f""1-''ft'fft:'fk'lTrrfl'1T M i tv .-i try " . :- tw Tie O1.k Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties eftlft. KVKNIN1 NKWBPAI HUPPMKH BY TIIK ( NITKI VMtm NKWH MKHVICK PIIINT TIIK MKWH, NOT HWTOMf Price, Mr e Cones SMli Vnil No. I,IKI KLAMATH PALLH, OIIKOON, VKI.KHIAV, XOVKMIIKU H, lUlt gjhe 1 PROGRESSIVES IN HIGH FLA I HER NOW ELECTIONS ELATIN( ONLY HKVKIIK HI.TII. K mrr is in xkw jkhhkv, lllli:ili; IlKIMI lltXUIIItti AH nut i'mh'i.k'm hulk Pulled I'rosa'Hertleo WAHIIINOTON, l. V., l'nmrcUc M'u iitnr III iiiii r.siill 'I tut only orrt setnik In iw Jirion emlll ilewhoril 111 Imlli'il by Urn (niinriiiliii 11 vfcloirs fur thu pco tilt' 11 rule. I iiiinucriit nut at Ohio, i-Jpcclnllyii Clncllitmll They hill CloviKir I'dhii' ri-otrc- 11 n In .Miiirliwntli nil rciiiitlnllii'i f ri'i'iil'llinn Uftlff principles, ii.ii lnllmV nr oiitlnuliiMli-, ninl pri' iliri n imllhul tiito next year which win break nil record. M ut ti iii(' illation In liuliiliU'il in i"' iiir Ne Jersey oiilponio on Woodriiw WMkoh'i presidential rnndliUcy. I l(irniiiillci urn enroll miced. xU llin nttmk u Inii tut feel llife. li'mliln'ii fflii ici. . v. it InoLr 11 k liyifny 'rely, ninl now r. A. II. I'ershln m hero to visit nil u-r 1I111 country, vx miiiiu tlmu )ct. CHOPS WIFE TO PIECES WITH HATCHET, SUICIDES limp ntiil ('uiilHiiliir til (Jnlih'ii flulp t'lly Huik I'lifortuiuitr HpUMM, Who l i:H'itn (o lllr Miimrsktar It) I'm III. Own Throat Ifnlt'il Pies Hcrvlco HAN I'ltANOIHCO. Nov. S. Do- lillmit mcr K"t 111 1 ti.a-nt ) . John Cooper, n rontrnctor. ihoiiti llin wlfii minimi to pieces with n liiitclirl, rut III" own thront, nnil U ili'iul Tho wife Ih i'Xn'i led to illo nt nny iiiotnt'tit IT GAINS BIG IN OLD BUCKEYE STATE M.111) t'lllif. Pttk .Mnyi.m of Ttuit Pmty, Whlli'Jta-Hecrelary (iarflrlil, I tin) I Mil Iti-fim, Falls lleforv tlir I'nmfr 1 t'nltil ProssK (7kvki.: rltlj of Cai J'11iurln, If 1 li ti il nocl Id) or w, 1 i.riooj Inker'iypln ki'nrnlli' tliu r-Jmuisnn.' Icrvlre ll, Ohio, Nov. S. Tlu 11. Mum, Mnrllm Ferry, irnln ninl Mount Vernon lnt inn) urn. hillock' Toledo plurality rnllty win IT.IMiii. lin- result n "monument to MUSI LAY WALKS ON MAIN STREET PltOPMITY IIUI.ItKltH OIT WIIITK PKI.ICA.V WAV MfHT HI'KNII TIIMII MO.NKV, WHILK OX TIIK OTIIKH KXO HKLAY IHOIIAXTKO loiiii I'XiuCilliiKly well In hid work, ninl Hint ho (Whlto) hail Alwn hacked lil 111 wherever It wn rlht to 1I0 no. Thn tniiitilln wmi llnnlly untangled wlii'li ('ounrllninii .MrOnwiui moved Unit nil iroiirty owiwri lin conipullcd to rouiply with thn ordlnnnio. The million iiri'Viillcil, thn only ncKntlvo Miln Iii'Iiik Mr. WIiIIu'r 11 " ho pre ferred to wait until May. iitpiTlnlly mi nt n foriniT iiioiIIiik or tln lionrd the property holderN on lower Main street Itnd liei'ii Krnnted nn extetulon until uprliiR. White railed fur n yrn nnd nny vole, which, whon recorded, did not chanpto tho remit. Tliln mennii that thn lUrnuni, HiiRhei, flhtnnon and Seed pronr lien will havo to put In their walk now, Mr. Hhnnnon hail offered in tint In nn IWoot walk In thn aprlnR If pi-rniltti'd to have the delay until then. ELKS WILL HAVE. BIG MINSTREL ctirud for tliivollii In Mm. 0. T. Wll lion, drnmntfc reader, who will giro tho rhlld dlilect aulcctlon "Over thu Unluatcr.' IMr. Wllnon come from iMcdfonl ftp- tills ocenxton. Sho li a Rrr.nuiitu if the Northwenlcrn Bchool 'of Oratory CHAM. J MICUTOItY or Wwrteril Collefio dramatic depart- ini-iit nnd lor mjveral yearn In lyceuni .L-iKii'tiiiv u'ii.i. 11 !. I work. 1 Mr. wi n will uivo 11 n Italian urn- iav. wiijmm To(1,c-t';, Tr ,, Tdii HovlnlUl Knlita were n cry hern In tlie mule. (nrfUld, ex-cabliut momher, who rifua d to iIrii 11 pleduo demandliiK (lie lultlntlvo nnd referendum, wnn ilif.nted by Fletcher Malln, prtKre. rinitiiRiiipliiT Mini I he llipltl, lint ami llne mn I'holp uKnln In the plllllll lr.il eon Whether rement nldrwalka ihall b In lil on tfiu north nldo of Main itreet at provided ly orillniinco recently unmiil In roiindl raund iiinio lively ilriiuloii Mondny nlRht, when Street ComuiUiloiier (,'luirloB Woodard aaked the miitirll In back him up In Rotting property owner to obey tho rlty'a dl nolliiiu In tho matter. At tho wiiiiu time lin ndmllted that he I1111I txempted the Ilnrnum proper ly from the ummliite. but nld hu Imd nnmired ttoniii other property owners, nolnbly the Whlto I'ellran ieoplc. Hint If they put In walk im ordoreil wllhout ilomurrlnR. the rlly would noil I lint other did. Councilman 0. W. While Mild that thn SwiIh properly would lome. In ror k Hliar o or the pnliiK, and Mr. Seetli would nnd It a hnrdihlp to put In the wnlk now, mi that If other woro exempt ho rnvored havlue her Riven li., fnwir of Helnv until May. when nil the wnlkK could bo put In without Imi'cllna'. Mr. Whlto doubled tho authority of Mr. Woodard to exempt anybody, and mild It wuh not fair to make flh of one nnil flenh or another. Ilrre Major Kred T. Bnndcraon iirceii Mr. Whlto that the councllnien li. .Vow Vri'U nnflURht to Imik up tho atrect commli '.1...1..K 1111.1 nnv nnihliiE rellertlnir on on. !,, - " - I1I111. The lotinellninn replied with roiiBldernblo vlcor Hint ho took ex: 11 i...i,ii, u mil immiIIhu to the innsni'g Interruption of week' ronflncment IiIh lenmrkH ns well nn to tho atnte- 'nn honiillnt with ly-.ineni inoi i " - In wna In u very crlt-.ronteiidlnR with ardor tnn woonaru for n time, but pulled wn 11 lreet cnmmmioner who nmi WIIITK I'KMCAN HOTKIy IIANQURT While tho White Pelican llotol will ocii Its doom to public patronage on Thankiirlvlnir dnr. November SOth. t'lio big public banquet with which the fine now hostelry will celebrate will bo held on tho nlRht or tho fol lowing Saturday, December 2d. Tho prlcu of tho banquet Is $3 a pnie. Thero will bo no Invitations IrmipiI, and an) one Is at liberty to mnko reservations at any time. Thosn may bo had by applying to the nfflro or tho White Pelican Hotel, in tho Klamath Development compa ny's nfflco building, at Main nnd Ilroad streets, by letter, In person or by telephone, tho number being 401. CtirMlan rtinrrh Wobw'i Tm Thn ladles of the Christian church will serve tea and other light refresh- I -. -. .1.- t...-.l. B..AAM all... lltllllH ni ino Cllliri:il mmuviiu-i nnv.- nixiii. Ther will meet nt 230 p. m and extend a cordial InUlatlon to all ih,. ladles of tho church ami their friend to come and enjoy thn nfter- noon. UVi: IJIAI.KCT Tllt.V, UJT1I OTIIKIIf IN NPKCIAIiTII'X lunlxatlon Itcst stunts was ror flvo yearH director STRANGE WRITER ADMITS BURNING The cas 1 which rlos' The Oren of Tho Kll big mlnstrol n Is ready I spring their ifltcst stunts, tomorrow night. Scat alu started Willi n rui a mis morning, rruin mui . ., liMiks of tl Ings nt tho pfcuont wrltlnKJ . . tlie two si own 10 on given mursany , ofncr nnu rriu nigms jw. .renB l,(Ilw).cr Finjiyboy. riToru iorsiuiiiu ibkbii iiruuuiiiuiis 1111 .,iiii Iiwjcr Snnlnli, ft rendant Mr. I?noru truitbf ,BBVr K 3 Jrwlsaahw JrBBrMBT 1 fjtf KK istume, and tliu olio will clone, with nconcert nmlo nunrtet. "rtwect KvcnlniSUellg," sung bv Messrs. I Upp. Knappt Rambo and Wilson. tor tho wfirlwlnd fsreo tho show If a follows Klilnaplnl and Dreach Promlno Oiso." cad, emlnfnt limb ,E. D. Hall 11 P. Qalarneaux 'or tho . . ..C. T. Oliver the do- . P. l. Houston plaintiff .Herman Force Abljuh Plpplnldereldant.... ...A. P. Salflcky Ainelln lledclk Irrowroot. witness . . .1. . J. A: A. Ilcynolds Mr. Chnrlc J. Ferguson, wllo ot, nillCaWCD tho deputy district attorney, has gone,! IN 1 1 J All rKIMffVLKr villi her chlldrn, to Walla Walla, wash., to spend somo timo wun rela tives. W. II. All AW, HlnRlng "Call Me Up Somo Halny Afternoon" "! GENERAL II SPURNS PEACE TERMS OFFERED MYHTKKIOl'H I.RTTF.R TO RHMI I IFF, HlfJXKI) WITH NAJsW MM. I IliAB TO CAPTTVR, WHOM WHITINO KMKMBMW thsv-slierirs oawe a letter tigged A.. In the mall to 1II1I11 ninrt ItelH I Clilefun Throw. Aw.y Oovem. K--- whch ,, -, Jo niriif Iiut on Hnbjert, J.gc,alock believe Is from the allege Wants Itebls to Capture Peklu lie- firebug ho arrested yesterday, In fore Omslderlng 'which the writer asserts that he, aad .ho only, set nro to the four buildings tTnltnt PrnH HArrlrtf ' . . ".( lloollcMi, from ho iConilmiMl on 1'ittio i) PERSHIN IS OUT AGAIN AFTER nPHjib SIE6E KnysTtint I iFliklti Hfaphnr Mftir oIrW snuiarll f'ler, I oulmi Klamath Falls. Luvl llockhclmlr. li Hebrew merchant . . .1. J. . . .W. A. Dclxell Mrs. Dr. Anasthiill Pullcm, a new woman. .IMrry Oalarneaux Jr. Vnnderbllt Pcrslmlons, n col ored barber . .I...M. K. Temple (lotllobWiiretmncleftn butcher F. C. Bomber wcry.. !has. naldwln. Footllght McGiff, a sanded J actor VV. S. Wiley I Extra row of chalrsXhavo beeni added to thplat and thVo will be, nmplo Hfatg capacity foall who mnV nllnti.r VAVnrihnlftM lr.lll Im Society will bo out In 'well to roervo your seats early. Tho' ev- 011 all SHANGHAI. Nov. g Premier Yuan wrote the rebel Qcneral LI. offering a constitutional government, to depose MmicIius and pardon rebels. L.I threw tho letter away, and said ho would not consider peace term until the rebel capturo Pekln. rnrcn to see tho coterlo of btackacoigamc proRrnm will be given both nrtUts, ballodlsts nnd nrtors dothelr ! nines. X)on't lot anyone tell yo Attorney John II. Napier ha been III thn past throo day, and Is report ed to bo threatened with typhoid fover. ( . niniTB. ninn 1 iir nnvmii 1111 1 uu niu .uiwiIva atUat 4 rAimAnlMlVA nf Mlirt nnt .nnia n r a pnna fin In Ihft' vw iv 17 ! .(!..- - itiu tya nti !- rut w ..i--, tho Herald amended td flrsyfull re-.Htnr OruR store nnd see for yourself, htnrsnl wlth thn orchestra at thc'sepnrnteplats ror rnch ovenlng have s last evening, aqJB the the-1 been made, so you may see at a make editor oMhl paper 'ulnnce the 1e.1t you desire. lo some snowwim noTei; I SUE FOR COST OF FARM EQUIPMENT UICAIj IMPIJ3IRXT AND SUPPLY COMPANY IHIIXOS ACTION AOAIXHT II. K. CHIU1EH8. A laNGRLIi VALLEY IUNCHER VvkM In ulletl Tliroiigli, Private Sewer Connection Mixes Up Pine Street Property Owners MANY IDRDERERS HELD IN NEW YORK CITY JAIL THinty-HU Prisoner In Tombs 011 the ( tuirge of Killing One or M'ttf Hu until lleing llrraks All IVpvIoh ItevunU for trie Ills; lrloii United Press Bel vie . NKW YOKK. Nor. 8. Twenty-sU prisoners uwattlng trials on charges ol murder or murders are now con fined In the Tombs, which constitutes a record. In addition to those In prison, elev en men charged with nomiciae nro out on ball. Two women nro among thoso In the Tombs who will be called upon jo an swer to allegations of murder. Oiui of these Is Mrs. Francis O'Shaunhnessy. who Is alleged to Imvii killed her husband becauso sho found letters (rom another woman In his possession. Dnnco at Mills Hall Friday night. , Mrs. Itev. George II. Feoso, with her two younger children, left last evening for Eureka Springs, Ark., where they will spend most of tho wlnlor. opera honsi ntrlcal nnl s.iy It will 7 Am ! WUbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaT t F. II. OLDS, SlnRltig l.lxa" uen In our city. ihold down tho tnil be partis thl end men will Dance at Mills Hall Friday night. font urea never berorel 0. J. Ferguson will Interlocutor' chair, crlmlnlg to the kurs :tlng public. ebony will .Haydon and ilder or tbo .Frank Old spring on tho uususr The manipulators of t b M. K. Templo. Geo Fred Houston, and tho sheepskin F. C. Uamber and W. II. Shaw. Thn haiimllst ure I. JaAKnapp, W. k. l.Mvard. II. C. Gn aid Director Wilson. One WANT WOMEN WITH KIDS TO HAVE ALLOWANCE 'Oit'Kon CongTVfct of .Molherx Would llno Hlato Ijiw PnnUle for Xmly Wiiiim'ii llereavnl of Their Hus lutnda United Press Service PORTLAND. Nov. 8. The Oregog CoiiRress of Mother In session here formally launched a campaign to se cure the enactment of a state law pro- idlne pensions for needy widowed mother whoso children nro uuder II years old. A committee wan nppotnted to make in stcnintlc campaign for the meas ure, which will be carried before the next legislature. The congress will recommend that tho proposed Oregon pension law shall be modeled along the Hues or thu Missouri stntute, which provide ror a pension to be drawn from county funds under the direction ot the Juvenile court. Suit to obtain. I6 has been, .en tered br tho Formers' Implement and Supply company versus H. E. ChHders through Attorneys J. C. Rutenle and J. S. Kent. Chlldcrs Is alleged to havo obtained from tho company somo farming Implements to use on n rancn In the Lansell Valley, on which he had n lease with option to buy. It is asserted that ho recently sold his leesc. Tho suit Is on n promissory note nnd account. MANCHURIANS PEEVED IN GOVERNMENT'S CALM PiMltiou in Itegard to Mot to Maasa m Hans Yuan Shi Kal Expected to Declare Himself Caesar fat Oe. rtlal Affair Ing Monday night and Tuesday Bon ing. The prisoner, who gave bis name as Honry Morgan, wbea shown the tetter by Deputy Sheriff Beballoek, denied the authorship of It. The officer then took the prisoner beforo Deputy Prosecuting Attorney I Horace M. Manning, where he wan asked to give a upeclmen ot hi hand writing, by using a lead pencil, which wes tho Instrument used In the writ- .ing 01 luo leuer. too writing, wm w similar that Beballoek was convinced that both writings were by the same man. The letter reads a follews: "Klamath Falls, Ore.. Nor 7, Itll. Mr. Sheriff I am writing this to l;t you know that yon have not caoffht tho fire fiend or Irt bug as yet. I Md no one else aet iro to four (4) differ ent places, at short intervals, oaly to have tbo pleasure ot seeing people run to and from in the middle ot the Bight.--! RaULLY JsKJOT W--, "I am the guilty party, and I am liosltlve that I do not knew 'a'aytMag about horse thieves' being around. "I only attended to my business, that was in setting Are to the number of places that I bare already men tloned. Yours truly, "A. R. MOROAN." Just how Morgan If the prisoner wrote and sent the letter mailed It Is i:ot known. It I dated yesterday, tho day he was raptureJ, and the chances are thnt It tho prisoner wrote It he mailed It with the regniar batch of letters that comes from the prisoners every day or so. The en velope was addressed to "Mr. Berne. Sheriff of Klamath County, Klasaath Falls. Ore." FAMOUS ENUSI Mff WILL TOW TiS C8I1TRV United Preif Service npiiv Vrtir fi Uanrhnrltni kra . crit eiw, w. -- - -1 . angry nt the government' conceulvejxotrd lmrber ta-Cftjr TW-H4e I- ....1. , ........ .1... ..In n mflln -- .. . a ... .- cm &- UllllUUU UllT lilt? yiwi l .. , Hans. A stronit Manchu force surrounds tho senate on the pretext ot being a guard. Yuan 8hl Kal has despatched the senate a message which declares a truco for peace Is useless unless the government first reformed. don. Has Perfected Plan, to In the Principal CtHes of 1'nlted States I Winn the Pine streel sowor was lint In tho properties of MrB. Walker .i.... ........a.I itr 111111 .mini rounwiiu wom "" 1 nun "lloiw with It, although tlu mu id practically constructed own uwers by laving PlPQ In thi lim.b ni ilw.lr in-nnrltoH nnd connect- tnir Mm anmn wJMl the FirtlaTStrCOt main. ' TI a hulldln aro ow, nrfl it wouin bo dl.llcult to jjlako ndviiyTigoous con iiuctlmu wltl tho soor on Pine Bireit, City Bnglneejf Don J. 8mn wait told tie coujl. A the prop erty ownorf hadyKld for tho sower comircUoaJ Foitnln's bill bolng $32.00, thoWra not wish to pay an nssesHinent (or tho front connection. Mnvnr Fred t. Sandorson .and councilman 0. R. Crlsler oxproased to nay thu bill Incurred by iiioporty ownor und havo thorn tho Pine street assessment, to rinbn nvnrvthlni regular. This will nrniinbiv lii) douo ut tt later meeting of tho council, wham the city engineer will submit n written report on tho subject. ' 1 of tho professional 1 After being under the physician's ,cnro for soveral days, Mrs. A. Y. Tin- dell Is a Rain ablo to be about. Mrs. Tlndell Is a talented musician, and hor Indisposition was a gourco ot much worry to her friends in Klam- acts se;. nth Falls musical circles. United Press Service NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The Rev. R. J. Campbell, the famous BagUab nrencher of City Tomple. London, ban .- n.i.i- I.I. hi. lnmnlAlal ntani Mr All etnIVft tOnf lie is reiurnmg 10 ream wnu ui vm.H".- r.--- VI. i own select troons. and Is suspected to 'ot America. He will apeak In most of intend to declare himself a Caesar. ino targe emes 01 toe reu7. wwy Iq t Haw Had n Pteaaant Visit Mr. and Mrs. Rufua King of Ash- lnml havo spent the last three weeks at the Cabler homo, near Klamath Fnlls, visiting tholr coustns, John and rrn.lA Rahlar. and at the home at Mr. King's lifter, Mrs. Crlsler, In Klamath Foils. Mr. nnd Mrs. King were very f.imrnhlp ImltrOISftd With KISBUth King especially enjoying Fall. Mr, vuuuviiBiKa j u, vinvivi '-..- . ---- - - . the opinion that H would bo bettor forlthe duck hunting while here A Little "CaitipalKn" Of Want Advertising in The Evening Herald jj j. Will Shorten and Cheapen Your Srch For a Buyer Final City Hall Bend Ordinances Throuah Council, Hopes ww j ?.i -ii 4't90t X I furniture! machinery or omco fnrnl X i the best posarble BARGAIN T 1 awaiting it who want to bny and 1 Z At Monday nlgln's meeting of the council three flndl ordinances relat ing to tho !) ot approximately $40,000 worth Jf bonds for the new city hall, tlie proposed Ore protection system and thl garbage site, req ed by E. 11. ton Bona, the which successfully bid for were passedlnder the emerge visions. Fred T Ity fathers 'fortheom- ir Its pur 1 who wll investigate lew oarer H R looas at nil irauow. 4, WfWtMMMMMMMI MMIMHMM Mtf tH( Mlllj M It I no Sanderson that the nv ing from phase. While the bonding proposition was taken up early In the summer tne neat thn city has been able to .do sq.tar un- 4r thn itiffleniUM with -which It has dealt has been to acquire "the site for 'next 'year,,. j. 1 liSfaU s.'ftyn the hall froaf Attorney F. H. MUU.;, AlthouiR thoro has been gossip to the eMCt tlmt tho bonding peopks. whodT attorneya have continual! mora details reaardlag tM 'a status under the new eaerte .. mauu J.H BA IS fiMAP.H . .l wviv mvivif wvim -. - w- 'wr" ,. rrr "spar for wind" ,(it being tne uensW.f jWaYfKI ot Dame Oosslp that the bond MMt VfirVi m. unable to market the beodnh . 9:,'.-, ------- . . - jj - w-v. Mayor nanaersoa i w, m "". , jj- ...a -lMk .!.. Ihd im MHte A?r.-. con.Yiui.-fu 1 mui. ! h to - .sy not tne case, ana m me bibsm asnssjvj .u ; ., . J -F- iJC had ilrudv manatna saie'SaWl-Wsm .m ""T "" ' . . .7 . . J.TW1 .-rt' anxious to get now 01 we si 1; spy.y.i;. loon as Ms desired ln'tesattensAoai';,1... the cKy'n legal :tiW&J&m: ,?? w-'i 1 ,W V, and. W 1. Hiwn. llAHAA. tM h'TTlT",? Tr-r-ri SmAM . " . a n' niaull In ikn r- "... -AM .t. VhaJr .- vtwbffltfS.t " Jtf1 A ,-i-tx a2. . i.hwh nt ',-? ,uv, r. Bannnni