"ft "-. The Only Daily Covering Every Section of K la watt, and Lake Counties (Mb. HIJITI.IKI) IIV TIIK DM I Kit I'HKHH NEWS HKItVH.'K KVENIN'I NEWSPAPKM I'lll.ST TIIK NEWS, .NOT HISTORY CP Ik ejff rtlillt Yt'ar .Vt. 1 ,11 III KLAMATH I'ALLH. OREGON, lltlllAY, NOVKMIIEIl 24, 1011 BEATTIE ADMITS GUILT-EXPIATES Frio V9?9 EXPRESSES sorrew: Ion of llmttlu MniHuir took root. 'Ilu, JitiMiiltioiiiiiU In led wide nhoiil Hi., , Pinto through Hid woods mill Heidi), , I""' "'Ding imiiii) lli..y Intiirlnhly rtt- turned .to Hid Mot mIhtii lli-Mtlo ill roll ACTION, HIS IIIXII.I' IN Mi,l"r''1 M" nul" """"l ' '"In wH" I'ltCK WITH MIKIIt tsii "'""""", A .liotMlim. later a negni """'' nn" MAUI". -M' iiiriti.li.' r.,,.1,,1 iIKn..nrr..i..l W. 1,1(8 111 CII.IIK Hi; fill llK"Hi. Idfiillfleil liy llnitllo tin Hi,, Kim will, whlrli bis wlfi. una killed, at (i rtillrtiml crossing about luilf way Ik'. the Inferior tourt errtd In ndiiilttltig tin- (iiiliilmi tif wIltitancM n tt whether It was iiikIIkcii"! for Hid iiiiin loKtiiml IP while driving lilt wiikoii It wan Hut holding nf On, court (lint tint only propir way lo gt uvltlonru iim to tint tinted lit niton nf (hln riirm of driving whh lo null whither It win tin, rimto-' wnrj wii) of bundling n horse, and vi, hide ' Tim noli, iimi mI tnr which thu! old nuiiiftii) oiirntiil Mute the trans-1 liorlntloii llm, wont ),( f business i mid uprooted (do tracks, linn lived n IMiirefiii, imt not cry mining, llfu ilouti nwir Seventh mitt Oak ION SERVICES THANKSGIVING UIIIHH'T I'AIIKIIIMJ (liurili lUttnnr Tlio Ladles' Aid of tint Presbjtrrlnn Unlit d I'tui Hrrvlco -I...... I. .. in i . i .. . tw.Mi, in, Ht...,. of ll, crime mid the ," "'" "","l"K'lr """"" "",nnr Owen ln.it,,. Tuirdny. Kotemher 28th. nt tl.o old "entile. It, , stories of II,., kin. '"" r """ ""l Main streets. Itlt'HMOMI. Vn.Nov :i.-ll..,r ' "entllo. In Mil stories of tl, kill- -.".,.. n , .,... streets. I In) llenttl,. was ,. trot. ,,, wltli.tm ' ' - .. told widely differing "' " """7''"; ' ' lnr will .. hitch. inlet. Hit wt.s iinrllriilnl) coi.tra.ll.- V, """ ml? "' ,",,,,",, rm,kl"' cu'" II,. was pmnuuniiHl .lend tit 7 23 lry " hi. description of ll. n.nn ' Tl ,"' '"", "' ml?!U' 'V11' "lo" ll wftlknl lii tin. drntli ehtilr nii.,,,ir " ,ln" ddelU,'H wnrkid with n'l, ' fnllvrlmily. TIiiiiikI. mil) it nhiidou of lili for ..ter m'lf reiiliilnnl In, iiitillilnliinl lilr . iiinininiiti', mid lonfiHM-.l ln'fore l,U leath lte Kit iililMiiitii.il Hi, Inllunltii: 't.feialoii I.) Ilenttle I, lletir) Cln llenllli, Jr. denlroiM uf mnmlltiK rlslit lirfon. (lo.l nml intin. their iiiirc), without dtflnlto renli hut KnlherltiK a miiait of (Irnnimtitnteii Hint aeeimd to pnlnt to llentlle The hlati.r) of Did )oiiiik m.n of llm wen. II.) men html, tin n l.othmlo of Houtli Itlililiiond, nml hln r'hitlotiH with tin hetiilllful l7-eftT-oli llnilnh lllnforl wero cllnroMTril 1 h, tiitl'w m, enrlhed the ntnry of llenrj Clin llrnttle Trout, the ililld Imrn lo lion J II lleddui, wlfi. mid dmtKhter. or win i.uuoijliio, Calif., nrolltliiK flod." Phil., :C .... iiini ,ir v ii unrccion or inn .tr it r 1'itiMiit.vM iim.N(ii:i i on hk. f.truot'H i:.i:itc-iHiw ok com- IIIXIJI) I'ltOTKHTAXT CHL'ltCIIKH IV MK1 HODIKT KIHFICK Union ThnnktiRlvlnB Hcrvlcci of the MirloiiR I'rotstnnt denomination! In tin. city to ho hold at draco M. K. rhnrcli on tliu tnornlnK of Novomlicrj Jiitn iiiiv been arraniccd. Thu admonitions opcnlns tho pro Krnm nro "I Will I'rnlio Thee, O Iord, Sly ood, with all my heart; and I will glorify Thy namo for oermore," I'mIihb, 8C:12 and "Do careful for nothing; but In uicrjthlnc by prayer mid nuppllartlon with thankRllnR et our rciueiit lio madu known to .liy In nt. I ho Sllh ilny of N'oteii.lii.r. IVII, ttiiife my Kiilli of Hi,, irliiii'!1"'1 ,l,,,f,r,l mid III nry rin Ilenttle In hnri;id iiKnlud n.e ,!,0:' 'Miuh that wnN piilillthi.l c rn-l ,',,l,l ""nttlo. lleiirj'H ioiihIii, 1,111 imt 11... .i.,inii. w. ...., 1 1... If''ed to tin. Itlrhmond Im, lire Hint on awful fnrl, wlilio.it ihohnrrowliiKrlr-l"1" Hn,l,r,," l,rlnr '" "'' killing In- iiit,iitniiri', reu.alni. BOTTLED WATER WILL BE SHIPPED "Korthlmirtli.il I mu trul) mirry "llelleli.R Hint I am nt penrn will, Hod, nt.d mu noun to pax Inln hln ereaeiiri), thin tilntemtiit It liindo." Tin, Klnti nient wna nlKt.ed "Henry 'lay lleatlli, Jr " Itic t'rlii.e wnil I lie Trial Knur iiKinllm hro, on n dark July I i.IkI.I, Henry Clay llcntllo returned from n Joy rldo on the lonely Midlo thian turnplkv with llm bloodstained Ix.tly of (ill wlfo held clou., to hU lido '11 hU ni.to Hut an hour before Hie oupli) hnd left the home of th, iclrl' "tirle, Ttioinni Owen There llm body f the dead woiunti wni taken, unit ' ero Ib'tiHIe told n alory of 11 bearded I iKhwummi who In Id up hU mnrhlni. i'i the rond afler tho auto hnd nenrl) on htm down llentlle until Hint when ho started I.Ik mito to run nwny f'niii Hid bearded HtrmiRer, who wna! itrined with n ahotKun, tho mini fired 11 thu mnrhlue, klllltiK Mm llrnttle While dm family of thu dead Klrl uipiirnid tier den Hi at home, llentlle j Willi pollro omrlnlH mid prmitc delee. Ihea. Hcoured tho iielKhhorhood for With Ilu, ieernnl I.) tho miprt'liit. Hnrea of tho bearded hlKhwiiirmnii "rt of Ilu. lower eourt'H iiwnrd III 'Hid blood-Honked aulo In which hnltho uo I ml tarried I.Ih wife's bod) waa pre- I'llOllfcr Ol' HOT hl'III.MJS TO 111: itito.v.vri:n asu mahkktkii, w mi ;i:m.i, im ii.mui at Hill HKKM l.'dllllltlli'llt Ih belni? InXiilliMl l,v ft,.. llm nrllt.n of tin, Rrnnd Jury, whlrli Kinmatli Dovttopment company nct hnd boiiKht a alncle barrel shoiiti.ti for his (ousln, and hnd ttiriKtl It oer to I1I111. with three inrtrldKex I'm.l Inter lilt milled tho nun found on the "Mlillnltil.M, turnpike n Hie gun ho Kate his cousin Tho loroner's Jur) held llentty for rrturned mi Indlrtinent nKiiltmt Ileal He for murder In Hie first derreo, mid on AiiRiist 21 he wns plncett on trlnl (Cotitltiiiecl oi I'ssii R) BROKElTpfEllA CASE TO APPEAL m'I'iiumi: cottiir oitiiKits m: IIIIAIi IV SI'IT OVKIl TIUM. Tu:it iJtiti:i wiiii.k iiuivim; srA.MIIMI lo the I'loneer Press ofllcu on &.MI11 slreit for the purpose of bottllnR tho Hot H.rliiKs watr which Is of tho Maine mini) sis as that of tho springs or Carlsbad, (lernintiy. .Im llnldwln Is to bo tl.p Renornt mannRor of tho holtlliiR huslnosii, which It Is hoped to Rt Into full blast within n few dax, or approximately at Hit' sanio tlmo as tho openltiR of tho now hotel. It Is plMiuid to turbonnto tho n- t r mid ship It tu tho markets of Portland, Snn Pranclsco and else wheio The promoters bellovo that In tlmo thu mnrket for tho medicated luiuii will extend nil mor the United States, Tho opening of tho While Pcllcmi hotel, which will hovo it foun tain of tho spring water In tho lobby, Is expected to bo n stroiiR advertise ment for tl.o product. Olds will play a volun tary, followed by tho slnRlng of the "Doxolt.Ky" by the choir nnd conRre- iRntlon, standlnR. A responsive, rend- ling appropriate to the dny, from the, 'Psalter, will be led by Itov. Dr. Henry ,0 Collins, rector of Orace Rplscopall "church. 1 j Hymn No 700 will bn sung, fol 'owed by prn)cr offered by Itov. J. 8.1 fjtuhhtcncld of the First Presbyterian church Tho choir will render an nnthem nnd the sermon will be preached by Ilov. K. M. Fllnn, pastor of the First Christian church. Mrs. Illrdean Fraker GsmbHI and Mrs. It. It. Hamilton will sin-.- duet, "He Hl'till Feed His Flock." from Handol's "Messiah." oratorio, after which "Amerlcn," hymn No. 702, will be sung by tho choir and congregation. Ituv, Oeorgo II. Fccse, pastor of tho Methodjst church, will tnvoko tho ben ediction, Mrs. F. It. Olds following with n rendition of a postludo. I.A.. i....l fn I.. ,.... . Mi l ,,. I.tviv vuijiii iu uv iivt iiiviiiuurs in iiio lodRO who could afford to rIvo $100 each to redeem tho credit f tho lodge, nnd asked that tho first ono willing to do so to stand up. Tho button was pressed, and In about three stconds Jim Drlscoll, who happened to be set- tlnR In tho guest chair, was on his feet In tho middle of tho floor. It took Jim about half an hour to ex plain that ho didn't mean It. Cnle Oliver, who catno In later, was also caught In llko manner. Mr. Fer guson, acting as master of ceremonies, stated that no set program had been arranged, and that the entertainment would consist mainly of musical num- l.rrs but that ho bellored thoy would all llko to hear ono good ipech. He scld ho would bo glad to hear from tho person who thought he could mako tho best speech of anyono pres ent. Calo was on his feet In a second. and sal dth&t tho chair was the hot test thing ho ever sat on. Thero was somcono on the floor during tho entire evening, cither tell ing a story, making a speech or sing ing a song. Soverny quartets and ducts were rendered, and the evening finished with a reproduction of the musical part of the minstrel show. with some new songs and gags added Micclat for Ijttllea At the Templo theater tomorrow the Pnthe Freres weekly bulletin will of II. I! Pointer s, tho ! Kl.it, mil, Kails l.mul mid Transport.!- - 1 . . ... .... I linn Hnrtir,, n,i itm.iii.. i,i.,w..if ' I tin riniipiiii). t ho Paso was ordered ow too latest st)ies mm faslilons In rniillieKriiPiNinio-tpilclniiinnilitiiwiihaik for retrial. ,""' dressing nt tho French capital, Hut Midlothian turnpike through the Tl.o 1111 arose tilm.it threo jenrsj1 " tilltht, ni:o Iu this til) when tho plnlnllff la-1 Just iih ilnwii hniki. m. Jniv mill. Jured his pntelln. or kneerop, by an " " .nniiiriiii 01 .ierrin cauea at l.uther I.. Shorer. Chesepenko & Ohio necldeiit on tho strict car truck of Cmiuly Clerk Do l.tip'a offlco this nf iniir.,,1.1 .1 mu.. ..1 ,. 11,.. the lulu lamented traction route of li'rnoon mid deposited a co)oto pelt 1 list) bv lb.. itlrl'H rntnlli. renched ih.., Klaii.ntl. Knll. He got n wrtllrt for '""""- '-r'. "" "umber of rabbit rietii, of II,, rrlm,, will. .. hrnc, of U'.70l. pelts, bounty ono dime, tho tenth part DEMURRER HELD VALID BY JUDGE VAMINa ROSS DEFENDANT IN EX. Hinrr in uev case not slf. FICTENT TO MAKE HOC REAL PARTY IN SUIT I.ovl McDonald camo over from his llnnnnxa homo UVdnrsday evening to visit for a few- dnjs with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George McDonald before they start on their annual trip to Southern California. I.ovl Is making arrangements to open n hotol In the I of contempt did not state a cause of pretty Inlnnd city nnd expects to bo I action, but tho attorney for plaintiff nil ready for the Increased business Icontcndcd that as Rosa was mentioned Judge Henry L. Benson In circuit court. today gave a decision sustain leg the'demurrer of Mills Napier n behalf of Ralph II. Rom, who had been summoned as a party defendant In tho suit to foreclose a mechanics' lien entitled Morrison vs. Thurman. Attorney J. H. Carnabas represented tho plaintiff In tho case, whleh was brought over a $50 bill for work lone on llrown's cafe on Main street. Tho demurrer alleged that the bill which will follow tho assurance of Irrigation for tho surrounding coun try bloodhounds. Then tl.o II rut suspl- It was lit tit h) the high court that 1 of n "dollnh," apiece. " isyyjNf Returns, Grayer But Wiser, ot Those He Went After MlllH-Hlntk Marriage IjIcpiim A innrrlngo license wns Issued this Morning by County Clerk ChnrlfH It Del.ni. to Harry Milts and Francis Mlnnlo Slack. NOAND FUNERA Chief Clerk K. II. I.mmer of tho now White I'ollcan hotel, hns returned from Han Francisco with about a score moro hotel help and n few gray hnlrs 11 k well. He went down to round up nliijiii forty people who hnvo been en gaged to assist In making life, n long sweet dream for thoso who hesitate, 1 huso, or othorwlm) stop ut tl.o now htiileliy. Tho task was not as easy as It might havo boon, for ho wns im I'.Mu to got but nbout half tho folk! ht wanted to como with him although he used All tho persuasive powers with which ho Is gifted. "Till thing of getting people to J incit, nnd got started Just when you want thorn to como Is not what It Is iinckfd up to be," said ho this after noon. "This one wants to go tomor row and that one at some other time. They are often not ready to go, or have something to Interfere I)ut all things ronsldored, It turned out pretty well, and everybody will be boro In time to get going. We will be ready for our olid of it when tho builders me rend) with theirs." Ah mi uvlduneo of tl.o popularity of the coming opening banquet It Is Hinted that all but two of tho 280 seals for the feast lmo been dis posed of Music has been enguged for tho first threo (In) a of the opening, Thanksgiv ing l Friday mid Saturday, and tho Whllo Pelican oichestra to play all day on thtwo du)s. It Is composed of Ocorgo Mason, violin; J. N. Whet stone, vlollnrelto; (leargo Ilradnnck, double bass; Arch Y, Tlndall, cornet; Marion names, trombone; Robert Mitchell, rlnrlnet; Mrs. Aich Tlndnll, piano. r -r- Mlneeii.eut Mliieement Our cornod special hitlk mincemeat. Nothing botterlSo iter pound, 24-2t FUbTOX MARKET. I', A. Pulley's shoo repairing busi ness on Main street has been pur chased by Charlos Donart. L TO BE SUNDAY OPNKQUIKH DF.KKHIIKD OWIXIJ TO C'OMINO OK MRS. NOLAND'S MOTH. , I'll AM) HIHTKIt FROM W.XHIU INflTON Owing to tho fact that Mrs. Oooddl, mother ot Mrs. Ooorno Nolaiit, and Mm Daisy Marlcn, Mrs. Noland'r sis tu, mo both coming here from Point llol.erlB, Wash,, to attend tho funeral ef Vligll Nolnnd, and will not nirlve pulll tomorrow night, tho funeral hat bten postponed until 3 o'clock 8muln nfternoon, Today n moctlng Df the attorney.) of Klnmnth Falls was held at tho sug gtlon of Judgo Denson, and .cjolu tinnn of sympathy with Judgo NoUnd In tho1 loss ot his son wore adopted, Tho roVolntlons were prepared by At torneys, Charlos Stone, J. O. Rutenle nnd Thomas' Drake. ELKS SMOKER JOLLY AFFAIR ARTICIPAXT8 IN RECENT EUtS' MINHTRKUi ARE EVTKRTAINED FOUR HOlltS OK CXtNTIVUOlTH PKHKOUMAXCK Again has the Klamath Falls Lodge of KlkBtakcn ono moro step upward on tho ladder of popularity, and dem onstrated that they are about the best bunch ot good fellows that It Is pos sible to tlnd In this part of thet coast. Tho fact Is that It Is becoming' whis pered nbout up and down tho line from California to Portland that tho elks at Klamath Falls are Just about us Ihe im any jou will run across, and vory few Wilting Elks coming to this city ever miss n social ovenlng with tho lod.o. Last evening 11 smokor was givon In appreciation ot thoso who assisted In tho recent Elks' minstrels. Nearl) tho entire cast was present, In addi tion to close to one hundred mombers mid lsltlng Elks. No sot program had boon arranged, but the evening wns ono continuous performance from 8 o'clock until nearly 1$. A generous Dutch lunch with beer was sorved during which many laugbablo stunts wero pulled off, A chair cen trally located nnd ronnectod with an electric battery was tho cause of a great deal of amusement to tho guests. Exalted Ruler E. II. Hall statod that beforo tho festivities be gan ho had a very troublesome mat ter to discuss with the members of the lodge. Ho said that be did not wish to throw any damper on the pleasures of the ovenlng, but he had been Informed by the trustees that the lodge was about $500 In debt, and Immediate steps had to be taken to rats U Bioaoy. He suggested that drinkable In tho party, total one bottle. About C a. m. on Sunday, after teasing the carburetor of the boat, which was frost-bitten, they got It working and steamed merrily away In the direction of Lower KKIamath Lake. About 6:30 a. m., while In the straits between tho river and Lower Klamath Lake, the carburetor got chilly again, and lost It efficiency. More persuasion wai necessary, and It was decided, on getting her warmed up, to go back to Wild Horse bntte, where they landed about i o'clock. About 3 p. m after a meal, they started again for a shoot, and the carburetor went on a strike. After somo hours of futile argu ment with the carburetor, they pulled out tho seats and paddled for short with them, reaching there about 11 p m. Then they bad. supper consist ing of cigarettes and pipes. They bundled op as well as they could In tho cabin, where they spent the night, ana on arising found that no magic bad brought help. This was Monday and while Bates went out to shoot a fow Dr. Taylor walked ten miles 10 n farm to get help. It was not to be had right away, but Dr. Taylor did bring with him some sandwiches and a bottle of cold coffee, which, when Johnson spied It, so excited the Sn Francisco man began to nntoad his pump gun with more haste than cau tion. It discharged, blowing the stock off Taylor's gun In the comer. The hunter got back to town Mon day evening, with Ave ducks and on ) swan. There were many expressions of regret after the mean experlenees nnd nlgbt chills set In, thatt he single Dot tie or interior finish had not been more sparingly treated on the journey outbound. kept from April 1 to JntyJ, Ma' less or allows the same rat?" for the twef In ono of tho exhibits this wns suffl clrnt. Tho court held, In substanco that Ross should hno been made ai party defendant In tho original com plaint. Ross owned tho ground on which was the structure repaired. W. H. North, who has undergone a slego of tphold fever for the past several months, Is able to be out on the street again. Will Is taking on flesh again pretty fast, and. complains that ho Is unable to cat enough to satisfy him. SMvlaI IJtcstock Train Lentee A bpcclal freight train ot 23 cars left Klamath Falls Wednesday morning to bo loaded at Midland with animals Intended for tho San Fran cisco market. Tho load will be made up of 1 car ot horses, 8 of cattle shipped by J. C. Mitchell, and 14 of iniiihs conslprtd by McKeudro & Arthur. BONANZA THRESH IS AMPLE ONE NICHOLS MACHINE TURNS OCT NEARLY 40,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT AND 1B,000 BUSHELS OK OTHER GRAIN Figures of the season's threshing In tho Bonanza- district have been kindly furnished to the Herald by the Nich ols Threshing Machine company of Bonanza. The company's equipment turned out 38,118 bushels ot wheat, 5,663 bushels ot oats, 7,133 bushels of bar ley and 5,009 bushels of rye, making n total or 60,873 bushels. Don't forget the big Modern Wood men danco tonight. HUNTERS IN LUCK, BUT WRONG KIND QUARTET OF GAME SEEKERS HAVE PLENTY OF EXPERI ENCES, ACCOMPANIED ITY UT TLB FOOD OR GAME Over two day with but two meals, with other distress thrown In, was the oxpcrlenco of a quartet ot hunters, who returned Monday evening, hun gry and almost gameless. The quartet were Dr. James Taylor, Dr. William Martin, Robert A. John son ot San Francisco, and William E. Bates. They left hero Saturday af ternoon In one ot the Telford boats for the vast estate of Dr. Martin at Wild Horse butte, where they were royally entertained In the doctor's booting lodge. It was chilly, and on the way down the four men made heavy drafts on the only warming Indian Slayer Claims Self Defense, Other Version-Drunk, Beating Wife HORSE CARE BILL PRUNED BY JUDGE BARS KEEPER'S FEE PALFREYS HELD AS SECURITY IN ATTACHMENT SLIT SsWJURaW REDUCTION IN HIGH OOHT Of uvnro Those horse attached la the First National bank of Kennewlek attach ment caso against Joshua and Julius Swindler are not to pay quite as math for board as the bill rendered by Liv eryman Ray Merrill would have had them. The court recognises the Mil as that of Sheriff William B. Banes, as the horses are really In custody of. tho sheriff, Instead of the liveryman,' who Is not officially recognised la the case. Tho bill was for 50 cents a day for feed of each of the horses and 11.10 per day for care of all of them. There wero seven horses not nine, as er roneously stated In the Herald kept rrom February 33. 111, until April 1, 1911, and two from April 1 to No vember 18. While there were Bine attached, tho Swindlers had two ex empted at th start of the IRIgaUon, so that seven were left la the ham. nve 01 which honed April 1. The sheriff's bill totalled lltl.Ca. The court la Its lading of facta nasi determination states that from Feb ruary 3 to April 1 the home kow of seven steeds was worth 75 eents a day per none, including both. care, or I1M.35. Forth! surviving equlaes, or fit. July 1 to November -11, 6 eeaes a day per horse Is allowed, or $141. and as tho sheriff expended tip for care, he Is given this as well, the total being 1510.75. In substance the decision of she court cuts out tho keeper's fee of f 1.50 per day, the statute not provld-' tng that any such shall be' collected. Two witnesses on the proper coat for horse keep were heard by the court, J, A. Thompson and C. B. Clendennlng, both liverymen of this city. They testified that while they did board some nags for 10 cents) a day, or $15 per month, they did not figure that they made anything on 1L especially before July 1, when the new crop of hay came la and helped to bring tbe cost ot hay below $11 per ton. When tbey kept horses at that price they did It depending on k bringing them other and more'prosH able business. They considered that 1 75 cents per day was a fair rat fer board, with some proflt. On the strength ot the evidence the court allowed the 75 cents per day while bay was high and cut It to cents after the hay market wilted a little. (larneld Jack and Kllda Cbaloquln, tho Klamath Indians to whom Wil liam Kolkomlsh admitted his guilt ot killing Qulmby Chtckkaskane nur Modoo Point, are still In the city. The foimer said this morning that Kolko mlsh was perfectly sober when he talked to them Wednesday night, -nd that ho claimed tbe killing was doue In self-defense, asserting that Qulmby bud drawn a six-shooter on him, Tbey told htm that In such case he had a good defense, and that the best thing he could' do waa to give himself up, which their persuasion Anally led hloi to. Last nlgbt Lee Ships and wife, In dians from the reservatlonj saroo to Klamath Falls, and Ships told Jack and Cbaloquln that he and one other Indian were at the house where tat killing occurred but a abort time af terward, and that tbey were given to uuderttand that Kolkomlsh, was drunk, beating hie wife and ttkrtiaj her clothes off when Qulmby Inter fered. Kolkomlsh, who Is about It years rid, for some time made lit heme with Charlie Corn at Modoo Point, be fore his marriage to Corn'i daughter, and after this the married .vtuple con tinued to live at the home ot the girl's father. The story told by Ships I that whllo Kolkomlsh waa heatlaf hls wife In the house the father we' standing outside end paying n ' teutlon to tbe trouble. J Ilk Qulmby, who was la the yard dm, was fixing hw whiplash preparatory U going to his home on the wllnai River, and went In to stop the He placed his hand oa the man's shoulder, at whleh wheeled drew his gun and shot Oalav, by through the heart. HewMUad- lag very close to Qulmby, and th aaac nearly toaehed tha Tfaslsa'a ataeklasu Qulmby bad nurrieda'half-eAa'SsJ,,'-' Mrs. KoixomiM. M , a war irom KM ram ton Ms the miasms Blear es,Mbka Hkii, 1 - M " . . ij JS. . t ' J. " - 3 SM r': 1 1 1 '$! W '$ H f , V'. , V". .11 !! iUiVi,-''i