vcr'&s'r vi - WKSti The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties w y :JSrr ',-ta r t W f netting Ik f alft. s s,J Mrrrtran mr tmk UNITMD MlsanS NKWB SRHVICB M j KVBNIN1 KRWSPAnMI PRINT THK NKWft, NOT MtmMt' Millh Year No. ,(0 KLAMATH FALLS', OHBOON, I'lllllAY, .XOVKMHKIt 17, 101 1 "Wfl CRUISERS MAY GO TO CHINESE WATERS NAVAL CIRCLES TEEM with activity iv vicinity of MAN FRANCISCO, VKNNKIM AP. PAHK.NTLY MAKINO PHKPAHA. TIONM FOR KAMTKIIN- CHUIHH United Press Bvrvleo HAN FRANCISCO. Nov 17 Tliu Oregon and Houlh Dakota urn In tint tri-am here and tliu California nnd Maryland are at Mum laland. The Colorado and West Virginia left for Ran Diego today. It la believed that thoy nre anther Inn with the prohabllltp of living Kent In China, Naval circle hern nrc eilrrmel) net lr. OltHOON WOMAN OPKHATKM MOVING I'll TURK MACHI.NK Mr. Minnie IVnnlnger, formerly f Central I'olnt, Ore, Iml now living In Moderto, Calif,. Inn (tin dlitlnrllon r( being I ho erond wnninn In th-j Culled State In operate a Hinting picture machine, and li (ho Drat lady on the Pacific roast lo Inko up Hint vocation aa a business. Mrs. Pennlnger It well known In tho Western section of tlila alalo, nnd la the wife of Fred Pcnlngcr and a daughter of Mr. Obenrhnln of Cen tral Point. HA Ng VICT COMMiTTKK IN APPOINTS!! IIV HMIKKAIIN At the regular meet Inn of prosper ity Hebekah Lodgn No. 104, 1. O. O. F. lait night tho following member woro appointed on tho committee to pre pare the banquet for tliu next meet ing, which will be December 7th: Francos llnd rhnlrinnii, Mary It. Hoguc, C, C. Hngue, Mninlo Wagner, Mary Wlntori, Dr. II. Wlntrm, C. C. Browcr, Kmma Thompson, Flora Rlllott. J. 8. Klllott. Ktltabcth For rrat, Fred llyndmnn, Kayo Hoguc, Nancy Donart, Charles Donart, Kdgnr tawrenrc, Nina Noel, l,ena Noel, A. Klrahncr. YUAN Hill KAI RKNOUNCKR HV HKHKIJt IN CHINA United Prcaa Service SHANGHAI, Nov. 17. Rebel lend, era denounce. Yuan Bhl Knl, and ex peel the Mnnrhu dynasty In dldntc Rrato. The vanguard of delegate In the revolutionary national convention are arriving. Plan Include eolf govern incnl for tho province and central ontrol by n general government, with headquarter at Nanking. 8un Yat Son will probably bo tho flmt iiermanent president. Deaperato fighting I on nt Nanking. The rebel aro rinshlug nt Munrbii nutpoat and hTO xtlll advancing. POH VAI.LKY'H GRAIX VIKI.II The Poo Valley Threading company an organisation which ha been form ed by rancher In that locality to handle tho grain harvested In tho val. ley, report to tho Herald that tho amount of grain threihed by It equipment thla aeacon la 23,484 bush ela. na follow! Wheat, 6,103 bush els; oU, 12,938 buaholi; barley, 934 bushels; ryo, 3,510 buihal. Lvman Says Jail Wants Dentist, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. Al leging, that he Is treated "worse than n condemned prisoner," that lie needa tliu services of n dentist, which the Jailer won't permit, nnd that the food supplied him Is Injurious to his health Dr. John Grant Lyman ,the Indicted Los Angelaa promoter, naked the United States circuit court hero for a writ of habeas corpus to procure his rcloans from the tetinty !" Despite Lyman's Indictment nt Los HtTntAui-rrTKH coxkkk WITH IIIHTINII I'HKMIKH United I'rei florvlco LONDON, Nov. 17. ChrUtabel I'niikliiirrt, lending n big delegation of suffragettes, In lonferrlng with Pre mier Amiultli unci rnblnet mlnlstcru, rniierriiliiK Including women' otc In lh" iimuliood mirfruK bill the nil mltilftt rul Iftn Ik oon to Introduce. It Ik regarded n Rlgulflcant that Akiiilth, who heretoforn ha refimed lo reciigiilin Ihn women, made n defi nite nppoltittueiit. I'ollie aurrouuit Anqulth' real denci'. HELPLESS SIMMER II 6XLE AILJIGHT LOXG I'lfly 1'iopl,. AlxNinl WlH'IrM Miw. ngt HimniM'tio HiMMtmn lo IU-mui of Hi,. .M. f. IMfliil. Willed I Tounl to Hufely. t'nlted I'rci Hervlro SAN KKANCIRCO, Nov. 17. The htcivoicr M. 1'. I'lnut of thu Alonka l'a- rlllo company, her tnll ihuft broken,' wnH helplcHH In n gale off I'olnt Arena ' nil lnt night. Kort)-nlno p'oplo woro on board. Hho wn r men til by n wlrolena dl- trri lgual by the Kteamer ltoecrami, I which look the veiuel In town and-wa oxiiected In arrive In Ran KrancUco lad night. I'HL'AI, HI'ATH IV TIUAL OK AIXMniCII HYffAMITKIl llnlled PreM Service 1.08 ANOKI.K8, Nov. 17. When court opened an hour earlier than luual Attorney Clarence Harrow tried liiOuillcngo J. It. Ilomof Paiedei.n. Judgo llnrdwell pernontlly ii"'" ilonnl ihn venireman. Harrow nnd llnrdwell rlniliinl hotly twice, llorl- neli. llimhed with naiulon. rebuMrh i (.liuiatlnnH that be was unfair. Herdwell finally nllowed tho dial- Unpe of Itoaa. BACHELORS WANT IVES FOR A MOWEVELESS EOEN IH'iolopinciil of Conulry Tlirealen lo Alwti- I'lileM Single Men Aro Aide In Tn4 In Double llarncea Kam. ApMa Kent Forth Special to Tho Herald l.AKKVIHW. Nov. 17. Tho men In the vicinity of Silver Lake, Ore., want wive. Thoy cither hnvo to havo miiniKOH or there will bd" nothing fur ther in the development lino unless It I done by the memper or ino lair mtx who hold down claim In that part of tho country and aro m Inde pendent that a man daro not aiep n,., Ihn linn feilli Without bclllg cluwed by tho doglthnt wimo of the fair damaol hnvo on tho prenusea. Th orittivliatloif of n bachelom' club with about fifty membora hn brought forth tho fallowing pronmwo to tho declaration that thoy make: "Hollovlnsvn lbot rapid dovelop ...A..I nf N'orthoravI,aBo county, hav ing .lemonilrated tKe4crtlllty of tho Hill, built homes and Nwcumnlnted Food Injures Him, Claims Badly Used Angeles Inst week for misuse of the malls In connection with a Panawn land scheme, ho Is hold here on a charge of conspiracy growing out of his escape from Alameda- county Jail authorities. In hla petition today Lyman de clares that the charge against him does not constitute n publlo offense nor a violation of the federal laws. miftlrlent worldly good for I'm pr6 tettlon of two or more, wo, llui mem ber of tlio Hlher I.nko llachelnrV Club, II ml oumelte mere pnupi'r In I he ono (mnentlnl lo linptilnem iin-l Ihu fell enjoyment of Hie home. Wo find Northern l.nko county in llU'lt'n IMin, unit lo ernillcnto thl drawback lo tho country, we hereby dovolo our aolve to tho mirred duty of lirlngliiR morn llviti Into tho (Inrdcn of l.ovu." Krery girl Mill recede an unkwur to her letter, which will bu kept con fidential by tho ncuetnry or preildent, and If, In their Judgment, tho right kind of n limn I In night, tho lady nnd the Rentlemnn will bo brought together In nu endeavor to piomoto matrimony In Unit portion of the riiunty that offer KO'niucli to all con cerned. Tho officer are O. W. Mar vin ptetldint, A. N. McCnll secretary, K. V. Trabcrlii. I. W. Mnrtln nnd (I. II. UooneySjro preiildenU, nnd Karl lletd treur Itmiltl) HNITIIAiXltOWI AT YAM-: IH AWiaPATKO United Pres Service NKW HAVKN, Conn., Nov. 17. Tho greatent fontbnll crowd In Yale' hlMnry I extiectcd tomorrow. If Princeton win alio gain tho rhnmplnnnhlp. If Yale win nho mutt defeat Harvard before nho ran claim tho chatnplonihlp. The "Tlgera" expect n kicking gnme, n both eleven nro trniiK In thl department. YOUNG BRIDE SLAYS HUSBAND UKMAlUiAlil,K ;.nn ir aiiamiui IN CALIr-OHNIA CITY llinYKKN COLI'Ui JI'liT AHIUVU VMM NIXKANK United Press Service 1.08 ANOEI.K8. Nov. 17. Jease flarneene. n bride of cloven day, iihot nnd killed her husband, Nicholas. They came from Spokane ctcrday. Slut KnyH It wan an accident. Tho police aro Inveitlgntlng. HK.CIHIOX OX MPOKAXK HATKH TO HK AIKAf,KH Culled Preaa Service WASHINGTON. I). C, Nov. 17. It I nnnounced that tho department of Jnatlco la next week to appeal tho Mimmcicu court's Spokanu rate deci sion, aaklng tho United 8tates u- premw court to review tho matter Im mediately. . X FKHKHATION WANTH MKN" TO I.KAVK CIA'IC IMHY United Press Service ATLANTA, Nov. 17. The Western Koderntlon of Miners has resolved to demand thnt members of tho labor federation resign from tho NMlonnl Chic Federation. Tho matter was refened to tho resolution committee. An attack U aimed at Hamper. Thl Is expected' to precipitate a fight on tho floor. . TROOPS MAY GO TO MEXICAN LINE TF.XAN flOVKHXOH OHHKIIH KX THIN FOItCK OF TKXA8 lUXd KltH TO HK RTATIONKI) ALONO THK HOHliKH ' United Press Service AUSTIN. Nov. 17. It Is rumored tlint n mobilisation of troops on the Mexican border will be ordered. tloNoinor Colqult has ordered that iim out ho force of Texas Rangera ahull bo distributed tomorrow, to aid tho federal government In enforcing neutrality. Huudrods of Americana are fleeing from Mexico. Tho autl-Amerlcan sentiment Is very strong. Modern Woodmen of America donco at Houston's opera house, Fri day night, November 14, Good sm ile. t FIGHT PICTURES SHOW TONIGHT ItKKI, OF VIKWH IlKI'ltOllfCINO 4 HIM KIHTK! llATTf.K AT MAN KHANCIHTO WIIX HE AT THK IIOl'HTO.V Ol'MtA HOl'HK When tho Wolgaat-Moran picture wilt bo ihown at ,tlio Houiton opera lioiiDo tonight there will likely bo a throng of iportlnc fan lueh a baa n;ui beforo commingled In that far mite rendotvou. I Thoto who were permitted lait night to ico tho picture rehcaraal, uiy that It I the lastianalptU of icron photography. Thero I muchJlmlllarly .In the nrcna nnd that In the Houa'ni opor homo, with the exception that the r.trturo how Dllly Jordan, with bit Hligbtly nolty tilce not at'.ured to tliu bnmu meloi'j ns that of llu great--. ri"ouncor of nU, Ixuls Oerber. The picture do 'not show Oerbcr, but the stride nndftvolrdupola of Mr. Jordan Imllcnto that Klamath Fall linn n man who cm fill the best an nouncing bill ever offered In this city. Hundreds of seat will be sold when the door open tonight. yuan m m in , PUY OH EITfffR AMVrtanrc of Premiership Not to He tllon-t-ii Ulnfixi mud If llmake With the Hmprn. He Kxprcta lrjp Following United Press Service I'EKIN Nov. 17. Yuan Shi Kal's ucceptancu of tho premiership will not prevent u meeting of representa tive men called to arrange terms of peace. Yuan expects n gathering to sun liort reform he Inaugurate. In the oent ho decides to break with tho emperor, and declares him xclf president, tho gathering will piobnbly back him. HAND BELLWORK WILL BE UNUSUAL CKI.KUIIATKH KXGU8H IUNGKRH AXH VOCAI48TS, ON TOUR OF THK WORLD. TO HK HKflK OX XKXT MON'HAY XIGHT Monday la tho date set for the ap pearance at tho Houston opera home of tho Imperial Hand Bell Ringers and Concert parly, which not oniy ulll nreaent iOlllo expert hand bell work In solos and concerted pieces of tho best composors, but will give dou iiin nuartet songs for male voices, ns well ns concerted numbers ombraclng bell nnd vocal work together. This Is ono of the most famous concert troupe In tho world, and Is on a two yenr tour, which will carry It around tho world, Including Can ada and tho United States, and the Antipodes. Tho company nppeara here In the Klamath Lceum Bureau course, and promise to glvo an excellent program which will richly deserve tne large audience that the Lyceum officers are working to secure for Its reception. Ticket nro on onlo at the star urns store. Tho Mill Addition Improvement eomnanv has had the good fortune lo aocuro tho services of Mrs. Tlndall, pianist, and Prof. Mason, violinist, to furnish rduslc for their Friday night danee. It'll CROWN PRINCE FINCHRD BY ORDER OF ROYAL DAD United Press Service . BBRLIN, Nov. 17. The kaiser haa ordered the crown prlnoo to thirty daya military detention at Dantlg. aa a punishment for a recenfjlngo dem- onatratloa In the relchatag dating Chancellor Hollweg'a Morocco agree ment speeeh. KAIMtOAH CONHI'lltACY AOAI.N'HT HTKAMEIIM OX United Proas Service WASHINGTON, I). 0 Nor. 17. Heforo writing hi mesaago President Tnft, with secretary Stlmaon Is conald crlng charges' of conspiracy against tho tranacontlnental rnllroadn to pre vent tho oatnbllahment of Independent Hteamcr line to uic tho new Panama canal. Bernard Baker of Baltimore pre sented tho charge, declaring that pressuro has been brought to bear on ship builders and capitalists who as sisted tho organisation of tho Atlantic Pacific Tranaportatlon company. Aa a result, ho said, tho ahlp build er had declined to build vessels fog tho company, and others withdrew slock subscriptions. lintSH KIDNAPPIXG CASK COMKH AFTKIt McXAMARA United Preaa Beniea. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 17. Prose cutor Baker declared that Detective Burns will be tried on a charge of kidnapping McNamara next aprlng. Ho Is determined to wait until the Los Angoles trial Is completed. Officer Hoslck will bo tried at the namo time. Charge Tlint Marine. TrnKc for Pan- nma Canal I Impeded by presnurr llnmght to Hear In Balkier of HhhM MELHASES GET BACK PROPERTY HIIFJUFK-H HALK AT WHICH THKY Hill IN LANH OX ACTION CXDKR HOXn FOR -DRIED, ATTROVEH IIV COVRT In tho case of Fred and Gaa Me'- haae. by Attorney Stone Barret, agalnat Frank K. Knox, Abel Ady and A. A. Ltskey, on n bond for deed to land below Midland, about 850 acres nil told, Judgo II. L. Benaon hns la med nn order confirming tho sher iffs sale of the land to tho plaintiffs ns the highest bidders, their bid b- Ing $6,783. Tho land Is lot 1, section 7. 8KU ofNEU.Ntt ot8KV4.8WH of8EU and SWV4 section C, nil In township 40 south, range 9 cant, Wl'trmetto meridian. The plaintiffs had originally .sold tho land to Ady, who assigned bis rights to Knox after making some nnymeuts. Knox defaultel on tone pigments, and loft this part of tho country, Llakey was mado a parly of the proceedings because he had been k tenant from Ady on n leas,". Th4 ovnehlp of the property now reverts to tho Molhase brothers. According to the Merrill Record, Rev. !.. M. Anderson. Presbyterian nantor hns been elected to the board of trustees of Merrill, vice J. W. Has- kins, resigned, and S. B. Martin takes the place of E. E. Fitch. RAILROAD CASE SET FOR TRIAL HAMAGH ISSUE RAISED BY FARM KIUT 1MPLKMKXT CO., AGAINST KHPKK FOR LOSS OF HOR8K AND DRAY HAMAGK Judge Henry L. Benson of the elr- j cult court has sot December llth as the date for trying 'the case of the Farmers' Implement company against the Southern Paclic company, Involv ing damages the former allege It Buf fered April Hth last by ear thrown by a tying switch .which killed a horse and damaged tho dray and har ness. The company waa to load noma freight at the railroad warehouae and had the rig there for tho purpose. The value of the hone la pat at ISIS aad the repair to the tiara aad dray ar put at 1170.78, which the Farm, era' Implement company teak to re cover. HEAVY SNOW FALL AT CRATER Game Case Is Iinilsei The charge of having a- Chinese pheasant In his possession, brought against W. R. Hunter by Warden L. Alva Lewis, was dismissed before Jus tice of tho Peace Charles Graves thl afternoon. The Misses Bertha and Louella Mounter of Jackson, Calif., are visit ing frleada and relatives In this city. They are slatera. of Mesdamcs Fred and Walter Cofer. Mrs. Jss. Grimes and Mrs. Browne, of the Gap, and Mrs. Chris Crowley of Lnugoll Vallep, called on Mrs. Nate Otterbeln of the Oregon House this morning. STRIKES li MEXICO MY RECOK JUTE GEKML Troops Ordered to Torrron, Where CVmdttiOMS Are Reported Worm Ksatdoyea Onlt, Want More Money and Leas Work United Press Berries MEXICO CITY, Nor. 17. General strikes are threatened. They have started at Torreon, Pu eblo; and San Luis Potoel Troops baro been ordered to Tor reon. Reporta indicate conditions nre becoming rapidly worse. Tho employes of the Ernesto Ma- dero light, rubber and smelting plants (here, have anlU, demanding higher wages and aaorter noatw. If you nre on .time Friday evening jon will And n bna waiting at tho portofflco to tafce yon direct to tho Mills dance. Be thero at 8:18. Tho round trip la SB cents. 15-Jt Mrs. B. 8. Grlgsby, who Is spending the winter In Ashlsnd, and who has been visiting her children nt tho old heme ranch uear tho Gap. returned to Ashland this morning. WOLGAST-HCTAIIIAIIO MNJ. NEW YEMMT 'FRISCO Manager of Fonmr Fistic OtebrUir Says He Has Also Date for a Go With Tosnaajr Marpfay Mosrfa Hence Flare Not Stated United Press Service CHICAGO, Nov. 17 That the Wol-gast-McFarland battlo will be staged by Coffroth at San Francisco New Year's Day la regarded a certain. Wolgast'a manager last night wired ho had signed for two fights, one with Tommy Murphy December 15th, the other with McFnrland on New Years Packy McFarland sajs tho date suits him. Pioneers' Committers lo Meet The Herald Is requested to notify tho various committees of the Pio neers soclct) choeon to makn arrange ments for tho celobratton on Saturday, November SSth, to meet at tha court house tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock to report. O. A. Stearna Is president and A. Cartel secretary of the Pio neers society. Crowd Of Hotel Help From San Francisco By Chief Cterk- Chief Clerk B. H. Lpuser of the Whit Pelican hotel, will leave Sun day tor Ban Francisco, to return with about forty people who are a part- of the crew that will run th big new 101-guest-room hotel. H expects to return about Thursday. There will be some little time neces sary before the opening of tho hotel to get the employe familiarised with the building aa well aa their duties', aad aa they will be hare about a weak fr LAKF SEVERAL FEET DEEP ALTHOUGH KVKRY CIA7R ID'RsV KOWSKI'HAS Bl UP XO TRACK HI FOUND Ot BODY OF MtSaOM MAN Superintendent W. F. Arant of Cra ter Lake National Park, who haa re turned to his town resldonee after closing tho season of the park, report that thero was throe feet of snow whn be moved out of there laei Fri day. This depth lasted, for six ar seven miles along the way to Fort Klamath, and then became shallower, being sixteen Inches at the saw mill In the Wood River Valley and a foot deep at Fort Klamath. Aa It kept snowing In 'the mountains for two or three days after this, aa Mr. Arant ob served by keeping watch of the dis trict, be believes thero Is probably fire feet of snow at tho park now. After coming a- abort distance fresn tho park with two heavily loaded wagons, the depth of snow mado R Imperative to leave the wagoas on tho road and go on to Fort Klasaath, where a dosen horse war obtained and n road broken to get tho wagoas ont. Mr. Arant says that every cine thnt waa ever given to the park anthorltle by which the body of B. B. Bakewskl, the Bend photographer, who waa last In the park last winter, presumably falling Into the take, baa. nee naaatH'WMkeit reeevecy oi;tnrrsi ' aulas. Tho eamp whJck Bakwak( bad left waa found ahontlln Hea below the rim of the crater, dowa the' road. Thla was evidently tb ptetnre man's permanent camp, because at It were fonnd clothing, "bedding and a supply of money In the pocket of a pair of trousers, consisting of n 120 gold piece, ft bill nnd a S0-cent piece. There were also letters, papers aad receipts. On tho rim of the crater. In tho basement of the hotel, were fonnd Bakowskl's camera cases aad n coat, and a quarter of a mile east of the, hotel at the foot of a very craggy por tion of the rim, were hi auowshoe. Mr. Arant'a theory 1 that the ex plorer. In order to lighten hla toad. left hla camera case at the hotel base ment, and walked on saowshoea until be reached the craggy ridge. Inst wide enough for a man to climb over, where he left hi snowsnoea to clam ber along the sawedged summit of tho cliff. From thla cliff he Is supposed " to have fallen probably 800 feet Into the lake. At the point where ha dropped from the cliff tho wall drop about COO foet straight, after whtah R slants slightly outward for aa OfMljf or greater distance to the edge of, the water. fo Mr. Arant say that with all hia ax-.: 1 crlence in tho park It I hard for him, to determine where the snow la solid., and where It Is soft drift at the daa gerous spot to which Bakowskl waa tiaced, and that It would be a vary natural occurrence for n climber to make a- misstep and leave solid foot ing. The chance are that the corpse will never be recovered. A physician who J visited the park tojd Mr. Araat that the low temperature of tho water might mean that a body fallen la tho' Inke would never rise, or. It It did. It'' would quickly sink again. To Be Brought H ahead of the houewamlag WnnjhWyiJ giving, tho interim wHI Mjnia-JorjfcMMj the. training. . J 'W-WMi : The company of worker taM'W.f,;.pr! Louser I to return wUhnsarna4, by a special trala ,iwr, ffijailrn 'y PaeMe. .VW$i Ba aura aad Ha h-4tm$ fctattlf. ' w, a. anno on arsnay r i;-" v 'M j 15: