frtif fsj-sgfj .., . r-j7r? i1- ifiTi--i - n r S i t tMmmwmmmmnmmm J, '4i 4 $'$ The Only Daily Covering Every Seeiion of Klamath and Lake iCounties . Ttf-1 " . VEjfll j .fMl Mm. nam. KVKNINO NKWSPAPJHwl HUNT TMK JTKWB, NOT HMTOWf & Price, Ftf OMrta Hlilli Vmr-Nwi 1,600 KLAMATH FAI.LH, OHKOON, MU.XUAV, SOVKMIIKIt , 1911 rL-sas i dli mmnlnu m HEAT CONCRETE AT LOST RIVER DAM FROST IS A UAniilLK!lll,H ,llr' ' i"'cci.Kiiry to keep Jnck i IIIIKM IIAVi: IIKKN IIIUt.MMI NHIIIT AMI HAY UNDER THU AltCIIKH TO l,KT MATKIIIAI. Hl.T I'HOPKIU.Y Vupor from fire that aio hi'liiK'uhtih Include n walk nnd n trnm lniriii'il iluy Mill night ill lml Ither if.un to farllltfttu tliu work on tlio con trmt liy ki'i'iliiK tlio roiiirnlo warm i niiimli Hint ll limy defy frosty iiIkIiU tliu scene much akin to Unit mIiIiIi In created liy llm xmukliiK of liiinm. (IrnrKo C. Clnrlt ft Co., tlio con tinrtors for (lit work, who linni until liiiiMiihcr 3lnt, uri lining oteethlni: pustlhm to (Atrli up with tlio run irclo work nt tlio ilam, which Imit 1..-U hehlnd for Miiiin thin', nnd nro mm In better Nlmpo than they were tint month. Under twenty-one nrchen, the fipiim work of whli h In helm; filled with tho concrete, there tiro Urea luiroInK dy nnd iiIkIiI. which lmo In en koIiik for the pant Ihreo weckn, ivcr nltiro the nlKhtn liounn to haul ,i frotty nuvor, and the tunterlnl In much of the work In IioaUmI lioforo It U tdured. While the contractors lire nut an )et out of dniiRer from front, eer)tlilliK pomlbln In IiiIiik done to Kit tho work ilirotitili without nny unforliinatu contliiRcnry, nnd with two week more of Reed weather In which work can bo rapidly carried on lliero will bo Utile doubt of tho con nect bolnic completed on time, which In December 3 Int. All tho wind and other iimtorliil In now on tlio icrouud, hnltiR been IrannportiM Intel)' by hnrco aIoiir tho mini from thin city to n point two in I Ion north of tho dnm, from whlih It In hauled tn tho work, Tho roclnmntlon ncrvlco hnn In op enttlon nt tho dam ft nelf recording tlitrmnmetcr which taken tho temper aluren nt nil hoiiri, Mid ttiltf hnn been idiimliiK, tho mercury an koIiik below ( frectlnic for practically every uwit of lato, Tho record for tho week end dl October SO nllowcd the followlnR iilnhtly mlnlmiimn: Orluber 33d, 34 dcRrven; 24th, 27 leRreen; 25th, 31 denreon; 30th, 37 dvureen; 37th. !C deRni'n; 28tb, 22 deKrci; 29th, 2S dRreci. I.nit wook'a record, on Innpectlon, would prolinldy nhow Jmt an tow tem perature on tlio nvcrnRe, each iiIrIiI. The wont her nt tlio Ixint ItUrr loca tion In Bllghtly colder thnu Hint In thin city, nvnrnRdiR ftvo or hU do-Rrci-a bolow tho local record nn n rulo. ThU record Klven tho contrnrlor nn Idea of how Ioiir tho newly laid con- crelo will hnvp to net lioforo tho nlRht'a front may bo expected, nnd If Micro In danRcr of n lower nlRhtly tenipomturo tlmn tiiunt. or Ihcro In linn tlmn between tho hour of ntop pliiK work If tho work, for limlnnce, Into and tho expected nlRlit'n After Ankeny Canal Data To Sue City For Having Closed Up Ditch That tho government eilously con template tiling tho city of Klamath I'a I Is for tho closing of tho Ankeny iiiiial ubnut two month ago by order nf Mnyor Fred T. Snudoison, whoso oh.'oct was to obato tho alleged mils miio and holp allay typhoid fuvor, Is n fact boyond all doubt. I). 0. llopson, supervising ongluoor (or tho Pacific district, who was horo fmm PortUud n few wroks ago, Inti mated aa much, and word ha boon elieulated from Washington for.wmo tlmo that the quoatlon ha been put up to tho legal department It Is aow learnod that O. P. Morton, legal exawlnor of the reclamation service, Paolgo district, will arrlvo In this city in a day or two with a front, iixlrii heutliiK tnuy bo itono to llm niiitrrlulii an limy imt put In. All I'riml from "Imttliiir In" mill suellliii: tlio riiiilrnrtnr's lalior nnd material. ' fit... ..r iiin r...... -.... .. iii.i 'MI '. .1.11, UIIIILH ., ll) l.oitt lllicr iIiiiii (instruction, mill tho onn iiboul wlil( li t tin moat nppri'lien h to ii lit felt lent tlicnt limy lip iIiiiiiuko from front liuforo llm coniiuto ha nil opportunity to net l I lio top of tliu 'main structure, with lli IiHiIkp, way. Thin portion of tlio work U to Im ISO feet Inn; mill 12 feet wire, nnd the tramway In for the transput iilluli of stop-plnuks, ThcNo planks nro unci) to glvn tlio ilntu n liohllni; power of three foot morn tlian thu tn in proper, ho Hint In iihii- of hunt llooilit, which mine with fair frequen cy In Hint iiclKlihorliooil, thin thrco ful of iitrn wall, If It may lip called niitli, fiirnlnliril liy tlio 'stop-plunks rnn I io leiinni'il, unit nil Iho water ' "X "'"' nllowcd to flow hy. riH'lt MILLION ACIICS KI'ItVi:VKH Purine AiiRint thu tnpogrnphlciil ciiKlitecru of the United Htnte km-' liiRlinl nurte) nmdo field nurteys of I n.iiiT miuiiro nines--over t,uuu,uuo, ncren- in vnrioun tarts of llm coun try, rnugliiR from sniiuip tnndn to htilh mountain nrenn, Tho Niire)n romprlne nrtiinl map mnkliiR on the ground, and the put ling on the map of uwry natural nnd In Us exnrt relntlio position nn It nctually exlntn In the nren sur vived. I'rnnk White riiuio In from Hn)ton this moriiliiR on n hurrlod lmlneu trip. Ho left thin nfternoon for hln home. SEEDLESS APPLES LIKELY IF FIND JS DEVELOPED Almiikt Ih'iul Tree, I'rotertt'tl, llln- mhii Alien, Willi I'rult Tlmt I Keedlifi, nml Almost t'ir-le I lllxoter) of Uimdo se.ijrlr Hptclnl to Tho Herald I.AKi:Vli:V. Nov. !. -A secdles upldo I the dlncoory Jf Clnudo It. Scager oLtho IMvIh Creok Orc'irnU rouipiiii), who vhao largo IioIiIIiirs near that point in (Iimiho liko Vulley. A tree mar Pine Creek hm! ful jenra been neglected, mid tho oiitth, hordes nml other stock had lirowtud un ItJ lent I' until (there wna nothing left but the Ktunled grow Hi. Thin )eiiri"tho treo wni prut n ted ngnlnut storlr, nml nt Itn ununl llmo In ought furtii blosKom Hint Inter doieloped Into Iho innrvilnim pioiluc Hon that lint baffled Iho horticul turists'" ' . Thorn woio jibnietliliiR like Ivwiit) llvo.Bpeclmen ot.frult tl.nt matured, nnd' nil wro seedlCBS nnd yrnctlcilly coreless. Mr. 8eagr lift tftke.ii view to securing satisfaction from tho municipality. Whllo tho canal wn closed up nenily two monlliH ngo, Iho loss of Its uso for Irrlgntlon put poses did not Inst Hint entire porlod, for tho reason that noimnlly tlio Irrigation soniiou limes early In October. o that tlio lmiinlrment of sorvlco was not as Bert on a It might have been, although Iho canal hna beon closed over since thu city took drastic action Mr. Morton, when ho arrives, will also look Into some matters In con nection with tho right of way nnd title involved In the second unit lat eral proposed by tho reclamation ser vice, Tho right of way rouat bo in proper thapo beforo bid for tho work may bo advertised for. Mr. Morton doca tho work formerly In tho hand 0( w, a. Wiley, who la now otherwise engaged In this city. nvehn of tliu npiiliiieun to (.'ullfornli with him to Interview l.tithoi- llur-J hunk, tlio plant "wizard,' nml villi Hick hi nilvliu to further tlio produr-i tloli of thin lehinrkalili; variety, ' I (lolilen (loono l.nkn In renowned for IIh lino fruit, hut tlio production of1 mi entirely now nimvIih will open pon. nlhllltleM Hint tlio orchard men of thin fnvoreil mpi Hon of iho country nuvor ilrcunii'il of, Tlio apple rei'mbles n Northern fipy In nomo respects, with tlio (olerlni: of tlio Mnlik'iihliiHli. unit the roro In dwarfed to such tin extent I that It In prnctlinlly gone, without nuy seed of any kind. Tlio placenta reiinn forced out nt the end of the npplo, nnd (ho Htiimctin nnd iilntlln lire xtlll to ho necn. II In the Intention of tlio ownern to diii'lop tho new discovery n fur iik ponnlhle, mid It la expected that tho apple Indiinlry will ho mvolutlonlted when thu fruit In plncrd on tlio innr l(i t. NurHerjinen nnd liortlrultiirlHtn In Rinernl will wntch thin dovelop-lf,n inent work with tiilereM, as Its pon Hlhllltlen nru lie) mid estimate. Hen Ror llrothers linvo k fine property, nnd It In their Intention tn set out nil if II to tho fruit If found to repro duce through RrnftlnR nnd huddltiR, NEW STALLION LAW IN FORCE SO.MK OUNi:itM OF IIIIKKlllXa MOCK IIAVK NOT VKT COM l'l,lt:i WITH IT, HAYS HTATK Itl'.filSTIIATIO.V IMIAIIH Special to Tho Herald Attention of tho owner of stal lions nnd Jnck In called by tho stal lion registration board to thu new ntnlllin law, which went Into effect on Mny 20, 1911. A number of horsemen havu not )ct compiled with II. o piinlnloiiK of this law. j It Is necessary that all stallions laud Jnckn used for public aervlcc inunt bs licensed by the State Stallion lt glstrntlon Hoard at Corvallls, and Hint they must bo Imrpcctod by nn olllclnl Inspector ftvpolntod by this board. Attention I nUo called to the fact Hint, according to this law, stallion which nro In tho Htato at tho tlmo vlicn tho Inw got Into effect and IKciiHcd during tho first season, will be licenced, oven though unsound, al though such unsoundness. If present. will ho Htutcd In tho license. All homes, however, which nro not lined for public service and licensed during tho first tiensou, will bo re flmed license nml not allowed to stand for public service unless they pais tho, proper vetcilnary Inspection. It I very Important, therefore, that horse iiidii wlio arc delinquent In this mat tir get In their application at ooco. Stallion owner who have already re ceived license for their horse will confer n favor upon their neighbors 1 1) calling iitlontlon to this fact. Horsemen nro nlno urgently re iliu'Bted not to purchano stallions or jncka until after they have been In spected by ono of tho state Inspectors nnd hnvo received t'.iolr state license, for otherwise It may provo that such stallions or Jacks may provo unsound and honco not eligible to bo used for In ceding purpose In thl itato, or It may bo round uini tneir peaigree nro bogus, nid that they will havo to be licensed nn grades or mongrols, In stead of puro breds, n represented A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Shorten and Cheapen Your 9 . A nuili wno waaia w owf v llko tho maa who want lure Your ad, if roa hare Ugat roar uim uUl invesUaMto roar $ , KENY0NA6R00M, QUIET IIHH Itl'IIV lUIIOL'lt.N'K IH-X-OM llltllli: AT HIMI'l.K CKItKMONV AT IIOMK OV IIKU I'AItKXTH IIK'. fl'l OPPIf 1ATKM David Ken) on, proprietor of tho (. K. Transfer company, and a well known man of Klamath Fulls for tho pant six years, was married on Sat urday night to Mis Ituby Leo Ita- ..... JklmlilAn nt tf nif lira T llilill m: I uuuhiuvi V MMU -. . A. Itubourne, tho wedding tnklnR tdnco nt the homo of tho brldo par-, en!. Only tho family wcro present, t In, ilenlrn lil'llllf for a lirlltto mnr-: WEDDING j llov. Kriink M. Upp performed thojld, right wrist on tho joy wheel and 'nuptial rite, after which a wedding' then broko the arm at the rink on supper was enjoyed by tho little fam ily RiitherlnR. Following the mar rliiRo fenst tho newly married cotiplo look up housokeeplnrt In tho groom's limine on Kant Kourth street. WIIITK I'KLICAN IIOTKL IIANQUKT Whllo tho Whlto Pelican Hotcl'wlll open Its doors to public patronago on TliniiksgUlnR day, November 30th, the big public banquet with which tho Ann now hostelry will celebrate will be held on tho night of the fol lowing Saturday, December 2d. Tho prlro of tho banquet Is 13 a plate. There will ba no Invitation Issued, nnd anyono Is at liberty to mako reservation at any time. These may bo had by applying to the office of tho Whlto Pelican Hotel. In the Klamath Development compa ny' ofllco building, at Main and llroad street, by letter, In person or by telephone, tho number being 401. TAFTS VOTE IS SAFE AFTER ALL I'ltKHIIIKNT AltltlVIH AT CINCIN NATI ANIl HKGIBTKUB AS A VOTKII, M IIK CAN OAST HAU M)T TOMtHtltOW United Prcs 8ervlco CINCINNATI, Nov. 6. President Tnft arrived here and registered as a voter, thu qualifying for totnor iow's election. ' ITALY WOULD GIVE UP TRIPOLI IF SHE COOLD Willi Honor, According to Advice at Itome Truth Known Might Shake Tlirono Fierce Flghtlnit Wllliln City of Tripoli United 1'rcis Scivlco KOMH, Nov. 0. Advices Indlcato that tho government would bo glad to drop Tripoli If It could with honor. It Is feurcd that It tho real facta ubout Tripoli become known Italy' Hirono would bo endaugored. A report la that Ocneral FruseonJ baa been chosen to succeed cenerai Little "Campaign" Search For a Buyer L- ...Ll-ln. ..A, muikimMnr flv OSBfiA fiunsk ! a uonv, vr m -, .. - to buy a horn, Is eager to Cadi the something to sell, will and reader awaius k wbo nn w or , of or It It looks at all feasible. H . CaiiMi. Krcnh rclnfortcmcnU of 30, Ont) men uro Rathered at Naples. I.ant accounts wcro that a fierce artillery hattlo wn raRlnif Innldo tho city of Tripoli, with Turk and Arabs nurroiindliiK Italians. IkJiimn ArbIii In Turklnli Hand United Press Service CONBTANTINOPLE, Nov. . Tho Turks recaptured Ocrna, kllllnR fiOO Italians. American Cruiser does to Malta United Press Bcrvlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. . Tho cruiser Chester has left Malta for Tripoli, to InvestlRato charges at bar barbarism made against Italy, It Is believed this Is the result of j Turkey's appeal. Morlno Now Han ApteadtciUi iinrold- Morlnc of Main and Elev ;(.nth streets, Cvntrnl Oramniar school ihiiiII nnil pnrrler nf Ihn Kvcnlnv Iter. '., w,, rl .,. wmV ,iflBH October 29th, seem to bo In a run of hard luck. Dr. L. W. Chilton ha notified him that he ha appendicitis, and may have to submit to an opera tion. WILL FILL HOTEL WHEN II IS OPEN PfZZLK, 8AVH CHIEF CLERK IXIl'HKH, WILL IIK WHEItK TO IXHTAMj liAHGK NUMBER OP CANIIIHATKH FOR SPACE When tho new Whlto Pelican open It door on Thanksgiving day, a par ticular reason why Its promoters will give thanks la that the house will be full to the brim. Thero are 102 guest room In the big hostelry, and Chief Clerk E. H. Louscr has already assigned a num ber of these to peoplo who will be hero at, tho time tho modern lm Is ready to receive thorn. "Vol. -sir, I am puttied to know where to put all of tho people that want to get spaco in tho house," said Mr. Looser. "There will bo about 100 guests here for the opening, be sides various people who are coming to mako their stay with u perma nent. Thero aro many people who mako business trips to Klamath Fall now who do not stay here as long as they would on account of tho lack or hotel accommodation of the kind they desire. There will be many of theso who will como to the city and remain here for protracted periods In iho While Pelican. "Another point, for Instance, Is that there nro traveling men who havo not como hero lately because they were not suited In tho way they wero accustomed In tho matter of ho tel service. I used to bo with the Southern Pacific company as n super visor of dining car service, and while In that work along the line I had a number of them speak to mo of that fact. Those people will begin to 'make' Klamath Fall Just as soon as we are able to take care of them. There will surely be plenty of people on hand to take space when we are ready to serve them." Mr. Louser already ha hi room board up In the hotel company's of flco tn tho Klamath Development building, assigning space as fast aa it Is demanded. As soon as the exact I - " Of ., ... .. """- i 'beet possible BARGAIN . . HHHMM6 . SMALL INCREASE IN PROPERTY HELD number and name of guests Invited for the opening is furnished tho local ofllco tho board will bo filled with all the names It can hold. Ho will leave on November 30th for Ban Francisco to bring to this city tho crew that Is to take care of the hotel. Thero will bo about forty people, clerks, bellboys, men and wo men of all work, and a- special train n.ay be used, consisting of two sleep ing cars and a baggage car. W. It. DeBardeleben and wife are among the newcomers to Klamath Falls, called hero by the new hotel. They aro quartered at the Ewauna-, whore Manager J. E. Drower Is kept busy (celng that no ipsre rooms get away from the new White Pelican staff. Thero aro half a doxen or so Whlto Pelican folk thero now. Mr. DtDaTdelebcn Is from tho Palace Ho tel, San 'Francisco, and will have chargo of the new Whlto Pelican bar. Tho stock for tho bar has arrived. As It now stands, Mr. Drawer has announced tho following members of hi staff who aro In the city: E. H. Loustr, chief clerk: C. A. Hoffman, steward: Harry' Hoffman, In charge of engineering department; Peter Cr&vcttl, chef; W. R. DeBardeleben, bar room. The architect of the hotel Is Benjamin McDougall, Ban Fran cisco, while Arthur Arlett, building contractor, has Harry Anglln as su perintendent of construction. HvIbk for Ctotnssfoloa on Deal Justice of the Peace Charles Ora-ves was engaged today In hearing the case of Ifenry H. Rabbes against U. II. Spencer for 970, commission at 6 ptr cent, for selling some city prop erty at a price of $3,500 to E. O. Dcardsley. Spencer 1 In California, and his deposition Mb the ens was read, questions and answers, by At torney E. L. Elliott, as Inquisitor and Attorney J. A. Carnahan as respond ent. x PROTECTS DEHNED BY ERdUSHJI KXICO Fear Rebel Looters Consul Tells Them to Dewsand Arm From Mex ico or Say That John RU WUl Furnish Then 'Tnlted Press Service MEXICO CITY, Nov. 6. Alarmed by reports of violence attending the Zapatatlsta revolution, and fearing the rebels might capturo and loot Mexico City, the British government, through. Its consul today, Instructed English rcslder'.s to demand nims fiom the Madero government for their own protection, with Instruc tion to add that It arm mc not fcrthcomlng England will provide them through the consulate. W. W. Collins of Los Angeles, rep resenting the National Hotel Register company, was In the city today. He Is an old friend of J. C. Brocken- brougb. Right Of Way For Irrigation Canal In Poe And Nuss Valleys Advances Most ot the right ot way work be ing done by the government reclama tion servlco to make possible the let ting ot a contract for construction ot tho second unit lateral, has been com pleted, and W. W. Patch, project en gineer, stated this morning that he believed another month would see the rights all secured. He expects to start tomorrow with I. S. Voorhet, acting project engineer who Is bis principal assistant, to at tend to some matters In connection with this part ot the work. After the rights ot way aro secured It will take several weeks to do the advertising and other work necessarily involved la the letting" ot bids, and Mr. Patch hopes to see the work speedily aceom pllshad. Re says tho people who bar land whleh will ba furalahed with wa ter from the proposed lateral wilt be - . LAKEVIEW'S VALUE TAX ROMi Jl'HT COafPLRM) HHOWfl UCT MTTIiE OVam OKI PER CENT ADDiTIONAI, PHOT. KBTV AB AGAINST tiACV TKAR Special to The Herald . LAKEVIEW, Not. -Th ltll tax roll of Lake county has last bee made out. and shows a sBwll laereaae over last year's total,? which was I8.0CS.279.81, aa the new list totals 18,168,103.00. The Inereas U 8100, S22.19, or about 1 per cent The following Items show the clas sifications of the dlferent assessable preperties: Acres tillable land, 217,- 645, valued at ., $S,Sfl,SM Non-tillable land. 669.410 acres, valued at J,167,J6S Improvements oa" deeded land .? HUM Town lots ....'. 466,175 Improvements to town lots 266, 480 Improvements on lands not deeded 11.411 17,675 141,717 414H 14,161 111,646 116.177 it.m 111.SU 411.411 314466 1416 1.6I6 Steamboats and machinery Merchandise Farming Implements .... Money .., ....... Notes and accounts Bank stock .? Household tarakure .... Horses, 11,471. valued at. Cattle, 27.411, rained at. Sheep. 117,111, rained at Swine. 347, tmlaed at . . . Dogs, 86, rained at It will be' see that the hare'keea'teneral. aa4 the i la livestock iare the most aoUeswkle, The sherll has turned In $811,886 worth of new taxable property to the assessor this year, which has brought the total over what It was last year, though without this addition there would have, been a largo decrease. It will be noticed that the Bomber of swine layabout as low aa posMele to nnd anywhere In aa area that covers tho territory that Lake eoaaty does, and the 147 head of hogs are ' valued at leas than the 16 don as sessed. This ls(the lowest number of swlno taxed In the county In many years. Ono joker In the list gives the amount of money as 164,161, when the banks ot the county, to nay noth ing of manytother sources, haro orer $1,000,000 on deposit. With a tai rate of one oeat, or tea mills. It Is safe to say that tho prop erty owners it Lake county are let ting oft lighter In the amount of tana than the peopk ot any county In Ore gon, if not tn entire racmc uoast. Assessor Andrew J. Foster and Dep uty C. E. OIItbc. ba-re own eaeep tlonally busy, and have a very too et of nooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brothertoa wore In town last Saturday from their Foe Valley home. able to get water oa it year alter aext. There will be between 6.600 aad 7.000 acres to be reclaimed by thl) lateral, Including territory w Poe Valley, Nuss Valley acid the west slope ot Btuket mountain dowa to Lost River. All told there will be between 15 and 40 miles ot the easel construeteeV c, vr Ellis Raphael. soUeltor for taa, Portland Telegram? who bMbett. working In this territory atria Basjt fortnight,- left this by'BAjg. mobile for Lakerst. will mako the trip to'Bead.TalB uM to h tha IsacMSt! 7:: "rru... --i".t.'-. ior saeecnviunw has "made" the Ibbm 4bm; ft Oeatral Orte. J ',!. :Hhjai to-b a 4ssdowt')m jgsW SW IHrf $ lVV ( 0. l-rir Bllalts f5sAyV'4fa 4 3l V- v?.5.i h$$ f . -.. a v .if y ?? V- T L VA. f r? ST.' , am v .w -, - ji 1- 3-S,V"i --"-, -I,V2 .it' i ,11 . WiJ. - v-