- ( J ' Kfe If '.4 'Opfe.: i . ?n. f! re On Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties 1 -'Aim to .v u- J.1i ill rfalft. UFPMKD llf THE UNITED PHMM NEWS NEHVICR KVKNINO NEWSPAPERS PRINT THK NEWS, NOT HISTORY HlstJi Year No. t.fllli KLAMATH PALLS, OltlKlON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Sft, lull Ik ftuninii dtf MYSTERY OF MAKER OF ELEGANT QUILT CONVICT IN MONTANA WANT PRODUCT HOLD mi THAT mm riuifKKim HE MAY IIUV HOOK T STUDY DURING l,EIH. PRE IIUDlUt IN CELL L. M. McFaddon of Km Mvortnnrt. hotel Is fu receipt of an immunity fine hind embroidered iullt from n con. vct who la serving a llf,. sentenco In lh penitentiary nt Door Midge. Mont., wiiow lacniity no cannot rocnll, The maker ha nuked Mr MrPad den to rafflo tho nrtlrln In tho Imp., of making II IS, with which tho prisoner wlhe to hay suinn hook for study in hi tparo moment In roiiniuiiunt. The nrtlrlo In k remnrknlilo pi. to of handwork, nnd Mr McFndden will I try to nit for tho sender, who l iuIiik tlm natun nf George l-nvassi'iir. the amount ho ask. To nhow hi appro rlatlon of tho Klamath Fall man' kindness, IxivaMetir ny ho will mnke for hint a pair nf fine hnnd-emhrnlil-orod pillow ihanii. "I eannnt recall who this man may ho," uld Mr. MrPaddrn. "Ho know mo, and I think maybe ho Mopped at my hotel In Tacnma when I wai con ducting ono there. Ho write mo that ho uecd to work for tho Print T, Mer rill nutn hnuM In Portland, and War den Prank Conley of tho Door Midge penitentiary wrllea mo that Levnsseur wai wnt to tho iienllrntlary March 10, 1908, for tho murder of lit wife, who wait an actreaa. Mr; Conley say there la no convict labor permitted In the prlaon, and that tlm prUoncr upend Ihrlr paro time making rale, quilt, hrldlea, chalna, and other fancy handwork." whli li Miicclnl Invltntlona Imvo been inaticrt. Tho fuel thnl Thanksgiving dlnnera win ho inlen on TlmrNiliiy nnd tho Whllo Pelican bampiet coims tlm Hat urduy night following linn lod tho Odd Fellow to Bi.) tho niH-d of throw. Ing out thu life lino, ohtnln ii gun, or sonio similar relic of iiiimldi'mlili) Klic, which tnii ho ,.r,.ci. oil In illy square or public, park. All of tliviii nro being (limed down by tlio depiirlini.iit I'lidor pronont Instruction, It In thn duty of tho iirniy unicorn In connection with tho raising of tlio wreck of tho .Malm, to Iruiufcr thn fighting minx mid thu remain of tho ilmd to Arllng ton (omutcry, nnd to turn over to tho navy department mirh Mpeclul parts of tlm wrick nil nro diilrod. cither for mlcntlllr or other departmental pur lumen, Tho roninlnliiK parts of tlm wreck nro to bo removed by tho moat oroiioinlrnl mt'thiU nnd mink In deep wntcr oulnldo of Havana harbor. No fundi bare hin provided by i-ungreiiM for any other dbiionlilon of the rem nant of the wreck Intlliitlmi by lillen lo IlltioV The Konoral imlillc U-iordlaMy In vited In ent ThnnkxKlvltii: dlnirfr with tlio latllca of tho Chrlntlnn.rliurch nt tlm public library Thiirliiy noon, fiism 12130. (Ill 2:38. yflomo inadij d llracloa will bo nerved, nnd an en o)ublo tlnin li nntlclpa'ted. Como. 28-21 V' MiritllKHKII I'ATItOIAIK.V lll'HIKII, IM)tin,K FU.NKItAf, m imn m of CALIFORNIA lllo 'nlle) mill l-VII ItlnT Imllana Ale KNitiil In Take Wnr)Mth He. mux' Puriner An- HelpliiK Alillmi-. Ille. (luiw. Munloror United I'rcia Borvlco HAN PltANCISCC), Nov. 28. Tho doiililo funcrnl will bo held tomorrow of Patrolmen Cantor nnd Finitely, who we ahot nt (he Perry building Hun- day. Pour hundred nnd fifty pollro nro to nttend tho requiem hlch moan. Interment will be nt Holy Crom rnmctry. Ilrntitlkna kooh before tho grand jury lonlfilit. TYPESETTERS IN JOVE FOR UNION 3II.I.TIX OP I'ltlNTKItH IIKM) AMI I'llKM.MI.VAItV HTKIH TAK- K.V TOWAIll MJItMIXO IIIUNCH )P NATIOXAIi IM11IV INSPECTORSHIP IS NOW VACANT At tho W. O. Smith Printing com puny olTIro Sunday a mooting of print era of Klamath Palla. which had been called, wai held for tho purpoio of comldorlng tho ndvliablllty of formlnK a local branch of tho Inter national Typographical Union. It wax ngrecd by those, prciont that tho prospects wcro good, and tho cn tlment wan unanimously In favor of tho proportion. Whllo It take ton members, under tho rules, to Instl into a' "local," thcro will bo no troublo nbout eiualllng, If not excelling thli number nt tho atari. Till week will bo do voted to Individual work by the proponents of tho local-to-bo, nnd ntxt Sunday at tho tamo hour and plnco tho list of members will be Hindu up and a charter icnt for. WtVIIA.Nd Hi Kl'KHKMIKRKU A.VII HANKOW MAY UK AliM) HOTRIiOPKNINQ SATfllUAV It la announced by tho manage ment of the now White Pelican Hotel trnt It will bo Impossible, lo rerolvo tho public for tho Inspection of the building on Thanksgiving Day, ni tho wnikmen will still bo busy putting on the finishing touches. Thu hotel will bo ready for Inspection on Satur day when tho public la Invited to call IMt ttfANT MAINE MEMENTOES., BESIEGE WAR l-etler Writer Who HYk Hellra nf P.iliiona Italtloohlp wni-k, Honio for PurpoMi of Public Planirniit, Will llol)ralr United Pros Service i IIKDDINM, Calif., Nov. 27. An ln-'PXCI dlan war I feared between the fiUle Valley und Pull II Ivor band of In dian. Tho former nru aiding a pomj i hunt Indian Mlko after ho ahot two deputy iherlff. ono fatally. .Mlko'x daughter waa ahot while aiding the enravo of tho rod, who wait hot In tho mouth. Mlko' mm I hiding In tho lavii field In l-nsson county. Tho Dixie and Mlko' trlbviir.ca nro expected to take tho warpath, Settler nro alarmed. (VTH OL'T PM'MIHXO OPPICIAIh MAYOK HAYING THK WOIIK HAH IIP.P.S VKIIY KATIH PAcrroitY Ui i.cil Preu Borvlce WAHIIIXGTON, I). C, Nov. 28. Tho war dopartmeut la being beolgcd dally with letter from rltlxcn In all part of tho country, who req,utt Unit .they bo given portion of tho wrecked laino for nicmentoe of MB!'.- r ropro- cek to EATERS MAY REST AT THIS SOCIAL ODD IPI.MIWK IIKaiiP. TO HAVK Ui'ii-rr mtti.i: hkcpption hk. TWKKN TlltKKY AND PKIJCAN PiaHTS, PI.XIXO PltlDAV Klamath l.odgo No. 1.17, I. 0. O. P., nt ll meeting Inst Prlday night do- elded to Imvo n Mpeclul "doluga" on tlio night of December lt, next Fri day, which will bo immelhlnK In the nature of a peaceful meutul banquet, nluuil nt kMiik n rest cure to thoao who hnvo patronlied tho ThanksglV' Ing dinner tnblea with tho usual en. thuslasm, Thorn will be no outing or ill Inking, but there will bo other dcalrablo feu- lure to entertnln Ihoso fortunato enoiiKh In be preaent. Tlio new and nlorly furnlHhed hnll of tho lodgo will bo tho scene of tho gathering, for With the ordering last ulgbt of payment or tho hill of J. II. Bhannon fur Inspection of sewers. Mayor Prcd T. Hnudumoii xiiKgestcd that the ofllco of sewer Inspector bo declared vacant, a tho official duties would bo pro vided from under tho new plumbing bill, Tho council acceded o the ninjor' withe. The mayor stated that tho Inspect orship had proved very satisfactory su far. Tho bill paid Is tho samo ono which hnd been hole? up by tho coun cil for sonio time, and amounted to 1222. 85. Tho only other bill allowed wore thnso of Dr. It. It. Hamilton, city phy sician, and Dr. W. I. Chilton, hi as sistant, for work nnd expenses tho last four months, amounting to 9191.80, nnd of Colonel M. 0, Wllklns, for fur nUtihiK, nawlng nnd delivering twen ty-nine cords of wood, $217.50. Castel upf License Shifted By Marrow Margin Of One Vote Only "last Wednesday night tho council rohewed the liquor licenses of A li, Uvermoro for tbroo months, A. Casio) for threo months, J. K. Ballard for all months and B. It. DuPault for thioo months, so that whon Caatol asked at last night's meeting to liavo hla llcpnse transferred tho council did not enthuse over tho proposition. Prod II. Mills, attorney for tho par ties, said that Castel wished to trans fer owing to III health, and that tho bualness would remain In the same vicinity aa It la now, by the use of which term he lot It be In ferred that the premises at II Main stroet, owned by Qoorge T, Baldwin and now uaed for the business, might be given up later, Wbm tho rote waa taken on the otloi to aktow tho trawler, made by Colonel M. 0. Wllkln. seconded bv President Marlon Hunks, tho ayes nnd noes wero both so vociferous that Mayor Prcd T. Sanderson was uncer tain as to whether tho result, was for or "fornlnst." So the ayes and nays wore had, aa follews: Ave M. Q. Wllklns. Russell A. Alford, Marlon Hanks, Allen Btansble. Nays 0. w. White, oiaronco 11. Underwood, Charles McOowan and Hon B. Owens. The bondsmen on the saloon II censes In tho city renewed last week are: Uvonnoro's WD. -Color, How nrrt t. Lawls: Ballard's. Thomas Mar- tin, Ky Taylor; Cnstel'g Ky Taylor, 0. D. Wilsons Du Fault's, M. Moucnon hnhn. Harry B. Stilts. Each saloon. lit himself algna the bonds also, which In each oeae la 1,000. ACCIDENT INSURANCE BV STATE 60YERNIENT Hill Paving Way for It Introduced In Cnl I forn bi I'gUlalure Ban Fran rlwo Ijiwyer Oo' on tlio Game Coin nil Ion United Press Service SACHAMKNTO, Nov. 38. A bill paving the way for stato Industrial accident Insurance was Introduced by Senator Itoseberry. Carl Westorfold of 'Frisco, an at trrnry nnd sportsman, hns been ap pointed on the fish and gamo com mission to succeed Sanborn. Lnltcd Press Service SNA CHAI, Nor. 28. Wuchang Is reported to have surrendered to the Imperialists, tho clttea Hankow and Wuchang. Hanyang Is separated only by the fmks of tho Yangtso river, and they prnctlcally constitute a single city. Definite Hews from Hankow baa not been received, but It Is believed the Imperialists are In control. GRANDJURYWORK SLOW THIS WEEK IIAIID TO (JKT WITXK88K8 IX CAHIM AMI nOUV HAH TO WOIIK OX MATTKIIB PIECE- MKAI XO ItKTURNS YET Is prevonted by tho recent bereave ment to hla household. Musical numbers from "The Pink Lady," "Tho Spring Maid," "Talee of Hoffman," nnd "Chocolate Soldier" will bo played by the orchestra, as wcllas a waits by Lehar, composer of "Morry Widow," "Klllarney" and "Billy," well known songs, will also bo played. Tasteful menu cards, with the pel ican prominent, have been Issued. The hotel was a sceno of unusual bustle today. Some of the rooms are already completely furnished, and a corps of housekeepers and maids wero busy today cleaning out tho rooms that r.ro ready. Manager L. R. Rob ertson of the Pad Be Telephone and Telegraph company, was on hand busily Installing room 'phonos and me rorce or workers generally waa so numerous that they fairly crowded ono another. P. It. Olds, decorator, sonio tlmo since had Instructions to be through with his work tonight. ANKENY DAM TAKEN OUT BY SOMEBODY HKHKLH Itl'HH XAXKIXO PORTS AND TARE CRT United Press Service SIIAKOHAI, Nov. 28. The rebels rushod tho Nanking fortifications to day, and captured the city after a des perate hand-to-hand battle, In which 700 Imperialists and COO rebels were slain. . BENSON CANNOT ACT IN TRIALS .-A DISQUALIFIED IV jflro CASE, NM HONOR BBiin TO EX. CHANGE WITH A PORTLAND JUDGE NEXT MONTH r Whlto, about whom little la known, wore arrested. Browne asserted that the f 500 was paid Lockwood as earnest money on a $4,000 brlbo to "hang" the Jury.. Lator White and Lockwood were released, Fredericks saying there waa no charge against them. A formal charge of attempting to brlbo a Juror waa made against Franklin. McNamara Jurors today attended tho funeral of Cbarlse Sexton, aa a tribute of respect to Juror Sexton, his brother. Fifty veniremen called to day make a total of 65S drawn. Both sides concede tbo actual trial will begin In a fortnight. The state admits It will call 600 witnesses and the defense 400. MAYOR IS IGNORANT OP WHO REMOVED MM CVUC BRATED OBSTRUCTION TO GOV. ERXMEXT DITCH, ACOORMNG TO HIB CONTETITON TAR'S IESSAGE REUSED, NOW SIX THOUSAND WORDS Prwiili'iit Decides to Reserve Bosne of I lie .More Important Topics for Spe cial Communication to 'Ooauree. klonnl Gentlemea United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. O., Nov, J8. Piosldciit Taft's cabinet haa Anally levied tho mesaago to concrete to 6,000 words. Toft will reserve several Importaat topics for n special message FOR SALE OR TRADE Owner has two black bonfea, weigh. Ing about 1,400 pound eaeb, and ono black inaro, weighing about 1,000 pounds, forvsale, or Avlll trade for good real estate, McCabe'a Oroctry, Mini aoaiima. t - So far tho grand Jury haa returned no truo bills, a It Is having a hard Job to plow along through the crim inal cases. Assistant District Attorney Charles J. Ferguson stated this morning that owing to tho dlfflculty of getting wit nesses together In a given case the Grand Jury Is hearing wltnessea from rue caso to nnotber, aa they are pro Killed, and not working continuously on a given case. It Is possible that there may be n report tomorrow, although no consid erable findings are expected by thu u ry until the last of the week Tho Interference of Thanksgiving holiday, breaking Into tho week. I nobably held to account for somj of the delay. Being dlspuallflod In the cases of Pointer vs. Klamath Falls Land and Transportation company and J. 3, Carroll vs. R. E. Cantral! et al., Judge Henry L. Benson will probably as chango with a Judgo from Portland for the month of December. Judge Henry E. McOInn, to whom Judgo Benson wired, replies that ho will bo unnblo to come, as he Is to spend the time In California with his parents, so Judgo Benson has wired Judge Calvin U. Gantenbeln, to sfo If that Jurist can arrange the exchange Whon Judge Benson goes north ho will take with blm a number of mat tors which be has under advlsoment, Including tho Dunlap vs. Lewis land deal case. 10S ANGELES GETS MORE DELE6ATES THAN 'FRISCO IIifipportloMnrot Bill Agreed on by California Legislator Accords Ktrongrr Representation to tae Climatic Cky United Press Service SACRAMENTO. Nor. 28. Paaswge of the Thompson reapportloameat bill Is assured through an agssiptest of San Francisco, Santa Clabrresno and Alameda delegates. nRj' , I This Ivea'SaBm&clsco lrsaVMsV oiymen ana 7 senators, Loe Angeles county 16 assembly men and 8 sen atora. Dr. P. M. White left yesterday af ternoon for Ban Francisco on a busi ness trli. Ho will be absent until the last of the week. L0N6 ORDINANCE READ ONCE MORE DINNER PROGRAM IS NOW ARRANGED JUDGE IIKXHOX TO HE TOAST. SIAHTKR AT NEW HOTEL'S R4.N. Ql'KT, SPEAKERS INCLUDING CITY'S SIAYOR Judge Henry L. Benson of tho cir cuit court has beon chosen toastmas- tor for the banquet with which the White Pelican hotel will be opened Saturday night. Among those who have accepted In vitation to speak are F. D. Madison, Arthur Arlett (who constructed the building, Mayor F. T. Banderson, Julius Meier (of tho Meier ft Frank Co. large Portland department store), Attornoy C. M. O'Neill of this city, Attorney C. F. Stone of this city, and O. X. Wendllng of Ban Francisco, vice president of the Klamath Develop ment company. Judge George Noland waa to have beam among the list of epeakera, but POWER OVER RAILROADS, UTILITIES niLL'S AIM United Press Berrti. 8ACRAME.NTO, Nor. 18. A pnV lie utilities bllt, enlarging the powers of tho railroad commission was Intro duced In the assembly by Sutherland of Fresno. It will bo Introduced In the senate thta afternoon by Burnet of Ban Fran- clrco. Let There Be Light A petition for a' street light at Broad and Oak streets was presented to the council last night, signed by George B. Mason, Elmer L. French, W. T. James, Mrs. C. F. Ooodrlch and R. C. Shipley for the Shipley Trans fer company, all claiming to be own ers .of property In tho neighborhood of where tho light Is requested. IDE MCNAMARA BRIBERY ALLEGED, ARRESTS RESULT District Attorney's Sleath Ptacfac Chief Detective of Defense, AUeg. lag Money Waa Passed to a Proa pectlve Jarer United Press Service LOB ANQELES, Nov. 18. District Attorney Frederick's chtet detective, Samuel Browne, arrested Bert Frank, lln, chief investigator for the McNa. mara defense, charged with attentat Ing to bribe O. N. Lockwood, a pro, pectlve Juror in tbo ease. Browne stated that be and detect. Ives Jerko. Ong, Campbell and Homes saw Franklin paaa 1800 to Lockwood tbla morning. ,. Lockwood and a man, "Oaf" COUNCILMEN NOT ANXIOUS TO HEAR MEASURE REPEATED, HUT ITS I.M.'tMTY WOULD HIXOK ON OBSERVING RULE Some of tho counellmen last night shied a llttlo at the putting ot the plumbing ordinance on second read Ing, for It Is long, and they were not anxious to bear It. It was suggested that all reading but that ot altered portions be dispensed with, when Councilman O. W. White raised the question of legality ot an ordinance read In that manner, If It were teated In court City Attorney Horace M. Manntngsald.lt would be void. Bolt was read. The ordinance will require permits to be taken out for work to be done, and also provides for tbreel counellmen to act aa commission to license local plumbers. Mayor Fred T. Sanderson's okvtrao tlona to tho Ankeny ditch hare beta removed, but by whom and aarter 'ffhat orders the Herald was unable to learn today. The mayor denied any knowledge of who had done the work, and de nied having given any order to any or.o to do the work. "I haven't turned u vheel In the matter, and don't kinw anytklag about It," said be. Ills honor manifested a strange lack ot animation to the matter, con sidering that the I isl tlmo he kad a conversation with thj Herald the subject he said that If the rnent tore out tho obatrnctlon wklea thi mayor bad ordered pat la bo would muster several huadred men with shovels and III up the ditch. It remain to bo teen It tho atayor will make good tth statement now ttat the Impediment tan been rs troved. The Inferenoa Is ttuvt stvee the gov ernment suits are tMrateaad'taanwat tbt city aa the reivl: of Intorforeneo r.'thju .rights, Up city, asAhotJUa.. are not "anxious to uwirt the eggiass cf a lawsuit any moro than la aeese-" tary. The removal of the dam waleh atop. ped tbo ditch doc not by any means, t Is claimed, fro tho city front Ha btllty In a damage suit, but, of course., may tend to "soften the blow" when the matter gets Into court. O. P. Morton Jr., attorney of the Pacific district, reeiomatlon service, n-nc hero from Portland recently lo get data on this and other project nattera and the mattr of making the city a defendant In crorernmeat suits .'r now In the hands ot tbo. gorerr ment's legal talent it WANT If ArfWWM OT CdStfSS KIEMTES Meaanrv to This End Presented to Special SeasJoa of California A. neiublj Houao and HcsuUe Osnusi Unchanged 'Jnltod Preaa Berrtea SACRAMENTO, Nor. IS Tbo Irat congressional reapportionment kill In troduced In the .assembly Ja by Rath erford of Truck. Practically tbo samo bill waa ; ed by tbo assembly at the Isat i There are no chaagea la the organlaw - tlon for special session, the earn ohV cers as those at last aessloa being tal charge. local Milk Supply Will De Tested To Determine Quality Furnished At council meeting last night Mayor Fred T. Sanderson Instructed Dr. R. R. Hamilton, city physician, to collect samples ot all milk from local dairies, aa well aa from Individual cow owners who sell mink In the city, to hare them tested omclally for Impurities. Some sample were sent to Port land to Dr. Calvin White, secretary of tho state board ot health, with the water samples, but Dr. White sent back word that owing to the great dis tance the milk has to travel it is dlBcult to make a satisfactory and fair analysis after it arrives at Port land in its changed condition. Dr. Hamilton aald that ba found sanitary conditions at the Bogga and Straw dairies very good when, he in spected them. The only teats he had been able to make of la milk war y ., for butter fat. which showed percentage. .For other feature; in ;. '? i,1 the lacteal fluid he said It would-a( , ,tf usmwujt iu hid nnpiM HHMara and for tbla reason the mayor" deter- .. mai samples or am weai SMie;.". should be sent for tasting. Weather nhiblLl It wag not quit so eotd last ntnht. ,i Jr$&J the low being SIH at a. miim'd&Klffl v n mt, ilgMHIJ, WBVOTI WWW-IBB ..tr. low point for tbat day, vAt 8 "Is - .1 thla nonl It u'li'udi aaH"-,"- ' 1 """- W--W nww i..vww mm .a.vr. . , yesterday and IB Baaday. kstik ItsvX-'7' ' ' ' tentey, was "-at t..mimamU'i at s p. m. luaday and at:i', aturdav. ai --- laaa m ' waa li;4aalHt MtMhn?. Mi Hi'M WI.J " SiT,!'i ni aWiiT 'Vk