T4' i" ' t i (. V ' f f U. AV The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties ,f'v -W ff V twkm i it m erao. - 1 HUPI'I.IKD IIY TIIK UMTKD I'HKMH NKWM HKIIVICM KVKNIN1 NEWSPAPIM PRINT TUB NKWS, NOV MMTOIIY C i u - m " a a" 1 Hlitli Year Nu. I, o I KLAMATH KAMA, OltKOON, I'lllDAY, NOVKMIIKH 10, Itill .nijali.i.i Ik jHutuna ELKS MINSTRELS STIR UP RISIBLES MUCH GOOD TALENr ciiiciiitaiilk riionnniox, with I'llOlllHIlH, tUmiH, NI'IXIAU Til, IIUIILrMOlrM AND UHWU ii.XUH, MAKK8 HIT Kvet) hotly Iiml n drink or Klku' milk lust nlglit, nl least ovcry- I..,.,, mi,, wuin i mi' i.i iiiinnui'iH in lorn, ny .m, it, rumple, nuilaum given at HuiibIoii'h opera homo, nmt (y ,Mllin Davenport nml Illily Turner J lliey (oiinil Ihc linniil of rli)l fur- "Oonr Old Donr." liy I. Joy Knapp nml iiIIiim hy Oio wnpltl, or tvrtiu nlcv( llnnlit, "Conui AIoiik My Mnnily," b) it mm Inctrnl iliOlisht, p. I,. Ilmiiiloii n croom, 0; II. Ilny- Ho, If thr rentier Irnrim of n frli'iullilnn m lliu hrhli', M. K. Tomplo n, h Ii.r InM up loitny, tlm illtuhllll) pnrmni, r. It. ()lil anil 1'. C, llnmbcr limy likely bo Inlil lo finrtbrnl rllm.jinolil folk, nml Millm Dnvenporl nml iipllt nldoii or illoririit t iMlhtin Hilly Turner mi plcknnlnnlci. oiiimmI by nn ownloiio of niniiietneiit. Tim "Clono Vo' i:)i" boiik iIIh- Imily who waul lit tin. i:ik' minstrels Tliero, wnn u bin turnout of i:ik mi't their frlrmlii to wltiieim tlio pro-1 iliifllon, Milled wnii put on (rrilllnlily.ifnllitr tr)lm,' to lull to ulecp bin llttb i'rry wny roimblercil, nml the lornl bit wrrn ni.mcroiiH nml luillrrouii, leo tunny lo bo repent id In it newn pnper linllro, nml too roim lo bo polled by I r I n k to kIvo them to i; lender irroml Imiid, nml In cold l)pr, nt Hint. Tim curlnlii rime (Hipln)lnR tlio or ibcilrn, cliorm, lllreetor (leorRo T. Wilson nml Interlocutor Chnrltn K. I' rKi.non. Tlio orrbentrn nn roonteil In tlio rrnr of tlio Rlnito In iiutonnry mlnitrel fniblon, with tlio ehor'ii bnlikotl In itbenil of It, nil the men heliiR iiiiltormeil In nlmple but effect- hn roitiiiiKii, bami Ibu Interlocutor I In tnHly black nttlro nml tlio director In evenlnc dreiK. I There wnx no bluck fnro until tlio following end nKii enmo In: M, K. Templii, Clcoro A. lln)don nml Knil I., Iloiiitou. wlebleri. of tlio ebon), nml V. It. Olds, William II, Hlinw nml rtrhimntlon ivrvlte, has been hero for I' ('. llnmbcr. innnlpiilrt'irB of thejtwo nyn with Project Knglncor W. Ini't slHepkln. 'W. Pnlch, limy with rlRhti of wny Tin, oponliiK ttin intltletl "In tb it.ntten, im well iih dMn In eonnecllo'i I'li-k Koyer," "Thy Monnreb of Ml llolHh tho Rovcrnment'ii Intended ult m vi')," Chnrliii J. KurRiiinn, Inter-. nRnlmt tho elty for stopplnR up tho Irtilor, IicIiir tho Imllvldunl referred 'Ankeny cnnnl. In, ho IioIiir ncntetl ni the chief of Hit. rnro HRRreRntlon of Klk mill-, str Uy, i Aflor tho medley ourtnre by the nn licit rn, Ihc chnln of rlmrnl ijndenv-f ot rendered ronsUtcd of tho follow-, Ihr "nikdom I Out TonlKht,""Open Your Mouth nnd Shut Your Kye."i "Wo All llnvo TroubloH of Our Own.". I "I'm Prepared for It.""nolln of Kate,' ".My lllack llnhy Mine," "llaccoon nml line," "When tho Cat'n Awny tho Mini Will Play," "Olvo Mo Your K)o" nml "Torendor," from (leorRo llltet'n "Carmen." IMirltiR tho cffecllvo rendition of thin well nrrnnRctl olio thero wns koiiio life-like ih)ilrnl Illustration offered for certain of tho souks, especlnlly the "Cnfa Awny" dllly. which wm given color by fellno nellvlty on Iho ,i. .i ui,,,in . VI " - - ,- ... ,... 1M.MW ...... ..-,-- perts, who hopped iiroiind ou nil fours nnd rnterwnnlcd at onn another In truo, aly, cnltlsh fashion. "Bmllo. Simply Bmllo," end song, , New Lakeview Council Progressive, Sewer And Water iliu-elal lo The Herald IAKKV1RW, Nor. 10. Tho town i'U tlon hero Tneiday rosultod In a l(!ory for tho progrvsslvo clement, mnl promises that tho town will havo u i.uworaga system nml perhaps a municipal wator system In tho near future, Whllo thero wns nothing exciting about the election, ruoro than tho or dliinry number of vote polled, thero be'iu 301 cut. Mayor Harry Bailey, who has held tin. offlco for some time without oppo sit 'on, was defeated by B. B. Rlnehart hy n rote ot 111 to 7T. Rocorder Wbi, Wallace, who was iipTWHatpd. by Uhe last council, was alectod oHr n.T. Clark by a voto ot 1V to ot Treasurer A, wfcbor was ro-cloctod again without opadiUlon, and polled wim offered liy Gooruo A, lluydoui Tl. old 1.0.1 wijllo n,.,l 111.10." by l. Lldnr.l, allli iipp.oprlnto plo ...re. muuiRK no nuiiun iiirowu on, n .tree., over II... pro ..I..... arc). .1. rl.it; llu, ten..., lis m...K l.oln,: , "" i, .inriKU '. lll.iw.lj I'lIU HUHK, "l.lin," liy r. . OI.Ih; hnllnd, "Ool.l in Dream," liy (lonrgu T. Wilson, I.I own uitnpo.iltloii; iikI song, "Call Mo lli Koinu Kiilny Afternoon," liy W II. Hlmiv; "inks' Milk" stein song., iiiiiK I')' II. (J. On, tlio composition being l,y Oeorgn T. Wlliion; "Clonn Vu IIjch," hy M, K, Tom pic, nmlitml pln)rl Mr Trtiiil' eipepliilly Kml iiinlly of tolro nml tlio nctlon of n r.lrt wlillo tier brother mUcil tlio sltiin-'.uinio tlon by ImditltiR on pln)liiR on M'oiiiluuiil on I'liRe i i PROJECT LAWYER VISITS KLAMATH iii.ivi:ii i. moiitox ok ifiitT. MNIi HKIIK lti:(l.ltlll. MMATioVNCIIVIL'K MOUTH OK WAV AMI ANKK.NV CANAI, Oliver P. Morton of Portland. Icual n.hlier of (bo Pnelflc dlvlilon of tho MORE SCHOOL BONDS 10 FINISH BOW WITH In .Vcciliil for Completion of l.itkcvlcti With Hetcrmlmil ou hy Yuli't-M Wlm Areortl ProiKwIllim a Ijiirc Mujorlly. special to Tho Herald i.ai;i:viijv, Nov, io. The $16.-, 000 titiuil Initio voted upon to com-' pit to tho now IiIrIi school rnrrlcd by n largo mnjorlty of riho tnxpnycrff, and I ., , ! . l i t ... 1. 1 ihuik win no meu .,, r, ... rnlu from now until tho first of tho nr, whihJ tho btjlt for occupanejr, V Tito total cortrtf tho holding will bo ready Tito total cortdf Iho building will ho $66,000, and It'ls ono of tho finest Systems In Sight tho full voting tttrongth of 203 votes. Dr. 1), II. Smith, with 186 votes; J. F. Majdeld, with 134 votes; H. F. Chcnoy, with 130 votes, nnd F. M, Duko, with 128 voIob weto elected ns councllmon. Dr. Smith and Mr. Cheney aro sorv lug tholr socond term, having gono Into offlro ono year ago. Iloth nro progressive, whllo tho two now men, Maynold nnd Duke, aro decidedly pro gressive. , ' J, N. JVatson; B. B. Rlnehart and a. W. nicawer the defeated coun cilman candidates, the two former having polled Iho, larger number of votes duo to Mr. rUco having had his name presented wltnau his consent. Ho posted a notlco tliftt,caused many of his friends to voto for others on tho ticket. Tho new councllmen will tako tholr places at the next regular meeting. MlrnttiircH for a (ohm of J.SUO tiopn- intinn id ijo riiiini in unr statu, i Tho tilpiiifiit l' modern, iiml mini)' now lirnnrlicjrut study will ho (might, Mining ipm being ngrlcul-. line, which Istlni moil valuable courso li&ri. iiK'niiiiiy nn iivnll them-1 i'lo iif a h.rlnmiy college cnurHO hyj iiltoiitllng lilgii school. ' ,-,. TfIM M ,,. ,.,llrd ,,rCK11 8m,C(, .,,,,, Nov 10,A V()luMtar,. nonuntMUm , 10 ,,orntlonol ,,., , pri.,,ctp,,. SNOW DROPS, MANTLING CITY nio.M romi to rivi: inciikh of MAAMEH lll.'AlTIKUfj, CO.V. (JKAI.KII, WATKUV I'AHTICI.KS I'limriT.vrm HI. no tlio hiiow lint bt'Kini fnlllnft jrstcnlay inornlnK n wholesale con iilKtiiixiit of tlio bcniitlful, nlnbnnter- tlnleil rlakcH tin (iTrlvod In the city, moro benutlf tit than otliem, but l.li,nll, If trnilltloii U to bo believed, """ beniltltill. Ami why Hhoutdn't trndltlon Im be Ihn.dl 1'nlenH there U somvboily camlnR forunrd ullli Reed, clean evidence, pit-Hcnteil honn tide, that trndltlon hen not it lint clnxs rcputntlon for 1 1 it t It nml urnelty In tlio nolRhbor hootl where It reiliU'M, who dnreii to miy Dint "the bvnutlfiit" li not bonu- tlfulT Tl,at ' rT1"' 'l'cnklnK' "f eourne, for thero In nn Instance of n UKf'-ijoiniK mnn In tlio city who wns not tnWm on northweiitorii winter of tlio old-fashioned nrltty, nutl who prefers warmth nml biiiihIiIiio to cold weather with mow. Ito hna been "" . ' ., """ '"'" "' " hum! to express himself In favor of """ v loped In tho same from tlio toes to tho Jugular region. f hanccfi are, however, that bin with will not bo icnllred, ns oven thoio who nro most fond of snow do not banker for It for bnthliiR purposes ns I much ns tboy desire milk or charu- pnlRii for Hint rcfrcshlnR operation. About Iho Inches of snow, nil told, hno fallen nllko on tho Juit nnd tho niiJiiBt, Of cotirwe there nro very few tor tho latter Ih Klamnth Palls, hut It I would not ho fnlr to iRiioro them. I"SPY TEVER" BETS TO GOURT 1 AND BEAUTY IS INVOLVED illmiiloonie Kronrh IjuiRiuigp Teacher 1 Asks ImllmrVet Questions of Oer. iiuin .Iriuy OtllOT, nnd (leu Klght lontlii In Prison United Press Service I.KII'Kl. (lormany, Nov. 10. Tho "spy fover" bns reached tho high court hero, nnd a woman nnd four men, tho former already sentonred, ihnva eoino under tho ban. Trials of two ot tho men begin In a fow dnys. I Uormnlno Tltlion, the woman, la n bcnulltiil French languago teacher. . UurlOHlty got her In trouble, Sho asked Indiscreet questions dur ing flirtations with German army offl- cerrt and got eight months In prison. A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Shorten and Cheapen Your Search For a Buyer- Wr444iMn$ X A mini who wants to txpr a horse, or a vehicle t or used furaUare, machinery or oasco i X tine like the nun who wants to buy a home, la eager to tad tho beat possible BARGAIN X T Your nd, It yoa have something lo sell, will ftadj readers awaiting U who waat to bay aad J wlm will Investigate yoar offer WILL SELL BONDS TOMONEYSAVERS CJOVCIt.VMKNT' WIMi ItlXil.V KIIIHT or vi:.u to urr pohtal hay- INCH Itr.lUSITOHH IIUV .VA-, 'IIO.VAIiHKCL'IIITIIW f PostmaMor CI) do K. lirundenbiirgl i Iiiih received from I'oitinastor General I .Frnuk II. Hitchcock, tbroiiRh T. L. ' Vl'kfd ihlii filalV tt Ihn luiiinflliA A A- I MJ'I I.IIIVI hljlft ll) UVMIIUVO uv t pnrtiuciit, notbin rcRardlnx tho poital suvlnRS bonds, which will bo Issued. on Iho first day of January, 1912. I Thcso bonds urn issued for tho bun-1 out of postal savings depositors, who tuny exchange the whole, or a part of ineir aoposns ou January ist next ior I'nltcd States rcRlstored or coupon bonds In denominations of $20, $100 nnd $1100, benrltiR Interest nt tho rato of 2& per cent, redcomablo nt tho pknxiiro of tho United States uftor nno )enr from date of Issue, both principal nnd Interest payable In twenty )cnrs In Rold. Tho savings are exempt from all Inxrs or duties of tho United States, ns well ns from taxation In any form by or under state, municipal or local nuthnrlty, Thoio who wish to buy bonds under tho plan roust apply to Ihc postoflleo before Dcccmbrr ICth. If deposits nro converted Into bonds less than ono year after certificates of deposit hcRln to draw Interest, Iho In terest on tho deposit will bo forfeited, tho samo as withdraw nl for any other purpoic. Whllo a portal saving depositor Is nllowcd lo deposit as savlnga only $.100, ho may buy as many bonds as Im likes, thero bcrlnKJio.ltnUt-lo bis piirclitoica specified. Tho bonds will bo Issued In either registered or coupon form, the latter holnR protcrnblo for a depositor who Intends to keep them but a short time, nnd has a ssfo place to storo them. Registered bonds are preferable for persons who Intend to keep them for n conildornbla period, and differ from coupon bonds In that they havo on their face tho names of tho person to whom Issued. They &to pa) able only to tho persons to whom Issued or their assigns, nnd tho ownership can bo assigned only by nsilgnment In proper form. um)koi;t" Knrroit i.e.v IT, AM AIJW) I.KAVKfl WRKII II. A. Itogers, erstwbllo publisher ot the "Summit Lookout" ut Wotd, bns left tho v.l"T, also tho Jmctlon i.lty, nnd J. M Potter, trustco for the creditors, Iris undertaken tu look after tho Interests ot tho paper, with James A. Power as tuanagor. TUFT MAY PRACTISE LAW NOTES roSSIBLE NEED Pit kUIciiI Lets Drop Remark la Home City Indicating That He Is None Tiki CoiilldVnt ot Elertloa, Even It lie d'cU tho Nomination United Presj P-iM." CINCINNATI, Nov, lO.'Tut mo down as a law) or; I may need my buslnesn soon," declared President William Howard Taft, aa he signed Little "Campaign" If It looks at all feasible. a4aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 9 livttMtmMMMMvMMtmMMMMMMMlMMlft his nit in o to tho great rtglster bore, Mid answered tho formal question as : his occupation. llu accompanied tho remark with tlio usual Tafl smile. President Toft almost lost bis vot ing prlvllcRo, nnd was warned that If ho did not personally appear to reg ister ho would bo out hls.voto. .NOT Till': TIMK UY Hut the lluio your order for that nksglvlng turkey. Wo havo trimmings. 10-21 .TON MARKET. LYMAN KEEPS UP EIGHT IN COURT L ONKIIIKNCI MAN WITH MKDI- CAI, TIUMMI.MiH, HTIM, ON CItl'K.'lll-M, THYI.NO TO UrTT IIAII, ItK.lllCWt HY Jt'lHIK SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 10. Both Or. J. (J rant Lyman and his suits drnggfd wearily In court. Lyman, still on crutcheo, hobbled Into tho United States district court at 10 o'clock. Judge Do Haven set Decem ber 7th for bis trial on tho charge of J conspiracy In reference to his hasty and sensational flight to Klamath Falls, Oregon, C M. Courtwrlght, tho guard de tailed by Marshal Elliott, Indicted on a churgo of conspiracy, entered a de murrer to tho indictment. Judge Doj Haven intltnntcd that ho thought thej Indictment perfect, but ordered Court-1 wrlght's attorney to flic authorities. TOJt Ufb T1A tjjfo "V JFUI urn., edk'AI 1 K On Courtwrlght leaving tho United States district court at tho clot of Mho fssIonho was rearrested on an In.llrlnwnl m-hlrli hs.l hn nlarml nn tho secret flic, charging him with a!-' lowing n prisoner to escape. He was Inter released on tho second charge by his relatives putting up another bond of $1,000. Carroll Cook, attorney for Lyman, mndo another appeal to Commissioner KruII to havo hli client's ball reduced, which wns rcfustd. Krull entered December 8th as tho dsto of taking testimony on tho removal ot Lyman to taa Angeles on the chargo ot having tired tho United States mall for fraud lent purposes'. Danco nt Mills Hall Friday night. BOSS ARMY ON FRONTIER CAUSE OF MUCH COMMENT Catr'ii Force Along; Armenian Fron tier Have liven Quktlr Reinforced, Making Its htreiiRth Nearly FUly Thousand Men United Press Service LONDON, Nov. 10. Russia's mil itary nctlvltles along tho Caucnwlnn Armuulan frontier have perturbed the chancellories of Iho European powers. It has been definitely uscortutacd. desplto official contradiction, that Russia, taking advantago ot tho Tnrko-Itnllnn situation, has been quietly but effectively reinforcing her tioops In that quarter. Authentic Information comes from Kara that tlio Caucasian commander-in-chief lyia boon on the frontier In Of i o COMMERCE COURT MAY BE ABOLISHED person for tho past two weeks, super intending the disposition of troops. At least 4S,000 soldiers have been distributed along tho border In the post month, together with huge quan tities of war stores. Also, the Russian black squadron, II vo battleships, three cruisers, six de- ttroyer and a number of torpedo i boats, baa boon cruising along the Anatolian coast. M,II HY HAIL INSTEAD OP 8TAGE U PROMHRD j Special to Tho Herald -'" I.AKEVIEW, Nor. lOwftr. Dernard Daly Is In receipt of a Jelegrara from Urltcd States SenatofOoorge Cham berlain, stating tbakHbo'mall aerrlce between Lakoviewind Alturai, which has been coming Jy stage In spite of tho fact thai. trait s are running twen-ty-flvo miles tha side ot Alturas at Davis Creek, will bo changed Novem ber 20th. and Aha t until further or ders aro Issuld will come to that point vja the nil route. Sonator Chamberlain brought the matte tq tho jutcntlon of Postmaster General HHcteock, . FINE SPUDS OFF FOR SACRAMENTO CAHLOAIi OP WHTTR BURHANKS, KIKT-lUUFPBtMUMC---ltt ..-,.,., - , -., ilin luusili UAIUIIWSSva HAMKNTO RRIXa OOOD FMC- Klamath Falls today shipped a ear load of fancy white Bur bank potatoes to Sacramento, being the first car of tubers over shipped from Klamath county. The spuds, which went to Sacramento, were purchased from the Altamont haneh by R. C. Klepper, representative, of Wood, Curtis A Co., nml tho unusual prlco of $20 per ton wns paid. SEVENTV-SEVER, STUDIES AS TH0U6H VET YOUNG Pirnlilmt Kmrrltaa Charles Kllot of Harvard, Past Three Score aad Ten, Ooo Abroad SoWy for the luriose of Txaralag. United Press Bervtce NE WYORK, Nov. 10. "I am go ing abroad to study, and for no other purpose," declared Charles William Eliot, aged 77, president emeritus ot Harvard, and by some consldorcd the wisest man In America, before sailing today Jor Europe Later ho will continue his journey eastward, visiting muny strange lands. and girdling the globe before return ing to America. Crater Lake National Park Closes, Season Being Latest In Some Yurs Special to The Herald FORT KLAMATH, Not. 10. Su perintendent W. F. Arant ot Crater Lake National Park, yesterday moved to this town from his camp near tha lake, and the park Is now closed for tho winter. The heavy snow has set In, and already Is several ftet deep. It Is expected that the present saow In the vicinity of the lake will rsaula all winter, and that all travel over the mountains will be stopped. The present season has been oho of the latest la years, aad Mr, Arant bad everything In readiness to move out on the shortest aotlee. , The planking on all of the bridges had been removed soms' weeks ago, and late visitors to tha lake hare been. making the trip on horseback. J uaaoe ai au s-wgy.vigasuina" . ,.,.. . ,.. SYSTEM CONFLICTS CfiAIM MADK HY CO THAT LT TKRHTATB COMMISSION AND TM-OTAI NULLIFY EACH I United Prea" lee WASHINGTON, ICr. 1. gressman Blmt ot Tu Introduction of a' kill aboUakUg tk. commerce court, followlag nmttt action of the court reversing tao -terstate commerce eomlto Congresasaea declare that tka eowt ' and comralssloB nulHty Mfc otkar, . and that nothing to gataai at aa enorraoua expeaae. c The 81ms bill plana taa reMl t tho section ot tie eoauamreo act era atlag the court ot commerce. Sims contends that taa esatt Ian only empowered to' deelda aotata ti taw, and aaaerts that H la dartdtag questions of fact, thus arcralBS tka functions of the eommerea loa. The hoHse la espeeted to bill. The first breach betweea taa i mlasloB aad the court raaulted traai the recent deetatom whereby the court cancelled raauetloaa of rate aa Cal ifornia frutta. FEESTI.KKCT.aaiT. ftuniMgrngMR llriwrt Shown Needy Declared Tbrml'aaafo Ixxuu Were Made at ThJrtews ilKd lVr Oat Upwards United Press Servlca BERLIN, Nor. 10. Otto Kloaus. an apprentice tailor, got a get-rlch-qulck Idea ot his own, aad taaached a "loan bank.' Each applleaat waa. charged for "Investigating tastr rail-' ability." But Invariably the report shows the clients declared them unsafe. But two Instances of leans: ware found, one a widow, ckargsdl.lt per cent for a loan ot f 7, the other, a wh woman, charged 3,000 per'eeat. He received over ISO fees far the, "Investigation," It waa ROYAL CHILD HUNTBR CONTRACTS MMNCmi United Press Berries Munich, Nor. 10. Priaca -aHaoM. the 9-) ear-old regent of the klagdom ot Bavaria, Is declared to he danger ously III with an attack ot broaeattls, contracted while haatlag dear la the mountains. He Is passionately foad ot tka sport and desplto Ills ago persisted a dulgtng himself, even theasjb, the door had to bo drlvea wUhhf rlae shot of his position In the wood. HAUNTKD HOVfJH DO NO j KXCTSK TRNANTS PATOfa , te T Unltod Press Service s 0 "'.v'W LONDON, 'Nov. 16. "---- i ,v ' ' 'T --- houses will be no plea lor the rent collector hsrsattsr. mtmir.. Harrington ot tho Waadswerth eeaaty 'C court, rules so. ' .ijb 't?. William Atklaaaa .'MMStflMr' -.,,ifl row. A V JV claimed tha lwaae,wa hMaMi by a greyheaded gkastlt'haaid bis head and bed4at attVfiWi Ks daughter's faeeWtMw'hdls l thq,room. aad aaMsd .wp halls .Mktafjuj prinMj at'tha aad a wndnt ta d i . a o "At i t i' : iT' svv., Sl-t. x c 5 - . Arrtj..-gr-JP