IWftiBftv,., , . M- l3 Jff i ' " jLiic vjuiy isauy svvvnng every oecaun ui jviamuin miu uukc iuuiiuw ygy ,i. ., r J '..' itaib. L. -T .1 U " 4' vrrumn mr tub united nam nrwr mchviuh KVBNIN1 NEWSPA HUNT THK NEWS, NOV HMTOHY .tfvfc- , 1 m? i Hltlh Vir-No. 1,007 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 14, 1011 Pries, Vff POWER OF MAYOR ON DEBTS ARGUED WltlOli:.VH ( O.MI'II.NHATIO.V AIT I I'lir.l.H IN WIHCO.NHIV RUTENIC TAKES CITY WARRANT Ordlnnmr Needs Trimming A plumbing ordinance camo up Ir.nt night for consideration, but on motion of Councilman Marlon Hankn II was decided to refer tho samo to PAY FOR PLUMBING INSPECTIlW-NAY Unlled I'ruiBcrrlco ! MAIllKON, Win.. Nov. H. Tliul Nliilo Hiipri'iuii (ourt tod,!)- uphold Ibu! coimtltutliinnllly of the workinen'n lompenaiillon nit. I Oily Attorney Horace M. Manning for somo needed alterations. i mt mmim LIVELY TILT IS HAD CHIEF EXECUTIVE CI.AIMH At'. TIIOltlTV TO INOI'll VIIMJII, liltK HALL HILL WHITE HE. MM HE HAH HUt'H HHIIIT llcfore It was dcildutl lo tn u Mil nf 161.70 presented by Virgil Hun, tliTP was a mtrry war a lint night's Hi'inrll meeting. Tho bill waa fur Im-iIh iiiiiI hiilillng lutnlnheil for (ho tiro liiiuliiiiirti'rs, wllch bill bail nover been niithiirlteit lijr luunrll. Cuiinrlltnuri (I W. While, flui'iiru rommltlco ibulriimn, when Mayor Fred T. Sanderum uilmlitpil (tint bo wae riwHintlUla fur Ibu In ml ring of Hi ii bill, mil tl i mini II bail rtithiirUcd llio Improvement of tlm nrp bi'mlqiinrlprM with wIihIiimt wh iin inmir)', n in nrli liili'ii'ti'cl Ho reminded llio rou nr II of lli f 2t rulo adopted In rounrll n fi'W weclu nun, Hint no bill In erevil tlml amount be contracted without the iiiimuut uf rounrll, unvo In canes like t tin t of Ibu street rummlmilonor, ln Items often barn lo eireed ibn. amount. TIid mayor again Inalnted Hint bo hail lMn aulhorlicd, Councilman Wlillo InnUUil Hint the ma) or hail neu-r been ItiMrurted In llio flrt plar In Incur any audi ex. pI'llSO. "I'll Iravu It to tho minutes," do i tared Mr. While. '"They will not bow anything of the kind. I'll reit ui) ras right Ibrro." "I more ou, Mr, Major, that wo refer I Iip bill lo llio flnanco commit let'," tpoku Ciitinrlliiian Charle. Mc Oowan, "There's nothing In refer In Hip rtnunrt) romniltlco" ixioilulalrd Wlille. of that body. "Why not hate a commltlco In look ntlcr all thM eipeotea that nrn mill Joel lo dliulo?" BURKcatrd Mcdowon. "I nioYi) that tho mayor aiipnlnl mrb n romniltlco." Tho mayor put tho motion, which prevailed, and ho appointed Council moil McOowan, Whlln nnd Wllklm on tho rommlllop, I'realdcnt Marlon llnnka tbrn mov ed that all bllla but that of IMuinblnK InHpector J. II. Shannon bo paid. Tho motion prevailed. "Aa m member of Hint pedal com mittee, I'll roiiort on tlm Virgil bill now, to pay It," laid Councllumn White "If you'll leave ull bills to mo I warrant you that the clly'a ex ponaoa will be cut down about BO per cent." No councilman offered to Inko Mr. Whlte'a offer. LATIKrH MVHTKIIV niNTINUKH An Interested nudleliro gnlhereil last night to watch tho tricks of Ven ders and llston to the telopathlc Infor mation given by R. Utlff, tho Hindu mentallst. Tho latter answered questions In the same mysterious manner as on Hundsy evening, and several of Sun day night's audience were again on hand to ask more questions or seo llio results obtained by others. Thoro wero moving pictures lo add variety to tho program. Tho en gagement will continue throughout (he wock, with prices J5 conta for grownups and IB eenta for children. Departure Of Cardinals Occasion Of Impressive Ceremonies NBW YORK, Nov. 14. Cardinals Designate Parley and Falconlo sailed for Roma at 10 o'clock this morning. The mass at gt. Patricks cathedral was one of the greatest Catholic out polirlngs In the history of New York. Parley, accompanied by Falconlo, left the arcbeplscopal residence and went to the cathedral. Representative! of every church In tho city lined the streets. WAIINHICH, TIIIIITKK.V IN NUMIUCIt, JOIN IIKIIi:iii lnlli'd I'renn Hvrvlce HHANUIIAI. Nor. H.ltelieli urn pii'pnrliiK to mind thirteen warHblpM wlili h Joined tbuiu )cnltrday, aaluil tho liuperlnllnla ut Nanking. The plan In for n luiiiltniicoiiH lit link Ii) tlm ni in' nnd navy. (AVION hah MAIITIAIi lAW, IIIIK1ANOM CONTIIOfi CITV United I'reu Hcrvlre HIIANdllAI, Nov. H. Martial luw luia been prnclalmnl nt Canton, Hob tier rbli fa nro pritctlrnlly In control of llio ell) riniteit mid brlKnuiU linvn been nipiiliili-d pollcomiiti. HUES ON WASHINGTON ARE All FINALLY SPARED rrl)-KIlil I'juneugrm nnd (Vu llietieil nnd Am Hnppy In Aatorbi Thii Kim! lli-jMirleil no lit Are Hpanil, Tini Hulled Preia 8rvice AHTOIIIA, Nov. It. Tho bar Iuk Tnlooiih ling timed tho Hchooner WnnlilllKlou In nilfel)-. Tin fort)-elRbt pnmieiiKers mid rruw nro infe nnd bavpy here. Itvporlii lluit two of Ibn erew per Ulied nro without foundation. i:ery ono n ncd. LYCEUM BUREAU -MAY MEET SOON I'HOMOTKItH ANXIDIS TO AVOIO ri'llTIIKIl IIUKAKH IN KIM.INO OATKK OI.KK HIXOKHH tit COMK MONOAY Nuw Unit Judge Henry I.. Uensou, prmlitent uf llio Klnmntb l)ceum bit lenu, nnd Kriuik Irn White, treasurer. tut o returned, l meeting of tho bu ruin ulll prntinbly bo called by Secre tary K. I,. Klllott to tako up the matter of making future dates more nuro than that of Kdmund Vanco Cooko proved to be. An effort will bo nindo to get n.i Hiirnnro from tho Hrltt I.)cenm llu rmn. which has contracted lo furnUli tlio talent. Hint no allp-upn will occur In tlio future. v Tli,. noxt dnlu Is Monday, when tho lto)nl Kngllah Oleo Blngera nro ached. lied lo nppear nt tho Houston opern house. INCItlMHt: MAHHIAUKH IIV TAX ON AM NOT UVK lOKN Unlled Press Service num. iv. Nnv. 14 Uv t&ilng bach elors und old maids, llio llltlo princi pally of Ileus Is going to try tlio ex periment of encouraging matrimony. Tho legislative body hna Just pass ed n bill In creasing by 5 per cent tho liiroiiiii lax on men nnd women who nro unmarried after llio age of SO. All aormnny Is watching the ox perlmont with greut Interest. Thorn nromlsea to bo an exodus of barholors and old maids from the lit tle principality, No adults wero admitted to tho cathedral, which waa reservod for tho children. As tho cardinals designate entered the children wared flags and sang, "Blessed Bo the Faith of Our Fath ers." Thousands stood outside. Many Catholics chartered steamers, accompany tho departing clerics down the bay. Designate MEXICAN ! HAS FORCE AND FUND Moti-rimr of n Mexltnii Hlnlii Claimed In lb Oullly of IW'trnjIiijc Madvro nnd llerelilng Arm and Aniiiiunl lion In guanllll' United I'resi Service IX I'AKO, Nov. 14. It la reported Hint IteyeiT followers liavo enllatod .'i.OflO men, and ha-vo n big war fund. It In rumored Hint tho governor of ii cerlnln Miixlcnu alaln Is betraying Mmlcro, nnd In recolvlim arms nnd ummunltlou. TROUBLE PILOT, CITY JTTORHEY COI'NCUAIAX WII.KINH MAKKM A MI'KM'II, IIU1IXO ON NKW Mf- MCII'AI. AOVIHKH NKKO OF h. fAI'IXO HIIOAIM OK LAW Councilman M. U. Wllklm, tho deuu In yeiira of tho city fathers, undo a chnraderliUc and kindly address last night In behalf of bis contemporaries mi ibu board to I lie new city attorney, Horace M, Manning, saying that he nnnteil lo Impress on him tbo neces sity of tho now counsel's keeping tho city council out of trouble. "We want him lo keep us out of these ruts wo've been getting In," de clared tho First ward member. "We want III in In 'speak nut In meeting,' uitd tell us when tho charter will net d'nnrt tho strain or tho stato law will not permit us to do this or that." Tho colonol's speech, supposedly alluding lo llio council's action In g.-nnllng n noenth saloon license, w I Ich was done on a night when City Attorney K. I,. Klllott was absent nnd Asdstnnt City Attorney W. II. 8hnw Ticitcnt, was heartily received. REBELS OGGUPOY CHEFO, MEETING NO RESISTANCE They ul Heavy lrirn on Head of Manrliu iVnimauder of Nanking, Who Is ltesHnslble for the rrea There SIIANQHAI, Nov. 14. Rebols hnvo formully occupied Chofoo. ImperlnllHU nro not resisting. ' lU'boln hava offered 300,000 en lewurd for Hie bend of General Chang Hum, tho Munctiii commnuder of Nonklng, who was responsible for tho mnsrocres. It Is rcporlod that rebels at Nan king huvo received supplies for .a re- nowed attack on tho city, which la burning. ' WANT SIDEWALK, WALNUT STREET I'ltOPKHTY OWNERS ASK OOUN CIIj FOR lK(tMIBION TO LAY OXK BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIOHTII STREETS Petition to construct a sidewalk In front of lots 6. 7, 8, 8 and-10, block 7S, Klamath addition to Llnkvllle, waa received last night by the coun cil and placod on file. .This la along the north side of Walnut street, from Soventh to Eighth street. Tho petition was signed by .J, 8. Peck, M. A. Peck, Helen Wakeield, p. O. DeLnp, C. J. Martin, Tbomaa Martin, C. L. Poland, O. B. deaden nlng, deorge McDonald, J. A, McDon ald. Qeorgo B. Smith, R. H. Dunbar, iMlnnlo R. Ward (by Frank Ward). KOIl MAHTKN JI'IKIMKXT AHHHIX- Kit TO HIM IIV CUKNT X)UN Clti ttWWKH TO I'AV OAMAORH ((HUT OIIDKItKI) At tbo touncll meeting last night tho Judgment of W.W.MaMen against llio city for $3C and $28.80 court umlH, llio oufcomo of tho circuit court tnso which was brought by Ifasten when tho city started to raxo bis bam, was ordered paid, after somo discus sion, as Attorney J. C. Ilutenlc, who represented Mastcn In tho case, and to whom tbo Judgment had been as signed by Mnsten, had Informed tho finance committee that ho was will ing In accept a city warrant for the money. Councilman O. W. Wlillo, chairman uf tho finance committee, wanted to know If It waa not truo that tho city bnd a bill against Maston, evidently liming ii vlow to endeavor a set-off. Mu) or Fred T. Sandorson said this hill was being paid off all right, nc cording tn his Information. TURKS TEAR OWN FLAG TAKENFRM TRIPOLI OfNeiT Who Take Flag to Turkish Capital Almost IWateu to Death by Mob That Awaits Hhn at the Kail roadHtatloM United Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE, Nor. 14. A Turkish officer who arrlred hero with tho Turkish flag which wared orer TrlMill was almost beaten lo death by u mob which awaited his arrlral nt tho railroad station. The flag was taken from him and burned. CHAPMAN'S BOND IS SATISFYING CONTKACTOIl FOK THK FOUHTII HF.WKIt UNIT OIVHB ACCKITA HI.F. SHIFTY AND CKRTIFIKO CIIKCK IS OIIUKRBD RETURNED N. J. Chapman, successful bidder for tho fourth sewer unit, tendered to tbo council last night hit bond for f 1 0,000, furnished by the United Slates Fidelity and Ouaranty company of Baltimore, Md., through J. W. Boss. City Attorney Horace M. Man ning examined the bond at well aa the credential of Rosa as agent, and pronounced everything valid and binding, on which tbo council accept ed the bond and ordered tho certified check for 11,000, tendered with the bid to bo returned to Mr. Chapman. BEATTIE CONFESSES- GONMTEO PERJURY Cousin of ('mulcted Wife Murderer Makes Affidavit UepudUtlag Main Points He Snore to at the Trial Oovernor Delays Unlled Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 14.. Attorney Walter C. Baldorsou today admitted that Paul Brattlo mad an affidavit In his offlco last week, repu diating tho main features of his tes timony whereon his cousin, Henry Beattlo, was convicted of wife mur der. The affidavit was presented to Oov ernor Mann at Richmond. This Is tho reason he postponed his decision on Beattle'a appeal for com mutation of tho murder sentence. J, Bcott Taylor, telegraph editor of tho Chronicle, Is out again after few days' Illness, and Is able to at tend to bin- regular duties. RICHESON TRIAL TO 60 AHEADJIEFENSE SAYS Attorney for Minister Armsed of Mur der Ifcf bum That Ho will Make no Mom Efforts to Keep the Prisoner From Arraignment United Press Service UOSTON, Nor. 14. Rlcheson'a at torney, William Morse, said he would not attempt lo further postpone tho trial. Jnmen l,oe, a Virginia lawyer, will enmo here when Ihc trial opens Jan uary 1 51b. BURRELL LEAVES FOR FORT ROCK COUNTY ItOAII ' HUIMIER SATO ! HKAHO.VH WOHK 114 PIUCTICAU I I.V OVFJL HAVF. FOK MTRKTCH UMX (t)VERKI D. K. Burrell of Fort Bock, who has charge of a gang of road build ers that has been Improving county roads under orders from tho .county commissioners, who has been In the city for a week conferring with tbo county officials on matters connected with the road work, left today tor his home. "We po practically through with road worK for tbo season," said Mr. Burrell, "but will try to put In sbapo tho eight miles between Wocns Bay and Solomon's Flats, which wu cov ered with debris by tbo big wind storm of Sunday, October 8, which road damage was told about In the Herald somo days ago. H'g pretty hard figuring to get through that stretch now, even with a light load, and wo want to get It opened for tho winter." UNCLE SAM MAY MEDIATE MTHF TIIDKO-ITIIY Will h-' ,ot bl l3 w" KlMD ML IllnnU IIIU.I linn th Falls addition, shed to be of ( wood, -6x34, to cost flOO, Hiily Has Asked Washington if This Nation Is Willing to Act aa Arbl. . . . . o v.w. trator, and Answer Seen Favor. nlde to It United Press Seine HOME, Nov. 14. It Is stated au thoritatively that Italy has sounded Washington regarding America's will ingness to raodlato between Italy and Turkey In Tripoli, and that Washing ton admlulitrntlnn Is favorable to so acting. LATER Secretary of Stato Knox said: "This government hasn't been npproached by Italy regarding media tion by America In Tripoli. There la nothing In the report." FIGHT PICTURES COMING FRIDAY HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE WILL SHOW MOVING PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WOLOAST-McFARLAND FIGHT INSTEAD OF TATIFF Manager John V. Houston of the opera house has decided, In order to give Dorrlt a cbaace to get.H. Latin", tho Hindu mentaAlat. to close the en gagement of the Oriental telepathic export with tbo perforstanea next Thursday night, and. Latll and aa magician, Yenders, will play la Dor- rla Friday night, when at the opera house the pictures of the Wolgast McFarland light will be throws oa a aereen. Mr. Houston save tha pic ture are dandy. "I don't want to miss 'ens," he declares. TIIOl'HANIM IN OKtlMAN CITV. I IAVK in u.itiwun r u.vin United Press Service I1EHLIN, Nor. 14. More than 600,000 people live In 100,000 "one- room" flats In Borlln, according to figures Just Issued by the city statl- clan, Dr. Knotynskt. HTIM TBiriNO FOB JUIIY TO TnY MrNAMARA CASK United Preoa Service LOB ANGELES, Nor. 14. Judgo Dordwell qualified sixteen men of tho sixth venire for Interrogation by at torneys. Three vacant seats In the box wero filled by C. It. Blllott, Burton Collins, William Andre. Attorney Davis started the Interro gation later. FEDERAL ICMIARA CASE DflTL NGUOFF A UTH No Farther Steps Will He Taken nt Homier Captial Until In December, and Grand Jnry Taken on A4- Jnninmrnt. United Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, Nor. 14. Feder al authorities announce that no far ther steps will be taken In the McNa- mara probo until December 14th. The grand Jury has adjourned. PERMITS GIVEN TO FOLKS TO BUILD OITTF. A LITTLE UATCH OF .NEED ED AUTHORITIES FOK PUTTING UP NEW STRUCTURES GRANT Ell I1Y COUNCIL Building permits were given by the council last night as follews: W.CTownscnd flats, Sixth and Pine root over porches at rear of building. i J. M. Mooro and F. U. Patrick, . M'oitprn TrnmfiT comuanv. wason Mrs. Adeialdo M. Williams, oy r. wmiama. six-roora couage on 101 3. block 0, Ewauna Heights addition. i . . ' . . . .. :. . ". j.. . ::.?, : ' ii, diock ij, rairview anauiuD. E. H. Lawrence, remodel front of Kolsey block, loU 1 and 3, block IS, original town of Klamath Falls, to be open front effect, with six doors, tran som effect of 18 Inches, balance to bo tilled with prism glass. George 11. Carlisle, frame wood shed, 10x16 feet, lot 2, block 3, First addition. Permission for a barn, the same location, was deferred for Inves tigation of the alte. WILL COUNCIL GET. QUORUM? When council adjourned last night It was to meet next Monday night, but that Is the night for the nppearance here in the Klamath Lyceum Bureau course or tho Itoyal English Glee sing ers, which makes the chances rather slim for w quorum, as most of the members of the council are patrons of the lyceum course. Work On Fourth Sewer Unit Begun . By Successful Bidder, N. J. ChapRf Work on construction of the fourth sewer unit haa already begun. N. J, Chapman, who was the suc cessful bidder for the work, started yesterday, before his bond bad been accepted, to carry out the contrast, and a gang of men, about a score In number, hnvo been busy at tho com- mencement of the route, nt Main and Esplanade. - According to the terms of the eoa- STAND OF MAJORITY CITY OFFICIAL WHO PAMUM OX JOBS HAH HIH TROUBLES TRY. IXO TO GET CITY'S M3TH ON WORK DONE J. H. Shannon, city plumbing in spector, haa his troubles. He cannot collect from property owners the dollar fee provided by tha city ordinance tor Inspection dona en plumbing Jobs, In many canes. Ha turned In n batch of several deaen cards, containing names of those de linquent on tbeso feea last night at the council meeting, when called he- fore the board to explain hta Mil, amounting to fslS.IS for Angwet, September and October, hi whleh time he had collected only 1 41. 'There arc a lot who won't Bay," said Shannon. "It's a pretty hard Job to ask a man, after he's Just paid a plumbing bill, to pay a dollar for In spection, They simply will not pay It In many cases. The way to do la to make the plumber put It In his bill for the work and collect It, and then wo could collect It from bin." There's an ordinance somewhere which makes It the plumber's duty to collect It," declared Colonel M. O. Wllklns. the First ward mtraber. I had three Jobs done on my prop erty nnd only two were paid," aald Mayor Fred T. Sanderson. President Marion Hanks said there was an ordinance for property owners to pay for inspection of lateral, and raid he had paid for nspeetloa at hie. "How la the Inspector hired, stayer, by a set rate or by the Job?" asked Couacltman G. W. White. "He la paid at tha rata of II 00 per raoath for the time he works," aald the mayor. "It waa tha Intention to make the office of plnmblag Inspattor self-sustaining, nnd the plumbtag In spector ought to make tke collec tions." , "I asked that question soma time ago, and was told that I had no au thority to make the people pay," as serted the plumbing Inspector. "Do you want to go further with the matter, Mr. White?" naked the mayor of the chairman of the ftnaneo committee. Before Mr. White had framed a reply Councilman Allen Staaabte moved that the bills of the plnmMag Inspector be referred to tho tunes committee, which motion proved very popular among the council, mm it was so ordered. The bills are aa follews: Iaspeet Ing lateral sewers to property Mne, 66 sewers, 33 days at $3.85 per day, S137.0S; setting 10 sewera. 5 days. $19.25; 45 plumbing laspeetiona, 865; repairing sewera on Klamath avenue, Center street, S days, 111.15. Total. $181.85. Chambers PaHs Down a Few Barney Chambers, Ed Jacobs and some other hunters took a little sportsmen's excursion yesterday 'to Goose Haven, about two miles beiew Midland, where, by dint of careful pursuit they bagged about etity ducks. About fifty of the kill ware plump young mallard, on whleh tho hunters, as well as a number of their fortunate frlenda whom they bered, have been feasting. A -r -3- 1 tract Mr. Chapman has until fJ 15th next to complete tha work; W'V Tune Given to Tin fit Uasaam-'-'g -j Arthur B. Uvermer aipaam ng. council laat night to aek a v''emP extension after November 11KI 9 more the liquor buelaeea frosa aMgsjjl and Main to Fourth, m ." tha Melaaae building. ! permission WHM, rt - Ti.LJ m - .i iU ..mil Vil :t m V, 1 ? '- dU"-m'kVts'' r . IS', v-. . oyi.MXa&i i't