rrpystiFgm rr 3M fi ' tt ni The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties ?.i w f tuning lefaliV wmflBirm units nam service RVENIN4 PRINT THK NEWS, ROT riflkYn-Ne. 1,87 KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOON, TIIUIWIMY, NOVEMBER 8, 111 OCCUPY NEW HOME TWO WEEKS HENCE HOTEL READY SOON I.IVKKMOHK COMPANY KXPKCTti TO fJKT INTO KIINNII QUARTERS EARLIER THAN WAM AT FIIMT ANTICIPATED Hammer and bw are being kept buiy ut on tho Wlthrow-Meltiaso building la order to not It In shape for occupancy aa a hotel by the Liver mora I lot id company, which concern hope to enter poasmwlon and houio' some of Ita guest thero by November 16th. At Irat It ws thought It might Isko until December 1st to gel,., ... Into the n.w quarter, but every tAUrr H"u,', (in Ar" Kr ""' ' fort la now brink made to ahorton this lutlnu. and Tl mmIs of HprrUlnr time by a couple of week. Stand mi tin- I'hIIwhV- to View the Tho bar will be put In the room fur- MM-riari rncr! occupied by tho Klamath coun , . ty Abstract company, and tho ftttlniml for this were purrhMcd In flan Fran- cloco by Arthur Livermure and lo Vant McFsdden, hla brother-in-law. The floor will be of tile and baseboard of marble, surmounted by a IiIrIi wall finish of Imported Japanned leather. The light lUR Will be of colonial lle. for ' electricity. Decoration of the rooaia upstair will begin tomorrow by r. H. Old. For time the company will, In ef fect, conduct two hotel, a when It trove Into the new quarter there will be only twenty-lx room avail able, aa against sixty, all told, In the prevent location. Mr. Mvrrmoro and son Jess will InataH themselves at the new hottM, white Mr. aud Mr. Arthur Llvernsoro will remain at the Pernod nnd Main atrect homo until It I given ap, Mr. and Mr. McFsdden will atova to Sixth and Jefferson street to keep aquae. MAYOR CHOOSES COMMITTEEMEN THRKK COVNCILMKN WHO HKUV MO WITH THK LATH JOHN II. HTIIiTH PtCKHO TO ACT AH CON. INIIiKNCK BODY At tho couacll meeting Monday night Mayor Krd T. Baadoraon ap poluted a coadoleace committee out of reaped to tho tale ex-Mayor John It. Stilt. The monibor aelcctod to servo were Col. M. a. Wilkin chair man, Marlon Hank and C. B. Crlslsr, the only thro mombers at prosout serving oa tb board who were thero at the tine the doceaaed woa In ofllce. The oomatltte will probably draw up suitable reaolutloa to bo passed by tl o couacll at the meeting next Mon day alght. Fire la Tale lire below the city, auppoaedly In tho tule bed, was burning brightly last alght, and created coaslderablo Interest. The eight waa aot oaly un usual, but beautiful, and a aumber of pooplo remarked the attractive pec taele. Webekahe Meet Tcltt Prosperity RebekaA Lodge No. 104. I. O. O. F will hold Ita regular meet ing tonight la Odd Fellow hall.. All member ahould attend. Boring For Water 1$ Conducted Bo far aothlBf but aurfaee water hu beea atruck la the eCort to atrlka a Sad of artealaa wiUr oa the aew county farm lt. The contractor, O. A, Haratoa of RoMburi, assisted by 0. B. Cattllag aad D. L. Worley, ha found eonalderable rock, shale aad c-' meat with hla borlai outlt, aad while this BMkea the peaetratlon ooatpara- FLEET OFFICERS FETED IIV MM ANUKLKH FOLKS I.OH ANUKLK8, Nov. 2, 8lty on. row of lliv fleet of Admiral Thorns ranio liiirn from Han Pedro at 10 a.m. and woro tlin guest at noon nt h luncheon nt tlio Jonatlian Club. ThU afternoon they will he guests nt Inwn fotcs. Tho WnrnllIlK nm mil n In vlallnra till,, afternoon .,..1 .III U. III..MI...I.I1""""" ' '' Imct to bo limit ed nt nlRht. ' TAFT SEES FLEET ti miffi flliirili1'''3" ',0 "nulRnablo nnd oxempt IA RATl LUPftn '"'"' ,uv,': 'n ca, of dentil payment sin mniuvninin made fo deM,1(,cnU intittA. United I'reiwHenlie NKW VOHK. Nov. 2. President ' Tnfl relewcd tho wnr fleet. Ho wns on tho Mayflower, which atcniu-d through the nrmsda, her small guns ronstnntly snlutlng. Thu pnllsndes wnn thronged by, thousands. 6RAN0 NAVAL SPECTACLE WAR FIEEUT NEW YORK lluiiilrtil of Thousand Hit Grrattrat (lallierlM ut KlglitUg Vrists Mr Hail in Hip I'nltrd Stale TweaTt , Mllrn of MglilHrTit Flrrt United Press Sorvlce NKW YOltK. Nor, 2. Hundred of thousands of people lined tho shore of tlin Hudiuin Itlter )ctterdny to wit ness the nxiomWaito of tho greatest ilRhtlng fleet 'ecr Rathered In tho United Sthte waters, and to seo Sec retary of the Nay Meyer nnd hi aides mako the official Inspection. Twenty miles of mnRnlflcent fleet 102 of Undo Barn's mon-o'-nr an chored 400 yards apart. In thrco line, composed the armada. Interest wo centered in tho lupcr-drcadnaught. thu Florid nnd the Utah. Rear Ad miral Hugo Ostorhaus, on tho flag ship Connecticut, waa In command. Tho spcctaclo probably will be the last great nssombllng of warship with tho United State second on the list of tho Rrent maritime power. After tho big rovtew tho first squadron went to Newport and the second to Hampton Roads. Then thoy will exchange posts, and Anally again assomblo In Now York harbor for the holiday. EMPLOYERS' LIAHLITY BILL HAS NEW FEATURE Payment to Ifc Made to Employee Direct and Periodically, Instead of Jn I.imsped Amount Employer Hear Harden of Payment United Press Service ' WASHINGTON, D. 0 Nov. 2. Interesting feature of the employer' liability aad employee' compensation bill, which thi eengresslonal commit- too will reiBlMnd for postage till At County Farm By Roseburg Man lively slowlt Ig expected to set through, t la -reasonably fH .tlate. The first day's bore was about forty feet, This wa about a week ago, aad a the rig Is claimed to go thirty feet through very objectionable and dlaV cult formation, It ought not fo take - a .1. aa .. kl.w I mmv nBVH m im inn luu . will the county ha contracted far, JKLl. , - -- -- --- - "-- rWy "cr-i 'winter, nit innrtu public !' flonatnr Hntitliorlnnd today, follew: i CoiiipuUory nnd direct payment by I rullrrmilH ctiRORid In Interstate com- lunrrii to otiiil)! engaged In tint, icuursu of llielr duties, cases specified, ittilmonditct ixceplcd; employer to iii-nr ontlro burden of pnymnnti, with-1! out tnxntlon of omployes; law com pulsory, without election by cither employe or umpleyer: remedies ap pplled by till la-w to bo cxclusHro of nny obtained under common or statu tory law; for disability contlnuInK tfto wcekH or les tho implocr la to rurnlah medical or surgical attention to nn amount not exceeding 1200; payment of compensation to bn rondo periodically nnd not In lump aum; the ,(''1 '" Maximum ni1 minimum, and I not to continue bejond a ipcclfled term of jenrs; amount of nil par mi nt to bn bastd on a percentage of the employs' wage; all claim Inil nllen dependent. ROYAL ARCH MEN WILL CONVOCATE Mi:irri.vo of nitAMii ok m.iho.v- IC KIIATKUNITV Wll.l, HK HKM) XKXT HOTTUIUi.tY KVKNINO AT TIIKIH HAM, Klnniath Chapter No. 35, lloyal Aiih Masons, will hold Its regular roinofptlon nt Masonic hall on Sat urday evening next. Kvor member In nuked to uttsnd. This will be the flrul IiiivaI Inrr Itftlil Iti ti HittnltA nt V - brethren. irnm.; lSLTST" ttir city made aeesloB impracticable. illMHUil IIATTIiK OCCURS i niranv rnuvimt.or ltudy.. Th0 racuMy ,,, wltn . 'tho licentious charge. Today Julius United Pre Service Ceasar, Othello, Hamlet and the othor SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. Shang- ua '10 ,nlB anaac.peare lial dlKpatches to "Young China" soywroto aro banlebed. that one of tho bloodied battles of ' tho vi nr wns fought yesterdsy nt Yt dokii, In the province of Hupehu ' Tho rebels wuro victorious, 1,000 1 Imperialists being killed, I Hunnn Is completely robe). rnv uaiiio oi iiuoxu is mo nrsi oil a rampnlgn In bupeh. dispatch sa that LI King III. goernnr of Yun Nan, waa assawlnat cd when the rebels captured the city SUFFRAfiEnS LOOSE, JOY OVER CALIFORNIA Hundreds of Auloa Will Parade la Denver, nnd tho Celebration Will Wind Up With Mas Meet lag la the Colorado Metropolis United Press Service llKNVKH, Nov. 3. Local suffra gette will tonight celebrate the pass age of tho California suffrage amend ment. Hundreds of antos, decorated with suffragetto flags, national and Colo rado banners, will parade the street. Mas meetings, with Gall Laughtln aa the principal speaker, will close the demonstration. A i Want Advertising in The .Evening Herald Will Iriii Yin ii Appliatlu frm the SteMfrajtor WN CHIi IIIIIHHIMMHIIMHIMttMIHMIIMMMMMMIHHHMMMIMM A really efleleat stenographer I worth advertising for and will be worth to you at least. 1 X twice as much a the salary bo will expect. She will atralf htsa out the details la your oSee lek. S i.I y and Intelligently, aad have you realising, right away, what a tad thing it Is to be "eaasJhMp" 1 1 In your office work aad correspondence. n fcl' X . i.AfVrTTTTVTTVVTVfTTf T,ffir,f, vvvvvv ,-- 15 IMUMMUM MIHI COMEDY PLEASES THEATRE GOERS HARPER COMBINATION' GIVES ANOTHER vl'CCRHHFUL RENDI TIOX OK "TWO MAIUMKD MKN" HAMK llli.li TONIOHT Another porormsneo of "Two Mar rl'-d Meh" will bo glvon tonight by tl'o J. O. ft QUnu Harper company at llouiton'u opera house. Tho comedy la In throe act, and was enjoyed loot nlxhl by another amused audience. Tho bill tomorrow and Saturday will bo "Tho Man of Iter Cliolco," another three-act comedy, n children' mati nee to bo put pn Saturday nUcrnoon. Manager JohntV. Houston Is furnish ing spoclal m lisle a a nldu line' to thu Harper engagement. "BIRD Bill" GRANDSTAND PLAYEI, STUQfHTS SAY Indiana Town. High School IhiplU Call lllm Oeorge M. Cohen of thr ' KUsabrtfaM Ae, nad Abo Coll Him a ImmoraMol. Special to The Herald HAMMOND. Ind., Nor. 2 William Shakespeare, the Immortal bard of Avon, Is "a cheap grandstand player, Ian Immoralhit, and the George M. ICchen of the Ellxabethan age," ac cording to tho Hammond high school students, upon whose petition the faculty today threw out tho Shakes- Tho Hammond etudrnt met 'decided that the bard's writings are licentious, inartistic and unworthy ON RESERVATION REPORT SENT TO rHDKRAL OFF! CIAL THAT ANDERSON FAITH FUL, KLAMATH RESERVATION iiiiave, kills sguw Tho Orcgonlan of Tuesday states that United 8tates Deputy DUtrlet At torney Evans received from J. O. Hamakor, United States commission er at Donania, a telegram saying that Anderson Faithful, a well known Indian on the Klamath Reservation, had killed his wife. No particulars woro given. HUKPLVS IS PROMISED IN PASTOR'S MURDER CASK TiOSTON, Nov. ? --AUorney John I ee of Lynchburg, Vu., conferred with Per. Hlcheson, then s.ll.l. "Rlcheson will be freed l'e heard hln story and oxamlnol tho evidence mjsclf. I am conBdcnt he I Innocent, oe Little "Campaign" UICI Ul Will 1. Will Office Right Away! NO N MOROER v . -Ck s. IHMIH M.d promise a surprlnj when the fact aio divulged. ' The defense wilt probably maintain that Avis I.lnncll'i death wag accidental. AVIATOR ROnOEftt OBTB WKLIi AtVONO IN GRRAT RACK United Praaa Service PHOENIX, Arli., Nov. 1. Rodger arrived at noon from Marlcppa, gad leave via airship for Yuma this after noon. He expect to reach Lo An geles by sundown Friday. MAY TRY ARMOUR COMPANY FOR CORNBRINO WHKAT Ur.lted Press Service CIIICAOO, Nov. 2. It U reported persistently that tho government con templates suing the Armour Grata company for the alleged cornering of tho wheat market. The Board of Trade donlod the corner. Danco at Mill Hall Friday night TURKEY THROWS TO ITALY LATTER FA1IA TO INTERPRRT HINT IN ACQUIBBCKNT SPOUT, AND WAR CONTINUHS AS MKR-. RILY AS BVasR United Press Service CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 2. The war minuter oBdally declares that he Turklah commander la Tripoli for- mally demanded the dty' aurreader HN '""' -- . -HitrJuktwt,,a weea ins wnua mmm muams. "Ba Ing wo resumed lost alght. (HULL OREGON RKFORMH nRFORB SUPRKMK COURT United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. I. I The fate of the national movement for direct legislation, Initiative and referendum Is on trial In the supreme court, whero two suit attacking the constitutionality of the Oregon meas ure are set for argument thi after noon. An adverso decision would be a se ere blow to direct legislation. J. C. Mongold returned last even ing from a trip to Seattle, where he went on a visit to hla son. STILL AFTER Mil FOR MCNAMIA CASE j One Man, Ptfstdlas Deafness aa aa Excuse, Hears Botto Voce Ressark of aa Attorney, aad FmH to OMala llrleasp From Datjr United Press Service LOS ANOBLB8, 'Nov. 1. Judge Dordacll excused Romanes, the de fenso withdrawing Its objection to the state's challenge. L. E. Miles wss excused on occouat of deafness. J. M. Huntley raid be was deaf, but hoard District Attorney Fredericks ; Of 11 ItV wwwwwww-ww ,tt, tM--?-''. w- HIMIMIMHH BASIN ENLARGED, t. IMPROVES PLANT when Frederick dropped hla voice ao Ilordwell refused to excuse hlxa. John Chamber, oppoeed to circum stantial evidence wo excused. Orrln H. Hare I also opposed to circumstantial evidence, and waa ex cused, after being Interrogated by Dordwtll. Frcdorlcks objected, and naked for Hnyca to bo recalled. Tho defense objected treaaoaeljr, but Bordwcll rulod agalaat It, when Attorney Davie read the objection Into tho record, holding that Hayea waa actually excused, and bad left the box and room, nnd therefore was no long er a Juror or a tentative Juror. Hayes opposes labor unions. Ho eald the defease ha asked for a subpoena for Chamber, who I friendly to unions, but Bordwell de nied thle., Darrow took up the examination of Hayes, who Anally eald he was certain McNamara woa. guilty and Bordwell then 'allowed the defense' challenge. .SHEETS FUU Of KfMYWARRIMS iOksetwer Reaissiwt ta two Chew, and Two Anserkaa War Veseee Are New Ba Reejte Thei to United Pre Service SHANGHAI. Not. I. Wlreleea ntnuM from foretn warahlaa ra- von j Htakow u baralag. with llmMlllaiaL ' Foo Chosr wires that dhtarders there are serloaa. . The American torpedo boat De stroyer, sad the aapply ship PoajaeM are enroute to that city. ; Revolutionists at Wuehow have proclaimed an Independent govern ment tu the Kwangst province. Thoy are raising an army. The government wants to copy tho nrlttsb form of government, while the rebels are Insisting on a republican form of administration. SAFE RLOWERS RIND MAN, OPEN SAFE AND TAXR SWAQ United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Four safo crackers bound and gagged the watchman la the Lagraade Laaadry building, blew the safe, aad escaped with ISO, leaving f 100 untouched. Uncle Sam Need) Plaster The government will receive bids tomorrow for plastering the cottage of the gsto keeper at the Lost River di version dam, approximately ISO yards of surface. The work must be done by November 15th. KYKIE KLLEN, ACTOR, IS KABJnKMQNU Famoejs Staae Fhjwre Passes Uses.. prctewJy Into Great Bsyasid at SsJt LsJxe Ctty The Balsaes of Ike Oompaay Retaras Hast United Press Service SALT LAKE CITY, Nov, . Kyrle Bellew, the famous actor, died at 5 o'clock this morning of double pneu moniae The company supporting am la The Mollusc" return to New Tork. Un Arkitratina Enr nu mmiiauun iui 11 fl...: m oajo NW YORK, Not, I. Ia a signed, editorial la the "Outlook,"' Colossi Roosevelt disapproves arbitration; ea all disputed ausstlOB, UMUdUkg. those ntectlug aatloaal aeaor. He says: v "It would be wlehed aad toeUak for as as K MMsrfcreMkto larbltrate' dhuatogj GREAT CHANGE MADE INCREASE Of CArACtTT OT DLK 111VOHt mr COMPANY PO1 Work oa ealarglac the atJMI res ervoir of the Kleatath Falls Laaat aad Wster eompsay has beea wilXed, ths addltlea of two mere teat to Mm walls bavlat beea ceiillaael. Alt thst remain to do aew awfare tarm lag water la to the faH sagasliy tt the basla la to give the to set. This wUI probably be by tl end of' thM weak. The Improvement will praetleally. double the holdlsg eapaelty ef the three connected rsntrnlra. The Hat Springs reservoir, which la feet la clrcumfereacv. has only beea avail able to within about ate feet ef the rim, as the middle reservoir waa too mall to permit water free K to let above the llsalt Indlested la the Hot Spriags basla. The added wall which has beea completed will enable the three reservoir to held abeat MetV 000 gallons, Aalf ef whisk wttt he fa the Hot Borises member of the trie. . The other two wtH sash held abawt oae-ejuarter ef the et The middle aad west approximately seventy feet la MHnaUaw abbs ommmtmmmm w , Ms A peUttoa for letters a4aMaia- -, l trattoa of the eatoto ef the lata asae r I Valentine Ball was Med today ia the oflce of County Clerk'CharIesR.'De Lap, oa behalf of the widow of the deceased, by Steae Barratt. Dsnce st Mills Hall Friday alght. COUNTY OFFICES NEED MORE ROOM BSSSSl SO AN ADDmOM TO BUUR OT COUNTY COURdP HOUM 'WBUb RE HUILT APeXMNINe COUNTY JUDOsrS QAsWMM " An addition will be halittoW back of the court feouss odjotalag tie present office of County Judge S. Worden, In order that sanweat room may bo provided la the balldtof for the offices of County Assessor J. p. Lee, who Is bow locate la tae I.O.O.F. block, aa well aa Oeaaty star veyor B. B. Hoary, who alee eeea-- plea offices a block away from the seat of administration. The addition will bo 14 feet dep aad SO feet wldo, built of frame. SHIRT WAMT MAN MUST TOfJIf VPW VOB IT Nat. -- Afla&. , M VSHWP - 'W llvoa. la the court ef geaeral i docUred there must ba a speedy trial of Max Blank aad Isaac Harris, pro prietors of the Triangle Iklrt Waist company , la the Aseh bnlldsaav where Ut people perished la a tre. t The court awve the dsfeadsasi aa- tll tomorrow to plead. "' Miss Lsoaa Lowdorbaugh are aaeag today'a ' Itors from Boaaaaa. DnMPltflH nwHrniwiii c &$ sV --- -"- -st-m ----. v. in uupweimp tim, .:i- .I7.W" . Interest or ladeseadaaee ar Ha reoltoi Ike mhwh M aad the ItsJiTawa ww , j-AUireaHsa waaBfst sy?? i 4 J O ( -Tl r .. iv- Xl i m .l " ''I j trl k -n ' .'il "j. i 5 V(J 41. A .Kt'-- J v- . i-n SE Z