'' W?3 b ..m ;'-'? i " ,i '", 1 ' tivlvl ' A Sa :-&! ' Tie Oi Daij Coveting Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties A. A '-. HH SUPFMKD RY THK UNITKIt PRESS NRWH HKHVIUK EVENINO NEWSPAPERS PRINT THK NEWS, NOT HMTORT r. Fifth Year No. I.BHII "W KLAMATH h'AUM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOIIKR 2H, 1011 Pnc. vIto Ik flvninn RECLAMATION IS MOST COMPLETED PROGRESS IS MADE VALUATIONS MAIK IN POE VAI i,i:v with view to' acquiring KIND NECESSARY Til UNDER TAKING UK GOVERNMENT Iii tlio Inst montlily report to tho stcrt'tiiry of tliu Interior on tliu prog iiM of work bttlliK iluiin by Hip rcc Imiintlon nerrlcojm tliu Oregon-Cull-fnrnlit Ktnmatli project, tlio nn in iiiiicint'iit U inndo Hint thy work Is iiliinit C7 per cent completed, or np pititlmatcly 10 per rent moro than wns done wlit'ii tliu previous report was rtloil, Tlio rcpnrl, nimiiiK oilier tlilnim, snys. In substance: "Tlip Irrigation senium wns prur tlrnlly closed, oml mint of tlio crops were hnrvrsted, Tlio icriiln wn not nil threshed, do Hint return Mere not complete, Imt Indications nro tlmt trry satisfactory results will lie line! both for grnln nut) liny. Water ser lre wan limlntnlncd throughout tin period savo In tliu Ankcny rnnnl, wlilrli was rondemned nnd rimed by I lie rlly of Klamath Fnlls. 'Tlio working force on tlio lot Itlver inversion dam nernned iiboiHKB,"S "'K I" lmo 'eeii lerrorltliiR ion men nnd SO horsis. nnd this work, vi m nlMint 70 per cent rumpleted. Mint of thu roncrctlnK helow ordlnnry vtnter level In tho rler wns rouiplet oil mill ivnrli htiih uittl 11,1. 1f wnv tut the nrchts nnd Inclined fnc.i slnb.!c Work wns suspended on Hcptember!caK" nf,fr 3'n00 dlninond theft, Hill tin Ihn rontrnrl fur llin ixcnxn. will b cUmdldd. I lull of nliout three miles of l.o.t Itlv er diversion channel, omIiik to Hie rontrnctor's Innhlllty In promcute thp work nt tho required rnto of proitre.s. The completion of this work has slnro been pnt under wny with n Korern incut foreo. Thu rontrnctnr Increustd his working forro In nlmtit ISO hend of stork nn tho remainder of his con tract, nnd wilt prolmbl) complete tlmt portion In tho Huio nureod upon. The oxrnvntlons of schedulls wns fairly J well under way. ursi un tno miscellaneous sirur-' 1 i .1 .1. 1 .. ......-...,.,....... -.. , well advanced, nod there remained only tho brldsfs ovor tho clinnnel to bo completed. Tho MdKorwood osra valor nindo koimI procress on the mnln drain, having excavated at times ns iiimli as 3,000 llensr reel per work. Vnluntlons nf rlRht of way In 'North nnd Houth Poo Vnlloy worn made, ami ncRcllutloiis wcro Instituted with (he owners for Acqulrlns; tho neerssnry land," Laymen who have seen tho inncul tudo of tho work on tho Uist Itlver dam wonder nt Ita alio na compared with tlio seemingly Innocent character of tho river, It Is claimed Hint (his view at tho undertaking; docs nut tnko Inln urrount of tho obstreporoun chnr ncter of tho slrentn In tho sprlnKllmc, when It Rets bejond nil rensonahle hounds. Tho dam, according to tho contract Hindu by tlcorgo C, Clark ft Co,, who aro bulldlna- It. la to 1 dieted nrrnmlinr .11.1 I) will mil approximately $150,000, and Is for Real Estate Man Arrested And Will : Face Three Very Serious Charges Bpeclnl to Tho llorald I pretense nnd using tho mnlls to dp- IAICKVIKW, Oct, 28. Tho prollm-l fraud. Mrs. Sit Is living nt tho Wll Inary (rial o( Ilcrnard Bits, a fonnor ' low Itnnch property, which Sits ro renj estate speculator .hore, hvtor of coutly purchnsod frbm n conceru with Willow Ranch. Calif., la to tnko uluco. whom ho vu forniorly ongagod In al Bnkeraflnld, Calif., Novombor 10th. business, and hadpmo flno lmirove mis 4ni t....i..A.. ..M h. . m,nia ninrnii iinoivilioforo being nr- Bin was name of tho "Trl-Btato Land Com-1 UUIHS UHMHl'n UIIUV, , I jinny," nnd Hot an agont to soiling lands for him at nakorsOeld. They sre.nllegod to havo sold land that did not belong to Sits, and It la stated that Blti gave deeds to the property which were forged, It la state that bo would deliver tho deed Immediately, fjw would purchase an abstract aad havo their title examined by aa attmtiey., Rumor has Utbat.he cUane'd up'150,000 be fora ha waa oavffct. , Ha bow faaaa Ifjal m tkraa charge, forgery , abtatdak saaaer under fatoa l,i . . . . . . . ru. iiiirinnn in nrniiiiiiK Tiilu Lnkti' mill it'cliiliiiliiit thousands of acres of laiiil now nuliinrrKi'il or In liilc. GOVERNMENT SEEKS CON TROL OF Uillid I'r-MKorvIre IN'lllANAI'OI.IH, Oil. :8. Tho fedeml Kowriinieul. IhrotiKli Dlxtrlct Allorney .Miller, tins filed n prtlllon for Hie renimal of nil eWilumo iicepi iiniiKeiiiini eiploilves In tliu jJcNa. iimm tiiKv to tlio JiirUdlillon of the fcilTnl uiilhorltles. MAFAI BLACKSMITHERS ARE t Aun urn i on nor I nllU fllLL QU LHdl , ,.,, ... . . . . ... ,. lout .'I'll iiinl Two Uoiiii'ii ( iitiulil " "' " In INillic .Net, noil n Ounrlet i.r ( lilinu" Itt'lrtllie-i Come in Hue. imneiilii fur 'llirin. , fulled Pre.. Uerv.r. 8ACIIA.MI:NT0, Oit. SS. A .Mnfln "'"' -""k imiiniis, nas notn nrreie.i in ui .uiRuie. Joseph Mmikuii, IViink Michel. l'hlllp MniiRan, llrnniuna Mitchell nnd two wiinieu, Teresn Contcllo nnd Mrs. HKi. nllesed lo )-nvo fled Ch. Attomoy I.'. A. Zimmerman of Chi rnKo, repre.vntlnK tho victims, has bteii granted pnors. t'lilcnco detertltes aro hero for the prisoners. MURDERED WOMAN SISTER OF UKEVIEW DEALER .Mi...MIIIIilimup, Who Was Munlcinl , ,, ., , . ui. ',.., uiiiiii ' "r "''""". "'u lll,, Kl" llliiiM-H, Wn n .Mix 1'iitih ll.fure Her .MimtUbo Hpvclal to Tho Herald. LAKIJVIIIW, Oil. as. One fnmlly In I.nkelov Is In sorrow over the terrlhlo rod of Mrs. llcthel McCoy' I'nlili .Mllllchninpho wna killed by' her husband In Portland Inst woek.' Ho was sufferlnif under n temporary nttnek of Insnnlly broiiRht on by 111-, henlth. nnd committed sulcldo nftcr . tho klllliiK. Mrs, Mllllclisnip wns thu sister of Kdwurd It. I'tiU'li of Lnkovlow, who left for Portland upon receipt of tin iiewo. Tho unfortunate couplo woro very happy, niid the husband nn ln-1 diistrlouH M.'ileiiiiKin for ono of tlio j Isrgo ronceins theie. Ills wlfo Iwl Iliad n forebodluK that something wnalviurclf ml wj10 s recovering from bocom-'KOlng.tti linppon, nun linn cniivu Itimrrlcd "run lite tlmt wero great friends of thclrtr lo visit them tho ,.., R ,... -., w- rested. HANKOW IIEOAITURKI) AND HEIIELS ROUTED, IS RBIHIRT United Pros Service PKKIN, Oct. 28. It Is officially an nounced that at an all day engage ment jotordny tbo Imperialists rout ed the rebels about ankow and re captured tho city, but "p details aro given, y. '-' ' F, J. Bowen Is In f ronf, Bonania to IiiIrIiI Unit Ilia deed was done. After j I u pleasant lnlL tliu couplo returned to ,tholr liimir, only to learn n couplo of Injs later tlmt shortly nftcr leaving' (Im tnrrlhlo deed lunl boon committed,) l.. II, I'nltli, u l i'ii I palnto 1 1 1 m i , ' llwH hurt wllli liU family of thrcoj ihllilren. Tim father of the unfor- Itlllinlu iiilluir woman ii-lrlc In Ht ' ...,, .,,. I Joseph, .Mo. Mls Nell Simpson of I.nkevlcw nr- Mlved In Hie city lust iilclit, nnd ex pects lo Mpmnt Ida winter In Klamath' I VI Id " ! IM Mvl.niiRhlnu will mnkii n trip In 'llnnantu tomorrow. BY GEORGE, EPI6RAMS ARE GIVEN PUBLIC IN A BOOK il"nt;lniir .Vow MwimmIi Comes , Ainix Willi Voliinut HluiiTrntlnR ( IIIk I'm of KIiik'm TiikIUIi, IJl enilly t tilled l'reii 8ertlru i-onhon, ort. s-kiub oeorKe. jlir.Mliliiu up on his third render and tho Hpuches of Colenel Itoouarolt, he- flf'es somo nddreei made nt tho ny- i. . . . . lint of Important cornerstones, has in 1.1 f attx-.l n IkmiIc of Mrlklnnly fmnll- Im eplKrnniK. AuiotiK the eplKrnms are: "tin tloroiiRh." "Wlmtever yon do, do It 1" "J'" ft" "", ,""" ",,ul 0"..wt,,,1?,, Ili'-rrt nnd soul Into your work." "Bv. ,.r.. ,inT -. ..roani.,, ior f.,11.. ,ho miiirtnnro of rdnrntlon, not only to u. IndUldunl llio. hut to tho llfo of ,ll0 ,m(Io,.. ..Tno foundations of nn- c llft ,.ory nro gct , le hnmn of u people." BAnLESKIP OREGON DOCKS HT HARBOR OF SUN DIEGO rit-l ViiyiiKe of Fiiiimuo Craft Klner Mie Wns Iteliiillt In Xnrtli by I lie t'nlKil Klnles .Vuvy Will I'nrtlrl inle In MoblllMtlou h led Prers rlro HAN I)li:CO, Calif., Oct. SS, -Tlie brttleshlp Oregon has arrived. This Is her first mijako since slio , ., n rebuilt In tho north. Slio participates In tho mobilization on Tuesday next. WILL COME HERE HPISCOPAIi II1VINK, HTILIi ON Cltl'TCHIS OWINtl TO AN ACCI. ItK.NT, KXPIXTH T.O PIUCHIDi; OX HVNDAY NK.XT lllshop Itohcrt U. Paddock of Hood Itlver. who mlnlutrru to tho Kastorn Oregon district of tho Episcopal BISHOP PADDOCK painful nccldout received whllo rid ing In a lumber llumo, which compels him to uao crutches, expects to bo uhl to visit Klamath Falls officially In wcok from tomorrow. At that tlmo ho will hold services for (Irivcu eliurrh of this city, and Inter notlco of tho samo will bo mndo public. A44$rM4'tt$4 1 A $ . Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Will Make B oarding I ? Somo well-timed and Mtclllgeutly written classlfled advertising will roino un to lilgh-water liinrk Not ninny hoarding housee ueetl tio run nt half capacity. GIVEN BY ODD FELLOWS MKMIIKKH OF THAT OIIIIKIt K.V. JOVKI) A HL'CK'Hfl'I'tlt MHT BANQUET MOHT THAT WAN A MTTLKnceoptol)lo to tlio revolutionist! of tlio THK IIKHT KVKH ,ljnllru "n"T. A Pckln dlitintcli un: "The nrnr. I At thu rcRiilor Meeting of Klamath l.i(ln No. 137, I. O. O. K u week ago Init night Noblo Ornnd I.eu appointed Percy Bholl, Jnspor Ucnnett and llnlph Sheets na a conunlttoo to fur nish tho balanco or tho fatlhful with uomethlnR enttrtalnliiK In tho caatro - nouiic line. " Tho matter was left en tirely In tho. hands of tho committee, with power to appoint sub-committees nt tholr plcnsuro, and the result was something to bo remembered by those fortunate moiigh to bo present at Inst nlRht'a mcetltiK. Without dolay tho cominlttro hus tled around to nil nlmrods who ho lariK to the order, and sent them In rpiost or the savory duck that so plentifully Inhabit Klnmath waters nnd marshes, and tho various hunters nobly responded to the call uion their prowess. Ducks of all kinds wcro delivered to tho conunlttoo In chargo (no coots, HioiirIi), and under tho culinary su pervision of tho committee, with Jas per Itennett wearing tho long apron nnd bundling tho big fork, a banquet. wns spread-at tho closo of tho meet ing that was a dream, a delight, a oh nny supcrlntlrc that denotes perfect latUfnctlon. With tho ducks wcro served somo good old "jams," rooked to a do llclou.i Cnlt'i, fundilwIMt coffeo that was a bachelor's symposium, "spuds from Klamath" (which you know enn't be bent In the world), vnrlous trulls nnd rnkes, and well every thing that goes to maka a man sit up nnd loosen his belt before starting. Tlio only wonder expressed by any of tho members was how In thunder Jasper has escaped for so long. WHITE FROST IS AGAIN VISITOR MKItCUtV DHOPPKO DOWN TO WITHIN O.Vi: IJEOIIKE OF I'ltlr.INO KHX NIGHT, MAK ING AUllA8Tt:it COAT1NO A whllo frost covered tho ground In soma placts this morning, the mer cury having been somewhat low spir ited during the night. The low point was 33 at 1:30 a. in., against 40 tho night beforo and tbo samo Wednes day night. At 8 a. in. It was 3S, ngalnst 38 yesterday and 42 Thurs day. Last night nt 8 o'clock It was IS, against G2 Thursday night and 4C Wednesday night The high yester day, 60 nt 3 p. in., was three degrees lower thnn tho top notch tho day be foro, but wns exnetly tho samo at Wednesday's high. All told, tho wnttier of Into has been qutto satis factory to all but tho chronic kickers. These, happily, nro so fow that their plaints have very little Influence, at least on tho weather. Duck hunters report plonty of bird In tho marshes now. Little "Campaign" Any Good House Pay about ALL OK THE TIME. will pay If run at half capacity. Not ItlllllHl CHINA HM'UIILIC IS PROCLAIMED 1 1'l.lted Press Horvlco SHANGHAI, del. 27. Oonornl LI Yiinn HuriK proclaimed lilmiclf pro visional president of tho Chlucsu '! pulillc nt Itnnkow, Ho Immedlotrty .notified forclKn couniiil, ndrltlnic iem lie would do everything Hint Im could to' protect forelsncra. It li bollovcd Hune's nctlon will he Inmatlon of a republic has thrown the Imperial court Into a panic. Hundreds) of Mnnchu officials aro going north, i and tho remainder aro preparing lo ftec at an Instant's notice. Reports that tho baby emperor has atrendy been smuggled from the city nro diS' 'crc(tcd." TUFFS HOTEL WHITE E IN APPEARANCE 'I In fo of President's SocrrtnrlCH on Huuil lo Confer, antl Another Com ing, to IOkcims Klccl Corioratloii Situation (.'lilted Press Service CHICAGO, Oct. 28. Tho corridor of Tnft's hotel today resembled the White Home at tho beginning of a session. During his stny hero bcwlll confer with his cabinet regarding the United States Steel Company's suit. Secretaries MacVeagh, Fisher and .Meyer nro here, and Wlckorsharn lslSeattls Harbor In a fog, and the Mult xpectod today. nomah was sunk. Tn,lnv Ihn IlrlcU1nvbr- Union In. Tlio passengers and CltlW BK Safe. Itlated President Taft, who addressed I,.. lhlin.ni.m..ml .1 l.o.x.o,! Ih the mining congress and discussed tho Judiciary recall boforo tho Bar elation. Tonight ho will be a- guest at tho Coiiiintrco banquet. Socrctary Dick In ton breakfasted with Taft, and dis cussed the steel matter. MAIIKRO IIKADS RKIIKLLION ASSKItTION OK TIIUKK PAPERS United Tress Service MKX1CO C1TV, Oct. 28. Openly asserting that Mndcro fostered, and llnnnicd tbo Kmillaho Zapata revnlu-j lion, threo newspapers lioro predict that tbo rebolllon will overwhelm Ma- dero, causing olthcr Diaz's return or tho plod jg of Reyes In tho presidency. They declare Madero Instructed Zapa tlstas not to enter tho capital. STILTS FUNERAL IN ELKS' CHARGE NKRVICKS SUNDAY AFTERNOON I TO TAKE PLACE FROM THE MIDGE HUOM'OK THE ORDER, AND WILL UE PUUUO Tho funeral of tho lato John R. Stilts, to bo held tomorrow afternoon, will bo undor tho auspices of the Klamath Lodge of Elks, No. 1247, nnd uccordlng to tho ritual of that or der. Tho services will take place at 2:30 p. m. at the lodge rooms, in stead of tho late resldonco, In order to glvo moro roojy to the friends nnd tho public, who aro Invited to attend tlio obsequies. Rev. J. S. Stubble field of the Presbyterian church will luvoko tho bouedlctlon. Of keep tho boarding house In- j ; I I tiny GOOD boarding house ever , , ; ; X i 4MtlMlvMttHIMMMMi HALLOWE'EN COMES TUESDAY EVENING Mm. V. 11. Dulancy leaves In tho morning for a visit with frlonds and relatives nt Chthalls, Wash. IS AFTER ROCKERFEUER AT HIS TARRYTOWN HOME United Press Service NEW VOKK, Oct. 28. Federal Marshal, Hcnkct went to Tarrytown today to servo John D. Itlckofellcr In tlio steel trust case. Carncglo said when served: vi i nfver violated tho law ln my life. butular ,maflD;tloB wUh suppose I'll have to take these pa- of .upern.tnral Infk pers. STEAMERS COLLIDE, ONE SINKS BENEATH WATERS Ttvo Wnlcr Crnft Have Rump In Se attle Hnrbor and Multnomah Is So Hnilly lUmngcd That Slie Goes to lloltnm of Sound United Press Scvice SKATTLE, Oct. 28. Tho steamers Iroquois and Multnomah collided In !T,b 'fn,luoIs I ICtOrltt &UO runs from Seattle to ,c,unn aaa lno Jlul,Mm" mm Asso-,Se"ul Olympla. NO FUNDS TO LOAN TO CHINA ATTITIDK OK VLOWKRY FOLK United Press Service TOKIO, Oct. 28. Tho specie bank of Yokohama has refused a flvo mil lion war loan to tho Pekln govern ment. AMATEUR DRAMATIC SHOW BY PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Tviciily-Poiir Cliarocter Ports la Cast, anil Prize Was Awarded by the Committee lo thu Most KScJent Performer. Special to The Herald LAKBVIEW. Oct. 2.S. The ladles of tho Presbyterian congregation gave a dramatic performance at the opera houso last Friday evening that was novel and entertaining. Twenty-four I characters were represented, and somo wcro ab vo the average of such things whero homo alent is drawn upon, uno or tne iraiurcs or me en tortalnmont was thsf awarding of a prlxa to the character that made tho best Imprccslon from a- dramatic standpoint. Judge Henry L. Benson, W. Lair Thompson nd W. II. Shirk wero tho ctJnmjttUe that awarded the prlie. Tho entWUIntricnt was well attended, and qui teN largo sum of monoy was raised for tMbonent of tlis church which has rccwly been formed horo. ,, Suit On Injunction Bend Brought By Lewises, Allege They Lost Cfo Suit bns been Instituted against D, B. Campbell, Klamath Development company and C. E. Wordtn for 1500 and Interest since July 30, 1S07, by Iva 8. Low Is and Arthur O. Lewis, on a bond given to secure tne issuance of an Injunction against the Lew'leea In 1906, After trial, on July SO, 1807, the Injunction suit, wns dismissed and the Lowlsea are now claiming the amount of the, bond, on tha plea that by rea son of the Injunction tbey were wrongfully restrained from Irrigating tbetr crop from July 13, 1906, until July SO, 1907, on the 150-acre farm which tbey than owned, that by re son thereof their crops parched and wero & failure, and they were dam aged In the full amount of the bond 1500. The reach eoneeraed la tha oa re- v 41 WILL BE OBSERVED CKLF.BRATION OF NIQHT I FK8T1VAL OK AJX SAINTS MB MUCH VARIETY IN ITS POPC LAB OBSERVATION' Tuesday evening Is HaMawa'M, or H&llow-Eren, so called aa bates Mm ovo of vlrgll of All .Hallows, or fan tlvnl of All Saints, which falla oa NsP vembor 1st. It la associated la aoa- the areralaae upernatnrat lalneaeaa, aad la clearly a relic of pagan Uaaaa. la Uta north or England, Hallowa'aa 'la known as "Nntcrack Night U Saai land tho ceremonies of the -' were formerly regarded la a highly aayar stltlons light, aad Robert. Baraa' "Hallowe'en" gives a hnmoroaa aad richly Imaginative praeeatmeat of tho usual ceremonies aa practlead hi Scottish rural dhKtlet la h(a day. Tho principal object of curiosity hi consulting the future waa to dissever who should be tte partner la Hfa. Popular belief ascribed te.ebHdrea born on hallowe'sn tho faculty of per ceiving and holding coareraa with supernatural beings. The Amerleaaa , All sorts of celebratloaa are hM on the gala night, from partita aad card playing assemblies to daaaaa aad' tho eating of candle, aata, ratae ataa aad cookies, aa well aa th tmMMac of teat pleasant estract of th at known s elder. Small aay 'rat a " a par with the mora aoeiabl eaUr prise the Jovial rlagtag of deafhjBaVi mo cnrryiBK s or sjaMsi, other easily appropriated At colleg frequently the I rect much energy to hynelhsaatlag the chapel bell, patting a. caw oa.tha roof of tho main ball, or some worthy and exalted enterprlee. RICHESOfl OENIES F1MCIUISE OF CYAHHOfrOTASSm HU Attorney Claim to HoM Letaera From Llsmell Gbrl to Use AesaWS Preacher Which WH1 Help to Prove His Case United Presa Service BOSTON, Oct. 28. The oatllao of Rlcheson'a defenao aa publlahed re veals that Rlchoson will deay that he ever purchased cyanide from the druggist, Habn. His attorney said: "We are ear- tain we can prove Rlcheafia aaver bought the cyanide, and will predue letter that Avis Lionel wrote to Mr. Rlcheson which prove by th glrl'a own word that Rlcbeaoa waa not r sponsible for her unfortunate tear dltion." Mrs. Levi McDonald aad Mr. L,'M. Davis will leave for Baaaaxa toaaar- row mornlag. K r cently sold to the Buttons far 111,, r "'" 000, ono of the beet agrleultaral 7 tracts ln the county, owafaut Ma water; ' right to-Uke water from JWamaAfcL?, 'il River, which naturally weald Saw 1 :l 1. over It but for the dylcamalatataadj , V't on Ue 'land. It waa la coMMaak-v with tbU dkya that tha vtUM'vOf wa brought; tha claim aatBttaam-j that tha Lewlaaa had aa rlad)t:ttjblh. -. water throuah this dyka.Taad. aaBaV: ' .-' ' rebtralned by the order iat.skai, .-,- ...14 .' J.tVIa - through the dyke, they werai to IrrHaU, , fjt, itW'. t in it neeree. la jair.. laan. court found thattaia'ajartlslit' wlth.th raaah. aad tha) fMH y taeVaiaee.-la-wait kal wroaaaraatLmat': ,,. aWaVanaV M IVl I 1 i r V i: i A M - - r -' . .v :-' . vi vt-.,'v t V