sxp: K The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties iii," vl 4 ItnM. HUITMKD IIV TIIK I'MTKM I'llKNN Ni:U'H HKIIVK.'K KVKMXI XKW8PAPKRS print nil': m:vh, not ihmtoky 9 suiii Vfr '. i.iiaa KLAMATH FALLS, OHKOON, WKDNIiSDAV, DP.CP.MIIPH , Ittll PrlcVf Win OmIs Ik itttiia GROW SUGAR BEETS PURELY EOR STOCK II SEEMS POSSUM I I IPS II' .SO Mtllll Pxtiiiltx. ( hmi:s ah .1, c. Miirin:i,i. in runs m.i pint kin run iiimu t ItllC I'Olt CAiTl.i: rltlgnl hoots giuwu Ii) Urn funnels iiniiiinl Miilln from seed riuiiMii'il Ii) lu guicrnuiont nrc being iiillit'int Ii) I I'rnnk Ailn win. l IhidIiii: Hi ii liln iniuli ni'itr M ft r 1 1I Tin- In- -riuiMit nf tin nml Uiii iieerxis II hill dull Hiiik im ii ilii'inliiil iiiiiiht nnv In uiidcrttikcn li inpi'tli. ll Is now hclloxo.l Mini whither n 'I sugar !i! till) Is mluhlUhed In ilir iiiiintv next )"'iu in ini Hiii id .uluitluu uf tin' sugar ! t slmpl. r Blink fmiil will hi' muli-rink. n I Mitchell, who l It "HI know ii ''ik mull has nffoted nrliiln Imm 13 a Inn for nil thf) inn glx. him -I l entire plant "III Im Hi" il I" ' iii mule, lindcnd nf Ihi' residue ilmi Inki ii (rum Ixi't sugar fin Inr h' I former inn raise, on mi axernKe. ' ill If. tups to lln nrr mi Klnrn tli "'ill. which, nt 13 per tun would I if. mi ni'l trnin migitr heel lie high I'flrn if nil rr rrltl fond - If0 nil ,..l I .....11 ..11.1 Ml- Kr.M. .".Irnlilllty of the suunr heel f..r h-eil. or, l.ovlll'1 will lippatintl hi. tho n.m of a ihaiiKed n.ndlilon In tin .' n.nud liir miRnr I i In Hils "lR'- 1 "hood T, "I" l'f f ,l!, '" lI'lK'-oiin- I. of Into hn rniiM-il some olii. k ship. . r. to semi their nnllimls mil of Ihef t.Sl.fl iiii. lit. to he fed for the winter J ' Mllrhrll rerenll) sent a shipment Into California In a point 'near Hamilton. where Is a heel Hiiitar fnrtor), lo nnxe l Hie nulliinln fed there for the winter I " If.fc.. run km rnoimli miRnr h-.ts l ' "' " ""' '"""n"'1 ', l,"Vt' rnltle In Ih- cuut.t) It will snxe Ihi-m If ) aio In spend Jimr MpplliK the,,, awn), and nisi, he prof- "in rhmiM i't wilii.-lhllill of l,n ... to the fi.rn.ers who ...,.y ,als.Morlh. YouMI no. Mil the re.ord on stiKitr hee.s will. whl. I. lu f-d then. hol.b,hor.e nor til n hurt lh 1, Is said (lint the ihol.e ...Rnr I -'- " " "' I"' '"'"'"- l" " It. it... i.,h.I one " "" I" B'HIW ",lr """ Ti ... wpIrIiIiiii from 8 ... I H.un.l. n onlly i.iiitnlii the best proportion of it'slrnhle elemelils If siiitar liti'ts i an he itrow n In Ki.o.1 iuniit'lle for food iiiirpuiuon, Hie Inrrcnsii In Iho lidenxnr to nmke this loutity n hots market Is Ukel) In fnllow V.T) few hues ill in nil hero now, hut II their hand IlliK Is profitable with liwl food. i. prekliiK Industry would not he Iuiik In i mil UK. Say. M)rlle. If 'u ate reIih: to HlVi (litirKn)iinr plitnio. I lute HUlle i ly pretl sterlliiK frames. Jusl Ihr ih'iii! for his .Ir.'!- Mlulil mean xv ihllliK bells for Von l'nn'1 t"'l iMI " M.llntloii When nu sen n hen eatliig la.ks joii nre rush In assume that she Is going tn lay n carpel Parm Jnuriuil- Null.e Them will be ii Hpeiinl meeting nr Aloliii chapter Nn, 61. O V. rt nn I'll day night, December Mb AM "'' bets am requested In h. pii'M'iil. us tho W'urthy (lialid Million will he proHciit, . - Sheep Market Much Improved And Firm Will Send More Woollies Below O. T. Miixindieti and Clmrllo Ar thur uiuined fiom H.m I'luuclsco tho His! pint of the week, whem the) went recently !"' " hlpimnl of 2,0110 lumbH for thai nun kit. ii.i.. ii., i.i.u a iili: hunch uf laiuhH lu the feed )ii.ds near Moiilll. and ln- ti tided tn keep I ho leuialnder until j Home ilmi. later In the wtniei, ...-.. Iliiv i'xii'1-leil to hnvo lh'' l "Ht I'liiMa iiiudlllou (or H" wiuthern mar kit wlion at ltn l,Bl . . . HUwovor. on Ihls till" Ihoy found the mm kot lu hiicIi shape that they hULlled back to cull their hunch and ship u thousand or nioro head as soon ii d pnualbto, L , , Hlioup report thaUtho last ship mont Kotihj-oiiBh.ln very Kod shape, cuiiMtderlmT nil .1n. m' "18t ,l1" "" "i"' i" ii Miilliinl p.. p. i .nili-d mi l, in i,, tj ,, ,),, rtll ! i ii i U.ill. i I'IhIii i uf Hi, Inlet lot I.. d iniiii.lniil Will II Hlii I .,! I'nil Ii ml iiml Miitfniil in iriiiliilni'iiil In ' iilihiinl report mi i'Xirinlltllli nf l i.lMHI fot ioiuU In Hi,, imrk ll l xilil Hint Fisher tumle guild hlii promise reserving I he right lolho.lo. i:itliui'iit In inbuilt Ii. iiiIkIiiiiI estl iiii.1i' in mi iiiiii'inlril nun jimi Hi"' original estluuilc iniiniil l Icnriic.l HuporluloiHloiit W. Frank At mil nf t li- pink ri-t tm iiiiitl-t mi niiriiirliilnii u( nn iiiiiiiinii nppruxl- uintclt the wiiue i,h Hint miked liy .Mr St. el Tin' Portland mini le.entlv (undo a trli iii Washington iii km mi' mi up- iii.irlniliui nf ffiiHi.Oiiu fur the i:irk Win titer IiIm ..(fiirl fnlli'il nml tin- $!;,. mill , intiini uded hi I In' tritiniir) in - ir' ii i l tin till linen not iiin-iir . . . BISHOP DOWN ON LITTLE BUSINESS iihisii:s "i i:niiv pint wii.ns UP I IM, Ml IIMI'WIPU IIV Ills i;W rltlll' OP WlllsMllls MP n nn: mki: II SI lieuriie IIIkIm'I' . lIl'UII ,, r.,n ,sl . tllllK Till. h Mr ni,,,,,-,, V in Khiiimtli -,U ,r n.u.rnt tt,.ek hi ie rB pw( u,n ,(llll) fnrmtl(. ,, ,, im,,M ,,, ,,,,.,, Tll(.ri. ,mH ,.n Miinlilernhlo h i the Ink. . nml Ins ,,,.,, ,,iiiitered miiiii. on Ih. win ((n) ,tM,.ril4li t priiillmlli hn .. , . ... . ....... .., tomorrow, ami ulnlcs- I tint the 'iet trip will hive In he mnde on Ihiim' .(lu.k irlh out of It iiKalt. '- Mil lotion CLEAN UP DOCKET POLICY OF COURT .IPIMii: I'PIII V It. KP.I.I.V XOTI. PIP IMMIIHT AiTOIIXP.VSOP. pipi: op oppa timi: nut piiim. IVAI. TASPS Jinlge I'eic) It Kell). who Is pu slillug In It -ill .mill .luring the ah seme of Judge HeiiO I. Ilenson. Is itppareiill) KoluK "' " H he can In get iiiS'S going and clean nit the cal endiii. In open ill I todn) h( nolllled Ah. tiiliHil Dlstrjrt Allnrney Clmiies J. Pergusnu that he wished In apprise the district ntlnrney's ofuco that he lii'.d sonii' open time "It appears that mil) iiH tn' loss of ttelghl nn tho elillio hunch of 2,000 bend, dhl not iivciuko pound In lln. iiuiiual, Tho next shipment will he gotten liigelher as soon iih possible and start ed mi Its San Fiamiscn In or.- der t niako Its uppeniance j(n company with Us Iftnilnt tho lu hnoi L'hrlstmas holldnH Itliifl & Hi am on tho wrong "aldo of thl in.iri'hlid mid Main. i high" amTcomo uxor. "Put Vim 1 to mo. I'll iry in u plcnsf Ctl Mcllntton. llllVl lll'l'll NCt hllfllll. till'." until til H li'iimr nml I wuuhl like fui Hie iIIh- rlii iiMuriii''H ulllii' lu know tluil tin-, nil U tlinl I hni' Kuiini open time, o Hint if thi'ti' an. mi) uiscm which mi. deslioil lu In. hit during mirli ' period, It limy In iimiii iivnlliililc for ' iluilinil inscs." i 'I hi' usslxluiil illitrli t iitlurni') snld ,J would noltf Dlxlrlil Atliirni')' l)"ll V Kii)ki.iilnll It hiul hci'ti hi'lliDi'il In kuiiii. iitturiii'iH llnil in ulmlniir 'lllM'H KIMllll hi. hlllllKllt iii lirfurt'l IiiiIri' Kill, hut from the nttltiinVor ' Hii. i mil I nil xiii' HiIh inuriilliK H Ik iiiinr'iil thut lot li Ml mid nlii:- Illfll lltHIII'N will III' Illkl'll tip. New nml riishloiiiihlc 1 1 n i.. of silk .iiuhu'llim for Indies Ili'tUr lmo xoiii'h iiititi'il If ) on Imrc it itood fuuue I hni' hiiiiii' ni'U'Oiii'H nt nrl- oils pile-on. Mi Mcllntton. m:i iicrniiATioN at liOI.HPN iipij: STOItP, , Mia .1 Alh'ii Chiinhlll or Hnn il'n ihIhii Is I ii the illy I his week, mid v!ll kIi' n fici' ili'tiiiiiiHtrntloii nt li iloldi'ii Hull' Ktiire of Hie newest itilimx In nn il loralliiR for iofii pll on . iireHhi'r ioviih, ruimiT'i rurtliiK. oveiH i-tr The ladli'H of Klnmntli ''.-lu nre Im It'll to rail nt the (ioldi'tt Kill." Klure dllllllK the ueek 1111(1 lt- ii llii ileiiiotiKlrntloii. Mrs. ('hurrh- 11 i Imi do s rhlim pnlntliii;, nml Iium full sample line ulth her, nml u 111 i'k nrilern for pnlnted rtilnn for 'triiuiiis ilelher) Mrs Chnirhlll I he lll'll' one Week Dili) 0-ll GARRET IS GONE WARRANT ISSUES mw Ai,i,i:ii:i to havi: passi.h UAH tlllH'K ON I'll.MTt ll ihh:s M)T..swi:it wiikx tih-: I lllItT (MUX limi'iili II lliirretl Ih until. ..I In answer to u liinrgo of nmikctlim it I liitil inei'K oil lliu wuiiiui'ii Krorcry. He Iiml been nriostcd on tho rli.uo . ml hound oxer to answer hefuro tho uraml Jury, which found an indict- in. 'ill Justice of the I'faco Chnrj's itlruxis had Mxed bin bond at $200, which wr.s fiirnlehetl by Captain J. P. l..e . mint) avb.'huor. Wli"ii (Jnriett'H naino was cnlled Id .luilue Percy It Kelly tho iiiTiise.l fulled to illiswer. Thp court or.lvied henrh warrant issued for tho man. mid lhea.oi'Uliicnt has been turned Into the otlli'K of Sheriff William II Unmet, A 'I'll, iimii. hut He Is it Vice present ,f. r anyone. If ou xvnnt tn glxo some ilhliiK useful. I I',, it Mcllntton, 1 HUNT SLAYER WITH DDGS AND GUNS THROUGH WOOD illls Victim Wax nml Hob 1 bi'il, Hut Wluil AiiKuint of II.Hily PutMie.l Man Olilnlne.l llnx Xol Keen lit'iimexl. United Presg Service SKATTI.rJ, Dec. 0, James lllnck huin'H murderer Is being punned by dogs and posse through tho loggf.l nff laud out of Paetorln-, across l.ako Wiishliiglon, but It Is feared bo him escaped. Ho hns been dulled tn that point. Hhickham xvns murdered and thon robbed. How much booty tho mttr- deter sreured Is unknown. WOULD RECALL TRUSTEES NOW UNDjHCCUSATION t llleim of Small Pnllforiiln Town liiilc Against Public ORIilula, Who A iv AIIW1 "'ixv Touched the TiciiMii-y t'l.lted IM ess Service uuhmmi'MYI iiec. ii. CharaluE iT.rwiieea of IlosovllloiieaT here, xxith dTvoitliiK. $00,000 to othor usoa than Hint for which It ina ueon votea, tho cllUens hnvo petitioned for their recall. BUREAU i;iim:si' .i. sias. PliATI-Oim l.i:ciPlli:it. WII.IIIit rlM nltnnt ...arlt.o mslm- and i:.NTi:UTA.X ll..K F K..AM. i 'I . 2'fJL"W'. ATM IAM.S HATPIIIIAV XIHHT On Hnturdny ovenlni; of tills week ni the opera house tho people of ivn iniuli I'Iihh win im civin nn wo - ion lecturer nnu c terminer, nrnesi J. Sins. Tli hi Is tho tecond numlior . . i In tho serlei, of attractions helnK en iimler the nusplreg of the Klamath Ktl.NKST J SIAH I.Kcuni llureau. Mr Sins Is u lee tut it of national fume, and ho will Ictcuro on "The Lost Chord." Mr. Sins will nrrlvo In Klamath Kin mat M u ti Palls on the evening of the tn und spend Saturday in becoming ncnulnnt-1 ed with tho ptoplo of this city. Prof. Hollander of Luther colk'Kiv writing In the College Visitor, said of this lecture: It wan a urn ml message, told In Mich a way that it ..... ...... . lllliiiv i.tvi; n.-,,-i Wit, humor, de-, leuce n piece in nn. .. .., ii.ii.i.m, i.l-- ucriptloit, story torlial period, miiiirnm nil,, inn rno. . ... nil properly blended and feelingly expressed, wcro made eloquent Interpreter of his mlghty Ilieme. man's restoration to harmony with nature. Clod and society." CAW CASE IS GALLED fOR TRIAL SPIT OF .1. H. AOAIXHT OFjOIKiE XOiaXD TO llrXIIVKIt FARM i:ypip.Mi:xT starts. axi run .ll'RV IS CHOSKX In circuit c.nilt this morning the case of John I). Carroll vs. Geori.0 Nnlniid was taken up before Judge Percy It. Kelly Carroll claims cor rr.ln piopcrty In tho form of hotses mid other farm chattels which nro on tin. Altomont ranch, alleging Hint ho sold them nml wait unable to collect their value. The defendant ass-jrtf that tho properly claimed was not bought by them, Is mortgaged, and therefore could not have been o).l to them, niul avo also asking the endrt to mvnrd them an offset. This forenoon wn taken up with tho selection of n Jury, which Isjrom- posed of the follewing: D. II. NJch ols, John I'lirbcB, Thomas ,B. Sta't ley.'n. U. Van Meter. G. II. Carleton. Alexander McDonald. II. S. Parish, Klnxd llrniidenburg, William Irwin. J. II. C, Tn)tor. Carl Adams. "Percy Sholl. WANT WELL TRAINED-MEN FOR GOVERNMENT JODS llullelliiH Pi.ktiil nt Htate Agricultural College lull of OpMrtxuiltle That siiiilents Will do l Portland to CouiM'to for 'v Bpcclal to Tho HeraldV ' CORVAI'MB, Dee. 6 Uncle Sam 1 looking for n number of wtfllytralned men to fill Important positions, and has posted announcemonla ot tho com ing examinations ot applicants on the bulletin boards ot the Oregon Agrl- . I'liio an exaininaiion win oo kivuii nir,. - ,. ... ,. ..... .,. por.un.ty to hear that .e.chrn.ed p.aHnn ,. t ,)r, ,R0 ,.. of ,ho . re touched an c eetrie wire. ' u vJfl Viilinriil iiilk'Kr hulldlnm, anil n num. Iht or tuiloiit will km to Portland on thu ilntcti IndlrntLiI to i-titrr tho com-! jliutllloii for KoviTiimcnt positions. I ' Kiinin from tho ciiKlnt'crlnK school I may no up to the PiikuI Hound uavyj piird, WnKlilni'.toii, to the pxhiii- Inutlon OvccmlHir 22, to ho nlvon np-' 1 PI Mill vrni ' , . . . , n ," l.l,l.miAII.IillfllcltM.,nK ,o,wiii,iMil. Ono Ih for a I . V . ., r i ' "'" ' """"' "l -" ' ' Tin- count nml geodetic Hurvoy' ucntH nn aid nml deck officer, and nnl i'aniliiatlon for each position will h lulil Deccmher 13-H. At tho same . i - , -.. ...i, , .... .... ...u ..l.i.i .. 1 iiuin mr mo iirmKu uifiniuu uiui:u ui I..... ,, , .... .. . . . ipilllin: H'UUH 111 1110 uutiurilliuill UI R- Klv-'r,(,lItllru. Tho Mlary , 1)e $1,200 lfl $,.m) ((, beR,n On Deccmher 13 n number of Im portant examinations nre to tin held. Oin Is for n Junior physlcnl chemist In tho bureau of mines at Pittsburg, Pn with n ralary attached of 11,020 to 11,200 n )ear: ono for nn ndvanced nppientlco enurnver In the hydro- crnphlc ofllco In tho btirenii of nnvl- Ration tit $700 a year; one for a fann er In tho Indian servlc at $600 to $700 a year; one for a bacteriological chcmlot In tho bureau of chemistry of' tho department of agriculture nt $1,200, and ono for xylotomlst In tho United Presa P-rrlr forest torvlre nt n snlary of $1,000 TAC'OMA, Dec. C. Headless, the a- year. On December 10 thero Is to K)(y 0f a man eight feet away from ber.n examination for a t.tiliot-rlvcn skull-was found re- for the Indian scrrlcu at the Port ., , , . . , . .... ........ ... ,i. .-.-... .. dining against a tree In Point Don- - '. nu iiftviiti rf.ii.t (iiu nil mi i im which Is to be $720 n year. NOT GUILTY, PLEA MADE BY WOMAN OK i FAY MKMIOIILM- ACCtSKD IIUX.MXO IIAWDY HOl'SK. IH PAM.KD IIKHIIIK HAIt OF JIH- TICF. TO MAKK FI.VAI. AXSWKHVccal SoI In circuit court Ihls morning before JuiiKit rum n, ntrin, ra. ..leiuuuruu, i ... n I, .-.,.. f... -,, I charged with keeping n bawdy house, .. .. . . . . . unu ..nil,..! luiinrn tii.i nn, wn iiiAa.i Si10 wag renrcsented bx- Attorney C. M. Onclll, while Assistant District At torney Charles J. Ferguson appeared lln behalf of the state of Oregon. I mi ..!..-..-. ' I 111 lll'L'1llU 1'irilUlll ItUl KUIUt - but tho rlnl was not set. and mnyltl,lnK ' nm Kol,,K to nnVc ,or,.,hc u.. over ..'..til il.e'ret.irn of Jnde Hen. 'holiday trade. No trouble to show ry I.. Ilenson. Now and later than exer: Conklln's pens. Xou-lcaknhle and self filling two of tho nfcenanry features toward perfection, . r.-lt Mcllntton. FREE TEXT ROOK BILL BEING STRONGLY URGED Son Francisco tabor Council I lliicb of Movement to Further liiiHH.Itlou of Cost of School Works on the Ut Unftcd Press Seme SAC11AMENTO, Dec. 0. Labor's fight ftir the free text books bill la being vigorously pushed by Theodore Johnson, representing the San Fran cisco tabor Council. He proposed nn amendment creat ing a commission to supervlso the pa rochial schools ot tho state, lu order that tho pupllg In theso schools tuny legally bo supplied with books. STEFFENS WAILS ABOUT "ALLEGED CRY. FOR D100D Fiiiitous Magazine ' Writer Sums Up ai AngclcN Imbor Situation iih IK' iiuiihI for Mom Vlctlmn to Sacri fice lu luilutrll War united vrsi service '. bllluAilu, mi!( . - FllVijUUU) scorns crying for blood. It Is thumbs down everywhere. Having got the McNumnras, Jhe demand la for more victims tuoro men to kill." This I the burden of a special dls- patch from Lincoln Steffens In f.os . A TTr"B I A 1 I" f tTHTy If A I r I k 14 " 111" I Vlr I ll LTIIL' rl I J MORE PUBLIC CASH 'Anw' "rl,',, ln ' c,,,caKO Dally ,.. , nv: .,T)o towanU cQco hnB "-' Tho clt, .. net ,I.Idr to tho eniorKency neither capital nor labor p,c wna meant. War Is declared." Mr. Kelhl and Mr. Snildl wore scrl- ottsly hurt Monday whllo working on tho Korornmcnt telephono line. Ono They " " ...... - -.-. ....... Mr. Chas. Stee-stim- ,. .!,-,. mcllonl """; h ''"1" I?' ' """ Immediately. aid was HEADLESS BODY IS FOUND ' IN POINT DEFIANCE PARK Tiunk Whs Ianlnff Analnst n Trtf. While Kkiill, With llullct Hole In It, U lUcietr nt a Point Hoino Fret AMiy r.ce park by X. IJ Tallman. It vns evidently a suicide, a 44 calibre revolver being found nearby. Tho head apparently dropped off after many months, and was blown nbout by tho wind. Identity Is a nistery. KplM-oiNil Guild Mualrnle At tho Muller Music Store tonight tli Episcopal Guild will furnish the .following pregram: , .Selection. . .Mason's String Orchestra Piano Solo Oeorgo E. Drndnnck Mr, nirdean Uambell . Vocal Solo ....U. Smith Reading Mrs. Elmer French Vocal Solo George Haydcn ... . . ... m ,J -ncai ooio .... .Mrs. won J. Auiuwuii H. n. Solo Miss Oladys Cochran ' ,inaa-M!ii n. ll. niinn I w..u ...... ... ... Violin Solo G. II. Mason Selection. ..While Pelican Orchestra' Admission to mitslcnle and refresh ments, 25 cents. Thov nro here. Somo of tho nrctty you If you are Interested. l ii-4t Mcllntton. ESKIMO INDIAN RUNNER WILL RACE AT TACOMA Aborigine From Frozen North Kulil to Have KHHtl Which Discounts the KfTorts of the Moium-hs of the Forest United Press Service TACOMA. Dec. 6 Spllt-the-WInd, tho Eskimo nhulliv Marathoner, said to hnvo run reindeer oft their feet In Alaska will comneio In n fifteen tnllo rare with Oscar Clow, Victor Norman and two Greek runners here tonight. East Main Street Ordered In, But Sidewalks along Main ttreet as fur caot iis the Whlto Pelican will not go in this winter. Some ytccks ago the city council, after a vigorous nrgu mont about tho proposed Improve ment, which was very much desired by tho Klamath Development, compa - ny, decided to ordor the walks, to be eight feet wide, of.coment. It devoloped that Street Commis sioner Woodard had agreed to exempt tho Rarnum property from putting In tho walk, oven If all the other land-. holders put theirs In, so councilman Q. W. While argued that tho Seeds ontnto. which had been heavily as- aeoecd for'dty Improvement tho past u t.. ...m.mI alar. 1 vuua ...Bl by Mr. White that' next spring would - INCREASE OF AWARD HfXItCTAItV OF THKAHt'HV OIVHS I5,IMN TO FAMOUS RC-NfC MIK, l.HTRl OF W.OOO, A I.AHT YRtn WASIIIXOTON, D. C. Dec. . Kotlmctcs eubmlttcd to congres by the secretary of tho treasury Include for Oregon $15,000 for Crater lko park, an Incrcnoo of $12,000 over the pretcnt year; $16,000 for the Oregon surveyor of the general land otHce, jind $111,000 for the Salem Indian school, n decrenso of $16,200 from tho present year's figure. Other estimate are: For the Oro gon Indians, the same aa that of tho present jear, excepting new estimate or lir.,000 for n brldgo acros the Deschutes Itlver, Warm Spring res ervation. For public buildings tho secretary, recommends legislation attthorlxlng tho expenditure of unexpended bal ances of appropriation heretofore provided. If adopted this will prorldo for federal buildings nt Albany and Pendleton. For Oregon rivers tnd harbor the Ictlmates nre: 8ulslaw River $120,- S00, Tillamook Day $5,000. Clats kanle River $1,000, Coo River $3. 000. Wlllamctto and Yamhill $20. 000, Columbia and Lower Willam ette $155,000. mouth of tho .Colum bia $1,000,000. Three-Mile '. tnpMa. $600,000, tho upper CoumhliT-a'? -v Snake $55,000. ;ilS. Kvnn Infant's Funeral Tomorrow The fimeral of the Infant child of J. E. Evan will be held at the Whit tock chapel at 2:30 tomorrow, Rev. Peeso officiating. ( TO GIVEN BY LABOR CHIEES Siiiiiik I (iouiM'ni and O. A. Tvletmoe Imuo Unrnlng to Rank and Va .i to Oct F.xritrd Oxrer Kxpofcure United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. "Toll all union men and wonion to keep their heads cool and their foet firmly upon the ground," Is tho warning of Samuel Gompcni sent In a telegram to Andrew J. Gullaghcr, secretary of the San" Francisco Labor Council In an admonition In connection with the poislblo results of the McNamara con fessions. "Let calm judgment be your guide," he continues. It lights the 'way to final victory. Labor's tight I does not rest with a few Individuals It Is rooted In the eternal struggle for freedom and justice." O. A. Tveltmoe, secretary of the Slate Ilulldlng Trades and Lobar Council, Isoues a imllur warning through Gallrgher, Sidewalks Were Will Not Be Laid bo ample time to put In the walks. und Hint It they started under com- puUory and summary piocoodlngs It would bo weeks bcfoio the desired highway wcio In place. Rut tho council went ahead and or- Idercd tho improvements Just tho 1 same. ' Nothing, however, hag been done, and It Is evident that the city author ities have determined that It would bo useless to try to force the people to front their holdings, a was the uim ot the order. It would take a Llong time to get tne wais mrovaW under legal machinery, It la MM, . probably until spring, so thore tk , matter resta. with the likelihood!! oil Ik. t.ll mrt V linlflAra V.I11 VI. J with the surfacing at that'tlme.X-;,- 'W- fcS, A H I V ,( "m . '"TW. r. . S J." '""Xw "'V'TIVE, &r x.