W' -tif , vU &' TAe , Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties J. , luninc rfafo. vnum mr tmk vHVtmo nam news skhvios KVENINO NEWSPAPER I'lIINT THK NEWS, NOT HISTORY Hlith Year No. l,WHt KLAMATH FALLS, OIIHOON, HK.MIKHIIAY, NOVEMBER IS, 111 2. Price, Five ., .M pbc Hlsnnaaafl' EXTREME WIFE'S HE BROKE FURNITURE t IIOITKD IIMI Tltll.NK, IIUIIMM) IT ANII II Kit APAHKL, UK lK NTHOYKD I'ltm IIKH AMI ALHO HTHI'I'K IIKH, M 1111,1, MAIN l.lislo Orr ha DM tlirmiih Attor ii cy C. C, llrowcr a- milt for illvorm from George II. Orr, ttio hill of com. plaint alleging esiremo cruelty ami it tin ol violence by tin. defendant According o llitt lilll, dm couple went married In Klamath Fall, July V, KOI, and hYu a daughter, Iteht-c-cn, now 2 yearn mid 3 iiiiiiitlm uM Mm. Orr allegVa ilmt In tho summer tit lira year of thulr marriage, nt her mother' home, near Yalnax, Orr uaed violence) lo brr win, aged (1 years, ami heraelf, threatening to hoot tier ami trlhlnK her un the hark with u rifle. ni wrll aa alaiiliiK hr nn lln fnro whh hla hand and flit. In Beptembor, 1910, In llm pic. rnii of Hill Campbell and wife, on Mm. Orr'a land In Hie Klamath In. Han reservation, ho threatened to imp a buggy whip, alio aaacrta. In May, 1011, according tn her complaint, tlm huahand wild some of her ratllo nnil when the purchaaer broiiKht tlm innn. ey to her and Orr demanded II, the refined to aire It to him, whereupon ho used an axe In u threalenlnit man. nnr. I.at September, o sho claim, ho broke tool, Implemonti, furniture and plrt'urea, her property, nlao ihnt holea through a rroaarul Raw with a rifle, broke her itove and throw It out of the house, broke her trunk with an ate, burned the pieces, aa well an Nome of her clothing, took plcturr from the walla, broke the frnimx and destroyed the plcturea, and broke a hay derrick which iho owned. Ho nlao, alio nvera, aold n mowing ina chlno of her and kept the money. Mr. Orr aika (or a divorce with cuitody of the child, and uiggi-sls tn l ho court that $15 n mouth would not bo too much for Iho father to run. irlbutu to tho support of Iho child. Sno uiierla that Iho huiband In an able bodied man, In the prime of life, nblo to earn $600 to $200 n car nt laboring, and la n capable atone rut tor, hla services In thla line bringing him M to $ day. HOSPITAL IS HEEDED BADLY IN HH1Y SEAT lake la Territory of tlrent Area, anil Orraalnna Are rVruenl Wliili a Kanltarium Would llo Moat lie. alralile Special to Tho llorall I.AKKVIHW, Niif. 15.The need of a Reed hosplta( In Ukevlcw has causod many people to wondor why Meno Mo-awako man or woman does not get buajndatart such an Inst I tutlOD. There hftto been several poo Pie that have tallMd about making a start, but nothing 'eamo of the mat ter. At tho presont time thcro la a demand from many sources for tho Women's Work To Bishop Paddock Iter. Dr. Henry 0. Collin, rector of draco Episcopal church, announce Hat In tho narlora of the Daldwln ln.tel tomorrow (Thursday) after noon, at 3 o'clock, will be held wo lunn'a moating for the organisation or n larger work for women In Klum nil) Palls. Bishop Paddock of Hood Mm, of tlm Bastera Oregon dloceio, will bo pieaent to addrew the moetlng. It .1 ayoeMly dealred by Dr, Col li ni that every on who feels movod to toata ehurca work, who hitherto CRUELTY COMPLAINT 'rnrn of I bo Hick, u the county, cover Unit such a Inrge area, while ns heiiliiiy un miy plnco on earth, fur. MilahoH many Instance of rases Ihnt I can only ho given proper treatment 'n in thoiotighly ciiilpped aanatorl The alio In nn easy matter tn handle, ntid within n roliplo of mllcx of town are sium, of Iho heat hot springs In I Iho Weal A hospital In connection with tin- bathing and wnler ought to bo a Mlmier, It la claimed. Ktery one In n while aonio man without n homo other than hla cabin on a homcatend or ranch house, Ik brought hero nnd rompelled tn net r- rotniiioilatloii nn .beat lin may from tho nrliiu rooming housi-a, when It Mould bo much belter worn the prop er Inatltulloii al hnnd to hnndlo caaea Hint nru often found. Them arc nl lenat six people laid up from Injuries In Iomii allho present time, n nil nil Mould no dilnbt he piilrona of tho In Ktlltitlon ere iktich n one nvnllable Memirlal lli-gulator lnalallril II. J. Wlutira, who hna to hne Iho right lime herauao lin hna rhnrge of Hunt hem Pacific watch Inapertlon here, hna Installed a merrurlnl pen. iluluiii regulntor nt hla store on Mnln alrvet. Changea of weather do not affect Iho pendulum for thu renaon that tho iwrcury counteracts Iho ex. pa in Ion anil rontrnitlou duo to tho upa mid downs of temperature. It I the llrxt clock of tho kind In thla sec Hon. Null on XiMe tdilrml Hull hna been entered bv (leorto lllehn, through Attorney K. I.. Elliott against II. K. Chlldera and Rugeno Chlldem, doing business na Chlldera llroa,, to recover 1266. alleged In hnvo been due on n noto for four ennr, nlao attorney's fees. , llnln, snow, storm or moonllchi. wo Mill dance at Mills halt Frldny Light. Hun will bo waltlnc at mist- office until R:.in, Hound trip 5 He. 3t TO LEAVE CITY POI.It'K CIIIKKH KIIK.T IH POH lIHOItlKHI.Y IIOl'Hm TO CMJHK I rtlt'll MAI.K VIHITOIIH AUK CAIOIIT TWO KXII.KII I Chief of Pollco Samuel I,. Walker hint night visited tho four disorderly . establishment on Oak street,' order ing tho proprietresses nnd Inmate to leave town, us well a nrrestlng foiu visitors, two of whom as well wcro ordered to quit tho town. Thcro nro n sroro or inoro women who have, It Is snld, been living In tho pluces, nnd Iho mysterious klllltut of Chnrlea Lyons last August, as m'i'Ii ns the robbery of J. W. Rosier at nn early hour Inst Thursday morning, both near tho house In tho undeslr ublo district, as well ns rther Inci dent In connection with tho "had lands," hnvo stirred tho authorities to tho determination that thcro must ho less disorder In tho city, nnd a thoy hollo vo (he Immoral settlement Be Undertaken, To Attend Meet has taken no active part In Christian activities, nttond this meeting. A larger work for women I Plan ned, and all Interested are urged to bo prevent. An Informal meeting of men will be bold In tho ovenlng. Bishop Pad dock will bo unablo to call on his friends becnusu of his lameness, but will be glad tn see them at the hotel from 8 to 10 p. ni. I CHINESE), boy of 20 wants position u elerk or house sorvant; speaks nnilah. Box 100. Herald. IB-Jt WOMEN ORDERED lo lo reaponalblu for iniiili of llm trouble Hint linn been koIiik on, they luivo decided to have thu dlstrlet Hlmply cleaned up, Ono fenturu of the situation Ihnt Iiiin piuzlcd tho uutliorltli-K la thu fact that thu women who run Iho re- aorl own thu property, and Just how to go about tho mutter ha been something of n conundrum. It Ik un- dcralood that tho niithorltleH now hnvo n way In wblcb they can pro reed which will tnko enro of thla horn of Iho dilemma. City Attorney Horace M. Miinnliifi, when nuked If It wrm IhroiiKh hla ndvlco that tho dlatrlct waa raided, ntnted to tho Herald that ho would rather not Kieak on tlm subject. "Von inny say, however, that In any steps the police take for tho abo lition of tha disorderly houaea they will have tho backing; of tho city at torney' office J ii at as far aa It can bo Klvcn," said 'Mr. Manning. li'roliln'a New liorntlon K. II, I'ershln, the photographer. Mill shortly open n new atudlo In th? old llnmber location, 4Z0 aMIn street, nml exprrts tn Instnll n thoroughly modem equipment, an that ho rnn take pictures day or night. Tbo Mills Addition Improvement lompnny hns bail Hie good fortune to secure the aervlres of Mrs. Tlndnll, plniilM, und Prof. Mnmin, vlnllnlst, to furnlali muslr for their Friday night dance. 15-31 MAIL TO FRANCE BY INCENDIARY MOKUAX, OH IHIl'OMH, HKNIMi l.hTTKIlH WITH IIHC1IKII.Y POIIKION AliniltMH, KVIDKNT I.Y TO IIKLATIVK Henry Morgan, Alcxandor Douglas, oi wnntovcr hi namo is, tae con fessed author of four fires last week, hns been sending mall to Purcn Au- guslln'Marle, M. Pureii Francois, Par Ouray, Morlltmu, France, which I believed to be Intended fur a relative. nnd this tends to bear out his claim Hint he Is of llourbnn extraction. O, K. Thomas, special Southern Pacific ugont, I still working on tho enae In California. Deputy Sherlf John Schallock saa tho authorities hnvo knowledge that tho man (topped In Stockton, Sacramento, Seattle and other place, and wan registered at hotel In those cities, but have no record yot of his having done work In those places. FOUR CENT POSTAL FRAUD GETSNAnpHNAll Wrote Heply on Rejected Mall Wlilili Drought lllm IHm, aad (lovcrti tuent lutenetcil Hamo aa a t'oni tmiii leal Ion United Prew P-rvln- VIRNNA, Nor. 10 Max Trlenctoi, a well known business- man or Vien na, baa been sent to Jail for a month on a charge of having defrauded tho postofflco of 4 cents. In Austria It tbo recipient of a let ter rcfusos to accept It It Is returned to tho sendor without extra nnstage. Trlncxos received four postal cards from a firm notifying him that they had shipped goods ordered by him. As ho had not ordered anything Trlncses wrote on the margin of tho cards, "Return to sender; nothing in dercd," and dropped them Into tho letter box. Tho government regarded the words "nothing ordered" as n com munication, and prosecuted him. Pythian Box Social Tonight at the regular meeting hall n tho I. O, O. F. building the Pyth Iiiiib will hold n box social, at which tbrio will bo music, dancing, card linylng and refreshments. Arrange ments havo boon made by the Pythian, Sclera for everybody present to haVo the very host kind ot a time. If you aro on time Friday evening you will find a bus waiting at tho postofflco to take you direct to tho Mills danco. Be there at fr:30. The round trip Is IB cents, ' IB-It COUNTY HOME TO OPEN TOMORROW M:U' llt'll.DI.NU IIKAIIV H)lt OC' TIANUY AM) ACIIKH WIMi UK TIriVATKI TO MAKK INFIH .MAItV PAY POIl KKKP Tomorrow tho new county homo, which hair been under construction by Contractor J. I.. Cunningham, will bo occupied by Iho keeper, V. W, Lewis, and tho various county ward who havo been boused In various places whlto the houso waa being prepared for thorn, will be gathered up nnd put In tho new Infirmary. The new building Is two stories and hnsoment, with twenty rooms for In mnlis, beside the keeper's room, dining room nnd (Itchen. Tho mn tcilal la frame, nnd tho coat will be nbout I in, 000. Tho aovonty-ilg acres which the county bought for the site of the now homo were originally a part of the John P. Milter ranch, and aro bcllov- ed to ho well adapted to the need of the homo, furnlnhlng plenty of room for doing farming on a scala which Jt Is hoped will mako tho In stitution self-sustaining. The old sixty-acre home on tho Keno -oad had dry soil, and was so hard to work Ihnt there was practically only enough obtained from working It tn keep tho span of horses and cow be longing to the keeper, Mr. Lewis. The new site, five mile out on the road to Merrill, was chosen with a vluw to having good soil, and cosi tho county $5,000. it I expected to bare enough crop and gardentruck from tho land to feed tho county' poor In mate, a well as to market consid erable product to tho public. In mates who can work will have tbo chance to do so, nnd outside labor will also lie employed when necessary. Q. A. Harmon, driven well contrac tor of Itlddlc, Oregon, ha been nt tho now homo site for a couple of woek drilling. In tho hope of strik ing artesian water. Thla morning tho drill hnd gone down 130 feet, some nirfnro water having been found. For a tlmo tbo drill was unable to work with much rapidity on account of striking n hunch of boulders, but It lu mnklng good headway now. HOMESTEAD LANS HARD ON GIAIIUTS--ORTM Register of tand OMce Ikrlarr Qua!. iHYHtloiift Wrong aa Not Tendlac tn Hottlo IjiihI With Actual Home. Mfkera v Special to Tho Herald I.AKRVIKU'. Nov. IB. "Tho homestead law ot tbetinlted States need changing to mee'f tbo require ments ot the people that are en- guged In tho work ot .creating homes for themselves',' sabj the register ot tho United State land omce, A. W. Orton, who ha given much study to land matter along with the personal observations that he has been enabled to make by attending to Iho business of this rapidly growing branch ot the Interior department. "The residence qualifications now Imposed are wrong, and do not tend to settle tho land with actual home- seekers In tho majority of cases. Tho commutation feature ot the 160 acre homestead la wj acts more In the way of making the taking of a quaTter section of laud' as a speculation, and generally doe not tend to Improve It or mako lt inoro valuable than though It were left In the possession ol the government, which means the people. "Many men take a 160 acre piece ot land, erect a cabin on It, and then sit down to wait until fourteen months roll around, when they com mute by paying the government the gum ot 11,25 per acre, and then leave the land and go their way, perhaps to nevereesxjt again. The law requires residence and. mentions nothing that can he Interpreted to mean cultiva tion. V On the other hand'aVan nay lire on the land In good fafVkand put ev ery dollar Into It tut htki able to secure, enltlrate it and ssjupe It far more valuable than though It were simply lived on, but If, no Is off the land n slnglo day more than the six months nltowed each' year, ho Is likely to .lie contested; regardless of how ho has Improvod'tho place. The residence asd commutation features should ho eliminated alto gether, according ta) Mr. Orton, and cultivation mado an essential to the patenting of land. For instance, a man, if allowed 321) acres as a home stead undor tho enlarged homestead law, should, ho says, be mode to do n certain amount "of work or Improv ing of tho same each jesr, and In five years It would be much better to place a value of say $1,500 In tho crop he has produced before he should secure patent to tha land. This would mean an average of only IH00 per year, and I easily effected If the man It allowed to follow the line of least rcskUanco In securing the money to make tho improvement and develop his property. It I claimed-It would also assist materially In the amount of wealth Ihnt It would brlng Into thu new country for maW men at work at tbclr trades would bo enabled to take land and npnly a largo parti of their earnings toward making It moro val uable. If they were compelled to live on 'tha land'lbev could not ob tain this monsy, snd consequently It would be lost tei, tho section of tho country In which they had taken tho land. OECEMBER TERM, CIRCUIT COURT COMK8 FlltHT MONDAY NEXT mokth; 'whhjc'- ix:ixtbum JflHJK IIKXHOX WIUj TASK t'l MJUITY CAHKH On tho first monday In December will bgln tbo December term ot the circuit court, and Judge Henry L. nenson will nuthorlto Sheriff William II. Barnes to issue tho necessary no- tire to the Klsmsth county grand Jury to be on hand for the term. It Is hardly likely that any Jury matters for the petit body to handle will come up before that time, nnless tho unforseen occurs. Judge Benson expects to hold court In the Interim whenever counsel for various matters can got ready for their legal battles, but these are ex pected to bo confined to equity Issues. AODIuM NROS FDR - HIGH MM ARE VOTED HvUl ICIertlon at Lakevlew Beasdts Faturably lo Propoaltioa WMJiont u Single Hlsaentlast Vote Betas; Ourt Special to The Herald liAKKVIKW, Nov.lB. At the special election held vote $10,000 bonds for the completion ot tha new high school, there was not a single dissenting vote, and'each ot ho nine teen votes cost represented over 91,000 ot tne amount voiea. The light vote fas due to tbo busi ness men being so busy that they could not get away except In' case of danger to the ner Issue, so they made arrangements that the mlnuto that ono or two vote went In agalnat the measuro thoy were to be notified and all would go to the polls In a body and save the day. Tho patrlotlsmot thoso Interested In the ' welfare ot, the schools here was so strong that no one wished to be known as against the measure. The new bulldlngwhen completed, will be the pride ot the town, and will cost I6B.006. N Cigar Stand Stock Attache The cigar stand In tho Sparks the ater lobby waa closed today. Deputy Sheriff John gcbullock served on tho establishment n writ ot attachment taken out by B. H. Lawrence, the el gar man, against O. F. Hill. lor $71.3$ on account and $$B attorney's fees. WANTED Clean.ootton rag nt W. O. Smith Prlittaf Oo. l$t ENJOIN RANCHMAN, GOVERNMENT ASKS WOlttiD'fi LO.NGB8T RAILWAY IH PROJflCTED FOIt AFTtlCA United Pre Service PARIS, Nor. IS. A trans-African railway, the longest in the world, from Algiers to Mombasa-, 6,200 miles in length, I projected by French capitalists. It may be In operation within ten years. London will bo brought within nine days of Johannesburg, South Af rica, now eighteen days; Brussels will bo Ave days of the Belgian Congo, now forty days; the dlstanco from France to Lake Tchae, now nlntty das, will be reduced to four. i It Is estimated that fifty Dasaence'ra u day would bo sufficient lo cover Op erating expenses. WUGAST Mm READY FOR FIGHT WITH WELSH Former Declare He WW Oo Into she Squared Circle With letter WhetJt. rr ha rranrlaco Rerrtre Is Plckea or Jfot United Press Service IOS ANGELES, Nov. 16 Ad Wol- gast, world's lightweight champion. and Tom Jones, his manager, are la Wheeler Springs preparing for the dauntless one's .coming battle with Freddie Welsh Thaaisatrrtag Day. The little champ k spsndlng nla tlmo outdoors, riding, climbing anal walking. He returns to Loa Angotea- Novembcr 18th to prepare himself indoors for the go. Before leaving for the hllla Ad said he would fight Welsh whether Roferco Jack Welsh of San Francisco M-ns agreed upon or not. FORCER WAIVES, GOES CRAND JURY SHKIiLY NAIVE, ACCl'SKD OF I'HING NAME OF FOKMEK EM PIX)YEK, HKKBKKT. LESTER, OX CHECKS, HELD IN 90,600 Shelly Naive, nrrested by Chief ot Police Samuel L. Walker for the al leged forging ot check on the Klam ath county bank, bearing the name of his fqrmcr employer, Herbert L. Lester, a ranchman, who Uvea out toward Merrill, .who was arraigned this morning be'foro Justice of the Peace Charles Oxaves, waived a hear ing and was bound over to the grasid jury In the sum of $2,000. '.Vnlve had given Kent Ballard a deck tor, $1.20, which proved bogus. Biurch disclosed checks for $27.80 and $18,20, with the signature "Her bert J. Lester." Attempts which had been mode to pass tho largest check on tho Ltvcrmore hptel and the K. K. K. store had been futile. Making Ballot Boxes Ready For ; The Horsefly Irrigation Election Sheriff William B. Barnes and As sistant District Attornoy Charlea J. Ferguson were busy today at the court house getting ready the ballot boxes which are .to be used next Tues day at the election to test tho will of the people on tho subject of the pro posed .Horsefly Irrigation district, which Is' proposed to water about 16, 000 acres, Including land In Yonna and Latigell valleys. There are nve boxes', one for each precinct or division, and they must be put In tho polling planes prior to the opening ot tho election Tuesday. -..'' Nfcrvt -,'';. .; TRESPASS ON CANAL e AND LATKRALH ALLMOKD, BUT IIU.VT1NO, ACCl'SKD RANCH MAN, DENIM orVBNSK, AM WELL AS OOVRRlHannR TTTIJI Ranchmen In the neighborhood two miles this side of Merrill are much Interested In the esse ot the United States against C. A. Bunting, for alleged trespass on the Irrigation system owned by the government In the government action, which U brought to enjoin Bunting from con tinuing tho alleged offense. It sets forth that It became owner ot a mala canal (known as the J. Frank Adnata canal) and certain laterals by pnr chnso from the Llttlo Klamath Water Ditch company. . Tho contention ot the government Is that the laterals known, as the Stukcl and Parish lateral have been cut and the water used through the cuts. Bunting denies committing any such trespass, as woll as asserting that tho government does not own the lateral. He admlta using water from the canal, and saya that what water he used was taken In a perfect -ly legitimate manner, nnd that he paid the government for all that he used. Mr. Bunting, who Is a director of tho Water Users' Association, has about 160 acres, and his wife about the government Irrigating anpnty; and two or three other ranches la the same region get their supply frees the same laterals. The government claims to awn the laterals under a deed from the Little Klamath Water Ditch company, dated October IS, 1906, the price being $100,000. It la asserted that of this price $95,000 was paid, and the oth er $5,000 is being held back until clear title to certain rights Involved may bo obtained. The visit of O." P. Morton, legal adviser for the Pnettc district of the reclamation service. here from Portland, Is said to have to do with getting data In connection with the case.' The Injunction suit brought by the government is said to be brought Jn an amicable spirit, nnd ns much to clear up the title as anything etae. ACB I tai EVKIKE OF NSSIHI GETAIAY Man Accused of Rohhsry Has) ll phnrle Flats), Evidently to Off Bolta Which HeM Oe In Place United Press Service LOS ANGELES. Nor. 15. Follow ing the finding of n quantity el sul phuric acid In hi cell, L. Piersoa, confined In the city Jail charged with robbery, I being closely watched. Sheriff Hammel believes ho latead- cd soaking the bolts of hu cell In the acid and escaping. while the Sv dlvMeas and, nana . wnuw uaiuva w,ii urn in v4 rw w .yv rectors of the division aro; Lorella precinct, w. D. for director. "v (.i-iV j-.' - V J.S.- ' William Irwin precinct WIHtnls, Irwin tor director, ' . Jr"lli'fr precinct h.w, mmmi.-y for director H, M.f( Daniels Bowne for director, Vuk, VatUv at.. nilnsl:jsan$i !'-V R.sek for n&&?MWH' Proicoed:01efn'r:'; JHmwm D. O. Hoea; ssUnisr; Wf.-Mm i.'"""?r-,'s WVImJk. ill - W mt ui tfl ' V i VI fA .',i.l . .l"S3l S&91 -J&- ! $ W-J-V n,.Ji V' M?i W '