"'"',' 5H53i .. 'rtWYl ' -y The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties M rfato. tuning Miri'MKIt IIV TIIK UNITED PIIKBH NEWS HKIIVICK RVENINt NEWSPAPEM, PRINT TIIK NEWS, NOT HISTORY ' J;5 HUlli Ywr No. l.nii KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, HATUIDAY, XOVKMUKIl IN, IBM PtwVf fhi ( pbe 1 4r PANIC INSURANCE CARNEGIE ADVISES SOUND BANK SYSTEM WOIIK.MK.V, IKON MANTKII MAVH MIT RICH, HEAR Illlt'Vr OF MONEY COLLAPSE Pl.k'tllH FOR CENTRAL HKHMIVE NEW YOKK, Nov. IS, panic don't hurt tliu rich. -"Mum-) aald An - drew Carnegie tod), when iinktcl nrliv Lk..l l... tie thought tho United Hiatus liml "llm wiiul bunking system lu iliu world," "Panic hurt tho working man. Tim rlrli ran managu lu got through a panic like that or 1007 without Buf fering! It la tho pruplo who ilvpnti I upon dally earning (or Ihvlr dally hriad who fool th cruul bunion of panlra. Tho rich do not suffer from lark of food, or clothing) or shutter hetauae hundred of thousands of Amerlran worker nro thrown out of employment, n they wvro In IV 07, and at they worn In the 90's and In Ihe 70'e." Mr. Carnegie said that wlillo no groat Industrial rountry rotild Inanro Itself against occasional periods of luulneM depression followlnic over oipsnslon and over-speculation, Hit1 raperlcnco of Kuroi ithowed conclu sively that money panlra rould he pre oiitcd. even In a time of war. "lin't It a humlllatluK thing," ho Mid, "that thla ureal, rlrh rountry (f our la tho only rlvlllu-d rountry in which noney panlra occur? Wo don t netd lo have panlra any more than n need to have the plaguo. We suffer from them beraiiso we hate n banking and currency system that breeds pan Ira. "Ilefure ! camo home from abroad thla fall, Germany was Just giving nn Illuminating lesson of how n nound hanking ayalem prevent panlra. The saaio condition! In New York that ox. lited In Berlin a few week ugo would have precipitated a- panic like that of l07. "England, Franco and dermany are wifely aecured agalnit panlra. When n crista cornea It li promptly control), ed mid made comparatively hnrnite. I low 7 lly using the reserve banking IMiwer. Central hanking Institutions nlwa atand ready to ro-dlcounl good bualneat paper, and giro local tender note In cichango, thu on nhllng the banka to loan the huilneaa community all the fundi It need. In ono week la September tho Reich bank itoppcd the Impending llerlln war panic by Increaalng Ita loan $145,000,000, and Increaalng Ita bank nolo Uauo by 1154,000,000. "In thla country, In audi a crlU. the wholo machinery of credit atop mid ruin rung riot throughout the limine world. "I am Impatient at tho folly, yea, the crime, of allowing our whole crod It atructuro to bo expoard to disaster, i" It now la, almply becauao wo huvo neglected to follow tho example nf ither nation, by adding to our hank Ing ayatem what other civilised tin Unas have, vli.: a mcana of calling Horses Live Life Of Ease While Law's Delays Are Accumulating If tho dolas In tho caso of tho First National Dank of Konnewlck va. Joshua and Julius Swindler, Mlnlim out of a nolo and chattlo mortgage, Iteop on what la left of tho attached pioporty will turn wiped out any o iiirlty it waa originally, by Ita bill for keep. For the property attached U alive and kicking. It I probably not kicking a hard i a II It were not attached, however, for If you attach Dobbin under duo procea of law the remit fa that tho nng la allowed to live a life of Indo lunro, and ha little to kick about, It. Indeed, ha baa any energy during con finement. The bank people' attorney, EX h. Klllott, attached nine hone latt Feb i uary, they being placed In the Mitch oil, Lewla 4k aHavar Co.' barn, which burned with aevea of the nine horse. The two Mtrvtvor have beea boarding upon thu reserves of hmiki by allow Iiik u (o-opcrntltu association of tho linnkH lo Iskiio h-Knl tiuidor currency In tluii-a of stroas. I hellovo thero l not nnullicr duty ho Imperatively do. i "nnded nn thu prompt creation of thin escno power, it run only lio ilono by the deiunnd Of tho peoplo expressed throiiKh IcKlKlntlou In ronginaa, "W spend our llnii) dlaruaalnK Irl ninit political Isaut'H, lenvlng thn Mi tire nil in Inn- of iredlt open to dis astrous pnulr, which could unalh ho 1 din lud, w,,r ,,,- Imnklng s)sUiii ' .... proiiiieo wiiii renerto iintiKing power aliis irmly for nilliiu, 'Wti aacrlflieil sound ImukltiK In tho (,'hll War to stialnln the pulillr credit when we heEiili Isaulng cur reury baard on KOVernmeiit boudn. Hut (odn) our tmlillc credit lortulul) iiccda no biiiIi support, It In tlmn wo rorreited tho mil of half a century iiko, Other countrlcM hnvo nil i-nnj--Iiinua nihnntnKfl nrr us, hcrnuao their hank currenc) la based on romnior rlnl paver itrlMiiK out of dny.to-dny huslnt-s trnminrtlona. When IiiihI. nesa eipnnda there la more roomier- iclnl paper rrented: nlid when the cur rency niitomntlrnlly eipanda; when luiltiiix lontrnrtK, louunerrlal paper ,1 la retired, and Hie currency contractu. The hualneaii couiinuiilly nlwn)a baa the currency It nfeila and no more. "Kery wnrkliiR man mid woman In America should limn tho equivalent of an Inatirnnre policy nitnlnat dlru1 illanater from nnnnclal panlr. A ro operatlM) Imuklng reserve will kIo this Instirnnre." FIVE THOUSAND DEBT IS TOUUIF UKEVIEN Hevrn Tlmuaand Apnliiut Ciwt of Itunnlng Town for Year Ta Rate May InrreaiM Willi Knlon of ImpMurnxiitH Special to Tho llorald s I.AKKVIKW. Nov. IH.-Tho town of Ijikevlew had 12.K7'ln tho trens ury on November 7, 1911. Tho out HtmidlnK debt It $5,387. During the prut uir tho total receipts from nil source weie 17,089,39, which, with fiiS.ft.H ou land November I, 1910, made u Krtmd total of $7,IS7.97. Tho ntuouiit expended In tho t'nr by war rants on tho treasury rumo to, $7, MCfifl. The rnlo of taxation wok flvo mills, whlih, with thn ntuouiit collect ed from lliiinr licenses and the amount paid In as fin oh In the record er'a court represented tho source of Income whlrh tho city had dur ing er will kIuiw n slight Increaso of the tax rate tin iu count of many Improvement contemplated. Per haps there la no town In tho United Stnteg that can build It atreol pnve iiumtH for less than Ukovluw, a the mr.tcrlul rontn llttln more than the hauling. The dlatnuro that the ma terial la convejed U less than half n mile from thejnisluess center, and tho labor rcqulreaVjo handle and haul It by team represent tho entire cost. over since almost u oar and liv ing h llfo nf luxury, not earning their keep. The dobt for which they nro held rim something like $800, and tho livery bill for their keep, with liny running anywhero up to $3S a ton Inco they were attached, and other feed at high prlc, I liable to put n big hole In whatever amount the pal freys bring when the latuo come to point. It they board many more year their keep will exceed the value of the claim whon tho plaintiff will have to fork over tho difference. Argument on a motion to dlsmls the attachment was on bofore the cir cuit court today. Two other hones, attached when nroceedlngr were begun against Qeo. W. Oram ot the Link River house, for debt, are being boarded In thla cltjr. MiuIm-h HloroV .timiiniiiemeVit Wo wlah lo niinnuneu to our p'ntriuu mid the public Hint thu Klmmfth Kails music house mid art emporium Ik now lorutcd and rendy for liimln'ers In now quarterM, two doom ennt.nf tho poll- olTIco, The iiiusln ami ntt (fopnrluiunt baa been enliirncil, mid inmiy now novel Hi a mlildl Wo hao soiuo beautiful art work lu briuH.-ln fact, eer)boily Is niliulrliiK our brum, Our stock of plnnos and music la nut extolled In any town of Iblalte, hcaldcH wu ear ly books, stationery and a flnu stork of pictures. Vo nlso Iiumi tho White sowing marhlafc nnd tho Oliver tpe writer. You nni Invlti A lo rail nml bnr.r llm KrenfatMlnKirK In tho world on the Victor tnlklutt mnclilnv. K. 0. Ilopson aupervl.loi, i1Kllicr for tho rrclnmatlon servlro from Port land, was ii local lsltor jesterday, In (onsultntlon with W. W. Patch, en pluror of the Klaiitnth project. DAMP, CHILLY AIR WITH MUCH FROST VlHl IsVIUNCl KAHLY MOUMMl IIOl'HM WITH A DKCI.IVIMI TI-nHI'KltATlIltK TKMIKD lO MARK I'Ktll'l HIIIVKIt It was "some" chilly thla morning. Tho rcKirter feel somewhat In tho mood to use tho quoted along word, hiivlng attended thu fight picture last night, and for a time lived In the at mosphere of language whlih In more tffu'tlvo than bookish. This morning's coolness was of the 'kind calculated to puncture, penetrate and otherwise get through tho hide, skin, epidermis or cuticle. It was not Hint the weather was so cold as that tho dampness In tho air wan unusual, tho ntmosphore being mirrhargcd with aqucousness. Early thla morning a considerable fog de veloped, which, with tho mercury de scending as low aa It, which waa tho low point, at 8 n. m mndo consider- uhlo frost nnd covered tho ground, fence nud roofs with n coating of Icy whltenes. CONSOLIDATION II ORDER 10 FURTHER IRRIGATION (Jelling Together of Lake lew Water. lug (Vnipanlea la In Order to liahv the Money to do Ahead Willi Irrl- gallon Projects Special to Tho Herald L,tKtiVlKW. Nov. 18. Attornei W. I.nlr Thompson tins roturted from a hiislnesa trip to AlturnaJVcgardlng tho huIo of It holding b tho Lake lew irrigation nud Power company to the Oooho Lake Irrigation com pany, Mr. Thompson s'y that here tofore thero were two Mninanlea con cerned In tl:o project, comprising two separate irrigation ytem under way ami iu rniso monvy iij nanaie mo aeai so that both project could bo com pleted tho coming year, the transfer wore made. Mr. Thompson wa un able to state tho names of the officer of the now corporation, nnd bellove tint they hnvo not au yot Sled arte clca of Incorporation In this state. 'At torney James II. Pursuing of Denver, Colo., who looked tho project over some tlmo ago, senvthe paper for ro- wording to Mr. Thompson, who itato that thero la no doubt ot the project holng carried through. When tho work, which Is about two-third com pleted, la finished It will water 50,000 ncrrs of excellent laud. Tho Lake view Irrigation undi Power company hits already expended over 11,000,000 on tho work. When tnlshed It will bo the greatest prlvato Irrigation en terprise In Oregon. County Home Furniture CoaUa As soon n tho furniture for the county home arrive here from Port land. It now being on the way from that city, It will be Installed In tho newly constructed Infirmary. Than tho charges, who have been distribute od In various homes since the old county homo w abandoned, will be gatberod togetkegjU placed In their uow quarter. RANCHERS HAVE A SCHOOL TRAIN HI'IX'IAL OF HKVKS CAIW, WITH KXIIIIIITH ANII I.KCTUIlKltH OX IOKIIV FARM .MRTIIOIIH, AT ! INIIIIIIM TOIlAV Thla la tho day that tho farmer' dem onstration .train, traveling over tho country undor tho nuaplcea of the University of California and the Southern Pacific company, I at Ior rls. Tho train, consisting of aoTcn rnr Inmla nf mnvnlflpnnt mhlhlta. Is Umonirtr,.Ul,B tno vMll0 of proved methods, delected for their auceesa In piomotlng wclfnro on tho farms. A corps of expfrts accompanies tho trnln, and Is delivering practical, pointed lectures on various subject of ltnl Imprest to farmers, fruit grower- nnd stockmen. Tho Southern Pacific regretted be ing unabls to send tho train to Klam ath Knlln, but announced that at would bo unable to do so on account nf the national law, which loaves the Inference that the train Is being run and carrying tho lecturers with out I'bnrge, It naturally being to the ndvantago to the railroad company and the (university to do everything possible to promote good farming. Thus It Is that tho train will not como Into th'e state of, Oregon. Somo of toe Klamath Falls people Interested In farm tribjeets wore to day expected to go to Dorrls to look over tho (ratal and hear the talks. alERICaRS ntaOtltl OUT OF SO CMSHeWK United Press Service PKKIN, Nov. 18. American lega tion boa ordered Americana to leave Interior treaty port. Tho outlook for an anti-foreign out break Is mora threatening. White IVIIran Men Hero Arthur Arlett, contractor for the new White Pelican Hotel, and Benja min McDougall, architect, who havo been here from San Francisco tho past few da j a to sro tho progress of tho building, will return this evening to tho Ooldeu Onto city. The passen ger elevator In thu building has been accepted and the freight elevator will shortly be ready forms. Hell lUiigrm Arrive Toon ow Secretary K. L. R.llott of the Kl mi nt b Lyceum Bureau thla afternoou received n telegram sent from Ban Francisco by H. K. Bolleav, manager ot tho attraction In the lyceum course which Is to hold tho board at tho Houston opera house Monday night, saying: "Imperial band will arrive In Klam nth Fulls Sunday." This doe away with any doubt that the orga-nliatlon might fall to ar rive In time for tho giving ot a per formance. OIG BATTLE RASES AT NANKING, REBELS AHEAD United Press Service PKKIN, Nov. IS. A desperate bat tlo la raging at Nanking. Imperialists thero are outnumbered. A roport that rebels have captured Admiral Sah Is unconfirmed, but la credited. Robol gunboats continue tho em bargo on shipping along the Yangtso. London reports that rebel plan to so cure the services of General Homer Lee. an American, to maintain a mil itary government tor three year while administrative, reform are being ef fected. Braro-Goodrirh Bait Dtswlswd In the case ot B. K. Bruce t al, am action for fits Involving a mechan ic' lien, the matter ha been dh tnlaaed lu circuit court on motion of Attorney J, 0, Rutenlo for the plain tiff. Coat are on the defendant. Bo aura and plan to attend the II. W. A. dance on Friday evening, No vember Xth, at Hottttoa opart houa. U-K POHTH fiKT ItKADY FOIt MKXICAX TROUIILK United Press Service WASHINGTON. Nov; 18. General Wood telegraphed commander of all army post on tho Southern border states to hold themselves In 'read I nca to dispatch troop Immcdlafcly to tho Mexican border. The war department I officially In-' formed that Reylstas to preparing for a new revolution. Every. effort will bo made to enforce neutrality. NKW HAHRBALIj LEAOCK 18 TO UK OftflANIZKI) United Press Service SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nov. 18. A motion to form a new class AA base ball association, Including American, Pacific and Kastcrn territory, was passed by a voto of 25 to 3. Tho St. Lou la Drowns have pur chased Tennant, the Ban Francisco first baseman. BELL MUSIC WILL BE DELIGHTFUL THK KXOLIHII OKGAMZATION OF IUMIKIW AM KIXGKItH WILL APPKAK AT OPKItA HOUHK OX MONDAY KVKNING Tickets are now on aale at the Star Drug store for tho English haad bell ringers, tho first attraction In the Klamath Lyceum bureau, which comes to Houston's opera house on Monday evening. Tho committee re ports that there aro plenty of choice mIk 'eft, both In the wing and body of- Nr nous. Season tickets, good for the flvo attractions, sell for 12, and single admission tickets for 75 cenjs. Tho bell ringer and singer I, be yond doubt, the best attraction that has ever been secured for Klamath Kalis. They aro now on a world tour covering a period ot three year. Frank T. Farmer, soloist, ot Den ver, accompanies tho organlxatlon. A meeting ot the Central Fremont llorso and Cattlo Association 1 sched uled for Monday at Pataley. McGORNKK JUMPS TAFT; ALSO KICKS IA FOUETIE United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 18. Mcdlll McCormlck has Issued a state ment severely criticising President T&ft and opening an attack on LaFol lottltos. He says Tnft's strongest sup porter In 1908 aro now oppoalag the president for another term. IIOYAL YACHT, WITH KINO AND QITREN PARSES MALTA United Press Service MALTA, Nov. 18. The Medina, carrying tho King and Queen ot Bng land, en route to India, passed Malta today without (topping. PACKERS' CORPUS WRIT DISMISSED BY KOHLSAAT CHICAGO, Nov. 18. The packer' trial begin Monday. Federal Judge Kohlaaat granted the packer' appeal from his decision quashing the babeaa corpus writ, simultaneously refusing to take the defeadanta out ot the cus tody of the district court. This required their surrender back to their bondsmen. Drake I Hopkins AdMlamtrater Attorney Tbomaa Drake haa been appointed by the county court aa ad ministrator, with the will annexed, ot the estate ot the late es-Coagreaimaa Albert Hopkins ot Pennsylvania. WSJ ot Mm BMh Med The will ot the late Mr. Ludwlg Blehn haa been Sled for probate with County Clark Cbarlea R. De Lap. The will leave 150 each to the three chil dren, Mrs. George Humphrey, George Blehn and Fred Blehn, deceased, while the balance ot the property M left to the husband during hlaMlfe. after whleh It I to be equally divid ed among the children. , 8. T. Sum mer, county eomaUattonsr, til execu tor under the will AltMV SECOND BIG RAFT WILL COME TO MILL IN MEMORIAM To the Worthy Matron, Worthy Pt- ron, Sister and Brother of ''Aloha Chapter, No. 61, O E. S. Whereas, Onco again the Angel ot Death ha entered our chapter room, and anothcr-llnk haa fallen from our golden chain, this time removing from our midst odr brother, John R. Stilts, therefore be It ' Resolved, That we bow In submis sion to the will ot our Heavenly Father, and though we deeply deploro our lo, we must remember that Ho docth all thing well. We shall ml hi cheerful presence and look In vain for hi return. Resolved, That we sincerely sym pathise with the bereaved relative of our departed brother, and ask our Heavenly Father to give them the strength to bear their groat 1os. Resolved, That these resolution be entered upon the minute of our Chapter and copy be neat to his relative. Respectfully submitted, H. E. MOMTER, F. L. ARMSTRONG, MINNIE E. WARD, Committee. Halt Moarjr Bffsjft Heat Judge Henry L. Beaaoa, In circuit court, has under advisement a mo tion for suit money mad by Noland A Crane, attorneya for Mr. L. M. Na pier in the divorce action entered by her husband, John If. Napier. JAMI NKU KNAIETI KEEP THREE HAMS OFf United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 18. Japan haa asked the power to allow the mikado to act for them In China. The Japanese offer Is Interpreted a a move to prevent America- from se curing n foothold In a country Japan regards aa Its special sphere ot In fluence. IMPERIALISTS CLAIM VICTORY OYER REBELS United Press Service PEKIN, Nov. IS. Yuan Shi Kal announcs that robela attacked Imper ialists at Hankow and were repulsed! with heavy Ion. NO ROPE FOR BEATTIE, WHO SMOKES CIGARETTES United Press Service RICHMOND, Nor. 18. Governor Mann today reiterated his detrmina tlon not to Interfere with the Reattle rase. .-, The prisoner sits In hi cell amok' Ing cigarette. He 1 evidently de termined to die game. The regular convocation of Klam ath Chapter No. 35. R. A. M., will be held thla evening In the Masonic hill In the Whlte-Maddoi building. Judge Will Have Many Law Points To Keep Him Busy During Next Week Owing to the exceedingly difficult legal labyrinth through whtoh Judge Henry L. Benson will bnve to wado In tho Dunlap vs.. Lew I and other caaes, which will probably tako him a- num ber of days, It I quite likely that an arbitrary adjournment ot the court will be taken lastlag through next week, after which there will be an other wek to handle court matter before the December term come on. Today waa law and motion day la court, and attorney were on hand to notify the court ot dismissals, post ponement or readtnea for setting the ease. There waa practically nothing done about axing date for cases, a there remain a fortnight be tween now and the December term, the start ot which I to witness com mencement on criminal eaaaa, whleh have the right of way i ' -Aa aaosiu it etm h deve-laOad k IS RECORD BREAKER PELICAN RAY LVMBMI COMPANY EXPECTS TO FLOAT QUARTERS OF A MfLUOM I IN ONE CONNECTION II. D. Mortonsen of the Pelican Lumber company, sent tho Klamath up the lake today to down the second big raft of log far the mill. One raft of 300,00 feet la already In the bis canal at the pUat, and the second raft will probably he the largett of loga that baa ever been c towed on the upper Klamath Lake. It will contain about 750,000 feet The Pollcaa Bay Lumber company owns over 100,000,000 feet M Us ber In the Cascade Forest Reserve on the Upper Lake, and on July llth of this year they established their Irs camp neT Odes. They now have a crew of fifty-five men, and In addition to a Dig cook camp and other build ing, bare twenty-lve cottage for the en. The togftlni, operations arc la charge ot Jam C. Johnston. The grade and three mllea ot rail road have been built thla summer and a flfty-foot canal connecting the rati road with deep water. The road la equipped with a I (Hon Shay locomotive aad tea Ruaaell .- 000 capacity logglag car. Nmx a son a large number .of car wilt be added aad alto a aUasn log loader. The company will cloa their logftiac camp tat winter, ant wW ope "up next spring with a crew tf IS asaa, uBcleat to log zOO.OM feat per day. The logs are now hauled from the wood to the canal on ear. After belag dumped late the canal they are bralled Into forty foot raft with cro wire swifter, -rue ran are from 700 to 800 feet long. Thee are towed outside the canal -and doubled. The company now haa a crew at work driving pile for their boom at the mputh of the canal near the mill at Terminal City, and the leg will be held here uatll sawed.- The new mill will begin operation about March let. and will have a eapaeRy ot 80,000 per ten hour day. About 90 per cent of the loga are belag cut Into 16-foot lengths, and nest year the output ot the mill will be ahlppad to outside market. It U probable that the company will erect a box factory to handle their lower gradca ot lumber next fall. Bishop Robert L. Paddock, who waa here to visit the Grace Bptoeopal parish and help start Rev. Dr. Henry Collin In hi new work with the church, haa returned to hi home at Hood River. . . Would Foretloee Suit ha been entered In the cir cuit court by the American Bank and Trust company, through Attorney Stone and Barrett against Marl L. aad Walter S. Gilford, to foreclose a mortgage. the Martin & Martin v. Ynden case, arising out of a mall contract, will probably get the first opening. Juage Benson I disinclined to call the OM Jury In for duty In the abort Unie t which wilt elapse between uownMy the December term. ' -. j n, ... ...1J 1CJ. c .. .J Itiojru nippcy ,,. -"A'-' ff-yj ford last evening to vwii am meier,, Hie Maua Kippey, pnsaawy wsss .W;y) IB in nivewee svawi. i isbww 3" i 'pxl" Interested In mining pi UBiitt.Wm .-.'.;. - ej Creek, and they have iT.imlrfW return from .ore sent to the The aaaaqr (howdI,l.H geM to tea, and to any these uureatefl Jwbllaat, hveutjoyi'MsWH, Mr. tUBoeriwIUvbe rmamn many here MeeaJfrv ttm sjk doa-Baldarta namgw tkemt ft ftm go,. bat sow.gfya ft Mc Hveaaaoai mi -mm VI -Li &l in M t - i-iw.r. aiiaawm v'sJCTB nr ts "tstai