wzerscwWifiP wwrm JWimTjiijiiiiwrirrinniJiT-r a . . r."! '. - . :.: . The Onlv Hailv Cnvrincr Pwfrv Smrinn nf Klamath and Lake Counties ' Z v...., w,v.--d -rw-r ..,. VI $v iMh. Jv' SUPPLIED HT THE UNITRU I'llHM NKWH SERVICE vKNiifi nwmruvm PRINT THR NEWS, NOT HWTOWr HUlli Year Nn. l.ntMi KLAMATH PALLN, OREGON, ntlllAV, NOVKMIIKR II, 1911 Bb ftjittittfi MM PRECINCT COURT . r jj . COMES' THIS:MONTH i HKCIIKTAHY OK HTATK OLCOTT EXPLAINS WHY THEY MINT UK PIXRII MORE THAN A YKAH UK HIRE (JENKHAL ELK4.TION Ktillowing liuUllcntliiii several rr-rlta ugu of Iho possibility of county ronrU thin November furKcttliiK their dutks of setting out election precinct fur next )car, many county clorki hnva liven wrlllnK Hocrelnry of Htat lien W. Olrntt about IliU duty. Secretary Olrntt think If tho I'locllon precinct are not net off In November, in nrrlluHl by law. It tuny bit ImpoMlhtn to Ox them nt nny latftr date, In handing down nu opinion on this ijiH'nlloii, explaining why for the Drat (line In thta Mute tlio election priv rim li mint b fixed more thitn n car before the general elections, Attorney (lenernl Crawford an)n In pnrt: "Tha onlatilUhliiR of audi election prcclncti l Incident to Iho liotdlnK of election!, and, therefore, cumex with in tlio iirovUloni of paraitrnph A of aid acctlon of the nnmlnnllni; Inw n mi amended In 190V. Prior to Hint It appeared n aectlon 27H2 of llel, llnrer A Cotlon'a code, and required tho calnblhihltirnt of election l'ro- rlncta at tho regular term of tho county court In Novombor precedliiR n aoncral election, nnd wna eiperlnlly inada applicable to primary nominat ing election kr aectlon 3 of Mid nominating election law. If am tint ik jkMa1 Mlnllftn lOfMOl chan4 from Juno to November by Iho BmMdnent of MctJnn.14 nf nrtl- .OMttoHhrmatltnllon. Therefore, ' when MM paranrnph A of aertlon 3 of tho Bomlnatlng taw require! that 'all thlnga Incident and pertaining to tho holding of tho regular biennial nominating election ahall bo enforced nnd effected tho an mo number nf da) beforo tho flrit Mondny In Juno that they wero under the mid nominating election Inw Immediately beforo tho rhnngo In tho dato of Iho regular lection from tho first Mondny In Juno until tho flrat Tuciday after tho flrnt Monday In November,' In in opinion It require tho election pre cinct to bo act off mid rtlabllihcd nt Iho tlmo provided In aectlon 2702, thr.t la, during tho month of Novem ber preceding tho next regular elec tion. "It will bo remembered Hint tho next regular biennial election will oc cur In November, 1018. Therefore, thn November beforo audi regular election will bo November, 1011." Tho county court of Klnmnth coun ty will innko tho dlvlilon of precinct koiiio time during Ittr present acntton. Tho Inw provide that not mora than .100 votor ahall bo Included In one prednct, and tho shifting nnturo of pirntirt. a well na rapid growth of I'l'i.ulii .on herca-bouisi, may cnuto n considerable numbor of change to bo inado. It may bo that County Sur veyor R. I). Henry will bo called upon to mnko n map nt tho amended pro duct after tho county court get through with It work. ANTI-MIXKD MAIIRIAQK MOVKMKNT IN CANADA United Pre Bervlco VANCOUVRR,, Nov 3 Vancouver clorgyroon havo launched a war ngnlnit mesalllnnco In au attompt to stop tho unusually largo and growing Alleged Indian Wife Murderer Goes North With Deputy Hammersley Deputy United BUtes Marshal Hammersley ot Portland, who got hem yesterday, left this morning for tho Rose City with Andonon Faith ful, tho Klamath reservation Indian chatged with murdortng hi spouse, ami Fred Johnson, charged with sell ing liquor to an Indian, Mr. Faithful's wlfo was found on the morning of October 15th li their LINES HAS TO FIX pinrllcb of mixed mnrrlBKeu of while S LJ?c mi eimri in enact a inw proiiiuiunir ininrrinKi'ii natweeii wwte nnd no- Krui'H tir Asiatics fnlled. U FOLLCTTE AND WILSON THIS' SHIES FAVORITES United Press Service PORTLAND, Nov. 3, Lor Kollotto, iiuiiitiK tlin iiipubllcanii, nnd Senator WimiiImiw WIIhoii atnoiiK tlio demo-i-rntH wero mcmlicliiiliiKly rboicn m .prenlileiitliil kkjc In a straw pro-jiilo tnkeii IbrouKlioul thu rtnto and Jutt puillnliei In ihu Piirtliind Jour- mil Tnfi, Chniiip Clnrk, Mr) an, Kolk nnd llnrinuii roclvcd but k few miIth "nib, 1'ollt Irlntin decliire tlio ballot wan ii fair liiillcntliin of the. Htrcncth of tl.n tiirluun prenldentlnt poimlbllltltH In OreKun, nml nn Indication that nen timeut for Tnft'ii renomlnntlon li nenk mCHESON QUITS CHURCH PASTORATEAT IMMANUEL AliiiUler ,iviim'I of Murder of AvU l.lnitcll HihU U-ilrr of lletlretmii. to Hie 'ongrK"llon While C'oa limit in Jail l",",,1 ''rM 8w" CAMIiniDHK. Mata., Nov. 3 llov. lclu-m Iiiin renlRtied tlio paatorntn of Imiimiiui'l llnptlit church, Ills letter, dated nt tho Churlcs street Jail, reads: "I beg to herewith tender my resig nation n )our pastor. Strong In tho corscliiiisiitHS of my own Innocence I am firmly persuaded that Qod, In Ills own good time, will lift this burden from me." IIIU IlltV (JINIDS HlOltKK vii'i:n oirr iiv Ki,.Mr Cnltid Pre Rorvlco LONDON, Nov. 3. Klro destroyed tlin largest dry goods ctorea In tho city today. Tho loss Is $700,000. L0D6ES HAVE A PLEASANT TIME hkiikkahh kn'joy fkaht with iikimi:n, and uttkh aiik ItlvtiPltOCAI.hY TUKATKD TO MlHKAIi I'IKMiHAM IIV IiAUIES After Prosporlty llebokah I.odgo No. 101 hnd It mooting last night tho members wero Invited by tlio Modoc Trlbo No, CO, Independent Ordor of Hodmen who wero holding n banquet In their lodge room near by to par tnko of tho refreshment. Tho Invl tntlon was ncccpted. nnd tho feast greatly enjoyed by tho mombCM of tho rtohokah lodge. As a reciprocal courtesy tho Ro bcknhs Invited tho Itedmon to nttond nn Informal muslcale glvon In the cabin on Whiskey Creek, beyond Yab nax. A blunt weapon, such as a club, had apparently been used, according to tho Inspection mado by Dr. w. h. Johnson ot Bonanza. The head, back, shoulden and breast had been badly beaten, Faithful had been imbibing the night before, which strengthens suspicion ot htm. He denies any knowledge ot the crime, although he slept In tho same room with his wife. JloilKo room of (lie former, so that u InrKo gathcrlm; of Itedmen nnd He- lit'kuliM ciio)t'(1 the. iiiiihIc. Mm. Win. Wagner nnng, iiccoiii- limited by Miss I'ny Ilocuo, nnd Mm. Curl (Infer nlo rendered n vocal solo, I ulili Mrn.CBInlvati Krnkor-Uiimbor at tlfti Piano. "MriCOnmliol nnd Mm. Lotlln IIMley Knvn n plann duct. While, tlio White Pelican llotol will nH'ii Hi doom to public patronage on TlintiWMtlvlnif ilnv. Knvnmlinr !tnfti. " " ""' 'I tlie IiIk pulillr banquet with which1 tin' lliii) iiuw hostelry will celebrate FV.. T..P. .V.VW.M.. will bo held on tho nlRbt of tlio fo. loulnir Biiturdnv. December 2d. The nrlrn of tlin bnnnuet li 13 Oi"1" vnr plnte. Thoro will bo no lnvlttloni,,,,", lieiued, nnd anyone Is nt liberty t I nervations nt nnv lime. iiinku rciiervntlon nt nny TIicko mny be hnd by applying to the oHlce of tho White Pellcnn llotol. In Iho Klamath Development compa li) 'h ofttrv tnillillnR, nt Main nnd lliond ntrx'tnhy letter, In perion or by telephone, thn number, being 401 GOME; LE6 BAD ITIHCOPAI, DlflNITAHV, VWK. VKVTKD IHOM VIHlTINa KUM. TII PAI.I.S, WUMCNO DU. (OI.I.INH TO IIOIJI MaByiCK - Iltslmp Itobcrt ' i BISHOP CANNOT I,. Paddock of tlit-UVIUInm, who died October 17, 180; ,-Eastertv Orogonfacorgc,. Mri George L. Humphrey Kptscopnl church dlorere, will bo unable to'hold aeV: lre hero on Sunday, owing to tail condition of his lnjnrcd)eg, which' linn l.iwntiin unri. Th,Talintl telo- graphed yeotcrdny to Mr. and, MrJxlin llvlthta-etiy; Tliua-ftphens tho, situation, with bis regret, stating that bet would cnd In bis stead Hov. Dr. Collins. In bis message the bishop request ed that Dr. Collins bo mct,nd that arrangements be mado for'krvlco next Sunday, as well as a rocoptlnn to tho doctor next week. : K.XTItAOHDI.VAKY 8hHIOX OK CAI.IKOIINIA AHHKMIlIiY United Press Servlco SACUAMKNTO, Nov. 3. At tho courluslon of a conforenco with stato arsomblymcn mid senator, Govornor Johnson snld nn extra' session of tho legislature would bo called for the first week of December, probably on tlio fourth, to last two weeks. METAL SIGNS TO SHOW PILGRIMS INDICATOllH VOli COUNTY CltOKH ItOADH PU11CHA8KH, AND WILL FACILITATE THAVKLKIIS ON TIIK.IH WAY Motul sign for crow roads In Klnmnth county havo boon purchased by tho county court, and will shortly bo distributed to make county travel taster. Of tho number eleven will be used for tho Klamath Lnko reglou nnd seventeen for tho tipper part of tlio county, Tho algns are vory hand snmo Indicators, being of bluo ground with white lettering, and enameled. mmmWM4mtti4tii4MimtMttitt4il A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Iriif Ym ii Apjllutiti ffrtM Wit Ctil. Catch Up with The Ww Office Right Awiyl X ' ' A really efflclont stenographer i worth advertising tor and will bo worth to -you at least ; ; 1 1 twice m much as tho salary she will expect. She will straighten out the details la your oMco aulek- . , ; ; ly nnd Intelligently, and have you realising, right away, what a fine thing It la to ho "caught ",,; ' In your office work and correspondence. ' ', ', ; Www ' e IMMI t ."," LOCAL PIONEER THBff AWAY MIIH. ELIKAIIKTH IIIEHN, TtllltTV YEARS A KLAMATH RESIDENT, HUCCUMIIH TO ILLNESS WAS A .NTAIVK OV GERMANY Min..Klliabcth Blehn, who passed "w f "X yeawraay morning at nor . Main atroet, waa one of comer to Klamath Falls, her residence here of thirty years, together with her lovable trait ' character, gavo her a wldo circle of friends wbo will regret her passing. Mm. Dlehn was born In Callbacb, Germany, February 2, 1843, marry ing I.udwlg nithn In that country In IRAS Tho samo year tho young eou., plo camo to Bocton, and tho follow ing J ear to Illinois. From Illinois Mr. nnd Mm. Dlehn went to Nobraska, and noon crossed tho plains with ox teams, coming to Oregon by this undo of travel In 1876. Utfr they returnee to Nebraska and Arkansas, remaining there fori several years, when the Inducement of Oregon prevailed on them to again mnko thl atato their home, so that they landed In Mnkvllle, now Klatn-j nth Falls, o November 30, 18S4. For many yeaM Mr. and Mm. Dlehn conducted tho Klamath house, a- wellj known hostelry on Main atrcet, which ( since changed hand. ' Four chllflrcn wero born to them, anil Fred, who died July id. lios. Mm. Dlehn hi survived by her fcu band nnd the two children, George and Mm. Geotgo L. Ilnmphrey, " of The funoral I to b held tomor row at 3:30 p. m from the Into res idence, i. Tho fuyrnl ormon will be preach ed by sjfv. J. S. 8tuDbIeeld. the Presbyterian mlnliter. PETITION BROWS; COMPANY LIKELY OVKII NINETY NAMES NOW SIGN ED TO KKQUEST FOR OROANI Z.ATION OF A MILITARY COM PANY HERE Moro than ninety names are now on tho petition to Adjutant General Finzcr, asking formation of a- mllttla company In Klamath Folia, and It will bo netit to him soon. Tho meeting held In tho court house Wednesday night to encourage tho military move ment a social organization was form ed. In order to hold the men's Inter cut. OOcers were chosen as follews: Dr. Wnrrou C. Hunt president, Philip J. Slnnott vlco president, Perclval Sholl secretary, Arllo Worrell treas urer, Tho following committees wero picked: Dy-laws Percy H. Brataman, It. C. Morryman. Social B. L. Mtllor, Perclval Sholl and Philip J. Slunott. Finance Orvll French, B. L. Mil ler and Guy Leslie. Little "Campaign" Ian aristocrat theater planned' hy bohtonianb ijnltoi! Press Bcrvlce IIOBTON, 'Nov. 3. Boston' 130 most excluslvo aristocrat are to have 'a playhouso all their own, whore, It Is understood, Oscar Wilde's famous drama and some of the suppressed works nf Bernard Shaw, Granville Darker, Ibsen and Dcrnsteln wilt be prcsonted to them and them alone, Tho now theater, at 16 Lime street, West End, seat but that number of persons, and It Is understood that each of tho 130 seat will be occu pied by a stockholder or a member of a stockholder' family, with all oat sldnM tabooed. I'N RXPLODES ABOARD TORPRDO BOAT DBftTBOYRR United Pros Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3. An explosion of a three-Inch gun on board tho torpedo boat destroyer 'Treble, off San Dleco. was resorted ,ho Mry dep,rtmont tMt tfter. rioon. Nose of the crew was Injured. BRADNAGK BACK FROM PORTLAND Pl'UCHABHf) MERCHAMH8R AND AKANGBH TO HAVE HOUSE HOLD GOODS MOVED HERE, SO AH TO KERP HOUSE O. R. Bradnack of the Mailer Mu sic company, has Just returned from a week's trip to Portland, where he purchased considerable trade mer chandise and alio arrasuitd to. hove. to fcmsnhnld ood shipped to thU city, where ho will soon be Joined by hi son William, and set up house keeping. The younger Bradnack started on Wednesday to take tho overland trip from Portland to this city via horse and buggy, and the distance of 430 miles will probably take ten days to cover. FKMALK REPUBLICAN IS FIRST TO RRGMTER BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. The first Individually naturalised woman to register aa a voter In San Francisco Is Mr. Lout Agatho Sorbler, a wid ow, 64 years ot age, who was born In Franco and secured her naturalisa tion papeM May . 1810. Sho registered a a republican. ELEMENTS QUIET AND OECORUS HUT MERCURY TOUCHED FRKKZ- IXQ FOR SECOND CONSECUTIVE NIGHT, RESULTING IN GRAND ALABASTER FROST There was Just the grandest white frost ever this morning as a result ot tho night's coolness. The mercury became so low-sptrlted that It touch ed the freoslng mark at 8:30 a. m., which waa the coldest for the night, as compared with the aame mark yes terday and 38 tho day before. At 8 a. m. the mark was 36, against IS yectorday and 41 the day before. Last Of the SteMfnpfeer k ii Ynt EINE YOUNG MULES OFF TO HONOLULU night at 8 o'clock, 4 was the record, against 47 Wednesday and 60 Tues day. The high yesterday was 65 at 3 p. m., against 58 Wednesday and (0 Tuesday. DEATH Mil TO DYMSTY II ftKMl'S REFUSAL To Arbitrate) Unlea Chinese Abdicate Throae, suad BeaUser rovlace Wosdd Probably Secede, In Any Emit United Press Service PEKIN, Nor. 3. General LPs re fusal to negotiate unless the emperor abdicates Is bolleved to be tho death blow to the dynasty. It Is possibly that the northern provinces will accept the throne's concessions, but the southern prov ince would secede, bringing on a civil war, and foreign Intervention. Manchua here threaten to massacre the Chinese. Chinese here oatnumberMhe Man chu seven to one, bnt the Msnchas are the bettor armed. rttswinjwiK unHsWSBfiwm - Beverly 84a Weeks Age, Ha Oerered Tharttww aadMJKv. United Pre Servlee HOT SPRINGS,.Ark.. Nor. 3. President Tsft ha started on a four days' rest. He Joined bis wife and daughter here. Since he left them at Dtverly Sep tember 16th ho has traveled 13,416 mile. Secretary Hllles' official records show that the president talked on his tour to 1,561,061 people. FOR SALE Violets, carnations. roses, chrysanthemumvdul kinds ot floral designs. KMtaath Floral company, 815. 44 street; phone S-lm KNOTT SAYS NOT ON PARKER CLAIM THE FORMER, OF CBB8CENT, AL LEGES THAT LATTER HAS NEV ER MET THR GOVERNMENT RX QUIREMENTS John Knott ot Crescent, Klamath county, has started a contest against Edward Parker aa to tho latter'sen- try made November 10, 1109, for soma government homestead load In section 18. township 38 south, range 8 oast, Willamette meridian, alleging that Parker never established actual residence, neverlnbnb Ited the land nor mado It a home, nor cultivated It. The case haa been brought before Register A. W. Orion ot the United State land office at Lakevlew. MJ . , - : -1 iiRtqfl- ggfl hall 1 ii Baaaaaaaal n sSaj sbbbbbI Jsansjsi ana wanasstl Weot Main Hill Line Contracted From Bend This Way, According To Htrritht It la reported that a coatract ha been let for the Oregon Trunk tine, the James J, Hill railroad, for thirty mile south ot Bend, work to bo done as soon as possible, and that w eooa u this thirty-mil stretch U com pleted the remaining seven miles to Orescent wUl bo contracted for. the connection with tho Southern Passfs to be had at Oreoeoat. which to u i . . ! y GUY MERRILL'S NERO TWELVE CARLOADS OT OAS1UI SENT BY J. C. CAUPORXIA TO m HIGAR BERT POUT County Cossaslseleaer C 0. rill yesterday shipped a earless, cd One young mules frost MllHid for Honolulu, where tker wttl on a plantation. The stlasaeat tM made through B. T. MeCultosglV C Crowa Lauding. Calif. j There were twenty-sis HVU'mfiC main In the car, la age afar two " three yesra, and welghlnc ntwi l.ttt to 1,600 pound. The bune In Use sarao which has been roasnlng la Mr. Merrill's roach near MerrtH far oeaso time, and which ha crsatsd siueh favorable mention by those who have seen It. Included was N. S. Merrill's pride, a pair of young worker that aro believed to be' tho eo.ua! of any pan In the country. J. C. Mitchell skipped today trot Midland twelve earload of eaUle, av enging about thirty to a oar, to Hamilton City, near Orlaad, H Oal ifornla."' HamlKoa la tho IsasHoa ot, the sugar beet faetory, aad tha ens ue aro bolus; seat toot toot tsar hs fed oa boot pulp, whlah la fulaad chea bt Ia tk mil wste-mo'eamr at too HamlHea ulaaC Those whe-UToeate tho develop ment of Klasaath eeuatr argue that the shipment of eotUe out of tho county and state to be ted I Sseroiy evidence that this county a alow la taking advantage ot her ooportual tle. a thefjll;iontr of laud here, unused, At'f?9jMs; A NO. 1 sugar beets, and praxTf cattle to feed oa the material left 'after sugar to made from the plnat. Tho soeaer.'u sugar beet faetory hi built here the sooner, they assert, will this section get the advantage of a remarkable naturnl-mouree, now unprofitable. WRIT FOB PAPERS TAKEN WHRN MeKAMARAS WM United Press sWrvtee INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., 'Nov. 3. Tho Ironworkers' Union obtained a writ ( replevin In the Marion county circuit court for book aad nosers taken from the Ironworkers' head- quarteM when John McNamara Was arrested. A writ against Prosecutor Baker and accountants who have been oa nmlnlng documents la held aa evi dence In the dynamiting eases by the state courts. LIVE MAN IN Com ABMUMBOtTB United Press Borneo CENTRALIA, ttor. 3. Jassee Ax tell, head of the Salvatloa Amy here. waa carried through the nrlaejsal streets of tho town la a eodsn, "reo urrectod' for the regular street meet ing, replaced in the eofta, carried. te the hall, and there, from It, delivered, a sermon oa "A Voice Frees Reel, aid What aod Thinks ot CoatraUa." Hundreds of curious followed' the strange procession through tha streets and remained for the oraUea. thai seoMoa. sjpJac J '"omshi iJ5M .vs: i&' . v ' ! railroad la assertM to trel get 1U Una throuf h to tho ottf la coaneetloa wKh the it la stated that tha MM il a episraaBf ipw"F ssp wm going tohufld a'!! from rails to AHurat.' valeh'st saw od by the Weotera PatssW goad. would go throidh MerrlbV tM Malta, over tho swst arOoaatyJwJsollWi. 'tho Modtoo .&1 'W t inl Ul l al s I V",. vr -tfl HI y I SSSv UIV, v S.'"J "$V