' vsv ,'4Y -il The Only Daily Covering Every Section of Klamath and Lake Counties ttenitia efnU.. supplied mr the UNITED I'HKM NEWS SERVICE EVENING NKWSPi riUNT THR NEWS, NOT MhtTOflT Fifth Year No. 1,001 KLAMATH PALM, ORJMON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER SM, 1911 mt EX-MAYOR STILTS CALLED BY DEATH Aiiiiii l.oncli, Klamath Falls: Mrs. sini Ihl ill Ui-. TtJ Amiiiiilu llrldiiill, Donvir, Colo.: Mm, LONlj 111 ILL litALIn v-'l,"lCrlTl lllnlr. X.'li; Mrn, Cnro. Hint Trlslor, Lincoln, Ncli,; I'lilllp, Hurry, of Ctlslor i HlttU, Klnmnlli IOUNDEH OF HTII.TH IIIIV MMM I rft""' H""1"1 "f Colorado. Tlio funeral of Mr. Milts will lie COMPANY AND A MKMIIKIl OKl(., Hiinduy nftvrnouii nt 2:.10 o'clock HKVHHAL PROMINENT HKCIlkT f"" Hu Into residence on Houlh uiuiLriiai IV tir' 'Hluh ,,r,'t', ',',," ''"I"' "' uo "' WM.lKTin isiiii ,)lr 0 um,ltvn ,)f (ll Kk, tn(Ku. i At tho lima of hi death Harry John II. Btlllii, former tnu)or iiml 'Htlltit, n brother, win uwny on a trip one of lliobcst known citizen of tliln nlmiit thirty miles northeast of Yat- motion, passed away last night nt hU'nnt, (otiihlnliiK n business trip Bftci' homo on south Sixth itrcvt, niter hnv-'nitlln with n deer hunt, nccompunlod Iiir been confined to tin- homo for nlxitit n month with hrnrt trouhle, Tor many year Mr. Ktlltii hnd not lien In kooiI health, hut eiidenored to fight off tho li mds of th nfTllc- tl Tim attack wlildi led to III nii.il Illness eniiic on him In thn HI lliu -t"'0IGGER MERCHANT MARINE rt'imilliru uiiiiv, i,(t i,M. ... ii i'pi , rlnu unlll the end, Defeated, who was iiiinmrrliil, ' (,:, year of age, having to'0" horn In Ohio, August 2, 1846, At the clou" of ! the civil war hu rame west it ml locat ed at Florence, Noli., slnro unmedj Omaha. Alio lit 1894 ho moved to, lloulder. Colo, nnd came to thla city In August, seven ) cars ago. In l0fi J he wan elfcted to tho city round!. JOHN It. STILTS In tho May following, u chosen mayor, Fred T. Sanderson, tho pres ent mayor, being president of thn hoard of rouncllinen nt that time. Mr. Stllta had not long boon mnyor when III health mado It Imperative for him to get relief from tho duties nnd go south, which left Mr. Ssnder son to act In hla atead. Mr. Stilts did not return durltiR thu term for which ho was elected, and Acting. Mayor Snndorson was o1IihI for tho ensuing term, Mr. Stilts soon utter becoming n resident of Klamath Falls, founded tho storo st)led tho Stllta Dry floods company, being nasoclnted with his sisters, Miss Kllrn nnd Lillian, In tho business up to tho tltno of his demise. They survlvo him, as well as tho following sisters and brothers: Mrs. City Hall Purchase Still Blocked, All tho technicalities have not yot been swept nsldo In tho matter of get ting tho city Into possession of lots 0 and 10, block 75, Klnmath addition, which la ho Prod II. Mills proporty, at tho southwest cornor of Walnut and Fifth atroots. Mr. Mills appeared beforo tho coun cil last night to ask tbut tho council ' minutes bo nmdo to show that the warrants are Isfued for city hall pur poses, also to request that the war rants ba lssuod, two In tho sum of $1,000 each and the flvo others at $500 each. Originally the warrants had been naked for threo at $1,000 and one at $1,500, to niako up tho $4,500- pur chase pries. These warrants are to be redeemed r-BMXnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV 7jKIJJJJJMJJpjJft iIri'JRnnV ' Wb . wBBnKL wUMBmamn i . ?VHT Jbnnnnb rKvBlv kaf.NNNl LkliRSiSflNNNNNH 'IEnNiTNNNNNNNi NflLm"iNNNNB Vw 'NNNNNNNHPf by Chester Aviry I). II. Campbell, Henry Stout, dim MoIIiiiko niul Claude. DiiKKi'lt. It wns eipectcd to got Mr. KtlltH mi tlio telepliono this afternoon nml notify him of thu death of hi brother. NEED OF FOREIGN TRADE Parlt-Aiin'rli-nii Ctinnihrr of Com iiH-rie Ikilnrr llwlf on Henafe Mime of Amcrlmii HhlppliiK, Which It Ihiliirea lniM'ralle uTilfil I'rcss Bctvlc I I'AHIH. Oct, 2fi. ."A liberal and iju.l leKlHlntliiii, looking to tho en IroiirnKemeiit nnd much-needed In- b.au j.f lli.k IiiikpUiiii lrliriti ft tit m il :,:': I:..;..:" V;7. ,: . i . . . ,i- iii,i u,-,. i. forvlgn trade o he Unite,! Btate. I. to he Inrreaaed." Thl- ataloment U Imued hy tho Pnili-Amerlcnn Chamber of Com- i,,i..rro !.lrh I. .uimorllnc n move-. Iri'ent for tho renaissance of American uhlpi'lnt;. The chamber stands ex 'tremely !il(,'ti In tho world's nffnlrs. OKLAHOMANS TO; LOCATE IN BASIN ii.wi: cemi: to kmmatii txmx- THV TO INKI'KCT HKKOUW.'KH, AND Alii: SH'CH l'LKASKD WITH WHAT THKV PINII S. I'. .loncM of IlllUdalo nnd Otto Uishmett of Carrier, both towns be Int; In dnrflcld county, Oklahoma, ar rived hero Sunday, und nro spending n fow days In nnd about this city to Inspect tho resources, with a vlow to Hlnyliig In this region, lloth express themsehe ns greatly pleased with what they hnvo,seen, nnd will prob ably lornto hero. Mrs. Ushmett, who Is unmarried, Is n brother of Mrs. M, I). Coatcs, the wlfo of thu high school Instructor, nnd does not oxpect to return to Oklahoma-, but Mr. Jones will probably Maneuvers . But Goal Is Nearer In city Imll bonds If tho bonas aro Hold. Mr Molhnso. who Is ono of tho imrtlerf Interested In tbo purchaao of ihn warrants, arranged yesterday to liavo tho denominations changed bo- foro Mr. Mills appearod nt the coun cil meotliiK. Mr. Mills desires. If posslblo, to bq rol loved from tho sower assessment against tho property, which was mado nrtor tho city and he had agreed upon n deal for tho real estate. The deed was not on hand at tno council meeting last night, as Mr. Melhase had It. Mayor Fred. T. Ban. dorson suggested that Mr. Mills get It, and he started In his auto, but before ho could locato Mr, Molhaio the coun cil had adjourned. Tho deed is said tn recite n transfer of the property clear of Hens savo tho sower assess ment, about $38, and excepts the im provements on the lots. K tuii'k unit hrliiK hi family hero to spend lliu winter, a hy this means lio cnn detarmlno whcthor thu rigor oiik pnrt of tho year hero would ho hcnrablo to him nnd decide whether! hit wishes to roiunln. Banco nt MIIIh Addition Friday flight. 2C-2t special cars in England for women not popular LONDON, Oct. 3d. Women do not mind tohncco smoke, and thoy do ob Ject to "hen pnrtloii," li tho Ondlni: of tlio London county council, which recently Introduced special care "for women only." Tho Innovation waa unpopular, and will he discontinued. ENGLAND TO 6RAB EGYPT LATEST "FRIENDLY" MOVE PgyiitUn Junta In John Itall'a litand I rut lllunt Questions In llrllaln In Hope of Plndlng.Oat Jost When It Htanda. Un It I'd I'rt'H aerTtco l LONDON, Oct. 26 Knglind li pre- I pnrliiR to Rrnb Kgypt, ai tho next movo In tho "cntonto cordlale' of tho powerH. according to the belief of body of rich and Influential cltlioni h'ro known tin tho Egypt committee. The committee has asked two blunt ,iic.tloni of tho Drltlib gevernment: "Will Great llrltaln put any obata- In the way should Turkey decide ' '"' ' "rjptltn army to fight the , Tf l ny. "Will tho IlrltUh government per- "'" "' ' " """ " r I"10 through Kgypt to TripoilT ,s Oreet llrltaln haa declared her neutrality In tho Turco-Itallsn dis pute, It Is thought that the two ques tions will call any bluff which the llrltlsh government may bo making. Ilcretnforo England steadily main tained that her army In Egypt was kept ror tho Kgyptlnn good, and not for tho sako of territorial nmbltlon. KKMt. despite England's troops, Is looked upon as an Integral part of tho Turklih empire, paying $3,080,- 000 tribute annually to tho sultan. FOR EMERGENCY i:orun ox hand, hut mkrtinu HltKAKH UPON WOHD AtUUV I NO OP THE DEATH OP JOHN It. HTILTH, KX-MAVOH OP C1TV An endeavor to get enough mem bers of the council together last night to pats emergency ordinances, which roqulro afflmatlvo votes of eight mem bers, waa successful last night, all the members save Councilman B. B. (Irlgsby nnd Allen Btansble. Tho meeting ndjourned, howover, on word of tho dtatli of John II. Stilts, ox mnyor, which made it necessary for Councilman C. D. Crlslor to leave. Tho council will meet again Monday night. A COUNCIL QUORUM Want Advertising in The Evening Herald $ $$$$$$$$ ; ; : Some weU-tlmesl aad trteWaoatlr written classUUd ad i si Using will keep tko boarding keaeo hv ; ; ! ; come up to high-water mark ahoat ALL OF TH TDdm. 1;; Not many boasting fcmare will pay If ma at halt eaaaelty. Wot aay GOOD boarding syoboo ew , , need bo run at half capacity. : ; m " : i m "i I ENLARGE BASIN; LIME WO OVER WATER COMPANY INCREASES HlK OP MIDDLE BASIN, AND ON CITY PHYSICIAN'S HINT QUITO CHLORIDE PROCESS Btepa are being Uken by the Klam ath Falla Light and Water company to Increase Ita reservoir capacity. The reservoir ayatem of tbo com pany cons lata of three, big baslna with an approximate capacity of a million gallon, tbo Drat being on tho hill abovo the Watt Bide, school, tho sec ond .above tho high school and the third on tho oast side In the Hot Springs addition. This hut, with a capacity of about 400,000 gallons, bas not been used to Its limit because, with tho three ba sing on a lovel and tho mlddlo ono not largo enough to hold aa much aa the out sldo reservoir, tho last named rould never bo tiled. Tho also of tbo mlddlo basin Is be ing enlarged by raising tho walla two feet, which will glvo It a capacity of G5.000 or.70,000 gallons greater than It Is now, so the east basin can bo filled at the company's will. Slnco tho alterations have been In con mo of completion tho process of wnshlng tho basin with a chloride of lime, wash baa been Impractical. Following this, and a complaint from Councilman M. O. Wllklns, Gen eral Manager Ooorgo J. Walton had-a talk with Dr. B. R. Hamilton, city physician. In regard to whether to dispense with the llmo wash. The latter said, la effect, that If people wanted their water "straight" to give It to them that way, so there Is no chloride; of lime In the supply now. and will not be. s mors). SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY PLANNED ANNUAL MEETING OP COUNTY ASSOCIATION SATURDAY AM) SUNDAY, WITH ELECTION AND HPECIAL PltOQHAM Preparatlonsnre being mado for a grand rally of the Sunday School Workera of Klamath county, and the annual meeting of the county associa tion will bo held Saturday and Bun day, Octobor 18th and Jth, the Sat urday evening meeting to be held at the draco M. B. church at 7:30 o'clock for the election of oncers, and the grand rally to take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Sunday program follews: 1 Opening Hymn, No 26.... ; . . . Congregation 2 Hymn No. 7 Congregation 3 Invocation J. B. Mason 4 Roports of Officers and Superin tendents. 5 Hymn No. 3 Congregation 0 Tempornnco and Good Cltl- tonshlp C. C. Hogue 7 Vocal Solo, "Face to Face" (Johnson) . . .Mrs. Harry Caden S Hymn No. 1 86 .... Congregation 9 The Superintendent "In the School, Out of School, Little "Campaign" Will Make Any Bearding: House What Shall Ho no!".Fred.J.Kerr 10 Anthom "Ho Cnreth for You" (Adams) Choir 11 Tho Sunday School Teach er Round Tablo Discus sion, led by. . . .Itcv. E. M. Fllnn 12 General Discussion. 13 Closing Hymn, No. 170. MOMMY MARKET GOES DOWN AND DEMAND POOR United Proas sWrrlos LONDON, Oct. 20. There bas been a frightful slump In mummies. The mummy of n child was withdrawn from sale nt a recent suction here when tho bidding stopped at 23 shil lings ($5.76). WILL MUNCH HARMON BOOH INJIS STATE Preliminary Flans Made to Spring Boost In Favor of Ohio's Gnberas torlul OratlcmM for Presidential Honors United Press Barnes PORTLAND, Oct. 26. Preliminary plans for springing tho presidential boom of Ohio's governor, Judson Har mon, on Oregon democrats, aro being made here today, and tho boom will bo launched in about ten days, when P. C. Leonard of Scattlo will arrivo In Portland to "dart things." Leonard, who has just returned to Seattlo after a threo days' conference with Harmon followers here, said the Hcrmonltes had been leaving Oregon pretty much alone, because It was falsely bet loved that Oregon demo crats favored tho candidacy of Wood row Wilson. . Harmon will visit the coast In De cember. Much Firewater Arrives A carload of vinous, spirituous and malt liquors Is understood to nav arrived over tho California ft North eastern, consigned to tho White Pel ican Hotel company for uso In Its new barroom. WANTED First-class .waitress. Ap ply Baldwin cafe. 26-lt WORLD PENNANT TOMACKPLAYERS PHILADELPHIA, WITH BENDER ON BLAB, TAKE GAME FHOM NEW YORK BY UNLUCKY THIR TEEN RUNS 'tnlted Press 8ervtce PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 26. Tho Athletics, Connie Mack's men, clinch ed the world'a chamDlonshlp for the xeennrf successive year today oy win ning from the New York'QIanU the fourth out of tbo six of seven games to bo played. Tho Olanta had taken two, and the remaining game will not alter the chamDlonshlD award, wnicn over team It may go to, the contest lielnsr for tho best four out of seven. Batteries were Ames and Myers for $ Of Good Pay WATER SYSTEM FOR CITY TALKED OVER tho New Yorks and Bender and Thorn ns for tho home team. Umpires were located as follews: Connolly behind the bat, Brennan on bases, Dlnecn In right field and Klem In left field. Score by Innings: R. II. E. Giants ...10000000 12 4 3 Athletics .0 0 14 0170 13 13 6 Addrrsscw at Military Meet The moeting of men interested in tho formation of a company of the national cuard In this city waa held last night In tho court houso and called to ordor by Dr.'Wnrren C Hunt. Captain Charles It. Ferguson, com mender of Company L, Third Infant ry at Pendolton, spoko, expressing a wish for n company to bo formed htre, but told tbo men it was not all play. Captain J. C. teutonic. Attorney E. L. Elliott, Albert E. Elder nnd Wcsloy O. Smith, who are all deeply Interested In tho movement, addressed thoso prooent. BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS, OUT 0FCASK.WQULDWED60LD Young and Charming Royal Fronde, Indigent, Advertises la, the Hops of Landing Moneyed Bpossse to Defy Wolf United Press Service BERLIN Oct. 26. "For sale; a princess, young and beautiful, none but tho rich need apply." Berlin papers are carrying adver tisements to thla elect. A guarantee goes with It -that of nobility will be transferred at the marriage. The princess is only 23, and needs the money. ALLEY IS IN NEED OF REPAIR WORK ONE BACK OF POBTOFFICE IS IN BAD CONDITION, BUT IT IS UP TO PROPERTY OWNERS, NOT STREET BOSS Street Commissioner Chas. Wood ard has called attention of the city council to the condition of the alley back of tbo United States postofflce in order to And out If the proper treatment of the thoroughfare to make It passable comes under his re sponsibility. Mayor Fred T. Sanderson and the council seem to think that the alleys aro strictly up' to the property owners to look after, and that Mr. Woodard need not take action. The alley Is said to be In very bad shape for t raffle. Esplanade Crossing Cannot Be Seen Owing to the unpleasant nature of tho approaches to the Esplanade crosslng over the government canal, Councilman O. W. White has solicit ed the good offices of the council to havo tho placo fixed. A few days ago a couple of oil wagons met sud denly on tho narrow aad dangerous passage way, and the result waa that both were tipped over. A number of autos aad other vehicles have come to grief at tho same place. There la not room enough for two teams to pass one another at the crossing, neither can they see the crossing plainly from either the apr proaeh above or the one below the canal, owlag to the grades and curves. The result Is that teams, whether they drive fast or slowly, are likely to encounter one another on the narrow strip. The council baa made arrange ments for City Engineer Dea J. Sam wait to work oat a better approach TV JS COUNCIL CONFERS COSTLY PROPOtRTIOM 8ARY TO UNDERTAKHrO CUMED BY BEVKN BIT NO CONCLUSION MUi When council adjonrasd Hat Bight owing to the withdrawal of CoaMll- man C. B. Crisler, mado eeeasasrr hy the death of John R. Stats, brsthsr of Mr. Crlsler's business partner la tho firm of Crisler ft Stilts, Maysr Fred T. Sanderson persuaded the re maining members of the coBBeil em hand to "stay for a eossaltaUea on the question of a city water svfaljr. The following cooaeilaien were la the cenference: O. W. White, M. O. Wllklns, Ben S. Oweas, Charles Me Gowan, R. A. Alford, Mariea Haass and P. L. Fielder. Since R. A. Eramttt and Conaellaaaa Fielder made an Inspection of nosalbbt sources of water supply for the city, the mayor has been strongly la favor of going ahead with a water system to be owned by the municipality, hat each time ho bas asked meetlaga of the council, since the report waa read and Sled. If nay actloa was desired In this direction, the ateatbere have replied la the aegatlve. It Is understood that all toM the council has voted $ or $( tor the water Inspection, aad that entef this came the $21.30 aad nam ether minor charges, aad that then re malas somethlag leas than $1M to ho spent. The aseetlag held last alght waa he- HtlJjUad locked doors, .irKh orders, given that ao newspaper isptsasalatlvse to admitted, so that exact dotal! of tho proceedings today, were nnohtoiaable, but It Is understood that among other subjects discussed was the prosabte cost of a preliminary snrvey aad of Installation of a complete system. Ono suggestion made waa to nay $2,500 for such a survey, while K was guessed that a- plant to ho laataMed might ran anywhere from $300,000 to $1,500,000. Tbo $2,600 proposed survey Is sap. posed to bo tbo offer made by L. O. Kelscy, a civil and hydraalle engineer of Portland to lay oat and design a gravity system, aad hla charge of $2,500 would cover all aervteas for preliminary work, laeludlag prepare, tlon of a comprehensive report oa coot and results of the tudertaklac. the sum to be deducted from Saal payment for subsequent servloee la laying ont, designing aad enperrletag con traction of the waterworks. Ho proposing that the subsequent serv ices be paid for at the rate of 4 per cent oa the cost of the system la stalled, which la 1 per eeat leea than tho usual commtasloa. Critics of the water sUaaUoa claim that the monoy already epeat eoald bavo aa well been applied to paring Mr. Kelsey. If ho Is hired. No decision, aa far aa eoald ho learned today, was reached hut alght Over Canal By Moving Teams land get up aa estimate oa the east of I tho work, with a view to Imnrevisur the crossing, and having Iota treawe encountered by vehicles which wis to negotiate" the dangerous spat. t Meets TMlghi Bwauna ameampmeatirlo. 46, L Cv O, F meets la regular aeaahm to night, and all members are rsqasated to attend, After the meettaf .the members of Subordinate Lodge Ho. 1S7 degree tam wHl hold a IrasMes arm, ana ail mam sera actio tswm urged to turn out,, : Dance at Mills AddtMea day evening. AdaUeelea 60c, ladles free. y WANTED Womaay, Bouaewerk. .oaalea l.t -F -&Mi, Tf I ha,rv MMsMbMH ftcsr.&ti SsMMMk f' " & V5i '' 5..V t.'f. JJ1-".J w:i V yJ tW i&'V f'"!H '.1 . I y'.lW ,'ij-..vrsb Ju' FWl a-jv H t ,