", 1 -7&1 fi".ji ' TAe On Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties bvttuwd ut rum UNtTBD MMM NaTWS IBRVIOB EVENING NEWRPAPIM PRINT THE NEWS. NOT HMTOilY Fifth VMM No, 1,MM KLAMATH PALI. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER U7, 11(11 PriflVf tTIV) J 1 J She Heftlit NATRON CUTOFF TO GO TO COMPLETION ,..U.T . . ..... tkJ-.' YVIIAI lALTIRI 3I a leading official of SOUTH ERN PACIFIO HAYS NEVER HAVE INTKNIIKII AHANHONINO SHORT CUT VIA TIIIH CITY Vlrn President nd General Man ager K. K. Calvin of the Southern I'm rifle, who hat Just returned to Port hind after Inspecting line In Oregon our which hit Jurisdiction will rx-t-nd November lut, My that the '.VntromKlamath cutoff work I going hi rapidly, and that active work wnl niiilliiiio on the extension uatll the tint of tho year. Ilo say that n innprlatloni have tocrr. mado for the eitlrn cutoff, and Hint constructed . lit hn nuthorliod ni rapidly as proi;. KM require. Il expect to oa Mm cutoff finished In n ear and a half. "Wo havo never thought of ceai'itt construction," declare Mr. Calvin. 0. T, Parley of Ijl Oranav, former. y civil engineer In the reclamation ervlco In Ihl city, I vlaltlnc tho city after two year' abience. MEXICO CK1SIS WORRIES HHAMMIITS OF REPUBLIC Tlirrr Htalra Now In Control nf IIkIh i l, M ChM City Vrt laMrrrc HomUu Near lly May Tarn t liMKla; United Preaa BervHe. MEXICO CITY, Oct. 2C The Krinteet crlsla atnre Dial withdrew U at Zapatlita. rcbeli being within four mile. Three utates aro already con trolled by the rvboli, and other aro on Iho verge of rebelling. Tho rapllnl Inhiihllanla aro fearful that .apatlita may loot tho city, which It practically It fi'iicele. Mott of tho ftxleral reglmcntt have Kone In prevent tho Ouatemalan Inva Hion, Newt It till awaited Iho battle of BOO federal and 1,000 rebel, Hlnrled Turmtay night, which la ttlll piogrtxilnK. HebeU havo cut tho wire. Tho rebellion I popular, and crowd nro hinting MaderlttK official. Madera and hit cabinet claim that the revolution will be cruahed within flvr day after hit InauguraUea. ItOM.KH HKATINU I'AVIMO.V OPKN8 TOMORROW MtillT Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock the big new auditorium pavilion erected by Crosby & Klein on tho corner nf Fourth and Klamath, will bo opened to tho public. The auditorium wat built primarily for a roller tkttlng rink, and thl will be the flrtt uto to which It la put. A large force of men have born at work today putting tho finishing touchea on tho flno maple floor, and everything la expected to bo In roadlnoaa by tomorrow night for tho grand opening. A magnificent Wurlltier Military Band organ hat boen Installed at a coat of 11,000, Bige Archie Is Acquitted Of Murder Of Squaw By Jury In Lake County Special to Tut Herald. The Jury In the caae of Blge Arehle, the Indian aocuatd of the murder of Itla mahala "Nyoml" la Warner Val ley tome time ago, brought In a ver dict of "not guilty." Tho Indian received the new pleas antly when Informed by hi attorney, II. P, Weleh, that he wat .free one more. Thl was. the irt caae ever tried before the bar by Mr. Welth, and ha la receiving the congratula tion of hla Meads and tho other at torneys la towa. As outlined la tba Herald a few i amim m - which will furnish mimic for tho roll. r skater, mill also for .Inure. HroilnijiaiwcUyhMlici.iiBrwnRiM, lit Hi., lmlroiil.it Mid boxes to nccom - modntu bout 300 spectators, besides Iho skater mi tho floor. In addition to skating and iIhiicIiik thn building In to Iw used for liirKo pilhllr gatherings whiMiiivcr needed, rilOMIHKH PORTLAND FANS I ANOTHER OOOIt IIAMi TEAM llnltotl Prcia Horvlro POItTLANI), Oct. 27 Walter Mr- t'redle, inanaKer of the two-tline tien. rant wlnnera of the Pacinc Ccwt l.taKiin, promlii'H Portland faun Hint lie would havo another ucnful tuiiu next ReMuin, denplto the Iota of ltan, Htwii, and ponlhl)' I'ockln pnilKh. "Wo won lint pennnnl heennru wo had tho heiit team on tho ronxt," i-i)h McCredle. INITIAL FUNERAL BY LOCAL L0D6E Itucti released by tho city on ascertain lug that tho jiMtiwment nro erronu - " w..,x., .,....,. r. eu: Kmmott llooson, lot on Oak TKIINM. OXI.V O.VK t'ONIinrr. !"'"' sln,,, 31.0: Angela Welter, ti.m-i.iPiwv,r..,v,., I! 1.88. over assessed on Canal street M II. I IIAThllMTi I.N Cm I'Hpropor,,., wnlcn measures 97.6 feet TO TIIIH TIME When tho funeral of thu lata John II. HUH It held Sunday afternoon tin- dor the lodge direction of thu Hlk of thl city, It will be tho first of such tad offlcct informed under Elks' nil- tplcct In Klnmath Knllt. Harry Stilts, tho brother, who I up In tho country beyond Ynlnnx, and for whom n tnestenger ha been Bent, has not et been loratrd. The met icengor returned yesterday to Ynlnax, having heen iinnhhi to find Mr. SHU. Prof. Charle W. Knnpp will ar rive here from Sail FrumlKco on No vember 1st to locate, llu I an ac complished tlollntst nnd rlnrlonetlst, and Is a successful teacher on these limtriituenls. Hn come very highly reriimmerdcd, Thu Klamath Fnll Military haiul hn boon Instrumental In getting him to lorntn hefe, and It Is a very fortunate circumstance, both for the hand and tho city. MAIN STREET IS GIVEN CLEANING NEED OF. NKWLY HITULITIIIC PAVED TltOllOl'flHFAHK MET IIV OPERATION CONSISTING OF REMOVING DIRT Main rtrwt, fortunately, has had a pretty good cleaning up ""' "w need of a llttlo attention to that thor oughfare wat mentioned In these col- umns. At n recent mooting of tho council tho, street mipcrlntondcnt, Charles Woodnrd, wat called on for an cstl- daya ago, thla wat practically a battlo of tho Plutea against tho Pitt River Indlanv, and resulted In the defeat of thn latter trlbo. Blco la K Pluto, nnd well thought of among tho white men of tho county that have had Dullness dealings with him. Many of theie mon were In the court room and,con gratulated him on tho verdict. The Pitt River had aworn vengeance against the murderer of Nyoml, who waa m member of their tribe. The evidence shown at tho trial proved that Blge was tied when found In the moraine- ahortly before the murdered I mahala had been discovered. nuilo nf tin it mount needed to prop-' ITl)' HWeep Ifllt Httfl't, III vluw of tho fnct Hint hid which linil lir.-n Mil)-' 'milled linil rim nrmiml HDD iiiulj j2llu for tho expense (if denning Urn hirnci mi- ii iii'imii mini I, Ink Jllvcr fiihtwiinl for nfjimt n mllu, ' tttllirirltilfimlit.il t'tin.lutir.l'u fl... .... f ""I "itt iiip'r'iniiin n iimi'n ' ,""1," ."'," T""'ly ,'"""""" 'J8-7r" I "" ,h" "l0 f "y ' "" H"vu Mm,lu ,""' ",.... V . . i " "" " " " w immi in ijiu luiuiyi iiiifjiuiK Wu hiin Htrlc tty fresh California iniirlt egg nt iol per dozen. 27-21 N " Fulton MftTktt. I Dr. Merrymnn report the birth or''0"' "IkI'1 ''clI,'' Klvo a inlnitrer n bum un Thiiridny to Mr. cud .Mrs. Mnlrotno Mlckler of Crjttnl HprlnRx rnrui, near Oleue. LIENS STRICKEN FROM PROPERTY ciTV makkh rnmii:rn(.H mii: TO lAtT OIV.NKIIH Din: TO Kit ItONKOI'H AKHKHMMK.NTH MAIIK Mill IMI'HOVUMKNTS Kulloulitg nro iiiuuiiiitH of iikkckb- , nionU against properly which havo Instead of 130 fevt: Mrt. June (lllmes, 178.14 for CO feet on lot 7 nl"l hlock H. Nichols addition, nml 3".8ft against her nnd 137.80 'ugAlnsl Chester Avory nttenwd In- "Uad. The assessment against lot 2,1 ' l'rt "f block &l, Nlcholt addition, ntomtcd against It. 8. Qrlgsby, It dls- claimed by Mr". (Irlgsby, who says hn dor not own tho property. ACTING IS GOOD Wl'OTATION FROM DAILY IN CAI ll'OR.MA fiTY SHOWS THAT AP PEARANCE THERE WAS VERY MITII LIKED Of tho Harper company, nt Hous ton opera bouts next week, tho Sen tinel. Ilnnford. Calif., snvs: I 'In Mill, llti.n ft I'nlltirt9 un. Ilin title of tho comedy vehlclo In which tho Harper company matlo their Ini tial appearance In Ilnnford last even ing to n good nudlenco. For a pop ular priced show tho Harper company Is fur nbovo tho average, and those who nttcuded tho performance last night felt that they had been amply repaid. The bill wns written for laughing purposes only, and fulfilled It in lotion fully. "Joseph Detrlck proved himself k comedlnu of no small ability In tho lending role, and Mist Rova Raymond In character work wou tho apprecia tion of tho audience. Mist Raymond wnt seen hero throo year ago with Hlrhard Joso. "Tho entlro cast wat well balanced, and thero were no momenta of Inertia' during tho entlro action of tho play. COMING SHOW t4444444x.tt4 A Want Advertising in The Evening Herald Some well-timed and Intelligently written chisslded adverUalng will come up to high-water mark about ALL OF THE TIME. I I Not many boarding house X T need bo run at half rapacity. I 99V9S99t999999Y99999VV99999ll99999f-V9fV9V9T9T9y,9y ELKS GIVE SHOW TWO WEEKS HENCE '' WILL rtllt.MHIl TWO MOUTH ENTERTAINMENT, AND HAH MAN KMPLOVED TO OR. OANI.t: AM) MANAGE IT Klamath Ixidxo No 2247, 1). P. O. E (ilcnevolcnt I'rolnilvu Order Elks), nhow on tho nlgtitt of Thurrday and Krldny, November 'J nnd 10, which will ho two wcoks hDnce. (I. T. Wilton, graduate of Iho Wctt viii Collet" of Mutlc nnd Oratory, at Toledo, O., It hero to make nrraiiRo menla for tho bIiov, It being hit Itttsl nctn to organize and inanngo uiirli en terlnlnmentt. Ho It understood to be ii tong writer, nnd totno of his num bers, Hiirh as "Klks' Milk," ''Golden Dreams" nnd "Old Utd, White and Illuo," which will bo given In tho show. Wilson hn scenery, costumes. Hr v i tgggB BBBBBBaflK&cigfigB LxaLtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiai2gBBggH O. T. WILSON t x r nnd lighting effects with him. H8" uvcnlnB- Admission Committee wrro appointed at lastr"01"' Ia,1,c ,rtc- night's meeting of tho Klkt' lodge to) attend to matters In connection with, Hio coming show as follews: IFlnanco Alexr.nder Martin, D. II. Cr.mpbell. Cnst- F. L. Huston. O. M. Hector, Carey Itamuby. Advertising' . Fred MoIIuifo, Lcsllo lingers, II. P. i.tliu, iivmiia, v, ,l, WlhhVII II.Al.'iai' Hunter Savng-, W. II. Dolbeor and Charle Ilohcrts. , The tlrst lehenrtal was called for tonight In Elks Hall, nnd tho cnst committee Is busy today rounding up tho talent, and It Is desired to hnvo every male slngrr In Klamath Falls In the big chorus. THREE PER PLATE IS DINNER PRICE CELEBRATION OF NEW WHITE PELICAN HOTEL OPENING IS TO INCLUDE RANQUET FIRST SATURDAY IN RKCEMHKH Eugene 11. Lousor, tho chief clerk of tho Whlto Pelican Hotel, makes tho announcement on behalf of W, P. Johnson, secretary of tho Klnmath Development company, Hint tho prlco of plates nt the opening banquet will Little "Campaign" Will Make Any Good Boarding House Pay wMMM4i will iiy If ruu ut half capacity. Not Ixi $3, Instead of tho fancy price which hnvo been rumored. Tho corcmonk'i) Incident to tho commencement of hospitality by tho big, new hostelry, wilt tnko place on Bnturd&y night, December 2, and a largo rotnpany of ipcclally Invited guests nro expected to ho on hand to enjoy tho occasion, In addition to tho 'local people who havo heen Invited It Is understood that for tho benefit of 100 or to guests from Portland, a xpcclnl train will bo run from that city to Klnmath Kails for tho doings. A largo corps of writer to be Import ed from San Francisco nt heavy ex POIiko Is understood to ho one. of tho Items contemplated by tho manage ment. A local orchestra hat been en gaged through James Newnham, tho cornet plajcr. SEWER NOT HELP TO OWNER OF LOT AHK HKM1TTANCK OF AKSKSS JIENT O.V (iltOUMt THAT PINK KTitr.irr kkwku is-aiiovk tiik i,i:vi:l of tiikih i'iiicmihs A petition has boon hnnded to the cltj; council by Mrt. Anna M. and J. M. Poole, linking for a remittances of 111.50, ntsesscd against lot G, block' 47 for tho sower on Pin street, , which tho petitioners nllego Is above tho level of tho premises. They also state that the connection with tho sewer cannot ho mado without entail ing expense, and gay that the sewage .Jl,lu,,ui,uultu,, hut.- aco M. Manning It attorney for Iho, .; ""I l-.uuuu, Ui.v.r V'-rl. . . "V'.,t"J" " "v"'moathuTi.TcBUywrote letter to U IU IIIIUIU UUU VA1UUIU IUU CUFU. uanco nl ' AUdltlon nnll Frl BCne'"?Cn -Gl-t ! PROGRESS CLUB ON HALLOWE'EN I together with nssurnuco that legally registered voter only cast their bal--RV AND Ml'SICAL PROGRAM lie's on the proposition. FOR WHICH MOST OF NUMBERS HAVE HEEN ARRANGED I So far as matured tho literary and , musical program for tho Hallowe'en entertainment to bo given by tho Mills 'Addition Progress Club In their hall )ou next Tuesday uvcnlng, will be as follow v The first number will ho n mando lin merturo by soiuo of tho most celebrated musical artists in tho city, after which tbe numben will be about nt follews: Solo L. A. Will Heading Dr. Win. II. Leonard Sola- Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt Cornet tolo Jamea Nownhnm Address Rov. E. M. Fllnn Heading Mrs. Elmer French Solo Mrs. Wm. Wagner Recitation Mist I.lly Markwart 8olo Mist Dorothy Elliott Captain O. C. Applegnto will havo chargo of the program. Tho literary exercises will bo followed by an auc tion talo of baskets and by refresh- Of keep the boarding house In- ) ' ' any GOOD boarding house ever ; STEEL TRIST WILL FIGHT TO REMAIN mntifif nttfl cmMn1 tetn4ttmm In wit f Mi tou , oxpt.ctC(1 nt a grcat maDy peo. plo of tho city will participate. jap laws amlck, SMOOTH FATALLY 'nlted Pres Service LOS ANGELES, Oct. 27. William C. Sells of Chicago, pretldcnt of tho SsIIr Motion Picture company, wat shot and Francis Bog-g, local man ager of tho company, wat Instantly killed by a Japanese gardener, Frank Mlnnlmattn, who ran amuck In tho offlcct of tho company at Edondalo a suburb. Tho Ja-p wat arretted. Sollg arrived from Chicago thU morning. Whllo In a conference hi Hock's offlco Mlnnlmattn burst In tho door nnd opened fire. Tho first shot pierced Dogg't heart. Sellg wlil re cover. BOND HOUSE ASKS FOR ASSURANCE CLAIMS DELAY IN DISPOSITION IIV CITY OF CITY HALL BONDS IS I'P TO..THK aTY MATTER l ItKCOItDKU'S HANDS K Ion,M 4 so,,. tb0 f0ta wll0I0 bld for cy hM, ,, WM Mncccptcd by tuo ctT couBd, Mmf .1 ..... .- , tbs city assorting that tho reason the city has not dlspoted of Its bonds to that concern It because tho data asked for by tho bond house had not been .-!. I,J I, l.w.iu-uuu ... The letter made tho nssertlon that It would iot tako threo houni to com pllo tho information, which caused Recorder T. V. Nicholas to Indulge In hearty laughter nnd assure, tho city i i'uiinciiiuc.i vrai.it wuum ukdul icam n week. Tho bona foiKs want ccrtl 11 d copies of nil proceedings leading J tip to the adoption of tho city charter. I Tho council has Instructed Judge ('Nicholas to get up the documontt an soon n possible. RECOVER MONEY, OBJECT OF SUIT CASE ENTERED IN BEHALF OF ALEX MARTIN JR. AGAINST THE CHILDER RROTUERS FOR FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS Suit has been entered by Attorney J. C. Rutonlc, representing Alezandor Martin Jr., against L. Chlldcr and brother formerly In tho contracting business, under the firm name of Chllders Brothers, tor 91,500 and In terest, representing money alleged to bo duo on throe promissory notes. Twenty Year Bonds May Be Issued By Mayor F. T. Sanderson has called attention of the,councllmen to the 'act that tho city may not, under the charter, lssuo bond tor a longer life than twenty year. At a meeting of the council 'a few 'night atuce Coun cilman O. V. White urged upon tbe council tho need of Issuing bonds to tpke core of the float! uk debt of tl'.t city, and on his suggestion the coun cil decided to call on City Attorney E L. Elliott to draw up ordinance ntcetsary toward nn election for vot-ng- thirty year hoadt to be redeem nb'e after Sfteea yrin. On Wednes day night, when thtown dadsgot MIDNIGHT MEETING IN library op J. MORGAN NEW KRAL OFFICRR TRYING HERVK CAPiTAUflTB TO NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Steel klast are determined not to e oaeUd hf the department of Jattle wttkamt a fight. They met latt night la J. Pteraoat Morgan' library, and adjourned at 1 o'clock. No official itateateat waa forthcom ing, but Indication are that the mo nates will fight deaaerattly. Francl Lynde Btetaoa, the tnktt'a general counsel, dlacuaatac tk NaM 'intlon tult, said: "When we know Jutt what we ttand and with what we are charged, wo can act accordingly." Ho refuted to dltcuat the Batter further. Federal Marshal Saowdea of Tram ton It here trying to eerve Joha D. Rockefeller, Morgan, Daalel Held,. Norman Ream, Henry Prick. Carnegie and "Judgo" William Moor. Iff m FN If PIT rtctti uttiti AllfgaUew Made Tat Blertlf at It. H i sac MiiCO. Mm:"BrBBB dered by Memt FWi ; PtiMsaj, Up Dratted Uutd Special to The Herald LAKEVIEW, Oct. 17. Oeneral Manager Dunlway of the N.-C.-O. made a flying trip her .last Sunday, and before ho left selected another depot site, owing tf the litigation necessary for securing the site for merly selected. Tho new site Is at tho foot of CcnUr street, directly west of tho courr house, and about eight short blocks from the business district of town.jt Tho committee? having the selection of a tite hat had many dutleultlee la getting tho landj needed. It la claim ed there have been silent forces at work ccttlna oattona oa every avail- ablo piece of property as soon aa It wat mentioned aa a possible site, aad tho, price raised beyond reason. The more progressive element among tbe resident of the county sad town, who detW.the railroad, aad who have promiseout tne aepoi sue and right of way. deary this alleged selfishness at a time when all should work tor the common good. srKKL BOATS FOR RUBBJR TRADE ARK NOW BUILDINO United Press Servtee SEATTLE, Oct. 7. Captain K. K. Drnwn, an old Ynlrea river navigator. la here from Soath America reerutt Int a force of navigators to operate the fleet of fourtWa steel boata now building at Plttsburs 'or the Astaaoa rubber trade. He will ukt twenty Alaskan captain aad ng'ss. Are longest That; City Under Charter together, bto honor called attaattsa to the fact that nothing loafer tags twenty year boadt could be touted under the charter, which eoatsata on tbe part of the city ehlH ssasas trat waa upheld by At taat CRr lornev W. H. Shaw on ti thaiter. f J.- .Lobsters, halibut. 7-lt" " . y . u'". crabs, ofalers. nlmm, nth and awsst, feU,.v . g, -V, i raiess) mmwm T 1 .Vawa..r Daaeeat UlIlM AaaAiaMH : TTW& ZT-AW A ' " alght; ij-f , - -T- ;-n Mi Si 1 i" j.i "Tv, JitfX mii 1 1 e t J-'.V k " Ws