AiJ u rmtmmtmimif - -- yr ar7 w. ttv The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties 1 'M Wl , "Sfl ftwiimj tMk HtllTI.IP.D IIV TDK I Ml lilt PIIKMH Nl'.Wh HKHVICK KVKNIN1 NKWflPAPKRfl I'llINT Till! M:VH, NUT IIIHTOIIY hhlh lnir N". '- li l,A.M,- II 1'ALI.S. OltKcJON, ITIXDAV, lUrCVIIIKIt .1, MM Price, Win Osksp He 1 CJTY AFTER WATER AT ROCK SPRINGS N0IICI.S ARIZ NOW IJI mi mi ipu.irv mimics m too MiMiits i. tics i mi:ii sl.IN('l Pltl-SMI Hi: M. III. I II.KII I (country lo ills ditch fnr n iln- lln. rti.-im have In-ill taken li Hie ill'lv using about s miles of pip., i., riiil((i water rights near Hock ptillwl springs of Aitwn nml Mi. iiga nnu idkiii i.imo u ihiit7 ni ninth I'iiIIk with i;nod water nml i u hoi u I'Cvn lllt'il at the Inca- KlvlilK liollco of tin; (It)' luti ii. tlcclnrnllonii wcik pimlnl Miotii UMiHlon j.-nturiln) by roiiiirlliiieni . Ilwk Ctrek- Tbcro utv On., .li A AHonl. Hhii H )''" pi-lo. at the junrtlon of wbiili ih. ., UrUowiui. Allen HtntuMc '! ,tlllua. Is :i: frot. or t. fwi nl.m, ti I I'loldiT i ,,rni nt wntrr tank now about 1 . s cipcrti'il to tak. .Mm nilii''r'lnn,oon nalluns pir tla The ni i J of wnlvr iindi-r sU-lnih pre- , nr., rPnr nill mia. A smnll por . in Im bronchi tn this rlt In a ,) (, npproprlatMl and tir.- i dull Tho ikiiiicII last iitKbt,. on mnlP t appropriate the n nialmlr I niiff Ihtt situation as i1iiri'nM'il 'Tilt ttater will linf to lu brouubt ' .miiK linn n who MiHtnl tlm no- in ;Kir. ItldRe. a dlslnnip nf' a outhorlstd It A ISnimllt ami Unu iiiiira. via utur llnii. nr thniiieh' in I I lelder, who Had loinini ni" .. in thi first plnrr. to K" up lo . srfiiu tmlny nnd niako limps "l1 , territory nnd strisiuis for filing In otrut' of Count) Clerk C II. I , II f t. II iiliilll nil iln 1 ' Hie notlres . 1 . If. (llllll III! (Ms on l"illliK 1 ouiiclliunii .M u imikiim was urn Muir of hurrying the matter, as lid not, lis li" exprenseii 11 (are, . ,, it bii)lnnn pig inn poKf V0.i found the wnl.r. and lb.'..' idrnly of It good water. tm. de- ' . rt '(' bad been up there and tail i waded around In u fool of mow cut In II About ! ton it lii'llnw as we do I ll f el nh(ii the prei'lit .rvnlr" It will be liiit'Mnt) for (lie ell) .niiHi woik within slit) ilii to tlm rlt' i linh on the water k, miorillng to City Attontoy ire M MnmiliiK. who was present si night's iiKi'llug Vhnt will be the probable cost In lis xl three months lo hold the '" nuked Coiiiirlluinii II W ' te 'robabl) II (ill," replliil MuuliliiK ti tho major's suggestion to snud iilll nnd I'leliler ilghi awn) to limps of tho ilrlnlt) of tin wa- thero was n discussion of how to .i.urt tl, Aii until i hhIs tl Her or $40 per da) of t.u hours. ..., . vUu.r(, ,p j,.,, nH )m-nts ,", decl.lf.l It, havo team ',,, , ,.,., ,,, now Klelilor's team Is for hire, ami s.i fur no offlilal test of the water not lin It?" asked some one ,,,. ..... ,.,,l... nml (here hae been ami them was n laugh. II was de- ertnlned lo hao two men go In a rig ii keep the nag and which' with ' ' a week, If iieiessni), In older to hn work done, A Kliiltr report on the walei liieigatl(iii Home lime since was In as follows; sprn l.akn Spilugs - Tlieso egs nro all purv. iohl, clear wnlei. ti '' lug oul from the huso of large. y. timbered mountains, ami aiei4 i ii numerous. II will ieiiilre alioui . Itic j in It cm nf nine to coltrrl tlu-iil to- i ll. is. 'll.. .. Al. . " til' Mill IMIII1)'I" Uliidn :R0 feel, or 223 feel iil.ovo the wutortmik. A How of 5(10,000 gallons Per ilav ran ho hud. Willi plpo lino oer roeky, timbered rountr) and tun- Women Vote ForLosAngeles Mayor, McNamara Case May Be Influence I.OS ANHKI.KH, Dee, 5 Shoulder lo shoulder with women who otod fi tho llrst time hero, big ciowils wero ut tho polls today for deciding' .. - a -jl. .. .. "1U IWWtmy iecllOII mill inu "'.... ., , ..mnily. John h will. ' bitter ilukflsB tho cltys' history. Tho nsjK'unts wero Ma) or Alex ander, ropTiseiitliig the good govern incur rmciiH, niHl'joh'llaiilinun, rep leHcntlng union Inhoi mid soclalisis. Tho wentlwr was Ideal Alcxninlor'ri rliniiccH mo fmoiod, "wing to (ho McNunmriiH' cppfesslon. Ilurilmim wna one of. tho McNa uiaiH' dttorneyi, i ii il luiir nu ll, i. (n, iii i it) in nl I" LI. MM, llllll Kniilli '"Mlr n ,ln- luVj, vn nlillii,!,. ,,( mi) i.,i, I' I, lit! i -'7i r, .i iiIkim' Hit- water (nnk A niiw if i nn (mo gallons prr da ron had xlili a Hllht deviation li utii n ' 1 . I I . 1, 1,1 'mil I i I I, I, I ' I 'III. , I M II 111 ll,llll s lo'.tlrccl lln. through lng Lake nml mm iuiiiii villi oi wiitm (jike nltl.oui n liinncl. ovor u rorky. Umbered, mm- t" K unil pulling I he mil. i Inl Him k Crrrli n How uf nhi.til In mm ooo Kalian t r day ran l win nrouitd Knale ttlitc' i- liml t. nl ii ill.. lanrn of jnn nillns nuR of hills with n luunel nm m,p .,, ,,Wh. Aspen Uk- nml Ktrtnatti Ukn. at n illstnnrrt of 20 m,m near) 11 direct llun This riiutr would be rork nml tlm. ' "" "' '' ""M' " Conclusions In the original repoil '.Iili.n.l l.u l.....illl li. III.. Iill.t... ..Mi", "J i.""ti'i. " """" ..'- ". l,iwa)aii.frj"llitM'liKlnn'r, went n( f,IB .,,,. ..,., .. ..,. , illl (llllll t- I'llllliillHiiiMin ill tsisiii ft nriiimiii;, iiiivi ( ! ( w((r illh,Mi Sl (.r,.(.k ,li,., behind In hi ia)inenls Thodo-, ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,. rntl )llr I, ,,,,, n,u,(, n 0,rt r ,500 ,,,. .,, . ..n,.,),. ,.,...,1 u,iir. Lttlu nlleciil lo linvn been KUlTercili shed, with mi primpilH of oler fall- ..... - I. .1.- I. .1- I - .1... lug suppl) through droughts or la , seasons. The land for illliti of pipe line Is the beit- not a rock 111 the whole llu I'n Mine eau bo IimI fio u (hn stall, which would foiee the wa ter through n small r pipe tho main length of 1 1 miles. Next In order would tif Heck Springs." It I. understood llml the recom-nenilatlun-of Sun f'ntk as the b t location. B made In the report, giv ing Aspen like as second cholre, was faked for the puninsp of blinding mil iti who might in lo sli-p In and get l liu ileslrril Imatlnn nwa-v from th" rlti authorities The nilDor some ,m, nK ,!,) t ttKnllleniit wa tin l(, r(.lnr( 'was all timli'rtod t.P?" ..1(, u,!,,,,,., nw, in die effect that .i ..... .i I., ill.. iiriiiKi.lllnn. no 'HtliiiatiH which will gin. the ell- Irens iui climate ns to the cost of , bringing the water to llio oily and i furnlsliliig II in the ii'sldcnt. nl- ilio.iuhH.iniHi.irU.ig from 11.000.000 i,. ti.r.iiDOOii hnxe been mentioned, Tint ilium II Is expeitid to lako this f'litnro of tho proposition 'i Wr- Hill HI'S IIV W - - mi: "U'alih for III lOHtH H hour." was ) - i the word sent from the olllces of tho 'National electors Association, (leu-- n i .. . .nil. fitPt lli)tUIl!ll innii. inniiwwi, -" - II II "nl hoiiclars f tin ,,0l Attorney C. I Slouo left tills inoin. ,vl ,,g rm S.ilei'1, wlieut ho will appear I iHllnua. fiom wliom his relatives had , .1 ' . ., ,.ii.t I., (bit case "t l'll' fur tlirt, oa,Bl ""d U waH lioforc the i-ouit In tho tnw lh( ixcy of Ms kn whch ,ci to a of Donait vs. Hull, which w a''li.,ttor being sent to tho First Natlonnl ii'"'"" who Is Iho oiipoalng counsel In tho eiuu', will loiuu fr Salem in (bo morning. Kiery time ou buy 25 cents ninth of enndy nt tho l.ltlli) llBkJtore ou it a ticket on tho beautiful hammer- el biiiss box. Wo 111! It for tho lucky th ticket holder with P. & O. chocolates.. 6-Bt "i mutilation, Di'lMlu.. Iliirrin mill I'niiinlii Win i her of tin- f-ili-rnl f'Tllll- Al ii siiitIiiI iiiixIIiii; In Ni w Yijrjc '(iiinlitt uf the illroitnrs of die "'I'Wliinl Oil company of New Jersey I"I'ti IliKkiifulli'i icqtgunl. ns presl l"iii nml dim lot rubral Allornet Miller of liullnn ii"ll molts llml llio federal probe In, nncov it'll i hi "most ilmiiunhlu plot ever ciili'inl Into In this country. 11k. Ilinr has ni riled when mull mi-' ( I'mli'in im (imnp. m numl lip re I ' il ' li IB I Xlixlnl llllll tWdlv I'l'iinliii'iil laliorlti'a Hill ln IndlrUd i '.iimIiik rxploMvcs on inltio.-id until MIL ROUTE CASE it in rvur.s 'omimii.iivi:i sllOUl "IIMCIO Ilintlt.V WITH VKIIIIItT roil I'KVI.NTII'I'S. MMI.NSI' .1. I.. VAIir.V It took oul) n few minutes for u i,.v (),la iiinrTtliii' in rntim (,. n il,.- , ,un t. ,, ,lf j. A. nl j. :, Murtln r.Kalimt J. V. Vadcn. The tor- , - ),. wnil Uir n, ,,innilff In the sum f jj-.n. .P1... , , .... .... ..n 1 alaiico 011 a J2.37r, contrnrt tn 1am .n,, m .twein I'ort Klamath and .. 1. - a . .....n .1. I .inn linn n iilii 1111 m s u uiii kin ,--, ,. .nu ni) iron) iieeeiuuer I, i.m't, uuiii j tit l, ifl in, or nineteen months, nt l-''i per month. Tho Mnrtlns, by ',, ,, ,.,, it,.i ,i v,t,. I) reason of plaintiffs gcttlug tho gov-1, , I. ..I. I.l. ...... . -tun' lit to hold up his pav for the i mil tarrying as well as t.'ft more, I In claimed to ho due from the Mar I "ns for rhnnglng the tiinll route for 'em under an ngreement. ,1'W HMI.IIOAD ACIttmS oncco.v, Lovinr statin "iiitIiI to Tho Herald I'OIITI.ANI). Dec. .' -Annouiut-menl of a new railroad ncrost Ore cm fiiiin east lo west was npproprl- I'lte ii-ws for Thanksglilng wefk. Irelieiit l.oett of Ibu llnrrlninu has authorlrcd the construe Hnti of the Oregon eastern from Vale to Dog Mountain, a illttnnec of HO miles. The road will not ttop there, bill will be built to Hums, thou pre- mmnWy on to llend iindiery likely H'h ' "" '" ",H Nn,r"n- Mi'iiatb line, Werk on llio piojtrt will ho rushed. ""'" " '" expeite.i to get tne ursi link under way before Hut end of tho present enr. This new mllengo will he of great Milne to IMstcm Oregon. n lounlry now undergoing rapid de- w'lopmcnt, nnd will give modern ItnuHportutlim to tn district now Iso fated. Thomas W Stephens left this morning for I'oit Klamath on n bitsl net's trip which may require several dais absence. IS AT LAST LOCATED (ir.eiKii: w. I'iiii.i.ii's, wiiosk in. iiiaxa iti:i.vrivi:H iiavk iikkx AN.MOl'K, HAS HKHN I.IVINd ON HOl'SKHOAT ON" THK IIIVKIi lleoige W. IMillllps has licen loeat. II ' Is the man fiom Scott county, , i ,i,l.. for linrnnr him. ii'tiii" ..! -- - - Mr IMillllps says that ho has beon 'ill lug on 111 ho hmlsoboat down ibu Klauiuth Ulier. nnd that tho fall uro to keep In communication with his (dallies was Just u simple case of liegleftrpmtly hl fault, nnd p'avtly theirs. Ilirlicuril about tho copy of letter having been pi luted In tho Herald, una came io inu o... . . " roliy' MISSING GUILD SALE TO BE NEXT WEDNESDAY M'i: taiii.i: OF WOIIK OP .ii i i.i. im.un. .inii.ii ur Hond legislation will bo considered, ItlXltll.stlMKYIK, AND Ml'Slc'wilh n vlow to permonont highway IO Hi: INCI.l'DKD jeonstnif tlnifc) thiouKhoiit tho stato. I I ilsrill'J Chnmbors, IICJU-Ktor of On Wi'llncsdny afternoon at 2:30 o'clock ill the: Mullcr Muslccompany's new Htore, on Main street, between Kcu'lith and fCluhth streets, tho an liual mil'; by tho ludles of tho KplB (opal Oulld will lie held. Tea ami enko will bo scried In the afternoon and In the eienliiK (.offte nnd punch will be In order for refreshment. One I of tho lendliiK fentures of the offer-, ItiKS will bo tho Koods on tho chil dren's (able, and this deserves the particular attention of tho .older folk. A number of enthusiastic ounR sters li.'ivu been working all tho enr to prepare attractive) fancy work for llio Bill-, and It will ho offered at tho oeiil Wednesday As an added rttrncllon of tho salo a very pleasant musical proRriun has been urraiiRed, as follews: l Last NlRht's low point of tho ther- Orchestra, selection; piano solo, momctcr was frcezlnR, or 32 degrees, (If'nrim K. Ilrndmick! vocnl solo. W.liit 7 A. in., whltn an limfr later It vim ( Smith: song. Mrt. Illrdfan-Fraker CamlKll: ilolln number. .Charles W. Kimpp: vocnl solo, UjorRt? II. Ilnden; song. Mra. Don J. Zumwalt: song Mrs. William Wacner: clarinet selcc-llt ''"' Charles W. Knnpp: one. W. II. S'" - w, reading. Mrs. Elmer rrench. ..H.......a. 1 ... ...... DU FAULT WOULD SELL BUSINESS ASKS COCNCIIi TO THA.VSKKH IMS i.k i:.nsi: io his IMIKSKYT CAItT.NCH, t". i:. TOM A, JACKSON AND IM II. Diil'ault's .nlonn license liuiv iipiTllllio ill (liu niAiu .iri'i't hi- rnllon, will bo sold to C. i:. Illley, his present partner ,and Tom A. Jackson. If pros nt plans earn, and tho busi ness will he conducted In tho room now around the winter on Main street occupied by the Snildln Hock restau rant, Tho iicccusarj permission of Henry llohlu, owner of tho Saddle Hock preiuliit's, has been obtained, but that of tlm city council has not been. On tho piopnsed bond of $1,000 Michael Motschenbncher Is surety. At tor nej s Thomas Drako nnd Her bert H Cran wero on hand last night to look after the matter, hut the coun cil preferred to defer action. The ipiostlou will come up nt the nest meeting. PELICAN FAVORS TO FOLK DINING WO.MKN Ol'i:ST8 AT 111(1 1IAXQUKT ItCCKIVKD SII.VI'.H HON HON HON llOXI-S. AND KVKIIYIM)DV tiOT IIOOKI.IT WITH lOKM Inadicrtontty Iho Herald, In Its ac count of tho White IVllcaii banquet forgot to mention favors which wero dloti Ibuted to tho guests. To the wo men were given smnll iHvor hon bon boxes, wrapped In tlaiuopauer, tied with white ilbbon, wltsiprlg of holly Bprend iiistcfully QVrjUJsl. To both men and women fro tlv on booklets designed by Chlt.C(erk R. II. houscr of tho hotel, containing tho poem called "Tho Answer,''. Thanksgiving toast toad by Its author,1 O. X. Wendllng vice president of tho Klamath Development company, at tho banquet. The Illustrations of theverses. n sorloa of pictures of tho Jubilant whlto pelican enJo)ing various phase" of life", by L. C. Mullgnrdt of Ban Fran cisco, who wag ono ot tne gnosis at the White Pelican opening, are well conceived, i 'lit DIKCChH (iOOII ItOADH AT .MKKTIMJ I.V I'OHTLAND Special to Tho Herald I'OIITI.ANI), D't. S. Hood roads tl roiighoul rcgon will lie tho chief tonic discussed nt tho annual conven tion of county Judges and commission en of Ui state, which will ho bold In tht.' I'ortlnnd Commercial Club con vention hall December 12-1 4. t,t. store, has Bono to Haccrvlllc,1 Cnllf., for sovorol wcoka' (friends JUST FREEZING, ANO THAT'S ALL LOW POINT KHT MOIIT WAK lONCiHAMNri MAHK, WIIILK it (iitKW a i.irri.i: wailmkh AITKHWAItH a decrco warmer. Tho low. point the 'night before was 23 at 7:30 a. m., , while nt S o'clock estidny morning It was 21. Last night nl 8 o'clock was 36. ncnlnst 31 the nlcht orovl- - ..- .. ... .. ... . . mis, while tho high jestcrday was 4S nt 3 p. in., against 40 tho day before, II. C. Spink Down With lnounHnln It. C. Spink returned last evening from Klamath Agency, whero he was called jestcrday by the illness of his brother, I). C. Spink, who has a se vere attack of pneumonia. Mr. Spink -.. .U... ft.1- 1 .1 I- -1-1. I simm mui ms uruunr is u lury sibk man. but that It Is too early yet to portHm. oBtTC ,nql,r,cV:are bo form an opinion as to the seriousness J, rorMvnA hv ,h .,lnnrln,nnAn. of the attack. Mrs Taylor, the nurse. naAjnt tint. lAlfHt3nltlnlJkS.nB.l accompanied Mr, Spink to the Agon cy, nnd has taken charge of the pa tient. ci imiis Titnorciii window TO WlllS lt(M)M, DIES l'.CGKNK. Dee. .'..Charles Laugh- cry n oung n-nn who has been em ployed nt Marcola for soms time, com-) mlled siilcldo by taking a quantity of arsenic and tough on rnts. dying after, l "ihmh Ai-irau having been lu agony nil day. Laugh-. WKSluSQr c Dcc 5 or) and his wife separated some tlmeJolm ,, dctor -f , pa. ngo, nnd brooding over their trouble, I he husband finally decided to end his life. !)u)lng tho arsenic and rat poison fiom a Marcola druggist Laughcry got up In tho middle of the night and wr.lked several miles to tho homo of his wife's parents, seven miles south of Hugene. Tho wlfo was startled to see a man climbing Into her room through tho window at 4 o'clock, but soon recognized her husband, who calmly told her tl.r.t ho had just taken poison mid Hint he wanted to die. He lingered In g'rent agony until evening. I.nughery said he had taken tho r.rticnlo ten minutes beforo he entered his wife's room, but swallowed ft handful or rat poison after ho got In. LAND VERY CHEAP! ON RESERVATION !K -iiM.-'. W Sl'PKHINTK.NDKNT 'HMO. WAT- SON OP KUMAtJfUEHVA. TION SAYS NO NKBB OF WAIT. INO POIt IT TO rtsfoPENKD According to SupertaUndcnt Edson Watson, the Klaraigfc Indian reserva tion is now practical thrown open to tho public, andjtJjQMs opinion no formal opening of tsMrreservatlon will tsket'MMssnry. - conditions are sqswnav uiifffve own mu.o uu other.' rewrvatlsns' which ''ave beon openedUo;iksj,'ibHoin that practic ally nU'f tlM agfHgiural.lands have Loeu ollcI tii.Ind-isjy'iiiart the only iKraniVunalMted ls"in( timber "This dttSVt mean that there Is novoppwtitnOy. ftfr tho white man to acautr'e homos and property on the reservation, as Mr. Watson claim; that the Klamath Reservation ofers ONE LIFE, YEARS the frnf ot opportunities to tho 'homcact'ker of any reservation over opened In the United States. Thero lu no such thins as freo lands any jmoro. and for that matter there never J was, as In these openings only about 12(1 tier rent nf (h atintlcnnli nnr ro- ! reived anthlnif. nnd It usually cost visit withlthem as much ns II was worth before their settlement was completed. According to an estimate mnde last jcr.r there nro 5,500 000,000 fCct of standing timber on tho reservation, and fully ono halt of this Is subject to application for purchase. Natural ly mo-t of tho timber will be pur chased by lumbering concerns and manufactured. Hut this development will mean a- big thing for tho reserva tion and the northern end of tho county. At this time thero are thousands of acres of the best agricultural lands on tho reservation for sale, nnd In fact tho best lands can bo purchased at n very low cost. Mr. Watson states that a third of tho farmlands around Modoc Point, and from a third to a half of tho sage brush and meadow lands nlong Sprague filver belong to tho estates of dead Indians. ThC5e lands wcro among the first to bo se lected and allotted, and naturally wero tho choice. Application can bo mndo at any time for their sale, and after, bids aro advertised for, and they are usually sold to the highest or best bidder. Very easy terms aro allowed. In comparison to tho vnluo of lands In other parts of tho county these tracts are at present Iran bringing a very low price, but this condition will not continue, ns al ready bomeseekcrs from other sec- ..-. nrn heHnntni- tn rnntl tho in. from , of , Uned g , T and a number of sales have already befn mnde. There aro many wealthy Indiana among the Klnmaths, states Mr. Wat son and many of them have made their fortunes on these same rich lands which nro now subject to pur chnso ut an average of six to eight dollars an acre. N roll FIIKi: PANAMA CANAI. American union, Issued an appeal to congress to mnke the commerce ot all nations freo through tho cannl. Ho cites the Interests of twenty Latin American republics and urges that ireo. use oi mo canni would operant. to tiio benefit of this nation. j He states that he hardly hopes that ' congress will grant absolutely free lolls, but utges that If-any aro Im posed they be not more than 50 or 7? cents n ton net for nil nations en gaged In foreign trade, nnd that no toll.i ho charged for United States ves sels engaged exclusively In coastwlie tiafflc. P. P. Crouemlller, receiver of the I'nltcd States land ofTlco; W. Lair Thompson, O. W. nice and Colonel Frank P. Light left tbls'mornlng on their return to Lakevlew- nfier several days In tho city nttendlng tho open ing of the White Pel'can hotel and Elks memorial service. Local Thief Pardoned By West, Relapse To Crime, Pardon R J. W. Norrls, n thief well known lu police circles hero, and who was teccntly pardoned by Governor Os wald West and given a state job In tho naval militia-, has had his pardon revoked by Ben W, Olcott, acting governor during West's eastern trip. Norrls Is accused ot Issuing worthless checks and with carousing on tho naval crusler Boston at Portland. Norrls was sentenced from this city last spring to serve five years In tho penitentiary for obtaining $75 from J. W. Cnln under false pre- tenses. Norrls Judgo Benson. was sentenced by While her Norrls FIFTEEN FOR OTHER PUNISH McNAMARAS JllKJH DKNOCNCKM JAMKH AH A Ml'ltOKKKH AT IIKAIIT, AND I1ITTKHI.V CONDEMN HIM HltOTIIKK JOHN L't.lted Press Service I.OS ANGELES, Dec. 6. James McNamara- was today sentenced to life Imprisonment In San Qucntln pen itentiary by Judge Ilordwcll, who first denounced him a a murderer at heart, nnd declaring that no exten uating circumstances existed In the case-. John McNamara wa given fifteen years- at San Qucntln. John, who was secretary and treas urer of the International Association of Ilrldge and Structural Iron Work crs, was bitterly denounced by both District Attorney Fredericks and the Judge. At the last mlnuto the Judgo an nounced that he would sentenco the McNamaras In Judgo McCormlck's court room In the Hall of Justlco building. Instead of his own In tho Hall of Record. At 10:16 a. m. the judge arrived and took his teat. At 10:20, the McNamara. hand cuffed to Sheriff William Hammond and his assistant, entered, and took a position at tho district nttoraejr'a ta ble. Shortly after 10:30 ar. m. James was sentenced after Fredericks made a plea for a life sentence as a penalty. KINO OP SIAM CROWNED POMP CHARACrtHUtfTfC' ' Bangkok, Dec. 5. Somdetcb Pbra Paramendr Maha VaJIravudh was crowned king of Slam with character istic oriental pomp. King Va-JIravudh, who Is 31 years of age, succeeds i his father, King Chulalonkorn, who died in October, 1910. The ceremony took place at the rojal palace. It was a lengthy mixture ot Siamese and nuddhlst rites, and at Its clos; tho king, wearing tho crown and royjil robes, presented himself to his sub jects. The United States and the big Eu ro pea n itowers were represented eith er by their ministers and consuls or by special ambassadors. There was a state banquet at the palace. The festivities will last until December 10th. and will cost more t3n j 000.000 " ' ' BANK FURNISHES COWS TO ENCOURAGE FJUtNEIR Special to The Herald PORTLAND, Dec. 5. A Redmond bunk has made arrangements to bring lu several carloads of good dairy stock tor ranchers ot that section, follow ing the sarao plan as that of Bend, capitalists In furnishing brood sows to farmers lu that locality. Redmond, with a large area or tr-A rlgated nlfnlfa growing all about:; h mi 11 ninkn nn liitftl rlnlrv ronflL . was accused of stealing s-(tri longing to Eugene B, Hi surveyor. Ho Is also understood to have deserted from the navy. He was for a time on the Baltimore, from which he Is said to have been com inltted to a prison ship for an as sault bn a boatswain's mate. While here Norrls and a room, mate occupied a- room at Wallace Baldwin's house, It was noticed at the tlnio that they had a kit ot tools in the room, but nothing was thought of It. When Norrls got K i Md t In trouble tie; l $ . and ths oHi:, M: A loommnte disappeared Ion has been since that tea tool war ".-. . " r iJ X.. l . t used tor burgling. T; i , i g a f ." 0 . it i'. ' & v'Wt4 im m r ;r.i. .&