felth. fef " f. jr- XkAU . t' 1 " The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties v3l VwMJ he lb wine JtefaliV 9(7, KVKXIN1 NBWBPATMM PRINT THK XKW8, NOT HISTORY Hllh VcrNo. f ,M KLAMATH FALLS, ORBQON, MONDAY, NOVF-MUICH IS, 111 Pftatf Hv SrG&zn Hnuvinrm UNITM) rMM HMWi SBftVHJB RUSH HOTEL WORK TO GET COMPLETED 1 .XAXKIMi MAHMACHFJ-l COXTIXIIK NIGHT WORK BEGINS1 nllert ,,,8" HIIANtlllAI. Nov. U.Advlcc In- jdlinto Hint liuianncrctf lit Nanking ron WIIITK PKIiCAN I'KOI'I.K IIAVk,iiir,. I'l.KNTY T IK ANONYMOCH ImperlnlUU nrn pursuing rebel UtHHHMPONDKXT MIXKH PHAsI1""1 "''"I'l'lng llivm til piece. AMI UAKK IN IIKNMKHT An there nre but fifteen dayrr, In rlndlnit Bundty. between now and the date Mt for oirn limtnn by tbo new While l'elkan llotrl, Thanksgiv ing day, Thursday, November 30th, I ho public It beginning to wonder If tbo strurttiro unit tin equipping nra to lu flnUhod on time. There remain n lot of work to do, urh m getting Iho heating register placed In llin loom, tho carpet and fiirnltnro In stalled, some nf thn flooring, wblrh U In be of fancy design, Inld, big plnlo glass wlndowt In, cement walk nround Iho bulldlnic nnd ntber detail lo lie attended to, "Wo expect to hare ever) thing In khlpshspe for the opening date," ald Chief Clerk K. II. l,onifr thli morn Iiik. "although It I trim that we wilt bo hurtled to get our 'date filled,' a Intended. Thn plan la from now on lo work night and day to get thing accomplished. We have been (tlrrlng up tho furniture to get It pushed tilling and landed In Klamath Fall In plenty of tlmo for setting up In tho building. Tbo papering la to com uicnee today, and another detail being looked after this morning I the wir ing for electric light by which the men may work nvcry night from now until we open." The management figure that by doubling tho working shift that It w'lll get practically twice aa much time to inlah work on tho building as It would by confining the work to thn daylight hour. The management of the While Pel Iran Hotel la In receipt of nn nnnony. mou poatcard, reading a follew: "One cannot help wondorlng Juit why you are to aorro petll pol (little peat) with the des- aert at your vry awell(T) din ner. It la to laugh." "It certainty 'la to laugh' at the de rided Ignorance dliptayod In tho above mlaalTe," aald Mr. tauter. "The menu published In tho paper several daya ago thowed very plainly that 'petit fours' would bo torved n part of tho deatert on tho banquet menu of tho White Pelican Hotel opt-lag. "Thore.lt qulto a difference be tween petit four (aiaorted amall enkea) and 'petit pol' (amntl peaa) ahowing thai tho peraon'e knowledge on tuch matter la extremely meager. "Our aleward l not capable of making uVh prepoaturon mlatake. and tho party In queatlon need lomo extensive achoollng on matlora per tAlnlng to the cultlno of hotelltm." 8. W. Rceac, who hat been In town for a couple of dayt, returned to hla llonanxa home Sunday. Follett Freed By Twelve Men Of Charge Judge Ilonry L. Denton, who has nrrlved from Lakovlow after n aosslon of court there, atated that tho Jury In tho Follett manalaughter rato had aume In Saturday morning with n verdict of "not guilty," after bolng out all night, about twolvo hour all told. Special to The Herald LAKRVIBW,, rjor. 13. After one of the longtet criminal trial that haa over bean fought In the clrcut court here for tome yeare,A..(Pte) Follett' cat went to the Jury Friday night. About thirty wltneeaea were exam Ined by th ttate and detente during the trial, fhlle 107 Jurymen were e amia-aeiviOffore the twelve men in waeee KMh the caae flaally retted were iHeittk Dittrlet Attef nty Dell I mimm irauuig in ino cnjr am wrecked, and thn burned city It (strewn with dead unci dying. It U cutlmnted that nt leant 50,000 have licoii slain. Rebel nre prcpailng terrlblu re tnllatlun, and It I period n savage linltln will bo fought noon ninr Nan king, Continued lighting nt Fiichnw I re ported, IMt'giitf from thirteen of eighteen L'lilni'ni' provliKe will Immediately nnittmhlc nt Hliiinglml to draft ii' con tltutlon for n new republic, no It I reported. rumiCSTAKKIl (it-mi JAIL TIMK II I' W'iijiii', urrcnt.'d nt the 8. 1'. bonrdlng liiiuso lint week by Dcput) Hherlff Jiiliti Hchnllock, on it itiiirge of Inking another man' milt of clothe and pulr of shof. pleaded guilty Haturday when taken beforo Jimtlrn of tho I'enro Chnrlc (Irnve, and thl ninrnluK the Juttlca scnlonc cd him to sixty da) In jail. The ownor of the dud wn not to- rated, a ho complained to thu her- Iff' ofllco without leaving hi name, and after hla clothe were recovered rnuld not bo found. 6000 SEASON OF TENNIS IS PSOra I EUGENE f.lrl at NtMle Unlvenlly Will lUy Agnlnut Willamette and Wa!ilaa toii Teaino Oregon Ouiniplim I CiMiihlng IImi I'Uyem Hpeclnl to Tlio lleruld IIXIVKIIHITY OF OIIKOON. Nov. 13. (heat plan am being formulat ed for n good caon of tennla tnt year ut tho University of Oregon. Tho girl' tcnnl team will play mo Willamette uud Washington toamt. Two girl will bo rhoien to represent Oregon In them game, the tryout for wblrh will bo hold early In the spring. Mis IlBKlvy, tho prestdeui or ino club, Is corresponding with the presi dent of tho other two college In ro gard In date, etc. Thorn l pros pect of very good matorlal. Tho team will bo coached by Italph NowlMidcr, tho Oregon champion, a Honlor, nnd ho oxpreCH great confi dence on tho final result of the tour nament. Thl I tho first year that Oregon ha ever had a girl' team, nnd a great deal of enthuslnsm has already boon manifested. Of Killing Mexican V. Kuikondall with AtsUtant District Attorney John Venator fought mr mo stiito. while Ufa F. Conn handled tho rnvo for tho doteuto, Tim. Instruction of Judge Henry L. llensoh wore vory clear nnu piaiu, ami gave th prisoner oyfery bonclU that tho law Wlowod, while at tho tamo tlmo adhering to tbo fact that a crlmo had beon committed. Tho Jury retired, and after dottu- orating until 10 tVclock p. m., tent tor Judge Denton a4d aaked for further instructions, after which xhey e- tufMd.to the Jury room for the night to battirwrer a verdict, in waiting' la Lakevlew It the aged father of tho prittnW, while hla wife and children and mMy brothers and sisters throughout thli part of tnt) country are listening tor- the words that will either free the defendant or commit bias to a eeatenoe. LAHT TAX KICKS t.'OMK WKICXKHDAY Wednesday I I ho lnitt day that the county board of equalization, con hIhIIiik of Count)' AH8'ior J. I'. I.00, County Judge Wllllnm H. Worden nnd County Clerk (!. It. IK' l.np, will lis ten lo Krluvnnco of tnxpa)cr who liuvo been woefully Injured by having their property ihhichupiI nt nltldiidl noun flgureir. On Thiindny the board will begin to mm up II work, miiki) tut or at lerntlnn In tho opMixllo direction, af ter which It will total up tho adjusted nnement and find nut whern It "I nt," nH cimipnred with tho total as orlglnnlly fixed by Captain J. I. Lee. tbo iiiiinty nmiepior. Hoy Walker of Athland I In tho rlty for overal da)' visit with hi mother, Mr. W. A. Walker, and to nttend to htudncH matter. CHAPMAN PEOPLE FILE ARTICLES or ixroiti-niiATiox at ofkick Ol' roi'XTY fl.KHK fiJMPANY XAMKO Hlft CXIXTIIACTOIl WHO NKCI'IIKII HKWKH I'XIT JOH Article of Incorporation are being taken out by tho Chapman Construc tion rompnny, which filed n copy of the article thl morning In the offlco nf County Clerk Oh Men It. Do Lap. The Incorporator are N. J. Chap man, A. F. araham and k. u. ward, tbo capital atock being $10,000, nnd slmrc f 1 each. Tho company Is named after tho first Incorporator, who recently se cured from tho Klamath Fall city council tho contract to construct the fourth aewor unit. Tho P)thlcn SUIrs nro making preparation- for k big tlmo on Wed nesday evening. After the regular todgu work n basket social la to be held, to which nil Knights of Pythias and a largo number nf other guests linvo been Invited. A very entertain ing program has been arranged. NATE OTTERBEIN WEDS, ' SCOOPS HERALD OFFICE I.IKOTYI'IHT OF HKUALD, UTTKH IXO NO WAKNINQ TO FKLLOW WOHKKItH, TAKK8 HHIDK IN MIIH. MAItUKHY HOAflMNH Xnto Ottcrboln, .who oporatct tho Mcrgenthalor llnotypo In tho offlco of tho Klamath Fall Kvenlng Herald, became a benedict Inst Saturday even ing, tho w (Hiding of Mrs. Margery lloagland to Mr. Otterboln being quietly celebrated without banns. Tho ceremony was performed by Rov. Com go II. Feese, nt the pastoral man tlon. It waa a clean scoop on the offlco. Mrt. Otlorbeln It well knrfwn In thl county, where tho hat lived for Home tlmo, and formerly conducted tho Amorlcan Hotel at nonanta. Mr. Ottcrboln l nn old rcsldenter of Klamath Fnlls, and n man of long and vulunblo oxpcrlenco In tho newspaper business. Tho many friends of tho newly mar ried couplo will congrntutnto them on their commencement of a marital Journey. SUIT FOR MONEY FOR GOODS SOLD ItKUGKIl KROS. KNTBR ACTION IN ClUCl'lT TO OBTAIN COMPBK HATIOX ALLBQBO AS DUB FROM F. C. 1IAMBHR Berger Bros., Incorporated, are, through Attornoy B. L. BlUott, aulas F. O. Bambor for 1714.81 for gooat which the latter it alleged to have obtained from plaintiff, whose bill was fled this morning with County OIrk Charles R. DeUp. COLLINS RMS WELL WITH CLOTH MIMHTKKH OV OTIIKK DKXOMI- XATIOXH IX KOHMKIl FIELD I'AHM HKHOLLTIONH IIHURBT TIXU HIM IIKPARTUHK Hov. Dr. Ilonry C. Collins, new rec tor of draco Kplaeopal church In thl city, waa given a pleasant testimonial by tho Ministers' Union of Ventura, Calif., where he mlnlstored prior to his dopnrturo for this field. The or ganisation of other pastors In Ventura poised resolution on tho leaving of Dr. Collin for Klamath Falls, a fol lew: "In tho departuro of Dr. C. If. Col llnx from Vontura, tho Mlnletera' Union Inset another valued member. During hi two years pastorato we hnvo found him a most helpful co- laboror and a pleaunt companion. He hn been energetic, enthusiastic, opti mistic, doing a splendid work In hi own eharge and at the tamo tlmo al- wa wilting to lend a helping hand to other. "He ha been public spirited, a leader In over)' movement for the temporal and moral welfare of the community. In hi departuro from i our city we wish to express) a aenio of our peraooai lot and a prayer for Ood'a bleating upon him, wherover bo may bo called upon to labor." Signed: C. It. DAINS (Congregational) A. L. Baker (U. B.) ' (1. II. Harrlt (M. B. South) J. I'. KADSTOX (Christian) J. n. 8TONB (Pretbyierlan). BIG DEALINLAND SHOWN BY OEEDS OltWJOX VAI.I.KY LAND CMiANY 8KLI-H TO (JOOHK liAKR VALLKY HtltlOATlOX COMPANY ALL ITS LAHK HOLDIKGH Special to Tho Herald .AKKVIBW, Nov. 13 The largest land deal made In Lake county In aomo tlmo hat Just came to light with the filing of deeds to tho entire hold ings ot the Oregon Valley Land com pany hero by Attorney W. Lair Thompson uctlng for the new ownere, tho Oooso I.nko Valley Irrigation com pany. Tho holdings of tho Oregon Valley Land company have Included tome ot tho best lands In the valley, and at one tlmo umounieti to over ou.uuu ncrrt In the willcy, along with about 300,000 acres that were Mattered from Klamath county, "across Lake and Hnrney counties and Into Malheur county, comprising the alternate lec tions of tho old California-Oregon military road grant. A year ago last tall the company cut thcto boldlngt Into entailer tractt that ran from ten acres to 1,000 acres In area, and nt thai; time had a big land drawing here. In which over l, 000 contract holder secured land in various sited tract. At that time there was a misunderstanding, it Is claimed, nbout tho area that, the drawers covored, tor many ot the land-takera believed that the landa were all In (loose Lake Valley, Instead of being scattered over a long strip ot country, as thoywero. There aro a number of sections ot land owned by tbo company that aTe not subdivided, and these, together with the mammoth Irrigation system that It to take! water from a large storage reservoir In Drewa Creey can yon at the point where It leaves the hills to enter qoote Lake Valley, la Included In the deal Jutt completed. The Oregon Valley Land company has spent close to 81,000,000 on the irritation project, which Is expected to water these I suds, aad their selling out at this time, not being understood by peoplo here, Is causing much com ment Attorney Thompson for the com pany la out of town, and therefore no statement from him Is obtainable. It la believed that the new eomnaay will carrrtu$hework ot the old eeaeerm aad rulall k contracts that V - they Iimp with tho thouMMd of con tiact bolder that own Jend In the valley. The plant It rapldlf nearlng com pletion, nnd tho belief I that water will be supplied to ill tbnt desire It next spring, thougb'so far there are very few ownor lira poiltlon to need the water, a their Innd nro not cleared of t&go brush nor aro laterals prepared to conduct the water. Many of tho Contract havo soma payment to bo tiado on them, thoujh the majority aro fully paid up, and entitled to bo recorded when the own er ho desire. Tho turning on of the nuter noxt spring will mean thouaanda of dollars to those who are ready to till the fCrtlln lands, and the comple tion of tho project will proba-tily mean thdoubllng of. thn fruit and grain crop oPtUp valley within tho next few year. tIv suhmelTssnow just as sprihg IttiCKXT FALL OK "THK IlKAtTI Fl'L" FALM LAHGKLY HACRI- KICK TO AltDKXT OAREH8KS OF OMI H()L With an unusually ardtnt tun to day the snow which had glvon tho city the atpect of winter began rap Idly to melt, making the view rather remindful of spring. Thu streets were fairly running with that thlt afternoon. The eoldett of the tnow snap waa 14 tt at 11 p. m. Saturday. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning It waa 21, tbo high being 3S at 4 p. m. At 8 o'clock latt night It waa 38. The coldest latt night waa I nt 18:10 a. m.. and al 8 o'clock this morning It was 38. Judging by the way the mow melt ed this nfternoon It mutt have been around 4S. Syke Hamager camo la from Bo nanza last night after a load ot freight. LIBERTY OR DEATH, SAYS mORKYSFOINcNMIM Harrow Amerta That He Will Stand for Xo Verdict aa a Sop to Cea- ck-nro of "KUUiappcrt" of IWcwd antt, a He Call Them Unltod Press Bervlco LOS AXGBLES, Nov. 13. Attor ney Clarenco narrow, chief counsel tor the defense In tho trial ot John and James McNaniaru, said teday: "They'll olther hang Jim McNamara or turn him loose. I'll stand for no verdict to sop tho conscience ot the men who kidnapped him. Dittrlet Attorney Frederlcki may tell the Jury that If there It room for doubt In cir cumstantial evidence It can find htm guilty and fix the punishment for life, but I won't eland for It. Liberty or death mutt be hit portion." Oarrow In enraged over Judge Brodwoll's stand In ruling that the defenco cannot challenge any man who It convinced that McNamara U guilty, but who sayt.iie would not bang on circumstantial evidence, Frederick trailed when thown tho ttatement. "The ttate, not counsel for the de fense, makes the law," He said. GLASS DREAKER FREE, A6E HELPS CIVIL WAR VHTBBAN WHO DB- 8TROYBD THK OrWCB SALOON UGHTS WILL NOT BB PROW. OUTBD BY OWNBR, DU FAULT James Haley, the 7 3 -year-old G, A. R, veteran, who roomed at tho Oesset lodging bouse, and who ladulged hla temper a week ago by aataahlng the, plate glass windows of Bd Du faalt.'a saloM'beaatue ha had bea retused IservlM atM toee, hw beta set tree, : v, FIFTY IMPERILED, COASTER BREAKING ns tho owner of tho saloon refuted to prosecute. ?TheV arretted olm and were around after mo a couplo of timet to prosecute, asking me to twear to a complaint," said Sir. Du Fault "I said that I did not caro.to undcrtako to push tho matter. Thu man la old, and would hardly live through a tea unco If one waa Impoeed oa him, tor hit action It a penitentiary okenee. It did not teem to me to he Jutt right to take up the matter under tuch cir cumstance." "It ho acting ttralgbt now?" "Oh, I guest he't left town by tblt time. I told him they'd tend him to the penitentiary It ho were convicted. and I think It stirred him np tome." Haley, It will bo remembered, wat refused a drink by Du Fault because tbo owner ot the lodging house where Haley waa rooming had requested It, Iho old man having been In hit cup for tome time when the request wat made. . On being told that he could not have any liquor, and gently escorted out the door to the alley, be muttered hit age, and aald ho had never btfore been refuted a drink. Outside the door, leaning agatatt the house, wat a rake, which had been used to clean up the leavea In tho alley. Ho grabbed the garden tool, made tot the atreet front ot the ee Ubllabment, aad with vtgoroaa swipes broke the glata In the eatraaee door and tho two btg tight, plate glass wlndowt, which were la the front window frame. The damage waa about ItBB. CONT HM T LAKE HIS BEEN FNSNEI JUDGE, DISTRICT ATTOHXBY ABB) - STKXOORAFHHR BACK AVTI UXU8UALLVLOXO AND HTREN. I'Ol'S 8K88IOX Judge Henry L. Benton of the cir cuit court, District Attorney Dell V. KiDkcndall and R. M. Richardson, official stenographer for the court, have returned from Lakevlew after at court session lasting a month, which wat one ot the most Important and strenuous In tho history of court work In Lake county. Among tho Important cases was one miipila- 'nnn minalnnfftif Ar. Bftveml hhmi itnunr Hitn. beside forcerr. ... . larceny ana divorco cases, sggregsi-i Inga large number. JOKE OX COUNTY AHSBSSOR Captain J. P. Leo, county assessor, It bolng Joked htTd todsy. His taxea amounted to f 47,86, and when he went to the sheriff's office to pay them was astonished to f nd that they were, overdue. It cost him a 85 penalty for the delinquency. "They'd been delinquent " Just a month," tadly remarked the captala. Pierce Will Gives Quarters To Son, Rest To Widow Tho will ot the lste Joseph O. Pierce hst beon Hied with County Clrrk C. R. Do Lap for probate, It providea that hi Interest la tim ber lands In Jsckson and Klamath counties ahall go, one-fourth to tho w.le, Agnes Pierce, aad the remainder to the son, Albert Hopkins Pierce. It thi interest Is disposed of, prior to the teuator'a. death, the proceeds are, to be divided In the same proportion , Mrs. Pierce la to be guardian ot thu sod, without bonduntil he Is II, aid during that period Is to keep hi part of the Umber Interest Intact, admw Isttrlng the Income according to her Judgment. . - When the son U. II-he Is to have oae-suerter ot .the accumueWM profits on the timber hoJdlags, whew he to if. oee-tnarter ot tfht vnmmw TWO SAILORS LOST, IIKHCHKHH FKJHT TO UbtT laTJm AflOAHJ) LCMBJHt CRAFT IN COLUMBIA'S HAH, HBAVT MM KXOAXOKRINO ALL LIVBB United Preae Serrtee NORTH HEAD, Wath., Not. II. The lumber cotster Washington wat) wrecked In heavy mm Intlde the Co lumbia River bar, with fifty peeete aboard. Two of the crow were waahed over board. Rcscuert are Sgbtlag to get SUM nboard Iho boat ? Tho vessel la a total Iota, aad to darting to break up. She I lying off tho ahore 108 yards, and tho turf It breaking clear over her. The tltnttlon la critical. FltENG IS KM MM NIK 8PKCIAL BOITHKKX PACIFIC, B4S- THCTIVK TRYING IX) GB UNK OX MOVRMBNTS Of MAJf BB- PORK HK RKACHH Aleaaader Douglas, Heary Mi br A. B. Morgan, whatever may bo Ma aaaaejao admitted stotarde arraigned tor a tellplaary Mtalac before Justice of tho Peace Cmarlea Graves that he had started. Ue fear res last Monday eight, is aad erst eed to havo signed a written eoaftastea saade to Deputy Sheriff Jeha ekal- , lock and Special Ageat O. B. Tsetses of tho Southern Paclde, who waa bare working on tho arson caae. The ae cused gave at bis object In the burn ings, hit intended robbery ot tte feet oil ce. Thomat bat gone south along the line of the Southern Facile, to see It ho can learn more about the tseve inentt of the prisoner before he easae to thli part of the country. Schallock bellevet there waa atare than ouo man connected with the ,. arsou despite the fact that the ae- cutcd man claims to bo wholly to J blame. Assistant District Attorney Horace M. Manning says he believes tho man had been near Klamath rails T for two montha prior to the n.LIM Vt Mhtnfl J. PMMa. -- - -j v5rs I " '? ." nt "'" ." TT T, while tho deputy therlff thlnkt the prisoner had Just arrived treat below. ". , ( $ HOLY WAR lMMINTNT, AND ARABS INTITB NATtTfBB TRIPOLI. N9T. IS. Holy war to N Imminent. Arab delegations at Taala aro to- vltlng the native to cross the Tripes frontier and Join Mohammedans la a war ot extermlaatloa. Timber, Three and when 30, SO percent more ot the principal. , ' All other property, real and per sonal, goes to Mrs, Plsrce. .... CJ WIM4AM Nl'KKUK HU SSUSMi t uounclng the death thto meratos (' OrUnd, Calif., ot WllUaxt Speaee. the;.-' . deceased waa well aaewa im I county, having been -a W this county for a Hrtod of eight yep' until about Ire yeara ago. removed to California. He nterly owner ot. waat,la asrtr.hin . h nnkhsnlmee.,-Baar PSIiSSBl He la survives or two sovtLtjtw daughters,aelof, watoh, 'Bsv 4ff-wSttBJtvatBatj y wtswpsatat' we tatts Mr. laaaee was a ahi ot Klitta Lodgo Ma. 1W. tvOT VtjPMHefU 4l 8 " T lVbl I r"U r . ieA d 'J HI 1 V M