Lagav7i.n? M&fatfeW8tcaatg.M -a. e.-.r.rsry &' iiWisfc..,. tiiWw A""iM , .w4wwr"-'SScr"' Mjjan com jwo on too SAYS HI6HMIY OfFIGER (tomwnarnt la HeM Cs oa Price for Kour hundred dollar tu aavstl on the one purchase, and It It estimated that by buying regularly In th open market $9,000 a year could bo tared In coal purchase tor thla vfcl alone. Similar conditions prevail on tlio Atlantic coaat, and alio In the i ttttt-.riib nf a n ft h - 1 1 wii fnr lis In ttMl. Ho A-crt CUtaa. tUd. At. ,, ,,0,tt Mot ComprtttlTC, As the lUdderal General Aleshlre aska that eongre lreArraa) glve htm authority to uao hit dlscre- . jtton In purchasing fuel, so that the United Pre Service government may rscapo tho present WASHINGTON, D. C, Nor. IIllTr T"? "tH"" ""fiT. That the United 8 ate. govcrna.nt I. thm al"r.l Wn. gr"ld ' "held up" and made to pay ,horblfflcm ot the MTy tact prlcea tor coal and oil for fuel' It tho charge made by Drlgadler acn-IViniCMI QfllllPE fiiDITCII'O oral J. B. Aleahlrc, quartermaater MMJlUUn uyUflllC OAHULrl 0 general of tho army. In hit annual re port now mado public ny law fuel supplies for the army must bo purchased under the bidding system, the lowest bidder getting tho contract. General Aleshlro say that under tho present system bidders' communlcato tho amount ot their blda to ono another, and trade agree ments keeping up high prlcea are thereby maintained. Aa an example ot tho excewlre prlcea demanded and obtained under tho bidding system, acneral Aleshlro cites the cose of tho transport Burn alde, operating between the PaclBc coast and the Philippine. On ono oc casion it was necessary to coat the Buraalde under an emergency without asking bids. In open market, coal addition to numerous prists) and tro phies, will be awarded. Thla small IWtiM to 4MM ataong IBS classes. Including over)' lpo of horse from tho tllllputtan Shetland pony to the brobdlfMStaa Clydesdale Tho show opened Monday la th twnlytov.nth given by Amtrtca'a premier horse show orfaattatloa. LAST EQUINE EXHIBITION UUN MENACES LIVES, SO COIMCIUEN ASSERT Tolllvrr'a Dirigible Cause l'neaiuca nml Smaller Caabas Art. Hani inoncri to fcrort tho lUg Ono Hit ot the City United Proa Barvlee K.imou Home .if lHsplay of Itorac-i HAN DIKUO, Nor. 21. 0. II. Tot iloh I Nuom to lve Vp Oho ami liver's big dirigible balloon Is men i. - , M u u-in acini; tho live of a thousand rest lime l. I Klsewherr arnu ol f"ao,"'' " '" which It rests Hire, according to the is...... i.-, o--..- city father, who fear It will explode XKW YORK. Nov. 22. Wh.t U. They havo sent to bos AngelM for -.. j ... .. .. j, ...... I two smaller balloons to bo used in tho lat-of tho notable aggregatlona th. big ga. b.g out of th. ot horseflesh Madison Square Oardeni"" "-" tin known had It Inaugural here, and will continue through all next week. At Riverside. Calif., William Peter la apparently elected mayor over I. II s the famou. Garden will bo torn """. aoelallst. down next spring, tho National Hone Pekln report Indefinite rumor of Show Association, of which Alfred O. foreigners massacred In varloui clue we nurchased at 13. 0 a ton. for. Vanderbllt Is nresldent. will have to Revolutionists. ay Hankow, aro In 400 tons. Previously the army had) seek a new home for next year's ex creaslngly Inimical to foreigner and paid 15.15 per ton for the same gradelhlbltlon. foreigner hare been warned to leave of coal, under the bidding system.! Forty thousand dollar In cash. If Hankow to avoid expected battle. " ir aEr "r"""gfgmf'',u li'".''L:aaSSl1' ""? .1 r 1u V OU don't hive to wait until you A go to Washington to attend some official function, to get into a dress suit or Tuxedo. We hae Just as smart affairs right here at home; and really a lot more interesting to us. Are you goihg to the Banquet? Sure you are. Be dressed light for the occasion.' There's plenty of occasion for you to wear de of our Hart, Schaflher & Marx eYenintfor dinner tuiti; an we can promise yon th!i: Nobody you tee will be better dressed than yon are If you're in one of tbese suits. rerfect style, that'i tte Mln thlags flseit drew fabrics, silk llied; fitted exactly, We'll aapply all the acceaaorlea. too-aalrti, collars, glove, Mats, waistcoats. "DrtMSvcr eieOLng suits $35 to $60 Bssiness suits 20.00 to &0.00 Overcoat 16.50 to 40.00 TWi store Is the hoanV Htrt, fcksffser ft liars PORTLAND STORE RECALL AMENDMENTS SETS SISSEST CALIFORNIA VOTE (YrtMftt OMrlal Klgiir Wert ML. taken In Pvtttlmt tXnilnal Cm llvteraal Imuo IKmn a Moat lo nlrtr of .wienitnioiitn United Pre Service 8ACUA.MHNTO, Nov, 33.- -The re cnll amendment received Iho highest mnjorlly nt tho eonstltuttntinl nmeml ment election October lHli, nllli'iugh Secr-lnry nf filnlo Jonlnn'a cerlllled olllit.xl tlKUrrs koiiio tlmo no mil 1 1 nuiondmcut No. -:, itcrlurhm lo to versa! In crlnilnnl citurn, wllh the hlctir-i connrmntltn vote, Tho error was due la n mMnkc iumIo In use of nu lutitliiK nmclilne. - - UIMKfS 11V WlltK Al SAcrnincnto Urn Ixuly of tftnrt Car Conductor M. P. Manner a foiluil In an alley, evidently a victim of alcoholism, ' At Washington, Chairman Stanlvy of the steel Investigating commit toe, said ho would Is-un on J. 1'. ltock feller r.- duct tecum subpoena, lit or der to get paper bearing on Rocke feller's Minnesota Iron ore ilralo At 8an Francisco KIHcher Husband wna found drowned In a bath tub, hav. Ini; Uvn wenkenel by lack of nxvgcn cunsumed by Instantaneous hen tor. lie wns organist nt St. t.uko'a church. Defcndanta In rases brought' owing to the tar-and-featherlng nf Miss Chamberlain at Lincoln Center, Kan., aro exectetl to aaall her character. SCAN NOT ABUSIVE TERM, SAYS MOJHCJPAL JU06F Drrlden Thai Word lla ItrcttliM lr gltlniatr by Cooslaal I'aagr. sml KiNTRuin of Mlrikrtirvwkrr flaag hw Halt United Press Service PORTLAND, Nov. S3. Tho trm "scab," when applied In a quiet aad dlnnlflcd way cannot bo construed as abusive language, according to a de cUlon of Juilgo Taiowoll of tho mu court. Tho word baa become legitimate by constant use, the court sas. Tho decision was the result nf the trial of U'nilam Wot kins, a striking shopman, who Is alleged to have ap plied various opprobrious epithet to A. W. Oarska, forman of a- gang of Jnpaneso strikebreaker. QirGviriitNMms Something Wo bvllofo In making It so slroug there can b no mlsiindorstandlng. Wn nro tho first nnd so far the only ones offering ad absolute guarantee on watch repairing. Kvery watch which wo agree toput In perfect order Is Insured to ave erfert satisfaction for ono )Tr, FKAKK M. UPP, Watchmaker, Jeaser and Engra-v.r, Wilms craiuiag. " (V MJ0. ...OPEN... AliOUT DBLKMBEK 4th, at 4M Mc4) St. f A Firat Cl Studio Hrrriiaa madb DAV( NIGHT E. R. Pershin PHOTOOIUPIiaW ATKINSON ALWAYS HAS IT FOR LEtji Thanksgiving Cleanup In Men's and Boys Suits and Over coats at ATKINSON'S By buying a suit or overcoat at Atkinson's a saving can be made of from $2.5o to $5.00 on every suit or overcoat you buy. Read every word. All 7.50, 8.00 and 9.00 Sults-now - $5.00 All 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00 Suits-now - 8.00 All 12.50. 13.00 and 15.00 Suits-now - 10.00 All 16.00, 16.50' and 17.00 5uits-now - 1 2. 50 All I8.00. I9.00 and 26 00 Suits-now I5 All lo 00, la 00 and I3 00 Overcoats-now 8 00 All I5 00, 16 50 and 18 00 Overcoats-now I2 00 We have a big line of Fur Coats, Wool Lined Coats, Hackinaw Coats and All kinds of .warm footwear at the very lowest prices IF ATKINSON HAS IT. IT'S IN STYLE BIG FURNITURE BARGAINS KOH CIIRIIrT.MAH. CAWt AM HKK OUIl COM. 1'I.KTK MNKOP IIUl'HaKL'ltMHHINdH, HTDVKM, IIANtira, MKATKRN, Rl'tlH, KT. 0.C JEMSEIS FURNITURE CO. Corner. Ninth and Haln Altri SWEDISH STADIUM FOR OLYMPIC GAMES Will Have 80,000 HraU mjmI lie (tent. Jetetl lijr First of Nest Year Cxar of ItvsaJa (lives floM C.i for IfewstMos) Unlt4 Prsss Srvles STOCKHOLM, Nov. 12, The ntw latlluni for the Olympic gamen next year la now so far advanced that It Is csrUla that It will b. complotsd by 30,(100 neiilH, at which 3,800 will lie. reserved for athletes. In addition lo tho umiul prlics, the csar of Itussla has lvon a Rotd chal Iuurii nip for tho decathlon th. roinlilnntlon of ton sorts which i a ntiw Item In tlio Olympic , program, and iho Uornma kaiser ha glvtn challeiiKo cups for shooting sad rid Inf. There will lo an International Jury tq ilffldo each sport. THk. OU MtUAUJl If you asc4 say frsftt trsss (or Dlantlns or wish to malke ajood moaer atlllng them( wrlto ufor partlevlsrs. No prologs sipsrlole. needed If yon want to make money. Wo show you. .M0lm", Albaay, Or.. Udlt N'liilli anil man. iwyntrsi will ImmllJlW' HIXTII frTKKKT 'COIt.VKR, l In. fA,tMte. Very ey K'rin. IMtMK HKAI, IIAKtiAINH oa 1 Ask us where. ' A NICK IIOMK on Ti-alk, Mala I flse rnoinafand lall ' ANOTIIKII ONR. 1 r'iii. lot MslSOi rooJii for mmlliir I a.l0 only aaoii rasn. HOT HI'IIIWH AOItinu-i i" alio. Mork Ml fronts on -- street, near Kaidanade. Fine iW" HI, Nliasta. If a np. 8I "" rni. All IWBrovements. SMiu nSEWILU'n have SIU) r7 desirable honarn from l t nonth. I j OOOtV'.Kll MNIW. '""' 5 tak. a lrti pur auto, mid w - show ion somk of tin " l",, " show jreu WR WBITI.HJK N81'IMK chiivootii nitm Neat in the AaVriran How Pboas M t Modern Woodmen of '',; done, at Houston's opera house, . day algbt, Nosbr . a! tho flrtl of lUd car. It will hav ALBANY NVfllRIM, lac. IHT)