, -..i vi?mnr& -a 4 $'', , 1A tfl "r u .. ' .a ?nv ' , X '. rf jss? .r'm . rw TAe Oi lteK Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties 0be tuning ffal5. vmm mr run vtmtMD man nkws brrvic EVENKI NEWS?, Vf PIUNT THK NEWS, NOT Hltlh Year No. Mill KLAMATH PALM, ORBOON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1011 PfM0f Wf99 FAST GAIT NEEDED TO FINISH IN TIME MUCH WORK TO DO REMAINS TO UK HONE AlrilOl'OII AIMH'T A HUNDRED MEN AUK lll'HV AT WHITE PKLICA.V WIIAT REMAINS TO FINISH Othorti may liul, oh, you have their troubles, White I'clkali Hotel men! Ever) body tint goen through ttiy ImllitltiK mid real I ion what In )il In bt done wonder how on earth thu opening cjtii bo livid on Thanksgiving day, or tho opening banquet iiIkIiI of n week from Saturday, either, for Hint matter. Hut tho hotel khiiIu iwy they will Ikt ready, and I hey aro no nlro about thing Hint you simply havo to take their word for II. It would be highly lniollln to It'll Hh'Iii that nu think lhiy are mlitakon, oven la you tried tu do It In n inuru gentlu wn than by ttw ua of an circt'dlngly abort but stirring term. Thnrr aro nearly fifty cariientors nltwc, worklnK Sunday and every night and day to get the big hnslclry rcadyfor the Influx of guests who wish to help the hotel company collm.,uM, ,, .tl,j,.nl Samuel aoin. I. into tho birth of tho new enterprise. In tides that there ore tile vttcri, alt am fitter, plumber, refrigerating experts. Rlailera, laborera and vnrl- ou.. claw of help which run t"W Ik. odcrcly reported tomorrow. rorco io aooui ion men or u. Among me laing mat remain un- flnlihed aro the putting on of l'in l door, aetllnR of the heating plant In the baaemtnt and radiators In tho rnnmi; ettlng waahiland and bath tuba In Ruet' room, wallpapering, carpeting, setting furniture, flnlihlng refrlgorotlng plant, laundry and Turk lib bat hi, all threo of which are to bo In lb baavniont; completo bar room, dining room, kitchen, office and lobby. Tho last featuro will probably bo of more Intereat to the general run of folk than anything vlio In tho building, at any rate, more people will ae It. It la to bo cpacloui, with beam colling of dark brown, pillar of red gum highly polished, and wall with fancy wood deilgn. Tho spare on the wall not rovorod by tho wood will be flnlihed with white In noruo parts and In others an exponilio wall paper will be put. The lobby la to contain plenty of lounging opportun ity when It I complete, with a fine, big, old-faihloncd fireplace which In to entlco tho beholder to alt by and too thlnga In tho logs as they burn. At ono sldo of tho entrance, tho right, Is to be a ladles' reception par lor, partitioned with glass from tho hallway, whllo Juat acroa will be tho writing room, also fully partitioned by glass. The corner store room will bo oc cupied by Claranco II. Underwood with a drugstore, whllo he will havo the other Main street store room for a store to contain sporting kooiU, Ashing tacklo, cameras, and such wares. Tho cigar stand In the lobby will be his concession, also. Ilack of tho drugstore, on tho Ks pUnade, will bo tho private offlco of Manager J. B. Rrowor, tho barroom, barbershop and sample rooms. The passenger elevator which has beon finished by the Otis company and accepted by Elevator Building Superintendent Harry Anglln, Is the Foreigners Massacred At Hsianlu, Intervention By Powers Now Likely I'nlted Press Service I.ONDON, Nov. JO. A massacre ol foreigners at Hilanfu, China, Is con firmed la tneeeages from Tientsin. . The number of victims Is not stated. Most of the foreigners there are Knglleh ana Scandinavian Baptists. Rebel! are responsible, having cap tured ths'elty recently. Intervention of the powers la Im minent. Denier of friction la treat. .believes tkftt Jpn ana only modern passenger elovnlor In tho city. Tim only (Tiber elevator of any kind that rim ho mentioned Just now I lliu one n the MaTtln Dro , flour mill. Tho frulRht elevator In tho hotel will be iloni) very shortly. Effort to obtnln n InrRo housu In which to houao hotel holp worn mado unsuici-ssfully by Manager llrower. no tho hotel la flttliiR up nlno nioniH abovu the Klamath norolopmnnt com pany' ottlceii nt llroad and Mnln street for some of Ha crow. Now fur- nltiirtj I lielnK put In and there will bn hot water heat, besides n fine shower bath. Hlx room atop of the hotel biilldltiK, In a ntirt of roof cabin, if III also bo imed for hotel help, nil of whom will hate their dlnliiR room In the basement of the hole). 60MPERS MD (LUES EXPECTEOJO BE CHOSE itihetM Iteport in l'rMNillliHi fur Itrttlgiuttlnii From t'lvlr Ft-ik-ru lion Ktifrtiil to Hlart n Fight on Um lltHir. triilted I'rcss Service ATLANTA. Hn.. Nov. 20 II U lien nnd hla fellow oflWcr will be re elected b large iniijorltlcn. A wHlallut renolutloii domnndlUR l nlgnatloua from tho civic federation I ipreclpllatliiK u floor fight Itlrlinmliil fir Itorhratt'r will tfel thti null itinvttnlloti. whlli, Ran FrfcnrUrn Kfta thu meeting In 1915. WATER RIGHTS IN LAKE UNSETTLEO l.l'TZ AM) HMAI.lt FA I It TO AflltK.K OX IHU.NT OF ItlVKUHIO.X FOU AQUA TDK TITI.KO TO FOHMF.H IH KX During tho recent term of the rlr rult court nt l.akovlow there was nn echo of thu old wnter rights casu which, under tho tltlo of Hough vs. Porter, ha occupied about throe year In tho circuit court before Judgo Henry I,. Ilenson, thou about two year mora In tho supremo court. There were about fifty settlers on Rllvur Creek who woro vitally Inter ested In tho outcome of the cuso, and after Judgo Ilenson made a decree nnd tho mutter was taken to the high er court, tho docreo was somowhnt modlllcd by tho supremo court, which aald, among other thing, that Elmer I,ut was entitled to tho amount "f wnter fhlch had born used an a quar tcr section by (leorgo Small. Small had at ono tlmo taken tho 160 acres as swamp land, but I.u'x claimed tho tract, and when n suit re suited l.nt won possession. Aa water had beon used by Smalt on tho land when ho had It the supreme court, In effect, decided that I.utx was entitled to utr much water as Small has con sumed, to rolmburso him, so to spoaf. Tho amount wbb 100 minor's Inches per annum The decreo of tho supremo court IIussIk havo agreed on a partition of China, excluding the other powers. Japan landed troops at Crlf u Satur day. Russia has been secretely mobilis ing an army force In Eastern 8lberla. DID AMERICAN MARINHS LAND AT CHINKSB PORT, TOKIO, Nov, 10. Unconfirmed re ports are that a company of American marlaee landed at' Chitu, where the Japs landed teurday. gao the circuit court permission, If llio latter found It wine, to nppolnt on engineer to coiiatruct necessary head KntPii, hints nnd wlora, for measuring tho water nt tho point of diversion on tliu IrrlRiitliiK canal. Judgo Donson rhomi for Ihl work H. A. Mimlicn, tho county aurvoyor of I.iiko county, who, with hla assistant, started Inst Juno to fix up tho wnter food for varloua wntcr rights, among them tho I, tit nnd Small tracts:. When Muahen took up with Lutx nnd Hninll tho matter of n location for diverting tho water they wore unablo to agree, the niomory of tho old dif ference between thorn possibly having tho effect of maklriR each ono deter mined. Tho engineer telephoned to Judge. Ilenson. "If they can't agree, ou enmo In," wnw tho JudRo'a Inatructlon. Denplto thl Inntrucllon from hi honor tho men could not reach nn riKreement, and tho engineer returned to l.nkcvlow. Judge HonronV poiltlon uaa that It win not up to tho court to determine the point of dlvemlun, about which nothing wan aald In tho aupreme court' decree, nnd for him to do o would be lunklng n finding of fact when there wn-nothing properly bo foro him on which to moke auch a finding. SOCIAL CLUB TO BE I'iltlfONAI. Hll XKW OltdAN'liAt 'mon stiUKtrr itm mkkiing C.tl.l.KIt Hlt XI-ytT HL'MI.W UTKItXOOX AT IIAMIWI.V An liiiltutliiii. ftilltiwltiff Isnaliire I representing about too or nioro who 'hnvp signified a d elro to form a social club, has been printed and distributed calling a meeting for next 8unday of. turnoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Bald I win hotel lobby, Thla meeting I to Iconalder tho advisability of organiz ing for uimiaemcnt during tho winter month', which may Includo dancing, akatlng and other forms of diversion. I At tho meeting It Is expected to or Riinlto n club and pick officers, as well u committees on membership, executive nnd reception The Invitation says "Como prepared to express your lows briefly, to glvo your support for five months, and consider tho ndvls ability or limiting tho membership, but resorvlng tho Invitational system In Includo friends and visitors. Shall tho club bo limited to ISO couples? Shall the executive committee bo giv en power to transact all business? How shall tho membership committee bo guided when passing on mem bers?" IIKAPH COAIJi OF KIKE ON POLITICAL KXKMIswV HKAU United Press Service 8ACHAMENTO, Nov. 30. In a !cnRthy statement to the Unltod , Governor Johnson declares that Press Governor Johnson declares that while progressives lu California aro in n position to scud a solid La Folletto delegation, they will forego thla ad vantage, over the niachlno and he will leaue a call for a presidential primary In his coming call for an extra ses sion. EUROPEAN AND AUfMCM HESHHENTS SLAU6HTEIH0 In lllilnnru Massacre Momm Hirst. tlnu From litis Oosatry and Wife of Hriindhunlau Mhadottary InchHt cd Among Dead United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 30. Further Tien It In messages say that twenty-five Europeans at Hslanfu, an American woman physician, Dr. Young, and the wlfo of one of tho Scandinavian mis sionaries wore Included In the mas sacre. IMCHKItH' TRIAL WAITS UNTIL WEDNESDAY NEXT United Press Servles OIIIOAOO, Nov. 30. Federal Judge Carpenter hai ordered n con tinuance of the packers' ease until Wednesday, CONSIDERED CONCERT PARTY ARRIVES IN TIME IMI'KlttAli IIA.NDIIKMt RIHKHHW ANII VOCAIJMTH Wll.fj A11WAR l KMMATIII.YCKIW IHJRKAU t-IU'llMK TIIIH KVKSINO On hmt evening's train tho Imperial Handbell KlnRora and Concert party arrived In Klamath Kail to appear this uvenlng at Houston's opera houao In tho Klamath Lyceum Bureau, course. They are at tho Uvormore hotel, There are nine men In tho boll ringing organisation, besides Frank T. Farmer of Denver, who come along as a soloist. Tho bell ringers aro W. Alliopp, 0. Ilnll, F. llcaton. W. Hartley, 0. Date, M. J. Bate. M. Woffcnden and J. Wof fenden, with W. II. Olgglo aa con ductor. Not only arc the men highly efficient In giving bell music, but they aro singers, and form a double quartet for tho rendition of part songs. Tho program la thus enlarged into an In strumental and vocal affair, crowned with songs and handbell accompani ments, which are a novelty not only surprising, hut very pleasing. Tho bell equipment consists of 130 melodious bells, ranging In weight from two ounces to ten iounds, on which Is performed concerted music of every class and stylo with perfect cor rectness and ensemble. Tho company Is now on a two year tour of tho world. Including Canada, tho United States nnd the Antipodes, and will wind up Its long Itinerary In 1913, Beats for tho entertainment are obtainable at tho Star Drug store until toward time for the program at the opera house, when they may bo had at tho latter's box office. MKXICAX RKRKL SUPPLIES CAPTt'RKD IN TKXAH RAID United Press Service LAREDO, Tex., Nov. 20. Major HodsRorn nnd four companies of American troops today raided a house hero and raptured Captain Juan Mcrlgo and two privates, all Mexican rubols, CO dynamite bombs, 20,000 rounds of ammunition and forty rifles. MINSTRELS WILL SHOWTWO NIGHTS THE NASHVILLE STUDENTS ARE PROMISED TO APPEAR IN DANCIXO, HIXQINQ AND OKX Kit ALLY OOOIr SHOW At the Houston opera house to morrow and Wednesday nights the Nashville Students, or Culltgan ft Hockwald's minstrel, will hold tho board. Singing, dancing, mirth and other form of entertainment galore aro promised by Manager John V. Houston In the appearance of ihe troupe. The company will give a street pa rade at noon. The roster this year In cludes tho following well known art ists: Pet Woods, Mat Turner, Walter Hill, ClaTcncc Macklln 'are the prin cipal commedlans; Miss Msble Turner and Miss Eva Price, the two well known singers, are along this year. Arthur Prlco and his educated hoops and feata of Juggling Is a feature. HOMESTEADS FILED 11 RAPIDLY FOI FMTW6HT t Many People Taking Advantage of Opportunity Offered Them by Gov crnment to (Jet Homes Most Laud Taken Is In Lake Cesmty Special to Th HeM LAKEVIBW, Nov. 30. Klamath county lands lied; upon In the Lake view laueSoifice under the homestead and timber andsftdne acts dating from November 1 to it; are aa follows! 'Charles M. HUtebrandt, 10-IJ-9, 160 acres; Robert yWlahl. ! 37-10, 7G acres; William II. Marco, 17-8-40-12, 160 acre; Santa Fo Pa cific Railroad corrlpany, 6-8-17-i, 80 acre; Itcx. J. Belter, 7-40-11, 180 acre; Frank Charles Halast, water right to 00 inches, 8-41-12; Fred h. man.tcadg,., ETAOIN ON UN U.V.V Mahn, K-23-23-9, 80 acres, Albert Mark, 31-38-1 IH, 4$ acres; Ralph L. Carter, 30-31-37-1; 10 acres; Sherman' A. Brown; 23-14-6, 10 acres. There were 48 filings or applica tions In tho local Isnd office for the two weoka, which denotes eonslder- shlo activity for thl tlmo of the year. Moat of the filing are now being made In take county, where there aro some of tho best lands la the state still open to eejry. Tho total filings and applications tho government land offlco hero sc fat this year are over 800, nnd will reachconsldorable over 1,000 before the Jcscls completed unlosa something unforseen In the way of bad weather prevents. ANOTHER HAXKOW BATTLE REPORTED PROaRMMXa United Press Service TIENTSIN, Nov. 20. A desperate battle Is reported as progressing at Hankow. Imperialists aro reported to be los ing heavily. MAY LACK QUORUM FORCOUNCILMEET IMPERIAL HAVIHIELL RINGERS COME TO.MOHT, ANII HILL RE STRONG MAGNET FOR MITNfCT PAIt FATHERS It seems rather Improbable that tho council meeting scheduled for to night will be held. The attraction of the Imperial Handbell Ringers and Concert party at the Houston opeia houso Is going to prove a strong draw. Ing card for even loyal coancllmen, who, as a rule, rorego almost any other worldly attraction In order to attend tho city's needs. Mayor Fred T. Sanderson said this olternoon that President Marlon Hanks had volunteered to preside at the meeting. If It were held, In order to give the mayor, who Is one of tho chief movers of tho Klamath Lyceum Bureau, a chanco tonight to attend the show, which will bo the first eve? f eld under the auspices of the hureitu. 'Tho Klamath Falls Military band line been engaged to turn oat thl ovenlng at the opera- house, prior to the bellVlngers program, and enliven the populace with a few airs. MEXICO'S NEW REBELLION STARTS AFTER BLOODSHED I'ulted Press Service EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 20. Firing outside Jaures began before daylight. It Is reported that Reylstn rebels, well armed, reached a house on the outskirts of Jaures, and opened Are. Tho city was defended by a largo force of Maderlstas. Miss Caroline Burch arrived last evening from Rlckreal, Ore., to spend the winter with Mrs. A. F. 8alfkky. UIED KHCMS HIDRt on mm SHE Unltod Prees Service AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 10. It Is re ported that several hundred armod Mexican rebels are In ambush on the American side of the border near Laredo awaiting a favorable oppor tunity to cross the Rio Qraade and attack Nuevo Larendo, la Reyes' In terest. An unconfirmed report la that Reyes has disappeared, forfeiting his bond. Ho Is supposed to be en roate to Join the rebels In Mexico,, The Llvermore bar has moved, ef fective oday, to 'the new loenttea In the' Wtthrow building on Fourth street. The new room la tastefully and at traotively decorated. The entire Llv ermore hotel 'will move nronaniy within n fortnight. v MANY CRIMES ARE THOSE OF DOUGLAS Fort Klamath Paid Wedded William Zumbrum and Edna Page of Fort Klamath had Issued to them last evening by Deputy County Clerk Oeorge Chastaln, a marriage license, and the ceremony was performed In the court house by Jnstlce of the Peace Charles Qraves, with C. E. Hoyt and Marshall Moekbla aa wlt- m PRHSIDENT ASSASMNATH, HATS SPMCIAL DISPATCH t'nltrd Press Service , WASHINOTON. D. 0.. Nov. 20. President Carceras of Bants, Domingo was assassinated yesterday, according to a stato department dtepatehi mfE OF PASSAD JOROR ' mrnm mm United Frees Semes L08 ANGELAS. Nov. 20. Because Mrs. William 'Nicholson, wife of a Juror passed for cause, has appeadleU cltls, he will be eicused from the Me- Namara Jury. After Judge Bordwell had Interro gated Fred Meyer of Colgrove, n real estate man, he allowed Attorney Dar- row's challenge for bias. SECOXD TRIAL OF DOCTOR ACCUSED OF IWssKHOKG 'Tolled Press Serrlee KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Not. 3. The second trial of the alleged germ pole oner. Dr. Hyde, ensned today; 'The court room waa Jammed. MELTING FROST FALLS LIKE RAIN THERMOMETER DKCUXRS TO M LAST NK1HT, THE LOWEST FOR THREE NIGHTS OTHER FIG. URR8 FROM, MERCURY TURK When these heavy frosts wilt under the warmth of old Sol It makes n shower that, sounds like falling rain. Falling from the cottonwoods In the court bouse park It was much like an April sprinkle, and the same waa true at the Central school when the frost from tho roof melted nnd fell. The Herald once more herewith presents a few weather figure, and it the reader enjoys It as much ae he ought to when the reporter has to scrape frost of the recording mnchlno to find out what's been doing, bis rel ish of these figures will be greater than his enjoyment of a well seasoned beefsteak when hunger Is unrelenting. This mornlpg at 8, 21 degrees; yes terday, 35; Saturday, 24. Low for last night. 22 at 8 a. m.; yesterday, 34 at 6 p. m.; Saturday, 24 at 8 a. m, Last night at 8 o'clock. 2; Saturday, 30; Friday, 31, Yesterday's high, 3 at 4 p. m.: Saturday, as at 4 P. m Friday. 48 at S p. m. 'Lloyd Rlpney returned to hla home In Medford last evening, after a brief visit with relatives here. Mom Delay To City Mimb Likely, AcGording Another communication was today rocebred by the dty from a. H. Rol lins Son', the Denver bond buyers, In relation to the dty hall, garMaus site and Ire protection system bonds, according to Mayor Fred T. Sender-, son, which will mean some mors) delay. v "It looks now as-lf tke bond people will not buy those bonds wftll 'the easeow la ths supreme, court' as de cided," sald-'the mayor. ' . U?Kt. The) tents aa to whether the inf. . 'th. Wh Jtt THIRTY-TWO KILLED IP YOU BRUBVa HIS ASauntTH FRMIRMPi TAUT VOXKtmm TO TaTWt ANsV, THE WORK AMUfMH ffLATMR With the consent of President WU. Ham Howard Tatt.Aleva-der Pengme, confined In the county Jail to awnet action of the December grand Jury for arson, accordlag to hie own i written to the Herald, has i a large number of crimen to keif lit erate a trammeled people. The letter seems to bear ont the contention ef the local authorities that Dengfu ho mental shortcomlags. It rends) nn ?. follows; "Nov. 18th. 111. "Editor Evening Herald: I, the undersigned, wish to make a Wfitten confession of the following crlsies, having been promulgated fey the 'President of the United States, nt Washington. D. C. March lth, IMS, They rrad like a thrilling and i tic poem or novel. I have i said crimes for the simple reason thai they cam to my ofitee nnd complained of not finding anybody with enough nerve to kill them, eo I did the Joh Just to kill Ume.Thy .complained about net feeing treated decently of this dreadful and sophisticated nnd miserable and unkind world. So just to amuse myself nnd antlefy, my nope. Uteaad thirst. for human' carnage I accommodated them. The erlmee will he given Ktn jotslleei. , smowMav the place wherytssJd4ertmse were enm ities wKn tne approval or; aw par ties, and the President of the United States having given hie consent fe? committing said crimes for their de livery of. this mkwrubre world. "two (2) sheriffs, Boise. Idaho, "four (4) hoboes. Wichita-, Kansas. ''one (1) police captain nnd four (4) policemen, Sioux CKy, Iown. four 4) commodoree (Including Dewey of the Spanish wnr), Mare Is land. "four (4) lieutenants (U. 8. A.) Leavenworth. Kansas. "five (5)-U. a Presidents, A. Lkv coin, McKlnley, Garfield. ReeseveM,' Harrison, Wnshtngton, D. C. twelve (II) Jailers. Atlnntn. On. P. . I think that la plenty for one (1) man to do, eh? I arm uwaH- Ing your opinion. "A. DOUGLAS, "Klnmath County JaH. "Klamath Fells (Oregon)." The Herald Is decidedly of-the' opinion that the foregoing Ret of kU. Ings would be nn enormous (not to use nny other qualifying adjectives)'--' accomplslhment for one man, It R kadi been done, hmt as ReoeeveK Is still , living, also gallant Admiral Oeorge v ' Dowey.amdw President Herrieon did , V not die by the hnnd of, a murderer, t j It is evident that the oorrospendent m -fV" '. slightly mlxod In hie vRal statleties, T- " Some daya ago acarpenter .working . , on the court house annex earns tn the Herald office with word that Douglas wanted to see somebody from the office. A reporter vUHed the JH aid spoke to Douglas, who said he did net ' ,-; fw.'sh to see anyone from the nttsalaVlt' .S .. ..... .. w- v. v2v ; " v oiinvm, it u wh mi awwa wvra, thathehadthls"coafeseton"ln.'mtad ' , end Inter decided to write' the Vfasts" i J;-, la a communication. V . ' , , V tiftf'.w hmm .XiXZ. erendum as naacltatlaa-l I I. ssmg essxngfgxp TMggu-; ygggsj fttstes supreme eeart'nsWa sfg j nweTBemirVgVj"MB) ' JsjF of the feeads.vas aasAsendsr I etesmum'nwwer'Jlt; now as though we wAl H ouronra'fW-atlms, .ftmm a virtue audas etas. maf have lev' rem" sea at ' wmT?mt;,m ke) nf gtMnV? ' J : , r'7 m 'Jb 3-M 1 tl H si t J,l f i'i . 1' J '"- m ."ji Vf "JtJri M i'-U .,'-