rsf.-f r"jSJHJ ;v The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties . '. til rfald. HUPPMKI) IIV TIIK UNITE!) I'llMtM NKWN MKIiVICK KVKNINO NRWHPAPMW PRINT TIIK M:VH, NOT HISTORY Sltlh Vir .No, 1 ,112a KLAMATH FAI.LH. OHKfJON, MTI'IIOAV, IlKCKMHKIt 2, 1011 Mos, Blre Ik f tutting ODD FELLOWS WARM LODGE'S NEW HOME ri.i;tsorri:m:ii in jri.v 10 dimwit A-rioitvct INVITE FRIENDS IN rlllHJItKNH UK OIti: HRMON. MIIATKH IIV AFFAIR I.AHI NKJIIT WHICH WAN I.AItUCI.i tTTK.MIF.ll mrrli'il the tiiiHlid-MH in ( 1 riil- l.nnt night Klamath UmIkc Nii. 1.17, llidi'pendellt Order of (Mil 1'ellows, I'ihI 11 aurl nf hoiuewiirinliig nl lis liiill, li)' which It iliiiKiiinlrnlcil in ir. follow (Mil Felluwn frum nthert titles, as well as In II friend uul ide llin onltr wlio wero nn liiiinl, 1 unit 11 una 11 twin now iii.iiik ami a lll'lirl) WellOIIIO. with lull III guild nlluwihlp nml In) nlly with li IJteiy iivnllnhlo scut In Hut hull ns liikini, ntul llin iirugriim uf II111 tenlng, whli li waw Infiiriiml In It n iiilnri', In order In miiki ntcohod) ii'i'l nt hnmtt, Mim In Hi.' I111111U nl () Hinllli, muster nf teri'iujitiles 1 After the singing nl 1111 iikiiIiii; In 11 welcome mik i'(i'inliil to I lir tlsltor li) 0. (' IIiikii'', followed ti i lli'V (I111, . IVcso, Mini tnlil why lie was 1111 (Mil Fellow A liUlur) tifl wlin Hon Ciiliini'l Frank I' Light, li,,. 1 .!,,. tlew hiiiiiriiin, W111 limtltutul tlw Indg. Ill S'.ih, hum. Ii nn ml,! ml,, lllll'lllo, Ill llll'lll) ).Hl.'lft7 without klli.wli due of IllM IiIkIiI a ,B Mr tin- ilinriKlcr nf It. mid when nti lli'il uf llii' event, iltniii-i in 11,. w,, uilli'il 1111, nml Nniki uf his prlili li 11111111K iii'inii 111 inaiitiiti, uiiut im nliiiUi'l), Him In t lodge ( (Mil V I'lHH III Orfgllll III' Mill I Inn . ,m! Imiuiiii' nn ()ii I',. Hum tlilrt)-onc I'nltiil I'ns Service 1.0S an(ji:i,i:h ii.c : nuiriu Mluiiici I'm ii rlikM mih tin' first of. fer nf 11 il, 11 ui,n iM,ii. n, , MB I'll) Will II III- llefl'IISl) Mild JlllllC'H Mi Niiniiirii uonhi iiml guilt) If John I might go frn- I'mliTlikH hiiik In. 11'fiini'il tin' of. f' 1 llmMlln' Uml I111 (until eisll) inn till liulli liii'M I M11r1nn D.iriiiu mid D.nU flnnjly illlll' to IiIh terms THREE TRUE BILLS n:v wiri,i iiavk honk fhkk, HILTON THINKS FR0M6RANDJURY rAI'I.DI.It HKLD FOR, wood and donald, foil tiik hiiootinh opYenstaiili: mm. iikht, a.moxo ix.wmikst 'ENORMOUS DURBAR CAMPS FOIl BENEFIT OF United I'roiH Scrvlca DKNVKH, Doc. 2. Judgo O, N. Hit. ton, who wax mentioned oh M0N0 I marn' chief counsel before Harrow wim accepted, said: "If tho trial of the McNamaras had proceeded, knowltiK what I do about tlm defense, I believe there In little (doubt they would hnvo been asqulttcd. "Kmployos of tho Tim en would hnvo testified Hint Ran en lined tho ex plosion, . "A disagreement would bavo been tho beat tho state could expect." WHAT WILL PENALTY OF McNAMARAS BE? ItAIKK FUNKS FOIl FKJHT AOAIXHT WHITE PLAQUK I Yi'Hlcrdny tho crmi'l Jury madu Its report, IndlctlnR (liin thrco men for tlm crimes Indicated: Noble Knuldcr,,for tho fatal shoot InK of IOiils Qebhcrd, rook nt tho I'ricksou A I'cttrrson construction ).nrs iiko nt tin. rtiint of his timtli ' .,,,. , enmp last Aususti Joseph Garrett. ir. wlin. Iii'fiiru her ilinlh, liml ex for nbtalnlnR money under falso pre-1 sued (ruin him n uruiulne In titer '"'' '"I (.n.niN ln-n.y . . ,. ... forBcr in. . ........a !.- .-M. -. - - ! --- II U IKUl'U UIU IIUIHtT 111 u iuri 'PROBE COST OF LIVING, ' BOARD Of TRADES TASK tii Miiir, Ale All i:-H, lalli f"i nt IHIIil milks uf the tinier, mid uhen 21 lie liml inrrUd out his iiKireni' nt II In liml nln)s been Kind, lie siild Hint be liml full..l her mIMi-h In ,,,.,,..,. 8,.rvlc inn. iiiiiikt, iiiiii iieiii'ti'ii 1111 nun mine 'mini) n Kuud t III 11 K for fellou up in. tiers Hint he llllcht mil luite dune hint Id.' nut Im'IuiikiiI In the ltnlKe Mr MkIiI'm reumrks weru Interspersed 1 llli n hiimuruiis Hiik". uhlih rmisd rutisldernlde minis, mem II. J Hhi'ftK Mine 11 pruihery of IuiIkk crow Hi diirltiK his term lis ' Nutile Ormiil while Amlren Kershliei ' whu Is 11 fnllhfill llli'llllier Hie iiIkIiIhI tthi'll the Itelieknlis lire nil hntiil. luld why he llkid the sinters uf the uriler Arrniiipil which tner employer to checks. , No true bills wero returned ngnlnst , Willie Schmidt, chsrged by Dr. F. M. IVIiKsi tvlll Inrnnt' lu tt.nltn.ft" Taa' IHII.III. Iiidl.i. Dec. 2 For Iho (., h. ,, !, .,', ,...' hineii nf ICIiir ( nml the clllvrK,nB Mn horio',nto ,ho pourth of uf nn.he rulers pioU.i.lul Rovernnrs. Ju). rolPOrMon crowd wnlcn ,ind cr. .he xl.eru) liml lila -.mrr. nml nlhvr jrFtH ,,,, ,,roncho mMnKi A.' N, d.i,Rulhe. tlsimrn. Kf-ai cainW Wo0(, ,, W. A. Donald, charged liMe he... .uiiKlru.ti.l nrouml l)ell,l .,, miinB,nllK,)tcr , Ul0 ,,,,,. of Iheniiclehtinpllnluf lhe.oKuln,.dCmi,(n,,In John 1ftm,,prt , n Fort "" '""" " . " ; Klnmalli snloon ls-t August: Fred miiKiiui'ii nun uiisniiiiiiry, iiiiii .., n,p,..i i in.. l.nM lllglirr lst Ten Vrmrv, Milk and Coal During llio Last Month Am ieclally Xntiil ..1.... ........I. .. ... 1 ... . m.k.. ,.., n. , ,, , ...urK-i,. . j , willlnms cine n plmiu sell rlluu I lhimp.rer, who ,,.,te, the l-rlods ' vltt ,.,,,, r ,,,, ,,, ,. ,. Ar, r .'M'l. lun, hkl. hnd l..i, imiiil.t.. (.ri(. ,,,, ,, , j rt Hti,,,.. ' ,'1" ,"rn' '""'' in.ilil nf Hie Pr.lnl,rliili iliurih li M, umuiMe renilereil n imilmi lunde a few remarks, etidliiK with n fulili) "Inrldeiil." us hr lerni'il It hi dei'inlliR It llidlsereet for ministers In telnli, "stories" Whllo the rinsing . ode whs miiiii; nt the innrlusloii of tint either offerlliKS, It win 'more llini. ured In the hnill Ihtill III the lib scrum re, lielliR the upenlllK RUII for mid F U, llnmber a iniuli' suiir, hoih nrrumpnnlllietits I.elllK fur.lhilied 1.1 will llurii, All Interi'stltiR stur) of the suiress ' the bulldliiK inmmlltre wits Rlrcn In II. R, .Milliliter wlm tuld uf the tuirAshlis mid uhsiiiiles whli h were emimntt-rrd nml how hut fur Hi ,, immi-f good rollowshlp tlnl i.)nny nun imiu .n inn ime "K')fnIm(., w,rll Hie RiilherltiR mill It llurn. hed.iuhted If siin.-ss wnuld ,.,,,,, , lnr,, ,,n)K nlll H,r, n Into hern ntlnlned The Irlhuln to (.( r,.l(,M ,.rludlriill b nninkiM tlm deiftirto.l member wns the sIriuiI f(ir ,,,,, ,, f(,m ,, i,,,!,,.,.,,, 'nr npplntise. nn wns Hint whlih be r ,,,,,,, ,() ,IB), w( rtl fllm, f p.n.1 tu the Klnmuth Cnunty hunk im,tvnX khll l)f n'freshmenl fur hl'IplllR til" ludKe Ui llmiliie the new bulldlux The Kmuml rut lit. Ill H3, while the rumpleti'd hulldlliR 11 well ns the rent estate lime memit mi out III' of prnrtlmll) 1 11,000 while the Income from the pruperl) 1 between fS.OOO mid t,000 per "nr There nre )et iinsuld ubuiit ID not) of the botiils, Hume uf thus' who Mtibscrlbi'il fur bunds neer bn h.K buiiRlit them Tlm bulldliu inmmlttee nrlliinll i.iislsli'd uf Messrs, llnnr Milliliter mid II. K. WiittenUurK, hut the Inst mimed rndRliid frntn the hulldlliR iniiiiiilllim Inter, ns lie wished In bid i.-., ...... .1... iir.i ... 1 ..r 1.1.1 1:11ns mid wur mnterlulH lmo been .'.. in' Pll lit l.ll ', I..,' ,..0, " . " .... I.iiilnic all been considered Inn IiIrIi pluied h Turkey with (iermnn llrms Is lllll In 111 the imups Theie lire 437 imups, iiihtIiir iiii men nl twi'iit).slx squuro miles, Tiny liirlmle slxly-twu miles uf rn.ids, fur !)( n miles uf rnltwny lines, thirl). one postolllres nnd ten telegrnpli offl ees The klim's rnmp Is nf lourse. Hie hluKest, mid will bo KUUTiled by iwo r'RluieutH of llrltlah troops and .he Imperial rndet corps, the most .irUt.K nitlc of nil rvRlmenU. United l'resi Serrtca LONDON, Dec. 2. A committee mndo up of officials of the Board of Trado has been appointed to Inquire Into the hlRh cost of living In Eng Innd. Though prices hero aro mtfth lower generally than In tho United States, thero has been an upward ten .Mrs, l.uella Stearns h& received ?,000 Ited Cross stamps from the state association In Portland, nnd they hnvo been placed on salo at tho pub lic library. These stamps sell for one cent each, and tho proceeds are used for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. Tho following tetter has been received by Mrs. Stcarnrft from tho Portland effice: "The tlmo for the salo of tho Red Cross seals Is drawing very near In fnct, wo must begin to mako our plans for a most successful sale,. This year wo havo been given tho agency for tho stnto of Oregon, outside of Portland. Tho clubs wilt not retain a commission, as tney aid last year, You know wo have always given the proceeds to tho Visiting Nurse Asso ciation, and the money was spent here In Portland. Now wo will estab MINUTE CONFESSION liOOKKO FOIl FIIOM TWO MOTH F.IIH D1HTK1CT ATTORNBT HAYS THKY WILL MAKK CUUN IIHKAHT IIKFORK 8KXTKXCK llsh a fund which shall bn handled by a board of trustees and our own state federation will becomo an active agent In tho fight against the great whlto plague, and tho money can bo used TURKEY BUYING ARMS FROM 6ERMAN MAKERS H11lk1.11- Ali. in the Mnrket fur (Jimii. I (lie uf Wur MnKrhil ami l'iimuii Kiii. I.'iiii WnikKit. j-x'n Work. dm llin.' Milru CASES FIXElUit; VISITING JUDGE 11 11 i:.s maih: iiv ArniitMiVH foh CAthlX WHICH AltF. TO III: lllli:il IH'KINU AIIKKNCF OF .111x11: in:xso I" lied I'ri'is Serlro lli:ill. IX, Dec. 2. l..irRn nrders fur In clmilt (uurt this momey nttnr tic) settled with JiiiIro Henry I,. Hen si.n the dales fur trjlng ruses this term, whlih nre tu cumu up bofor.i udRe'l'eii'y It. Kell) of Albany, who n '1 urilve lumorniw evening to sub slllule fur JiiiIro llensuu. Judge II011 hiiii will lene In the murnlng for Dal bis, Polk (ountvt to sit fur Judge Kell). I uiK.'ii nre set i eiinws: uecomuer 1 I, .Miirtlu s. Yaden; December fi, iCurrull h. .Volnnd; December 11, IVI.i.ii lr Xl'iiiii'iibiirc withdrew the Orders nlsn Imin bem rereUed f rtiiu 1 Omitl itll s, Carroll; December H. lummltlru was enliirRC.1 by the nihil, some of the Hnlkuii states I'ulnler s. Khimnth Fulls Land and Hun uf threo more members. W II The Krupp works urn working 'rrmispnrtutlnn company; December .... .-. .... .... .... ... 1 in, runners implement ami supply 'lompnii) s, SiMithorn Pacific com. pnny. Tho eilmliiiil msis will also romu In .luilgo Kelly, three Indictments I Inning been ri'tm iio.l by theg rami jury The lslllng jurist will' preside over Hie lucnl lieuvli for throe weeks. N'nrlli, W. O. Hmllh and It. W Tower, three shifts Christening of White Pelican Today By Breaking of Bottle of Wine - 1. i.ia .iu n.u fifti.rnot.11 tlioliir San riiHirUros V I.. SnollliiR of " tUF UlM'tn " " 1 .1I. nr.imiii'u ItllKtM'W, HUiiiriiiurn iii- wii.-itr- Q UPJ. W.I. ...... .... .L ... ... In nn.' tmrf nf nMVnti nanlv nt Sixth street and tho railroad " "! ""' " '-" '" "' "-" ,, mI ., j 3 i'ii ni. 1 """", " i'i"-"' ' . &. .. m . iiihaIs t Stit n tliA j1ittfl k nAttl in mo past montn prices 01 nsces-i'"""" " "" i" " -" sltlcs, such as milk and coal, have been boosted-In a manner suggesting that theso commodities re controlled by combines. There hsii been a pop ular call for governmental Investiga tion, ndvth appointment of tho tw.i, months ago. ItrilN'K FFKtiH VIXIICAT:i AMI IS (IMII OF IIRHULT United Pnst flervlcn CHICA'nO, Dw, 2. Detect lo Wro. J. Hums, tho famous sleuth whoso lino work led to the arrest of the McNamaras, culmlnntlng In their con fesslon In Judgo Dordwell's court In l.os Angeles, snld: "I don't know wl en I'll go to the coast, but It will tmyii n f"!W da. I want to sou all concerned brought to Justice, but Just now will not dis cus tho matter. "I will say that others should hu punished whose Identity wc know. "1 am glad to ho vindicated In tho e)e of tho public. It would have been a good thing It evidence had hewi presented to tho rank nnd file of the unions, so they might Judge for themselves. "Thoy would havo supported mo heartily. Instead of hellelng tho lend cm who misrepresented tho facts." Hoard of TrttfafaMBsatttee is tho re sult, "v ,""'1 SNAKES KILLED BY WAYNE ADAMS f.F.CTUtF.K WITH PANAMA PIO Tl'ltKN, WHO WA8 IN ISTHMV8 nU'NTKY FOl'lt YRAIIM HAS JITNOI.K TltOPHIF-H mission, but I am sure you will see how much greater good might bo ac complished If tho whole fund was cot. lected and managed by ono board. According "to the formal contracts which I signed, ovcry cent must be spent In the tuberculosis work. It Is for that work alone that tho seals aro published." dedication of tho new Whlto I'ellcnn hotel, tho most pretentious enterprise In HiIh part of tho lountry, nnd one. uf the finest hostelrlen on tho Pnvlllc wns formally christened. Tlm ceremony, likewise the bottle, was In tho keoplng of Miss Louise llenson, daughtor of Judgo and Mrs. II. 1.. Demon of this city, and the bltiiklllK of tho buttle ngnlnst the lintel nt tho onlrnnco by Miss Morrow was witnessed by n largo number nf Invited guests, both from tlita 'lty niul I'nitland, Ran Francisco and oth er cltlfs. All tho oIllierH of tho Kliinmtli Dovolopment company. Pies Ident 8. O. Johnson, Vice Picsldent (I. X. Wendllng, Trensurer W. I'""' Johnson and Socrolary I). O. Wll llniiiH, wero on hand. Tonight's banquet, which will bo tho public, launching of tho new liotol, will bo proslded ovor by JlKo Howry I.. llenson, and llio following will bo among those who will respond to toasts, the list having boon obid from tho first prlntod Hat first nr luiigod: Uurr Mcintosh, tho Now York artist; F. D. Madison, attorney, WOLGAST KNOCKED OUT?. HE HIMSELF INQUIRES "Murk Twain": Arthur Arlelt. ion trnrtni and builder of the hetel: Mnor I'icd T. Sunilerson, Attorney I'ligllUl, llmerglng From Anastlietle, umim nnd Attorney V inrifs J., hum iiiiiiuiiimiuii iiini nr u . C. F Fciuiison of this city; W.l-nlr Thump son, nllnrnry, of l.nkmlew; Julius l. Mo)ir of the firm of Mojer & Frank, tho lending deparlment stiiro of Purl laud; (1. X. Wendllng vlro president nf tho Klnmnth Development rom pnny. president of the Weed Lumber (oinpany, nnd itenwiy iiuerei.i ... other prominent coast ontei prises; II, K. LowoiiBberry, general freight agent at I'm (land for tho Southern Pacific; John M. Scott, gouorul passenger agent nl Portland lor tno doiiiiiuih Pacific. Tho musical program will inciuuo tho follewing: milliners: aiaTcii, ninzo of aiory," Holimnnn; Boiec- Hon, "Spring Mam, ' iieiniinrai; oar- corolla from Jnuues uneuuacn Tales of Hoffman"! "Kiuarnoy.- which ovcrybody knows; selection, Tho Pink Lady," Caryii; wain. "Plknnterlau," Franx Lehar; popular song, "Hilly;" selection, "Chocolate Soldier," Strauss. 1 lug From Itlng. llio Floor of the Prise LOS AN0KLK8, Dec. 2. Recover lug from tho Infliionco of tho anoa. tliit Ir admlnlsterod him before ho una operated upon for appendicitis. Ad Wolgast, tho lightweight cham pion, whoso sudden Illness resulted In cniicollatlnn of his scheduled Thanksgiving Day bout with Freddie Welsh, Wolgast muttered Incoher Inceher ently: "S,iy, dlil he knock me out? DM I11V He lepeated tho query over, and over ngftln, seeming to think the fight J.iel over. Ho tried feebly to raise to his elbows, but fell back nearly ox l.nustcd, muttering: "Ore, I'm thirsty. I didn't think he could knock me ou. Hey,, how did It happen!" - Hebo Dougherty Is his sparring partner. LABOR LEADERS WATCHED DY CALIFORNIA SLEUTHS Arrest of TIiom Ciiniirrtrd With Cal ifornia Federation of Iron Workers F.Nrteil AVIthln a Short Time Heinmtlniis Jut lleguh United Press Service LOS AN0KI.K9. Dec. 2. It Is learned that detectives havo btiu watching a number of persons -on-necled with the California Federation of Iron Workers for tho past two wieks, and Hint arrests will be mndo Im: sunn as tho Indianapolis grand Jury reports. 1 The Intention is to have a similar fedcinl Investigation here, The prosecution says nensatlonH li. the McNamarn caso havo just befi'in, and no one will bo pormlUed'to tea either McNnniarw except 'n tho pres enro of witnesses. Socialists claim that tho entering of a plcn of guilty flvo days before tho election Is a scheme to beat Job Harrlmnn nnd tho soclal'st union In bor party next Tuesday, Waun 02m Adams, who lectures as nn accompaniment to the Panama canal pictures, which are to bo shown at the Houston opera house this and tomorrow nights, was In the Isthmus country for four enrs, nnd during his stay thero killed a number of largo snakes and other denizens of tho tropical jungle. Trophies In tho form of skins and hides of the destroyed creatures have been kept by Mr. Adams, and he car rles them with him on his tour. Tney aro on display In tho lobby of the opera house today, and aro attracting considerable attention. The pictures of tho canal which will be shown fill a reel nearly half a inllo long, nnd nre very ontertalntng and instructive. IMPORTANT PKINTKH8' Mr'.KTIXO Tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock will bo hold a meeting of ;irlntcri of this city for tho purposo of Inking up tho question of organization of 11 local charter of the International Typographical Union. Tho place of meeting Is In tho office of the. V O. Smith Printing company. All the prlntors of the city are urged to in tend, as the matter Is a cry Import ant one. Do not forgot the meotlng for the organization of tho Social Club to be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 In the lobby of tho Hotel Baldwin. Mrs. A. D. Harpold of Bonaina Is In Klamath Falls on buslnwi today. BOYS' OPIUM TRAFFIC IS DONE DY WHOLESALE Police Get Remarkable) Tale of How Drug Comes Out Through Trap Door After Palm f Chink la Crossed With Silver Coin United Press 8ervlco SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. Con tossing that San Francisco messenger boys carried on a wholesale traffic In opium, John Hutchlngs and Frank Slattery, two of ihe youths, told the police a- remarkable- tale of tho way In which they procured and disposed of tho drug. They declared that at a second hand Jewelry store kept by a China man on Stockton street they placed 10 cents In a Chinaman's hand and a' small package of the drug ap peared through a' trap onto a shelf. In another "Joint" on Washington street tba drug fiend simply entered a hallway, put his or her hand through a hole, dropped the 'money Into an unseen's hand and grasped a package thrust Into the buyer's. The boys declared the Chinese bare a monopoly on the drug In that dis trict. They bought for drug Sends. Mrs. A. A. Thomas left for. her ranch this morning to make final preparations for closing her home thero and spending the winter months In Klamath Falls. CARNIVAL OF NUDITY MAKES LONDON PROTEST United Press Bernoa. LOS ANQELE8, Dec J. Waat penalty will be Imposed on the Mc Namaras when they are arraigned be fore Judge Dordwell for sentence oa Tuesday will bo unknown until that time. Despite all rumors to the con trary, there has been no arrangement regarding tho sentence. Judge Dordwell will be a party to no agreement. He will sentonco the two men when they sto arraigned, and if he thtaka that on a plea of guilty James Mo- namara merits death, that penalty Will be Imposed. That both men wilt make a clean breast of tbolr crimes before they are sentenced Is stated by District Attor ney Fredericks. He said these statements would be taken Into consideration by the court In pausing sentence. "So far as I am concerned, I hare not considered the matter." A sensational development was when Fredericks admitted the poe- n of other bribe money than the 11,000 alleged to have been seised from Franklin. He refused to say ! A - 4 INDIANA FEDERAL I WILL UO ( City Authorities of Ibritlsh Metropo lis at Lust Spurred to Action liy Practice in Music Halls Under the (iulse of Art 'Jnltet! Press Service LONDON, Dec. 2. Public pro tests against tho carnival of nudity In which the London music halls have been Indulging under the gulso of "art" has finally spurred the city authorities to action. Hereafter a representative of tho l.oudon city council will attend every first performance, and If there Is any.' thing offensive It will be cut ont. United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 3. Federal Attorney Miller declares that the fed eral Investigation here will continue. despite the confessions. It Is bettered that federal Indictments are likely. The McNamaras' confessions pre clude the possibility of their being tried for many years, but the Iron Workers' organization records are be lieved to Implicate others. Prove Up on Hoawwteed Floyd II. Draudenburg made final proof today before the county clerk on tho SWU of section A, In township 41 south, rango 13 east. Witnesses were W. L. Slmms and Walter Rltter. Tbo land Is located ten miles east of Merrill, In what Is commonly known as Sand Hollow. This Is quite an extensive valley, and when once water Is seenred for Irrigation, will become one of the best producing sections of the county. Many Guests of Honor From Other Cities at Hotel's Opening Banquet While a few guests for the White Pelican hotel banquet have already arrived, tho special sleeper loads from Ban Francisco are to come In on this evening's train. It Is expected to have 2S0 pcoplo at the event tonight, and seats for that number have been placed In the dining room. Among the guests of honor besides Judge Henry L. llenson of this city are the following from abread: Burr Mcintosh of New York, Wm. S. Gage of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. X. Wendllng, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Johnson of San Francisco, Mrs. S. S. Johnson of Berkeley, W. P. Johnson and wlfo of Klamath Falls, Judge and Mrs. W. II. Morrow and Mlsa Mor row of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Arlett of Ban Francisco, C. E Evans of Weed, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Durgess of Ban Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. B. Helfrj of Balem, Miss Verde Clark of Berkeley, Miss Gertrude Hlni of Ban Francisco, Judge and Mra. Wm. S. Worden. Major and Mrs. C. B. Worden, Miss Loulso B. Bar gent of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Roy M! Stanley of Fresno, R. M. Croaa of Portland. II. Nathan of San Fran cisco, B. F. Metlar of Ban Francisco, F. B. Madison of San Francisco, Louis B. C. Mullgardt of San Fraaetsco, Miss Ran of San Francisco, Mr. Rye and Miss Ryan, Harry- Lawrence of San Francisco, H. W. Swift of Fresno, J Ryan and Governor Warren R. Por ter of San Francisco. Lnkt Night Slightly Wa Last night was a little "warmer than Thursday night. The tow was 3? at 6 e. m.. against 30 at 7 a. m.- yester day. At 8 a. ni. It was 28, against 22 at the corresponding hour yester day, while last night It was 3? at S o'clock, against 23 Thursday at the same hour. The high point yesterday was 38 at 3 p. ni.,'Just a single, soli tary degree higher than the day pre vious at 3 o'clock, 37 being the high nark Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J, Frank Adanu and son Martin of Merrill, who hare bem guests of the Baldwin, leave tomor row morning for Ban Francisco, where Mr. Adama Is called oa titwlaees, , i-- - B. 8. Grlgsby left for Ashland Male morning. He after the Bret , "? ' ;s " J j expect to;mwviMi,j, ,.rjj of the yew. , jOj ?J ?-.' .' j ; j-t&Ac" t WVI)'""1' &