with regard to sn.arraagasaat; tn rattlnv una of tkn alalia 'asssi'v wi.. 41.. m-mmimiab vttfi aaa in.'i vlcts to do road work tor tho ioty.t nsit vear. The SOuatJ1 dads hertOM V that tho use of eonvlets rill WvnV. . .... .4... . amal olali J raillflttvuvia! awfr ,,!. -ai -w the exaertaMat. j " T fl --'I n i J " eirwvAI,MiV1j. ' -, '"v .. 3'o rLia