4 The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties V r lV . rfald. HUPPLIKD IIY THE UNITED I'llKMI NKWM HKHVICE KVKNIN1 NBWSPAPEM PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT ItMTOMr V4 Hltlli Vrnr No. I,ir47 KM.MATII VM.IH, OIIKOON, THUHHDAY, IflX'K.MIIKH 7, 1011 Fries, Fare OmM Ik mmtm ANKENY RIGHTS TO BE DONE AWAY WITH imposition whl( li liml been nmilo 'ITV 'aUtlf'!! C 111 ill1"""" """' "K" '" "'' K,niiin,iil li tl I I LUUNLIL O I'LAW'M'Oiir Hiuiil' rnon. uhlih uns Hint (ho fli would tuku oer (In) riuml iiml Din fiillllliiii'iit of tlm iinu'riiiiH'iil'ii ,l'li:i( TAUT CIIITIUHM OF MAY. UK HANDEHMON IIY IOIM II. MAN WHITE, MITCH IIIII'OltlH H,V DITt'll PUOIII.KM f ,,VI in linu mi, KflllTIIHll'lll S IMI1' - N't fnini Aptll tu Notemlier, ninl lltnl ,iinr I'red T. Handersoii whs k.lu "w" """,'t ,r'"" ""'iubcr lo rn b l.'ouwlliiien (I. W. Whllu nt l:.t ' Mnnl'- Tl,w K'rinn(it wns prnrllc l.ljsl.ls luetHlllK fur III lillCK.il full- ,,ll '" ,,m,r'1 wl"' ""' ''''"'"'I ''I'. urn lii ro-oponilo with i oiiunttU h of ,"" ",l,,, ,l"1 lv" ,m,r" "'"" Ml ''" lilrti In. Ik ii mt.iiib.ir. Tbo matter ,,r" iml"' "r ,w" n,l'l,' ,,','l ,,r K,r Han broiiKbt up when liU Imiiiir '"'"'' nk. fur n Itiport frniii llm iimml. "Wmibjwt lo Hid rlly umli'itnklliK It it settlement of tbo Alikcii) ill m ' supply H'Mij fully liter rights," nul.T rlKhls. It Im'Iiik llm major's ilu. ""''I White. "Tho itoi eminent has mm to iiiku ovr tbo Kwriiiucnt'f ' " I"1 '' trouble with lliein up to nspiiiisllilllty for thocnnnl. I"'l "'"'. ""' ' HI "'" " ''" V nto not ready to maun u r !"" lnk' "u'1"' ll ' "," for "'" ,,0"t t..n ..i u.l.l Wl.lt,, -wi .....HiiliiriMitsiif Hi.- rll) to take the prop- . mtnlltitt n appoint. .1 I told )im, Mr Mntnr. Hint hi, tmitti! In limn from threo to six months In whirl, lo k i ready to tell tho rounrll how Mm l 'litter stands. If )iu unuld give us "iir riMiperntlnii In thrno mnttus i.il would know' better how they ii ml I urn sorry that )ou li'ivu rslled for ll report and brought tlm Matter up at this tlm... Vim are a i riuber of that rommflte.., ntul It, vim had workfil with us would know ,nt the situation, without rnlllm; fur It." ' I'to got other things to attend In" drrlared tho major. "Tlio rlty roulil sine n lot of money if them was not so inurh wasto md neglect of Its business," nsnerlrd .Mr. WhUo. Why, jou folks bought that woul ,ri ln wblrb to get ready Its and paid n dollar per rord more th.iu'pnnn nn, w,uk on them," snld I'resl- weil been gclHiig It for," bis Honor irliirlt'd, "I was reud to go nlie.nl with tbo deal and get tlm stuff, but ton wouldn't havo It that way, and li'ftnled that n rnmmlttcn bo nppoln: ni to tnko rhnrge of ll. I rannot u" ilml ou't otitnlned any reilurtlnii of llm light rnli. from the Khimntb Tails Light and Water company." "You'ro n paid olllrer of tlm rlly, mid yet )ou expeit ui rounrllmou. , f bo work for iioIIiIiik, to do ten tlm's .is much work as ou do" warmly uild Mr. Whltov "If )ou would co v. lilt us to look Into thesi mntlers m wo wnnt you to mid reuet ou to llmo nnd again, things would bo dif ferent." "I'll go with )ou any tlmo," tho nmor said, "You'o not shown murli Inrllna Hon In tho pnst to do ll," retorted White. "Tbo Iroublo Is ou nro nfrnld to tncklo the work," Hiiggcstod I ho iiuijor. "You miy Hint berauso you'ro fre queiitly guilty of that kind of work )ourMolf. In tbo matter of tbo An keny dltrh matter tho special rum nillleo which was iipimlnied to ti.lto Bend House Wants it.. ii. ...111. ft1.iK (ktrtrttliimil III up mo iiiiiik r ....... h... .......... , , ,10IuUmil ,,ng till' In harmony as to tho l..-s ""';'' ' '? ,' ,,, ,,,,,, Holding liar- Ihi lrut i handling tho .iWom. ,,',,, f,tcom , linn formerly. hut iIwh not bellcvo Hint llm I'lnn ", . i ii Vi,rr..ti N not John wlch was worked on ,.,!.., lu Us "X o con" polntment Is tlm best way." II. Inn. It. im ''"" ' .,,,.. Mr. White then mavu.1 thai Uccotd-, tractor ' '" ,,,'', C er ThoniM K. Nicholas read the , known lornlly. and who built tin Mer As To Proceedings 01 City Hall Issue IJ. II. llollliiH & Hon, tho Houvor 'mud house which hid for tlm city hnll, flro equipment nml KnrlmRO plunt bonds, hut hna not bought tho secur ities, lias wrltlcn a letter to Mayor J'. T. SandorHQji, saying that It wants moro' Information about tho proceed lugs loading upto tho city's vote on tho laiuo. , Kvory wock or ho tho bond people iop In ft lottor cltllor to City Recorder Thomai P. Nicholas or tho moyor, iking for Information. , Tho last lottor wnnts to know ll 'hi. proceedings wro Btrlctly In ae- ordnnco with acctlon 87 of tho char- Tho rocordor told tho council last night that he would bt glad to have iiIiIIkiiIIiiiih Id fiiriiluli futly miner's Inches to tented rich!, mvii-il lln K'lteriiiniut wiiulil fiirtilnh tlm illy Willi 100 miner's Iih lien, fir 2. Ii ruble feet nf water per hhiiii.I. rim ilty .inltlon oil llilmo terms. Wi should wln out theso wiitrr rights. Vlillo I '""""! "" '"''""' '" I1'"" ' "' ciiiiiiiiiiii'u ill uim uiiiii nun iiihkd ii ipulillr w r.ro ngried as to how to go about it. and ll will tnku some lime to get fur enough to tell Just what Hie result will be. Hilt I will say Hint wo Ii lluti. ten of IIicsk rights rail be handled uhovo tlm l.envltt tract and that ten more will b r. leased aluolutely. It Is the deslr of tho property owners up on the hill Mil lo get entirely rid of the rnnnl (rum tlm l.enltt tract all tho wny to tlm government's ninlu cuinl. The tnsk Is ronslilcrnhln In ruuvans the slliintlon thoroughly, as wo lmo about forty pooplo with which to, ileal." mi ,,,,.,. iiint ili. rvsiuiiillliwt Imvn' IIIOS1T ! SiV ! ' ll(,nt MftTlnn llnnkK. Tlm motion prevailed .i,i.i:tii:i had riu:t'K mamit. mtou who i.r.rr iionhsm.in IIOI.IHNO SACK, HAS SAMi: INI TIALS AS MMUli IUil.l)i:il J. II. Uarrett Is not J. II. (liirrett. At le.nBt, bo'u not the mnn ou think bo Is If ou nro thinking nhoul the Klatnntli Kail contractor. Joseiili II. (liirrett Is rharged with passing n bum iberl; on tha Qulllltch grocery, mid lmulo tho machinery of tho law slip n cog by securing ball mid then not appearing when his lmme. was railed bofmo Judge Terry It. Kelly. Inrldentiilly, by oklpplng out us bo More Details' City Attorney Horace M. Manning or anybody olso tho council might dwlro to piobo Into tho question ot whether bo hail not furnished tho bond pcoplo with wbnt tboy had hcon asking for. President Marlon llnnks was lu fa vor of giving tho bond liouao k tzvt days to "como across- wiiu um ii" ot tho realm tor tho bonds or declare tho deal off. Councilman 0. W. White, consldoi1. lug tho standing of tho bond houso, said that arbitrary ocuon no. .... founded might lead to tho Impair ment of tho city's credit with bond houses gonorally. ami bollovcd In fur- . . i..i..Hah tlncititArl lllshlllg all tllO luiunmmu" within ronsou, boforo glviiis notice. No action was taken. GARRET WANTED NOT CONTRACTOR rill hi'IiihiI lit takes lli-i inlntiikc In' r.iiinl iiiri, lull In ki'pt busy cxplMiltiK " Momli-rliiK fl lends ' Ti:.f'iii:iis' examination ' Coiinl) Kiipcrlnti-nili'iit of Kcbools .l 0 Knlin will liulil llm ri'L'iilnr m, . iiiiiliiutloii fur uppllcniils for state pnj ,'imis In tho Central srbool l)e(Plnbvr,.M,.v HUNT TO HAf.K.M AH CHAV :'0 in 23 WoiIiii'mIu) Mnnilni:, Writing, If.. JK History, I'lDslulngy. Afternoon, I'hystral (I.Higraphy, Itniillug, C'ornpn. I Hltl'iu. Mi'tliuils In Iti'iiillng, MciIkhIh ''hSny-'-MiiriiliiB. Arlthmrtlc, nun , nil inMii lllll'-Kl, llinilJIJ IJI IU1IIH .tliin. PIdm linlugy, Methods In tleng. inpliy Affrnoon (Iriimiiinr, (Jiog- picture and identincntion card rnphy, Ani.rlaiii MtPrnturc, I'hyslrs,"' Alexnnder Douglas, or Henry Mor- I Methods lii Limgiiiigp, Tl.rsls for lrl- Pin,(tho flrtliug who' was sent to Bo- innrv (Vrllllinles i Icni ton days ago, aftir u medical I'rl.lm -Mnrnltii:. Theory ninl Prnc commission In lunncyy appointed by tin. Orthngraili. I'ngllsh l.lteraturc. .Jm'Iko Henry I,. Ilenson had declared Mternaoii. Krliool Law, llotiiliy. Alge. Ill"' Insane. I,r At Rnn Qiicntln tho man was known Sniuiiln Moinliig, (knmclry, (!".( A. Itnme, alias August Huron, and ulogi Miernnnii, (ieneral History, ')' wys bo tried to work tho In- lloiikkeeplng QUIT STREET JOB sltiri'l.VCTO.V .MIlMllt:it, ANXIOUS to t.irr oil' ((tM.Mirrr.i: him . Mi:sTAii(iirr I'ou noi:gi:i:rs , I ItD.M HIS HONOll, TIII'AI.WMIt t'ouurllmnn Chns. Mcdowan would llko to resign fioiu tho street com mlttee, for ho lives at Hhlpplngton. Hits makes ll bard for him to attend tho rounrll mooting, and more so for him to do work on tho street com mill co. Hut although ho brought tho mat ter up twlco last night his plea wna scorned, for. tbo ninor limbered up his oratorical catapult and hurled a' group of hourjiit'ts nt tho Shlpplngton member for bis good work on tho committee, which fairly prostrntcd Mm. KING AND QUEEN VISIT MKirjF QUARTERS CuglMi It.ijally Puts In IMy Making IIoiiiuN of I'oor, t'liiinlii'N, Ilrcrii iIiiiih, HiiillaN, i:lillilllons uud Niitlw. Viinrtcis of lliiinluiy. Ui.lted Press Servlco ltOMllAY. India. Dec. 7. King rimri.-., nnd Queen Mary occupied tho day visiting tlio exhibition, hospitals, Hum lieu, receptions, tho natlvo rjuar tcr and makltg iiresoat to tho poor. Viceroy l.oid llnrdtngo, accompa nied bv l.iulv llnrdlngo mid n brilliant stnff.jiirrlved nt Delhi to prepare for tbo nrnvai or ino King mm quwu. Their majesties left Ilombny for tbo ancient Mogul capital today. Tlio roiiintroller of tho curroncy has linked for statement of banks at closo of business December Sth. I.os Angeles complcto returns: Mnyoyr Alexander (ro-clected), 85,- 78U; Hiirrlmnn, rl,r.w. ot a stugio Boclnllst wa elected. Winning party spent ffiOO.OOO and losers halt that. BY PETROLEUM FROM HOUSETOP Mini nml Wo'iimn Have Tlielr Clothe Hiilncil by llurket of Oleaginous Matter WliUli IX's-H-iideil on Tliem lu'Clty Street nnnTi.AND. Dec. 7. Dronched In n bucket of crudo pclroloum thought to lmvo been poured from the roof of a hiiiuo at Hussoll iivcnuo nnd Hron- .Inw street bv P. Btono. for wtioin the pollconro looking, J. I.ufrworler nnd Mis dishing appenioa to t-airoi. mnn DnltZ for Old. goveinl persons saw Stono wit', tho i,,..m nf nti nn tlio iooi. ana no is said to havo threatened ono man tilth vlolonco It l" told ot ins nroiamn on llm rnnf Luforwcrli r' clothe and thoio of Miss Cushlna wero ruined. MgGOWAN CANNOT OF CRIME HELD BY DOUGLAS lllti:ill'(l TRIER TO WOUK IN. ha. siTV dodoe on .iuihjk ixl CAI.IIOK.MA BUvtlll William IJ llnrnes has a li.tl.T fr.n.i .Inlin V. Ilnvlo. wnrilon nf. --- - - - ----, t tho California prison at Han Qucntlu, sanity ilimg; on tbo Monterey county Judge, who sentenced him, but was regnrded In prison as perfectly snno Ho hnd spent a term In tho Walla Walla, Wash., penitentiary for bur glary, when bo was by occupation n fireman. Ho served sixty days In the Heattlo county JallTind thirty days In tho Tncomn county Jail. If It can ho (irovcn that tho mnn Is sano tho , Insanity verdict may bo revoked and Douglas brought hack hero to answer I mo ennrgo or aTson. . t'NiTKD i'ukkh ititi:viTii:.s Aviator Ilodgors at I.os Angeles, nmiounrcd that ho would on Sunday next complcto his ocean to ocean trip, ,jnK from Compton to Long Beach, King Ororgo and Queen Mary ar rived nt Delhi, whero Durbar will bo next Tuesday, and t'Alr-procession was greeted by native princes. I'ekln says Prince Chun has been deposed nt rfgent, and will bo ban ished, on order of Premier Tunn Shi Kill, Imperialist. TRUE BILL FOUND' IN BELLAMY CASE ;ham juhv indicts coiOiu:i MAN WHO IS SUSPECTED OK TAKING WAGON llICI.ON(HX(l TO A RANCHKK An Indictment for larceny has boon returned against Tom Dollamy by tho grand Jury. Bellamy, who Is colored Is suspected of talcing 11 rancher's wagon which tho ownor missed for six weeks until It wns. found hidden in tho. ard of tho prem ises whero Bellamy had his abode. The doubletree nnd neckyoko wero lu tho cabin, tho nuts 1a a water closet, and other parts scattorcd about. Tho bed was hidden under a pllo ot lum ber mid other material. GIVING TURKEYS AMAV IS OPPOSED BHOUNCILMEN ( mipiiiiy 'ilnl Has Had Klamalfi Fulls Contract Finds Its llcmciii bninco to Portbiml Officials Alt' Not Fnvorwl Now PORTIiAND, Dec. 7 Pretty touch, whon you wont to glvo away big, tine Tlmnksglvlne, turkojs nnd can't dc ll. what? And tho precious birds at U5 cents n pourd. That's tho sad, ad fato of tho War ren Construction company, ono of th u paving concerns of tho cl.v, tint jinr. For, lo, tneso many yosrj. mo company ha been In the habit of pre- Kentinor citv councllmen. member of tlm mociiilvo bonrd. and such othor officials as might bo In' ft position to return favors, with splendid speci mens of this aristocratic national bird at Thsnkiirlvlnir time. And for the mot part tho boy havo accepted tbe token with full appreciation. But Whan Manager A. M. Shannon of tlio paving company went around Ininont; tlio boys tlili year, hinting that 1 1 Iki ciiHtom wonlil bo repeated again (id rnn up against a flcrco layout, particularly among tlio newer genera tion of officials. Bomo of tbo things that happened whon tho overtures wcro mado by tho paving boss would linvo grieved a leas hardened soul, and Hhannon couldn't understand It. With ono accord, however, tho city otllclals wcro polllo In their refusal to cat turkey at the paving company's oxponKo. WMjI. K'J'?," J !"" ... TO llh SIAniUMI M5XT SWMA Friends of tho Interested parties aro In rccolpt of the following, which In self-explanatory: "Mr.-rnd Mrs. A. D. HarnaM re quest tho honor of your presence at tbo mnrrlagj of their daughter, Ma I'll, and Mr. Horace Enrl llamukcr, on Sunday, December loth 1911, at Trlock, at Ilonanza." wooloIentify farm property KVIHENt'K SO FAIt IN CAItltOLI. .. vni.AVli flllKKI.V iir'ot. Kl) TO I'ICKIXa OUT CIIATTKLH IN DISPUTE In circuit court tho past two days have been chiefly occupied by the taking of testimony of John D. Car roll and his son Pearl In tho caso of tho former against cx-Judgo Oeorgo Noland. Attorney- C. M. Onclll rep resents tho plaintiff, while Thomas Urnko appears for tho defendant. An effott Is being ma'de to bring out with certainty Just what arti cles and animals ard claimed by Car mil, who asserts ownership of live stock and farm equipment, which ho alleges ho put on tho Altamont ranch while ho and his son wero Identified with It. REPUBLICAN UHREST IS REPORTEO AMONG CHINESE Stirred Up Over Abdication of Prince Itegi-nt Shun? anil Plan to. Organise Provisional Assembly With Nan king Capital Unttid Press Service SHANQIIAI, Dec. 7. Republicans, not satisfied with the abdication of tho prlnco regent. Shun, plan to or ganlzo a provisional assembly hero, and will then mako Nanking their capital and begin a march on Pekln. The general belief among leaders la that Yuan Shi Kal will Join tho re publicans soon. Tho rebels have received French aeroplane tor use when fighting I rcsuntcd at Wuchang. Every time you buy 25 cent worth ot candy at the Little Book Store you get a ticket on tbe beautiful hammer ed bras box. Wo All It for tbe lucky tlckot holder with F. ft O. chocolate. l-6t QUELESS REPUBUCJELEBRATION Joyful Demonstration at Seattle In Which Red, Whito and lue le Wuved nnd China's Washington Extolled iJnlted Pres Service SEATTLE, Dec. 6.-Condemning tho Munchti and extolling the virtue ot the revolution, more than 200 queuoless Chinese met In mat meat Ing hore and cheered Jhemselrea hoarse undor tho rod, white and bluo of the proclaimed republic. A large picture ot Bun Yat Son, the "George Washington ot China," hung on the speaker' platform. Temple theater, Matinee dally, I: So p. nt. Evenlug. Irat peiformanee, TtlS, ooaUauoua OREGON HAS SCOOP ON SISTER STATES TO THK KLAMATH PIONEERS At tho annual meeting ot the Klam ath Pioneer Society held In Klamath Kails on November 9, 1911, the mat ter of. Incorporating was taken up, and a committee of three person appointed to Investigate tho title, suit ability and prlco at which Wilson' Island, abovo town, could bo pur chased as a homo tor pioneer, and a place for annual meeting. This committee bating reported In writing, In accordance with tbe reso lution, and tho president having been authorized thereby to call a- special meeting of tho society to consider such report, I hereby deslgnato Sat urday, tho 9th day of December, at 3 o'clock p. m., a tho time, and tho library ns tho placo for such meeting, tho court now being In session. All Klamath Pioneer are urged to bo present at that time to express their view on tho proposition, a It Is a very Important matter for the society to consider. O. A. STEARNS, President. WANTED Two girls; ono for cart- i;r and ono for Dooiueepcr, si star Drug Store. . I 7-nt ..t .... New and fashionable lino of silk umbrellas for ladle. Better bate your' covered If you havo a good frame. I havo oine'new''6nc at vari ous prices. ' C-U McHatton. Library Clnb Meeting The Women' Library Clnb will hold Its regular meeting tomorrow, Friday, afternoon at tbe Public Libra ry. Important business. They are here. Bomo of tbo pretty things I am going to havo for the holiday trade. No troublo to show you If you are Interested. C-4t McHatton. BUILDINGS MUST COMPLYWITH LAW COUNCIL DECLARES FUTURE PERMITS WILL BE GRANTED ONLY WITHIN TERMS OF CTTx OHDLNANCE ' The city council Intend to see that tbo building ordinance la complied with, for It last night adopted a reso lution presented by Councilman Mc Gowan to notlfyy tbo public that here after no permit will be given to re pair or rebuild except according to ordinance. "I move wo lay It on the table," said President Marlon Hank. "I move we adopt it." aald Me- Oowan. "Do you want to go on record a laying that wo have been violating tho law?" asked Hank. "I don't caro whether we do. We have been doing It right along." The motion way put and prevailed. New Mail Route Trial Asked, Claim Made That Jury Wasn't Segregated In tbo caso of J. A. and J. L. Mar tin against J. L. Yaden, In which the jury gave a verdict for tbe plain tiff In the sum ot 1350, when $376 was asked, Attorney E. L. Elliott has mado a motion bofore Judge Percy R. Kolly to set aside the verdict. Tho lawyer alleges that the bailiff, Clarence O. Morgan, permitted tbe Jury In the case to leave the jury room and mingle with others In the court room before they bad rendered a verdict. He contends that this Is contrary to tbe statute, which pro vides that while a Jury 4s considering a case wbleh baa gone to It the twelve men shall be kept separate from otbor persons. Another ground for the motto seta HAS DAY AT SHOW EVERY VISITOR WILL BB OTVMS STATE BADOE, WHILE TOM RICHARDSON AND OTHKM .WILL HE SPEAKERS Of EVERT Special to The Herald CHICAGO, Dec. 7 Ortgoa plaaaed a "scoop" on other state at the big land show in tbe Coliseum here to day. Tho day ha been given ovor to the representative of tbe atate that are hero, and Governor Weat baa sown his Interest by naming J. H. O'Neill of the O. W. R. ft N. of Portland aa his offlclal representative. Mr. O'Neill will act aa chairman at aa elaborate entortalnment that will be held la the afternoon. One ot the big lecture hall of the Union and Southern Pacific companies ha been turned ovor to the statt for the program which 'wilt Include speeches, music and other good thing by well known person. Tom Rich ardson, who left the governor' spe cial, with which he waa traveling, to be here, will bo the chief speaker of tho day. Ho I expected to tell Chlcagoan Just "Why la Oregon," and when be get through ChlcagoaM that havo tbe pleature of beaiiag his talk about his state will know Jmat why Mr. Richardson la an eathnelaat. Othor speakers of the day will ho G rover Simpson, general snperiateat cnt of the Wells Fargo compaay; J. E. Verree, C. C. Colt, George Bo Ha ven, Hallett W. smith, F. N. Brnoy Prof. Chamberlain 'and others. ' As every visitor to the laid efcrr enters the big bulMdag he wilt havo a silken badge bearing the oao word, "Oregon," pinned on his coat The tho Oregon exhibits will be explained In detail, and It la planned to glvo out thousands of booklets descrlhlag tho different sections ot the state. "We shall tell all'tbat it Is possible to crowd Into a fow hours about Ore gon," said Charles S. Fee, passenger truffle manager ot the Southern Pa cific, last night. "I confidently be lieve that when Oregon Day la over , there will bo at least 30 000 now boosters for tbatistate. Oregon has much to talk about, and with Tom Richardson to toll It, we all know there will be a bunch of converta to Oregon and Oregon things that wo couldn't get in any other way. The Southern Pacific and Its allied llaea are co-operating with the people of Oregon In this boosting movement, and with the stereoptlcon nnd moving pictures that we are showing dally la our two big lecturo halls we are prov ing tbe facta that our lecturers are handing out." Congressman Suiter says congress will force abrogattonu of the 18SI Russian treaty discriminating i Americana travollng In Russia, Federal officials at Ban Antoato seek General Bernardo Reyes, alleged Mexican revolutionist, said to have hopped hla ball and re-entered Mex ico disguised, via Corpus Christ!. up that the verdict Is not la accord ance with tbe facts, It being assert ad that a verdict for S13B, or auMeate thereof, Is tbe only verdlet that aoatd, be properly rendered. Tho small ear- rylng contract between the partita was at 13t per month, asd It" la claimed that no fractional part ot a month waa due. V MoNamaras at Los'Aagelaa'liilaffe they will not under any eireuautaaoaa' glvo federal grand Jary .aaythsa about their alleged kaewtedfft ad country wide coasplraey. . Joha aa' bo called and give 'a ehaaasj to fuse, y- xpvu-1- M'Q j'.V- A- MP I it I :n . n ;--s - 4? i-1 A I r I ali o. AST . ;ft ,-S. r -- 'W WL -. ft. TV Jj',!4 ' At