'Y? jxjr fr r'w"Tfl!vS i ' ' V 3ri','r - ' "i,v"""TCIaBBiK - - . x - r. - m&Mi-'m. Thfi fWi n0;., . r j . - - " " r r--Vr-:r--rra&- " '.'A I v,v iv uvcring averv ecuon or is. la main ana igkg counties fA . K 'IH. i -j Jk MiVa4. rraUi. :Av1f Wl Mimm nr tub VNtTMO PMM NKWI HBKVII'K ' ' mTwnjtn nhwmufbm fi" PRINT TMK XKWM, NOT HMTOHY ' "t Sixth Year N. 1,01 KLAMATH FALLS, OIIHOON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1911 jPVMSf VfW Pbe pfnint) HANLEY IS BOOSTER ON SETTLING WEST GOAL OF AMBITIOUS YIIUMJ .MlCS AMIIITIOIS AMI wilmnu to err snori.Di-it Tt WHEEL, HAYS HAHi: COUNTY'S NOTED I'lllNCIIII Hnlted Press Service Wllllnm Hnuloy, tin. Ilnrnc) munly pioneer nnd booster, who wax n lead - Inn spirit In Ihu ri'd'iit railroad iuli - hrntlon at Mend, nml n lifelong frit ml I of James J, Mill, with Governor West I nml Thomas lllrliiirilmiii. furiiiH Hi" I Oregon Irlu which went eat In Join I ho governors' special llanlc) was, Interviewed In HI I'mil. nml among' nl her things said "I Just thought IM taken inn ilownj this wny Vim me, lit tows keep nm nl hoinn most of Ihu lime, Iml put) rniiiii of years I lk to tnkn swing ituwn In Hid illriTllun nf tlio MtuirlHc I thought, as Ihla wan lln on anion nf niio of tlii) bout In inl show our held, II would hi) a good tlniK in iiiiiii "Any middle Initial? Well. In m i r mild, )i'(; hut I novcr urn ll Mid i'.Ii' Inlllnli hum nhimt Knne out nf uxn ilown who rr I hnll from "Orrtflln Ia Mllittl I (lilt nl, ni,rl,,l. Itiral department store Wimrow .. I1C,,M" "r" "'".'" "1M Yannste, i-Olhlng In the cnnwir). nnd I expect .wllll' """" "f x,,l,"ri'1' w ,,oror In sen Oregon como rlKht to the front l""L'm'r 1,,l1 rh,'r , , , among thu stale mpr Hi. I at the I .Tl"' r"c 1 "?'' ".!'.' "" " "'" mining show "Of riiursn in) iiflitlihorhood Is .1 llllle nut of the lieiiten path, I2& lullrs from it rullrnsd In fact, at pres ent, but we aro looklug for n road to i mint down that way from present de v Inpuirnls. Mr. Hill promlsos us? No, sir. Mr. Illll never promlne any thltiK. Ills first prnniliw U a Hr (nriiiMirv. I don't really think Lewis nml Clnrk would llnd IIiIukk iiiuiIi ililiugeil right III ill) in liihliorhond but In Ihu allo)s to tho north the) mluht thliiK Police ilu I.eon'K ilrenm Iiml lieen rrnllted nnd they had found, tho fountain of perpetual jnutli ' 'I think tho West Is tndii) the loit-liAXA Iml Konl of ccry ambitious )ouiik fi'l-1 low who Is willing to put his shoulder to tho wheel Thu trouble Is, Ion niLiiy merely tltlt our roast rllles nnd i riturti homesick and dltrnurnged, wlthnul uer enliirlUK Into the rural pnris, 'Hack In tho farm' l ni) slo gnu, nd It can't bo einphnslied too much. "Alrrady wu nru nbandonlng thu (tlonnl bank of this city asking Its aa Icn of utllliltiK RimiiI lauds for rnngn slilnmu In locating Oeorgo W. Phil-, Idea of utllliltiK good lands for rnngn nlttniuu in locating ueorgo . run-, ,u oi tuo grocery stores ana prac purposes and thu )ounRinnn of Pluck - lips, formerly of Scott count). Indl- iltnlly all of tho business houses of has n bettor rlinnro now Hint n gen. ration ago In Ihut rountry. II Is nerosiiary that n follow hno Ihu stick-tiiltie-nnlsh spirit, and not pull out Just as Hip sun Is about to shine "There aio too man) ioIU'ku giad- untcs running around helplci now v..n ..... Him nr so oollMliid adn)H It In Impossible for nii)omi to fasten n hook on them, and make use of them, This, I think Is duo In a pop- New ir A. It. Fredericks, head of tho San Frumlsci) furnlluro house of Joseph Froikrliks company, Is hero looking after the Installation of thu furnlluro In Ihu new Wltlto Pelican hotel. Tho furiiltur mmo In somo das ago, but lould not bo put In tho rooms at oncu bucnusu other work wns not far onough along to pormlt Its Installa tion. iNnw the nltrncllvu brosa beds aro up, loverud by big, tlilrk mattresses, fnt as any ward politician over daTort Hi bo, nml looking Just as comfort able. Tho dressers, chlrTonlori, chnlra nml tublen aro being rapidly put In plnw. uml loco curtains aro going up also. , llnth tho frolght.and pawenger olo valors nro nccoptod, while the dumb w.iir. unoechleasly polite, which lower food from the kltchon to tho hi,.nlnniit nnd return the "emptlea, and carry drinkables to those who feol ovordono In the rurgisn mm., re reaJy for their regular ttunts when called on. The rngo In the i mmi i I'lnuiug nuiiiii rev, ji-jirK UK" (llvn )imr tin) Kiiiii. (liiiiK no-1 Mi him Inkr iiwa) from lilm In uliTil their parents gain them hoiihi tlilng uiilmd) Him. Iiml any puitlrular limit for i..-... !. . ....I I lielti'VU hi I'duilltinu ll) nil IlkllllH I lull Kt ll h, tiioiii luminal, u It li mime, linnl knocks thrown In, unci then Ilium wmi t l,i. hii ninii) lads riuinlriK nriimnl limkltiK fur Job flllliii; fuiiu Inln pen fur 'x-ni'iiiiliim ami like I In tlilnk. though, Hint iigrli'tilturu In jtl'U hist IMiik ii )outig iiiiiii inn stud) i" wants n loiufortatilo fiitum" i BLOODY SLAUGHTER AGAIN PROGRESSES IliniilniU nf IIimIIcn nf Vlitlnu vt' MiiiiiIiiik limit In IIIht, .. i AIhui1' Mhlih Viitlim-i lluti'r, Ulillc I in ItIiiIIMk Shi) U'litiiiilcil United Press Hcrvlco HANKOW. Nov till -liliiodleiit slaliKhlers of One nf the the Mar Ik iriKresliiK llaiDniiK-WurliaUK Is riinnliiK red with blimil Hiiuilrids of bodies of Mamlms' HI Bl'HMIII UilJB IIKItllllK. The) lire alio torn by dlsscnsloiiH, Their leaders admit thu situation1 Is critical Imperialists are ha)iinvtliig Hi" ttoiindod, PHILLIPS' EOLKS ARE DISTRESSED MIX, ItAMT II raitll OF IX KLAM.VIII IWUM TllllrX YHAIIS Alio, 1'AII.M io witiri: TO KIX AT HOMK Wallted Alherl S (leorRu W. Phillips. Whltsltt of Deputy, Ind., I ban written n letter to tho First Na- ann:. and Inter of Klanmlh Fnllu. About IHu Jfars ugo hu flatted his i order to allow our cmplojcs tho pnrentH at tho old homo, and wasis.imo privileges ns thoso of other berrd from number of times from flims, there will bo no Issue of the Klamath Fnlls, loth by brothers ut Denver, Colo,, and nt thu old home, Mr. Whllr.ltt writes Hint at ono time, Phillips m engaged In trapping furH nml Inter purrtinoed a houscbont ami ungnged in fishing ns well. Mir ihriu )ears pnsi hu hns not been Hostelry Going Work Being Rushed kitchen Is up and umdy to bo ilolng us well. Various membeis of tho iiunso sian, which will number about sixty all told, luno howi Betting hero by easy stnges, nnd nro nil practically on tho giouiul. Of these, olghteon woro hero lioforo Chief Clerk K. ll. wmsor wuiu to San Francisco nnd tried his "round up" stunt, when, out of forty thnt were to bo corralled, Icbs than hnlf woro ready. A feature of tho hotol Korvieo win bo an electric auto bus. wnien win run fiom tho dopot to tho hotel driv en by Andrew Wuldhclin, who Is also thu artist who dmw designs for tho regular cafe cards, tho special dinner menus and tho bottle labels which will bo used by tho hotol. ' An enormous oloctrlo sign, with letters several foot high, will sur mount tho front of tho building, fac inn to tho southwost, and when Il luminated Is expected to bo not only visible, but rca'doble, for aeveral miles, lieiinl fiiini hy mi of IiIm frluidn I hi' ii'iimiii the wrller wiiiIh Ihu ioiii muhliiitlii'i to n Imuk, hit ixiiliiliiH, U huniiBe I'hlllliin l.nil onlercil u llttli' iiiniiej fiirnri(il In him rtl Klmiiotli jI'iiIIh, nml Im Niiiiutii'it to hnvii iihciII lit to buy Hid houricbont wllh. . Tin, urllfir uti. i. Ilu. fnil.i.K .r !...! . ..w ....i( nn inu IHIHUI IJI .II.J liilrnliii; mini In Kill llvlmc, nllhoiiKhl mi jeiim nr hrs IMIIIIIIH IH IHKirilJIII IIH lllld II I fl lift IihIhh lilnh, Unlit ioiiiilvxlon M'H, mouth well filled with blue Kold novum) lei Hi, not Inlkatlve In man iiei' llitht hair, Imlilnenn niironchlni;, thuwH iiilmiiii llo U temperate, iimm IniiKiinKo freo from Militarily, wvIrIih 130 to MO puiiiiilB, dreniCH neatly nnd warmly, nml In about 4& jearH old. If nii)nno knnwIiiK nbnut riillllim will write to tlin l'lnt National bank or to the Herald word will bo sent to i.iinnn Indiana. I IIIAI II RTlli:ilH HMIN IIV CIII.NHHK MiritllHUKItM ! , I'l.llcd Press Service HIIANdllAI, Nov. 2!. Three I'n mil fathers uml n number of con I. lerled Clilnihe hnt' been murdered at Vuiililn iiitii) iiiiifiudiifjrti lire iinniiii' in . , ... . . iii'iKii inwii pnrm. I The rountry Is filled with bands of lohlicrs nml marauders nro numerous. MORE SPEAKERS FOR BI6 DINNER .vnoiii:vK ni.mi.KM j. kkiuif- SOX A.Ml W. lailt THOMPSON i'hemisi: to i:piii-mh TIIOI'C.HTS AT ll.XOi:KT HOMK Two of the speakers at tho ban- Iqiiet at the opening of tho White Pel I ban hotel wcru omitted from thu list 'published )eterday. Attorney C. J. I Kcri:iiH(in will be ono of the speakers. I.Mr. Ferguson had becu Invited to do liter the KlkiT memorial for tho As'i 'laud lodge on Sunday, but was un able to accept, as ho had previous!) iiminlne,l In reuimiwl nl Ihu tiniinuel hero Saturday night, ; ' Statu representative W. Lair Thompson of Lakovlow will bo anotb fr of tho prominent speakers who has been secured fur thu occasion, ho hav ing already accepted tho Invitation of Ihu Klamath Falls l,odgo of Klks to ilelher their memorial on Sunday. NO IIKKALH TOMOItltOW tl.o city will bo closed tomorrow, and .paper on Thursday evening. Dr. MeDav.lt, who Imprisoned and abused Miss Jesslo McDonald nt Sail llernardluo, was convicted of assault and will, unless motion for now trial Is made, bo sentenced Monday, the maximum Is a yoar'a Imprlsonmoct nnd 11,000. FRAUD IN REGISTRATIONS 101ESAIEJS CLAIMED HiipMrtem of Iloth Political Contend. i in In Id's Angeles Municipal Elec tion Admit It May Figure In the IbillotliiK United Press Service LOS AXQELK8, Nov. 39 With tho Kendal municipal olectlon less than n week uvvoy, supporters or ueorgo loxnndor, tho good government can didate, and thoso of Job Ilarrlman, tho socialist and union labor nomi nee, nitnitt mat mo uncovering oi wholesale, fraudulent registrations Is likely to figure largely In the result of thu balloting on December 5th. To ascertain tho Identity of persons irsponslblo for the alleged Illegal reg istrations a forco of detectives from thu district attorney'a oce are en caged In a house to house canvas. Tho voters of the city want to know which pnrty, If any, la responsible for the leglstratton scandal. Thousands of votes, It la admitted by both factions, hinge upon the re suit of tho Investigation. PERMIT REFUSED BY COUNCILMEN .COI'till IIHOH. HVAiVKHT TO MAKK ItKI'AlllH WIIKHK E. II. I'KIt MIII.V WAH TIIUXKl). MOWN I'.UIJt TO TOL'CII Ot-'KICIAM At Monday nlght'a council meeting a rcqiimt byvCofcr Droi., through V. I. Cofer, for a pormlt to repair the promlneii bark of 420 Main street, was I J""', ",ow"' ' "'" 'V,n ! "rao 'T 'or hlch K. ll. I'ershln had asked a j permit for alterations last week and " n .a ilah.1 wns refused Councllmaa white stated that tho location was within tho flro limits, nml ho belloied that by Issuing the permit tho city would be violating Its own lawn. City Attorney Horace M. Mutinlng thought tho same as Mr. White. Councilman Allen Stansblo's motion to allow tho permit, seconded by Colonel M, a. Wllklns, was lost. It. I.. Atexandor secured n permit to put up a Ore-room bungalow, 24x .10, with brick chimney, on tot OSr., flock 104, Mills First addition. W. S. Fish, for tho nig Ilasln Lum ber company, of which ha Is man aKcr, asked a permit to erect n barn on lot C, block 1, Railroad addition. It wan Inld over until tho next meet- Ilu;. In tho Interim Chief of Police Samuel 1.. Walker will look over tho proposed site. WOLGAST STRIKEN WITH APPENDICITIS FIGHT OFF Famous 111(11181 Attacked l Maaarr Foreign to thr Prbu- fling, and Is ItuxhiHl, In llodtal In II Operated UMn United Press Scrrlce LOS ANOELE8, Nor. 29. Ad Wol gnst VVU8 stricken with appendicitis at 3 a-, m. and was rushed to the Clara HartoitfHospltal. Ilu will bo operated on late today Ills fight with Welsh Is off. Lntcr Wolgast was on tho opcrat Ing table an hour and twenty minutes. Dr. Pollard said tho operation was a success. Wolgnst Is resting costly. . Welsh tnld: "It's hard luck. 1 am sorry tor Wolgast. If he Is ready I'll meet him Washington's birthday and and gladly." Promoter McCarey said: "It may bo on Washington's birthday. Tho preliminaries aro unchanged. I'll hare Welsh box ten rounds each with Ous Anderson nnd Kid Dalton.". BASKET BALL TO BE ATTRACTION J UNION AND SOPHOMORE TEAMS of man school will kn- 1.K IN FRIENDLY CONTEST TOMORROW Tomorrow at tho Pavilion rink thoro will bo a basketball contest be tween tho Junior and Sophomore tecum of the high school, commencing at 3 p. m. The teams nre: Junior Hardin Cartor center, Olen Garrett and Harry Mcssner forwards', Ernest Nail and Harold Sar gent guards. Sophomore Ed Cox center, Harold Foeso mul Ralph Hum forwards, Leon Bollor and Eugene McCormtck guards. lletwcen tho halves there will be n ootrnco neiwcen soYunu iouu ui tho high school who think they can go Bomo. 0 4 UNITED PRESS DREV1TIEH At Donver a Jury found Mrs. Patter sou not guilty of tho murder of her husband. Flvo hundred comrades of the mur dered San Francisco patrolmen, Cas tor and Flnelly, marched In the pro cession at the double funeral today. 'Requiem high mass was celebrated at fit. .lames church, with Interment at Holy CrnM cemetery. I The California ilttc board nf C.m 'trol nni tlio old optometry board held I three Kcnolonk one day, and charged .the Btnto for thrco days, that then- wns graft, extrnvaganco, "Inefficiency, neglect, poor'jiidgmcnt and worse." ItllHTAUIlANT ItAIDKI) III' IIANDITH, MAKINO IIICJ HAfl. United Pros Service WARSAW, Nor. 29. A band of twenty-flvo men which entered' big restaurant hero, at the point of re volvers made tho crowd throw up thill hands, and gathered a sack full nf diamonds, watches and pocket books. One waiter wag shot. The pollco are bewildered. Hri'Kiiv.oii nnops dkau ON FliOOII Of HAMJWOM United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. J. B. Ilocarde, recently elected supervisor, dropiied dead In the ballroom of the Fairmont hotel early this morning of heart trouble His wife rushed to bla side. The confusion was great. NDIAN SLAYER COURT HEARING WIMJAM KOLKOMISH..CHABGKI. WITH QUMIIY CHICKKA8.. KANK'H .mvhiikr. AltRAin villi riKFOItK V. H. COMMISSIONER William Kolkomlsh, otherwise call ed William Judah Jim, charged with Ihu killing of Qulmby Klckkaskane "near Modoc Point, November 22d, had n preliminary hearing this afternoon beforo United States Commissioner R. SI Richardson. The defendant waV represented by C. M. Onelll, while Edson Watson, Indian agent for tho pwiVlllUICUL VU IUQ niAIUMII inCITl'l lion, appeared as private prosecutor. Neffle Chlckkaskane. sister of thoi deceased, told of Kolkomlsh abuilnn his wlfo on tho north side of the house, whllo Qulmby was on the op loslto side fixing a whiplash. She said Kolkomlsh tore the wM;t off of his wife and was shaking her when tho witness told him not to do It. Tho enraged man, she said, then pointed h revolver at her and told her not to como. She turned away, and Just ns sho did so her brother approached, tiling William to stop his treatment of. the wife. William, ahe said, quickly aimed his revolver at Qulmby nnd shot him dead. Kolkomlsh was held to answer to the federal grand Jury. DUon-Icenblce Marriage Justice of the Peace Charles Q raves today performed tho ceremony unit ing In marriage Louis B. Dixon and Rrsslo M. Irenblco. Witnesses were Dnvo Wndo and Loulso Flaccus. "INDOSTRIRl" WORKERS MAYTAKEGRACKATSAIEI Sons of Rest May lie Called Upon to Liberate a Fellow Loafer, Who U Now lu Jail In Oregon's State Cap ital Serving Twentr-Flve Days United Press Service SALEM, Nov. 29. Salem will be the next point of attack by tho Indus trial Workers of the World, It the threats of W. M. Clark, an Industrial agitator, aro carried Into effect. Arrested on a trivial charge, ho took a twenty-five day Jail sentence in lieu of a 50 One, Then he declared that' 100 Indus trial workers would como to Salem nnd make the oncers regret his ar rest unless he waa released. Benson Still After Excfaaag Judge Henry if. Benson received word from Judge' Calvin V. Ganter- boln of Portland, that he would be unable to come here during Decem ber, so Judge Benson is trying to gt Judge R, Q. Morrow. SENTIMENT IS FOR FEDERAL OFFICES Imitation by Ladles (o Dine Tho general public Is cordially In vited to cat Thanksgiving dlnnor with tho ladles of tho Christian church at tho public library Thursday noon. frcm 12:30 till 2:30. Home made delicacies will bo -served, and an ea- jojablo time Is anticipated. Come. 28-2t I have a few sneclali In diamond mounted Elk buttons and pint. Frank M. Upp. Waichfhaker. Jeweler and Engraver. V -tf SEVERE HANKOW BAp WITH REBEUJICIORIDVS Slaughtering Combat Itaged for Dajr and Half, With the IKwdt Lear. Ing the Position of thr Imperialist Force Precarlotts United Press Service - SHANGHAI. Nov. 29. Hankow messagea say there was a battle j there, for thirty-sis hours, the rebels' winning. The rebels captured Tiger Hill, a fort on the outskirts of Nanking, thus making tho Imperialists' position pre carious. reJCa,U&UlM at b0th btttlM ,r' Charles Sexton, brother of a Ms- lOCamara Juror at Los Angetes, died, nni, ,hA ,rnr ,. ., horaa ang . 'guard, white the court adjourned In respect to the Juror. Attorney Davis' partner was taken 111, which leads to talk of a hoodoo In the trial. MERRILL BUYER OF SEVENTY NAGS COUNTY COMMISSIONER PICKED UP THIRTY-FIVE YESTERDAY, I.IKE NUM1IEK TODAY. FOR HIS STOCK RANCH I Cmintv rnmmlitlonr Our Marrtll yesterday bought thirty-flve head of horses from D. M. McLemore, and to day took a like number from M. P. Mlckler of Olene. The latter pur chase Is at the Albright Mlckler ranch at tho gap east of this city. All the animals will be driven to tho Merrill ranch and there fed during thu winter. Snanghnl cables that revolutionists after 1 elding Nanking tw..ity-four hours, were ousted with hear losses by the Imperialists. Drill Strikes Hot Water On County Farm, With Surface Water Plentiful Q. A. Harmon of Riddle, Ore., con tractor for the well at the county poor farm, today struck some hot water at a depth of over 300 feet. Yesterday the drill was In water as cold as could be, and today a drift of 90 degree aqua was run Into. ' Ueneral Manager Qoorge J. Walton of the Klamath Falls Light and Water company would like to get tbe driller to start working on a bore for arte sian water on the Reames property as soon as possible. The contractor has word that tbe 18-Inch pipe needed for the water company's experimental puncture of terra flrma la on Its way, and will be on the ground by tbe time ho would need It If he wore to start right away. County Commissioner Summers said today that the drill Is now cut ting Into tbe earth at approximately fifty feet a day, and would soon. reach tho 500 feet contracted for by the county commission. He believes the thing to do Is to keep on going down TO BE LOCATED HERE i MEETINO-HKLD LAST NHNsT TO OOOST "FOR, A t430VJftfMim BUILDING, MATC.fofo'oAlH AcoMdTrnn rT 'W x - Mayor Fred T. Sandersoa last asgiH presided at the meeting held la the council chamber for the purpose of working, for a new federal building. Those present Included Colonel M.r O. Wllklns. Connty Judge Will . Worden, County Commissioners Sam T. Summers and C. Ouy Merrill, Jus tice of the Peaco Charles Graves, W. Frank Arant. superlnteadent of Cra ter Lake Park; Rose) I II. Duabar.cMy superintendent of schools; Robert A. Emmltt, Caleb T. Oliver, secretary of tho Chamber of Commerce; I. Jay Knapp, A. C. Wrenn of the pioneer Press, and Councilman Russell A. Al- ford. Mr. Arant came out plain sad clear") as nn advocato of tho movement, speaking of various oBelal matters that havo to be transacted with thbj city as the base. While deprecating any desire to forward any iiijwisal' matters, ho said the oce wkleh he holds had to be kept la this city prac tically halt tho year orore, and that ho was quite sure that his bustaeas would be glad of a little spare sassse In such a building, If It were secured. "We are on the ground early for this thing, and certainly there U ao one ahead of us who Is likely to heat us out," confidentially declared Mr. Ollvor. "Tho nearest ptaee there Is a federal building Is Medford. IDS nillos away by rail, and the only town that Is anywhere near quallted for a federal building that to a possible competitor Is Ashland, which, while It has sufficient population for a fed eral building. Is too near Medford, and I don't think she Is likely to get one as long as Medford has It. We have a large territory to serve from a federal building. "I. was talking to the United States commissioner, R. M. Richardson, who was a little under the weather, aid unable to give me tho time for all tho details that I wanted, but be told mo that In the past year there' had been seventeen government cases In his bailiwick, which Included sixty seven witnesses, and while I don't know what the railroad fares amount ed to Involved In their travel. It Is safe to put It at least fl,000. That does not take In the amount of other expenses Involved In the eases. I had also a short talko with Judge Henry L. Renson, who stated that while he was unable to be hero tonight, he' would be glad to rrlte letters at any time on the subject, or do anything elso that he could to further the ead which we are-all seeking." Colonel Wllklns stated that there (Continued on Pf k "nrj Into the earth, to see If artesian water may not be had. "Wajannot HPr-sRlgr! ty oBclals. not atOD now. with hat we. r we mast get Into tald. Id. The snrfaee water. I fteea feet of tho aaea- ot be lowered, walea la gratltcatioa to the eoaa-J BCrgqaist Waives Msataag , Brio Borgqulai. charged wRa alvtag ' liquor to Qulmby Cklckkaskaae, wise' wab shot dead near Moaae ratath' week ago by William waived hearing before U. aV sloner R. M. Richardson, aad wtll at) I trken to Portland syiBayatrgtetskt States Marshal Realty t aaevar .tSw ; charge la the federal eoaft taatt. . wcii ' ti Mrs. Betle Astell Kola a sMs)ttl, I sister of s. a. Aami, aspatjaaai gay-.j life In Folsom, aReataiaf galsHi gf morphiae at loci, .uaw.ruu ing, nnd is W a orMeal i us 'JmH f : i . ,. - m; . ,&Ii'.$S 4- iL 3 ufK.' fLMM L.S,'. : .(1