w f .. The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties ttrnina rfato. ' urriftu HT THE UlflTM) PlUaM NKWB NKHVIUJC RVKWIKI KKWBTJ PItIXT TIIK NKW8, NOT MswYORY Hltlli Year No. 1,11111 lie Sr ';-s -. J " KLAMATH PALLS. OHHOON, 11'KMIIAY, NOVKMUKH 7, 101 1 3 ALLEGED FIREBUG PUT BEHIND BARS r,sniicrn fir Aucnu nwvc.v VI uncivil IX niMMMTTION WITH grAlirFrl1" Mr' '"'"'I'l'ion which wns stored In OK fr'IKIM U'lllt'll HTIItltKli Till' " "'""' bft,k "' "l0 H'",'1 "" I'nMwrly Ot MKIM Willi II HTIIIIIr.D Till. ,,,! ,j , Wllllnm. CITY MNT NlflllT AND ALMOHI'' ho horses were Inter found In Ihu TIIKKATNKKD TIIK TIW. '""'" ",ar "' California ti. Northeast. rr , . . , t , ! nil t'WI, IfM' Kill III 1U ,- . u. - .. . . u , . . '"' '' tUtHioo about forty baloji Marlon llnrnee and Michael 8rrmllork.,(alm(t, , ((( ir( in of tho former, about noon toda;- ., ..,.,.' . . . . arrested a. n whom Ihoy bol.ove tfiilllv nf thn tiff. U.I nl.1.1. II.. .n. found Ivln In a pll-.ot nh I n-ar ,lr ,rri;1 "'"' K,.n,"l" ' n"nm com" the California ft North'inl,, lralla..,"1l1,ll,,", " " " b,1,IM," b"1of !ho nnd In IM. pocket wrro n couplo of,",""" uh; '" combination hi.rt caudle, whirl, hnd i-vldontly Uoiim and roomlnB hoii.e. nnd do Iimii u,,t lately. Thi. m.ii K.no I.I. "y';!1"' !','"" ' tA' "' W'"1 "' iiniiio n llonry Miiraan, naed SS ' "lllwiii )(uti4 front Hrlllnny, Krnnre. ' Attention ..f tho wiliinleir flrn de ll., told Deputy Hherlff .hnll...k. I"",';;,,, - ..H1ih..I lo mvIiik jtiir- when nuked whnt ho u.ed thn iiilidleN for that hn hnd them "In IIrIiI tlilliRit with." Hrhullork IicIIox-h thero I. no unction that thn limn In not rlxht mentally, and that ho I. Ktilll) of ir. tltiR flro tn tho ItlllldliiRN whld. vteru ilnmmtcd lait nlnlit. Tho deputy .horlrf liK'iitltlli' Mor Kan ai the nun who mado otm font, print., whlrh were iinmually Inrise, In tho lclnlly if the Wlelnnd hot Ulna hillldlnK, and trailed tho Irnrki for quite a dl.lnnrn In tho nilulilior. hood nf tho bottllnK lioim,. nnd the Klninath Development rompnio'M npur trark, where tho freleht mr win nn flro thli mornlnR. Ho a.ked Mor Kan If ho wan at the flren. and the prlmaer replied that ho wan, point- liiK to (ho vnrln.n lorntlom they had been. "I never .loop, he .aid. The randlen MorRon hnd were wrapped up In paper. Ho aavii ho Im 3.1 eum old nnd kIiikIo, and Hint ho enme to lliln rlty Init Thttr.day. A.ke.l where he had .tnyed idnre ramlnK to thn rlty he mild ho itayed n few iiIkIiI. nt Mrn. Hlnter', on aMIn Ntreet, nenr Tenth, Anked what hi builne.N wiih ho .nld ho "lived on hit money." Ho In prnbnhly over nix f(et t nil. well drratod, and doc. not look like n doiporato character. When nrre.t id ho wai frchly haed, Thu quartet of flro., mippoiedly In cendiary, lait nlKlit, created untold excitement, and fortunately there wiu not a wind hlowInK inch a. would have fanned tho flamoit Inward other buildings, or thero might bo mnii) hnnulen people In Klnmnlh Knll. to day, Onn theory was that the flmt three flrn worn utartcd by horaethloven, who hud n tholr ohjoct tho nrqul.ltlou of n bunch of .lock, hoplim to net nwny with tho atreda by roverlnR their (llltlit by tho excltonient of fir oh which would divert all attention from po .llile maraudlnic lo tlm flameH. Thla theory wpk rIvoii credenco Underwood Gets Grigsby's Seat By Unanimous Vote Of. Council On motion ot President Marlon Hanks of tho council at last night's meeting, C. II. Underwood, tho drug gist, who Is In buslnosa at tho north east corner of Sevonth and Main streets, and who resides at Seventh and Washington streets, was elected us a member of tho council from tho Thltd ward, to succood II. B. Orlgsby, who realgnod on moving to Ashland, Oilgsby's, letter ot resignation, roud at the meeting a week ago, rec ommended tho appointment ot W. T, Bhlve, but whan Mayor. Fred T. San derson asked tho council If It wlshod lo act ou the recommendation Coun cilman C. B. Crlsler suggested that thorn waa plenty of time, and the matter was put over until laat night. Mr. Hanka'' motion provalled with out u 'duwentlng vote, and as soon aa the new "member had been oflclally ttiocted Colonel' Mi Q, Wllklni, the member from the r"lrst ward, went to tho telephone and called up the Underwood drug store, to have the youngest Member (oflclally) of the '" "Hi departure of eighteen horses """' "'" u,rrn' of ",u J- 'iiiomp- f "wry stable du MiiIii stroit, ncnr eighth, when flro brokn out .IlllOllt ID no p, in, In Imr belonging U,' "7n ,." Tn"0 "' '. '"? "" '"" ""'"r pimiiiiK mill ill ten inuiidliiK .(riiiturc mid preentliiR the lire from spreading, ns tho two building. biirnliiR were not possible to snre. Oilier hillldlnK. went pre.?red,hut thn tilnnliiK mill nnd the nionilnK'lee lion. it tti'M wiped out by tho flnmes. About two hours afterward, while L'hler of pollro S.linilrl I,. Walker, Im llnldwln, niilo driver, mid others weio RetlliiR the ml.idiiR horsts nt the lints, lire broke out Int he Wlelnnd boltlliiR bulldliiK, which did but sIIrIiI' dniiiiiKe. , A intuitu nf sllnkliiR men, teen' faintly In tho dnrk, iludrd capture. nllhoiiRh miiiic bol were fired at .I..IQ iiii ui;ivriiiiui.'u last iik.i- i no 111. I Tho fourth tiro was In n 1'ore Mar- V,,M "" ,,,r wMto. "" ijuelte box rnr on the California & WB "m ,loll,,t " wu 'und to Northeastern tracks, n short dlitanccipny It from, and thu matter was laid north of thn depot, shortly after (i o'clock. Tito car was loaded with machinery Intended for tho Pioneer Press, and whllo tho rout nils were tint dnmnKed, the rnr wns scorched about thu roof and sides, the loss be ing probably f r0. It Is supposed thai this lire nlin wns tho work of nn In rondlnry. MUST REACH FOR FOLKS TO SETTLE IN COUNTRY l'relit lit tin.) of Oregon Trunk Line I'l-Res on l.nk County INn.pIo I he lniKirtniiei' nf Knlli iMtlon fur Im migration 4 Special lo Tb o 111 raid I.AKKVIKW.' No. 7. President Curl Uruy nf iho Oregon Trunk rail- wny, In mi lutt'rlew with V. I.. Hncll lin: no his reieltt trln to Portland. asked Mr. Sntlllng If Iho people hero w'oto nwnkrj lUie linporliinco of Ink ing mlvatttngo of ovary uiemiH pnssl- cou in II notified Hint ho was wanted In tho halls of legislation. Ho soon appeared, was given tho oath ot office by City Recorder P. T, Nicholas, and was assigned to a seat noxt to Mr. Hanks, who Is also from tho Third ward, and remained during the meeting. Mr. Underwood has been a resident ot tho rlty tor six years, formerly re sided In Albnny and Is n imtlvo nf tho Onlden dato state. Tho Installation of tho now Third ward member made a full meeting of the council, a raro thing In recent months. When buslnosa was taken up only a quorum, or six member, was on hand, aa follews: Council men M. O. Wllklns, F. L. Jleldei, Ben 8. Owens, Marlon Hanks, Ohas. McQowan and Allen Btaaiblo, . Later Counollmen R, A. 'Alford, a. W. White and C. B. Crlsler en tered, after which Mr. Underwood was elected nnd summoned, making ovory ward fully represented' by Its duo of memberi. I bio to ndvurtlHO thn (onntry nnd Hm (jtt possibilities. 'lluvu )ou ii dlspliiof jour pro duct! In jour town?" miked Mr, llrny. "Ilnvo )ou lltcinlujre Hint will tell people wliiit.jnu liittn? Do )ou un derstand Hint If )6ii want people to (oiiut In oiir scitiou of thu country Hint )m luno to nuili nut our linnd for them 7 M "Vim piopln of l.rvku toiuily mimt wuko up mid do jour pnrt for tho rnllronilN mid iilwitpnpcrii of thn ntnto un doltiK I In' I r nlmrc, mid innny In illldiinln nr itoru tliuti dolnu llii-lr purl, hut thn jji'oplii of l.nkn count) nn n wliolo, rtfKnrdlenH of whnt tho pcoplu oUawhcrii nro dolnn, mint tnko nn Intercut nnd help oIoiik n movo- ,,MBCU1",t n"'nni "" mct lj.ui wnnt .eBlu tu come nnd visit hour country nitd-look over Its n ' ' "" " " "- thing to lirlim It tn tlfMr attention In n manner that they rnii understand mid hellovo In." MASTEN DAMAGES NOT YET SETTLED 1111,1, foil HA.MK, AHMIMN'KII TO .TTOIIKV IIUTKMC, AIAO (-ONTH, fOXHIDKIIKII IIV (XII7.V. I'll. HIT XO ACTION' TAKKN Jl"'1 ""w ',on " cl' wl" P' the JiidKinelit ol.tnlned nRalnst It by ; w. Musten for duiuuue done In ills hnrn when It was partly torn" lllm llm,p ,h ,..., .,. ... . , , , . , , , , ,., oxer. Tho JudRinent was for $3S, which wns nmlRned by Mawten to his nttor tie), J. C. Itiittnlc, and tho costs are I2S.N0, which makes tho city's total Indebtedness In this direction IC3.80. Mil) or Kred T, Sanderson said ho be lleed Mr. itutcnlc would not object to waiting n little for his money. Councilman a. W. White opined Hint most Judgments wore pa)ablo b) special ley. Hut City Attorney Klllott had rcslgneil, Assistant City Attorney W. II. 8haw had left the council hall, and City Attorney Man ning also, so when Mr. Whlto wanted to i of or tho matter to tho city's legal props a referenro was lniosslblo, ow ing to no attorney being on hand. LINANFU WIUJtEVOLT UNLESS ITS OErlllC luiMrlul Protlmv oiveii Three Days Dn)a in Whirl) lit agrro to lie tiuttiU of Mas Meeting, or Kehel Hon Will Follow United Prose Service HHANCUIAI, Nov. 7 An enormous mnss mooting was hold at I.lnnnfu, In tho Yung Nan province today. Tho people, by ullmatiim, granted tho Imperial government three days In which to agree to a republic. . Knlllug this, tho meeting pledged ItBolf to Join the rebels. &mMWHIHtttiHmmiimmt4444m A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Shorten and Cheapen Your Search For a Buyer 2 A man who waata to buy a horse, or a vesicle; or used furattare, ataceiaery or eaace ranO T .tint' like the maa who waata to bay a hom, U eager to AM tae beet possible BAMUDf Z Your ad. If roil have sosnethlaa to sell, will tea waders awattlac It who waat to hear aad Z Z nlin villi Inroatlcato yor offer X MINSTRELS MAKE READY FOR SHOW .smim.v It KM i:iih.ux IIKI.D IX KI.KH HAM. K)lt THK i:vi:.vr to iik itt o.v at tiik OI'KIIA IIOl'HK the Nightly rehearsals for the Elks' mliiMtrels, which aro to bo Riven at Houston's opera hou.o on Thursday nnd Friday night, aro being held nt Klks' hull under the guidance of Oo. T. Wilson, who Is directing the on- tiro production. About two doteu Individual per formers aro scheduled to pull off stunts, and among these ono Is prom ised from A. C. Wronn, owner of tho Pioneer Press, nnd Sheriff William It. Ilnrnes. The nrrhostrn engaged for the oc casion consists of 0. B. Hradnack plnnn, Chnrles W. Knapp violin, Jns. Newnham cornet, Marlon Dnrnes trombone, Ord Arnold clnrlnet and Carey llamshy bass viol. RESERVED SEATS FOR ELKS MINSTREL SHOW IIKHKKVKI) HKATH AT HTAIl DIll'O NTOIIH TOMOHROW ADMIT. TAXCK TICKKTH Ml'HT BR PUII CIIAHKO PIIOM MrfllKlta Boats for the Klks Minstrels on Thursday evening of thJ. week can bo rrserted after 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at tho Star Drug Btoro. Those having tickets should coruo enrly to ser.irp tdeslrabto scats. Tick- its must be purchased of members of the order, und nro not on sale at thn drug store. STILTS' MEMORY HPPAitP a Altai ma nrFniir 1 1 1 1 i u 1 1 1 1 KrrllKr I. Illllll.il , , , ,Z .',,,? . u ,"JC 'r. died suddenly at Ms DLIUllL UUUllUlL 'r0,t f " HtaM. "."'Ihomo ot heart disease. "" w,"" wwww.ft cnrre Notion, ho used It to . MMMITTi:i: O.V COMKI,K.L'K' IMIKSKNTS APPIIOPHIATK IIKK- OI.ITIONK. WHICH AUK ADOPT. Kit IXAMMOIHI.V IIYCOUXCIlii The coiiurllnianlc committee, con sisting of M. a. Wllklns. Marlon Hanks and 0. B. Crlsler, avpolnted h) Ma) or Kred T. Sanderson to draft suitable resolutions on the death ot thu late ex-Ma)or John R. Stilts. made Its report last night, resulting In the unanimous adoption by the council of tho following resolutions, ono ropy of which will be preserved by the council for Its record, while two others will bo sent to relatives: "Whereas, God, In His supremo w Isdom, has seen lit to call from our , llliuil our ioiiow cmsen ono lornur Mayor. John It. Stilts; therefore be lt,8Kxta, ,0 Tho Her,,d "Itesolvcd, By the mayor 'and the city council ot Klamath Falls, that In NEW PINE CHEEK. Nov. 7. tho death ot John R. Stilts thli com-'Twelve teams left New Pine Creek munlty has suffered the loss of n Sunday morning to bring lumber patriotic and energetlo cltlsen, and!'""" " Fandango saw mill to re tho city of Klamath Falls an uprlRht. 'W on,e " e buildings burned conscientious nnd honorabto business idown. man: and be It further Colonel Daniel Boone, the ex-Con- "Resolved, That we, the mayor and j federate soldier, who had recently common council of the city ot Ktam- rentoed his stock from Lakevlew to ath Falls, publicly proclaim his a new store that had Just been built Little "Campaia:n,, U it looks at all feaelhle. Mle)t't ilcnlli a long to our city, and proclaim thin tho sorrow of tho entire common-1 Ity oor liln denth, nnd order this res-' oltitltm (jniroid on tho mlautea of! tllla Itliinllht. nn,t t tir m Km aIIi.1 i-rod to tho bereaved family." ' Morn TratiM Are Needed ' Project KnRlncer W. W. Patch of IIKI.N'fi'1'1" United Btaten reclamation service stated till, afternoon that about ten more teams arc needed by tho gov. rntncnt to do work on the project, which must be closed soon. 1'ollrrmui Mcaaaer'a Bend William Mcssner, the new police man, has furnished the $1,000 bond required' by tho city, the surety being Marlon Hunks and Jack Kerr. Kred Stiikcl, tho well known Mar rill stockman, Is building a seven room stone houso In that city which will cost 3,r.0O. The architect aad builder Is Mr. Shstp. DRINK MADDENED; BREAKS WINDOWS AOKII MAXAOKIt OV THK OOMBT MIIKJINO IIOl'HK, KKFUSBO IJQl'OU IIV Kl DU FAUIT.) NMAHIUX IHiAKH WITH HAKB Windows of Ed Du Fault's 81stb street saloon wero smashed this af ternoon by "Jim" Haley, a Qraad Army man, who manages the Comet lodging houso as Sixth and Klamath avenues. ) Haley, who Is 72 )esrs of age, la alleged to have been badly Intoxl cntcd. Mr. Du Kanlt had been requested i... n i.i- . -- i-..i j a iif,ii-tr r-,j ui (119 luoawi houso not to Rlvo Haley any more liquor, nnd on his refusing this after- nnnn In iirvn llnlnv Attrf AlAtlnw film through the alley door, the sged sol-1, dler became Incensed. He picked up n rake standing ingainst tho bulldlug where It had 'uccn lefl "' " mnn wno ld been . ....!. n.A .n.u ... ..u. . .l.. (smasn ooin tno piato glass windows and the glass of tho entrance door. Mr. Du Fn.il! r.tlmntn. hi. tn.. .1 $1B0, not Insured. . J' O. Hamaker. tho genial proprl- etor and editor of the Bonanxa Bul letin Is In this city on business con nected with his paper. DOZEN LUMBER TEAMS . ARE HAULING MATERIAL .New Pine ttvek ItebaDcUng Oukkly After HufTerlng Qrrat Ijoes Froui Ktaiuea Doone Intends to Keballd as Soon aa Possible , Of ELLIOTT RESIGNS AS CITY ATTORNEY ror mm. and which Imrncd with n loss of $8,000, will restore his stock',. A-jJsUa CILfrrU; and equip ono of the remaining build- MAnlNiNU 9lTVvLLU9 tags la town. TAFT AND HARMON MEET AND HONKW TOGEINEI Prrsident Casta Vote 1st Hoeae CHy, Kpraka to ArMtracJoa Society, Baa trace of Good Feeds aad Win l'i lib Visit United Press P-rvlte CINCINNATI, Nor. 7. President Toft voted today. Ho hobnobbed with Governor Har mon at a luncheon at tho Manufac turers' Club. An address to the Society for thn Judicial Settlement of International Disputes and a dinner at the Com mercial Club completed tho presi dent's stay. Munlelnal election bettln has 'shifted against Cox and the repub lican ticket. , Democrats and Independents uro confident. IFLL NNIwl EMTM PASSES NTO KYBfJ U. ,. "r' Alnsal lauafcdea. Chief Writs for tWltinaifliala Paklfe tVesajer, Dies HsMMealy la the Qmmkrr CHj of Heart M United Press Service i PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 7. Dr. Al fred Iimbdcn, editor In'cblet of the ITAllAinUTALTIES ALLESDJ REPORTER Berlin Daily's Correspondent Leaves Tripoli oa Accoaat of It. Alleglag That the bltad, Cripaktl aad Wo men Are Shot Dowa United Preee Berne. BERLIN, Nov. 7. Herr Oottberg. the Lokal Ansclger's Tripoli corre spondent, who left because of Italian brutalities, alleges that Italians pur sued the sick, crippled, blind, women and children, and shot them down. Genera! Caneva was not present during the butcheries. Machines Lower Lost River Drain And Water Is Leaving lain Canal i If )ou have noticed how slowly tho water ts receding from the gov ernment Irrigation canal, you might be reminded of tho slogan of a well known patented breakfast food "There's a reason." The water has been kept In the canal later than usual to permit the contractors for the Lost River diver sion dam, Oeorge C. Clark A Co.,vto float barges with their material to the sceno of the work, but all thla part of their labor having been per formed tome days since, about a week ago It waa determined to drain the canal. The headgatea were shut, but tho locks below have not been opened wide la order to prevent the water from hacking Into the Lost River drain, which le at a low level. Excavating machines are at work oa this drain, and It the water waa let out of the mala canal with all ita force It would hack up la thw drain and interfere with the excavating ma chines which are .now at work dlsjf tag aar, to tae (train aeout taree net accper, i I PI.RADH PRIaMURK OV FMVATK niTMNMS, BCT B4aUaTa TO HAVE DBMRM TO Qa OCT ANYWAY MAM MM IK OffVWfl ( E. V. Elliott Is a. lawyer aad a private cltlsen. . This marked change la city took place at the city couaetl Ing last night whoa City Recorder T. 2 F. Nicholas read from Mr. UltoU ala resignation, dated October 1th. aad giving as a reason for retlrstoat press of private practice. The letter of withdrawal waa evi dently held up ftt etty'headaaartera until such time aa arraageateate could be made by Mayor Fred T. Saa derson for a successor to the eKy at torneyship. ""The resignation aad sacceeeloa wero arranged without a hitch, ae the council voted to accept the reetgaa Hon and approved the speetatmeat ot Meaning by tho mayor wtthoat a dlsaentlng vocal organ la fast, aot n murmur, not even a whlefW of dte sent waa heard. It waa all a thaheth arrangements bed been eoaspletely msdo In advance satisfactory te all parties. Bomotlmea hltchee oeear la tho council which cause membra to get nervous, hitch their gallusea (Ag uratlrely speaking, to be sure) aad - to orate la a fsahloa which la likely to cattee oipuertc eoageatlsa of the vocal chorda. Bat aaaeef thw ee- curred last alghC It le qaletly peesslaroaad ea the outside that Mr. hWlott wlehed to withdraw from the oflee heeaaaa of the embarrassing nature of the cir cumstances In which he found him self. He was often called oa to la up an ordinance that had been dratt ed by someono else, aad waa net la conformlny to tie sltuatloa- that It could be acted on properly, aad had told, right out In meeting, Just what a real nuisance this was. I He was also Impressed with the fact that tho council Insisted oa do ing some things which seemed to he a little" hasty, such 'as the Issaaaee of the seventh liquor license, which waa r. given to the White PeRcesT hotel, al though the population of the city has never been shown to be eu cleat to make the permission legal. Two New Building permits were allowed by the council last night at follews: R. E. duthrldge, to put on eerru gated Iron and'ralse rtfot of building on lot 3, .block 17, and make conform to another structure near hy. OsJ. Eskelsoa, three-room frame house, 18x20 feet, on lota aad 7. Forest addition. Flues to be brie or concrete. . make It approximately four feat About one mile of this drabs nas to oe (tone yet, rats Bens M the o west end, leading to the Callferala and Northeastern railroad. In the neighborhood ot the soata- . . - ...... east quarter ot le were la a Meal area ot probably 600 acrea which could not bo properly drained,- as last June work wai Begun to cut the drain deeper and give thla aeretsje chance for Its lite, aa It wee. tt la this cutting that the exeavatora.are now engaged ln . "" j," . te ITALY ARMY, WWIttOllim W; triw PB itM;roeTM.:v & i i?s4 United Frees Service .jr-4 TRIPOLI, Nov. 7, Btialflresd.hr ? .? the arrival of .troee aad tmm- laiM iiadAalAAhi Asa, m 1 fa aaam Aaksar? -"- "-""? "" .. " r. ' ?" 7" j'?" - W Turkish -'-'mm',muaUam ia." ill.1 Italwa Urd4;tiketsilBVi'?f,, - ;,,?? - ? X '-.. - T- y fSlt-, , t - ; , J T .v (." X., -.--. ZB