v TAe Onjy Daiiy Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties 11 txM. lifrtiito mt vrrtran mr Nitm nuM mbw utviua KVKNIN1 NKWSPAMM I'ltl.NT THK NKWft, NOT HIOTOKl $ -H Price, Fts Onto VI Hlttli Vrar No. !. KLAMATH PALLS, OHKGON, THURSDAY, MH'KMIIKK IB, Itlt QBv CIT-OFF WORK GOES AHEAD FAVORABLY TO WAIT FOR BRIDGE Al'IIOHN WII.LIAMHON IIIVDIt, WIIKN HAIL HKAOII HANK HAP IIKTWttKN POINTS III' NTKKIi HARD TO MILD IN , Miiki lint fur Interference by Hi" , ueathur, wlilrli liau been iinfnvcirulilo In (iiriM'iitur work. 'There la mi (loulil Ihnt tho Nklron Klninntti Knits cuMiff tla I lie South er IVirlflc wilt bti built." until K A, l.lnitlnf. wliu has hat) t-hargn of u Western Union wlro crew building ntirnil n( llm line up t" tho William. mm river, llili Morning, li(ifir Irnv Inn the city for Sacramento, Thorn It a lot of itlfltriilt miialriio llnti lliat'Hio company has In under take In order lo get thu linn tlirouich n iilmiiinl, which mniiy people limy r ill little, U anything, about. Tin' otutuny Is busy constructing Its lino north nf Chllnqiiln. nml tho steel Ii, luiil fur (hlrloen mile above Hint" point, nml to wllliln approximately two miles u( the Williamson 111 v rr, whero tho hlR steel bridge must go over, tho wlrrs (or Hip telegraphic aerilro having nl rosily been strung Hint far. I "Tim construction gang midir !) rontractora, Krlckson A I'ulemon, linn linn nutting the mad ilown at tho ratu nl about a mile a month, nml will On. Ili In the hrldS" by tho Drat nf the mr, according to esprctntlona. When tlicy get lo tho WllllaniMin Hlvor rroaalng they will be Just 41.0 mile from the Klamath Falls depot. II I liUnmnt In put the bridge In aa soon in possiblo Mil iprlnR, and after It Is In ilae thsy can commence construe Hon Iho other lido of the river, where they will encounter a good deal of territory that la hard to build a rail road through. "I understand them In about forty mllea of awaropy land running north of tha Wllllamaoti Itlver where II l propoacd lo put Iho new line, nml nbovo that thero la about Iho snrne illilanco lo roach Iho other end which him been conttructed, which I rough nnd mounlalnoui, and I am I old Hint II will rcnulro twenty-two tunnel In that dlitance. That will bo a bad aa Iho Western Pacific, a now lino from Hall take City lo Han Franclscn. which la noted for Ita lunneli. "Iletwoen Iho two points of steel which havo been laid for Iho Natron Klamath Valla cut-off hero remains to bo built About IB mllea nf lino, and in It Involves ancli swamp and timiin lalnoua country It la hardly to bo won dered at that Iho road cannot bo built m quickly m many pcoplo would tlko lo havo It. Tho Krlckson A Peltorson company hai, I should Judge, about 300 men working on Ha contract nbovo Chlloquln. Tho big stool bridge which la lo go across tho WIN llamaon River will apnn about .100 foil, and will bo practically k amnion Ion brldgo, There will ho n run crolo abutment on either nldo nml n single span of Iho bridge," ClH'f I'rntitll Arrlvi'N In City Mr, iiml Mrs. I'der C'involll nrrlvo-l In Klntiinth I'alln lint ovonlug. Mr. CriiMlll, who Is lo bo chof of tho Whltu IVIIcnii holol, Is ono of tho mr.rl mili'il chi'fit on tho I'nrlflc const, mid formerly iiited In his official ca pacity fur the Hotel llrdlln, New York, IIn brought with htm )iatcr tin) live of Ms cooks. Tho cntlro tmrty la stiipplng at I lie Kwauiin I'liini', I'oiir III nml Mnln atrevlK. PROPERTY SUIT DELICATE CASE INK fOINTH M' LAW ISVOI.VHO I.V IHMI1K Of DUNMII VH. I.KWIH OVKK I'l'ltCll.tHK OF KLAMATH AVKNI'K IMMH'KIITV pri'Hiiiuptloti of tho wlfv was dlrfcrvnt, for alio knew Iho huslmml had nuver written It, Ho snld, In not uxnctly this langUAKi'. Hint ns long us Iho pro. uumpllon nf ii miilli'd lottur hnvlng lii'Cii ifi'clvt'd by Hie nildrcsaco wnn iiiidlsputed, Hint I'llher Mr. Kiili'tilc Imd not mnlliMl Iho letter, or Mr. Duuliip lind received It, Tho crux of tho dispute between tho lltlgMit wns brought nbout when tho fnct Ihnl under tho bond for droit, ni'cordlng to Mr. Itutenlr, his client would bo nbout $3,000 worso off In Hid dcitl than under thn contract, as tho pnvlng nsscMsments on Kliimnth nveniin property amount In nbout that much, A peculiar point about (tin mallei Is Hint possession Is not dlsputod, rest ing In Lewis, tho purchaser, mid ho litis paid nbout 12.000 on Ills contract sliicn the suit wiih entered, It secmit In sum up na n rnso whero Iho seller i olios on Iho bond for deed nnd Iho buyer On tho alleged contract. It would not bo surprising If n Jury were later called In on tho n no lo de ride rome of lis phnsos. BELL RIN6ERS TO BE HERE MONDAY XOVKL AMI I.NTKIIIWTI.VH K.NTKH- TAI.VMK.NT 111' MNK MKN NOW M.tKIMJ A TWO-YKAIt TOflt OK nil: woiti.ii i 4 Tho Mills Addition Improvement rompnny has bad the good fnrtuno lo seruro tiio scmcc or Mrs. Tinunii, pimilst, nnd I'rnf. Mason, violinist, to furnish music for their Friday night dance. IC-St Mrs. A. A. Thomas, who lifts been spending Iho summer nt her ranch on tho Merrill road, about seven mllea I from thn city, bna returned to Ktnm- Home of the most dellcato law i. ...i,. .... .1,,,-wlnter. mulls ston- poluu Imagtnabltt nro Inutlved In the .,,, n, . Or0Bn House. inso of II. II. Dunlap, whoso attorney I Is C. I' Hlnne, against Arthur C. Lvw- whoito louiisel Is llutcnlo ft Kent, arising out of a contract for tho prop erty 130x110 fool nt the norlhweat corner of Klamath nvi-nuu nnd Rov enlh strwl. I Irfiwls entered Into nil agreement to buy thu property, giving what III kuoan as tho Hawlello pioperly, audi undertaking lo mnko up tho rest of thu llS.nOO consideration In pay- BISHOP PADDOCK ARRIVES AT LAST liana lo Have N"w Room Ilaek of tho It. B. Quthrldgo itoro at 41 Main at root tho Kfamath Kails Military Uad It In have a band room The necessary permission lo mako needed alterations to fit up tho new quarters wa taken out by Mr. Clutli rld-n at tha meellng of the city conn ell last week, and the wrok would probably have been completed by thli mentK In rover flvo years. According J to his contention, Iho contract under which ho was to Inko tho real estate provided thai tho seller was lo pay nil taxes for tho term nf flvo years over wlilrli the pnymrnls wero to ox-' tend. Iiuulnp rlnlms Hint a bond for deed which wns given to Iho purchaser, nnd which did not, so It Is nsserted, con tain Iho stlpulMlon ns lo tnxntlnn, was accepted by Lewis. According lo-At-lorney Itiitenlc, for lwl, his client inter nrceiited Iho bond for deed. It Is claimed for the defendant Hint Dun lap and ho look tho bond for deed to Ilutonlo for tho lawyer's approval. which was not forthcoming, nnd that Dunlap then carried tho deed away frnm Itutenlc's nfllco, but that It ap peared on tho lawyer's desk next morning. Mr. Ilutcnlc also claims that after Iho bond for deed hnd boon nt his otn.ni for a llmo ho notified liunlnp by letter Ihnt It wns not no coptnblo. but tho plaintiff denies n rtlvlim Hie loiter, It Is tho contention of Iho plaintiff Hint Iho deed remained long enough In tho possession of Iho ilerenunni s attorney, which Is constructively Iho possession of tho principal, In bo u substantial ncceptnnco under Iho law. Mr. Stone, arguing for Dunlnp, Il lustrated tho mntter of the letter this morning In tho argument bofore Judgo Henry !. Hensou In circuit court by referring to tho assertion of an absent husband, neglectful' nf cor respondent to bis homo, lhat ho hud written to bis wlfo. Tho ordinary tout nreaiimntlon would bo, ho said, that If tho huiband mailed tho teller tho govornmont delivered It, but tho DKNI'ITK LAMKNKMH, IH IIKIIK TO AXMIHT NKW IIKCTOII, AND 1K '.VIM HTOIIV AIMIIT HKV. OWKN JON'KM Next Monday oVcnlng at tbo Hous ton oporn housu will appear the Im perial hand bell ringers and concert purly, from Yorkshire, Kngland, on a world tour, Including dates In tbo United States, Canada and Australia, which will Inu over two years, taking tl n coinpuuy until 19li to complete. Tho dalo In KtamathjKalls Is under tho allspices of tho Klamath Lyceum bureau, and will no doubt fill tbo Houston lo Its capacity. The bolls curried by tho orgfttilratlon nro 130 In number, i mining In welsbt from 1! ounces to 10 poundf, on which Is performed concerted music of every elnss In a manner which has won for tho players tho highest praise. The repertoire will Include selections from tbo works of Handel, lUpdn, Dolldleu, Hiilllrnn, Wag tnd (Verdi,, among otl.ors. ' Tho nine men In tho company makes Just tho right number for a ilnublo vocal quartet and director, and a a chorus they will rendor some splendid example ot modern end old er composition In part songo. A novelty which they nro enabled to offer through being both Gingers and players, Is songs with bell nc fomtuinlnicnts, which always takes heartily with llstenore. Thn company consists ot W. II. (llggln conductor, W. Allsopp, P. Hea ter, M. Woffendcn, O, Hall, W. Hartley, M. J. Uato, J. Woffendcn, show, was tossed thirty feet by a maddened buffalo, flho Is suffering from Internal In juries, a broken arm and a broken anklo. The squaw nnd papooso are unin jured. Tho girl Jerked a lariat from her belt and stood directly beforo the rushing herd when sho saw tho In dians' danger. (OltltL'IT I'KACTICK LAW MAY HULK IN CALIFORNIA Unltod Press Service SAN FRANCIBCO,, Nov. -It. Cal ifornia progressive republicans ore promoting adoption of tho Oregon corrupt practice law, which makes It a felony to solicit voles on election dny or clrculato among the voters with automobiles to carry there to the polls. They aro also promoting a plan to prevent any member of tho legisla ture from holding state, county or city positions until after ono year fiom tho closo of tho full form for which ho was elected. Mapli-lnn Ordered Out of City George Mapleston, ordered by Chief of Police Samuel L. Walker to leava the city, Is understood to havo de parted. Mapleston had been lit tl.') city for some months, and for .i t'.me wns n guard over Noble r'oildcr lo- foro FaulCcr was placed in nil Tbr police wero unfavorably Impressed by Mnplcstou'4 assocltitlates, and deter mined that he would have to leave the city. The man had been In trouble In Sacramonto before coming to this city, so the authorities claim. TELEGRAPH LINE BEYOND CHIL0QUIN the floors arrived last evening, and will work tonight. The carpets are hero and the furniture Is oipected to nrrlve shortly. Tho ruah work la In an effort to get tho hotel ready for open house a week from today Thanksgiving Day. Houston an Art Patron Manager John V. Houston of tbo Temple picture theater, baa purchased a group of statuary of tasteful design, which he has placed aa a crown on tho box office. A cluster ot frosted In candescent globes, lighted Intermit tontly, draws attention to the minia ture art exhibition. LATIFF TIPS TO MORE INQUIRIES REBELS DRIVE FEDEHIS OUT OF CITY OF TOMEON Ministers Form An Association, Union Services For Thanksgiving City olerlea have formed a mlnla torlal association, tho first ever had lu Klanat raid. It was organised yesterday aftornooa at tho home ot Rev. Oatrft H. Foeae, pastor of tho Grace . I. church, with the follow ing effeera: Rev. raate president; Rev. B M, Kllnn, pastor of, tho Christian church, secretary. Daeldea these' two mlnliterg thero were present Rev. Dr. Henry 0. Col mid Huv. J. B. Btubbieneia, me rre- hylorlnn minister, it was decided to havo union ser vices Thanksgiving morning In tho Methodist church, and Rer. Fttae was chosen to arrange aaultatle program for tho meeting. Tho immaterial as sociation will meet the first Monday ot each month. Modern Woodmen of America dance at Houston'a opera house, Fri day night, November U, Good mu- ie. llUhop Robert L. Paddock of Hood River, who has tho Kastern Oregon diocese of tho Kplscopal church, li hero on a visit, despite. Ills lameness from n recent painful accident, nml Is giving uvery nld ho ran to help Rev. Henry C. Collins, tbo now reitor cl Ornro Kplscnpal church, get u good stnrt In his now parish. Tbo bishop denies vlgotously thu published stories of tbo aliened In toxication lit Portland ot Rov. Owcu K Junes, who had charge of tlio eon gregutlon horn for six wooka, of which matter tho bishop tuado n caroful In vestigation, lie statoa that art offlcor lu plnln clothe annoyed Rev, Jones repeatedly In an unbearable manner, nnd that when Rov. Jones resontol thn obnoxious actions, waa arrested. It wns suggested to lllshop Paddock that tho unlet r himself might have been under Iho Influence of liquor. SOCIETY WOMEN CLASH WITH H10UI Of SEX Former Cut Out Social ttea-gcincM' That Ttiey May Itattle WMi Work lug Clasa for Klertlon of Mayoralty Candidate 'lulled Press 8ervlce LOS AN0BLK8, Nor. 16. Society women and tho working women of Los Angetoa are at a,, clash on the political field In Los Angolcs, the for mer working lo wreck Job Harrlman's dinners for tho mayoralty election nml Iho Intter making sacrifices In their homes to nld htm In hla fight. It Job Han Irann Is elected ho will hnve tho women ot tho middle class to thank. If ho Is defeated the women of tho Los Angeles smart set will have Bomclhlng lo boast of over the after noon teas. nankora' wives and daughters and tho rest of their coterie havo post-, poncd all social engagements, cut the theaters and plunged Into the vortex of political strife. Their autos nro Doing useo. io arouse tho voters ot both sexes, and ovou aolf has boon forgotten for the nonco, Rut campaign hard aa they. may, the working women aro a nun dred to ono stronger. Three llundml Americana In-punlW In Mexican City Which Baa Been Atturkrtl by the ItcvolutlosUstar Hltiiallon Is lleienito PROPOSED JURY MEN ARE PICKED KAMK8 OK THIIITY-OXB SKLECT- HD BY COUNTY OUSKX, AND TIIKV WILL HK NOTIFIHD FOB IIKCK.MBKR TEIIM United Press Scrvlco KL PASO, Tex,, Nov. 16. Amer icans In Torreon hnvo by codo mes sages notified Kl Paso bankers that Mexican federals wero driven out of Names of men who will be sum moned for Jurr duty In the December term of court wore picked yesterday In tho office of County Cterk Charles It. Do Lap. The men, who will be summoned shortly, are thlrty-ono In number, as follews: M. L. Van Meter, James II. Drlscoll, It. 8. Parrlsh, Jacob Itcuck, David that city by revolutionists, many ofjKenyon, B. 8. Kerns, 11. II. Ouqlap, MI.MIL' TMOt'GBT DIBCOVERBR TKLL8 VAKIOVH QUEflTIOXKBS THINGS I1HIKCTO MAN TO FIND IOST COIN B. Latlff, the mind reader, at the Houston last night, told Mrs. Charles lloyt that her wireless telegraph stock would pay no dividends, told Mrs, Comstock not to work about the new hotel, as thore would be plenty of business for her Just the same, and auggested to Charles R. Baldwin that although ho could tell the where abouts ot a relative that Baldwin asked for, ho would not like to do so. Vesta Hnaseker wasi told "that Mr watch and fob, were not stolen by a certain young man, but that she had loaned It to htm. One man who had been In the audlonce the night beforo and asked about a $5 gold piece waa told that be had lost It when counting money as ho came out of tbo barber shop at Second and Main. He was told to go to tho bootblack stand on the corner and look under a paper sack. Councilman P. L. Fielder, Malinger John V. Houston and others went nlong. Tho gold piece was there. Latlff's last appearaitco is to night, and from tho morlt ot tho show tho wonder Is that the bouse has not been packed to tho doors every per formance. CREW DONE. LEAVES FOLK8 AMI WIRHH COMPLKTB TO POINT WHKBB CONSTRUCTION ON IlAILHOAn WILL 'VKBV BOON F. A. Llndloff of the Western Union construction department, who has had charge of a- company of builders of telegraph line for the corporation, left with tbo crew on Ita 'special work train ot eight ears this morning for Sacramento, where the craw will a dertake wire work between Sacra mento and San Francisco. Tho crew has Just completed pat ting up the poles and stringing two strands ot wire from Klamath Jratia to the Williamson River, 41 alias from this city, and 15 miles north of Chlloquln. About 1,000 poles and M miles of wire were used In tho work. "Wo have the work done to the Williamson River bridge, two miles In advance of the railroad coaatrac- tloa," said Mr. Llndlof to the Klamath Falls Evening Herald. "That is aa far aa the railroad will be completed this fall, and as fsr as we need to go. Tho work baa taken us since the Bret of June, and we have eneonatered no troublo to spesk ot." The wire crew, Mr. Lladlof said. was well quartered la its aasetai, which contains not only sleeping cars and a dining car, with all neceraary supplies, and a special cook, bat equipment for construction work on telegraph, Unas. Mneh ot the Uato the crow has been working north 'of this city the train was right by the work, but when the crew wished. to go ahead of wbero the rails reached they used teams to go from the train and back to It. The Western Union will probably send another wire crew to Klamath county next spring to begin work at tho Williamson River crossing, and work northward ahead of the railroad construction. whom participated In the Chinese Miwsacro May Slih. They threatened all foreigners. Tho situation Is believed to be des perate. Three hundred Americans are In the el'y Mnny officials along tho Rio Orando ur.d nt Washington huve been notified. William I-asbua, Q. II. Carlton, Alex McDonald, A. Kershner, Rimer Flack us, R. A. Mooro, John Forbes, Ed nioomlngcamp, C. C. Chltwood, L. D. Uurke, R. W. Tower, C. II. Under wood, Thos, E. Stanley, W. H. Case beer, George Grlnle, Henry Rnlvln, It J. 8heots, A. 11. Newton, Floyd Urnndouburg, John R. Welch, D. B. Nichols, O. W. Ager, F. P. Van Mcfr. John Bradley. WIlIS OTIS TO SWAT Tl) LEARN OT OISASTERITWENTY SUGGUiB, STORM KING'S GRASP lEIIHU Hnrbillat HM'uker at Los AttgHr Sajrs If Times Owner and Detectives Are tirill'tl, Hie Valuable Informa tion Might Result United Press Service SEATTLE. Nov. 10. "If General Harrison amy Otis and Bums de tectives were put tho same process ot sweating that the McNsmara brothers wero given, I hnvo no doubt but that wo would get much more Information about the blowing up of the Times," declared Floyd Hydo, a socialist, In n speech here. COWGIRL BRAVES HIFFJU.Q SAVES WMM DEATH Plucky Wild West Miss Mas Broken Arm and Rmkeu Ankle as Hcoalt of Confronting Tblrt Bison United Press Service I.OS ANOELES, Nov. 16. Pro tecting n Sioux squaw and her hour- old infant from a stampede of steers and buffalo, Miss Nciue rrancts. n cowgirl employed by a "Wld West" Gale la Middle West KHIs Scare, De stroys Over a MSUom la Property, Bitter Cold Adding Intensely to the Suffering Nashville Htssteats Ornate. Next Tuesday and Wednesday the Nashville Students, genuine Afro Amerlcan minstrels, true ebony skinned lords of the sheepskin and mttlebones, as well aa other forms of music, to say nothing of tun, will hold the boards at the Houston opera house. They were last here threo vears ago last month. Among the Uilent in tno rosier tnis year aro rei Woods. Mat Turner, Walter Hill, Clarence Mackltn, comedians; Mebel Turner and Eva Price, singers; Ar thur L. Price, "educated" hoops and Juggling feats. Bo sure nnd plan to attend the M W. A. dance on 'Friday evening, No vember. I4th, at Houston opera house. ' ! United Press Service CHICAGO, Nov. 16. The storm which ravaged tb.i Middle West has loft a trail ot devastation In Its wake, a score of Uvea being lost aad prop erty valued at 11,500,000 being de stroyed. , Bitter cold weather adds to the suffering. in Wisconsin twelve, persona lost their lives nnd two men were found froien to death In other sections. Ladles' Guild Meoamg Tho ladles ot the Episcopal Guild It you are on time Friday evening you will And a bus waiting at tho postoface to take you direst to the Mills dance. Bo there at 8:10. The round trip la SB cents. 16-lt PlotHvr Press Moves Oat It's new quarters oa Main, near Broad, In the Hot Springs district, are now occupied by the Pioneer Press. They are roomy and pleasant, aad better adapted to the getting out of the paper than heretofore, especially with tho Installation ot the new ma chinery. The first paper was printed from tbo new location and tho new press Tucsdsy morning. Jho general supposition Is that the paper Is being backed by the Klam ath Development company, which Is taken to account for the move to that section of the city, which tho com pany Is Interested In building up. The new location will give plenty ot exercise to those of tho paper's' BUS vwho have business In the older-part of the town, and they will not be long In realising Just how Klamath Falls has "grown." " Railroad OaVlals oa 1-syecUosi t Superintendent Campbell, newly appointed to handle Southern PaeMw linos la Oregon and Northern Califor nia, and Superintendent Meeatt of the Shasta division, Dunsmulr, 'wars horo Isst evening In the former's prlt vale car, "Shasta." aad Isft this morn- Ing on an Inspection trip. Deputy School Superintendent Is Decided On By County Covrt - .- County Superintendent ot Schools n ?& will meet at 1:30 Friday ansrnoon j. a. Swan lett this afternoon tor aw with Mrs. Frank Ward. A large M homestead near Aspen Lake. From tendance Is desired, as there Is great deal ot work to be Salshsd for tho coming basaar. WhHo Petlcaa Nbjnt Work Carpenters on the White Pelican hotel last night began night work, lights having been strung at tha ground floor to mako thu aCort pos slbls after tho vaual hour. Four tils setters who are to lay some ot V there he will visit 'the schools, at Odessa and Crystal Crook on the west side of thelake, and In the Fort Klam ath district. Mr. Swan will attend a school meeting at Fort Klamatn on Saturday, when important business Is to be considered. The county court this week al lowed the school superintendent a deputy, so that tho ostca la the court 1 s .,..tlfl 'A.?I J. 1 Lt"l vii'. tho schoota of thasoaatX ju -,! has been narks? ss Kjfc , ic out 'of Wa owdI salary, ; VY-" hniian ran be kent onaa'all tlurtlaasV durjng Mrt Swap's akseasM.Um wiaw ter, visiting Mr, Swaahas tBM sumawr, out or aw wwsi,ssw-7(: but tno comssissiosers ara ansi-as assy. ti lv; , tha supsrissneat to n4ak,: Uato visiting thsTaehoals. and MMqKjt J- tho importance or aaviag mm:mmm.y(j open for. buslassk.oTMaSSIf.'vWf;-., allowed oa tbeaajK o It ftadV'ii of theW-atr mass at the rssH haj, siltata. aad aa tsWratsmUsssssssllaB tft - f.jf vwrfvUfcr-'f aC- V lins, reeUr ot rM sWaeopu cnurcn v n;m, t; ' S - - r , MlffiT&FiP' . - l' " ,'