ffiEismi sWurmmf wiiNAjtktoMuAuiMitmmiinS!ti . t t.-u -, r The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties efaliV HVVVUKU HV TIIK IIMTKII I'HKM NEW SERVICE EVENING NEWSPAPER I'llINT TMK NEWS, NOT HISTORY Klrlli Year N. l(DO KLAMATH PALLH, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVKMIIEIt -I, 1011 Mot, Viva OnHi M mt i BIGGER PRESERVE WANTED FOR DEER 1 simm other tout, with tliu rmult that ,r tints ikirrrri'Titir "K'y w""1'1 liiimedlntoly full victims IS NOW INtrrttTIVE,"' hunterv rim,.- Tim pnrk now utiibrnrc 219 siimru mill, being 1314 mile ncrns rait M'l'KIH.vrr.MiKNT W. F. AIIANT"""' w''"1 nl"' ",4 M,"M distant from , tho north to (ho south linn. Mr. Arnul (H CRATER LAKE NATIONAL n,KKn ,,nl tl() ir,t.clo, nron ,, PARK EXI'LAINH HOW THEY Inrrenicd hy taking u strip about nlm .i.i. uiuv nut- iki tiil. .! i '"'I'" ""l"' "",l ulnlilM'M mile to the ARE KAMI I'llhi IN THE 1AI.L , ,,,,, ... wi-it, ntnl Hun tri'lili' tliu nliu of the , pioscnt pnrk anil llirlinln nn area to If recommendation niaito by W. F. ,, ,..,, ,, f ,,,. h()ri Arnnt. superintendent of Crater Lnkn ,,, (.,, , ht, ,,,, nn, :tk imtlminl pnrk, to Secretary of tlu rrck. Thli territory, In Mr. Awnf Interior Waller Fisher nro adopted opinion, In thn greatest tintiirnl ln Iln. ilni of Iho park will l Incrcnifil l(,rK Kroiiml of tho deer on thu I'n. to three tlini'i Hi present illiuvriilium rlllc count. . fur Urn pnrtlrulsr purpoimif protect- Aim IihIuiIi.I uoulil bo Dlninoml Iiir ili it ami mnkliiB for Iho Knmc ,.,,ku nml Aiitcliip.. Vnlli-y, tho latter a prowrvii which will better servo to,,,IK M, (0 IS , miy ,.rrr) protect them thin Iho territory now containing mitelopo In tholr tintiirnl 't apart, 'itntu In thn lountry. Ai It U now,, Mr. Atnnt ciplnlni, Mr A runt I now making the nn tlm iliir roam through tho park terrl- mini preparation for riming up v tort In (ho summer unumti-iti-il, nml erjlhlug nt llio pnrk for tho winter w lien tln itormi itnrt In thu fnll nml I'looni of bridge over deep rnnyoni Ih-kIii filling thu pnrk with ni imtrh.nre taken up. Home of theio bridge n twenty feot or mow In plnrc, tlm I fin- 100 fed Ionic. It In neccisnry to itei-r rnniiot lire there, mi they seek Iteiiinvo tho lloerlm: to prcieno It, tln low Kroiiml, whlrli N outihln thn ni twi'iity fcrt of mow, or n null of pri'wrvf, ami thrlr tnnmnrii innkcn wnti-r from hiiuo tlinw when th i lii-ni cniy pri')' to thn hnntfr'i rlrio, wi-nthcr Jinnki wonlil ili-ntroy thu I hnvi hiH-n ilroply IntcrritPit In itrurtiirm In ihort onli-r It In proli ihli iiinttnr for lomo time, nml for nhln t lint Mr Arnnl, uho nlum to ho tmiro tlmn n year Imvo Ix-cn nnxlouitho Mat to li-avi, lll rotno out In in hiirn loitii-thlne ilono, If poiilhlo. to invo tho ilM-r," inlil Mr. Arntit. Jntt now I nut moro ptrmnded tlmn i-viT Hint It wuulil do n ili-ilrahlo mor. I itntnl In my report, In mil'-tnnri-, that It li hardly fnlr to tho ilr-r for tho nornnirnt to net prnr tlrnlly ni nn nitrnry for furnlihlnR Kntin. to the lino whero tlm hunter nwnll Mm, and In mltlltlnn to thnt nut lilm thpro In meh n tnmp ronitl- Hon Hint ho ilooi not iitulrrilnnil that i ho ihnulil ho wnry of Iho hunlrr. "Thrro li no blntno nttnrln-il to tho I union. They have n rlxlit to kill I In- iloor when tho open iomoii romei, nml It li the mnrt naturnl thlm: In tho worhl for them to nrt under tho Inw o( Iho irmon. They nro not kiiiiio Iiiiki, hut Konllnnipu, nml no proper i (oiiiplnlnt rnn ho mmlo nl their eon lint. Tho plncri whi-ro tho iii--r i oiiio out nro well known. A innn fiimlllnr with thn territory and their 1 luihlti know tho plarei whpro thoy lis. i.Hid ! ail MAM (uIiAVa lltnt.... ........ .. I I... eron, and tho hunter nro compnrn llii'ly uro of Just where to lie In unit, outildo tho pnrk, for tho nnl mnli lo pas. They havo nil gnnn out now, for thero havo been ionic storm up (hero already, although the result hnvo all gono, and thn pnst week ha hoon Just like It Is hero In Klmnnth Full. Rut I venturn to say thorn I not ono deer within ton mile of our plm-o up thero today, whero In tho summer there ro probnhly 1,000 of them roaming tho pnrk. "A nn Illustration of how Inmo tho deer nro nftfr being protected nil summer In tho pnrk, I ran rolnto nu Incident. Home men who woro work Iiir for mo woro ramping near tho iIko of tho park, Mid nn It wn nfter the storms had begun nnd thorn was thi co or four Inches of mow on tho Kiound, they had a lent erected, nnd hnppcnod to bo sitting In It. White Htated thoro threo fine buck deer pnisod dollberntely along In front of their tent and wended thotr wny on down. Those men could hnvo fol lowed them and shot them If Ihoy hnd wnntcd to, but they had no deilro to tnkn them. ".Vow It would bo no mirprlio for Ihoyo same threo animal lo go on out to tho unprotected territory and pai Bombardinist Gets' Light Penalty For Selling Liquor lo An Indian Uuy Urown, former has hornor, or bombardlno blowor, In tho Klamath Kulli Military band, who was taken to Portland some weeks ago and thoro Indicted by tbo federal grand Jury on Iho chargo of having sold liquor to an Indian on the Klamath Indian reservation, pleaded guilty when called up for trial. Ho was sentenced to serve sixty days In Jail. Md also to pay a Ane of nhotit two MO'ki, nml reuinln until tho iprlnK Mi-nthi-r innkei It fpnillito In return nml open up iiunrti-n pro-' pnrnlory to tho pnrk leniinn. DEVELOP CHURCH INDEPENDENTLY m:v. nn. toi.i.ixs who wii.i iiti:siin: at i.-i'ist-oi'Ah ki:k- VICIX TOMOHKOW (ilVUS OUT. I mm: of mical hituation Iti-v Dr. Henry C. Collins, who " ' ' '"'B c """' o. Cullf., to uimliirt iervlci-4 for tho i-ougri'Kiilliiu of drain Episcopal cliurrh, mid who will hold tho lumo inmnriiiw iiieruliii: nt It o'clock In the Houitoii opera- house, Iim fur nlihed to tho Herald n summary of tho Munition hero, a hit look nt It, which In ns follew: ' In lukliiK up tho work of tho Kpls-J eopul rhorih In Klumnth Fall It I not tho ili-ilrn to drnft upon tho tho church In thu other folds, but tho purpiu I lo mllM In tho Lord' ser lco tl'ose, who liavn hitherto taken no nrtlvo lull-rout In thn cause of ro IIrIoii mid Ihoio now uuntliirheil. "Tho miilcrlnl dovclopmrnt of IhU wiiuderfiil country, which In ho IiUm hoiI by the Creulor' bounty, I n port of Ills piirpoit', hut uqunlly ho, mid ot oven moro Importance, U tho develop-mi-lit of tho ioIIrIoii mid mornl force of tho community, for tho fu turn Kri-ntnoss will depend ou wlidli er or no them material nnd splrltunl force ro hand In hand, tho ouo Kuld ed mid restrained, It may bo, by tho othtr. It In truo Hint 'rlRhtcnoui nei oxnlteth n nation,' nnd It In our purpose to nsslat In this part or the development or Klamath, "Thoro nro ninny public spirited, loyal, gonoroun nnd unsalflsh nimi, who nro rorcmoit In tliolr endeavor $100. Tho penalty Is the smallest pre scribed by law that may bo Inflicted for tho offense, and the lonloncy of tho court was duo to tho fact that Drown had In his possession an hon arable discharge from tho United States navy, which ho showed to tho court, as woll as tho furthor fact that ho haxl not sold tho liquor to tbo In dlan with any view to making a pe cuniary profit for his own benefit. In ilovulop tin mntorlal nffnlra who hno not in Ji.t tnken thvlr plncn In I Hint whldi lunki'x for thu hlghur nml 'hctti-r, moro rnllKhttitittl cltlr.cnihlp I nml puhllu n-itlro, men who nro tho Miry licit nml Imro tho moat powar for Infliii-iiclnc tho llfu of tho com- iiiunlty In tho m-IIkIoiih iphcru. It In jto thcau wo nppenl, niklutc thom lo Itnko up their pnrl nml ihoiililor tho .liunli-ii Hint hi-loiiKi to tht-tii ni mon nml eltltoni, "Wo welcome! tho mippnrt of nil. Tho rourti of our pinto of worship nru open nml free to nil men. Co mo fii-ely nml Join with Hit In our wor ihlp of Mini upon whon hounty wc- " K. Hurroll of Fort Hock who live, moto nml luivo our helnc. hw chnrRo of Iho RnnK of road- "To tho othtr rohli of our Lord htilldCru who hnvo been Improving nml Mniter, wo extend rrntornaliU'" Klamath county highway under Km-tliiK, nnkliiR their fellnwahlp nnd'ltccllon or tho countr court, report co-operntlon In tho liril'i rnmr. Ai '" tho county road In completed H-oro li hut ono body nml one iplrlt. 'r0"' Chllorjuln to BIlTtir Lake. ono hopo of our rnlllnR, ono Lord,, Thl highway rumj oh tho cait ildo oiio fnlth, ono haptlim, wo may b nl ono lii-nrt nml mind, hound KiRi-th '"B nw lirldnoi hnvo been built: 8o. pi In f lloHhlp nml lovo, looklim forPi'"ni' Plnli. 72 feet Iodr; Wociii tin. roiiHummnllon Intended hy our "")'. ? foot lonni Bkellog, 1C fectj Lord, 'ono flock under nmi Bhcphi'nl.'.noroM Wllllamion Illror nt tho upper prw nrilently ileilrpil by nil hrntichoa'onil or manh, 67 feet. of III rhtirch." MORE COMEDY WORK RENDERED tno tnnriue or Anrnnnm ctinrlte, a ,well known Indian, and Alexander AMISINO I'HOIlUtTION OF jos.'ayli. n tho route nvolditheio . poll and rop HiroiiRh the hlg flat luntend. liirrilICK AMI ABKOCIATKH AT' From tho Wllllamton River north oii:ha IIOl'Hi: (IIUTIFUX A coon hicii ai'iiii:nck An iimuiliiR rotuody, "Tho Man of lli-r Cliolco," with Jmeph Dctrlck In tl.i prlnrlpnl liiiiRh-produclitR chnr ac.r. wn given nt llomton' opera homo lull nlRht to nu nudlenco wlioij rlnlMii worn worked overtime In re sponding to tho ludlrxoitK iltuutlou which rnmo nbout HiroiiRh tho loss of the falio teeth of a younR man who win nlrtnuy cnougti (iiitrciicu ni having to wear auch a-convenlenco. Tho threo net furnlihcil all tho iimuiemeiil n reaionnhlo poraon could ail: for, and tho performance, whlrh win n drrliled iiicrem, will bo repeat nl tonlRhl with miliordlnntn roloi iikMii In the hand of such cnpnblo pioplo ni Floyd Meniel, J. O. llnrpcr, Leslie (llenn, Ollvo Mordolf, Revn Itnynionil nnd Iols llolton. GHENT HCfDES AND TIKIS IN SIGHT SIiiiiirIuiI (inrtlwHi Itrtolt ami Takes City In lln Keeping Fiftern Hun dnil lliinkovr Ituoerlnllits tUllcd In the Flghtlng liiilu-d Press Service IMIKIN', Nov. t. Thu government Iti il'rtded ou concessions. I.I Yuivn lluiiR hns comentod to n triu-o. Ho meetH Yunn Shi Kill at Hankow tniiiiy. At ShntiKhnl tho gnrrlion has re Milted mid thu city Is In tho hands of thn revolutionist, but Is compara tively qulot. Fifteen hundrdl Imperialists wcro killed In tho flRhtliiR at Hankow on November 1st. Princeton. Inrvnrd football game First half, Trlncoton 6, Harvard 0; mini, Prtncoton 8, Harvard 0, $ A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Shorten and Cheapen Your Search For a Buyer A iiuin who waata to buy '.-like the man who vtants lure-- Vi.ni- ml. If you hate somethbaa- to sell, will And readers awaiting it who waat to bay and , , ... .1 A- .... ...... f ll ul lllVl-iina r unrr t0 MMMIMMM Ml SILVER LAKE IS LINKED BY ROAD COUMV IIIOIIWAY FINIHIIKI) TO Ul'l'l.'ll M.VK OF COUNTY AND liAUCJK AMOUNT OF IHHTANCK IS CUT OUT f of tho manh, nnd along It tho follow. T"c briaxfa, Mr. nurroll nyi, nro info for traffic of tho hea-vloit -kind. Tho completion of the road which tho men hnvo been constructing Imenni twenty-one nillei or new road, nml will snve nliout elovon mile or tho dlitnnro from Chlloquln to Silver t.nko, n It ruli out nil tho water In nlonR Lome Trnlrlo tho ntnrih Is avoid '(l by running throiiRii tno wooa a dlttanro of aorcn tnllr. Tho newly completed road mean that Klamath Fall has better access now to a largo and newly nettled district than ever liofore, Including the Silver Lake. Fort nock, Cbrlttmns Lake and Sum mer I.nko ncttlemcnt, which nro growing v?ry rapidly, owing to tho nurir-er or settles tnVis up farming In those locations. What was for- merlr territory shunnrd a wnrthteti I being tnken up eagerly, When Mr. Tlurrcll settled In the Fort Rock region there woro only iievfn other people at thnt p'are, and now thero nro n largo number, and thl iienion r.,000 buihels of grain bnvo been threihed, dcsplto the still nrlmltlvo condition and the large amount of unbroken land. Freight I moving up that way rap idly, and yeiterday seven big freight ing outfits, nil with trail wuiom, left Chlloquln, which Is tho pro.'cnt ter minus or tho railroad, with supplies, such ns feed, flour, salt and ollur t'elilcs. Included In tho niimbor wore Jamison from tho upper onl of the IiIr marsh, Fox from Fromont, Ln llreo from Silver l.nko, Duncan from Airow nnd Rulck from Rock Ynlloy. Two ilnyngo Stnnley Martin of S'.hor Lake started up with three outflH. BASKET BALL IS GETTING LIVELY llltill HC'IIOOI, UlllS TIIYINQ OUT FOR l'L.fK8 ON F1VK, AND IN fOUPI.K OF WKKKB THE CLASS aASIFJ) WU.lt 1IKGIN nioh artmni linva Intend to have ii basket ball team, and tho flre to bo picked will bo tho best talent on- Little "Campaign" ))) .... ... . .. a hone, or vetuciei or Hsecj ranuiwv, minwij www ; to buy home, la cater to Mtte beat possible BARGAIN I I flM.l lt UII.Vji iwu m mi vi', ttclnnblo from ntnoriR tho cl&sac on tho hill. AmonK thoio who are try ItiK out for place nro the following, who wcro nt tho rink thl morning Rt-ttinK limbered up: Harry Memor, J. Hardin Carter, Eugene McCorralck, Hoy Orem, Lton Holler, J. K. Nell, Harold Hargcnt, Ioul Iloagland, Paul Nail, Lou McClure, Robert ItlRRa, Harold Fecie, Konnuth Stow art, Ulcnn Uarrett, Sterling Oarrett, Korcit Poll. W. II. Shaw I coach, and Robert ItlKK ha bten elected ipcclal baikct hall manager. In about two week thero will bo omo high ichool dais Rauic and two fives will be chosen, probably from the Junior and lopho moro year. ANNOUNCEMENT Tho Klamath Fall MlllUiVband ileilrca to announce that Gila. W. Knnpp of tho Cincinnati tfollcgo of Miiilc, n competent toachor of the vio lin, vlollnccllo and clarhfct, ha locat ed In Klamath Fall. . Anyono dclr Inn Imtructlon on any or theio Initru mtnts will do well to eo him. An appointment may bo trranged by call InR phone 33. 4-Ct WAR CRUELTIES CAUSE PROTEST ITALIAN ATIU)CITU IN TRIPOLI MAY LKAII POWEIW TO MAKE A CONCKRTKII IIFJWANII FOR TIIKIH AIIAMIONMENT ynlted Press Service LONDON, Nor. 4. Italian cruel tic In Tripoli may causo n concerted demand by tho powers that Italy ob serve modes ol "clvlllxtd" warfare. In tho houso of commons Member Loach asked Foreign Secrttary-Orey If ho would not uso hi Influence to prtvent a repetition of atrocities. Orey deprecated tho question a offcnslvo to a friendly power. Reports Indlctto that a thousands beings wcro slaughtered In Tripoli- Tho oasis outside of Tripoli Is a wit stench place filled with hun dreds of bodies. it Is reported Hint Wolgait expects to ro to Australia for a series of flRhts after tho Welch battle on Thanksgiving. MANY HARKED BILLS ANE FOUND IN SUSPECTS ROOM Man Arreted Coming Out of Chlaa ton it (inmbllng lien Relieved to lie Ono of the Robber of the Moat rral Hank ! United Press Service VANCOUVER, Nov. John Boieyk. with $4,000 In marked bills, has been arrested as ouo concerned In the rob bery of the Bank or -Montreal In Sep tember. l)ozo)k wns coming out ot a- gam bling den In Chinatown when asked hy a policeman to give an account o'f himself. ' Ills statements were unsatisfactory nml ho was searched. On him 1700 were found. At tho statlon'ho gave several oth er accounts ot hit movements. Ho said he roomed at tho City Ho tel. Thero his effects were searched and $4,000 found. Of ; . h. .1. . , , MMMMI CAMPBELL TIMBER HOLDINGS DEALT ANNOUNCEMENT Tho Klamath Falls Music House bas moved Its cntlro stock ot musical Instrument and goods' to the new loratlon In the Drlitol' building near tho postofflce, where" Mr. Madscn would be pleased tojfwelcome all bis old patrons ss woll as new one. Mr. Madscn carries o big line ot pianos In stock, as wall as a complete stock of musical goodskand music. Expert piano tuning. v 4-(t EGOS EG Wo havo tho best oggs In tho world at 40 cents per doicn. 4-2t .Th Fulton Market. U HTAIl IHtlO COMPANY OPENH IIRANcn AT MERRILL The Star Drug company ot this city Is to open a branch storo In Merrill. A location In tho Riverside Hotel has been secured, and tho first load of supplies were sent to Merrill today. Another shipment of stock will bo medo on Monday. Mr. Currln will go to Merrill In about a week, nfter the stock ha been placed, and bo In chargo during tho opening and until a registered pharmacist Is secured for tho position. V' iinEMEo poutrnY Fish, oysters, dressed and live poultry for Sunday. We keep open until 10 p. ss. 4-2t The Fulton Market. PACIFIC FLEET NOW SPLIT UP SPUAIIRON IN SOUTHERN WAT ERA IH8IXTKORATE8 AND HO HIIIPS SCATTER IN VARIOUS HlltnCTIONS United Press P-rvf LOS ANUELES, "Nov. 4. The Pa cific Squadron has disbanded. The flagship California; the Oregon and tho South Dakota leave this afternoon for San Diego. The Colorado and West Virginia have gone to San Diego, and will have target practice en route. Tho torpedo fleet left for the south Friday, and the Cincinnati left today for China, via San Francisco. The Vlcksburg, Glacier and Prome theus leave oMnday. t TAMALES CHICKEN Tonight and tomorrow night we can glvo you some of the finest chick' en tamalts In tho world. I have now four people working,' We Invite peo- plo who llko taniale to call and In spect our tamalo i factory. All lady help. THE FULTON MARKET. W,' II. Dulaney, Mgr. :NS.. ' 4-lt Phone 1SS, Abe Attolt and Klllsane ot Cleve land are negotiating tor twenty rounds at Vernon, near Los Angeles, New Years. Attell has accepted a- $5,000 offer and Manager Thomas McCarey has wired Klllsane tor terms. Big Wind Damage Trees With long When th wind blew a gal oa Sunday, October 8th, It did a larg amount ot damage to th telephone line between Chlloquln and Sllvtr take, and also uprooted a great aum- Iwr ot lodgepol pine, as well as Jaar f.no. tearing out by th roots tree with roots flfteea and twenty feet locg, and felling them so that th rrots stood up la th alraa th tree uually do, la oa plao tra blown over wet ALGOMA PEOPLE BUY IHO MILL BEING MOVED FROM POKBGAMA, AND OPHR ATIONH WILL RE UNDERTAKEN ON LARGE SCALE Klamath county has secured aa- other big lumber maaufaeturtag plant The Algoma Lumber company, which has boen operating la the Po- kegama- district for tho past several years, Is moving Its plant to this county, having finished their contrast In that section. A deal waa cleest yesterday whereby the compaay par chased tbo saw mill, laaludlag the mill sits and all Improvements at Rattlesnake Point, also all the tlav ber holdings ot D. B. Campbell. It Is tho plan of the company to enlarge the Campbell mill aad eon tlnuo Its operation. It has not been definitely decided whether the 1U III be used for the permanent loca tion of the company's plant or not. Representatives ot '.the eompaay have been In the cky tor aboat tM days negotiating for a location la tbla county. A large number ot sHea ware considered, and while the property Just purchased mar not ba taa anal location of the new- plant. It mesas that It will ba permanently located to Klamath county aad that this aKjr will be reinforced with another larg pay roll. The mill at Pokegama has bsea dis mantled and loaded oatatha ears, aad this shipment ot eighteen ears ma chinery aad steel w aspect ( ar rive In Klamath Palls wtthta tba aeat four days. It Is the intention of the eompaay to replace the rotary saw la th old tuLI Ith a band and with th gang saw equipment tho mill will bar a dHy capacity of over 200,000 feet for day and night shifts. The plant which la being removed from Pokegama la practically new, and Is said to bo oa ot the most modern mills la this sec tion ot the coast country. It I also the Intention of th com pany to build a large, up-to-date box factory wherever It may locate Ha large mill. The company also owaa a box factory plant at Montague, aad large timber Interests near ther. Mb statement from them has been forth coming as to whether tbey Intend to move thl plant or build an entirely new box plant In the Klamath Falls section. The officials ot the Algoma Lamber company are: A. Gregory president, F, P. Fay vice president, and . J. Grant secretary. R. H. Horsy, th well known tlmberman, who baa spent a large portion of his tlm to Klamath Falls th past thro year, bas become associated with the com pany as quite a heavy stockholder, and It Is understood that he Is to bar charge of the Klamath Lake opera tions of th compaay, while H. H. Edmonds will be superintendent. Mr. Gregory Is owner of th A; Gregory Fruit eompaay, of Lo Aa geles and Southern California. H to also a hoary realty owner la th southern city, as well as the owasr t some big orange grove. Mr. Fay to also la the fruli business, being th president and owner of th Tay FraM company. He owns th well kaawa ' ' tfconiinumi on Pag 4) On County Road, Roots Pulled Out o thick acros a road that tr a 4 tunc ot 100 yards '.toy rtwa j highway .ust lit a mat. ,y is---,. venlenco eaaaed on ilk eaaaty real & u.li.'-u ! iMatMSSVt ot twsaty-ar mllo Mw Cbw-( i ot in ana wirer uk-w vtc i v .. ik. ..A .ll'.; -aistk fc'.A has tine ten dm '",' ll!9L'"- 0'r.M atik.taa '& &&&:& orarra oi, """)"" "7'TT,-'c 1; m.m ..a . lavj .n jr rt - nu-tiw mmt.mwm -,- t-t- r,m . jiw i - i i...... aa mm uiji i j aBm. ',- -. . EL A-i-rvi. , mi ! )m M ril'l rn m J , l3W,